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    86 KB Philosophy Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:30:03 No.9529174  
    Why philosofags think they are on a higher plane of being? My sister is getting her masters in it and constantly talks down on me for being in the military. She will accomplish nothing in her life, besides teaching other philosophy majors how to succeed in the subject. No real life skills are learned.

    I've been in the Corps. For 6 years, and I've taken college classes part time when I was not deployed. Chemistry mainly. All the skills I've learned in the military and college will be valuable in life. All she will learn to do is analyze shit and debate. No practical application what so ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:30:48 No.9529181
    You're a cog, of course she doesn't respect you.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:32:20 No.9529193
    Its a Average woman who thinks shes deep and Brooding, this is common and something you wont escape unless you're smart enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:32:46 No.9529198
    And she's a pseudo-intellectual that will do nothing with her life besides live within a university arguing for a living.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:33:00 No.9529200
    Read some philosophy. That way, in a few years when she is broke and broken, you can not only rub your higher status in her face: you can take that from her too.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:33:19 No.9529205
    everyone on r9k thinks they're fucking better than everyone else.

    For example: I'm better than OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:33:38 No.9529206
    >a average
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:37:00 No.9529235

    Nothing pseudo about a masters, bro. And I think it better that she does nothing than make the world markedly worse like you are.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:40:14 No.9529250
    Silly faggot, war will never end. If we didn't volunteer, you'd get drafted nigg.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:40:26 No.9529253
    Lulzing at cross thread reference.

    If she's pro choice would that make you both babykillers?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:43:14 No.9529274
    Oh boy, Pragmatism thread. As if we've never had one of THESE before.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:45:54 No.9529291
    I'm a philsofag and I'm joining the military; that said I'm not much of a moral fag, I liked philosophy of science the most.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:48:16 No.9529298
    > Why philosofags think they are on a higher plane of being

    Because they don't talk like that

    > All she will learn to do is analyze shit and debate. No practical application what so ever.

    Poor troll or retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:49:54 No.9529307
    I got a job that pays 120K a year with a masters in Philosophy so STFU you ignorant buffoon.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:51:55 No.9529317
    > All she will learn to do is analyze shit and debate. No practical application what so ever.

    Ohoho boy, not OP, but I want to hear this - what is the practical application of philosophy, aside from keeping an inane circle-jerk of academia alive.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:52:02 No.9529319
    OP, go to /k/ or something to talk about this shit. These retards will just keep on circlejerking eachother about their shitty majors until they cum on eachother will quotes from dead philosophers and congratulating eachother like retards and blowing their philosozelas.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:52:51 No.9529322
    Fuck, bad quoting.
    I was replying to this
    >Poor troll or retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:58:32 No.9529357
    ITT butthurt over class distinctions.

    It would never cross your mind to become a philosopher because you're caught up in subservience to the power structure. Your sister apparently sees through it well enough to question her surroundings. Have fun dying in the desert for our Halliburton's interests.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)05:59:10 No.9529365
    It has begun! *fap fap fap*
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:11:50 No.9529445
    You shouldn't care if she wants to lecture white kids and she shouldn't care if you want to kill brown kids. Live your life and stop caring what other people think.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:14:03 No.9529455
    >Live your life and stop caring what other people think.
    So you suggest we stop posting on this board all together? Why are you here?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:15:31 No.9529463
    >So you suggest we stop posting on this board all together?

    Yes, that would be better for you and for us.

    >Why are you here?
    I kill time here while browsing /a/ for fappable things.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:30:06 No.9529540
    >I kill time here while browsing /a/ for fappable things.
    so /e/, /h/, and /d/ are too hard for you?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:32:02 No.9529554
    I like philosophy and want to join the military.
    >> Some cunt. !!4T62FEhIauV 06/15/10(Tue)06:34:34 No.9529568
    They're just very articulate about everything, generally about things that I don't think humans ever needed to articulate.

    They're on a much lower plane.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:37:10 No.9529592
    OP just walk away every time she talks. This is IRL trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:38:10 No.9529603
    It's no fun when fappable things are everywhere, too easy. And also, fappable pictures don't necessarily need to be porn.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)06:41:38 No.9529625

    Check this guy out, OP. Lectured in Stoic philosophy, a gifted mathematician, and the most badarse guy ever. Mutilated himself so the Vietnamese couldn't use him for propaganda photos, satyed defiant after months and months of torture. It's a shame he didn't become vice-president, he could have been a true philosopher-king

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