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  • File : 1276605452.jpg-(78 KB, 491x524, Pokemon.jpg)
    78 KB Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:37:32 No.9530279  
    Many of you still have these cartridges tucked away somewhere, sheathed in that gameboy case your mother bought. You probably haven't thought about them in years.

    Remember your pokemon? And the attachment you had to your favourites? Of course they weren't real - but they were real enough that you treated them better than ones and zeroes.

    They are all dead /r9k/. The internal batteries of those cartridges gave out years ago. All of your old pokemon are gone, like tears in the rain.

    And you didn't even think of that until now.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:38:36 No.9530292
    lol as if
    >> Bnonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:41:20 No.9530316
    My silver died a long time ago.
    Blue is still running strong.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:43:05 No.9530328
    This is 4chan. You're retarded if you think that the neckbeards here don't still play those games every day.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:44:29 No.9530339
    >internal batteries of those cartridges gave out years ago.
    internal batteries

    Cartridges have batteries in them? The last time I played a game with one was like 8 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:45:15 No.9530348

    That's why I said "many." And I'd imagine most of those neckbeards would have switched to the DS remakes, so it might still apply.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:46:12 No.9530356
    Yup, there's a battery. It can be replaced, but I think the Pokemon will die if there isn't a constant current at all times.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:46:45 No.9530362

    Crystal's latest release date was 2001. 9 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:49:04 No.9530378
    My Silver died out some years ago. Blue and Yellow (which I bought in 99) are still working since I last checked a couple of weeks ago. I really do miss my complete Pokedex on Silver.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:49:55 No.9530383
    I don't think Gen 1 has batteries, or they last way longer as my red, blue, and yellow all work.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:50:34 No.9530389
    I tried my yellow the other night. Save was gone and the pictures are messed up.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:52:22 No.9530398
    >my face when my silver still works and I have 400 hours on it
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:52:28 No.9530400
    I never had Pokemon as a child.

    My first Pokemon game, Diamond, is still kickin'.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:53:07 No.9530403
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:53:40 No.9530408
    I could do a transplant and attach a new lithium cell. I could keep these babbys running for the next 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:55:35 No.9530422
    Some days ago, while I searched the room where I used to live when I was a child, I stumbled across my old Pokemon editions. So I gave it a try - silver was the only one which didn't work anymore, nevertheless the Pokemon on blue and red still existed, with all the fucking weird nicknames I gave them back then.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:56:41 No.9530428
    >internal batteries
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:58:45 No.9530441
    My red's battery came loose when I dropped my GBC as a kid, so it never saved. D:
    Blue and Yellow still work for me.
    I replaced the batteries for G/S/C two years ago so I could play them, so my saves still work.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:02:21 No.9530464
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    (I assume you can do this)

    If you upload your save to a computer, change the battery and export it to the cart - are they REALLY the pokemon you raised? Or are they clones and something else?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:03:18 No.9530470
    You missed your entire childhood. You know what awesome was? Using surfer by pushing A instead of manually selecting it trough the menu screen!
    It felt like the biggest improvement in videogame history!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:04:43 No.9530481
    no, i think about that all the time OP, im not too bothered, but i am kinda pissed that i lost my 13 year old pikachu
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:10:09 No.9530516
    Godspeed you, sweet Scyther.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:40:58 No.9530713
    I didn't have them as a kid either, but I always seemed to have friends who were young enough to be interested in it. I just liked the character designs for the pokemon. I've never played any of the games. I still find it funny when someone gets pissed on 4chan when I call a pokemon by the wrong name.

    But I think my favorite of all the Pokemon-related things I've watched happen on 4chan was the progression of, "So I heard you like muddy dicks," to "So I herd u liek mudkips." That was classy.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:49:18 No.9530755
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    > Finds Silver cartridge hidden safely in bookshelf
    > Gets Gameboy advance and AA batteries
    > Bless I can Barely see the screen (those were the days)
    >Play for half hour ,Save Game
    >Turn on gameboy later
    >New game?
    >Play and save
    >new game?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:50:32 No.9530763
    Had to try them, all four of my games runs like a charm.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:55:26 No.9530804
    mine still save perfectly faggot. shit my nes games still work fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)09:58:56 No.9530834
    Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, Crystal and all are still going strong :D
    My batteries never died. I am sofuckingproud.
    But I will have to probably check this winter holidays (Ausfag, unifag)
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:23:26 No.9534632

    save batteries can be replaced pretty easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:23:50 No.9534636
    I started a new game 3 months ago anyways.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:25:07 No.9534642
    When my save was destroyed and I lost my Porygon 2, I rrrrraaaagggeeedddd
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:27:09 No.9534665
    Genraly, its only Gold and Silver cartridges who's batteries died.
    I think its estimated that 50% of them no longer function.
    Red, Blue and Crystal should all still work perfectly fine...
    My yellow version works perfectly, i still start new games on it every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:28:33 No.9534684
    I was too old for pokemans when pokemans came out. I was 10.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:32:26 No.9534720

    My cartidge still wrorks
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:32:55 No.9534721
    my silver still works, I know cause i was playing it today
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:33:03 No.9534723
    No. All my video games were stolen when I was 14.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:34:01 No.9534733
    I lost my silver cartridge :(
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:34:44 No.9534740
    > And you didn't even think of that until now.

    I did, actually. C:
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:35:30 No.9534745
    My yellow still works so fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:36:42 No.9534752
    Too late.

    My cartridge containing my Dream Team died many years ago. I still remember them, too...

    Mewtwo, Dragonite, Vaporeon, Nidoking, Raichu, Charizard. Trained them all to level 100 in my crappy old blue version. I traded them into each new game I got as I got them. But, the crystal version was their final resting place.

    -Never Forget-
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:40:32 No.9534792
    The pokemon live on in my heart and mind. They cannot die.
    >> Beardfist Fistbeard !!nWXzTrTfSMY 06/15/10(Tue)17:45:55 No.9534839
    All I miss are my Blastoise and Mewtwo from my Blue version. They kicked ass in Pokemon Stadium.

    They'll live on forever in my heart, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:50:55 No.9534903
    I lost my legit mew when my red cartridge gave out. Got it from a convention in SF back in middleschool and now he is gone :(
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:53:30 No.9534927
    My batteries are still alive, nigger. Just tried them a few days ago.
    Also, I play on emulators now.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)17:57:15 No.9534981
    The only Pokemon I really cared about was my Charizard. His name was Flame. In everyone Pokemon game I play, I choose the fire starter and name them Flame in his honour. He's gone now, but his legend lives on.

    Although my Gengar was pretty fucking badass too.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:01:53 No.9535031
    >Get out old Blue version cartridge
    >It still works
    >Check Silver, get ready for super fun time
    >Internal battery dead
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:02:24 No.9535042
    I never had any of yeah no.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:50:38 No.9535702
    GSC died out faster because of the internal battery keeping track of the clock. It also depends how much playtime the game had. I played the fuck out of Silver and it died ages ago. I rarely touched Gold and it still works. I recently played through Red and Blue just fine last year.

    Also: Emulation
    >Download VBA-link
    >Download Pokemon ROMs

    >Download Project64
    >Download specific controller plugin
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:52:29 No.9535720
    For all of you faggots who are shocked that these games used batteries, get off of the Internet because you're way too goddamned young to be using it. Did you think the save files were magic or something?

    Jesus fucking Christ you people are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:55:02 No.9535757

    Go stick a battery up your ass, It's not that obvious, not everybody knows exactly how the electronics they use work.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:55:41 No.9535770
    Lolno. I turned my Pokemon red on a few weeks ago. The save file with all 151 was still there. I deleted it and started anew, as my friend and I are each building a team of level 40s to face off in Pokemon Stadium
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:58:13 No.9535823

    Well it's not like that all of the instruction manuals and player's guides and magazine ads and commercials were calling it battery back-up just to sound cute.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)18:59:52 No.9535850
    I never read any of that. I figured that if a game could last "forever" why shouldn't other data be able to as well?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:00:27 No.9535861
    I've no idea where my Blue is. My Yellow has a worn away picture and doesn't work. Gold and Crystal went missing yonks ago.

    I sure do take care of my games.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:01:33 No.9535878
    If you have a cartridge game with a clear case like Oracle of Ages/Seasons you can actually see the battery.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:02:20 No.9535881
    i didn't even know that they had internal batteries

    i hope my games don't ever die :(

    how long are they estimated to last?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:05:31 No.9535917
    Wow you must be a real idiot if you didnt know about this long time ago.

    I mena when i play with my emulator it always tells me that the internal battery has run dry, so id assume the cartridges had something to do with that.

    Fortunately my firered and crystal work hella good cause my cousin is playing with it now.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:08:42 No.9535960
    Ripping teh save files FTW.
    Fuck you OP
    I still have all my pokemanz.. even if I haven't played with them in Years.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:10:33 No.9535985
         File1276643433.jpg-(128 KB, 640x480, 2010-06-15 16-11-27.822.jpg)
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    Sorry, /b/ro, my old GB games work perfectly fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:11:19 No.9535997
    man, fuck you.

    my crystal died, but my red still works.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:18:36 No.9536077
    Your chin & clothed torso is delicious. (:
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:21:48 No.9536116
    cool bladerunner reference
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:22:02 No.9536122
         File1276644122.jpg-(47 KB, 512x512, 094_Gengar.jpg)
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    fuck you man my favorite pokemon was Gengar- level 100- and he was a ghost.

    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:23:13 No.9536139
    I had the 251 Pokemons on Gold without using the Gameshark. My little brother fucking deleted the save file. ):
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:23:31 No.9536142
    troll troll is troll

    I have 3 crystals 2 yellows a red and a blue
    all of which work
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:24:01 No.9536152
    They all still work just fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:25:38 No.9536175
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    I'm actually fairly attractive and in shape. Crazy that there could exist such a person on 4chan, I know.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:26:23 No.9536192
    you can get all of them in rom form anyway
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 06/15/10(Tue)19:26:35 No.9536198
    >I'm actually fairly attractive
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:26:46 No.9536199
    If you got attached to this pixelated bullshit you have fucking issues along with the other 13+ pathetic manchildren who play this tame forgettable shit. Remove the goggles.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)19:26:56 No.9536202
    Haha, only my original Red battery has given out. My Yellow/Gold/Crystal still work fine.

    Also, Nuzlocke Challenge motherfucker.
    >> Leninbot !LENIN.wJ0I 06/15/10(Tue)19:28:09 No.9536218
    I did not own any Pokemon games because I knew they were shit.

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