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  • File : 1276561220.jpg-(22 KB, 320x480, masha.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:20:20 No.9522583  
    The most uninspiring and dead boards on 4chan:

    /tv/ - Obviously. Once the last Lost thread died, it left behind a wasteland. It's not like you can realistically expect much from a board inhabited by couch slouches, but *come on*.

    /g/ - Who the fuck cares, really? For the life of me, I don't understand why somebody would obsess so much over consumer electronics. It's not like these people do it from a professional or DIY hobbyist aspect, this is just pure consumerism. And this is all if we pretend /g/ is about anything more than graphics cards.

    /mu/ - Quasi-music-lovers-and-experts incessantly posting links to their accounts. No discussion allowed - that's 'pretentious'. Post-music and non-attitudes.

    /v/ - Well alright, they're kids. They have an excuse.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:21:00 No.9522595
    /r9k/- Pure scum and normalfags
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:21:31 No.9522603
    for /g/, I'm sure a few well-intentioned astro-turfers have simply turned it into a void of consumer electronics, and a blackhole for any possible discussion about hardware or software hacking.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:21:37 No.9522607
    Can someone photoshop her eyes to make them even bigger?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:22:16 No.9522611
    Yeah, I've left it for 789chan, which really isn't much better.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:22:17 No.9522613
    /x/-used to be fucking great, but then /b/ decided that it would be funny to "raid" them and THEY. NEVER. FUCKING. LEFT.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:22:24 No.9522615
    I think you're spot on OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:22:46 No.9522621
    I like /mu/ for the sharethreads.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:23:45 No.9522631








    But there's the odd good thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:23:51 No.9522632
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    Sure, buddy, here you go.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:24:55 No.9522648
    Hey, I just went on /tv/ for the first time and found that the very first thread was about my favorite show.
    I like /tv/ now.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:26:44 No.9522670
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    here you go, one goldfish pour vous
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:29:16 No.9522708
    r9k is pretty bad

    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:31:18 No.9522746
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    >>9522621 mootcockdickmoot

    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:31:34 No.9522752
    I use /g/ it really is huge amounts of trolling. I like to think I am helping break the group think and reduce fanboyism by being factual about things. I'm probably just trolling though I try not to.... mostly.

    /prog/ is dead
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:33:51 No.9522785
    Is that Russell Brand? It totally could be lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:34:52 No.9522801
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    she is ready to kiss you now
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:39:03 No.9522859
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    /b/ gives me the shits. It is so hard to find a good thread to play in. And when shit like the vuvuzela thing happens they can't post about anything else. Dun dun, boxxy, blah blah blah meme generator, spambot wanna see my little cock? Gets tedious
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:40:46 No.9522878
    Review of boards I visit/used to visit:

    /wg/ - Helpful board, nicest guys on 4chan. But endless desktop threads and /b/itches asking for headphone girl/pokemon/threadless walls.

    /3/ - SOOOO fucking slow. Good threads every once in a while but also /b/itches who come in and slowpoke combo. Worst part is that threads last a month on /3/.

    /ck/ - Good board. Funny shit and delicious food.

    /mu/ - Fucking terrible. Metalfags and indie assholes.

    /sp/ - Endless trolling but eurotime /sp/ is fucking awesome. My favourite board.

    /sci/ - Massive amounts of trolling. Some good threads every once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:42:24 No.9522888
    is /cm/ all about cock size?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:43:23 No.9522901
    What's wrong with post-genre?
    You don't like it because it's a SILLY GENRE NAME?
    Way to judge a book by its cover OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:43:51 No.9522905
    Agreeing on /wg/. Also agree with the view on /mu/, it's pretty shit.

    /tg/ is also a great board, a lot of colorful nice people on there. Posted asking for help on Civilization/D&D and just about every post was extremely informative and kind.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 06/14/10(Mon)20:44:46 No.9522913
    Of all the boards I've been to, I'd hae to say /b/ is the worst.

    The best is probably /lit/ or /x/(on a good day, which is rare).
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:45:31 No.9522918
    they all suck, except /o/ and /sp/

    /sp/ is by far the most humorous board
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:46:25 No.9522930
    /tv/ won't be much fun when Doctor Who has it's finale. If it's brilliant we'll be talking about it for weeks but after that we're stuck to waiting for the new series.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:46:45 No.9522935
    /g/ - 100M trolls thinking "ho do i hack computer" is original. Used to be good for loli, but that's been cracked down on. Was better back when it was /g/uro.

    /adv/ - All the people needing advice are are asking /b/ and /r9k/, while all the people fit to give advice is IRL.

    /r9k/ - Still too much whining, but the raid led by moot is seeming to tapper off.

    /b/ - was never good.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:47:05 No.9522942
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:48:58 No.9522957
    IMO /adv/ is shit not because of the people asking for the advice, but the people giving it. It's just like /fit/, start a thread wanting some insight and the replies will be retarded randumb shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:50:05 No.9522970
    /r9k/ - alright until the whole "check out r9k!" thing, now it's just full of lonely men/boys looking for a shoulder to cry on.

    I hardly come here anymore. It's too depressing
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:52:03 No.9522991
    Also /tv/ is getting daily spam attacks. Not sure what it's about though. I just know Avatar is involved somehow.
    >> MONSQUAZ !tBwgs.MIDI 06/14/10(Mon)20:52:41 No.9522998
    I know the guy who owns that site.
    It was my idea to make it in the first place...
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:53:34 No.9523007
    Haha, wow. It was always like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:54:03 No.9523010
    I've got some bad news for you, bro...
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:54:56 No.9523019
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    >/sp/ - Endless trolling but eurotime /sp/ is fucking awesome. My favourite board.
    >eurotime /sp/ is fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:56:02 No.9523028
    >/fa/ inbred garbage and spam, you'd think they'd have some class.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:56:27 No.9523033
    ITA. I've been at /adv/ since its inception and have seen it go downhill fast.
    >> Donovan McNabb's Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup !!tyaJrXma94O 06/14/10(Mon)20:56:54 No.9523040
    /tv/ really did just go into a shithole after Lost. Now all it is is female celebrity spam.

    I only use /g/ for WWDC because of how hilarious they are. Other than that they are just a bunch of pedo freaks.

    Fuck /mu/.

    /v/ is meh.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:58:02 No.9523050
    /adv/ really should have remained a trial board because it was fucking awesome during that time. Good tripfags like FED and his several knock offs, the google docs which were helpful to deter "how do i get goilz" threads, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:58:25 No.9523056
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    >implying /g/ did not help me buy a proper machine
    >implying /g/ did not help me install it all the way through
    >> Donovan McNabb's Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup !!tyaJrXma94O 06/14/10(Mon)20:58:41 No.9523060
    Also, /sp/ is the best board on 4chan, by far. Always new material to create jokes out of, watching games while on /sp/ is always good fun, and just the constant trolling. It is beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)20:59:34 No.9523072
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:00:20 No.9523080
    I liked /int/ when i went on there, they call each other friend instead of fag, seemed nice

    /k/ is ok if you have a pseudo interest in guns, mostly neckbeards though

    /b/ doesn't even have to be said, it's shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:01:29 No.9523092
    Only a few weeks ago /tv/ was awesome.
    >> BeConsiderate !!ybMQYVkv17z 06/14/10(Mon)21:02:51 No.9523104
    Nearly no mention of /fa/. You don't even know we're here.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:04:38 No.9523125
    yeah, they all kinda suck. so what was OP's point again?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:06:09 No.9523135
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    /ic/ is actually dead. There's half an hour between each post, and the posts are this.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:08:21 No.9523160
    /r9k/- I really used to like this place. Now it's full to the fucking brim of underage children and pathetic neckbeard virgins.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:09:41 No.9523174
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:10:54 No.9523185
    /an/ has steadily become more and more bestiality and less and less actual content.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:11:14 No.9523187
    Aww shit man, the other guy almost had me but then you came along. I wonder...should I?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:12:10 No.9523196

    It's pretty much an entire board devoted to racism
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:14:21 No.9523223
    my boards

    /sp/ Been said. Awesome board that eats up hours of my time.

    /trv/ Mostly fags thinking it's their personal travel agency. A lot of "going to Japan, what do?" shit. Also, some wicked awesome travel stories

    /sci/ Too much trolling of the same unoriginal lines but alright for some deep intellectual discussions that used to be here on /r9k/

    /r9k/ Very dry humour found nowhere else on 4chan. Too bad most of the threads are either hook ups or women haters.

    /tg/ This is the board that gets shit done. /b/tards and underage bans almost never enter the board, but it is still relativly fast paced. This is the board that 'gets shit done'. Im not even into traditional games that much, but I go for the atmosphere.

    /an/ Mostly 'name my X' and 'how do i take care of my X' but theres the odd discussion about places, environments and nature in general
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:15:45 No.9523234
    /v/ - Now it's normally fairly shitty, but I figured with E3 going on there would be some good threads. Instead all I got was some kind of overbearing sound like a swarm of pissed off hornets. Don't know what the fuck the deal is, but fuck going back there I guess
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:19:30 No.9523284
    /b/ - lulz epic win!! for the win!! we r anonymous! dont mess with me or 4chan will raid you and ruin ur life!

    /v/ - It used to be good but it seems like within the past year it's had a huge influx of new people who think all of 4chan is like /b/. It's a shame to see.

    /g/ - 75% trolling, 20% desktop/battlesations/rig threads, 5% excellent content

    /k/ - Plenty of idiots but also plenty of cool people. Not as much of a "neckbeard" poster base. Lots of cool military experience threads. Gun discussion threads always seem to turn into "NO YOUR GUN SUCKS MINE IS BETTER". Gets brought down by politics discussions.

    /an/ - Awesomely friendly people, interesting threads, small amount of trolling. Sometimes brought down by "lol wut is wrong with my pet" threads but still an excellent board. It's just slow.

    /fa/ - Surprisingly good. Plenty of elitists and hipster faggots but also some interesting discussions. Slow.

    /int/ - Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Way too many jews threads.

    /hr/ - Pretty cool people

    Just from my experiences
    >> Donovan McNabb's Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup !!tyaJrXma94O 06/14/10(Mon)21:22:00 No.9523319
    /v/ used to be my main board a while back and its seemed that one the console wars bullshit escalated the board really got bad. Got outta there and went to /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:23:43 No.9523337
    /lit/ - At its best it's the best board on 4chan, but it's largely full of shite, trolling and elitism.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:24:42 No.9523346
    /trv/ - completely and utterly dead since /int/.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:27:06 No.9523373
    /v/ as it is now:

    lol u mad



    check out my doubles!!

    why can't I get a girlfriend?

    I mean this stuff was funny a short time after it first surfaced (except for the doubles and relationshit threads or just /b/ threads) but it's regurgitated so often it just makes me cringe. It amazes me how people STILL think "ps3hasnogaems" is funny.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:27:26 No.9523377
    >no /a/

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:28:36 No.9523394
    /a/c/d/h/m/u/w/i/ic/cm/y/cgl/co/ - creepy pedo cartoon shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:31:34 No.9523420
    /v/ - While it's not as good as it used to be, it's still okay. Thing is, if you can cut through the trolling and get down to talking about games, they understand game design and what makes a good game a lot better than most other video game communities out there.

    /b/ - LOL, /b/.

    /a/ - Probably worse than /b/, the only anime they ever like is moeshit.

    /r9k/ - You guys make Shinji Ikari look like Casanova. Hanging out here is annoying and depressing.

    /mu/ - They're a lot like /v/, but with slightly less trolling and more conversation. Even then, their trolling is a gigantic internet war between hipsters and metalheads, which is kind of awesome.

    /ck/ - angie almost ruined this board, but now that it's back to normal, it's pretty cool.

    /new/ - stormfront vs. the JIDF

    /x/ - It was better when it was just a bunch of creepy threads on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:32:12 No.9523424
    Do we really fucking need over 100 anime boards?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:32:12 No.9523425
    b-b-b-b-but ps3 has no gaems!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:32:37 No.9523432
    /r9k/ - There are no redeeming qualities to this board. It's either whining about women from aspie neckbeards or their polar opposite in camwhore/hook-up bullshit from normalfags. The last interesting or funny thread was months ago.

    /tv/ - Just awful. It's either waifu bullshit or image dumps of disney girls. Also tripfag circlejerks.
    >> Donovan McNabb's Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup !!tyaJrXma94O 06/14/10(Mon)21:33:26 No.9523437
    Oh god, it really is sad to look at now. I showed up over there for E3 but...
    Also once doubles showed up I knew that was the nail in the coffin for them.
    >> Anon 06/14/10(Mon)21:35:42 No.9523460
    /adv/- No actual advice is ever found there. It's trolling 24/7. But I kind of like it.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:36:54 No.9523471
    you fuckers wouldn't know a good game from a prostate exam.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:37:07 No.9523474
    summer /v/ is a bunch of kids. It's OK other times. I disagree about /tv/, but /mu/ sucks. Nobody cares about /g/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:39:36 No.9523499
    How is there not a single mention of /n/ yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:41:18 No.9523519
    >why can't I get a girlfriend?

    This shit is several orders of magnitude more prevalent on /r9k/ and is the main reason I don't visit this board very often.

    /v/ - Moves too fast, as a result legitimate threads get buried and troll threads get shitloads of replies. And, as much as I hate to invoke "summer" as a reason for anything, it truly does get a lot worse this time of year.

    /a/ - Pretty variable quality, I like it on the whole though. You still usually have to wade through shit to get to the good stuff.

    /jp/ - Better hope you like Touhou (fortunately I do). Threads on anything else move at a glacial pace.

    /g/ - Falls firmly into the category of things that I like despite having no reason to. Massive variety in troll topics (Mac vs PC, nVidia vs ATI, Linux vs anything, anime spam etc)

    /tg/ - Most productive board on 4chan. I still enjoy going there occasionally even though I don't have a strong interest in the board's subject matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:41:47 No.9523524
    /n/ - sounds gay, I know, but I enjoy talking about transportation. I enjoy discussion on the layout and design of public transportation, what trains are better, which planes look cooler, trolling fixie-fags.

    It's always ruined by fucking 15 year old idiots from /b/ who post a slowpoke combo on the slowest fucking board on 4chan so they can all their fucking kiddy friends just how 'epic win' they are. Either that, or it's ruined by AT spam.

    The mod(s?) do a great job of cleaning it up, but not frequently enough. Shame really.

    Also, /tv/ - GREEN OVAL.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:42:57 No.9523540
    /sp/ - the best board on 4chan during major events like olympics, world/euro cup, or any playoffs (except mlb). on the off season its a peice of shit. last few days have been fucking epic

    /tv/ - used to go there everyday, left after the lost finale, now a wasteland of avatar and waifu

    /r9k/ - i go here for the greentext stories lol

    /fit/ - i work out so i go here everday, good advice and motivation
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:44:48 No.9523562
    every board. it's like hearing the same, lame joke 256 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:45:55 No.9523575
    >I have shit taste in games

    So what game did /v/ insult that you love so much.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:49:30 No.9523617
    you're asking the wrong question
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:52:36 No.9523661

    sport is gay though.

    yeah ball chasers and ball hitters, wickard.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)21:53:27 No.9523674
    every board is mostly shit with the rare good posts

    grow up, faggots
    >> NOKO NOW !7HAMu23nPc 06/14/10(Mon)21:56:43 No.9523708
    /g/ here, you guys are all faggots
    >> Brandon Flowers !Yqnc95nc/w 06/14/10(Mon)22:00:24 No.9523734
    /fa/ has just completely fallen into the worship or hatred of camwhores, either way camwhore dominate...sometimes it is hard to find any threads related to fashion

    /fit/ is heading that way but a lot of efforts have been made (and the fact there is some moderation, unlike /fa/) has stopped it from being completely overrun.

    /x/ of course is now mostly being trolled by /b/ and nothing has been done to prevent it. Only creepy things left are the occasional slenderman thread.

    /adv/ is alright but /r9k/ still gets tons of advice threads which should go there.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:04:09 No.9523763
    There are a fair few people who stick around and have a very solid grasp of technology on /g/. It's a shame they've been diluted by /b/ and /v/ tard threads. Thanks for the meta shit OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:04:09 No.9523765
    /tg/ was great for ages but seemed to be weakening somewhat. It has way to many shitty quest threads and dickgirl image dumps.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:04:21 No.9523768
    mah boards
    /tv/- i used to spend hours at a time on tv. Now I rarely visit and when i do i usually leave without refreshing once. Gone to absolute shit.
    /ck/- pretty awesome board, both good recipes adn cheap options
    /lit/- i like
    /adv/ fun trolling
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:06:32 No.9523789
    I miss seeing your posts on /fa/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:07:51 No.9523804

    Sometimes a decent thread gets ignited on /v/ and stays on the front page. I started a thread about BG2 the other day simply by posting a picture of Aerie, and it was still going strong 200 posts later. There are still interesting discussions to be had on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:08:39 No.9523814
    holy shit matt!
    brb /tg/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:09:16 No.9523819
    >sport is gay though
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:11:20 No.9523837
    /r9k/ - a gangbang of whining
    Funny thing is it's actually the title, need i say more?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:11:21 No.9523838
    >/g/ - Who the fuck cares, really? For the life of me, I don't understand why somebody would obsess so much over consumer electronics. It's not like these people do it from a professional or DIY hobbyist aspect, this is just pure consumerism. And this is all if we pretend /g/ is about anything more than graphics cards.

    this is coming from the relationshit board
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:14:44 No.9523877
    /sp/ - the best board on here, but when there's no big sports event going on it's a lot of recycled content.

    /mu/ - really want to like it, cause I enjoy discussing music and finding new artists, but if you're not into metal it gets boring real fast.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:17:51 No.9523919
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:18:01 No.9523921
    most of the new boards are pretty good actually, I like /3/, /sci/ and /lit/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:18:22 No.9523927
    /r9k/ - "a gangbang of whining"
    nuf said.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:18:56 No.9523930
    /v/ here

    We're closer to the left than you are in the link bars.
    That means we're better.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:19:09 No.9523933
    /fa/ - How the mighty have fallen. Once a rich board with plenty of meta humor and *quality* meme material. Also Mirandabags. Now it's a camwhore hell.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:20:13 No.9523952
    /v/ here.

    Oh please, /r9k/ is a far worse board than /v/ could ever be. It's literally nothing but relationshit faggotry, ASK A WOMAN ANYTHING threads, trite pseudo-intellectual masturbation and an unwarranted sense of superiority. (As demonstrated in this thread)
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:20:44 No.9523958
    /mu/ is fucking awful apart from the sharethreads
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:21:32 No.9523976
    /mu/ user for 4 years here. All you could find was metal? HA. Thats probably the most innacurate description I've ever read in my life.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:21:52 No.9523988
    says /r9k/ A.K.A. /adv/ on steroids
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:22:33 No.9523996
    >implying /tv/ was still good while Lost was around.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:23:22 No.9524007
    I would vote for /ck/. I posted there a ton when it started, but now 95% of the board is people who have no idea how to cook in the first place, and just spend their time insulting anyone else that actually tries to talk about non-memes. It's like a board about running, where the only posters are quadriplegics. Only thing that's worthwhile is the brewman threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:23:30 No.9524009
    In all seriousness has anyone been to /int/ recently? Sweet jesus and the orphans, that place is a hellhole.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:23:52 No.9524016
    /sp/ - I like going to /sp/ during big world events (olympics, world cup) to see USA USA USA and because my friends are all neck beards that know nothing about sports so I have no one to talk to.

    /v/ - I go to /v/ a lot. I don't know why, it's the same troll threads every single day and the only video game they actually talk about is pokemon.

    /g/ - I like /g/. Unlike /v/ their troll threads actually make me laugh, though that could be due to less exposure, and they are helpful to idiots that ask for pc building advice despite getting tons of them every day.

    /co/ and /tg/ - awesome boards that actually talk about what they are supposed to.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:24:07 No.9524024
    well, the Lost 4 panels were actually pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:25:11 No.9524053
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:25:14 No.9524054

    Now you're simply full of shit because realistically, /mu/ is 20% Metal. At best. And it's mostly Prog and Death Metal - and only base level discussions. If you can call 'I like this' and 'I don't like this' and 'let me show you my jpegs' a discussion. The metal types on /mu/ are in three categories:

    1) Hipster Metal. Converge, Baroness, Drudkh In The Krallice Room types.
    2) Soulseek namedroppers. They know of every album ever released, but they don't know what to think about it because their brain is thoroughly washed from sitting in front of the computer all day pretending to listen to music that blares on shuffle 24/7.
    3) Neothrash hipster cunts that 'ironically' pretend they are metal elitists.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:26:00 No.9524067
    /op/ - faggot
    >> icanbetripfag?:3 !!BdgbU71ySbO 06/14/10(Mon)22:26:14 No.9524074
    Well, no they mostly talk about indie stuff like NMH, Blur, Radiohead ETC
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:27:03 No.9524095
    >no mention of /jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:27:42 No.9524101

    /x/ serves a purpose as a meeting place for /b/ overflow. Also, if you actually care about the paranormal it's good.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:27:51 No.9524104
    /tv/ - Lost ended, and then everyone left except Breaking Bad fans, pedos and Avatar freaks.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:28:02 No.9524108
    4year user has confirmed this post as accurate. Indiefags are what mostly comprise our board.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:28:50 No.9524118
    textbook material
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:29:25 No.9524124
    so is BB season 4 in the works? how about S5?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:30:06 No.9524132
    I agree about /v/, they're just 12-15 year olds so of course they meme spout and act retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:30:16 No.9524133
    I agree that /r9k/ sucks (I got linked here from /g/) but /v/ is barely, and I mean barely better. I clicked on /r9k/ one day only to be greeted with the bullshit you talk about in addition to "post your dick" threads. Said fuck that and went to /v/ only to see a "post your dick" thread right under a "ask a girl gamer anything" thread right under a BET ON DUKE thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:30:26 No.9524137
    /cgl/ - majority of posters are female, and every thread, without fail, descends into jealousy-fueled attacks against other cosplayers bodyweight and/or breast size.

    /r9k/ - still full of relationshit threads even after the creation of /adv/. Has a new cancer now in the form of contact threads and post pic/rate them threads.

    /d/ - Too. Many. Dickgirl. Threads. Also, faggots fucking crying 'shitty western art' the second anyone posts anything that wasn't drawn by a gook, no matter how good a piece of art or relevant to the thread it might be.

    /jp/ - We already have this board and it's called /a/

    /all of the text boards/ - Seriously, what is the fucking point in them?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:30:38 No.9524138
    Boards I go on

    /b/: Jesus, what the fuck happened here. With popularity came normal people. With normal people trying to be funny comes unfunny I guess.

    /v/: makes me cry. No one plays videogames. Videogame related threads die faster than troll or doubles threads, which are all the board is now that /b/ has stopped being funny. /v/ was always /b/ 2.0, but /b/ wasn't always this unfunny.

    /tv/: a clusterfuck. Still can be good at times, unlike the previous 2 boards mentioned.

    /ck/: yay! Food is good. Fun board.

    /r9k/: elder god /b/. Far too easy to troll, but you guys make up for it by being fucking hilarious at times (McDonalds thread had me laughing my ass off irl). Is the only board that has the creativity to create memes, but not the fags required to propogate and spread them. This is good, as instead of memes they're just inside jokes. Good board.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:31:14 No.9524148
    /v/-/b/ Jr.
    /b/-newfag central
    /g/-elitist assholes that bitch about every single electronic, no matter how good it is
    /mu/-"pretentious","hipster","garbage","lady gaga" are the only words ever used there.
    /tv/-crapland of tripfag circlejerks, avatarspam, waifuspam. used to be good with LOST. Now it's gone, and it's gone down the toilet
    /r9k/-whiny virgins whine about being virgins and other whiny virgins
    /x/-actually pretty cool. lots of cool stories and OC produced there
    /a/-all their tastes are horrible. it seems as if they are trolling.
    /co/-DCvsMarvel. THE END
    /fit/-COME AT ME BRO
    /lit/-the best board on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:32:42 No.9524169

    Noscript fucked up my quoting, meant to quote some guy talking about /v/ being better than /r9k/. Also i'll be turning noscript back on to stop that fucking bee sound.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:32:59 No.9524174
    Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow. Kids and their crazy sleep habits
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:33:03 No.9524175
    I find it hard to believe that any board can be worse than /tv/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:34:08 No.9524188
    >>all the dudes that are replying to my /mu/ post
    I didn't mean /mu/ is all metal, it just seams like metal is the only thing actually "discussed" on my. The rest is just 2deep4you, NMH spam, Merzbow, bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:34:10 No.9524189
    i AM on 4chan, no?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:34:13 No.9524191
    r9k easily has the highest female ratio out of all of the boards, guaranteed.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:34:17 No.9524192
    How can /lit/ possibly be the best board on 4chan? There has not been so much elitism in one place since Clinton left the whitehouse.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:34:50 No.9524198
    Try /cgl/, /cm/ and /y/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:34:55 No.9524199
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    From my experience.

    /b/ - if you are on 4chan, you know about /b/

    /r9k/ - used to be pretty good. OC, interesting stories, I liked the "ask a" threads. Then moot ruined the fun. Now it is a gangband of whining.

    /mu/ - The most hated board it seems. Basically, it is a constant river of trolling and bullshit and threads but there is a hell of a lot of good music that gets shared here. If you try to find music, this board can actually help.

    /v/ - has turned into /b/. some decent vidya discussion if you can see through the trolls.

    /x/ - used to be fucking awesome. oh well.

    /gif/ - fap material. too many saucefags

    /sci/ - way too many trolls. Some interesting discussion

    /ck/ - delicious. Favorite board.

    /wg/ - the only board that seems to be populated with more helpful people than trolls.

    /r/ - usually shit.

    Those are the ones that I frequent enough to comment on.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:35:30 No.9524206
    >post on /mu/ that I like Led Zeppelin
    >'lol babby's first rock band'.
    >So I can't just like LZ for what it is?
    >'Don't feel bad bro, I used to likie LZ too when I was a 12'.
    >You douchebag.
    >'You mad' with over 9000 reaction images.

    That being said, /mu/ can be surprisingly helpful at times.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:35:35 No.9524208

    It didn't used to be this way... I only stay for the 6-11 sharethreads now...*sigh*
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:36:02 No.9524216
    Despite all the other boards' flaws, nothing beats out /r9k/ for being the worst board.

    /cgl/ is girl drama and it's bad. /fa/ is girl and girly men elitism, and it's just as bad. /tv/ is overrun by russian faggot spammers. During summer, few/none good TV shows are on. The only time /tv/ is good is for the discussion of TV shows, movies have no place there. Will pick back up again when dexter starts, along with many of the other shows coming back in september.

    /v/ is /b/2, but still way more clever than /b/ could hope to be. I mean, the median age there is +3, which isn't great going from 15 to 18, but that's still the way it is.

    /r9k/, though? Seriously? The women who post here are sluts that need attention from desperate men. The men are the desperate men that claim to hate women but turn into whiteknight superheroes the moment a girl might show even a second of interest in them.

    This board made me hate women once. Now it just makes me hate the entire species. Be proud.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:36:35 No.9524220
    1. It's always on topic
    2. It's got interesting and educational threads (i.e. what are your favorite words threads)
    3. Pretty intelligent posters. They can actually analyze a books thematic elements without degrading into childish "2deep4u" arguments.
    4. Moves at a nice and steady pace.
    5. Books are the best.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:36:55 No.9524225
    /a/ - It's either very shit or pretty good. My main man.
    /mu/ - Pretty bad, but not as bad as /tv/. Some threads are alright, and I like it's slower pace.
    /tv/ - Ugh. Fucking Glau and Avatar shit everywhere now. Jesus CHRIST.
    /r9k/ - Whatever
    /adv/ - Okay
    /v/ - Can barely go there anymore. Way too fast. I don't even play vidya anymore. Also, fucking emoticons and shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:37:06 No.9524229
    Wtf is with all the people saying /r9k/ sucks when they are here?

    It has some issues like camwhore threads, but it's better than most boards, mainly because there is no meme spouting shit at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:37:14 No.9524230
    I doubt it. For whatever reason they just seem more comfortable flaunting their gender here.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:38:01 No.9524238

    imagine yourself being on /b/. now imagine yourself posting a "YOU LAFF YOU ROOSE" thread. that is you, but on /mu/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:39:36 No.9524258
    /fit/ - amazing board. Really gives good advice if you sift through the broscience and SQUATZ OATZ 4EVER LOLZ (Not saying they're bad, but everyone and their dog knows that squats and oats are good for you)

    /int/ - Again, if you sift through the AM I VIKING YET AM I WHITE bullshit you'll learn a lot from other nationalities.

    /sp/ - came there the last few days. best board ever :D
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:40:19 No.9524267
    you got it right about /mu/
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:40:29 No.9524268
    /b/ almost everyone starts out here but some stupid forced meme or wtv (doubles cancer from a couple of months ago) makes you start exploring the other boards

    /fit/ i always find an interesting thread here. only thing that pisses me off are the tripfags who work out 5 hours/day and constantly post pics of themselves saying U MAD YES?! yes asshole, i wish i had that much time everyday to work out

    /ck/ has a lot of potential and enjoy the posts from "real" cooking enthusiasts, but there are always threads rating fast food chains, junk food or instructional pics on bacon cheese mugs, 2 frozen pizzas used as buns for 5 packs of bacon/ground beef or hot dogs wrapped in velveeta+bacon followed by deep frying....what is this i don't even

    /g/ it is an okay board minus the "hey i have $2000 to spend what Apple products should I buy" followed by trolled shitstorm

    /r9k/ i do the exact opposite of most males on this board in order to have normal social interactions with women. thanks guys!

    /int/ just recently started lurking there, really enjoy seeing threads about my country (not USA)
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:40:33 No.9524270
    1) /ck/ is the next board to go down the shitter
    2) /cgl/ girl drama? sounds fun; make mental note to visit
    3) /r9k/ has women? lol
    >> sage sage 06/14/10(Mon)22:42:34 No.9524297
    >/mu/ - Quasi-music-lovers-and-experts incessantly posting links to their accounts. No discussion allowed - that's 'pretentious'. Post-music and non-attitudes.

    You know what else sounds 'pretentious'?

    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:42:45 No.9524305
    On /mu/ you can never be so direct. People are very defencive about their "indie-cred". Just do a classic rock general thread, and draw in the fans that way. Thats why K-pop threads are so god damn successful EVERY NIGHT. If some guy just posted "I WIKE SNDN". He'd get the same response as you did. I know it seems retarded that you have to do it that way, but thats the way /mu/ works.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:44:41 No.9524328
    That's the thing. I didn't start my own thread, I recommended an album in another one.
    You have a point, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:45:30 No.9524340
    This is bullshit and you know it. Mainstream isn't automatically bad, and this is the problem with /mu/. If it isn't obscure enough /mu/ hates it.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:46:58 No.9524357
    /tv/-used to lurk there during the glory days of LOST. but ever since it's gone it's been a cespool of tripfagottry, waifus (mostly children), avatar.


    /mu/=your music sucks, my music is the best, you mad hahaha, wanna laff and lose?
    /fit/=all you ever need to do to be fit are squats.
    /ck/=tasty and informative
    /x/=oooooo look at this creepy thing i saw yesterday in the park oooOoOooOo
    /r9k/=/b/ rejects and whiny faggots
    >> Lady GaGa's Teeth !UMAD1XeS/Q 06/14/10(Mon)22:47:19 No.9524366
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    >post general music thread on /mu/
    >turns into thread about tripfags and cheese

    Best board, imo.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:48:08 No.9524378
    Oh...I see, the thing with /mu/ is, is that people that haven't been on their board for more than a month have NO IDEA how much re-posting of albums goes on. Thats probably why the classic band "Led Zeppelin" don't go over so hot as a suggestion. It's not your fault though.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:48:32 No.9524381
    /a/- if you can go through the shit that is moe or the shonen reverse trolling, there's actually, rarely, decent threads about good mangas/anime. Just hope it doesn't get spammed by people that disapprove of your tastes and feel the need to voice their displeasure in seeing your thread
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:48:46 No.9524387
    That's because you're an underage tripfag. You're part of the reason /mu/ is as shitty as it is.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:48:54 No.9524390
    I've been on /tv/ for a while. It used to be good, you could hold a civilized conversation about film or TV. Now it's just pedos spamming underage actresses, or Avatar image dumps. A thread that involves film discussion doesn't last too long any more, everyone flocks to the tripfags being stupid. At least we set up the Keanu Reeves day. That was an accomplishment. But yeah, Since LOST ended it's been worse than usual.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:49:01 No.9524394
    /mu/ - I can get classical music discussions going every now and then. Nice, and the few regulars into it know their shit.

    /sp/ - hilarious, always. Shame that hockey season's over though.

    /lit/ - unlike /mu/, it hasn't been completely overrun by the HURR DURR EVERYTHING IS SUBJECTIVE YOUR PRETENTIOUS FUCK YOU crowd just yet, I've learned about quite a few great books from there, and I actually started reading much more than before ever since that board was added.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:49:07 No.9524396
    Chances are there's a good share thread going on /mu/ at any given time (with around 2 other duplicate or overly indie/metal share threads) and that definitely justifies the trolling and neckbeards. Of course, if you don't even care about music other than whatever epic music is playing in the background of street fighter, you probably have no use for the board.
    >> Lady GaGa's Teeth !UMAD1XeS/Q 06/14/10(Mon)22:50:45 No.9524424
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    u mad

    I forget his name... but there's this one guy that recommended some great stuff... starts with a "C"... I dunno... but Faure is apparently his favorite composer.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:52:23 No.9524448
    /sp/ is a shithole 100% of the time
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:53:15 No.9524454
    /g/ and /b/ are by far the worst boards
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:53:21 No.9524455
    /mu/ got linked to this, so eh.

    Also, no one on /mu/ likes this guy


    so don't blame us for him.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:53:30 No.9524457
    /new/ - stormfront vs. the JIDF

    /int/ - my country > your country, Mexican tripfags trolling the shit out of everyone, its fairly entertaining.

    /tv/ - for me this is the most conflicted board I frequent, it can have moments of fucking brilliance and pure gold but a good 60% percent of the time it's just waifu dumps and pedo celebrity threads. The last few weeks have been unbearable because of the spam attacks. Ill go back when that settles down. If ever.

    /mu/ - is fucking awful apart from the share-threads

    /co/ and /sp/ - awesome boards that actually talk about what they are supposed to.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:53:52 No.9524460
    And you just proved my point. Get out.
    >> Lady GaGa's Teeth !UMAD1XeS/Q 06/14/10(Mon)22:54:17 No.9524468
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    You're right... ;-;
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:54:18 No.9524469
    Second'd, he's generally not very well liked. Disregard him.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:55:24 No.9524474

    >/an/ has steadily become more and more bestiality and less and less actual content.

    What's the problem then?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:55:57 No.9524481
    crudblud I think. there's another annoying tripfag that always argues about irrelevant shit that also kind of knows classical music, but my two real classical bros have dropped their trip a while ago; I like you :) and lol no you don't. And then there's also this Strauss loving guy.

    otherwise, you get a few occasionals every now and then, like Kreisleriana (hate that fag), Problembar (sp?) and the defunct metalfag (come back!).
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:56:40 No.9524488
    /mu/ at night (Here in Ohio) is actually fairly helpful, you just have to look past the tripfaggotry.
    The only board I wish was dead is /b/. Certainly uninspiring, every post is the same as another one.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:56:48 No.9524492
    Go to /i/ right now and just take a look at that front page. Oh lawd, why.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)22:57:14 No.9524496
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    >/tv/ - The last few weeks have been unbearable because of the spam attacks

    /tv/ is a good board, its just that since LOST ended whe've been getting hammered by spambots. It makes people leave and the ones that stay are pissy and frustrated all the time. It'll get better once the spambots die down.
    >> Lady GaGa's Teeth !UMAD1XeS/Q 06/14/10(Mon)22:59:47 No.9524530
    I was a lurker on /tv/ midway through season six... it wasn't that bad... I don't see why everyone hates it.

    Cannibus-Loving Tripfag tends to know his stuff too... although he's kind of an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:03:49 No.9524590
    I'm ok with /trv/ they keep it to the point, on topic, and interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:04:36 No.9524602
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    /v/ - Tripcode Circlejerk - now with 500% more Pokemon!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:08:41 No.9524660
    Do you have a problem with bidoof?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:09:27 No.9524673

    It used to be so great, so full of original content.
    Then 4chan got popular and now its full of teenagers going "EPIC LULZ WE ARE LEEJUN CAMWHORE HOOKUP THREAD GIVE ME ATTENTION PLOS"
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:13:29 No.9524737
    The boards I like all seem to hate everything I own or am into.

    /g/ (and /v/ now) hate Mac

    /co/ hates Scott Pilgrim

    /mu/ hates electronia

    /v/ hates Nintendo

    /r9k/ hates women and trendy shit (labeling it hipster)

    My only true refuge is /o/ (I own a Mazda), but threads there are the same thing over and over.

    I at least know not to feed the trolls.
    >> Lady GaGa's Teeth !UMAD1XeS/Q 06/14/10(Mon)23:16:29 No.9524777
    While a lot of /mu/ dislikes electronica, there'll be a good sharethread every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:16:53 No.9524783
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:17:28 No.9524790
    /b/ - ............
    /adv/ - pussy emo fags who have no idea how to communicate with women
    /mu/ - annoying hispter douches and some trolling, otherwise a decent board
    /sci/ - pretty good, some annoying trolls and then clueless dipshits asking homework questions
    /v/ - yeah............
    /sp/ - probably my favorite thread. I actually started here before I went to /b/. Finally a good sports board on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:18:00 No.9524798
    this thread is depressing
    I used to frequent /r9k/, /x/, /g/ and /tv/. They all went to shit, now I spend my days refreshing /v/ all day because they're no good threads
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:18:24 No.9524808

    capslock fuck yah
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:19:45 No.9524836
    How about getting off the computer and trying to live the fufilling life I will never have?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:21:13 No.9524859
    >Hates Nintendo

    Ha ha ha oh wow. What is up with all the Pokemon generals then?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:26:18 No.9524942
    Oh right. DS and Wii are two different stories.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:29:41 No.9524980
    /g is pretty good during morning , prelenty of helpul and good disscussions.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:40:15 No.9525135

    >/v/ hates Nintendo

    What about all the posts on /v/ that currently talk about how "NINTENDO WILL SAVE E3 HURR"?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:44:24 No.9525193
    the only boards i browse are /r9k/, /3/, and /fit/

    /fit/ has gone to complete shit though, its all just worship and trolling of tripfags.

    i have really bad tastes. i wish 420chan and 99chan werent so slow.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:46:09 No.9525216
    i wish /jp/ would do its job and keep their... "contamination" from spreading to other boards.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)23:53:29 No.9525308
    I could do with a change from 4chan, to be honest.

    Which communities are hot on the internet right now?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)00:10:35 No.9525504
    i hear myspace is going to be next big thing
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)00:16:59 No.9525565
    How exactly does /jp/ contaminate other boards? They're elitist oldfags who hate the rest of 4chan. /v/, /a/ and /b/ cause far more contamination.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)00:19:22 No.9525589
    they do a terrible job of keeping their shit on their board. i see touhou shit on other boards all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)00:22:13 No.9525625
    Lost is a bad show

    it ending is the best thing that could happen to /tv/
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)00:22:29 No.9525631
    Blame /a/ posters, they shit up /jp/ and leave with an underveloped taste for touhou.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)01:27:18 No.9526609
    People on /mu/ treat music like it's a fashion accessory.

    That's all you really need to know about that board.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)01:29:53 No.9526659
    >/mu/ got linked to this

    Why am I not surprised at all?

    In every thread like this, /mu/ gets such a bashing that they actually come here and try to defend their sorry asses.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)01:31:08 No.9526680
    /fa/ - give the camwhores on /r9k/ their own board and this it would look something like this
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)01:34:27 No.9526730
    >no moderators anywhere

    you now realize the whole of 4chan is a social experiment designed to test spontaneous order.

    it has failed.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:03:30 No.9530027

    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:04:48 No.9530037

    >In every thread like this, /mu/ gets such a bashing that they actually come here and try to defend their sorry asses.

    Well it's not our fault you hate /mu/ because we insulted your favourite band!

    U MAD


    U... ma...


    One day I'll actually start believing it... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:08:24 No.9530066
    /b/- Yes, /b/ was never good. But it was a whole lot more fun a while back.

    /tg/- Same, really. It used to be one of the best boards, really, but it's losing it a little bit.

    /fit/- Used to be awesome, and I still visit it, but the Tinytrip/Zyzz thing annoys the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)08:10:34 No.9530083

    can somebody PLEASE explain to me the point of /n/?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)11:42:07 No.9531589
    No one else goes on /toy/ ?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)11:48:40 No.9531642
    There's really no reason to outright mention /b/. I mean, it's a given. If /v/ has an excuse, so does /b/.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)11:50:07 No.9531655

    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)12:02:29 No.9531743
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    /mu/ people in general are way too pretentious. They bang on about music like it is cancer research. I find it painful.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)12:03:11 No.9531746

    It keeps the trolls of the other boards. That's all.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)12:09:17 No.9531795
         File1276618157.jpg-(91 KB, 480x600, paris-hilton2.jpg)
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    >>/fa/ inbred garbage and spam, you'd think they'd have some class.

    what do you expect from people who are completely obsessed about their looks?

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