I'll start us off. :3pl0x raets
I'm not sure if I should post my pic. The thread will probably just end up spammed.
>>9514156Do it.The spammers dont understand how to properly spam :D
>>9514167Huh. Guy or girl?
>>95141676.5/10cant see much, but you have a nice face I suppose.Need better faecimage
Sorry for the attention whoring, but I like these threads.
Oh god Pyro, I hate you so fucking much.
>>9514194I have a hard time buying that's you.>>95142068/10 nao. :D
>>9514213<3 Oh Anonymous.Don't ever change.
everyone who hates pyro for this sage your post
>>9514218>I have a hard time buying that's you.probably because that's megan fox, you dumbfuck cuntnugget
Pryo is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything
>>9514156spammers are just free bumps
If you just didn't make these camwhore threads, I would have no problem with you.Why do you even make them? They are all trolls or just the same people posting.
>>9514240protip: sage doesn't work anymore. same way I can post boxxy.
>>9514239We do sage our posts, smartass.Well, when we're actually spamming.
>>9514239you'd be attractive if you weren't wa-hey too young.And if you got a haircut, obv.What sort of accent do you have?
>>9514234>implying this wasn't obvious, and I was being facetious.Cuntnugget.
This is me. I just got home from the gym.
>>9514248refer to:>>9514246he's truthing.
why do you make these camwhore threads? it's trolls and the same shit every time.
>>951425218, and new zealand