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  • File : 1276751279.png-(270 KB, 1920x1080, graphs.png)
    270 KB Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:07:59 No.9555641  
    The day I met my current girlfriend, I started an excel file (see image). in this file, I write a sentence or two on what happened between us during that day, and the overall percentage of how i think things are between us. Out of these percentages, I have a graph, with average percentage on it too. In addition, I list if I saw her on that day, if she came to visit, and if we had sex with check boxes.

    Out of those checkboxes, I have another graph, showing which weeks had the most visits. I also list how many times we've ever had sex and done other stuff in that field. Also have a count of total number of visits

    I've been doing this daily for 152 days now.

    she has no idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:09:08 No.9555660
    that green bar is when we started going out officially too, only 2 weeks after meeting her.

    Oh yeah, green/red bars at the side of the dates indicate really, really good days vs days where we were gonna end it.

    So yeah, it didn't mean to get this big. It started off small but snowballed so bad.

    I'm ashamed of it.

    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:10:22 No.9555675
    That sounds creepy, and a little bit obsessive.

    Don't tell anyone you're doing this.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:10:33 No.9555677
    Oh you poor obsessive-compulsive cunt. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:11:23 No.9555688
    What do you wish to accomplish with this?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:11:35 No.9555691
    You should show her. It might actually impress her that you cared enough to document everything so thoroughly.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:11:37 No.9555692
    Jesus fucking christ, dude, that's awesome
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:12:30 No.9555704
    This is great. I think I'll do this with my next girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:12:34 No.9555705
    Oh my god. This... I... wow man.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:12:42 No.9555706
    So you're using statistics, math, and logic to try an understand a woman? This will not work, do you see why?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:14:22 No.9555727
    You don't need to understand them, you only need to find their behavioral patterns.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:15:00 No.9555729
    I sort of want to do this now.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:15:08 No.9555731
    Way to make that shit too small to read.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:15:43 No.9555741
    Upload it somewhere OP. I really wanna see how you did it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:15:47 No.9555744
    OP, that's fairly impressive.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:17:11 No.9555757
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:17:46 No.9555766
    Is your name Nate Silver?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:18:42 No.9555775
    I see, interesting.

    Any breakthroughs yet, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:19:04 No.9555778

    Agreed, definitely needs to be uploaded.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:20:05 No.9555784
    Do you think She'd like this if she saw it????
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:20:07 No.9555785
    Any correlations to her menstrual cycle? I'm a scientist of sorts and I've thought about doing this dozens of times.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:20:28 No.9555789
    Upload plox. This is amazing
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:23:01 No.9555809
    literally amazing
    if you haven't been keeping track of when she's on her period, though, then that's one hell of a missed chance
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes !yRd8SXc/L. 06/17/10(Thu)01:23:57 No.9555818
    Huh. That's actually kind of interesting. Autistic, sure, but interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:24:17 No.9555822
    Not OP, and I'm not sure that OP was trying to do this. I just wanted to point that out.
    >> sage sage 06/17/10(Thu)01:24:42 No.9555825
    Useless data, not an impartial observer or recorder. This is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:25:20 No.9555835
    Archive this, now.

    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:26:35 No.9555851
    Definitely, but sage worthy, c'mon. All the shit that flows through here and this little gem is sage worthy?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:28:20 No.9555865
    Not sure if I would call this creepy or not. After all, it is in the name of SCIENCE, regardless of intentions. I'm interested in seeing the data.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:28:28 No.9555868
         File1276752508.png-(264 KB, 1920x1080, graphs2.png)
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    OP here.


    dunno, really. Like I said, I started it like a week after we started talking properly and it became a routine thing.


    I don't know. I don't think I'll show her though.


    No, I have. Here's a pic of the blurbs for the last few days and the percentage rating. I'm beginning to think the dips in the original graph correlate to her period.

    For those curious, I uploaded the template you can download here:

    Here's what you put in:

    visits/ meetups = put a cross here if you met up, bold it and make it dark green if you had sex
    # = day number
    Date = the date
    Day = the day of the week
    Description = few sentences of things that happened between you in that day
    % = percentage of how well you think that day went
    Score = orgasm tally
    Chance of visit = your percentage prediction of a visit
    Period = block to show your guess of when her period happens
    Period error = your margin of error in days
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:28:55 No.9555875

    He's just bitter that he didn't come up with the idea first.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:29:09 No.9555876
    What did you do today that resulted in it being 85%?
    >> sage sage 06/17/10(Thu)01:29:09 No.9555877

    How is this a gem of anything? Some sad, obsessive guy made a bunch of graphs. Alert the media.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:29:31 No.9555884
    See picture. From what I can make out, they don't seem to have much of an effect. It also seems OP has started trying to predict when she visits, though I can't tell how accurate they were. Care to fill us in, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:29:41 No.9555887
    OP is on my list of awesome achievers who wont get noticed by the world in general but still deserve a medal. Upload this bigger Op.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:31:19 No.9555904
    Do you ever find yourself too busy to update for a day, and go back and do it the next day?

    Do you have a specific time you post your comments/recordings, because time of day could be a factor on the opinion you have of your gf and such?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:31:52 No.9555907
    Upload it to google docs, FTW
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:32:02 No.9555909
    Yeah it's pathetic and all, but I have to admit it's also kind of cool in a way. It appeals to the obsessive analytical geek in me, I guess
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:32:04 No.9555911
    I can't believe no one has thought of this before. It is genius.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:32:57 No.9555915

    Thanks a lot OP. Much appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:33:46 No.9555918
    You are creepy. Stop this. Now.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:34:13 No.9555922
    >look at orgasm tally column
    >double digits in a few places

    oh my
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:34:57 No.9555928

    That needs updating to 100%, we're all good now.

    We had some argument over some gay shit over the phone, about how I take things too seriously or something, idk.


    I think I need to include a margin error for visiting predictions like I did with periods. Though I've become more accurate over time so it's within a day or two now.


    I add the comments and adjust the percentage as they happen most of the time.

    Sometimes I miss a day and just work it out from what I remember.



    That's what I've been thinking.

    Orgasm tally currently stands at 21-19 to me btw, if anyone's wondering.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:35:33 No.9555933
    This is awesome. You're awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:36:04 No.9555938
    Whatever you do don't show this to your girlfriend. If you guys ever break up she well tell all her new boyfriends about this shit and all her girlfriends. They most likely will laugh at you about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:37:35 No.9555949
    >about how I take things too seriously or something
    I never would have guessed
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:38:02 No.9555954


    While most of us here think this highly interesting, it's still creepy.

    I'm definitely going to fill it on my next relationship.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:38:24 No.9555959
    fuck everyone saying this is creepy.

    "oh, einstein, still working on that theory of relativity, huh? can you say autism?"

    this man is a scientist and a genius, and we'd probably all be better off if we could actually observer our relationships analytically.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:38:29 No.9555960

    ..disregard that, I just remembered what a tally is. At first I thought the numbers were how many OP and his girl had that day. derp
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:39:00 No.9555965
    Sweet and creepy at the same time.

    A more objective look at relationships from the first person. Almost poem or story worthy.

    Congratz. Seriously I love it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:39:16 No.9555966
    Oh god. I hope she finds it one day while you're taking a shit and when you come out of the bathroom, the chair is still fucking spinning
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:39:59 No.9555971
    I'm going to do this now with the next guy I date.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:40:10 No.9555973
    This is the neatest thing ever. If I were your lady I would love to see it.

    But then again, if we ever broke up, I'd tell everyone you were creepy.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:40:20 No.9555978
    >about how I take things too seriously or something
    Judging by this table, you certainly do. But keep up the good work anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:41:00 No.9555982
    OP: do you keep tally when you suspect she faked her orgasm?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:41:02 No.9555983
    But we can't ever be objective about something as emotional as sex and romance. This is so touching and creepy. IT WILL FAIL AT OBJECTIVITY, but it will fail so tenderly.

    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:41:59 No.9555990
    Cool idea op, not sure of the accuracy, at least in a period shorter than a year, but in a long term relationship it would be interesting to see the results. Have you thought about making more longer term predictions, then comparing them to what actually happens?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:42:11 No.9555994
    I think I'm gonna start doing this too. But instead of girlfriends, it'll be hopeless crushes. I am on /r9k/ after all
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:42:59 No.9556004
    >Product Activation failed
    That's worse than pirating, you know? That's like stealing a kid's bicycle, and then busting the back wheel _before_ proceeding to bike to whatever destination you planned to take it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:43:27 No.9556012
    requesting it for archive, OP is awesome
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:43:50 No.9556017
    So what conclusions can you make from the data so far?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:44:10 No.9556020
    OP, this is glorious. I am amaze.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:45:36 No.9556036
    When did Ulillillia get a girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:46:17 No.9556045
    This is highly exciting. Way to go in the name if Science.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:46:55 No.9556052
    I think if enough men do this and we crunch the numbers just right, we might just be able to get to the bottom of this whole female thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:48:06 No.9556064
    You know, now that I've thought about it more I actually don't think it's that bad. I mean, it's his relationship, it's not like he's keeping data on some girl he's stalking. Essentially he's just keeping a very precise journal on the relationship.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:48:34 No.9556067
    And in the end by correctly diagnosing it, we might be finally able to cure it!
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:48:58 No.9556070
    OP is fucking epic archive this
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:49:22 No.9556080
    what did you discover?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:51:04 No.9556094
         File1276753864.png-(234 KB, 480x360, smile1.png)
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    I already made my request, cmon guys, i gott go to sleep and i'd really want to see this tomorrow at 10 pm in the archive, pleeeaaaaaaaaase??
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:51:36 No.9556104
         File1276753896.jpg-(34 KB, 489x433, useless.jpg)
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    This thread is the essence of /r9k/, but with a bit more sexual action than normal.
    Also, relevant xkcd
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:51:50 No.9556107
    Faggots don't know how to save files as html apparently.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:52:11 No.9556113
    I did my part. Hopefully OP is still here to answer this: >>9556017
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:52:28 No.9556117

    File > Save Page As...

    There! Your very own archive.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:53:31 No.9556128
    thats all in one view?

    how the hell did you get excel to do that?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:54:02 No.9556134
    Does it update changes in the thread too?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:54:16 No.9556139
    OP is there anyway you could upload your graph I'd be very interested in what you recorded so far.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:56:40 No.9556164
    Bump for insight.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:58:02 No.9556177
    >smaller version of above graph

    This thread is hilarious and OP is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:58:22 No.9556181
    OP you are fucking amazing. please turn this into free open source program for us all to download.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:58:57 No.9556189

    Yeah, I dunno what predictions though. I think I'm going to keep doing it for awhile longer.

    A stat I wanted to add but never got around to as it was too late into it before i thought of it was start and end time of visits.

    Then a tally of how long each visit lasted.


    Nothing groundbreaking so far. I mean it's been a third of the year and apparently I'm a scientist but I have no background of statistical analysis or anything. Though I did notice the percentage of how well things go correlate a lot with how well I can predict her periods. That's cool, I guess? I think I need more data to really make more leaps and bounds like that

    Honestly the real reason I'm still doing it is because it helps me remember the good times and stuff, and like, reading through it I can remember every single day. That's a nice thing to have.

    Also nice to see a few femanons supporting this, gives me hope.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:59:22 No.9556197
    It's a spreadsheet. Get and you can open it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:00:38 No.9556208

    I don't want to update all my own personal data cause you know, it's personal and all. But I did upload the template here >>9555868

    I implore you all to try it, it's fun to pore over your stats.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:04:11 No.9556244
    this is entirely creepy, but from a scientific experiment approach you could probably submit this somewhere... as like a study on the average teenage couple or something.
    other than that, weird as fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:05:50 No.9556266
    email it to her when you break up
    >> sage sage 06/17/10(Thu)02:06:01 No.9556268

    I don't know how many times I have to say this..

    This data is scientifically useless and also creepy and pathetic.

    You are not an impartial observer, this data is "HOW I FELT ON THIS DAY OR THAT" in number form, and you're a fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:07:58 No.9556287
    Would like to do this for a man.

    So just omit the period data/graphs?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:08:51 No.9556298

    Oh my god OP you have to do this.
    Then screencap the reply and post it here.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:08:57 No.9556299
    OP did you just upload a blank template or the complete spreadsheet containing actual data?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:09:20 No.9556301

    "But I don't understand, I thought everything was going so well"
    "I will be mailing you a chart, I'm sure it will explain everything"
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:09:30 No.9556304
    No, use your period, so you can see whether it's having any effects.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:14:54 No.9556354

    Don't have a period, bro. I'm a dude.

    And what the fuck it said I was muted for 2 seconds then I can't post for another 2 minutes?
    Fuck you moot you dick nigger.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:15:37 No.9556359
    is the orgasm count yours or hers
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:18:29 No.9556396
    Why this is shit:

    1. You just give a fucking random guess for how you "felt". You should have an incredibly long list of factors which add up or deduct from a total, which you convert to a percent afterwards. No day should be 100%, because that would mean you made out, had sex, she gave you $10000, told you that you were the most amazing man on the planet, etc.
    2. You are not aware of what she is doing all the time, so how can you really rate how well the day went? Your data will be completely inaccurate if she tells you she cheated on you on a day you rated 85%.

    You can put anything on a graph and look smart. I could set up a list of characteristics to rate my shits every day and make a similar chart, but it wouldn't mean shit. What you are doing is shit. Get out, you shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:21:48 No.9556418
    So OP... why? Why did you make it? Does it serve a purpose? (other than self-amusement)
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:21:50 No.9556419
    thanks for the template OP
    gonna try it out, looks interesting
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:23:05 No.9556429
    It includes both. See >>9555928
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:24:25 No.9556443
    OP you need to look into "factor analysis". Coorelation finds the relationship between just two variables but factor analysis takes multiple variables into account at the same time and tells you which things are directly related to others.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:27:54 No.9556469
    >this data is "HOW I FELT ON THIS DAY OR THAT"
    The only data based on feelings is the percentage of how the day went for the observer.
    If he can actually pull off some patterns out of this over a long period then this might be somewhat useful and interesting.
    I've never seen a graph like this and it's far more useful than your raging over the interwebs.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:28:46 No.9556472

    Femanon here. I started recording daily the nice things my boyfriend does me in a notebook he bought me last week. I'm doing it for the future as well, 'cause I get irrationally mad at and dissatisfied with him sometimes. This way, I'll always have something to embarrass myself into sanity with when I morph into my angry bitch form. Keep on going strong!
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:35:05 No.9556526

    Be sure to include to mark the days you cheat on him!
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:36:02 No.9556537
    ditches and oars
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:43:54 No.9556626
    OP, did you ever have arguments with your girlfriend where your data would have been helpful?

    -"Anon, why am I always the one to call you?! :'("
    -"What? 78 of the 122 calls have been initiated by me!"
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:46:23 No.9556658
    More appropriately.

    "Sex just isn't that good anymore."
    "I'll have you know I've made you orgasm 21 times to the 19 times you've made me orgasm."
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:49:06 No.9556689

    Objective data'd throw a huge wrench in the average lover's quarrel, to be sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:51:51 No.9556723
    Unfortunately, if the woman asked him to cite his sources he might be forced to reveal his spreadsheets, which would probably start a whole new round of arguments.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:54:27 No.9556756
    Nicely done, Ulillillia. I thought you would never get near a girl in your entire lifetime!

    For those interested, Ulillillia is a fucked-up guy with major OCD with an insane website to match. The website details his daily routines, his level of motive to do every little detail possible, and mathematical equations to fit with everything. I don't even think he's human anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:56:43 No.9556781
    Tell me OP is this go to make you a better person.

    Before you die, will you look back this chart and think it had meaning?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:56:59 No.9556783
    Are you going to upload this?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)02:57:09 No.9556786
    This is great OP. I wish I had a girl friend so I can do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)03:01:15 No.9556829
    As a girl, I am seriously impressed. I don't think its creepy at all, in fact its really interesting. Then again I'm into this kind of shit, others may not be.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)03:05:15 No.9556862
    Threads like these are the reason this is my favourite board
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)03:16:51 No.9556990
    you should upload this

    for science

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