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  • File : 1276312087.jpg-(72 KB, 981x455, civil.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:08:07 No.9471150  
    My fellow board mates, I have attended this board since the day the robot imposed his duty of keeping this place full of original content. In the beginning we enjoyed stimulating conversations ranging from the mundane to the many happenings in our world, there were disagreements, there was laughter, there was learning, there was /r9k/. A fresh place that welcomed us from the polluted masses of /b/, a place for people who wanted a blank slate to form a unique board culture to 4chan. A place where your gender wasn't a grounds for discussion, anonymity lived reigned and a limited amount of trip codes. I realize the culture of the place is dynamic and I have seen the torch passed to many groups. The Gentlemen, The Pseudo-intellectual Hipster, The Whiner, and now the Camwhore. Each reign has been progressively worse but this newest one, I just don't think I particularly care for it. No good will come to it, malicious happenings are going on in the robot.

    Is it over?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:10:26 No.9471190
         File1276312226.jpg-(15 KB, 279x346, indy.jpg)
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    I've been here since the beginning too my fellow Gentleman. I weep for the board.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:10:43 No.9471195
    yes, its over
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:12:07 No.9471215
    I came here around late '08 and it was great, now its just /b/. We need to sticky this.
    >> sage 06/11/10(Fri)23:13:05 No.9471226
         File1276312385.jpg-(471 KB, 1024x768, cool story bro 2.jpg)
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    kind of gay there
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:13:16 No.9471228
    It's been over since I can remember, old friend.
    If you ask me, we never really had a chance.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:13:52 No.9471238
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    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:13:52 No.9471239
    The question is, gentlemen, to whom shall the torch be passed to next?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:13:58 No.9471242
    I say, point me at this devilish foe and I'll give him a most righteous slapping.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:14:56 No.9471261
    Someone should have a bunch of bots spam images on the shit camwhore threads.

    I saw that there was one guy doing a pretty good job by himself, but imagine 200+ units doing it.

    By the way, I'm pretty sure you only have to change the image name to avoid the image mute. Might be wrong, but I've posted several of the same images by only changing the name.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:15:25 No.9471270

    The torch shall go out.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:15:58 No.9471277
         File1276312558.jpg-(14 KB, 300x394, 14755__palpatine02_l.jpg)
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    If this is a war, I'm Palpatine.

    Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:16:28 No.9471289
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:16:36 No.9471292

    This is completely accurate.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:16:42 No.9471294

    Scratch the last line. :|
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:16:51 No.9471298
    Now, imagine 200+ units.
    Even better, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:17:10 No.9471307
    Pretty sure the whiners still are and have always been around here.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 06/11/10(Fri)23:17:50 No.9471321
         File1276312670.jpg-(733 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    can i be captain kirk then?
    >> hata nd beer man !!wedIspwOQgq 06/11/10(Fri)23:17:53 No.9471323
    I'm so postmodern I went home and typed up everything thing you said, converted it to windings, and gave it back to you
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:18:11 No.9471329
    Like a flickering candle, in a dark room filled with bodies and excrement.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:18:26 No.9471335
    If someone would just delete the camwhore threads, the board would improve immensely.

    The chess threads, the vocoroo threads, the green text threads, the ask me anything threads, I'm actually fine with those. We just need a janitor to delete those cam-whore threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:18:51 No.9471343
    >The Gentlemen, The Whiner, The Pseudo-intellectual hipster, and now the Camwhore

    Your order of reign was a bit fucked up there. I fixed it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:19:36 No.9471356
         File1276312776.jpg-(6 KB, 178x227, robot.jpg)
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    Oh Robot, how we failed you. We're trying our best to drive out the camwhores...


    forgive us
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:19:44 No.9471360
    Hey christfag
    Are you a dude or a dudette
    Doesn't matter though, I'll still secretly fap to the thought of having sex with you
    You know, just for clarification, it's hard to fap to a sexually ambiguous being sometimes
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:20:18 No.9471370


    That sticky.. why'd it have to get removed ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:20:34 No.9471375
    i'm a good looking oldfag

    but i NEVER post in camwhore threads. being anon is what makes 4chon interesting. cancer has grown too much since the birth of m00t
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:20:58 No.9471381
    > janitor
    I do not believe that there are any true janitors stationed on /b/ or /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:21:01 No.9471382
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:21:21 No.9471387

    christfag is a dude

    so you are now officially gay
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:21:21 No.9471388
         File1276312881.jpg-(14 KB, 300x390, 14755__palpatine02_l.jpg)
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    You'll be what I tell you to be and, best of all, you'll think it was your choice.

    Spammers better keep spamming.
    Camwhores better keep posting.

    It's all part of my plan for a new /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:21:32 No.9471391
    holy shit, nostalgia bomb. Seriously, this board is completely different and not in a good way.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 06/11/10(Fri)23:22:19 No.9471408
         File1276312939.jpg-(724 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    i was born without sexual organs

    and flippers
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:23:07 No.9471415
    /fa/ should be the official camewhore board. /r9k/ needs less camwhoring
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:23:41 No.9471426
    > my plan
    And who might you be, to put yourself up on this pedestal and proclaim that this was your doing.
    >>9471242-fellow, I have found your devilish foe right here.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:23:42 No.9471427
    Sooo what can we do to stop it? ): I really hate all this stuff. I want people to generate original content. Fill out forms, do bingo, draw pictures, make copypasta, tell stories, ANYTHING, anything but just tout their ugly mugs across the board. That's not original content, that's a photograph of your face. IF I WANTED TO SEE PEOPLE I'D JUST GO OUTSIDE, AND IF I WAS OUTSIDE WHY WOULD I BE HERE? UGH THIS IS INFURIATING I MAD
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:23:54 No.9471431
    Agreed op, even the tripfags were pleasant. P3epe, Futureguy, and Athens were tolerable compared to this shit
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:24:04 No.9471433
    Already am, so that's a relief.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:24:51 No.9471444
    it pretty much already is.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:26:23 No.9471468
    l didn't mean to start a war, guys...
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:26:28 No.9471471
    > make copypasta
    > Fill out forms
    > do bingo
    Those mentioned are not OC, in fact, they are the whooping cough plagueing /r9k/
    Remove yourself from this board of gentlemen or I shall be forced to insult you personally.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:28:29 No.9471508
    I, for one, have a strong opinion that the banner above /r9k/ proclaiming it is a gangbang of whining has put the robots here in a role, that they are intended to whine on this board.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:28:53 No.9471516

    Lol, you're a real gentleman. Cute.
    >> !The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:29:05 No.9471521
         File1276313345.png-(24 KB, 155x186, Untitled4.png)
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    >>9471150 mootblawks

    What the fuck is this niggershit? I left /b/ to get away from this whole "HURR WE ARE LEIGUN" type shit.

    This isn't fucking /b/, you faggots. Don't dredge up this fucking "Gentleman" shit like "Anonymous" horseshit.

    /r9k/ has always been shit, don't fucking kid yourselves. It's ALWAYS been Relationshit (less now, thanks to /adv/), Bitches and Whores, "HOW DO I GET GURLFRAND", WORK PLACE SECRETS/HOW DID YOU LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY/CHILDHOOD SEX STORIES, Virgin Butthurt, and a few tiny nuggets of interesting threads. It also used to have a lot of pseudo-political shit which moved to /stormfront/ after mootles remade it like the science and most university trolling went to /sci/ and international shit went to /int/ (Which is the absolute worst of all of those sorts of boards. Even Krautchan's is better.) If anything, these camwhore threads are a breath of fresh air considering it proves to me not every lu/r9k/er is a 500 pound misogynistic neckbeard.

    Don't try to dress up old /r9k/ in the same way newfags and trolls on /b/ try to dress up old /b/.

    All of you need to fuck off eachother's threads. You're all fucking bloody manchildren.

    tl;dr: /r9k/ is not your secret clubhouse to say girls are icky.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:29:15 No.9471523
    I say, gentlemen, we shouldn't engage in fisticuffs against these other peoples, these "camwhores".
    I say we should educate them in our refined arts and bring them to our side of thinking. Wouldn't you say that it's better that way, fellow gentlemen?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:30:27 No.9471543

    >in favour of camwhore threads

    move along, nothing to see here
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:30:27 No.9471544
         File1276313427.jpg-(14 KB, 300x369, 14755__palpatine02_l.jpg)
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    I'll come clean.
    I despise the happy, socially adjusted people posting in camwhores threads and coming to 4chan for a cheap, pathetic self-esteem boost with their incessant camwhore threads.

    In frustration, I spammed, trolled and otherwise attempted to disrupt their threads - but it was to no avail. They ignored or posted new ones. All of /r9k/ was apathetic to the camwhore threads - the object of my loathing. In order to inspire their ire and to rouse them into action, I set about every day adding additional camwhore threads to the mix. If there was one, I would add another. If there were two, I would add a third. At least one of these threads I would spam and troll, and was delighted when somebody would join in. This was the basis of my plan - to get people to join in.

    So, I began creating and then immediately spamming camwhore threads to make it look as if success against them was possible and to make people join in. Finally, I even began deleting my threads after they had been hit with heavy amounts of spam from other user - to make them believes a mod had stepped in and reacted to their work. To make them believe that it is NOT in vain. Further, I made all of my new camwhore threads so utterly obnoxious in character that even the occasional right-thinking camwhore would regret their involvement and cease posting in those threads ever again.

    The ultimate goal is an /r9k/ only for depressive, lonely people like me.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:32:43 No.9471587
    >comparably tolerable

    The truth in this is really depressing.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:32:58 No.9471598
    > This isn't fucking /b/
    I do say, what is this horserubbish!
    This is the exact copy of /b/ without the reposts and same threads over and over, "rate me" threads are reposts, only evaded by using a different filter.

    If you do not wish to take part in this tomfoolery then remove yourself at once!
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 06/11/10(Fri)23:33:17 No.9471603
         File1276313597.jpg-(707 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    you romulans are so tricky
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:33:33 No.9471607
    Screw yourself, this is not about legion shit, and you fucking know it. This is about wanting to see fresh and interesting content, and not wanting to see the same shit clog up page 0 every single goddamn day. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:34:28 No.9471625

    i am hip to your evil plans palpatine

    please continue on
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:34:49 No.9471635
         File1276313689.png-(561 KB, 836x940, 1265770444959.png)
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    >Thinks Gentlemen r Legiun lolol XD XD XD
    Hey I found this cool board for you, it's called /b/
    They got this whole "Gentleman" thing going on called Anonymous over there.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:35:23 No.9471647
    I'm blocking your tripcode because you are an avatarfag, tripfag, use a shitty character, by a shitty artist, and are one of the worst posters I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:35:41 No.9471659
    Request for sticky so the Facebook Collective will know how to do these right, or to part this place and engage in their homosexuality.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:35:55 No.9471664
    This shall be a difficult task seeing how arrogant they are.
    They are deeply rooted in the search for a measly ego-boost and shall not be told otherwise.

    The only remedy is to create better threads, preferrably as gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:37:30 No.9471703
         File1276313850.jpg-(14 KB, 300x364, 14755__palpatine02_l.jpg)
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    I'm trying to work out a way to get rid of this fucker;>>9471521
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:37:40 No.9471706
    You are either a trolling brute, or a complete fool.

    This is not about legions or armies, this is about seeking fresh and original content.
    Something that whores on cameras shall never bring.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:37:46 No.9471710
         File1276313866.png-(105 KB, 217x232, joker awesome.png)
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    It is easy to bitch and moan and not doing anything about it. So, I'll get my cold metallic claws to work and propose the following

    Let us do a little experiment. I shall post a new thread using this very tripcode (obvious reasons). I shall post anything that comes to mind and all of you will go there and make something interesting out of that thread.

    it must't, I repeat IT MUSN'T turn into an atheist Vs theist thread.

    you will squeeze your intelect and your creativity to make something actually worth noticing.


    pic unrelated
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:38:38 No.9471733
         File1276313918.jpg-(17 KB, 211x217, pyroz.jpg)
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    When was the last time you saw anything nearing "Original Content" on /r9k/?

    I see more new camwhores than new threads. It's always the same shit I mentioned in my first post:

    Bitches and Whores
    Lolol Im a 40 year old virgin lolololo
    PERSONAL STORIES (Which is textual camwhoring and you fucking know it.)
    "Girl looked at me, she wants my cock right?"

    The closest you can come to "OC" is /b/-level shit, which was the FUCK THE POLICE thread earlier.

    /r9k/ has never been original. Just pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:39:24 No.9471750
    There is a way good sir, there is a tripcode cracker, somewhere in the far reaches of the internet.

    If you obtain that valuable trip, you may be able to post the most obnoxious posts you can imagine, ruining this terrible posters moniker.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:39:25 No.9471751
    remember when m00t used to ban camwhores?
    >> rarwbootz !!hpkelrETNU8 06/11/10(Fri)23:39:29 No.9471755


    *Ahem* I meant THIS very tripcode
    >> ▓▒░ CARPE DIEM QUAM MINIME CREDULA POSTERO ░▒▓ !!lTCjm1Ah3wH 06/11/10(Fri)23:39:42 No.9471762
    I see we have ourselves a thread of more whining here, except they whine in an older form of English.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:41:03 No.9471788
    If you hate this as much as us, then join us, only by uniting can we genereate originality.

    And there has been some great content here, of course nothing you would be aware of.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:41:36 No.9471796
    dot guy just got butthurt and started spamming that one thread and then everybody started spamming camwhore threads and camwhores got butthurt and creating more and then the spammers started spamming them and they ended up deleted
    spammers arent heroes
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:41:50 No.9471800
    Riveting idea, I shall await the link.
    >> Mailman 06/11/10(Fri)23:42:07 No.9471803
    Not as long as I've breath in my body and post in my bag...

    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:42:28 No.9471807
    Typical pessimistic "hurrr it was never good" bullshit. Yes, the shit aspects of /r9k/ have always existed, it's just that now they have become the clear majority, when they used to be a minority.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:42:44 No.9471817
    What about the guy that had his testicle bitten by a woman? That was an awesome thread, and hope that guy is feeling better.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:42:47 No.9471819
    Before I go, I want everyone to know I'm totally sincere.

    I'm responsible for at least six of the camwhore threads today and also was behind the
    >Everybody in this thread is a faggot
    spam that happened recently.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:43:05 No.9471821
    Look through the archive, you raging avatar-using faggot. Believe it or not, there was actually a time when those threads did not make up the majority of the content here. Sure, they were there, but the quantity wasn't as overwhelming as it is now. All of those topics that you mentioned in your post, they all have one thing in common, even if they are shit: original stories come out of them. But like I said, they need not compose the majority of /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:44:14 No.9471837
    you do know that was a troll right?
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:44:19 No.9471838
    Well said fellow, these types of assanine rubbish posters have been plagueing /b/ as well.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:44:25 No.9471840
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    You best be joking, nigger.
    >> rarwbootz !!hpkelrETNU8 06/11/10(Fri)23:44:42 No.9471843
         File1276314282.png-(165 KB, 311x263, dawniel.png)
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    good... anyone else interested? I just don't want to get the thread 404'd into oblivion because some of you weren't paying attention due to some fags arguing about tripcodes and camwhore threads...
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:47:27 No.9471882
         File1276314447.png-(28 KB, 129x168, Untitled3.png)
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    >original personal stories of questionable value
    >not as good as original personal images of questionable value

    OC is OC.
    Its just not the OC you're looking for.
    Honestly I think mootles should just put this board to bed and make a /camwhore/ and /story/ board.

    Nothing of value was lost, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:47:44 No.9471888
    I am quite sure you did not even read that post, due to the fact that you refuted nothing.

    Instead you posted "you best be pulling my leg, negroid"
    This an unacceptable reply.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:49:03 No.9471908
    Please stop posting with avatars, it's not cute. It's very obnoxious.
    >> rarwbootz !!hpkelrETNU8 06/11/10(Fri)23:49:35 No.9471913

    Well fuck it, Im posting in anyways because I deliver.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:49:55 No.9471915
    > /camwhore/
    Those who should be directed to post in >>>/fa/
    > /story/
    What should be posted in >>>/adv/. Or, if riveting, here(or /b/, the poor chaps need it)
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:51:51 No.9471940
         File1276314711.png-(13 KB, 122x128, Untitled3.png)
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    Its absolutely acceptable.

    /r9k/ used to be a sea of relationshit with a few nuggets of "THIS IS A FUNNY STORY, GUYS!" and a few chunks of Poltical Trolling since there was no /new/ and a few "Ask a Foreigner/Faggot/Nigger/Borg Lord anything" threads.

    Anything interesting from /r9k/ was sucked out of it when mootles made /int/, /new/, /sci/, and /lit/. It then became a husk for relationshit. Then mootles decided to put /r9k/ on the blotter, and /b/ shit and the rest of the boards came in.

    tl;dr: /r9k/ has always been a gangbang of whining.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:51:58 No.9471943
    Only christfag gets a pass for that. That nigga be mad cute! :3
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:52:31 No.9471948
    Wait... please explain how /r9k/ was great back in the day. And not with bullshit simplistic answers like 'hurrr no camwhore threads, hurr no hipsters'.

    Hasn't this place always been /b/ lite. I'm a newfag, deal w/ it.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:53:58 No.9471972
         File1276314838.jpg-(244 KB, 600x692, 126434914116.jpg)
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    /fa/ is fashion, not /camwhore/
    Honestly a /camwhore/ board, or simply directing most of them to a chan like chansluts would probably suffice. Though I don't know how well that'd work.

    /b/ is lost. Don't even try

    u mad bro?
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/11/10(Fri)23:56:29 No.9472011
         File1276314989.png-(140 KB, 425x307, Untitled3.png)
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    It's always been /b/'s socially retarded, slightly intellectual cousin who pines after women while simultaneously hating them.

    There's always been hipsters and bitching about hipsters, and camwhores aren't exactly a new phenomenon either, it's just been exacerbated since /b/ and /adv/ get theirs spammed.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:56:50 No.9472015
    >u mad bro?

    That cop-out only works if you're actually just trolling.

    You're not. You truly are an obnoxious fag.
    >> rarwbootz !!hpkelrETNU8 06/11/10(Fri)23:59:20 No.9472063

    Here >>9472003

    Don't let ir die.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)23:59:31 No.9472068
    You're an idiot.

    How's that for a gentleman style refuting.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:01:35 No.9472099
    Maybe everytime there is a camwhore thread/hook up thread EVERYONE HERE should bomb it with GO TO /fa/ or some variation.
    >> MEXICOwonFIFA !!FV9sfZATzpx 06/12/10(Sat)00:01:45 No.9472101
    Civil War?

    I'll side with Captain America.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:03:20 No.9472128
    >>Anything interesting from /r9k/ was sucked out of it when mootles made /int/, /new/, /sci/, and /lit/. It then became a husk for relationshit.
    Man I wish he didn't seperate shit

    I liked r9k because it was a catch all general board..all the ask me shit went down.

    Also nothing pisses me off than "RETARDED STUDENT STORIES" being archived while the good threads are not
    >> Dr. Hugh Jweng Phd> !!aZ6NzgTo3Uu 06/12/10(Sat)00:03:27 No.9472130
    I am a gentleman and a camwhore. True story, you old dog.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:05:32 No.9472168
         File1276315532.jpg-(42 KB, 810x408, arisechickenarise3.jpg)
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    There is but one option.

    We must summon our leader and savior to deliver us from evil.

    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:05:50 No.9472174
    While I share your distaste for camwhores and whiners OP, a sick part of me enjoys the slow, painful death of a once proud institution.

    Ever see the amazing, glorious roman statues that some asshole desicrated and defaced? Were I around during the fall of roman, I would have been one of those assholes in line with my hammer waiting to break something fancy.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:06:40 No.9472192
    hes too busy GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASS
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:07:31 No.9472209
    Holy fuck nothing pisses me off more than going to the archive and finding like 3-4 threads from this same theme.

    Fuck, does anyone actually read anything beyond 50+ posts?

    ANYONE? Why the fuck do people actually contribute to those threads?
    >> 8678541 06/12/10(Sat)00:08:49 No.9472231
    WAEL whaat's thee matter little friend you think this party is the pits?
    Enjoy it while you can; we'll soon be blown to bits!
    The monkeys in the pentagon'r gonna cook our goose
    The finger's on the button, all they need is a 'lil juuice!
    It doesn't take a military gee-nee-yus to see
    we'll all be crispy critters after WORLD WAR THREE.
    There's nowhere you can run to
    nowhere you can hide
    when they drop the big one we all get FRIIIIIED
    C'mon, boys and girls, sing along, okay?
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 06/12/10(Sat)00:10:45 No.9472266
         File1276315845.jpg-(636 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    am nots cute - am mean and tuff

    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:12:18 No.9472292
    who the fuck is this person?
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:12:21 No.9472293
         File1276315941.png-(6 KB, 103x106, Untitled3.png)
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    Hey you.

    I like you. You've got your head screwed on.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:13:33 No.9472317
         File1276316013.jpg-(58 KB, 594x411, Mootrain.jpg)
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    Picture is reIated
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:13:51 No.9472324
    >once proud institution.
    >anything on 4chan


    Are you guys fucking serious?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:14:25 No.9472336
    To be honest, I always thought the whole gentleman thing was kind of hipstery.
    >> 8678541 06/12/10(Sat)00:14:43 No.9472339
    I'd be concerned if his head WASN'T screwed on.

    It'd fall off.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:15:35 No.9472355
    Here's an idea:

    Perhaps the only way someone should be able to post with a tripcode is if they start a thread using one.

    That way there won't be retards trying to become popular on an ANONYMOUS forum. The only reason to use them will be if someone is telling a story or something, the rest can be easily ignored.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:20:05 No.9472444
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    Or you can stop pretending 4chan is your big secret clubhouse.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:21:12 No.9472465
    It's not???? But... I haz a decoder ring...
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:22:18 No.9472484

    4chan was created on the foundation of anonymous posting you colossal fagball. It's fuckers like you who erode the entire thing from the ground up.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:23:17 No.9472508
    Maybe you should stop pretending 4chan is your twitter or facebook. There are plenty of other places you can get attention from. It's not like you have anything particularly interesting to say anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:24:05 No.9472522
    What the fuck is this secret clubhouse shit you faggots keep babbling on about? That phrase is meant to be used when fuckstains complain about people finding out about 4chan. What part of being anonymous on a mainly anonymous imageboard do you equate with clubhouse behavior? The reason tripfags are hated is because of their vanity.
    >> Anonyamous 06/12/10(Sat)00:24:30 No.9472531
    Well damn... I always figured that the "Name" and "Email" fields suggested that anonymous posting was optional
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:27:46 No.9472583
    Make good threads
    Reply to interesting threads
    Ignore shitty threads
    Never make shitty threads
    Stop trolling

    There, I fixed every message board on the internet.

    Lose the gentleman and the normal person philosophy. Partisanship is detrimental, as we all know. In fact, don't even refer to yourself or acknowledge that there are even other people on this board. Just respond to their thoughts with your own thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:29:19 No.9472615

    But bad threads exist and they won't know that they're bad unless I inform them of this. Also, I see them. I can't just ignore them.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:29:36 No.9472620

    Used by people to temporarily make sure there's no impersonations. I.E: When OP is telling a story and needs his readers to correctly identify him.

    I'm fucking convinced at this point you're a newfag. You know the "noko" and "sage" functions right? Notice how they go into the Email field and nowhere else in order for them to work?

    Jesus fuck Christ....
    >> noko noko 06/12/10(Sat)00:31:04 No.9472650

    They go where now? I don't understand the words that you're typing
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:32:19 No.9472674
         File1276317139.jpg-(65 KB, 400x402, Mspain2.jpg)
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    >What is 4chan?

    >4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. 4chan's collaborative-community format is copied from one of the most popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel. Different boards are dedicated to different topics, from Japanese anime, manga, and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register a username before participating in the community.

    I don't see anything here about it being a secret clubhouse for anonymous folk. Just that you don't have to register. Dosen't mean you HAVE to be Anonymous, otherwise we'd have forced anon.

    >he still calls people newfags, and thinks sage and noko are the reason the e-mail field exists!
    >> Afroman !!trSt1DkaDKM 06/12/10(Sat)00:34:13 No.9472713

    I'm a tripfag and I fucking hate you already....
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:35:31 No.9472730
    Gentlemen, We will prevail!
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:35:42 No.9472735
    would creating an official camwhore board be a suitable compromise?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:36:44 No.9472751
    Unless there is intervention from the moderators, it's imperative that we refrain from replying to bad threads.

    Have you noticed that the camwhore threads usually have the same people responding? They are the minority of this board.

    If we keep making good threads the majority of this board will be good. This board is what we make of it and it's run by mob rule.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:38:55 No.9472795
         File1276317535.png-(25 KB, 167x169, Untitled3.png)
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    >implying most of the threads made that aren't camwhore threads aren't just as bad or worse.

    Oh u.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:41:16 No.9472838

    I suppose... but now I'm amused by making camwhore threads and seeing how long it takes for them to get spammed.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:42:59 No.9472868
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    I do this too. A lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:43:24 No.9472873
    Is it not a step in the right direction?
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:46:27 No.9472926

    Spam is shit-tier. Just ignore them. If moot doesn't like it, he'll ban them.

    Stop fucking whining and make threads faster than they do.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:48:39 No.9472960
    kind of sounds like what i was trying to explain myself
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:52:01 No.9473020
    You don't have to make a name, yet you did, meaning you are an attention seeking faggot.

    gb2 facebook summer fag.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 06/12/10(Sat)00:53:17 No.9473049
         File1276318397.png-(284 KB, 700x818, 236.png)
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    >implying I'm a summerfag.
    Oh u.

    Why are you made so mad by someone choosing not to be anon in your secret anonymous clubhouse? Does it bother you so much?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)00:59:37 No.9473172

    Can't we all just get along? The Pyro would be on the right track if it wasn't for his trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:01:29 No.9473212
    if we could get rid of the FUCKING TRIPFAG SCUM

    i don't understand why moot doesn't just forced anon the entire site. nothing bad could come of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:06:14 No.9473318
    Again I have to ask this question. Would it not make us all happier?
    >> ahem Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:08:05 No.9473369

    Whoa whoa whoa. There are certain boards on this site where there are "discussions" about one specific "topic", and decent tripfags are quite good at making sure the thread doesn't get de-railed into oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:10:34 No.9473425
    My wishlist of things that should be muted from /r9k/:

    1) Tripfags(can be done, though isn't the express intent of the board)
    2) Camming thread(is being done, should be blocked according to board rules)
    3) Variations of the same repost.

    I'm not against people posting pictures of themselves, I'm against threads being started with the express purpose of that. If robots want to interject a photograph of themselves for intents relevant to a thread, I have no qualms.

    The camming threads have found safe haven from /b/ because during the daylight and weekday hours the neckbeards and socialfags are en masse. This modicum of success tonight in no way reflects a battle being won. They've been hit when they are at their weakest. They need to be stopped.

    /r9k/ has a higher concentration of OC than any other board. The camming threads are diluting that.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:10:40 No.9473427
    no, they're nothing but a bunch of attention whoring faggots that derail any threads they post in.

    tripfags are the antithesis of 4chan's entire concept.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:29:38 No.9473781
    anonymity is the immediate default, and how things should stay.

    there used to be justifiable reasons for some things but not anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)09:52:01 No.9478189
    A bump for every bump I see the camwhore threads get.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)09:52:41 No.9478198
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)09:54:03 No.9478217

    We should operate the way 420chan operates. For each thread, every Anonymous poster is assigned a name. That way if a samefag posts in the same thread, he gets the same name. There is no confusion as to who the OP is while there are also no tripfaggots.
    >> Hernie !!iNHIWBGWIab 06/12/10(Sat)09:56:30 No.9478252
    All this board has ever been has been relationshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:02:54 No.9478322
    bump for sticky? Everyone should see this
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:03:35 No.9478331



    >> Hernie !!iNHIWBGWIab 06/12/10(Sat)10:06:25 No.9478364
    >on 4chan
    >CP camwhore threads
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:08:33 No.9478391
    Camwhores don't really piss me off, I ignore them. However, with that said I don't like the image they give to this board. Especially that camel bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:08:36 No.9478392
    Through social networking sites like myspace and facebook.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:13:35 No.9478461
    Goddamn. This Pyro guy is very annoying.
    Why does he feel the need to post avatars with every post?

    Gaia Online is for that shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:21:11 No.9478540
    Gaia, Habbo, and Facebook ruined this site.

    The Facebook Collective
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:23:58 No.9478572
    >The ultimate goal is an /r9k/ only for depressive, lonely people like me.

    I agree with this statement.

    We have to unite under a banner of hatred for society to battle the normalfags back into submission. We have to keep being comfortable with our counter cultural movement.

    There should be no doubt that we are more able, smarter and generally more awesome than these faggots bound to social norms.

    The only weapon that they can wield is the "you are a loser" mindset.

    I can battle this mindset with the knowledge of how the internet works. They cannot silence me for this reason. But when I try to enter their territory they use my own knowledge against me and demand content neutrality so that they can create whatever they want.

    These last few months I have been stocking up on more specific hatred thoughts that others anons seem to use.

    The misogynistic mindset is one of my own. It can do nicely against a majority of females. Against male attentionwhores I have a little bit of trouble, I have to use more specific hatred which they can understand. Something related to their real life.

    But all in all my performance is not being equal and I cannot provide this board with enough hatred to subdue the normalfags. This board really needs more willing posters whois job is to spread hatred against specific user groups.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:24:15 No.9478575
    There are at least four Facebook threads online now:




    >> !!ExcUV0+/Sbs 06/12/10(Sat)10:25:21 No.9478593
    Get the fuck outt faggot
    >> Hernie !!iNHIWBGWIab 06/12/10(Sat)10:26:20 No.9478600
    >You are really smelly

    >Implying I don't smile and picture you living with your parents
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:28:56 No.9478635
    The great thing about the internet is that you really have no idea who you are talking to on the other side.

    Making such strawmen really is ugly and it makes you look like a fool instantly. It strips away any idea's of an intelligent discussion.

    Normalfags are retarded.
    >> Hernie !!iNHIWBGWIab 06/12/10(Sat)10:30:42 No.9478659
    So is there air conditioning in this Ivory tower of yours?
    >> Some cunt. !!4T62FEhIauV 06/12/10(Sat)10:33:04 No.9478681
    lol remember when 4chon was good?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:33:34 No.9478692
    yeah, as someone who always posts anonymously and always will it is somewhat heart-breaking to see the place getting cluttered up with tripfags and camwhores. I am also liberal in that the odd thread here and there is nothing to the board. Let them whore and trip.

    "Post more OC and good threads." They say. The thing is, the mentality of the boards has changed. Why post OC or try to think of decent threads when the swing of the mentality of the board is social networking related content? Those are the threads that attract the most attention and posts. Why is this? Is it over?

    Given that the whore threads are there for shallow fuckers to get attention, even saging them is the wrong move. The whores think; "Ha Ha, I got a reaction, this is awesome, (conformation I exist) woo hoo." Sage bombing is OK as a protest, it isn't OK as a long term solution to the unwanted change.

    The boards are mob rule. The mob is currently most interested in social media content. From pics and rates to what personality type are you via hookups and IM exchanges. I strongly believe with no real evidence that people whoring here are just failed facebookers who didn't become as e-famous as they need to fuel their narcissistic tendencies. Deny them any an all attention is the only way ahead.

    The whores don't care that it pisses those of us who treasure anonymity off. Why would it? They are self-absorbed fuckers who have no respect for other's wishes in their own backyard.

    Only you as an individual can change what you as an individual do. No amount of bargaining and reasoning is going to change anyone else's behaviour if they believe it is right. The only reason I care is because we can post anonymously here and that is a rare quality. Why don't the whores stick to enforced ID forums?

    more ...
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:34:38 No.9478709

    Please answer whores. Why do you tripfag and post pictures and contact details in one of the few places that allows you not to when there are so many places that do not allow anonymous posting that you could do this in?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:35:11 No.9478713
    See, this is a live example of a low intelligence normalfag.

    The only thing it can do is to spiral into a shitpile of retarded insults.

    They are really easy to deal with. But wait. When it reads this comment it still wont satisfy him and will resort to randomly smashing together some generic sentences which it thinks are hostile to other people.

    Lets see what it does.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:36:03 No.9478724

    when the Mobb is going to fill up EVERYONE post your pics EVERYONE rate them threads with 270 posts, and then just let OC slip by, what's the point? 4chan has always been fundamentally based on the tastes of that seething mass 'anon'
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:36:45 No.9478728
    r9k was never good except for like 3 weeks in 2008 when it started before /b/ started leaking into it and posting fucking advice dog and all that

    but the normalfags around here are making this board fucking lame as shit for reals

    no one cares what beer you drink
    no one cares what cigarettes you smoke
    no one fucking wants to know about your relationships
    no one gives a fuck that your pet died
    no one wants to hear you talk about your ldr
    no one should have to be subjected to shitty whores who are currently being ignored by their boyfriends posting their faces over and over in a desperate attempt for validation ad infinitum
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:37:18 No.9478735


    2008 era - gentlemen - people doing a bunch of OC poem and short story threads and a whole shitload of shopping, wallotext posts and verbosity out the ass coloured by a dusting of pomp. camwhore threads start late 2008 as /b/ has become too fast to keep track of for newfags who dont know how to noko.

    2009 era - robots is commonly accepted way to address posters, dyslexic retards call r9k arcanine after some faggot pokemon, board humor becomes more juvenile, psuedo intellectuals begin to make really fucking stupid DISCUSS PHILOSOPHY HEAR GUISE threads camwhores begin to seep in in greater number and relationshit threads are a dime a dozen and ALL THE SAME STUPID SHIT OVER AND OVER also lots of gay people start posting.

    2010 - pretty consistent relationshit threads and advice threads, /adv/ created because moot is pissed everyone is being dumb as fuck and posting THE SAME GODDAMN RELATIONSHIT THREAD OVER AND OVER AGAIN, even more camwhores than ever.

    then moot did that facebook plugin shit for april fool's day and normalfag population exploded on this board.

    normalfags are shitty posters who add nothing but common aphorisms and idiotic societal posturing. also they are far more likely to camwhore and have gay experiences (numbers of these threads have increased since the normalfag invasion) and fuck dogs (normalfag femanons you are really some goddamned whores you fucking digust me)
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:38:00 No.9478743
    Post of the year, all years.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:38:06 No.9478745


    in summation
    if you came here in 2008 you should probably address the board as gentlemen because goddamn the tradition needs to live on

    if you came here in 2009 you should stop posting

    if you came here in 2010 you should just go the fuck back to facebook goddamn normals are fucking sickos

    you should all feel bad
    we're all to blame~

    ps jews did 9/11
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:40:07 No.9478764
    >no one cares what beer you drink
    >no one cares what cigarettes you smoke

    oh god this, these are just awful. I can not fathom why ANYONE would give a shit about which beer you're currently drinking or what cigarettes you smoke. I just can't wrap my mind around people giving such a fuck, and these threads become massive too.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:45:21 No.9478821
    I will never address this board as gentlemen. Back then when this board started no one except a small group of people did so. It was just a fad which never really caught on.

    The only confirmable quality that this board holds is that it removes copypaste and it enforces original content. It becomes a place where no meme ever survives for long. Thus your gentelman bullshit also can be discarded.

    It was supposed to be an advanced /b/ and dammit I am not going to let you hijack this nihilistic heaven.

    No normalfags are not nihilists, they are faggots and must be eliminated just like you. People who create boring groups are fucktarded. Just create good content.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:47:04 No.9478835
    >people doing a bunch of OC poem and short story threads

    Fucking emos
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:48:04 No.9478843

    your a double niggering newfag and you should feel bad for trying to troll this beautiful thread

    you should feel really bad
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:49:49 No.9478863
    also newfags dont know who cain is
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:50:27 No.9478876
    I am no troll. I am just a person who does not accept forced meme's like the whole gentleman bullshit.

    I still remember when those threads were going on. There was plenty of opposition from the oldfags to consider this meme a failure.

    So take your standard and shove it where the sunlight will stab you in the face.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:50:52 No.9478882
    I can't believe I remember that thread, I even vaguely recall the picture that was used.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:52:43 No.9478905

    if your not a troll im not anonymous
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:54:42 No.9478929
    My fine gentleman, it seems all is lost.
    The just board of /r9k/ has fallen too far to rise, and has laid down its head to rest, never to awaken. Its sleep is tormented by devils and other terrible beasts, and so we exist in its nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:57:12 No.9478962
    I am new and I enjoy this board!

    Please do not hate me. I do not identify as a subgroup to gain attention, and I do not samefag, as you call it.

    Gentlemen, can I be your friend?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:57:44 No.9478970
    It can rise again, but only if we take one course of action:

    Declare full, uncompromising war on the shitty camwhore threads and accept nothing but absolutely unconditional surrender.

    If we do it well, this place will become such a shit heap of chaos and in-fighting that a mod will finally step in and ban all camwhore threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)10:59:02 No.9478986

    ok but you should lurk for at least six months before you post again because goddamn newfags need to lurk the fuck more
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:00:56 No.9479003
    These replies are exactly why we wont be able to bind everyone together under one ideology.

    There is no neutrality towards people who consider meme's to be redundant and I get the feeling that this person is just trying to repush his forced meme like broken record whenever this topic pops up.

    Let me give words to you which are better:

    The only thing that matters is our personal enjoyment. We love to understand, to twist, combine and to perfect content collectively. We used to have the same requirements for these lulz.

    Then r9k happened. It was an experiment that had no clear horizon. The feeling of unified lulz dissipated. It dissipated for many reasons. One of these reasons was the influx of (arguably) dumber users.

    Unlike us these people do not spend their entire day on the internet. They do not bother to learn of the old ways, which is really okay in my book but they dont want to learn new stuff as well. They invest less time in this board than us. They see this as something that they can casually use for themselves without repercussions.

    This is the reason for the current shitty state of the board.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:06:39 No.9479076

    damn son you so mad why you so mad?

    need to take this 4chan shit less serious bra

    really in the end its all just 0s and 1s but

    noobs still need to lurk the fuck more
    you should probably lurk more too
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:08:51 No.9479107
         File1276355331.png-(232 KB, 450x300, 1268164972794.png)
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    It was over when moot linked everyone to r9k for a week.

    That was his way of saying that the board had failed and will now just become another place to hold the cancer from /b/.

    It can only get worse from here, gents. We might as well migrate to another board, if any of you haven't already.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:10:26 No.9479126
    now some of these shitty casual users actually manage to observe the board a learn a little bit from it how it works.

    They gain some knowledge and then they use it for their own selfish needs.

    This is where the attentionwhores like camel, spoony, aplaceforfriend etc. come in.

    They are the kings of casual land. They purposely play this new user group into their favor. They gain recognition. They trim their persona so it will serve the lowest common denominators of this board.

    The only good thing about them is that they always manage to burn out thanks to the cruel anonymous nature of this board.

    The real treat are the casual users who follow in their footsteps.

    But let me tell you that they probably are nothing to worry about. We had an early example of normalfags adjusting to the anonymous structure on this board. This place is called /fa/. Hipster retards found out about it and they took root.

    Eventually all these hipster faggots started showing their nature to competition and verbally abused eachother into oblivion.

    After a while they understood how retarded they were and became oldfags of fashion. They were still not equal to us but they were pretty fucking disconnected from society at that stage.

    The same thing will probably happen to all the new user groups. But if the user count increases too much the adoption rate of the anonymous mind will go slower.

    I have no idea what the future holds.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:12:14 No.9479148
    As much as I despise the camwhore faggots that should fuck off back to Facebook, I despise the shitty misogyny bullshit even more. That, if anything, is the cancer killing this board.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:13:08 No.9479165

    This. This is correct. You're absolutely right. Ah, nothing sacred anymore? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:13:11 No.9479166
    I have been here since day one and do not care.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:14:14 No.9479182
    Oh yeah, also people bitching about normals. They're just as bad as the misogyny bullshit losers. (Though in many cases they're the same people. Miserably basement dwelling losers who hate everyone who isn't one of them.)
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:15:33 No.9479200

    I migrated to another board a couple of months before moot made that announcement, because the board was turning progressively worse with every passing month. Nowadays, I just visit this board every once in a while, hoping I'd see a thread by future bro, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:16:02 No.9479205
    >civil war of summer 2010

    Try 2008.
    >> Felix the Celebrity 06/12/10(Sat)11:16:55 No.9479219
    Whelp, I guess it's on to the next fun internet-savvy board.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:17:04 No.9479225
    /r9k/ was never good. There is nothing to reminisce about.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:21:02 No.9479272
    >herp derp /b/ was never good anon is legion xd

    I hate you and everything you stand for.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:21:16 No.9479276
    Either moot needs to fucking purge this boards or create a new 'random" board.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:21:22 No.9479278
    >We might as well migrate to another board, if any of you haven't already.

    I actually made a board partially for this purpose, but we're very quiet so far:
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:22:05 No.9479285
    So maybe its better to just accept normalfags and teach them the ways of the internet?

    Why the fuck cant we do that. They are a potential usable source of lulz. They can learn to hate society just the way we have.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:24:42 No.9479311
    The camwhores are mostly the same as you when it comes to despising society.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)11:30:14 No.9479373
    Another /r9k/ meta-thread? There sure have been many lately..

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