>> |
06/11/10(Fri)23:30:27 No.9471544 File1276313427.jpg-(14
KB, 300x369, 14755__palpatine02_l.jpg)
 >>9471426 I'll
come clean. I despise the happy, socially adjusted people posting in
camwhores threads and coming to 4chan for a cheap, pathetic self-esteem
boost with their incessant camwhore threads.
In frustration, I
spammed, trolled and otherwise attempted to disrupt their threads - but
it was to no avail. They ignored or posted new ones. All of /r9k/ was
apathetic to the camwhore threads - the object of my loathing. In order
to inspire their ire and to rouse them into action, I set about every
day adding additional camwhore threads to the mix. If there was one, I
would add another. If there were two, I would add a third. At least one
of these threads I would spam and troll, and was delighted when somebody
would join in. This was the basis of my plan - to get people to join
So, I began creating and then immediately spamming camwhore
threads to make it look as if success against them was possible and to
make people join in. Finally, I even began deleting my threads after
they had been hit with heavy amounts of spam from other user - to make
them believes a mod had stepped in and reacted to their work. To make
them believe that it is NOT in vain. Further, I made all of my new
camwhore threads so utterly obnoxious in character that even the
occasional right-thinking camwhore would regret their involvement and
cease posting in those threads ever again.
The ultimate goal is
an /r9k/ only for depressive, lonely people like me. |