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    20 KB Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:01:52 No.9498241  
    For a long time after /b/ I thought r9k was the only board that was any good.

    As I change as a person, I've discovered I like other boards. What about you?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:03:11 No.9498259
    1. /mu/
    2. /mu/ and /x/, occasionally /ic/ and /fa/
    3. /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:03:54 No.9498274
    are you dyslectic? i mean that "drawing".. dude..
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:04:52 No.9498284

    I have a shaky hand as I'm going through alcohol withdrawals
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06:22 No.9498304
    I like most of the boards on here. I mostly browse /v/, /r9k/, /co/, /fa/, /fit/, /int/, /lit/, /sci, /trv/, /tv/, and /x/. Sometimes I peek in on /d/ for morbid curiosity
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06:30 No.9498307
    1 /b/ /s/
    2 /b/ /s/ /t/
    3 /r9k/ /g/ /sci/ /t/ /s/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08:08 No.9498328
    3./r9k/, /sp/, /fa/, /fit/, /adv/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08:24 No.9498335
    year 1 /b/
    year two /b/ and /a/
    year three /r9k/
    year four /r9k/ and /sci/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:09:37 No.9498352
    /loli/ was the best board. No exceptions.

    If you don't remember /loli/, you are underage.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10:06 No.9498360
    I came here through /b/, then found /o/ then stumbled upon /r9k/

    Now I browse /b/ /r9k/ and /o/ but just try to piss off /sp/ and /fit/ since they've probably got the stupidest users.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10:19 No.9498365
    People who browse /b/ are normal. As you get more and more anti social, you start frequenting the boards with more in jokes, with more discussions about roneryness and less joking around.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:13:56 No.9498410
    I first spent a month or so on /b/. Then I noticed other boards and decided to leave /b/ for good because it's such a shithole.

    Then /v/ became my main board. But it was way too similar too /b/ with way too many retards, so I left that board as well.

    Then /r9k/ became my main board. For a while, it seemed perfect. Sure, it had some problems always, but it was by far better than /b/, /v/ and many other boards, even though it always had its problems, like annoying high school kids who rebel against their parents by talking shit about religion on the internet, even though the entire fucking 4chan is atheist to begin with. But over time, the board became worse and worse. Too many newfags came. Too much bitching about women and "normals" by basement dwelling losers. Then I pretty much abandoned this board as well.

    Now I'm currently mainly on another board (Won't mention it because I don't want to bring that board to attention to various retards on this board.), but I still come here every once in a while, to see if there's a new thread by future bro and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:16:02 No.9498446
    1. /b/
    2. /b/
    3. /b/
    4. /r9k/
    5. /r9k/ /mu/ /g/ /lit/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:16:51 No.9498458
    If you didn't leave /b/ after 6 months, it's time to take a hint and realize that it's time for you to go.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:17:18 No.9498463
    1 /y/, 7chan/renchan/not4chan shota
    2 /co/
    3 /r9k/, /d/, 7chan /men/
    4 /adv/, /tg/, male general
    Just an approximate timeline, not years or anything
    >> Second City Saints !!1cKAqWzo0Jc 06/13/10(Sun)13:18:49 No.9498488
    Get off your high horse, dickbutt.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:21:50 No.9498524
    Somtimes others too.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:23:18 No.9498541

    C'mon, tell me what it is.

    I wanna know man
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:23:57 No.9498547
    I like /tv/ the best.

    It's the least funny but at least the posters are friendly.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:24:23 No.9498551
    You're a random tripfag I've never heard of. You probably don't have your own theme, like, say, Tyrone (I doubt you newfag ever even heard of him, though.), AMDG or Future guy had. You're just another annoying attention whore newfag over here, fucking this board up. I despise you and everyone like you.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:27:06 No.9498591
    ...and stayout.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:28:40 No.9498615
    1. /b/, /ck/, /v/
    2. /b/, /ck/, /v/, /tg/
    3. /r9k/, /tg/, /fa/, /trv/
    4. /r9k/, /fa/, /trv/, /mu/, /fit/
    5. /r9k/, /fa/, /trv/, /mu/, /fit/, /int/

    My board choices are roughly analogous to my life. I'm fairly normal now, but was a pretty massive shut-in until a two years ago. As embarrassing as it is to admit, /fa/ and /fit/ have helped me a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:29:18 No.9498623
    1. /b/
    2. /b/, /a/
    3. /a/, /v/, /mu/, /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:30:00 No.9498627
    Hai, We're /b/ And We're Invading You Have Fun Faggots We Are Legion We Don't Forgive We Don't Forget
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:32:50 No.9498657
    My trajectory was like this:

    >New boards, moved to /toy/
    >Still at /toy/.
    >Browse /r9k/ and /mu/ in my spare time.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:36:16 No.9498714
    1 /b/, /wg/
    2 /r9k/, /wg/
    3 /r9k/, /wg/, /o/

    /o/ is just like a faced paced car forum, too many tripfags. but the posters are genuinely helpful and not too bad once you've been around a while
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:39:12 No.9498756
    1. /b/
    2. /b/
    3. /b/
    4. /b/
    5. /b/
    6. /b/, get laid
    7. /b/
    8. /b/, /r9k/
    9. /r9k/, /sci/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:40:24 No.9498771
    1. /b/
    2. /b/
    3. /b/, /mu/
    4 /r9k/, /mu/, /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:41:52 No.9498791
    If you do not like /tg/ you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:46:30 No.9498853
    Everyone knows that /n/ is the King of Boards
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:49:13 No.9498893
    hey >>9498791

    >>9498615 here

    I love /tg/, but I had to leave the part of myself that plays vidya/tabletop games behind when I went to college. I know all of that shit about "being true to yourself"... but one of the most embarrassing moments of my life was trying to explain to a girlfriend what an Aquila doodled in the corner of an old textbook was. I'll always have a place in my heart for that kind of thing, and I can still throw more 40k and Elder Scrolls fluff/background at you than you'll know what to do with, but in the end, what it took to progress as a person was to just grow up and leave it behind.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:49:15 No.9498894
    1. /b/, /v/, /x/
    2. /b/, /v/, /x/
    3. /b/, /v/, /x/
    4. /r9k/, /v/, /x/, /fit/, /fa/
    5. /r9k/, /v/, /x/, /fit/, /fa/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:52:09 No.9498947

    something like this, except minus the /v/ and maybe another year of /b/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:52:09 No.9498948
    First i only browsed /a/.
    And then new boards were added,in 2007 i believe.
    And I realised that theres' more then /a/ on 4chan-!

    And now i browse /r9k/ /v/ /co/ /sci/ /lit/ /a/ and /ic/

    Some days i check /tv/ and /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55:35 No.9499013
    When I went to college, I tried to do the whole "act normal" thing, but then I realized that I found my new social life incredibly boring. By sophomore year I was hanging with the nerds again.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:05:59 No.9499187
    I've been enjoying myself a lot. I think what I needed was a clean break -- no games (except when invited on someone else's console), ever, no browsing painting/hobby boards or forums, no visiting local game stores.

    I allow myself to have 4chan (but not /v/ or /tg/) just to keep my sanity.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:12:49 No.9499314
    Year 1 - /e/ and /u/, exclusively
    Year 2 - /e/, /mu/, /b/, /x/
    Year 3 - /b/, /mu/, old /n/, /ck/
    Year 4 - /r9k/, /ck/, /jp/, /s/, /trv/, /a/
    Year 5 - /sci/, /int/, /r9k/, /s/, /new/

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