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  • File : 1276631745.jpg-(477 KB, 1399x1135, chicken-and-waffle.jpg)
    477 KB Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)15:55:45 No.9533782  
    Inspired by a thread yesterday: How can one recreate the taste of a vagina at home????
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)15:56:32 No.9533789
    Are you from Oakland, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)15:56:32 No.9533791
    Eww, why would you want to? It's like moldy fish.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)15:56:46 No.9533793
    my armpit smells like a vagina. I can let you lick that if you want to?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)15:57:36 No.9533801
    If you went down on a girl that smelled like moldy fish you need to go get tested NAO
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)15:59:25 No.9533816
    A can of tuna and a baggy.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:07:55 No.9533936
    Idk why everyone insists that vag should smell like fish. Mine has a sweet smell unless I'm on my period..... o.0
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:08:23 No.9533940
    milk, salt, quarters
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:12:08 No.9533977
    Here's something an Anon suggested which I think is pretty spot-on:

    Stick your finger in your armpit at a time when you're fairly clean, but get a little bit of light BO on there. Stick two fingers of your other hand into the side of your mouth, as if you were trying to scratch the inside of your cheek.

    Suck your mouth tight, and the way your cheek feels against your fingers is pretty close to how a cunt feels inside. Massage inside of cheek with fingers while smelling sweaty fingers, and that's kind of what pussy eating is like.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:14:26 No.9533999
    That's what they get for fucking nothing but extremely obese weeaboos.

    Good vagina smells like delicious, warm, yeasty bread.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:20:35 No.9534042
    No i am not Anon
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:22:49 No.9534067
    It tastes like that popcorn that is slightly salty but slightly sweet, kettle corn.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)16:29:45 No.9534102
         File1276633785.jpg-(51 KB, 480x684, james_dean_times_square_l.jpg)
    51 KB
    Tastes like shattered dreams and bad decisions

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