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  • File : 1277464972.png-(373 KB, 455x513, Picture 18.png)
    373 KB Black/American-Latino general "thug" Culture Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:22:52 No.9704856  
    Both are fucking disgusting and stupid as fuck. I hate it sooo much.

    All they care about is "making them dollar bills" and "hustlin"

    And then you see it seeping amongst white/asian/indian youths too.

    Seriously, this is the cancer that is ruining the world.

    I lived in a peaceful neighborhood then these assholes started drinking outside their homes and all of a sudden, car break ins everywhere, some random person got robbed, etc. I live in LA btw and these fucks come and go and so does the crime rate fluctuate in a local neighborhood.

    I seriously want to shoot any fuck who walks around wearing baggy pants and acts all gangsta. Fuck freedom of expression, if you want to dress like a criminal, I will treat you like one.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:23:54 No.9704869
    Doesn't stop me from liking Eazy-E and gangster rap in general.

    Haters gonna hate, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:25:09 No.9704883
    Agree. The real badasses are the people who do shit to better their community:
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:26:16 No.9704889
    You're just racist, they act like that because they live in a tough environment.

    Except not really, it wouldn't be a tough environment if they haven't collectively decided to act like scum.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:27:04 No.9704899
    No, helping the community is not fucking badass, you frightened little white boy. Selling rock and rapping with Tupac about killing people people is fucking badass. Bone Thugs related.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:27:36 No.9704910

    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:27:42 No.9704911
    Indeed, they always bitch about how they get "stuck" in the ghetto. They should just move, you don't need a shit ton of money to buy a great house to be successful.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:29:40 No.9704927

    Or they could make the ghetto a better place to live by, you know, being decent human beings.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:33:50 No.9704970
    Meh some of them are okay, most just had a shitty life and no friends so they chose to join a gang to fit in.

    It's the ones that always act angry and defensive that I don't like. Especially when you treat them like a real person and then their thug mentality goes into overdrive.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:35:33 No.9704983
    >You're just racist, they act like that because they live in a tough environment.

    lol. explain the part where 1000s of homeless live in worse situations and are fairly sedentary and non-violent.

    (yes, of course there are violent and crazy bums. but they are largely nothing like violent gangsta scum)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:36:54 No.9704991

    Homeless people are too lazy to cause trouble
    >> chillin in the mud like a !HIPPOsxdKk 06/25/10(Fri)07:42:20 No.9705033
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    op where in LA r u? im in echopark/silverlake

    today a guy got murdered by a latino robber in a MMJ dispensary. :<

    someone needs to form a vigilante group to stop them, hmm? ehh?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:45:06 No.9705049

    I live near LAX.

    My neighborhood was bad for years until the cops cleaned it up. Then all of a sudden these fucks start moving in.

    Lots of hipsters around here too, really strange combo. Sorta hope they end up killing each other or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:46:09 No.9705056
    not OP, but u live in silverlake huh? thats a pretty hipsterish neighborhood. I heard there was a fight at the echo a while ago, ring any bells?
    SFV here
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:50:41 No.9705073
    There's one gangsta I like, Mr. ChiCity from Youtube. Cool as fuck.
    >> chillin in the mud like a !HIPPOsxdKk 06/25/10(Fri)07:51:35 No.9705078
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    yea, some honkey on a harley shot some dudes for no reason lol
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:52:07 No.9705081

    >killing people

    Yeah, right. I fly when that happens.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:53:59 No.9705089

    Well maybe the thugs rob/hurt the hipsters, they cry to their rich mommies and the neighborhood gets more police enforcement/arrests the douchebags.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:55:51 No.9705100
    I was at the Lakers parade.

    I seriously forgot how disgusting and ghetto LA can be at times.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:58:17 No.9705107
    Moving ain't easy. Many people who are into the thug culture are low-income.

    Also, this thread is also at /new/ right now, >>>/new/1465400
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:59:59 No.9705120
    More and more Australian youth see all this ganster shit on TV (since we may as well be apart of the US). Can't walk down the street, without the gang scum hassling you for smokes then abusing you when you tell them no/you don't smoke.

    But... kind of lol since we started as scum then kind of went less scummish.. now back to scum. Dang..
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:00:20 No.9705122

    as a hispanic myself, i'd like to echo your sentiments, and remind you that there are some of us who arent ghetto piece-of-shit-uneducated cunts.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:01:57 No.9705133

    Of course I realize not everyone is like that, so I'm glad you're not either.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:09:23 No.9705174
    black dude here.

    my father was a crip, and had initial felonies because of mental instabilities and couldn't get a job.

    a mans gotta provide for his family.....

    also, military wouldn't take him
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:12:13 No.9705190
    When I was middle-school age, I listened to gangster rap. 4chan helped me grow out of it (when I was Year 9 or so). I embraced my status as an intellectual, discarded all the ridiculous "tough guy" things I had once idolised, and decided that I should stop pretending to be anything other than a gaming/interent enthusiast. Progressively got into more hardcore games, anime, less... low-brow entertainment. Never looked back. 4chan saves lives.

    The only "gangsta" types I see are drug-addled and smelly. I make a scene of holding my nose and expressing disgust when they come near, and laugh to myself when they don't come close enough to smell. Scum should be treated like scum.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:19:00 No.9705239
    What's that picture?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:19:01 No.9705240
    Hey OP notice how all of /r9k/ hates women and are too scared to ever try for the most part, and how they don't even try with social interaction and have this failure mentality ?

    Every in the hood has a that ghetto mentality and little kids grow up around pessimistic motherfuckers without money because you can't raise a family on minimum wage, and if you ever commited a crime in your youth its on your record and doesn't leave so their parents are fucked.

    The ghetto mentality is the exact same bullshit as the lonely/no friends mentality we have here.

    The people don't leave out of choice and because they've never known anything different, no one in their family has gone to college, most of them work minimum wage and crime pays better than that bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:29:06 No.9705305
    Personally, race never comes into it
    Im not so stupid, i can't see that there are deffinate trends in certain racial groups,

    but i FUCKING hate all those petty thug / gangster type fags. The sort of people that make my unsure whether I should leave my car out at night, or whether i should walk down the street to rent a movie at 11:PM. I will agree those cunts are the cancer killing society
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:29:30 No.9705307
    In cases like this, euthanasia is not necessarily a bad thing to consider for society as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:34:19 No.9705344
    A lot of these kids come from broken families or no families

    Seriously, I grew up with many of them and they just have no guidance at all. Crackhead parents kicking them out at an early age. Moms is prostituing for drug money. Dad in the pen.

    Me, I feel like the luckiest motherfucker on earth. Although we never had much growing up, my parents were always there. I knew what it meant to be a man and never succumb to peer pressure because my dad provided such a strong foundation for me.

    You really want to help? Volunteer for some big brother program or some shit like that. Show the kids something outside of ghetto mentality. Because after they hit middle school age, they get bitter and into that rebellious can't tell me nothing phase until they hit the pen or die.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:34:33 No.9705348
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    I always thought there was a correlation between the ghetto and neckbeards somehow. Both lifestyles generally have really fucked in the head people as well.

    Unlike the ghetto nobody knows the story of basement dwellers, there is zero support
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:36:17 No.9705368

    basement dwellers aren't actually violent or anything, unless you're talking about the Columbine douches who are actually WORSE than gang bangers.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:39:53 No.9705388
    they speak in "thug" talk aka extremely horrible english.

    they either think that being obnoxious and ignorant helps make them funny/thug/cool/tough, or they are trolling the fuck out of everyone.

    they have no knowledge. even when they go to school they disrupt everything and cause problems.

    they either purposely do little things to piss people off (talking loud in movie theaters, talking loudly on the phone anywhere, blasting loud nigger music that isnt even good, walking really slow in large groups, sagging pants below there ass, etc) or they are just that oblivious and inconsiderate.

    they are the biggest fakes/pussies ever. they are all talk. the only time they will fight is if they have all there cousins backing them up/have a weapon/know it will get broken up before the other person can do anything.

    if they get there ass handed to them they say shit like "yeah walk away bitch i kill you next time bitch" or something retarded. or they resort to weapons and drive by shootings.

    they have multiple kids from multiple women when they cant even support themselves. they choose to live in low income areas but drive nice pimped out cars and have a nice tv/game system/drugs/guns.

    8/10 times if a nigger gets in your face for a fight and he is alone. if you stand up to him he will back down or insist you make the first move. niggerscum
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:40:18 No.9705391

    you don't think sitting in your home for 10 years doesn't make your screws lose?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:41:59 No.9705410

    I wouldn't call them neckbeards, since after all, they were totally voluntary outcasts unlike their involuntary counterparts.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:49:02 No.9705461
    the other night i decided to go for a walk around my neighborhood and get some fresh air and stuff.

    i rounded a corner and a group of black kids (about 8 of them) started following me and shouting out random names and stuff to get me to respond.they were doing everything they could to get me to pay attention to them. i ignored them and kept walking though. so they started saying they were going to kill me or kick my ass for being such a bitch or something. then 2 of the kids (who were on bikes) got in front of me and stopped and said "whats your problem white boy?!" i stopped and looked at the older/bigger one and said "if you are looking for trouble, i can assure you, you have found it" and he said "what the fuck?! this niggas crazy lets leave"

    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:49:49 No.9705469
    As a basement dweller and (currently) a neck beard, though I don't isolate myself intentionally to escape reality, I pass time by reading and enlightening myself. I live off my own money and stay at home because my family is close. Being productive emits positivity, no matter who you are. These thugs are often self-destructive people who hate themselves. The columbine kids were clearly having difficulty perceiving any positive goals for themselves, and so felt trapped in a situation they couldn't control. If only they were a few years older they would have realized how wrong they were.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:56:31 No.9705519


    But let me tell you something.

    I live in Germany. You can say that there are areas for very poor people, but who get aid from the goverment. Of course you can search for "ghettos" here. But you won't find any. The only thing that comes optically near ghetto-style are the grey-block-mass-houses, like in East-Berlin.

    The german gangsta-scene is a joke. They force violence, macho-thug culture and american gangsta-attributes on everybody else. Of course, the only think that counts for them is money, pussy and "respect". They drive big chars and jada jada, you know this crap.

    I would believe them if they lived on the bad side of russia. Or africa. But Germany? Seriously?

    And thats where you are right. They are all talk. THey are huge pussies, they dress like baboons with overpriced pants which costs only a dollar to make, jewlery and bling bling like homosexuals and with the oral expression of a barking dog. Alone they are idiots. In groups, they are really badass - at least they think that. The top-line of age where this all stops is 30, i think, when they have to get a job or start a family.

    Oh ond of course there are the turks who are just fucking priceless. Alone they are like every other human being. But when they flee into their suburb-culture, they are fucking hypocrites, pussies and angry little shits with their twisted sense of "honor".

    Nowadays they think they can do anything and get away with it. Until they are locked in a prison.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:05:56 No.9705596
    It doesn't end there either. The longer their rap sheet, the more bragging rights the get. "I've spent 2 years at this jail, 5 years at this jail and 3 years at this jail. I was raised in juvenile detention centers. My penis is therefore harder than yours."

    We need to purge the world from these retards and build a stronger, healthier society.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:06:53 No.9705600

    there are quite a few neckbeards who hate themselves too, and like you said, those who escape reality, those with phobias of people. Then there are those I don't understand that don't want friends, who have no interest. Why do you sit in your house all day enlightening yourself?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:08:26 No.9705618

    >And thats where you are right. They are all talk. THey are huge pussies, they dress like baboons with overpriced pants which costs only a dollar to make, jewlery and bling bling like homosexuals and with the oral expression of a barking dog. Alone they are idiots. In groups, they are really badass - at least they think that. The top-line of age where this all stops is 30, i think, when they have to get a job or start a family.

    i would think that. but you have to understand our generation is really the first rap/gangster/thug generation. these baboons are going to be acting this way for ever (hopefully not)

    they will be dead or in prison mostly. most of them drop out of highschool and dont even try to better themselves.

    they partake in illegal activities because it boosts there street cred/respect. most of them talk about how "Hard" they are with all of there criminal activities. they also lie about most of there sexual encounters to boost there cred and hide insecurities of themselves.

    they lie, cheat, steal, and..fucking scum.

    its funny... i know a kid who dropped out in grade 10 because he was all about the thug life and drugs and money and bitches. he is fat and ugly and covered in tattoos. he is now 18 and works at a gas station. doesnt have a GED or any form of certificate/diploma. but he still promotes his thug life. he isnt ashamed of his job (from what i can see) because its all about making that cash money.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:08:27 No.9705619


    It's not like they can't get an education. Or a job. Or many other options, or goverment aid, healtcare and so on. It's a good country. But NO. The badass gangstas CHOOSE TO deal drugs, dress like a pyjama-train and acting all dangerous.

    This self-portrayal is stupid. At least when it reaches a great level. Mostly this is the issue when the kids really don't have something to do, because they are lazy shits. 10 Years ago you could go the yearly carnival here, with a big wheel, cotton candy, you know this stuff. Now those "thughs" clog the center of the carnival, spitting at parents with kids and older people. Everything which isn't nailed to the ground gets destroyed, flipped over, or stolen. Goddammit, there are trashbins everywhere and yet they have to throw everything beside them.

    At night they yell and scream like apes in groups, walking over streets and offending poeple that are alone.

    God i hate these people so much.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:10:35 No.9705643

    Yeah dude, because, yeah, he had a thugh life. He sure makes alot of cash with his gas station.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:16:50 No.9705713

    exactly! they live in good countries where education is free and there are plenty of programs to help them better themselves but no they choose the thug life.

    they are always harder than you because they live the hardlife.

    they cant take a joke either. they arent even funny when they try. they are reckless and irresponsible.

    they hate how people look at them in a negative view and how its "racist" but they do it to themselves

    it REALLY sucks in the USA now because "we president now"
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 06/25/10(Fri)09:17:40 No.9705721
    >I live in LA
    >These guys JUST got here

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:19:56 No.9705747
    I grew up in South Central Los Angeles....
    It was shit. There are niggers and spics everywhere that think that hustling will get them where they want.
    My neighborhood was in the "eye of the storm" as in.. you go two blocks down any direction and you'd see crime, Violent crimes...
    Most of the wannabe gangsters from then, are now father's and mother's.... and still act like they did back then... they live through their memories, it's really very sad.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:23:44 No.9705791

    my point is that he works at a gas station. something low and undesirable to most. so it boosts his cred and he looks like he is strugglin and living the hard life making his money.

    i live in a city where almost everyone acts like niggers. black people, white people, hispanics, asians, etc. roughly 80%

    it really sucks because they all try to fuck with me because im white, easy going, not "gangster", and like to make jokes out of things. i am always harassed and stuff...i could easily fuck any of them up. if they didnt travel in packs and carry weapons and shit.

    if i didnt have respect for myself i would fight them in every opportunity and put them in there place. but there is always the chance of me getting caught, arrested, hurt, etc. and ruining my life.

    my future isnt worth a few minutes of kicking ass
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:28:08 No.9705831
    >less "low-brow"
    faggot detected
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:30:20 No.9705851

    Well, because you asked...

    Not all day. Just most of my free time. I enjoy reading (not fictional story pop-culture bs, but philosophy, history, etc) Books people pay thousands of dollars for to go to university to read and have some dude tell them what to think about it, I read on my own time for free and digest and critique the ideas being presented on my own. I've accomplished all the goals i set out to do in my younger life (start a band, play a show, get some cash, all that typical stuff) so now I guess I'm looking for more goals other than simply get a career, a nice house, a new car, all that stuff that is a necessary part of life but not really fulfilling in a spiritual sense.

    About friends, well, all my friends do (and I have enough of them, I'm not "that" socially awkward) is work, then go drink over-priced bar booze and repeat. I still see them all and have the occasional drunk night out with them, but that comes with hangovers and what-have-you.

    TLDR; Basically, I'm trying to make sense of a tv-watching society that thinks they have "freedom" because they can vote for middle-of-the-row leadership while the ship sinks and there are no lifeboats. I feel that what the crowd is doing is self-destructive, short term and that modern society has ultimately seperated itself from nature, as do all great civilizations before they collapse inwardly. To go into more detail would require spewing out way to much, but if this sparks interest, there are plenty of great books out there that cover a wide array of subjects I can't touch upon in 1 post.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:32:41 No.9705873
    You're not a fucking neckbeard/basementdweller/neet/hikikomori or whatever you want to call it.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:33:28 No.9705879

    you seem somewhat hipster-like
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:34:42 No.9705890
    Itt: white middle class american on the Internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:39:16 No.9705928
    this discussion always interests me.

    i come from a pretty bad area in london, which is getting worse and worse. i used to think it was a black thing, but more and more white, asian, and to a lesser extent, chinese, are turning to this life of crime. it's definitely a problem with YOUTH.

    but i just dont get it. people are always harping on about how it's not the kid's fault. they grew up in bad homes, no parents, shit schools, etc. how much of that is bullshit? i grew up surrounded by a lot of the same shit as all my friends, and now im a decent upstanding member of society, and they are... well, still trying to thug it up somewhere in south/east london. i dont get it. america and the UK, europe too, these are not third world countries. as bad as your neighbourhood the fundamental building blocks of a community are already there. if you WANT to make something of yourself, you can. and the proof are the people who eventually do so. those who keep using the ghetto as an excuse for the lives they choose just seem... pathetic.

    i know it's not a politically correct way of thinking, but how can shit be so fucked up? what is wrong with people?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:40:30 No.9705937
    I staff a tiny neighborhood library right next to the worst ghetto in my area. Two people have been shot since I started working there.

    It really is all about shitty parenting. We see these young women come in with their 2, 3 kids from different fathers, none of whom are around, and they're completely negligent/abusive. It's painful to watch, and we can't really say anything. We're librarians, not social workers, and "you should pay better attention to your son" is RACISS YOU CAINT TELL ME BOUT MAH BIDNISS.

    Yesterday this woman brought in her young son, probably 2 or 3. He was bright and interested in things; constant "mama, look!" and "mama, a ball!" (we have a big baseball pinata up for a program we're running this month.) She just ignored him while she waited for a computer. Once she got on the computer, she was just vicious. He'd try to get her attention and she'd grab him by the front of his shirt, get up in his face, and tell him SHUT UP. Of course he'd cry and reach to be picked up, so she'd grab him, set him down away from her, and turn away.

    Fucking horrible. Of course that kid's going to grow up confused and angry and jump at the first thing that gives him a chance to feel any kind of safety and belonging.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:41:05 No.9705943
    It's easy to accuse people of being hipsters because it's hard to not be ironic, nor is the term clearly defined. To defend oneself against such an accusation would, indeed, make one a hipster, would it not? If hipsterism is a blend of previous pop-culture memes put into 1 big pot and mixed around, as I interpret the meaning, I don't see how what I've expressed is related, other than perhaps the hipsters quest to "soul-search" if you will. But really, once people get bored of the daily monotony of fatalistic work-tv/videogames/drugs/inset-hobby-here life, they'd be hard pressed to not ask similar questions.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:41:54 No.9705955

    You used TL;DR and just made another fucking paragraph.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:42:50 No.9705965

    christ. some people are just not ready to be parents. reading that makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:45:52 No.9706000
    they sit on public transit a-hootin and a-hollerin, making a big show for everyone as if we all are so concerned about them, a giant cry for attention. I'm sure Freud and Nietzsche would have some interesting things to say about this modern social clique were they still around.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:47:34 No.9706021
    I don't know what does it, but I think the mentality is the same between neckbeards/thugs it's just economic conditions that determine which category they fall into.

    My life is completely fucked. I dropped out of school, have $20,000 in medical debt, no job (never even worked), no driver's license, no friends, never kissed a girl, etc. All I do is sit at home and browse the internet and think about killing myself. The only thing keeping me sane is scrounging enough change together to drink my problems away and forget about all the bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:47:53 No.9706023
    haha well I tried to sum up but I guess it went longer than I thought. That is pretty ironic i guess. Maybe I am a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:52:38 No.9706063
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    $20,000 debt

    oh dear god, I am so sorry anon.. fight the power though bro
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:53:49 No.9706078
    White culture cares about making them dollar bills too while shitting on everyone else
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:57:57 No.9706120

    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:58:17 No.9706125
    some people might call troll on what i am about to say.

    if i was a world leader (of the USA or somewhere else) i would be very "hitler like"

    i would eliminate all the filth in todays societies. all of the thugs and gangsters and ghetto faggots. all of the ignorant obnoxious pieces of shit. all of the people who anchor society and hold us back.

    i dont have a problem with illegal immigrants for the most part. as long as they are productive and dont complain.

    i would outright murder all criminal scum. no court. no arrest. murder.

    sure i would be seen as a horrible person and nations would want to war with me. but i know what is best for humanity.

    we need a super assassin group to take at "big targets" and make it look like accidents.

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