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  • File : 1276568466.jpg-(26 KB, 329x379, h.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:21:06 No.9523967  
    I'm moving to DC in about a week and a half.

    How do I go about finding a job down there?

    I'm trying to put together a resume, and it's pathetic. The only things I have on it are my work experience which are 2 jobs, 3 years apart.

    I don't have anything interesting or spectacular, and I have no idea where to start once I do get it done. Although, I do have some personal experience with computers. Nothing fancy like coding or network management or anything tho

    I'd like to get a job in some kind of computer shop to start, because I'm probably going to end up going to school for computer sciences.

    Pic unrelated, because I don't want to go more than like 2 weeks without a job when I move.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:22:15 No.9523995
    What did you do during those three years without a job?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:23:49 No.9524015
    A couple semesters in college, and worked at home. Read: did nothing because I suck

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