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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1276968217.jpg-(775 KB, 1333x2000, CRW_3244.jpg)
    775 KB Deja vu 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:23:37 No.9594352  
    So how are you all doing today?

    Just thought I'd pop by to see how you're all doing on this fine summer's day.

    I got up early and cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, then cleaned the bathroom similarly.

    Feelin' like I might make some kewl crystals w/ bleach lolol.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:25:43 No.9594383
    did your clean you're mirrior?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:25:56 No.9594388
    Careful not to touch the bleach! it'll hurt your hands!

    From YFL x
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:26:09 No.9594391
    Why are you still a virgin
    >> icanbetripfag?:3 !!BdgbU71ySbO 06/19/10(Sat)13:26:12 No.9594393
    I'm doin good how 'bout you?
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:26:38 No.9594403
    Is this true? I usually just dunk my hands into bleachy water w/o giving a fuck, quite frankly :D
    >> Pinnochio 06/19/10(Sat)13:27:25 No.9594418
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    Among the subplots of this novel is the redemption of a man obsessed with the death of his grandfather in the Civil War who reconnects with the world by delivering a baby and attempting to save a fugitive from lynching. In addition to Gail Hightower, it features the love of mill-hand Byron Bunch for the baby's mother, Lena Grove, and their quest to find Lucas Burch, a bootlegger also known as Joe Brown, the baby's father. FTP, name this novel most of whose narrative concerns the tragedy of Joe Christmas, one of the most famous of William Faulkner.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:27:56 No.9594429
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    i am doing great friend how are you?
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:28:11 No.9594432
    Oh, there we go.

    Bait status = taken.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:28:44 No.9594443
    LOL PS GO ON SKYPe, camwhoar
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:29:05 No.9594448
    why am i so balled

    why dont you shave ur eyebros
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:29:08 No.9594450
    I want to clean my house, but my leg is aching like a bitch. You want to come and clean it for me?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:29:31 No.9594456
    i'm doing pretty good. Watched the world cup games and i'm about to practice my trombone.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:30:06 No.9594460
    I don't know, but my mum always told me not to touch bleach.
    >> Pinnochio 06/19/10(Sat)13:31:33 No.9594475
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    This author's lesser-known works include a monograph on Raymond Lully's Ars magna generalis and a technical article on the possibility of improving chess by eliminating one of the rook pawns. He transposed Le Cimitire Marin into alexandrines and wrote an invective against its author, Paul Valery, but other of his poems were withheld by Madame Henri Bachelier. This author's line "truth, the mother of history" is "almost infinitely richer" than the same line written by a seventeenth century author, because it adds to the "art of reading" the technique of "deliberate anachronism." For 10 points, name this fictional author who attempts to rewrite Don Quixote in a short story by Jorge Luis Borges.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:32:51 No.9594489
    >> Pinnochio 06/19/10(Sat)13:35:43 No.9594519
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    Two of this man's works, The Cabal of Hypocrites and Life of Monsieur de Moliere, were inspired by the French Royal court, and he took inspiration from a native countryman to write Chichikov's Adventures. His ridiculous theatrical works include Flight and a work about Ivan the Terrible's time-traveling adventures, Ivan Vasilievich. He documented the Turbin family during the revolution in The White Guard, while he created the characters Sharik, who undergoes a transformative operation, and Behemoth, a monstrous black cat that serves Woland, the devil, in two other novels. FTP, identify this Russian author of Heart of a Dog and The Master and Margarita.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:36:07 No.9594525
    Nude fagge
    >> Pinnochio 06/19/10(Sat)13:38:24 No.9594551
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    As a noun, it can refer to the temperament in the Keirsey temperament sorter that includes the Field Marshall; Master Mind; Inventor; and Architect personalities--people who are Intuitive and Thinking. The verb form of the word is used by Max Weber to describe a process of making things conform; and by psychiatrists to describe a process of making things make sense. For 10 points, what also refers to numbers that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers?
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:48:05 No.9594685
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    Hey, this is my face when.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:50:41 No.9594724
    Hey anon nice to see you here.

    I couldn't help but notice you might be troleing in the other thread here...

    >> Pinnochio 06/19/10(Sat)13:50:56 No.9594728
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    In his later work he distinguished between value that is invoked when an interpersonal exchange occurs and value as denoting the qualitative mental evaluation of elements. Using these definitions, he created an algebra of social exchange in his Sociological Studies. In his earlier work he argued that information processing is guided by a need for equilibrium, which is restored by either assimilating new information into old patterns, or altering the old pattern to accommodate the new information. Known for his belief in instinctual "schemas" of behavior at birth, he sought to understand the formation of knowledge in terms of "genetic epistemology." FTP, name this French developmental psychologist, best known for positing four stages of development beginning with the sensorimotor.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:55:36 No.9594797
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    dude lol what is troleing?

    my dad was a fisherman but he never shared the family secret w/ me.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)13:57:06 No.9594812
    No one wants to hear about how you cleaned up your house.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)13:57:42 No.9594819
    Troleing is when your being nice to people and don't even mean it.
    >> Anonymuos 06/19/10(Sat)13:58:33 No.9594833
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    One section discusses Kant's confusion of predication with synthesis. This work also presents the example of the Antipodeans, who lack the words to describe their conscious states, in the section "Persons Without Minds." Contrasting the edifying projects of Heidegger, Dewey, and Wittgenstein with more systematic philosophers, this work argues that one should view philosophy as a culturally bound conversation. FTP, identify this work which argues against the metaphor of mind as reflecting the world, written by Richard Rorty.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)14:04:54 No.9594920
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    are you shittin me man???

    i cant belief that you know i think i might be what you guys call a troll :(

    what do you think i can do to solve this problem??
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)14:08:04 No.9594965
    Okay well the first step is when you create a tripcode.

    If you make a tripcode it means ppl can trust what your saying when you say it because your scared of getting your reputation runed.

    So, if you want to do it you type 'namegoeshere#password' into the name field above where you type. Put a good name where it says 'namegoeshere' and then the hash then a strong password.

    You will be trusted and respected afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)14:10:00 No.9594991
    >If you make a tripcode it means ppl can trust what your saying when you say it because your scared of getting your reputation runed.

    >You will be trusted and respected afterwards.

    Your troll skills are getting sharper, I must admit.
    >> Anonymuos 06/19/10(Sat)14:10:35 No.9594999
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    The story begins with the author saying he saw the main character in a dream, crying out because his family and town had to be destroyed. That protagonist flees the town without his family, who won't leave, and after sundry adventures is wounded in his fight with the giant devil Apollyon. After healing his wounds with leaves from the Tree of Life, he visits the caves of Pope and Pagan, and then meets a fellow traveler, Faithful, with whom he braves the perils of Vanity Fair, and after safely crossing the River of Death, Christian is led to the gate of heaven. FTP, what is this allegory by John Bunyan?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)14:10:45 No.9595002

    ok sounds good man i am so hyper for this 4chan stuff

    also can you tell me how to block the bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzz sound in case it comes back

    ps you can catch me in my own for the premiere of my "tripcode" thread right there:

    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)14:14:23 No.9595037
    I'm not trolling I am just teaching a new person the ropes :)
    >> amusicalzombie !zombet2iGo 06/19/10(Sat)14:20:46 No.9595119
    im doin alright thanks deja vu.
    just woke up and now on 4chan.
    i wish i had somthing to do today.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)14:21:14 No.9595124
    Alright, some real advice, so you don't get too off track from this friendly, but douche of an anon.

    Fundamental advice:

    1.Lurk the fuck moar.

    2.If you use a tripcode when the thread doesn't call for it, you'll be thought of as an attention whore. 4chan favors quality of post over pointless identity games.

    3. Be careful with anything that might potentially reveal your identity. Your pic is now being used in fake gay personal ads. If you don't like that, don't upload your face.

    4. bzzz is linked to a .swf file. It's helping to keep the stupid levels down.

    5. If someone hates your thread enough to start flooding it, you might be doing something wrong.

    Take the advice, or leave it. The power is in your hands.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)14:58:29 No.9595550
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    I got this new hat to keep the sun out of my eyes. Feels good, man :D
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)15:11:47 No.9595717
         File1276974707.jpg-(1.11 MB, 1741x2000, CRW_3255.jpg)
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    All this black and white, so little time.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:14:40 No.9595744
    > 1.11MB
    if you were really so polite and friendly as you pretend you are, you would post images that aren't so huge
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)15:16:50 No.9595771
         File1276975010.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1449x2000, CRW_3247.jpg)
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    Sorry, I just like good quality images. I'm glad you're opening them lolol.

    Do I look cool in this one?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:17:48 No.9595782
    I used to think you were a faggot, but that was only because you wore that hideous suit. Now we can be friends. <3
    >> camel !!UT84wajcyM1 06/19/10(Sat)15:18:36 No.9595792
    i had a dream and you were in it, mort.

    we were running from skeletons with a fleet of kittens ;~;
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)15:19:14 No.9595802
    Man, that suit was for fun!

    It looked KEWL under dem lights.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)15:21:25 No.9595827

    You're dreaming about me now camel. I think you LOOOOVE me.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:23:23 No.9595851
    Fucking miserable. My first love just told me last night he's moving away in a month. I'll recover but it's gonna be a shitty last month with him around. I'm debating telling him my true feelings but I don't want him to stay because I know he'll be happier moving. ._.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:24:21 No.9595860
    Fuck you, 4chan: a Place for Friends.

    >> 4chan: a place for friends !xXLBEhaPPY 06/19/10(Sat)15:26:30 No.9595881
    I understand why you wouldn't tell him, but you should tell him...

    Still, I'm sure you'll do what you have to do.

    Why so negative?
    >> Anonymuos 06/19/10(Sat)15:29:53 No.9595925
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    Kletsch is a locksmith, proud that he is a workman and a nuisance to his fellow lodgers, what with his constant beating of his wife. Natsya, the prostitute, supports the Baron, who deludes himself with recollections of past glory. Into this motley mix comes a saintly pilgrim who offers those about sympathy and hope, either if Luka's sentiments are illusions as well. FTP name this play by Gorky about the wretched inhabitants of a cellar.
    >> Merlin 06/19/10(Sat)15:33:50 No.9595965
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    Who's this Pinnochio?
    I almost feel sorry for you 4chan: a place for friends.
    First me, now Ruby, and apparently Pinnochio.
    All these people like my threads!
    They're singing, telling stories, ect.
    And then you come along, and you insult us.

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