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  • File : 1325398909.png-(86 KB, 233x202, part 2 and three.png)
    86 KB Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:21:49 No.937833  
    Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children? How does this make you feel? Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life? Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity? If not, how are you planning on living by yourself?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:25:38 No.937852
    Stop speculating about the future and live in the here and now. >>>/fit/

    Squats, pullups, pushups, hanging knee lifts, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:35:04 No.937911
    >that feel when you'd be a great father but have almost no hope of getting close enough with a woman to have kids
    I keep thinking, in some vain and mysterious hope, that eventually a woman will somehow slide into my life and I'll get into a deep and wonderful relationship with her after some time - but I know it's not true.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:37:10 No.937924
    >Implying I want to get married or have children

    Fuck no.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:38:04 No.937930
    > How does this make you feel?
    what do you think?

    > how are you planning on living by yourself?
    Im gonna get a job and an apartment, and then spend
    my weekends playing DnD with my buddies and their gfs / wifes like i've always done.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:38:39 No.937934
    I am married, and had a vasectomy. I feel great! I will nevar be alooone! Virginity is a thing of the past.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:39:23 No.937940
    Adopt a kid and be the greatest dad ever!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:49:02 No.937999
    I don't really care. The girls that I'm attracted to could do better than me; any kid I had would probably be fucked all to hell. It's better this way.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:49:07 No.938000
    I've thought about that, but I just...I can't make it feel the same way it does when I imagine life with my own kid(s). If I was raising my own offspring, I'd be able to recognize the parts of their personality and the times in their life which mirrored my own life and experiences and could offer hard learned advice in a way they'd most likely understand (a central part of my daydreams about this - raising a kid who is like me and yet unlike me). I just don't feel the same way when I imagine a kid I adopted. Maybe my attitude will change by the time I've reached the proper age and financial level (college student now).
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)04:09:41 No.938939
    didn't see through...sdf
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)04:33:49 No.939119
    I am that feel, brobot.

    I'm 27, responsible and well paid. I figure that when I'm 37, I'll hopefully find a desperate woman who likely remained single for good reasons. There will be no physical attraction, but we'll put on a weak facade of romance to pretend we're not settling. We'll have one child, which is all her hips are capable of at that age.

    She now has what she wanted, and I will accept unreasonable expenditures and demands, like a cottage we never use and letting her alcoholic nephew stay for months at a time, because I don't want her to divorce me and take the boy. I love the kid much more than I ever loved her, even though he's a bit slow. This only fuels her jealousy.

    She ends up divorcing me when the boy turns 4. I get him wednesdays and every other weekend. He doesn't particularly like being with me, since I live in a small flat on the modest leftovers after the settlement. Eventually she moves across the country, and I only see him for christmas. I start drinking more and caring less. I'm fired for not giving a shit and coming in drunk. My son is ashamed and doesn't want anything to do with me. He says I ruined his life by not being there for him, which is probably true since his mom couldn't raise a pet rock.

    He spends his days, bitter and alone, posting on r9k.

    The circle of life. Sunrise, sunset.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)04:41:17 No.939169
    Well I'm 25, so well yes. Love almost certainly not. Most likely mooching off the government until I die. Probably living in my parents house.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)05:37:52 No.939531
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)05:44:21 No.939579

    That's beautiful, bro.

    You made me listen to the lion king again.

    I salute you
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)05:45:13 No.939582
    fellow 27 years old fag here, well its good to see you have everything planned out anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)14:58:27 No.943257
    Probably not, I don't really like kids anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:16:07 No.944057
    i'd be a cool mum :3
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:28:39 No.944211
    I'm 25 now and I still have some weird hope that I cling onto for some fucked up reason. I know it's not going to happen but I guess hope is better than just completely not giving a shit about my life.

    The thing is, after all this I don't know if I'd even want to have kids if I were even given a chance. I mean, my life has been so shit that I don't even have advice for a kid if they were to ask me something. I have no idea what it's like to have friends or a relationship at a young age so I wouldn't be able to help them out. Plus I have awful genes, I wouldn't want to curse someones life by having them be like me.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:05:30 No.944723
    > implying getting a wife or having kids will solve your problems
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:39:27 No.945102
    no i don't think i will...s
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:59:55 No.945360
    Why do people want kids? I can't see a single reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:15:06 No.945557
    I've been with my boyfriend for 8 months and we've already discussed marriage and children. We both want kids but he's in college right now so it probably won't happen for another 8 years or so.

    To be honest, he's the only guy who's ever made me consider having kids. It's all about finding the right person who you would be comfortable being with until your child is 18.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:21:18 No.946280
    bumpan out of itnerests...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:26:49 No.946339
    Why would I want to marry and have children? Fuck that shit. I don't like kids and I don't believe in marriage being a special thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:43:47 No.946555
    Its not a big deal anymore, I have better things to focus my energy on.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:43:51 No.946557

    that's a good question, I wish I knew. Are you also a friendless virgin?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:46:46 No.946599
    Nah, I'll just get a mail order bride if I hit 35 and it hasn't happened for me, problem solved. I've actually researched it quite a lot, to the point where there's a large part of me that thinks I'd rather just try to go that route as a first choice than attempt to date more British women and have it happen 'organically'. But who knows.

    Only dilemma is Russian, Latin American, Asian or African.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:46:53 No.946602
    Marriage is an outdated and useless institution.

    The only reason to get married in the modern era is the tax breaks.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)19:49:49 No.946641
    Totally agree, I can't stand children and don't really believe in marriage (two people can live happily forever without a bit of paper confirming it) not to mention people get divorced all the time so the legal complications are just not worth the hassle.

    The only advantage I can see to having kids is keeping yourself feeling 'young' as it were, being silly and shit, that said it doesn't out weigh all the other reasons
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:23:17 No.947041
    >even considering African
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)20:35:11 No.947190
    This is my plan.
    When I hit 30 or so, I'm going to some third world country in South American and finding a poor family to marry their 16 year old daughter to me.
    My only worry is she'll be a whore who gets fat and never does anything, but I'm sure I can find a nice virgin bride who will keep herself and the house attractive. I could teach her English, she could teach me her native language, we could move to the woods and raise a family together.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)23:39:30 No.948264
    None of us here will be getting married and I know this for a fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:31:58 No.948704
    that feel when it has no real friends to get a wife
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:34:56 No.948727
    Well, I plan on killing myself eventually.

    Playing video games, completing my goals, and imagining what life would have been like if I was normal will have to fill the void until then.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:39:37 No.948776
    yeah, wud b laff
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:40:28 No.948785

    >friendless virgin

    news flash your goals are worthless.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:42:19 No.948801
    planning of getting my own flat and job
    do the general self improvements
    same hobbies as now
    die a little inside everyday
    kill self when my parents have been dead for about 5 years

    thats pretty much it
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:43:39 No.948814
    Don't listen to babby's first trolling

    Achieve your goals, mate. Confidence breeds success breeds confidence. That's my mantra and the better I do in uni and career, the better my happiness and social life gets.

    I'm actually not even suicidal anymore, as compared to the beginning of 2011. Fuck yeah man it's good.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:44:49 No.948819
    still here?
    Why don't you go and get a gf instead?
    Stupid oldboys.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:49:30 No.948857
    It seems rather likely. But I know a guy who is a foreverbachelor and he does alright. He travels, maintains a lot of hobbies, and he even gets to do some paternal stuff with the kids of his relatives and friends. He's a cool guy, and I think he lives as full a life as he wanted to.

    So yeah it's possible, but if that's what's in the cards for me, I'm ready to live with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:52:34 No.948884
    I'm trying to achieve my goals.

    But it seems like every day is one step forward and two steps back.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)00:55:27 No.948908

    why do you want to kill yourself and what are your goals and ambitions?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:01:01 No.948962
    >why do you want to kill yourself
    Because it would probably be better for everyone. I'm probably too mentally damaged and insane to ever interact normally with other people.

    >what are your goals and ambitions
    They're, uh, pretty out there.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:05:19 No.949000

    if you have people to talk to ie friends online or off, i'm sure they would care if yo offed yourself. hat about your family? Aren't you close with them?

    >there out there

    that doesn't explain much...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:09:03 No.949033
    >Aren't you close with them?
    HA HA no.

    As for any friends, I'm sure they'd get over it soon enough. Not that I'd blame them or anything.

    As for my goals, well, let's say that one of them is being able to code video games and/or write my own webcomic.

    The rest are probably more fantasies anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:12:05 No.949074
    yes, i am aware of it.

    i told my brother and parents (brother), better get married and have kids, otherwise your genes aren't going to be passed on." they just rolled their eyes at me and said i would get married and have kids one day.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:24:33 No.949183

    >wants t kill himself but has friends and good goals

    it's better than nothing, stop being so selfish.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:26:54 No.949198
    Nigga, I have like two "friends" that I rarely see or talk to.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:31:03 No.949238
    Eh I have no idea what my future holds..

    Probably my future is going to be nothing but a directionless waste of life. Every second slips away and I idle most of the day. Soon I will perish and my lack of caring that has sheilded me for so long will have butchered anything capable of being. I have never aspired to be anyone. I have never aspired to be anything. I am empty.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:35:54 No.949269

    you can see them if you tried to go out or call them up. You probably have the socials skills to build yourself up. What are your interests and hobbies?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:38:28 No.949288
    Video games
    Browsing the Internet
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:42:21 No.949313
    >Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children?
    I hope so.

    >How does this make you feel?
    Good, optimistic.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'm more than capable of getting into a relationship if for some reason my current one doesn't work out.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've already done both.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:48:48 No.949357

    That's all I do to, I also have no friends and I've never had a job and don't go to a college or uni. How do you act socially whenever you're at work/school?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:54:06 No.949400
    I don't.

    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)01:56:46 No.949415
    I'm sure I'll never get married legally. I'm down for a monogamous, committed relationship if I ever found someone that would make it worthwhile. I have extreme daddy issues though, and the thought of having a child makes me feel sick, especially a son.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:05:58 No.949461
    I doubt I'll ever be married. I can't deal with the stress of living with a romantic partner thanks to my debilitating social anxiety. Many moons ago I stayed with my ex-significant other and company for a period of four days, during which I've rarely experienced so much chagrin. Even sleeping together at night was difficult because it's hard for me to sleep when someone else is in the room. I just stared at the walls while my SO slept.

    As for children, I don't want to have them until I'm in my late thirties, because I want to experience my life without such huge obligations. By the time I reach my late thirties, I'll be more jaded than I am now, so it'll be nice to have children to bring joy to me then as I get older. And by that time I'll be responsible and capable enough to provide for them, and I'll have enough wisdom and knowledge to teach them and guide them well. So yeah...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:09:17 No.949484
    I won't die a virgin or wifeless, I'll just buy a girl from her father in some -stan or Southeast Asian country.

    Unfortunately, she'll probably want kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:10:15 No.949490
    I love kids, and they love me. I find myself watching families I know as they raise their kids, learning from the parents as I bond with their kids.

    I sincerely feel that given a decent partner, I could raise a child. I've got 95% of this shit down...

    The remaining 5% is everything up to and including actual conception. It boggles my mind how to actually get a woman to even hold my hand. I guess if I'm unable to find a good mother, I'm a poor father. And this hurts.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:12:32 No.949513

    i see, well if you don't mind me asking, is it alright if we keep in touch via hotmail communication? I like keeping in touch with fellow loners and I'm sure me and you will be fine socially, trust me, tons of others like you are on there as well but we don't always have to speak, just whenever you feel like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:15:01 No.949528
    I'm going to have drunk one night stands with random drunk bitches to get rid of my virginity, but I don't plan on getting married and I don't want children. I don't think I could ever find someone that could love me and all my neuroticisms, failures, and perversions. It makes me a bit sad but at the same time the idea of living alone seems nice because of the sheer freedom it would give, plus I really enjoy being alone. I'm just going to get a dog so I have some company and fill my life with an endless parade of alcohol and friends. At least that's my plan.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)02:51:10 No.949799

    are you there or did you leave like the last one?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)04:02:01 No.950363

    guess i'll wait until you respond back to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)05:06:11 No.950913

    how is browsing the internet a hobby? Isn't it just a way to waste your time as you have nothing else to fulfill your life?
    >> Ninja 01/02/12(Mon)05:11:09 No.950956
    Female, can't have children.
    I doubt I'll ever find a guy who'd be with me. I do not like make up or jewelery... I love video games and would love to learn DnD.
    >> Ninja 01/02/12(Mon)05:13:18 No.950967
    I'm not the girliest girl in the least... I thought I'd be great for a guy.. Guess not.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:43:24 No.952738
    i don't, at least, I'd hope not as I've never even had a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:03:15 No.952872
    if a robot gets married, I'd think he'd brag about it onh ere like a child.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:54:33 No.953648
    No and no.

    I'd prefer to remain alone in my house.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:58:54 No.953685
    >I thought I'd be great for a guy.. Guess not

    Why, because someone didn't reply to your attention-whoring post within 2 whole minutes? I think you should be more patient sis.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:05:45 No.954367
    found love, lost virginity, but lost love due to me being in love with a cheating whore, mentally I was prepared for both marriage and kids, as the prospects of both seem far more pleasant then short relationships without meaning, doubt I'll ever find new love or get married and have kids though
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:16:02 No.955029
    i doon't think it will happen, i'm inside too much for my own good.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:20:41 No.955068
    Since the dawn of recorded history, something like 100 billion people have been born into this world, and not a single one of them made it. There are 7 million people on the planet. Roughly 60 million die a year which is 160,000 a day on average.

    We live alone, we die alone. Make no mistake. So why spent my life sweating, struggling for an.. illusion. This is why I wont get married, or have children
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:21:43 No.955077
    7 billion* on the planet
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:15:47 No.956786
    that feel when no one even likes to cook for you
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)18:33:00 No.957558
    buman for more unmarried faggotz.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)19:43:23 No.958510
    this makes no sense, how can I get married when everyone I talk to hates me?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:09:19 No.958840
    mfw r9k has turned into /v/ with that same spammer who proxies to get on here
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:11:44 No.958867
         File1325553104.jpg-(15 KB, 361x355, 1325311085383.jpg)
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    I'm actually very OK with it.
    Fuck bitches

    foreveralone virgin is the way to go
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)20:14:28 No.958905
    I'm okay with it.

    Already lost my virginity, so that's done with. Besides, I don't see how a woman could fit into my life plans. I plan on joining the peace corp for at least 1 year, and then in general spending my time around the world in various places that are not places where most people/woman would like to go, I.E. Anywhere but Europe.

    Maybe once i'm back I'll get married, but I don't really see the point. I could be just as happy living alone, as long as I have friends in town.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:01:57 No.959531

    are you taht spammer that I want to track down and murder? jk but seriously are you?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:08:40 No.959618
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    I'm just the prinny guy.

    You're probably talking about Accelerator, that isn't me.

    And I've stopped spamming now, just using the same image via proxies for the hell of it now
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:46:26 No.960024

    why r9k? why not /v/ or another more popular board?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:49:17 No.960061
    I have a girlfriend now, but I honestly do not believe I will marry her. I see myself living in a cozy little home or apartment, and being an animal lover (not sexually, fuck off), will surround myself with my faithful companions. If I happen to meet the right woman then that's fantastic, but most likely I will end up alone. I can already feel my social connections to the world straining and dwindling.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:52:49 No.960103
    >Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children?
    Yes to both.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I feel fine, I guess. I've come to accept it.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Define "alone." I have enough friends, and I spend time with them very often, so I guess I'm not alone.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Probably not. I'm not meant for it. I never get any attention from girls, but I'm not complaining.
    >If not, how are you planning on living by yourself?
    Since I won't have a wife or girlfriend (and subsequently, no kids) to worry about, the only things I'll have complete financial freedom.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)21:53:29 No.960111
         File1325559209.jpg-(18 KB, 309x305, 1325559199856.jpg)
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    only reason I even am on r9k is because I needed to test it somewhere slow enough for me to see the effect, really.
    currently saving up some captchas so I can unleash some hell on soc
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)22:47:13 No.960951

    you should have done that before, r9k isn't worth it.

    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:03:33 No.961799

    >claims to not be autistic
    >spams a board

    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:53:59 No.963032
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)04:37:50 No.964303
    never really gave it much thought.

    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)06:54:29 No.965159

    I hate /soc/ as much as the next person, but we need that board to get rid of the normalfags off other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)10:49:31 No.966790
    is that guyfrom last night in here? I'd like to talk with him about something.

    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)13:28:27 No.967851
    I've always dreamed about a girl that would use me as a fart cushion.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)14:53:32 No.968500
    I don't even like kids so I don't think I'll be getting married.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)15:39:47 No.968897
    give me a reason why having a kid is beneficial.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)17:32:08 No.969988
    the way i see it is that i wont be able to get married unless my social skills sky rocket.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)18:41:22 No.970791
    bumpan to get more non married folk up in here.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)18:49:53 No.970889
    >Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children?
    Never will. The thought of pushing a baby out of me scares me. Anyways, doesn't matter now because I found out I cannot have children anyway. It was the best day of my life.

    >How does this make you feel?
    Good. My parents on the other hand are devasted--despite the fact that my drug addict brother has already had three different children by three different women.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Yes, yes and yes.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I don't think I will, but you never know what will happen. I may very well lose my virginity, but if I haven't lost it by now at age 27, I doubt I will.

    >If not, how are you planning on living by yourself?
    I already live by myself! I already have a home in the middle of nowhere, all paid off, along with no debts. I didn't work all those overtimes, extra jobs, and stressful times for nothing! Now, I can just sit back and relax and work regular hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)21:33:09 No.972715

    you seem like you're living the dream even though you'e social and have a ton of friends to talk to both on and offline
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)23:14:58 No.973708
    i think i might adopt but even that's a stretch.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)00:37:12 No.974454
    bumpan for more non married aggots.a
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)02:32:13 No.975569
    I don't really think any of us will be gettin married from the looks of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)04:56:32 No.976424
    to that prinny guy that was in here before (not sure if it's the same one) why do you think you wont get married?
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)05:00:56 No.976468
    Don't know if I ever marry, find 'true love', or have children. I will just do what I am doing now and buy expensive shit all the time to help fill the void. Next up; CTS-V coupe.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)05:03:46 No.976488
    Being an only child female... I was always expected to have kids. But, I'm not in position or maturity level to have one. I would like to settle down with an awesome guy and have kids when I'm making money and I can support a family. It doesn't feel weird... just something I'm not ready for yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)05:27:22 No.976658

    this, how do you life your life from day to night? How are your overall social skills and social life with friends?
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)05:57:39 No.976835

    I've been on a swing shift for the last year or so usually working the hours of (3:00pm to 1:00am), 60-70+ hours a week. I was basically getting up, eating, do whatever errands, go to work, come home and sleep. It has finally been slowing down lately so I actually get weekends off now.

    Weekends/freetime I'm usually by myself riding ATVs, playing disc golf, working on cars, hiking, snowboarding.. shit like that.

    I'm not creepy or anything. I'm well spoken and can have great conversations. I'm just extremely shy and scared of looking like an idiot when it comes to new people which I know is stupid, I'm in a shitty mindset that I can't seem to get out of. All my close friends have either moved across the country and/or married and started a family of their own.

    I'm fairly young (23) and I just can't stand the bar scene. I get nervous being surrounded by people I don't know and become overwhelmed. Social anxiety I guess? Only person I really hang out with is my cousin and everyone but me seems to hate him honestly.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)06:07:15 No.976893
         File1325675235.png-(133 KB, 516x520, 1314987099226.png)
    133 KB
    eat a dick nigga im ballin nigga

    i got more Gs than your cheesy diseases
    my grill ice is so chill it be keepin your blood freezin
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)09:06:46 No.977902

    is there something wrong furry?
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)10:51:02 No.978653
    no i don't think so but that isn't a problem as I like to fap.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)13:03:39 No.979619
    guess it's a no in all accounts.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)15:21:18 No.980826
    bumpan for more no married individuals.
    had to restart my computer completely.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)16:54:03 No.981732

    More of that picture? I want to fap.

    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)18:03:27 No.982672
    I love kids, and they love me. I find myself watching families I know as they raise their kids, learning from the parents as I bond with their kids. Not saying it will happen soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)19:41:01 No.983795
    >mfw you people actually want children

    think about all the shit you have to pay for...
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)21:37:45 No.985062
    >Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children?
    *raises hand*

    >How does this make you feel?

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    To be honest, no. I'm very socialised guy but if I am to build a relationship to a girl, I don't have the courage to do so. Therefore got friendzoned multiple times.

    >If not, how are you planning on living by yourself?
    I'll finish school this year and then study medicine. That's gonna take about six years. Probably I'm gonna share a flat with other students. After finishing my exam, I wanna work as a doctor in a hospital. Gonna earn shitloads of moneys so I won't have financial problems (if that's what you mean)... But thinking of the price makes me wanna cry.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/12(Wed)22:41:01 No.985945
    Anyone else here never even had a girl as a friend?

    girls have always shown a hatred towards me.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)00:30:15 No.987260

    >I'm social

    leave, no one cares.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)01:59:31 No.988226
    sorry, i think i'll just play my nintendo...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:03:38 No.988259
    Don't give a fuck. I'd like to be in a long lasting relationship. If I don't have to get married, I'll avoid it. Children are just, period.
    >Find love/Lose virginity?
    Already lost my virginity, and I've experienced "love." I wouldn't mind falling in love again.
    >Planning on living by yourself?
    All I need is a small loft/apartment or something. If someone wants to share that with me, cool. If not? I've got mad tree to smoke.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)02:41:53 No.988618
    >Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Don't care, have my waifu. I'm used to being alone anyway and I think that I actually prefer it that way.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Various women I've talked to online have said I'm attractive enough and can have a decent personality when I try, but I simply have no interest in 3D. The thought of being lovey-dovey and married and cuddling up with the person you love is a wonderful fantasy, until you remember that is has to be with another person. And that other person is not, nor will it ever be, your waifu.
    >If not, how are you planning on living by yourself?
    I'll fill my life with the fun, but ultimately worthless, past times I enjoy until one day I realize I've had my fill and finally act on my beliefs. I'll have a glorious death fighting for what I believe in. After all, no Valkyries come for the deaths of cowards.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)03:34:20 No.989008

    yet you talk to girls who are 3d, fuck off troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)05:54:03 No.989947
    will see if I don't lose my mind over the course of this year.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)10:10:48 No.991446
    children - no
    marriage - no
    alone for the rest of my life - probably
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)10:13:40 No.991466
    Me, just by a few months. The girl I loved deluded me so fucking much. I was able to see only her as the mother of my child and my life companion, but now she's just a thought.
    I am a career-only bitch now, will just study, work and fuck bitches starting to do the actor with them, I will be so fake and filthy you cannot imagine. Can't wait.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)10:14:40 No.991478
    Also marriage just doesn't work, it's proven by many many many years. But hey, people is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)10:46:41 No.991679
    Currently no. I haven't had a female friend since primary school and I haven't had a conversation with a female outside of work or school since forever.

    It makes me feel bad.

    Most likely. To be honest, if it wasn't for my sister and the fact that my parents are still alive, I wouldn't have any reason to live. When my parents are gone and my sister has married someone, that's it.

    This seems to be the future I'm heading for.

    I lost my virginity to a hooker. Realistically speaking, there will only be one-sided infatuations with strangers who will pass by with time. No love.

    I'm not sure. Alone, maybe in the city so I don't feel that removed from being with other people.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)14:18:07 No.992871
    just for him, i'll be making more to increase his anger.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)15:59:11 No.993755
    Seeing as the rate of faggots on here, i doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)16:27:27 No.994084
    My girlfriend doesn't want to get married or have children. She has an IUD now and wants to get her tubes tied. I'm glad about her not wanting to get married, and as far as kids go, I currently don't want them, but I realize this could change for either of us in the future, although she doesn't seem to think this.
    >> Vyro !Eo6EK3D9JM 01/05/12(Thu)16:36:48 No.994203
    >Have a long time girlfriend
    >Both hate kids
    >Both believe marriage is bullshit

    Hell yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)17:03:18 No.994556
    I can't even deal with my own shit let alone a wife and kids,a family life is no life for me.I'll stick with my crippling depression and alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)17:14:59 No.994689

    I wish I had alcohol, it helps me cope with being alone but I'm not social nor have I been to a party, or have any friends, are you also friendless and alone?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)17:16:50 No.994711

    Not unless you can get it up for a sergal rapping like Busta Rhymes
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)17:41:22 No.994997

    are you a version of me in another country?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)18:21:23 No.995393
    that feel when i can't even take care of my self let alone children and a woman
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)19:58:58 No.996489
    not sure if i really want to go down that path...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)20:38:08 No.996977
    keep bumping your thread, it isn't getting replies because people can't see it. it's a good thread it's just no one knows it's there.

    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)20:48:46 No.997130
    >wanting to get married
    >not wanting to live with an adopted son
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)22:30:42 No.998369
    does that mean we wont have cake?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)23:30:53 No.998994
    i don't like the way my life is going so it's doubtful...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)23:36:40 No.999056
    I don't care anymore. I just do not fucking give a shit at this point.

    My libido is dying on me, I'm starting to find sex repulsive, I feel like I'm losing interest in women in general. Most people are trouble and it's just not worth sorting through to find the decent ones aside from friends.
    I've stopped masturbating, I've stopped the daydreams about women, I've accepted fate because it's inevitable. Even if I still cared, I wouldn't find it reasonable to hang this undeniable truth infront of my face when all it does is bring me misery.

    The priorities and mindsets having to do with relationships are so backwards and corrupted in their own way as it is. It's not worth caring about.

    If only my family knew that in it's bringing, that it would end with me being the last male.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/12(Thu)23:45:03 No.999124
    I have a 9 month old son and I have
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)02:20:14 No.1000528
    a lot of us here might have this problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)04:30:58 No.1001368
    this may be a positive, but children are not worth taking care of.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)06:05:40 No.1001894
    i'll start from the beginning, wait for it to come up.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)08:11:27 No.1002548

    You tell them, besides, children are a pain to take care of.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)12:38:44 No.1004100
    i'd think to think that i may one day get a girlfriend but it's doubtful.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)18:11:27 No.1007034
    life is shit, i think we all know this, but i wanted to get that out of the way.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:14:31 No.1007716
    I'd love to have my own children, but I'll need to find the right guy to help me or i'll end up adopting.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:18:19 No.1007743
    I want to get married, but I am also only 21, so I think I have a good amount of time before I really need to focus on that. I am trying to finish my undergrad and graduate studies before I go for serious romance like that.

    Fuck no on the kids though, but I would consider being a foster parent. I am going to be an elementary teacher and love kids, but really don't want any of my own. That, I imagine, is a deterrent for many women I like.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:06:41 No.1008795
    I will eat my hat if i suddenly get married.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:13:02 No.1008859
    Never met a happily married couple. I find it odd that society would pressure us to strive towards that endgame, when I can't see any of its benefits other than to escape a fear of loneliness. It's not for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:40:30 No.1009102
    >You know realize that the modern attitude of kids as a liability instead of an asset will save this planet from the damages of overpopulation
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)22:28:51 No.1009655
    that feel when all of your friends are starting to get married...
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)00:48:45 No.1011513
    ahh this brings back emmories of when i use to be married, it isn't worth it folks.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)02:14:45 No.1012493
    bumpan for more no marriedfags on /r9ggay/
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)03:05:56 No.1013102
    nobody ever cared to get in contact with me after high school, i've never even had a female friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)04:39:32 No.1013947
    >ggetting married and having children

    seems out of place in this modern society
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)09:38:31 No.1015944
    it'd be out of place if i ever got married.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)09:40:11 No.1015962
    i can't imagine having kids until iam an oldfag of at least 30 years old. having a kid is a lot of work and money. im' not sure it's right for me at all
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)14:30:11 No.1018139
    than why do you think it will happen for you? You just said you didn't think you'll get them.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)19:05:52 No.1020626
    that's odd how no one seems to be replying to this thread, you'd think it would be "no.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:39:57 No.1022283
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)00:30:09 No.1024231
    that feel when no feel.jpg
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:11:57 No.1026726
    >mfw people will get married and then leave me in the dust

    don't do this to me robots...
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:13:11 No.1026733
    But I have a longer term girl friend ( 5 years ) and a child....

    Never going to be married thou.. Don't believe in that shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:15:07 No.1026753
    Yep, I think that every single day of my life. I will probably remain alone against my wishes.

    I'm not planning on living by myself. Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:17:18 No.1026771
    I'm 21 and I feel like it's already way too late for me.

    It fucking hurts because a family was all that I ever wanted in life. We can't always get what we want, can we.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:20:56 No.1026789

    what are both of your stories? Do you guys have friends to live with? State who you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:28:02 No.1026844
    actually, I was samefagging
    story is long and boring, but basically;
    >friendzoned at a young age
    >figure I will never have a girl love me
    >luck out and find one girl that really loved me, for a short while
    >back to being alone
    Now I know for sure that having a lasting relationship with a loving person of the opposite gender will never happen for me. My choices are stupid unloving bitch and inevitable divorce, or remain alone.

    And that's only if I should be so lucky to get abused by another female. Most probably, I'll never have another long term relationship for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:32:06 No.1026881

    is there any reason why you samefagged? I don't see the point even though both sounded sounded like it came from the same person...meh...anyway, at least you know what it's like to be wit ha woman and have social skills.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:36:05 No.1026915
    I samefagged because this is an issue that I think about all day every day.

    And yeah, I'm really grateful for the fact that I got to experience love, even if it was only for a short period.

    I even told that girl that if she hadn't loved me that no one ever would have.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:44:48 No.1026992
    I'm currently studying at university, the plan is to work for a few years and then buy a shitload of different drugs and do them until I barely resemble my former self. Will this bring me happiness? Most likely not, but it's still sort of a life goal.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:47:59 No.1027029
    Hopefully not gonna remain alone forever, but I'd almost rather have that than marriage and children. My ideal relationship is just a girl who's my soulmate and likes to fuck, no kids and no overpriced christian festivity promises.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)05:52:05 No.1027066

    what do you do with all of your time if you don't mind me asking? From the start of your day until the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)06:00:22 No.1027138
    The only thing I do is engage in my hobbies go on the internet. That's it. I wake up and go to sleep at completely random times as well.

    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)06:10:23 No.1027212

    Well if you had friends i'd assume you'd go to parties and if you had a lot of interests you'd do a lot with other people. was just wondering. did you want to keep in touch with my foeveralone e-mail? It's okay if not.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)06:48:24 No.1027527

    it didn't even send out my comment, wha the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)06:55:49 No.1027581
    Am I the only one who thinks in the pic they are all dicks? Like I glance at it and I see dicks like dicks.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)07:12:08 No.1027705
    Don't want kids, don't want to get married. It doesn't matter to me. Will I be alone for rest of my life? Maybe unless things change soon. Thats more worrying.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)07:24:10 No.1027801
    I'm only 18 and I already know I can't trust anyone.
    People treat me really nicely, only have positive things to say about me, and claim to care about me - I can hold my own alright in social interactions and all that.
    But everyone I care about abandons me after we get too close to each other.
    It feels like I scare them off, but I can't think of what about me would do that, there's nothing that makes sense, and no one ever gives a reason or an explanation for it, other than, "Oh, I had a lot going on/I was really busy/I'm horribly forgetful..." etc., etc.
    And the worst of it is that I care about people so much it hurts.
    I miss being part of a group of people that had a family dynamic.
    I miss feeling close to someone.

    I feel like my life is a gigantic inside joke that everyone is in on except for me.
    Fuck you all, I'll never trust a single one of you bastards.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)07:24:39 No.1027806
    what are you looking to change? if you're older than 20, you would have changed by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)16:56:28 No.1030214
    i'm in charge of background effects for my website and my wife helps out, she doesn't love me though.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:35:28 No.1030528
    my mom shouts in my ear whenever she comes in my room, fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:21:25 No.1031657
    >> Jew Bastard !i6T3NJc/P2 01/08/12(Sun)19:26:20 No.1031701
    I feel that way a lot. It makes me feel bummed out. I try to worry about how I will make a livelyhood, which will be a deciding factor if I'll get married.

    Rabbi Nachman of Breslov teaches that mastubation and sexual immorality makes it more difficult to find your soulmate. He also taught masturbation made it so others will treat you badly and it will be more difficult in acquiring a livelihood.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:28:09 No.1031722
         File1326068889.jpg-(11 KB, 320x240, 1304013427252.jpg)
    11 KB
    >girl of my dreams rejects me
    >years go by
    >meet new girls
    >get a girlfriend that isn't even that nice or attractive
    >we'll get married and have kids
    >Never forget that one girl

    This is how I believe it will go down.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:33:32 No.1031778
    >still angsty
    Dude, I got out of that when I was 16. Grow up already.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:38:50 No.1031836
    >Anyone else here think they'll never get married or have children?
    Eh, maybe. I want to get married and raise a son. but on the other hand, bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks and my job entails shit that might kill me every day.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I don't know. I feel I will be happy and be able to accomplish things in life either way.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Nah, I will probably have bros and female friends but maybe not romantic relationships.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Probably not but we'll find out when I get back to the States.
    >If not, how are you planning on living by yourself?
    Work hard at my job and during free time, Seinfeld in real life with a sprinkle of vidya.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:41:46 No.1031860

    > Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    > find love and lose your virginity
    > and

    Found your problem.

    If you're waiting for that triple-word-score then you probably will be waiting forever.

    You don't HAVE to lose it to the love of your life, and it's probably best you don't because believe it or not, your giant V can hinder you finding yourself and therefore finding love.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:57:06 No.1032043
    I have this crazy dream to be a rich cat lady in a mansion with some 6+ cats. Family is welcome to live there or visit with their future children.
    Sounds better than marriage. Unless the guy has the same crazy dream as me
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:00:45 No.1032105
    I missed all my chances to lose my virginity when I was a teenager, and now I feel like I've gotten too old and too insecure to get into the game, hooker's aren't my thing either. Guess I'll be a wizard and do something marvelous instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)21:00:47 No.1032672
    how do you save threads?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)21:06:06 No.1032715
         File1326074766.jpg-(20 KB, 417x500, Suicidal feel.jpg)
    20 KB
    I'm never going to have sex.

    I'm never going to find love.

    I'm never going to get married.

    I'm never going to have a family.

    I'm never going to be able to play with my grandchildren and see them grow into young people before I die.

    I contemplate suicide sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)21:13:57 No.1032790

    you're probably living a good life with friends and parents?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)21:14:55 No.1032807
    I want to hang out with my friends more, but I dunno how to. My parents are decent, they ride my ass and annoy the fuck at me when it comes to school.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)21:26:27 No.1032930

    then you aren't alone if you have a lot of friends and are social, snap out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:03:19 No.1033419
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:09:23 No.1033486
    lol I come back here the next day and this was the response
    sorry, I would've been okay to take your email, anon, I just got distracted before I read your post
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:17:17 No.1033621

    it's in the field, i was looking at older pictures of myself and i found me when i was really young with my old genesis and sonic the hedgehog gamebox next to it. It feels odd looking at old pictures and then looking at yourself. I'm a fucking loser today with no friends. you?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:47:28 No.1034004
    derpan for non marriage couples.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:52:03 No.1034058
    this makes me feel fucking awesome. i've already lost my virginity, and to hell with kids. there are 7 billion of us clogging up the works, so why should I have to sacrifice my ambitions to care after some whiny bitch child and spouse?

    so far, living by myself seems to be going quite alright. its like pants were never invented.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)23:04:04 No.1034268
    Some people aren't meant to marry. It might sound alpha in being able to spread your seed but a lot of badasses in history never did that. They didn't get interrupted by families in their awesome careers.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)23:17:49 No.1034455

    are you still there?
    bumpan out of bumps.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)23:39:27 No.1034751
    bumpan for lolz and no marriage.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)00:23:24 No.1035272
    waiting for reply, also, to start this off i'm 19.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)01:05:09 No.1035638
    i doubt it, i wish i could get a girlfriend but i know that will never happen. anyone else here never even had a friend that was a girl?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)02:25:44 No.1036372

    anyway, what are your interests if you don't mind me asking?

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:43:31 No.1037004

    you might as well let it go, he wont come back.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:56:08 No.1037607
    if you want to have a friendless friend then you can message me...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)05:03:44 No.1037657
    Yeah I probably won't get married unless society radically shifts towards the mad man esque where I can set up my own harem. As an ass burger this doesn't bother me except for the inevitable Son I disappoints. The virginity question will be answered by a prostitute and I'll eventually an hero by attempting to assassinate a politician or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)05:52:17 No.1037954

    are you a friendless, socially handicapped don't go to parties kind of person?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)07:12:32 No.1038432

    i already did, i don't think you replied yet, it was last night.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:07:41 No.1039708
    bumpan for more mutannn
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:21:19 No.1040698
    it really sucks that all i do is sleep and browse 4chan, how could i get a wife if i'm that much of a loser?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:25:11 No.1040719
    Why would I be sad about not participating in an unnatural ritual(marriage) and not having any freedom(having a child)? I'll be much happier without.
    >> Witiko 01/09/12(Mon)14:15:01 No.1041116
    Some guys expect their companion to be submissive (probably made evolutionary sense in the past - seems to persist out of inertia), some have a fetish for the exact opposite, so hunt in the remaining group of guys, who want their partner to be an equal. I'm not one for pigeon-holing, but I've heard they call them "hipsters", "feminists" (not to mistake with a "radical feminist") and "faggots". Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:16:45 No.1041128
    I won't be a virgin since I used to hire escorts from time to time in the past, but yeah, I feel like I'm never going to go out with a girl I like, have sex, get married and have children.
    At 23 it feels kinda sad to be this sure that no one will ever like you. Combined with my complete helplessness to change anything, it's outright depressing.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)18:14:18 No.1043220
    i'll be dying more than a lonely virgin with no life.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)19:11:12 No.1043779
    I'm not a virgin and can get a girlfriend, I'm just aware that I'll never being a relationship with a person that I love and as such will never truly be able to have a happy marriage and the like.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)19:42:24 No.1044050
    If I haven't gotten married by the time I'm 35, I'm going to adopt a kid, maybe two if I have the income to support them at the time.

    Hell, I've already got names worked out, Dante and Elizabeth
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)20:53:04 No.1044789
    i' not even in school.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)21:58:34 No.1045569
    anyone else here never even had a female friend and is doing jack shit with their lives?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)00:29:45 No.1047166
    that feel when no one likes you because of your shitty personality.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)01:33:39 No.1047837

    e-mails in the field, hopefully you'll see this message.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)02:52:39 No.1048454
    >actually going to other borads

    it's 2012, r9k seems to be the board to go on these days.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)05:09:18 No.1049157
    bumpan for more unmarried and no friendfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:21:44 No.1049496
    i'm crying right now mother fuckers.

    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)13:18:44 No.1051705
    is it just me, or is marriage worthless?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)13:24:44 No.1051749
         File1326219884.jpg-(90 KB, 668x1000, 1067901938.jpg)
    90 KB
    this board is even worse than before, /r9k/ is an aspy hugbox now.

    >baw dis girl dont love me
    >that feel
    >that feel
    >that feel
    >that feel
    >guise im 18 and my life is shit what do
    >Isnt reddit great guys?
    >that feel
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)17:21:18 No.1053690

    someones a little bit upset i see...
    nice image.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)18:42:36 No.1054484
    i don't think i'd make a good father.
    bumpan for no good fathers.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)20:03:52 No.1055398
    I play conker and pretend to be an imp.

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