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  • File : 1325451803.jpg-(20 KB, 400x301, blogpost-1229269829211-361.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:03:23 No.943917  
    I'm posting this here as requested. It's a thread from /b/. Original post is here:


    As follows:

    /b/, bad news bears.

    I had to pick my mother up from a bar she was at for new years. She was very drunk and was with her friends. When they all got in the car, one of her friends commented how cute I am. My mom said something like "Yeah, he is" and got a weird smarmy look on her face. As I started to pull into one of her friend's houses to drop one of them off, they put her hand in my groin and started massaging it. I yelped and my mom quickly pulled her hand away and looked guilty.

    Now, I am in no way attracted to my mom. All my friends call her a milf (she has double Es and should used to be a glamor model when she was younger).

    But the problem is, I know she's drunk, but when I got home I think I saw her crying when she went upstairs to bed. She recently got dumped by my father so she's been pretty lonely lately. :/ (I'm 19, she's 39)

    It's the morning after and things have been really awkward. How do I talk to her about it?

    Any advice, /b/? How can I comfort my mother?

    Pic sort of related, woman on the right looks a lot like my mum.

    Second post I made:

    OP here. I tried talking to her about it and she got really weird and wouldn't look me in the eye and said we'd talk about it tonight.

    what does that even mean
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:04:22 No.943929
    OP again.

    I will wait until tonight, but I would appreciate any advice anyone has. I really don't know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:06:13 No.943947
    Don't talk directly about what happened, but hug your mom and tell her you love her a lot. Also, offer a relaxing shoulder massage, as I advised before.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:06:50 No.943953
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    My advice is
    >pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:08:45 No.943970
    Find an excuse to get her drunk tonight, and tap that shit.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)16:13:26 No.944021
    OP, see here:

    And while you're massaging your mother, just allow your mother to speak up, don't reply until she finish to say what she want.
    But be honest with your mother. If you think your mother is hot, just reply this. Don't say things like this: "I'm not attracted by you."
    If your mother just want sex, go on, give good one where your mother isn't going to forget.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:16:19 No.944058
    Well, here's the thing, you.

    I am absolutely fascinated by incest porn but have no physical attraction to my mother. The very idea freaks me out. And why would I offer her a shoulder massage? Wouldn't that be awk?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:17:28 No.944069
    cause if she is hot, and offering it, and you don't tap that, then well fuck you.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)16:18:24 No.944084
    Because massaging your mother is going to make your mother relaxed and more easy to she talk with you about this.
    Relaxing your mother is important to get one easy talk and not tense.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:19:33 No.944098
    OP, you may be terrified of incest with your mom at first, but don't you see? You have to help her rebound from your dad dumping her. It's very important that she satisfies her sexual needs, and if you really care about her then you have to go as far as you can to help her out.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)16:21:05 No.944114
    What if... she is going to tell you something like this: "You're adopted"? Then you can fuck your mother if isn't related by blood?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:22:21 No.944137
    Sir, are you Russian?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:23:00 No.944145
    Just go for it. You can't be sure you won't like it until you try.

    Just try not to freak out when she calls out your dads name in bed. Just keep going and give her a good working over bro. It's the only nice thing you can do.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)16:26:06 No.944188
    Why you want to know, my good friend gentleman?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:29:53 No.944227
    Your English is all silly, so I was curious.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)16:32:24 No.944261
    Well, you're correct, english isn't my first language.

    Oh, OP, if you can make one favor to us, you can post one photo of your mother? Just remember to change the filename if give up the name of your mother or whatever. And censor all background leaving only your mother.
    We can say if your mother is really hot or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:49:54 No.944508
         File1325454594.jpg-(15 KB, 263x257, zpxcvxcv.jpg)
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    Here's a tentative photo of her, cropped up.

    My mother is beautiful, but I still think it would be too weird to do anything.

    I get boners when she hugs me and stuff, but I really feel ill about this and I think I need to seek help from a professional
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:50:09 No.944511
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)16:52:47 No.944546


    If your mother gives ok, just fuck her until you pass out from fucking. But if you still think this is weird, just ask to your mother gives handjob or blowjob to you if your mother want sex and you don't want... Hopefully one day, you're going to wish to make sex with your mother.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:54:24 No.944567
    >go get some diapers
    >put said diapers on
    >shit and piss in them
    >ask mom to change your diaper like the good ol days
    >"hey, uh, since you're already down there........"
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:55:46 No.944582
    This is a troll thread. Everyone evacuate.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:57:33 No.944607
    i read that as everyone ejaculate.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:00:16 No.944646
    Whether or not you think this is a troll thread, I don't really care. I just want advice.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:00:17 No.944648

    Your overreacting OP. Humans are sexual beings. Plain and simple. Incest is not evil or even wrong. It's just that we have been taught to reject it by society for fear of fuckin up the jean pool. But modern day contraceptives have solved that problem. Yet the stigma of incest still exist.

    Your not crazy or sick or anything else negative. Your a young man having a natural reaction.

    Calm down.

    Think clearly. Your mother loves you as a son and you love her in return. You both trust each other more then anyone most likely. It only makes sense that the best person to seek comfort from would be family. The only thing stopping us is the stigma we have been taught. Nothing more.

    It's not immoral. it's not disgusting. It's natural. Be there for your mother just as she has always been there for you OP. In body and mind.

    You know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:01:27 No.944665

    LOL, I meant "gene" not jean. =P
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:01:40 No.944668
    >jean pool
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:02:55 No.944684

    beat you to it asshole!! nanananana!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:03:49 No.944695
    If you don't your homosexual
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:04:57 No.944715
    you still wrote "jean pool". how could you do that? also "your" a faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:05:16 No.944719
    OP, if you don't feel comfortable with it then don't do it. Right now, you just want 100+ strangers to tell you to bang your mom so it somehow makes sense in your mind and somehow feels right / less guilt. It's really your call.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:06:55 No.944738
    No, I just want advice on what I should do if she tries to do anything weird.

    I talked to her a bit tentatively and she said we'd discuss it after dinner. I will report back.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)17:08:11 No.944753
    Just back off and tell to your mother something like this: "I don't feel confortable with the idea of making sex with you but if you want, you can give me one handjob or blowjob."
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:08:22 No.944756
    >she said we'd discuss it after dinner
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:14:16 No.944818
    >mom was fucked up trying to unwind and have a good time
    >HER FRIENDS grabbed her hand and forced it on your junk

    look, you retard, the bitch was drunk. bitches do stupid shit when they're drunk, that's how we explain your existence.

    your mom is probably embarrassed as fuck about what happened. quit bringing it up to her because it's painful to her and i guarantee you she doesn't want to fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:14:30 No.944822
    If she tries to do anything weird, just go with it for now. It'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:16:48 No.944842
    THIS. OP, read this post. This is the only answer you need. Your mom did NOTHING to indicate that she wants you or was even thinking about it when she was drunk. It was all her friend's fault.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:18:26 No.944866
    HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:19:50 No.944880
    OP, your mom obviously doesn't want to fuck, but if she's looking for dick then every single dude on /r9k/ will gladly take her.

    not that she would ever fuck some loser from 4chan or anything
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:20:04 No.944887
    >in car with drunk bitches, one happens to be your mom
    >one calls you cute, mom affirms this
    >other woman that called you cute puts your moms hand on your junk

    THE FUCK BRO. Your mom didn't want to fuck but that other bitch did, you should have fucked the other bitch that was into you the first time while ignoring your mom. Way to miss an opportunity
    >> Da Swag Monsta !!hADXFxs2UWJ 01/01/12(Sun)17:20:46 No.944898
    Don't care how fake this is. Raging boner achieved.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:20:54 No.944900
    OP, is your mom hispanic? Or asian maybe?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:22:28 No.944912
    Listen to this man, OP. After dinner tonight tell your mom that what you wanted to talk to her about was that you wanted to get her friend's phone number. Then call up the friend and bone your mom's friend, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:23:03 No.944918
    >but if she's looking for dick then every single dude on /r9k/ will gladly take her.

    not me. i'm not into single moms.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:23:43 No.944925

    If you're gonna fuck anyone, fuck your mom's friend(s).
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:23:50 No.944926
    If there any site that contains real incest stories? Just asking
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:25:23 No.944942
    i think /lit/ would be the place to ask, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:28:24 No.944976

    just going to leave this here.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:29:03 No.944982
    There are some 4chan threads in the archives that have "real" incest stories. Most of them are probably fake, but there might be a legit story or two in there.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:29:53 No.944991
    Is this spam or is this somehow related to the thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:30:05 No.944992
    sick, now i have the whole pic of op's mom and her friend to fap to.

    >no fap 2012
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:30:36 No.944998
    its the original picture that OP posted. faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:31:15 No.945006
    my bad.
    sorry bro. looks like 2013 will be the year.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:32:22 No.945022
    How the fuck is that shit even relevent?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:32:26 No.945023
    Your mom is hot.

    Also, tell her she fucking touched you, her own child, sexually with clear intentions...that violation of trust! Bonus if you manage to yell and cry. Could make some guilt trip cash with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:32:48 No.945024
         File1325457168.jpg-(121 KB, 717x960, 6G9Yr.jpg)
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    hay guise rate my girlfriend! :)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:33:26 No.945031

    lol you need to learn how bypass picture blocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:35:12 No.945050
         File1325457312.jpg-(121 KB, 717x960, 6G9Yr.jpg)
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    how do you do that? also rate my girlfriend. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:35:37 No.945055

    image source?

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:51:26 No.945254
    OP here. I'm sorry, that was a typo on my part I never noticed. They did NOT put her hand on my groin, she put her hand on my groin. Her friends were entirely unaware, as far as I know.

    And I'm not the one who posted that girlfriend pic or whatever.

    Sigh, I assumed it would happen sooner or later. Some of her pictures from facebook have been circulated. Really annoying when people from school used to ask me what she looks like naked and shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:52:28 No.945268
    My mom is a mix of hispanic and white. My father's full hispanic so I look like a beaner mostly, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:55:28 No.945300
    but no seriously, have sex with her now
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)17:55:46 No.945308
    Did you have the talk with your mother?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:55:57 No.945313
    Let's check the facts

    >Your mom is attractive
    >She wants to fuck
    >She feels guilty about her desire to fuck her son

    How the fuck can you not find this hot, OP?

    ...maybe I just can't comprehend this since my mom is about 2.5 times my weight and I basically view her as asexual.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:56:41 No.945324
    Because a bitch that looks that good is going to go for her son right off the back and not some faggot tool that will use and abuse her real good and hard before looking for a real mate.

    Moms that want their sons are ugly bitches from Deliverance.

    A for sticking with the thread op. Next time get a better pic. one that is believable but not above the limit. Next make sure you save it in Paint and reverse the image so dox fags and tinyeye fags don't blow your cover right away.

    To keep people entertained it's best to do a "just happened" not a "Going to happen later tonight" story.

    Good luck in your future endeavors.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:00:19 No.945370
    We live in on the west coast, dinner isn't for another 2 hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:02:18 No.945390

    Just fuck right now.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)18:03:18 No.945404
    Shit. This is going to take a long time... Well, you read all here? And you know what to make with those advices?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:05:44 No.945438

    Your troll-fu is weak.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:07:58 No.945462
    I did. I'll let you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:13:31 No.945542
    There is no way that ugly motherfucker porked that girl.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:13:47 No.945544

    So... what are your thoughts about it?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:17:32 No.945599
         File1325459852.jpg-(67 KB, 427x640, tumblr_lpw912EmdZ1qfuc60o1_500.jpg)
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    This is OP's mom. OP, is the girl on the right the friend that you mentioned?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:22:15 No.945641
    >Some of her pictures from facebook have been circulated.

    Then you might as well post them here. Just change the file names.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:26:04 No.945684
    Fuck the shit out of her and post results.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:27:02 No.945692
    Dat booty on her friend
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:27:11 No.945697
    >that feel when OP disappears after someone post the full pic of his mom

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:28:41 No.945711
    A fucking million boners.

    I would hate to be the son of that woman. Only for the fact that I would never be able to fuck her without feeling uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:33:07 No.945771
    OP if you're thinking of fucking her just remember that your relationship with her is probably gonna change for the rest of your lives. I don't think she'll forget that she slept with her son and I imagine she'll be much more distant towards you. I wouldn't do it just because there's a good chance you'll ruin your relationship with her.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:37:52 No.945820
    Yeah, as much as we appreciate the pics of your hot mother and as much as we like to joke about boning her, we don't actually think you or anyone else should ever fuck their mother.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:40:30 No.945840
    One of the friends, yeah


    I know. And that's what I'm afraid of. I mean, I don't honestly think anything will come of it, but I'm nervous all the same. I mean, what if something DOES happen? And then all of a sudden we're not as close anymore? We're like best friends, almost.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:49:41 No.945949
    I am quite impressed, this was a grandiose troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:19:06 No.946250
    OP, holy shit, if that's really your mom you need to FUCKING HIT THAT SHIT. I would bang her so hard I don't care if she was my daughter.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)19:45:26 No.946587
    Waiting for OP delivering news.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:52:19 No.946679
    We are about to sit down for dinner. Be back in about an hour I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:49:30 No.947375
    I'm not really sure what to say at this point. I'm really besides myself. I'm freaking out, exhausted, and really worried. I'm going to write this out as best as I can. A bit of it is probably wrong, but this is essentially what happened.

    My mom made my favorite meal, huevos rancheros, and I was really set back. At this point I assumed she felt really bad.

    She sat across from me and smiled. "Dig in," she said.

    I was sitting there chewing slowly, my head down, and she made a small coughing noise.

    "Listen... about last night," she said. I didn't look up, but was listening intently. My ears were burning like crazy.

    "I know last night couldn't have been easy for you. I honestly was just really drunk, and I know it's probably hard for you to hear, but when women get drunk they get really... well, horny. And I've just been so messed up with your father leaving, I wasn't thinking straight, I'm just..."

    A pause.

    I slowly looked up and saw tears in her eyes. My heart fluttered. She looked so pretty. She smiled at me.

    "You've grown so much, the past year or two. You know that?"

    I nodded.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:54:27 No.947434
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    I still think this is a troll though
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:56:52 No.947467
    She got up and sat next to me and hugged me. I started blushing like crazy. Her breasts were pressing against me and she put her hand on my leg, reassuringly. I couldn't help it.

    I got a huge boner. I started to feel ill at the prospect of getting an erection at my upset mother and a huge wave of shame passed over me.

    That's when my mom noticed. My boner grew right next to her hand. First her head dropped to my groin, then she looked at me in surprise, her mouth gaping slightly, no words coming out.

    I was bright red, my mouth shut. I didn't know what to do. My head was spinning.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:58:39 No.947488
    PS Devon Michaels
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:59:37 No.947499
    inb4 bel air

    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)21:03:27 No.947545
    Still waiting for story...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:04:43 No.947557
    Then, without any words, her hand slowly shifted from my leg right onto my dick. She didn't say anything at all. She simply started rubbing it, slowly, staring at me. My erection grew even more. I started to breathe heavy, and I noticed that she was as well. I was sweating like crazy and felt like I could pass out at any moment. I had never felt such an awful mixture of feeling like I was going to barf and at the same time wanting to come everywhere.

    My mother's hand kept rubbing, this time rather persistently. She took her other hand and slowly unzipped my jeans, and then she took both hands and unbuttoned them.

    We both looked down at my boxers. There was a dark stain, my pre-cum was leaking like crazy.

    She reached her hand in my pants and I gasped slightly, trying not to pass out.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:04:50 No.947560
    This is certainly a troll, but my boner doesn't care. =/
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)21:11:01 No.947618
    Continue, my dear friend (troll?).
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:12:09 No.947632
    I've had sex quite a times, even without a condom. With most of my past girlfriends it would take at least 45 minutes for me to come.

    I couldn't believe how bad I wanted to come here though. I felt so insanely good, but as I said earlier, I wanted to barf. I still feel ill writing this out. But I'll continue, because there's more to unfold, and I still don't know what to do with myself.

    So she pulled my dick out of my pants.

    She looked right into my eyes as her hand started to slowly pump it up and down. She still didn't say anything. I wanted to tell her to stop, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything but softly moan.

    My mother lowered herself to the ground, her knees on the floor, never keeping her eyes off of mine, studying my face. Her expression, I don't think I'll ever forget it. She had an almost vile hunger on her face. Then she put her head next to my cock and kissed it. I started breathing heavier.

    Then she started licking it. Her tongue and mouth moving up and down my shaft, the tip of her tongue occasionally grazing my dick hole. I wanted to come so bad, I didn't know what to do. I knew what was coming next and I could hardly bear it. I was besides myself. My head was spinning what felt like a hundred times worse than before and the feeling of nausea kept creeping back.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)21:19:53 No.947716
    I'm waiting for you post the rest of story.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:22:34 No.947744
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:24:24 No.947762
    Then, without a word, she lowered her head down and my cock entered her mouth. She started bobbing slow, steady. I gasped. I was so close to passing out, so close to cumming. It felt like an eternity but it must have been only a few minutes before I looked down.

    Let me preface this by saying my mother must have known I sort of wanted her to stop. But at the same time, I think she was too greedy to care. She wanted it. I didn't realize when she had started to, or for how long it had been going on, but her other hand was in her pants; she was masturbating.

    This was too much for me to handle. Any chance of me caring about the fact that she was, in fact, my full blood mother, I didn't care. Or maybe this is why I did like it. I felt so loved, so cared for. But at the same time so dirty, so used.

    I grabbed the top of her head and started pushing it up and down, slightly thrusting my hips into her face.

    I was face fucking my mother, and I didn't care.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:29:16 No.947802
    My mother started moaning and shaking. She was starting to come, I think. I couldn't take it any more, I begged her to let me come down her throat, out loud. I was thrusting harder and harder, my mom gagging on my cock, she took her hand and wrapped it around my waste, trying to get my dick in as deep as possible. She was moaning "Mhm, mhm" me still making her head bounce up and down. I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled that I was coming. She pulled one of her hands out of her pants and before I knew it she was hugging my waste, my cock completely inside her mouth. I exploded. I wanted to die, I wanted to pass out. But I was in ecstasy. She was swallowing. It made me cum even harder. It felt like it wouldn't end.

    I realized at this point I was standing and my hand was still on my mom's head. My mom looked at me and I looked at her. The shock of everything washed over me. The state of lust had passed over and all there was left was guilt and anxiety. I ran to the bathroom before my mom could say anything, still on the ground, and threw up into the toilet, nearly missing.

    I didn't move my head from the toilet. My pants were around my ankles at this point and my dick was leaking onto the floor.

    There was a soft knock at the bathroom door.

    "Honey.... are you ok?"

    I wanted to laugh, I wanted to keep throwing up. I had face fucked my mom and blew a load down her throat. And her question was "Am I ok?" I almost got mad, but I took a deep breath and just said "I'll be right out." It felt goofy. Like nothing had happened. That I was just sick and she was trying to do what a mother should and make sure I was ok.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:30:42 No.947819
    I'm on the computer now, typing this out, because this is what happened. This isn't an attempt at trolling, this is a desperate guy, freaked out, because he FUCKING MOUTH FUCKED HIS OWN MOTHER.

    I don't know what to think. I don't know what to feel. As soon as i walked out of the bathroom I didn't even look at my mom who was standing right outside. I told her I was ok and locked myself in my room, where I've been for the past hour. I don't know what my mom's doing.

    I don't know if I feel worse that I didn't tell her to stop or the fact that I still have an erection. I still have a fucking erection and now I want to fuck my mother. But I can't. I have to hold this last shred of dignity i have left.

    Help me. I need HELP.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:31:12 No.947824
    ask her if she's ready for round two.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:31:24 No.947828
    never stop posting, op
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:32:58 No.947851
    I'm with this guy. Take pictures, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:35:49 No.947889
    A couple of years back, I was maybe 19-20 I was jerking off in my room to some old history book (had nude photos, I didn't have any porn mags and only computer is in the living room). I always jerk off with the door open because I enjoyed the thought of one of my mom walking in on me and catching me. I kept it as a fantasy as I knew she would never go for it.

    On this day however, I was furiously jerking off and didn't notice the footsteps coming upstairs. My room is in the attic and my parents keep lots of stuff in storage up there. All of a sudden I hear the floor creek and I look over to see my mom standing there. I had no idea what to do, I didn't want to feel embarrassed because everyone masturbates, including my mom probably, so instead of covering it up and having an awkward tension, I just kept fapping and greeted her as if nothing was amiss, like I had been playing a video game or something.

    She had sheets and pillow cases in her hand, and she put them away while I was jerking off on my bed next to the closet. She asked me how my day was (I had just finishing showering after work and was wearing no shirt and only pajama pants on) and we continued in small talk for another minute or two.
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)21:35:55 No.947891
    Dude, just sort out about this. But don't leave your mother out because if you keep ignoring your mother, she is going to feel guilty and is going to be more distant.
    Be frank and tell your mother you want to fuck her but is scared about this. Be honest with your mother. I bet she is going to appreciate your honesty, whatever issue you got with your mother, just talk and let this out of your head.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:37:39 No.947905
    I was about to come but my mom was still there standing in the doorway talking to me, I didn't want to stop but I wasn't sure if cumming in front of her was going too far. After another minute I knew I couldn't last any longer, not having a tissue handy and also not wanting to make a mess on my pants, I let the load off onto my chest. I seemed to be coming for days but it was probably only 3-4 squirts laying on my stomach.

    My mom had stopped talking as I came and when I was done she picked 2-3 tissue from the shelf and walked over to help wipe me off. She didn't "want to have to do another laundry load of sheets" as she put it =/. After She had cleaned me off she walked out of my room and called back to get dressed and dinner would be on in 20 minutes.

    Needless to say I spent most of those 20 minutes furiously jerking off again.

    Weird note - she had found mother son incest porn on internet history 5-6 years earlier and I had gotten in a bit of trouble for it, I wonder if she new......
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:37:59 No.947909
    Fanfiction Friday on a Sunday!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:38:51 No.947918
    See, I bet you and your mom are ugly fucking hicks. At least OP's mom (even if trolling) is hot as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:38:53 No.947921
    >MFW people believe this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:40:05 No.947936
    My mom finally knocked on my door. She asked if I was ok. She sounds like she's crying. I told her to give me a bit and I'll talk to her. She just sadly said "ok" and walked away. I feel awful. Why the fuck is this happening to me?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:40:43 No.947946
    Did she get on the floor?
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)21:41:15 No.947955

    And go talk with your mother, just see this fucking post!!!


    Go read this post and after this, go talk with your mother!!!
    >> ­ 01/01/12(Sun)21:45:48 No.948013
    Don't forget to come back here after you finished the talk with your mother. It's better to talk now with your mother than after.

    I want to know how this story is going...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:46:22 No.948020

    OP fuck these guys! That is not our open as a whole. Their fears are unjustified to say the least. Your relationship with your mom is most likely going to strengthen not suffer.

    As long as the two of you handle it like mature adults there is no reason for her to be distant and cold. If anything you two will grow closer.

    The only reason it would turn out bad is if you two allow yourselves to feel guilty about it. GUILT is the only issue her and if you two simply talk about it before hand that wont be a problem.

    DO NOT listen to fearmongers in this thread. They don't know wtf their talking about.

    If you still need convincing take for example the many incest threads that have been here in /r9k/. IN all the stories about mothers and sons I have never read one that turned out bad.

    Not one.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:48:29 No.948048
    On the off-chance that OP fucks his mother, would it even matter at this point now that she's swallowed his manchowder
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:49:06 No.948054
    >If you still need convincing take for example the many incest threads that have been here in /r9k/. IN all the stories about mothers and sons I have never read one that turned out bad.

    That's because they're all fake you know. including this one
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:50:52 No.948077
    Your mom wants to be your MILF waifu OP.
    Embrace it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:51:26 No.948085
    Your crawled out of her vagina and now she wants you to try to get back in.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:51:27 No.948086
    OP needs to wait until his mom is in her room in bed, and then walk in. He should then, without saying anything, get in bed with her. Once he is comfortable, he should look over at her, wrap his arms around her, and hold her close to his body, making sure to whisper in her ear that he loves her. He should then look into her eyes and move in for a kiss. After the initial peck on the lips, they should make out, and OP should move on from there to have passionate, loving sex with his mother. And then come back to /r9k/ to tell his story.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)21:54:36 No.948128
    Sigh. Well I'm walking downstairs to talk to my mom. We'll see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:07:30 No.948139
    And? What happened?

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:13:48 No.948149
    He is too busy fucking his mom to type out his story yet, give him a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:23:24 No.948176
    That's probably not OP. In all his clear posts in this thread he has never use "sigh" or any other action dialogue. inb4 troll post says he just had sex with his mom.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:42:16 No.948296
    OP here, Everything has gone downhill and fast. I knew I shouldn't have let this happen. She's a wreck. As soon as I got downstairs and into the dining room I could smell liquor. Sure enough she had a bottle of bourbon open (my father's) and an almost empty glass in her hand. I can't tell you how much it hurt to see her that way...I can hardly right this damn. She couldn't even look at me and I'm kinda glad of that since I was near tears and her seeing that would have made it worse.

    I went over to her but didn't know if I should hug her or what. I wanted to too but now even that seemed dangerous. So instead I came back upstairs to my room and open the door, get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:44:06 No.948314
    Never even had me going.

    Terrible troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:47:21 No.948343
    This has to be the worst execution of "Walk the Dinosaur" I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:48:32 No.948353
    ...I though you were different OP.
    Your a real badass good sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:49:39 No.948362

    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:51:24 No.948367
    >sageing an awesome thread
    >because of one post
    >mfw you fail even harder then he did
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:52:54 No.948384
    OP, as far as I can tell the girl in this pic: >>944508 has only 1 photo of herself on the internet. If you want us to believe that this even MIGHT be true then you need to post another photo of her. Since there don't appear to be any others out there for you to just pull off the internet then that would at least confirm that this is probably a woman that you do legitimately know.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:53:38 No.948389
    This is not your mom. Troll harder.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:54:44 No.948397
    You obviously didn't read the whole thread, did you?

    OP, who's the girl that you posted if it wasn't your mom?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:58:13 No.948426
         File1325480293.jpg-(8 KB, 266x151, shawshank38.jpg)
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    > implying OP is here anymore
    > implying he/she/it/they didn't vanish like a fart in the wind
    >> Darth Raper 01/01/12(Sun)23:59:15 No.948435
         File1325480355.jpg-(37 KB, 350x260, Ocelot.jpg)
    37 KB
    How do you titillate an ocelot?

    You oscillate her tit a lot.

    That's what I'm talkin' about.

    In Jesus' name, to the max.[/spoiler
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:07:36 No.948484
    Is OP even the one who pulled the dinosaur bullshit or was that some other faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:17:07 No.948564
    So I called out to her and she answered that she was in her room. I walked in and saw she was laying face down on the bed crying.

    I didn't know what to do so I just walked over to the bed and sat down. She was crying pretty hard and she just bolted up and wrapped her hands around my neck and cried into my shoulder saying "I'm so sorry I'm so Sorry I'm so sorry."

    I hugged her back and she kissed me on the cheek. I still felt sick and unsure of what to do but she was staring into my eyes intently. I brushed her hair to the side, wiped her tears away, and leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips and then whispered I understand.

    I left to walk back to my room but she said "Come sit beside me, my only son, and listen closely to what I say. And if you do this it will help you some sunny day. Take your time...don't live too fast. Troubles will come and they will pass. Go find a woman and you'll find love, and don't forget son, there is someone up above. And be a simple kind of man. Be something you love and understand. Be a simple kind of man. Won't you do this for me son, if you can?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:18:28 No.948571

    nah that was me faggot. Just tryin to have some fun guiiiizzz.

    OP has yet to return.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:21:06 No.948603

    Oh thank gawd you can along bro. I'm the dinosaur guy bytheway. Now these faggots can rage on your fail instead of mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:22:13 No.948616
    Yeah, sure she did you fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:23:41 No.948630
    I gotta admit, I laughed when that Deftones song started.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:24:06 No.948635
    you motherfucker...

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:25:30 No.948643
    >not Lynyrd Skynyrd

    I don't want you to be alive on this planet anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:26:49 No.948659
    > implying I wasn't trying to out-troll the trolls
    Based on your reaction, it worked.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:28:29 No.948675
    OP just follow Oedipus. Now that your dad is out of your picture, it's time to fuck your mom!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:28:59 No.948679
    Dear god fuck this gay earth.

    Proof that only 30% of brobots are actually of legal age. I love me some Deftones, but damn dude. You fucked up bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:30:39 No.948692
    You should look at this post
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:31:08 No.948695
    >as requested
    By who?

    I think you're just mad your /b/ thread 404'd so quickly.
    >Dear god that's where all the shitposting is coming from

    >lastyear non-kabuki
    This will be a very kabukiesque year, I promise captcha.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:32:51 No.948714
    > This will be a very kabukiesque year, I promise
    > promise
    I'm gonna hold you to that.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:35:11 No.948730
    It's the year of the honey badger, brobot. Prepare yourself
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:37:19 No.948751
    >implying, with your quick leap to LOL I TROLL U !!!!111!!one!!!! you were "just trolling bro"

    Fuck dude, I'm going to have to end every post on arcanine like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:37:38 No.948755
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:50:15 No.948862
    I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply, guys. This is the real OP, not this walk the dinosaur bullshit.

    I'm much calmer now. A lot of crazy shit went down while 4chan was down (I tried posting a bit earlier).

    Give me a few minutes to smooth things out as I write this.

    I made my decisions and I'll have to live with them.

    I don't need help anymore.

    Does anyone care to hear the story at this point? Waiting for the russian / whatever dude to respond.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:53:41 No.948888
    as an apology, post more pics of your mom
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:58:33 No.948938
    Come on OP, we want to know how it ends.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:58:54 No.948943
    It is me the russian dude. Tell the fuckin story comrade!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:08:03 No.949019
    Let's go, real op.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:09:04 No.949034
    chop chop, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:09:22 No.949039
    so what happened
    was open being to beta and didn't jjjjjjam it in
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:11:14 No.949060

    lol, seems the russian is back.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:11:26 No.949067
         File1325484686.png-(346 KB, 577x398, waiting.png)
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    Samuel Beckett
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:16:31 No.949113
    Well, like I said earlier, I went downstairs.

    I was nervous, but I tried to toughen it out. I mean, my own mother had given me a blow job, so all the sexual tension must have dropped, right?

    My mom was sitting on the couch. She looked at me in surprise. "Honey! Please, sit down."

    I sat down next to her. "Mom, I..."

    "No, dear. Let me talk first... what happened tonight. Please don't blame yourself. It was me. All me, baby." She started to tear up again.

    I stood up, I didn't want to hear it. "Mom, no... it wasn't just you. I liked it. You're so... so fucking hot mom! It's really weird, really awkward." I laughed. "... probably horribly for our relationship as like, you know, a mom and son. But I don't care anymore."

    I was surprised to find myself kissing my mother, on the lips. It was only for a second, and to my surprise she didn't pull away. Just kissed back slightly, tears still in her eyes. I pulled away, flushing like crazy. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:20:38 No.949145

    Dont know if troll.....

    hoping against hope

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:21:24 No.949156
    >Incoming Dinosaur in
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:22:25 No.949166
    This is another thread that was ruined because the OP didn't have a trip. Even if you make a fake story use a trip so I can pretend like it's real and coming from one source.
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)01:30:40 No.949234
         File1325485840.jpg-(3 KB, 109x127, BWAHHHHHHHH.jpg)
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    I'm just looking for my nut at this point, OP needs to get to the fucking end of the story and post more delicious pictures of his "mom's" sweet ass rack.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:30:55 No.949236
    Finish so I can go to sleep, you fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:35:27 No.949265

    Fuckin These!nuuuuuuuuut
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:41:23 No.949307
    OP here.. Just came to say I worked things out with my mom and the threads over, guess crazy stuff happens to everyone during new years right? Haha
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:42:28 No.949315
    Sorry, had to stop writing because of more stuff that I'll type about later.

    "These feelings that... we have for each other. They're wrong. I know they are. I'm just confused because of your father leaving, you're probably just as confused because of it, and"

    I yelled "NO."

    My mom stopped and looked up at me, still sitting on the couch. I was still standing, my fists clenched.

    "No. Don't blame dad for this. You have sexual needs that aren't being met, I know that... it's wrong, but... but I don't really care. I don't. You're too beautiful, mom. I don't care what you think, what you say, what you do. I want you... and I think you want me too."

    My mom just stared at me. She furrowed her brow, as if in thought. Then, she stood up, and simply walked into her room. I was confused, irritated even, that she could say nothing after me saying this and just walk away.

    I walked up to her bedroom door. Her shower was running. My heart started beating. I didn't care anymore. I walked into her room, slowly towards her bathroom door, which was open slightly. My mother glanced at me as she was undressing. She didn't say anything. Didn't motion for me to go away. Just simply was undressing.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:43:44 No.949320

    Fuck. We have no way of knowing if thats really OP or a troll trying to get us to quit early!
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)01:47:34 No.949348
    OP here. I'm going to attempt to try using a secure tripcode. I've never done it before, but here it goes. If it's not from me, I didn't write it. Hope that helps.

    This is a test post. Will post rest of what happened in a sec.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:50:35 No.949375
         File1325487035.png-(15 KB, 397x403, thisthread.png)
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    I believe this image sums up the current state of this thread.
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)01:54:07 No.949401
    ok, good, it worked. here's what happened.

    So, she was undressing. She knew I was there. Before I knew it, she was in nothing but her bra and underwear. I'd never seen my mom naked, but the prospect made me hard. The hardest I'd ever been. The shame I had felt earlier was really weak at this point. I didn't care anymore. I wanted her so bad. I barely saw her as my mother anymore. Which, in retrospect, was really sad in a way. But as she started to undo her bra, such thoughts melted away.

    Her breasts were... nothing short of glorious. They were amazing in shape, holding their own up, the nipples were small and brown. Then her hands drew to her underwear. I was mesmerized. I couldn't stop staring.

    I could already feel the pre-cum from my dick dripping down again. The sight of my mother's shaven pussy nearly had collapse on the spot. My mother would glance at me now and then through the whole ordeal. She wasn't smiling. There was honestly no expression on her face. For some reason it only made me want her more.

    She opened the shower door, turning around. Her ass was magnificent. All I could think about was grabbing her, bending her over. A wave of nausea passed over me once more, thinking about who *I* was thinking about. Again, I pushed these thoughts away.

    She got into the shower, but didn't close the door. She simply started to bathe.
    >> Joplin !!Zfxz5ND03yM 01/02/12(Mon)01:55:29 No.949409
    And then I bent her over and peed in her butt. :) The end.

    What did you think /r9k/? No good?
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)01:56:17 No.949413
         File1325487377.jpg-(3 KB, 126x95, 1324619450409s.jpg)
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    I just wanted my nut
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:57:46 No.949421
    That's not him you fucking idiot. Read the ident.
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)01:58:55 No.949426
         File1325487535.jpg-(148 KB, 450x902, 1325273835086.jpg)
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    Heh, that's me being high.

    Continue real Joplin, and thank you for the brutal honesty fellow r9ker
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:04:33 No.949451
    lol do it up man, my cat had a kitten, about a year later it matured and fucked its mother, making a new batch of kittens. It was kinda wierd at first but i guess its all natural
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:04:47 No.949452
    Why is op so slow? How the fuck can one person be so slow?

    How. In. The. FUck.

    Look I know that you know that we know that you know that this a fake story. None of it is real. So quit with the dramatic "My mom just came in and said do me now in the butt yeah yeah yeah" and type this shit out in advance and then copy paste.
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)02:09:46 No.949486

    Exactly. OP has a way with words, I don't give a fuck if it's real or not. The appeal remains.
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)02:11:13 No.949497
    I undressed, never taking my eye off of her. She simply stared at me, taking her bath sponge thing and cleaning her arms. I kept waiting for her to protest, kept waiting for her to tell me to get out. It never happened.

    When I was finally undressed, I walked towards the shower, my mom still giving me that blank stare, continuing to wash herself. I walked in and close the door. My mom and I just looked at each other, completely naked.

    I tried diving in to kiss her, but she turned her head, almost ashamed. So instead of trying to kiss her, I did what was almost natural to me. I grabbed her from behind, grabbed my dick with my free hand, and started teasing her cunt with it.

    My mom dropped her sponge. She was moaning. She had lost all her inhibitions. "Please," she said. "Just... put it in. Just fuck me, please." So I gave her what she wanted. I shoved it in as hard as I could.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:13:54 No.949522
    >She had lost all her inhibitions. "Please," she said. "Just... put it in. Just fuck me, please." So I gave her what she wanted. I shoved it in as hard as I could.

    All of my boners just in that one line.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:16:45 No.949542
    I need a tissue....
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:21:03 No.949570

    >smell a certain aroma in the air
    >pizza bagels and cake
    >have that instead, good fucking night
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)02:21:39 No.949574
    We were like two dogs in heat. She grabbed the shower head with both hands and started thrusting her ass into my hips. With both my hands I was jamming my cock into her. We were both breathing fast, and heavy, and she was moaning heavy, repeating over and over like a manta "Oh, God, yes... please... please don't stop, it's so good." It was almost reminiscent of a bad porno. But I didn't care. It just made me even harder.

    I'm not much bigger than my mom, but I'm fairly well built; I pulled open the shower door, and without a word, pulled out and scooped her up into my arms. Without even looking at her, I carried her into her bedroom and tossed her onto the bed.

    Still soaking wet, I climbed on top of her. I wanted to come in her, I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to be with her, two people, together, in deep love. I was out of my mind. I wasn't thinking. I was having mad man's thoughts running through my mind.

    She pulled me into her, an embrace, kissing me. They were wild kisses, her tongue and mine sliding in and out of each other's mouths. Without stopping my cock found her opening and I pressed in. My mother pulled back out of my mouth in pleasure, her eyes almost rolling to the back of her head. "Oh Gooooood, yes."

    I pulled her legs up against my chest. Her clit was rubbing against my groin and she just kept moaning. Suddenly she said "Baby, I think I'm going to come..."
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)02:22:50 No.949585
    mantra, sorry.
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)02:26:02 No.949602
         File1325489162.jpg-(3 KB, 101x127, 1324675036195s.jpg)
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    >baby, I think i'm going to come....

    It's funny, because you're like, her child, or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:26:05 No.949603
    This has got to be fucking fake.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:27:13 No.949609
    I don't even care. This shit is hotter than 99% of the stories posted on Literotica or any other written 'erotic literature' I've read. I hope to God it's being archived for future faps.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:27:32 No.949612
    >Implying it could have been real
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:27:46 No.949613
    >posts with a thumbnail
    >points out obvious pun
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:28:50 No.949624
         File1325489330.jpg-(45 KB, 450x600, d18fa292-24ad-496a-a818-7bc801(...).jpg)
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    All of my raging boner!!

    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)02:35:39 No.949666
    I started babbling. "Cum mom, cum." She took one of her hands, spit onto it and started rubbing her clit.

    She was almost yelling at this point. "Oh God, oh God, yes, yes, YES" she started breathing like crazy, pulling me in once again, her legs dropped out from under my chest, out of my arms, onto the bed. She was trying to take in as much breath as she could, as if she were drowning.

    "Best... best..." she was stuttering. She was still trying to breathe. "Best orgasm... I ever..." I didn't let her finish. I pulled out of her, flipped her on her back, and pulled her ass into the air. She didn't resist.

    I hadn't come and I almost felt jealous that she had before me. I was greedy. I didn't care anymore. I wanted to come, and I wanted to do it inside her. And I wanted her to beg me for it.

    I grabbed her arms and pulled them out, placing my feet on them. "Honey, baby, what are you...?" I shoved my dick inside of her, and started thrusting. Again, she stopped talking and just started moaning. "It's so good... baby it's so good," she said. "Please, don't stop!"

    My balls were getting to the point of bursting. I didn't care that she was my mother and that she could get pregnant. In fact, the very thought made me even harder. That I could have her forever. Fucking her every day, just like this. "Mom, I think... I think I'm about to cum."

    All her inhibitions lost, in complete heat, she said "Please, baby, please give me your come, please, give momma your hot cum! Fill me up!"

    I asked her how bad she wanted it. Amidst her moans she told me how bad she wanted it. Then, she said "Please, make me pregnant, fill me up and make your mom pregnant, please...."

    I was done. I had never came so hard in my life. I filled my mother's sweet, glorious pussy up, to the point that my cum was literally dripping out. We both collapsed, kissing each other, holding each other. Breathing heavy at first, then starting to slow. Then, before I knew it, I was asleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:41:53 No.949719
    Why the fuck do these incest stories have to take it too far and go with the impregnation shit?

    Nobody fucking talks about getting pregnant while having sex. That is like anti-boner.
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)02:43:25 No.949735
    If you're going to go the path of wincest, you mind as well have a baby.

    Logic is out the window at this point, don't overthink it, just enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:44:12 No.949737
    Really? I'm into that sort of thing. I'd call it a fetish, but it's a bit of a grey area considering that that's the whole original point of sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:47:09 No.949757
    Wait until you ACTUALLY impregnate a woman. Trust me, nothing kills your boner harder than realizing you have a lifetime of obligation ahead. And yes, I speak from experience.

    And after that, every time you have sex, you will be thinking "This bitch better have taken her fucking pill, I'm gonna go check her pill pack as soon as I'm done. Better yet, I should just pull out or stick it in her ass or her mouth. Fucking lieing bitch, women are all lieing bitches."

    And then your fucking gets interupted by a baby crying and it kills your mojo.

    And you develop a drinking problem and a gut and learn to hate life.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:51:46 No.949803
    Relax, bro. I don't actually want to get a girl pregnant and I hate children. It's just that the concept of impregnation is hot as fuck. Not anything after that. I don't even find pregnant women to be arousing.
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)02:54:32 No.949826
    When I woke up, my mom was sleeping next to me. We were both under the covers, although I don't remember ever climbing under them.

    I got up and slowly creeped out of her room without her noticing.

    That's when I started writing this. I want to thank the russian (or whatever) guy earlier who convinced me to just go with my gut. I'm sorry a lot of you folks think this has just been a troll story, because I promise you it hasn't been. There's not going to be any will smiths or walking the dinosaur, because it did happen. Yes, I took creative liberties and probably changed some of the things said.... but essentially, everything you read here did happen. Do you really blame me for not going "Well, I think she said this, then I banged her LOL" No. I had consensual sex (consexual?) with my mother, yes, the one pictured, and I loved it. Am I fucked up, now? Probably. But, I guess, as someone said earlier, don't knock it until you try it.

    And so, to get back, the reason I stopped writing for awhile is because my mother had woken up and knocked on my door soon after I posted that post I linked.

    I told her to come in. She was in her bathrobe. She smiled at me, although in a sort of sad way. "Well, dear, this is certainly going to... change things a bit between us."

    "Mom, please don't be worried. It was amazing. I know it's weird, I know it's probably wrong, but I don't care. I really don't." I stood up and walked over and hugged her. She hugged me back. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. I kissed her on the lips, softly.
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)02:55:59 No.949843
    Yeah, you guys are going to think it's a little overkill that I was already at this point trying to bang her again, but let me preface this by saying that it was meant to only be a reassuring kiss, the same you'd give a child on the forehead if they were hurt or upset.

    I guess my mother didn't take it that way because she kissed me back. And then we were kissing each other again. And then we were making out. And then her bathrobe was gone, just as my pants were, and I was sitting on my bed, with her tits wrapped around my cock.

    My mother was sitting there, blowing me, giving me a titfuck. I was in bliss. I was so happy. I wanted to cry. And then I did. I was crying. Really hard. My mother stopped, asking me what was wrong in a hushed, worried tone. I told her I loved her so much and I hope that things wouldn't change. She said they wouldn't, and she kissed me. And then I found myself asking her to keep going. And before I knew it her mouth was wide open, asking me to come on her face, in her mouth, on her tits. I'd never received a tit job before, but it was spectacular, especially with her massive breasts. I blew a load into her mouth, which she licked up happily.

    At this point it was around 11 or so at night. My mother washed her mouth out in my bathroom, hugged me, and said we'd talk in the morning. I asked her if we could sleep together in the same bed.

    And then, believe it or not, that's when my mother got weird. "No... no, I don't think so. Not tonight, at least. I'm sorry, honey. We'll talk tomorrow. Goodnight."

    So, I sit here, on the computer, once again, asking "What the fuck."

    I did what you guys wanted. I fucked my mom. I did obscene things to and with her. And now I feel used and abused that I can't even cuddle with her and fall asleep.

    What do, /r9k/? :( I feel at a loss.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:56:38 No.949852

    >I filled my mother's sweet, glorious pussy up, to the point that my cum was literally dripping out

    It always drips straight out.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:58:13 No.949870
    >request archival
    It just needs 2 more votes
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:58:48 No.949871

    Then what happened?

    Post more.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:59:12 No.949874
    Fucking is one thing... it's a big thing, but sleeping together and all that shit is for legitimate relationships. Who knows if she wants that, although it seems unlikely if for no other reason than the social stigma. Talk to her about it in the morning.
    >> Nick !H81ulOUr/g 01/02/12(Mon)02:59:14 No.949875

    Imagine your mom's thoughts, probably as confused as yours. Maybe she would think of the times when you were a child, and at night when the night terrors came, you could crawl up next to her under the covers and use her loving embrace to slowly fall asleep.

    Now all she can think about is fucking you.

    Also more pictures PLEASE.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:03:59 No.949906

    OP provide one more pic of your mom so when can go to sleep knowing this glorious story is real.

    I'm not asking for nudes. Just a second picture. DO it OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:07:25 No.949926
    Dont worry about the sleeping in the same bed thing OP. Just give her a little space. You know how women love to overthink shit.

    Don't even talk to her about it in the morning. Don't do anymore talking for a while. Just speak with action. In the morning dont hesitate to kiss her right on the mouth and slap her ass playfully.

    She'll be confused about the mother/lover role she's in. Take the lead and show her everything is cool. Even though she's your mother she's also just another woman. Now you have to play the role of son but also MAN.

    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:11:22 No.949946
    You've already destroyed the mother/son relationship, but if you act okay with everything you'll still be able to make eye contact.
    This probably requires you to either keep up the sexual activity or slowly wean off it, whatever floats your boat.
    Side note: jesus christ, what the fuck OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:13:11 No.949957
    Ignore all moralfags OP. These are the same people that say drugs are bad and getting drunk at a party is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:14:43 No.949976
    Also, your taking way to long OP. It's fuckin 3am damn. I can't wait anymore. I'm goin to bed.

    Thanks for the story. I want to believe.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:15:01 No.949982
    If I was the author of this piece of fiction, I'd come back tomorrow and go with the whole "I woke up at 1 in the morning to feel someone crawling in my bed. I rolled over and it was my mom. She just smiled, said hi, and then put her face into my chest, sighed deeply, and started to go to sleep. I put my arms around her and held her while she breathed deep and slow into my chest. She fell asleep before me but there I lay in bed holding my mom against me while falling asleep."

    THen pick it up with a sexy wake up morning scene followed with her making some sweet ass pancakes.

    But you know, that's how I'd do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:32:45 No.950125
    OP, we need more pics of your mom.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)03:42:33 No.950203
    OP, if this thread dies, make a new one, and please save your story in a .txt file.
    >> Joplin !!napefB1KyNV 01/02/12(Mon)04:10:06 No.950439
    This is all very confusing and I think I have a lot ahead of me. I hope things don't get awkward. I want my mom. I want to keep having sex with her. It was amazing. I still feel surreal, like it's not really happening. But it's so amazing. I'm so lucky she's so hot, or this probably wouldn't have worked out.... lol.

    I think I'll sleep it off and see what happens. I really wish we could sleep together. I feel so alone now. I want to climb into bed with her, but I don't want to make her upset or mad at me.

    I guess we'll see what happens.

    I will try and find some pictures she hasn't posted on my camera, which my buddy is borrowing at the moment. Dunno if I'll get them anytime soon. I just don't want you guys tineyeing me or whatever and finding out who the fuck I am. This will destroy my life at college.

    I've saved this thread, just in case. G'night for now, /r9k/. Thanks for the assist. I'll report back tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)04:15:24 No.950488
    Incest troll thread #3402.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)04:28:52 No.950613
         File1325496532.gif-(540 KB, 400x300, 93a29064_Slow-Clap.gif)
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    I don't know about you guys, but you gotta hand it to OP. No walk the dinosaur, no bel air. I like this cat. I say we support his incestual endeavors.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)05:02:54 No.950880
    OP, the reason we have been asking for another pic of your mom is because if you can provide another photo of the same woman then that would prove that you at least know her. That doesn't prove that she's your mom, it doesn't proved that you fucked her, but it at least shows that you know this woman and that means that your story could possibly be true. But if it's a pic from her Facebook then make sure you change the filename and reverse the pic. The safest thing to do would be to post a pic of her that isn't on the internet, because then there's no possible way to use it to track her down.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)05:56:49 No.951282
    If you guys think OP is going to fucking post pictures of his mom after telling us a story about fucking her, you're out of your minds.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)06:15:42 No.951436
    Already archive at

    Now it needs to be rated up, in order to stay there.,
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)07:06:19 No.951784
    He said he would try to get some pics of her off of his cell phone. Plus he already posted one pic, so why would he care about posting another?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)07:30:06 No.951897
    fagggots not again

    this is a decade old internet troll , playing on the insecurities of mind of virgins

    fucking faggots

    this sort of shit should stay on /b/ and shouldnt be worth of r9k worth crap , really ? NO FUCKING VERIFICATION TIMESTAMPS ETC ?

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)07:34:38 No.951930
    And now you're just proving that YOU are new around here. A timestamp would prove NOTHING given the circumstances. He already posted a pic of his mother, but it's one that's leaked onto the internet at large, so he's going to have to come through with the cell phone pic of her to prove that he at least knows this woman. If that happens then we may actually have the single greatest win in the history of the entire internet. If not then at least we got some decent wincest fiction. It's a win/win either way.

    So STFU and GTFO, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)07:40:33 No.951958
    WIN , NEW , stfu , gtfo , newfag

    loool , enjoy your board , you already missed out on the quality posters , , your lucky i just saw this on page one ..see ya >>4040
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:25:05 No.952244


    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:37:14 No.952303
    Wow you are a homosexual. Please leave and never come back.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:25:17 No.953017

    How does that fuck rate system work anyway? Can any of us rate it? Can we rate it more then once??
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:43:00 No.953127
    Jesus tittyfucking christ, best thread ever. AND TRIPS. Cannot believe this
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:47:09 No.953151
    >220 posts and 16 image replies omitted.

    well derp
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:00:52 No.953702
    Bump, still hoping for an update from OP.

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