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  • File : 1275754588.png-(11 KB, 333x333, ask an aspie.png)
    11 KB OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)12:16:28 No.9342423  
    Well there seemed to be a lot of interest last time, so I figure I'll answer any more questions people. Ask anything, troll me into the ground or just add your own experience with aspies (or are an aspie yourself).

    Just an update, someone who saw the last thread contacted me and I'm going to be giving a presentation on Asperger's at a couple of local psych facilities. Basically I'll be creating a real life /r9k/ thread for people who have quite a bit more education than me and likely already know everything I'll be saying... :\

    Some non tl;dr background info on me since there were some complaints last time:
    -I have Asperger's, ADHD and currently Major Depression.
    -I am 26, white, male, virgin, live at home, unemployed after quitting from an IT job 3 months ago.
    -I have a verbal IQ of 139 but a performance IQ of 104 which totals somehow to a 124 average IQ.
    -I am considered 'high functioning', as in you would never notice I have AS from just looking at me or talking a short time.

    I take some time to type out responses, so please be patient with me as I try to reply to everyone. If anyone wants to contact me, I can be found on user name Dizzeh (I don't have AIM/MSN etc.)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:18:16 No.9342451

    I was going to ask last thread what your interests all were and what you are really obsessive about right now
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:20:45 No.9342477
    if you are 'high functioning', whats the difference between you and a normal person
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:21:23 No.9342492
    Do you find your responses to questions make less sense if you don't take awhile to communicate them effectively?

    Also, have you ever tried drugs to cope with your problems?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)12:27:05 No.9342570
    As a real young child I was really in to waterways and canals, at 4 I used to create canal systems in my back yard with a dams and overflow systems lol.

    After that came my love for insects, mostly butterflies (but really anything with patterns on their body).

    I had a baseball card phase around age 8-9 where I would calculate out statistics and roll dice to play out games and seasons like the MLB. I was never really actually into baseball itself, just the stats and individual players (I obsessed over John Kruk for some reason; he played 3 positions on my home team.)

    Then came reptiles around 10-12 and I would spend all my free time out in fields chasing down blue belly lizards and gopher snakes.

    At 13 I had a few major phases including Pokemon, Magic cards, religious theory, philosophy and fantasy novels.

    From 13 to 18 or 19 I was very very obsessed with sketching everything I could find and still to this day I can't wait to get back into it.

    From 19 to present I've just been hopping from video game to video game (6 years playing FFXI though.)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:30:09 No.9342612
    Thoughts on Chris-Chan?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)12:32:36 No.9342658
    It's just a veneer; inside it's a fucking mess of anxiety and doubt and trying to control myself from doing something really really retarded. I generally am okay in standardized conversations with a single person, but add more people and time and I begin to lose my grip on social etiquette and ability to speak without a stutter or long pauses.

    I have a habit of constantly going over conversations and trying to predict what a person is going to say so I can have a prepared response. When I am unprepared, I tend to pause for a few seconds and let my thoughts get 'translated' from mental to verbal. This isn't that much of a problem when I write though, thoughts are much easier to organize.

    I'm currently on Ritalin CR, Paxil and Ambien. I have never done drugs but only because of no one I knew did them when I had a friend or two. I have gotten drunk before, but I tend to just withdraw more and get really sleepy.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)12:33:51 No.9342677
    I've seen him mentioned but am not familiar with his problems. From what I've seen he is much farther down the spectrum of autism and is the type that is impulsive rather than shy and withdrawn.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:35:15 No.9342700
    is asspergers a real condition do you think or is it just an explanation for why smart people act like retards?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:35:36 No.9342708

    This doesn't sound any different from any other normal person, ie me.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:36:30 No.9342725
    How does one find out they have asbergers? I've seen the wiki and I think I fit a lot of the stuff they list, but I just figured I was your average social retard but threads like these make me paranoid ><
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:36:34 No.9342727

    So Aspergers is just a fancy way of saying crippling socially anxiety right.

    You're probably also insecure about a lot of things, your looks, your masculinity, what have you. You don't have an incurable condition, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:36:38 No.9342728
    hello chris chan
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:38:58 No.9342767
    I have assburgers too, officially diagnosed.

    Do you often find you anticipate every possible outcome of a scenario and plan everything before you can do it?
    Some of us are paranoid as a result of the autism, and I find I have to do this all the time.

    It sucks, because when my friends want to go out somewhere, I have to tell them I will brb because I have to take at least 10 minutes to anticipate possible accidents, make a plan A, B,C etc...

    I have always been curious if anyone can relate to this.
    My obsession is playing the guitar, which I do for about 5 hours a day when I can.

    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)12:44:53 No.9342867
         File1275756293.png-(80 KB, 640x400, poly12c.php.png)
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    There have been several studies that use fMRI to view the brain and compare aspies with neurotypical people. There is a significant difference in the way the brain handles emotions, as in it is processed in a completely different area than normal. There is also usually a lack of white matter and sometimes a bit more gray matter (white is the channels information travels, gray is like the actual logical center?) A shrunken cerebellum is fairly common as well. So no, it's not a made up condition, but I do agree it is over diagnosed for a lot of people who just fit the general criteria for it.

    Do you process everything logically without regard to emotion or empathy for every other person involved in the social situation? Do you have to mentally run through your day repeatedly until you can naturally act it out? The social aspects are not the only thing that differentiates us; I have no pain threshold; ran around with a broken leg for a few days as a kid without feeling a thing, can't be touched by other people without flinching and panicking, 'slimy' textures make me physically ill, I can't look at non red LEDs without getting headaches, I have very poor peripheral vision in terms of judging distance and objects in correlation to me and a few other odd things.

    The wiki is a good start, there are several online quizzes that can help give you a baseline as well. Just try to be objective, a lot of people have a tendency to self diagnose by connecting dot that aren't really there.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)12:52:42 No.9342959
    See >>9342867, there are quite a few other things other than social awkwardness that affect people with Asperger's.

    I've said my peace about him already, I don't think we are completely similar.

    See >>9342867 where I talk about preplanning my actions. It becomes almost impossible to handle new situations because of this, but I've really been trying to push myself more.

    I tend to try and predict what will happen and if things start going too far off plan I hide in a bathroom until I can get a grip again. I think there are two main types of aspies though, the ones who ruminate over thoughts and are aware of their actions (usually the ones with IQs not in normal range) and the ones who just impulsively do whatever and aren't completely aware of what they are doing is a social mistake (they tend to have average IQs).

    Neato! I've always been jealous of those who can play instruments; I myself have no real natural rhythm and I hate it. :\
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:54:00 No.9342976
    what do you think about them removing aspergers from the DSM-V?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:54:39 No.9342988
    you are not special.

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:55:29 No.9343001
    Did you ever find that girl who was in love with you last thread OP?

    I'll take her if you don't want her ;D
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:57:00 No.9343019

    Ask a successful aspie anything.

    Actually I don't have time to answer your questions.

    I'm rich and young and I can't smalltalk. I have had countless pussy in my face but ended up rejecting it all for a lady with which I now have 5 kids.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:00:26 No.9343079
    It's not being removed per say, it's just being merged into the autism spectrum so that it can be rated at moderate and severe for some cases rather than just a universal mild autism diagnoses for all aspies. I think it just means we need to change how we view Asperger's in the coming years and treating autism as a spectrum and not separate entity that makes it seem so much easier to live with. Asperger's is autism without question, people fail to understand what impact it actually has on the lives of those it affects.

    I never said that I was, I'm merely giving the floor to questions that people on /r9k/ may be curious about. Sorry to offend you dude.

    I have no idea what you mean, only a psych from Southern California contacted me after that thread. I don't have an MSN or anything to chat it up with girls or whatever you mean.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:02:25 No.9343105
    >>9343079 Asperger's is autism
    fuck off.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:02:37 No.9343108
    What part of my post makes you think I am successful lol? I've been failing at life for 26 years and found the root cause a few weeks ago. I'm just picking up the pieces at the moment, anon. Unless you are saying you are a successful aspie? I don't know if I understand the post completely.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:04:56 No.9343142
    You do not understand what a spectrum is? According to the drafts of the DSM-V, the criteria for Asperger's is listed as mild autism. I'm sorry if autism has to fit a certain personal criteria for you to acknowledge it, but I certainly believe the professionals who have done brain scans and countless studies have some grasp on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:05:34 No.9343152
    >Asperger's is autism


    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:05:46 No.9343155

    I was talking about myself.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:06:05 No.9343162
    you sound way too normal to be an aspie OP, and your psych sounds like a diagnosis happy nut
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:07:02 No.9343178

    You sound to me like any typical child/teeneager/adult, maybe slighlty above average intelligence.
    I am very sceptical about Aspergers as it seems to be a much larger problem in America more than any other country or continent even(I presume you are American yes?) America is a known established drug culture(diagnose kids at early ages if everything is'nt going exactly as society planned, to categorise and keep them in line)

    Pills and a diagnosis are not the answer to everything, most of these "conditions" are purely excuses and that is also the reason for "severe" cases, give someone an excuse and they can always fall back on it, no matter what they do or how they act. I am positive ADHD and ADD are not real medical conditions and I am sceptical on Aspergers.
    Also I have a Pschology degree so this is an area I have looked into quite a bit.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:07:18 No.9343182
    >you sound way too normal to be an aspie OP
    Try talking to a aspie irl compared to 4chan, its like not talking to the same person at all
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:08:18 No.9343199

    Most aspies are indistinguishable by 25 years of age. It's the developing years that show most of the difference. However aspies don't analyze social situations the same way neurotically dudes do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:08:25 No.9343201
    I have aspergers too OP!

    I don't let it ruin my life though, I have a job and my own home with my lovely girlfriend.

    Man up faggot
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:10:03 No.9343234
    Best troll of thread so far sadly.

    Oh, very interesting. Care to elaborate on your story? Sounds certainly more interesting than mine.

    The internet is funny that way I suppose. I can write fairly fluently in compassion to speaking, so I suppose that masks it well. I'm also quite comfortable in my own room so the loss of anxiety and such lets me concentrate and think better than usual.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:10:23 No.9343239
    I loved your last thread OP

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:13:59 No.9343292

    >Also I have a Pschology degree

    You are not a doctor so you cannot make such bold statements about the pathophysiology of certain neurobehavioral disorders.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:24:16 No.9343453
    >for people who have quite a bit more education than me and likely already know everything I'll be saying... :\

    Dont know about that, seems like half of psych facilities dont even know about it
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:24:39 No.9343458
    I'm keeping several things back about myself that are certainly not normal in growing up; I can list them if that would help you understand me a bit more?

    Yes I do live in America (California) and I do agree with the entire country being drug and diagnosis happy. I avoided medication as soon as it wasn't required of me for 8 years (I was required to take adderall at 17 in high school as a condition for letting me graduate and not dropping out.) I've undergone 3-4 psych evaluations that did whatever battery of tests they do to measure IQ, attention and personality. The ones I took as a teen all indicated schizoid and narcissistic disorders, while in my adult life the only thing that fit was Asperger's.

    I understand the concern for people using something as an excuse to not try, but a few months before this I had nothing at all positive in my life and no solid explanations why. The diagnoses brought so much self awareness and finally rational and logical explanations for almost every event that occurred in my life. I was skeptical of aspies like nearly everyone on 4chan until it affected me.

    Very impressive, I'd be delighted to hear your insight on what explains the different brain patterns and formation in people with Asperger's. :)

    This is very true, I've worked most of my life trying to blend in and not have my differences noticed to the public. My family knows what I really am and in public I turn into a different person. My teenage years were hell life most of everyone here, but I did mellow into a nice long and constant depression by 18.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:25:04 No.9343462
    I always thought the big advantage of not having normal empathy is that you wouldn't be anxious all the time in social situations. Seems that isn't true.

    Can you think of any possible advantage to Aspergers, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:27:33 No.9343495

    I cant make a diagnosis but I am perfectly within my rights to make statements or voice my opinions.

    Im not trying to offend you OP I just believe that their doesn't have to be fault of a condition or defect as valid reasoning for someones inability to handle social interactions as well as the "average" person. Many factors can come into play for social awkwardness/Obsessive tendencies and thinking situations through every possible aspect or outcome. Everyone has all of these symptoms naturally, certain people have them more than others, that doesn't mean its a condition. I believe it has alot more to do with the social/familial/personality development structures we are brought up in, not a naturally born condition.

    Why do you think it takes until the age of 25 or so to get more severe? at 25 you have developed into the person you will be(personality wise) for most of your life people with Aspergers will tend to feel more trapped in their "condition" by this age hence worsening their symptoms as they have just officially diagnosed and mind fucked themselves.

    I hope you know you can get out of this mindest, just dont excuse it so much or put it down to Aspergers and maybe you wont worsen your "condition"

    P.S I really am sorry if this is offending you, it is not my intention my English is'nt perfect
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:30:06 No.9343535
    I've had several jobs, but I've always left them suddenly after it became to much to handle (the fucking people destroy me man). I'm looking into buying a condo next year with the money I've saved up over the years and hopefully with therapy and some real work on my part I can start pursuing a relationship. I still need to figure out the purpose of doing that though.

    I do plan to man up once I can get all my shit under control, still need to fine tune the ritalin and get into a routine for exercise and eating that I can follow. Always seems to be so difficult to start a new one.

    I'm glad! I got a lot of positive feedback from that and actually felt great about getting some things out in writing. I hope this thread does as well. :)

    I thought it sounded more like a personal opinion rather than something that he had proven without a doubt. I am still curious what explains the brain abnormalities.

    That is kind of what I figured, the Neurologist who examined me here in town knew a great deal, but she mentioned a lot of her colleagues did not completely understand it. Here's to hoping I don't fuck it up somehow and make a fool of myself in doing this.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:30:19 No.9343539
    >unemployed after quitting

    Fucking typical loser.
    Remove yourself from my Gangbang of Whining with your bullshit disorder.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:31:07 No.9343550

    I love you, spoon.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:35:19 No.9343598
    Someone said this in the last thread:

    >That being said... I agree that I'm probably boring. I do however reject the implication that "normal" people are inherently more interesting than me. They simply allow themselves to be defined by their interests and activities. It simply works, because they don't even need to be aware of the social fabric that they're moving along when they do this.

    >I am aware of the social fabric, so I am aware of the shallowness of my identity and that of others. When I see people animatedly talking about a basketball match or something, I see exactly what you see in me: a person desperately trying not to be reminded of the absurdity that is existence on some levels. They just managed to trick themselves when they were younger, and they don't need to think about it anymore.

    Basically we are more acutely aware of everything moving around us and spend most of our free thought concentrating on trying to blend in properly.

    The advantage of Asperger's for me is an ability to intensely focus on a single thing and do it very well without breaks. I also have an ability to think of things from a completely unique perspective in regards to problem solving; I usually come to conclusions based on pure logic and never really consider the emotions involved in the problem. That could be a curse and a weakness I guess.

    I'll be typing a response here for a few minutes, bear with me.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)13:36:22 No.9343609
    I, for one, am glad we have so many certified psychologists hanging about on r9k daily.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:36:47 No.9343617
    I'm one of these. However, I'm too old now to do anything about it. Apparently I've developed so many coping mechanisms that to get rid of those AND THEN work out how to deal with it properly would just break my brain.

    It's not "cool" or something that I'd tell people I have to get attention. It's fucking awful and I wish it would just go away and it probably killed my marriage.

    The trick is to spend as much time on your own as possible. The other trick is to make sure that you are in control of any social contact whatsoever. I find that once I'm in control of how many people are in a room, and why they're there, it helps.

    Although even with all that in place, if there's a room full of people, I'll go crazy.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:37:55 No.9343633
    >Why do you think it takes until the age of 25 or so to get more severe?
    I thought it was at age 25 it normalised and that the problems started occurring in kindergarten trough high school
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:38:59 No.9343651
    Hey, OP. My uncle had asperger's and became and alcoholic and died. I loved him. Don't do that.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:39:02 No.9343652
    I just finished my degree in Ireland two weeks ago and am currently relaxing until my flight back home to Italy next week, thats is why I'm on r9k and a stimulating conversation on psychology is always entertaining :)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:43:53 No.9343703

    Everyone has coping mechanism's Aspie's just seem to have more, but do you not find that once a diagnosis has been made that more coping mechanisms follow?

    I no its not a diagnosis people get for "coolness" or to tell, but everyone likes to be able to excuse their own weaknesses, its alot easier to put it down to "there is something medically wrong with me" than "its ok, il try harder next time, and wont think so much about something so small"
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)13:47:04 No.9343743

    Dont worry it doesn't always get more severe after this age, only really for severe cases from a young age as they have already developed so many coping mechanisms, that they are unable to function in everyday society unmonitored.

    If you have Asperger's just dont excuse your mistakes/inadequacies or failures to the Syndrome, that is only going to make it worse and increase the chances of the "conditions" severity at an older age!
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:50:18 No.9343782
    I'm sorry if I gave the impression that your opinion was invalid, I certainly appreciate that everyone has their own way of thinking, yours included.

    It's not only just the social interaction that lead to the diagnoses, but it contributes significantly in my personal opinion. Things that are related to autism in general like sensitivity to touch/sound/light/texture are something I've experienced since a young child. I've also had been extremely gullible as a child and early teen until someone finally sat me down and explained to me what malice was. I still can't fully grasp the concept of some things like that, but that has certainly led to my distrust of people and social withdrawal. I'm not sure what you would use to classify a condition then, perhaps you would only consider it a personality disroder? There is also a family history of autism and my father/grandfather all have/had aspie or autistic traits.

    This does make quite a bit of sense, but I was only diagnosed with Asperger's 2 weeks ago. My entire life I tried to live as normally as possible, but it felt so forced and fake that I nearly took my own life at 19 and again a few months ago. I realize that the ADHD diagnoses could have affected my personality in some way, but after high school I just disregarded it as bullshit and tried to continue life. I barely graduated with an AAS at a horrible college after dropping out twice; my potential should have allowed me to move on to at least a masters program but alas I never could fully reach it in that state. I'm not saying that you are wrong, but my mindset was that of determination to break out of being a weirdo in childhood/teens, but by 19 it was too much for me and I really haven't lived much of a life since.

    continued part 2
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)13:51:00 No.9343787
    part 2

    I appreciate the encouragement and I fully plan to never use this as an excuse for not living life fully; in fact I plan to use it to better myself. I now know that fighting the current is sometimes not worth it when I could just get out of the water and walk along the shore so to speak.

    You havn't offended me at all, I really do enjoy insights and perspectives like this. Your English is perfectly fine! :)

    I'll be reading through the other questions now, sorry if I'm a bit slow responding.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:01:05 No.9343906
    I bought a gun and planned to kill myself, but just as a kind of process of tying up loose ends I quit my job as well as patching up a few other things. I somewhat regret it now, but the job itself was likely a main factor in the Major Depression that manifested in the past few months.

    There is a firefox addon for 4chan that allows you to hide threads, perhaps this is what you need?


    Sarcasm? I can't tell anymore I guess, but there certainly are some here.

    I might have been able to live with it if not for the depression, but those coping mechanisms take a huge fucking toll on your energy. I'd come home from work after doing nearly nothing all day completely drained just from trying to keep up appearance. I'm actually looking in to how to selectively unlearn some of my mechanisms to reduce anxiety, but man it seems like so much work after developing them for so long.

    It is very not "cool" and if someone gave me an opportunity to be dumb but social and normal rather than kind of smart and socially retarded and abnormal I'd trade in a second.

    I've gotten into the habit over the years with work and school that I need a long break after several months where I just hide in my room for weeks/months and recharge my batteries so to speak.

    The control is what I always crave, but it's the whole motivation to try starting a friendship/relationship that I have problems with. Probably been burned by people too long in the past that I don't ever fully trust anyone. I dream of a day where I can be myself and completely open to someone without them tearing me down.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:11:35 No.9344043
    I was kind of the opposite, throughout elementary school I just modeled myself after the other kids while at school and at home I dove into whatever specific interest I was into at the time. I had decent grades just from being able to figure things out quickly and efficiently and was even put into the gifted people club (G.A.T.E. or something, basically we got to play with robots, study hawks visit museums after school.) It was really only in middle school when I had to start juggling multiple classes and multiple teachers/students that I really started having problems. My grades started slipping even though I was in all honors classes, I got bullied a ton and had people use me as a toy to get me in trouble (like telling me to call a group of basketball players they were gay basically; an ass kicking ensued). At my age now, it was just a culmination of all that suppressed frustration and lack of social connection that ultimately drove me into a depression that I needed medical help to escape from.

    Alchohol does nothing for me, rarely do it unless there is social pressure. I'll die by the gun if anything.

    Again, thanks for contributing to the thread, like I said I have no real background in psychology and most of what I understand about AS is from books and medical reports along with my own personal experiences. I've never met a real fellow aspie or spoke to a psychologist who knew a great deal about it for more than two hours.

    Well said, I'll admit in the past I was fairly ignorant as well and thought it was a fad disorder that was like 80% wrongly diagnosed. Finally getting educated on it was eye opening to say the least and is partially my motivation for this thread. Too many people just see the wiki and references in comics or media that either sensationalize or marginalize AS, but never seems to give a full understanding of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:13:02 No.9344066
    holy wall of text there OP

    I'm curious what jobs you have had before besides being in IT (I assume you were like tech support or a programmer or something?)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:13:59 No.9344085
    asperger's is a 'disease' like cancer is an 'illness'
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:18:59 No.9344142

    You never made me feel it was invalid dont worry :) My English has a tendancy to be a bit aggressive im told sorry!

    I do believe you may have a condition but I honestly dont think Asperges is it. You seem to have been quite naive and overly trusting(no offence again) the world is a horrible place sometimes(but just remember this is not always) Your depression and social awkwardness just leads me to believe more that Aspergers is not legit. I just believe you were not quite understood, depression is not naturally occuring, it is induced(society/family/friends/enemies its part of emotion) everyone also has this, it just varies in level and factor from person to person.

    Your life will be much easier if you try not to excuse or blame parts of yourself for the parts you cant control(this is just self destructive, of course it would cause severe depression in you and cause alot of the failures you may have put down to diagnosis' you may have had throughout your life!)
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:20:53 No.9344177
    I'd say it doesn't get so severe, but for me personally it was greatly affecting my life to the point where I could not function in society. I bounced from job to job and went to 3 different colleges without ever finding something that fit me. In my teen years, it was just assumed it was a phase and I was just being over dramatic, but when I finally got my chance to prove myself after high school, I couldn't.

    In the last 10 years the diagnoses of Asperger's is both the worst and best thing to happen to me. I now finally have a hold of the root of a lot of my problems and can finally work at them. At the same time it's fucking crushing to know that for 26 years I lived as a fake and all that effort trying to achieve normality was half my life wasted. I still don't know what direction I really want to go, but hopefully now I can finally make some correct decisions.

    Janitor, dishwasher, pizza delivery driver, retail clerk for a few months (hi there suicide attempt), tech support internship, sysadmin in that order.

    I don't get it. :s
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:22:04 No.9344189
    Hey, have a sage.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:22:57 No.9344198
    The last thread was archived, IIRC.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:27:19 No.9344256
    >There is also a family history of autism and my father/grandfather all have/had aspie or autistic traits

    Aspergers is most definitly not hereditary(not sure about autism) But if you were brought up in this environment or had these factors influence your life/upbringing it would explain alot about your condition, our parents teach and influence us from birth, we inherit alot of their personality traits and tendencies. I honestly believe this has been your upbringing that has caused most of your problems, not Aspergers or ADHD these are just more coping mechanisms for a more deep rooted psychological problem, not a condition.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)14:27:55 No.9344262
    It was more towards the fact that all these r9k kids think being an aspie is fake while they sit at home in suburbia with mommy and daddy all day.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:29:54 No.9344283
    i always try to calculate what people are going to say, then when they don't say what i thought they were going to i get nervous. I never really thought it was odd before, although i always think about how i'm sick of being nervous
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:31:47 No.9344310
    Ask Christian Weston Chandler anything
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:32:40 No.9344322
    Ah, I understand.

    I'm just not sure what else it could be considering I have the social issues, hypersensitivity, logical rigid thinking, extremely narrow interests, a monotone voice with a stutter in groups and obsessive thoughts about daily life (doesn't sleep usually do this process for you?). From the criteria standpoint I fit everything in the requirements and then some, it's hard for me to see what else could be affecting me. Depression and social awkwardness aren't usually co-morbid with AS? In 9th grade my pediatrician had put me on some anti depressants and a few grades later they began to think I have a form of Dysthymia (isn't that chemically induced, like an inherent lack of serotonin or something?).

    I'm not sure if I understand what you mean correctly here, but I think you mean to not stress out over things so much and just be natural even though it may be deficient? Am I way off there? :s
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:36:13 No.9344369

    Again this is more the fact that you want control and when things dont pan out the way you expected it is a shock to the system, this is the same for everyone but because of your issues it affects you more than the average Joe,

    I really do hope some day you realise it is not a condition and get the proper help needed, because an Asperges diagnosis just seems more detrimental to your development and well being than it is an answer to your problems(think about it Asperges is an answer but only to your failings, not an answer or solution to your problems)

    I hope I am helping somewhat?

    I am roughly 900 miles from Mammy and Daddy and a newly qualified Psychologist thank you very much!
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)14:38:02 No.9344389
    I didn't mean you exactly. I meant the other 99% of r9k.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:38:42 No.9344403

    Oh neat, I'll have to find that.

    Very interesting! The psych I spoke with did not specifically say hereditary as well, she left it ambiguous that the father of a male with AS usually has some but not all traits.

    I kind of feel horrible then, I live with mommy and daddy in suburbia and happen to be sitting at home. :o

    Yeah that is by far my biggest stress with social things, it takes so much energy to do it, but my brain just compulsively does it. I really hope that cognitive therapy that is coming up in a few weeks will help me sort out some of it.

    3rd mention of him!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:39:19 No.9344412
         File1275763159.jpg-(61 KB, 321x322, headfuck.jpg)
    61 KB
    Someone ask a question that will keep him typing til the thread 404s
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:40:14 No.9344420
    do you make eye contact with people?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:40:34 No.9344425
    Would you ever consider be-friending someone over the internet and speaking to them regularily ?

    For instance someone you meet on omegle og chatroulette e.g
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:43:55 No.9344470
    I hear what you are saying, do you think it is more of an OCD thing then?

    I agree that a misdiagnosis of AS would be quite detrimental to someone, but at this point in my life it was a welcome answer. I will take your advice to heart and explore it much deeper in the future, for now though I have to get through day by day until I have the breathing room to start questioning things. I appreciate the help in this, you seem really on top of your game in regards to psychology, your advice was some of the best I've seen on this board.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:49:35 No.9344540

    I believe most of your problems are down to the medical people you have had in your life, seems they have spent most of your life tryin to categorize you? this cant do any good for your self esteem or development as a person(if qualified Doctors dont know what you are, how could you start learning to be you?) This could have been a simple matter of you having issues from a young age that needed tending to, it seems apparant the Doctors just created a snowball effect making your problems bigger by trying to put you in to a certain group. this could also be an answer for alot of your problems/failings as you know yourself you have above average intelligence your way of lashing out may have been to not work to your maximum potential? Also if you think something is wrong with you but are forever being given different answers how are you supposed to get on with living and development?(its impossible, nothing would feel right)

    Again all of the issues you have mentioned so far are in everyone, yours just seem to be amplified to an extent where it has become a huge hindrance on your life!

    I myself have repeated the school Bac exams and switched courses in college 3 times, but now finally have my degree in Psychology, it was tough but i did it, I have always found it hard to work and always excused my own failings on external problems and lack of opportunity but it only takes yourself to change(you are better for yourself than any doctor ever could be!)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:49:52 No.9344548
    Do you have any routines? If yes, what kind of ?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)14:51:51 No.9344572
    The Ireland psych already did that; you had your window! Just hide the thread if it offends you for some reason.

    I really never have, but I did used to stare at people I was interested or intrigued with. I took a class in this shitty tech college that taught job interview skills and they hammered me on eye contact. I did learn how to count and hold it by looking just between the eyes for a set amount of seconds and releasing/repeating. Takes a lot of effort to do and in group situations I never can for very long.

    When I was 16 I met a woman online who played a video game with me on IRC (Planetarion). After 2 years speaking and never seeing each others face or personal details, I finally showed her a pic of me and then she of herself (very cute redhead who was working on a masters in physics). I ended up driving to Santa Cruz from central California to meet her for lunch. It was the most impulsive thing I can remember doing (she was 25, I was 18 and had never driven by myself farther than 10 miles from my house).

    It ended up being so horrifying awkward for me and I kept questioning why I was there. She had to begin every topic of conversation and I felt like a wound spring the entire 5 hours I was there. I said I had to go home before it gets too dark and left. She ended up driving to my hometown and called my cell to try to hang out with me again, but I dodged the call and never spoke with her again. I still feel like shit about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:56:20 No.9344619

    OP i have to go for a while but i would love to continue talking with you(you are a very interesting and very misunderstood character)

    Hopefully i will not be to long and can continue this conversation soon! :)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)14:56:26 No.9344622
    fuck dude, I can't make eye contact with anyone. not even my parents. It makes me feel physically ill. Even just thinking about it sucks.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)15:06:11 No.9344733
    Sorry if avoided answering the full question, but I havn't posted a picture of myself online since I was 18 and it was private. I know what sites like 4chan can do with just a pic lol. I am beginning to loosen my grip on the paranoia and it seems like a logical next baby step to have direct conversations with people rather than just posting anonymously to a large collective.

    Hmmm, I had depression to some degree at 7th grade, it just got to the point where it needed to be treated once I hit high school. I agree it was probably all of the trouble I had with bullies and people taking advantage of me in middle school/high school as well as family influence. The snowball effect is interesting to me, it just seems like one of those chicken/egg paradoxes that you look back on and try to think if anything would have been different had doctors intervened. I personally never knew about the schizoid and narcissistic personality things until a week ago since my parents hid all of the evaluations I had, so I don't know if just the ADHD alone was enough to give me a complex with being categorized.

    I never understood what a hindrance it was until I finally took a deeper look on the mechanics that were in play with my life, but the enormity of it now is a bit overwhelming at times.

    My psych is actually trying to get me to start thinking of going back to college and going for a masters or, if I'm really committed, a doctorate. I'm still at a point of uncertainty but the option for going back to school and possibly supplementing it with online courses seems really positive. I'm hoping that with the meds and more understanding of why I seem to have so many problems with the school environment I could really have some kind of promising future.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)15:09:57 No.9344794
    I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day of work for lunch for 2 years. I also go to the same restaurants and order the exact same thing and say the exact same thing to the waitress/clerk. I also do a weird coughing pattern after eating, that seems like OCDish stuff to me though. I have some routines with showering and basic things to live, but I still forget to eat lunch now that I have no job along with a few other things.

    I should be around for a few more hours, I would love to talk to you some more.

    To this day I can't look directly into pupils, it creeps the hell out of me. Someone basically told me if I can't make eye contact with an employer, I will never find work, that is why I ingrained doing that into part of myself; it was survival, not choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:12:30 No.9344836
    how is the ritalin? I used to take concerta and it was like I had hours of just complete motivation and focus on anything I wanted
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:14:34 No.9344876
    happen to have a link to it, I seemed to have missed it

    good thread OP, just finished reading it and you seem like an interesting guy
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:15:41 No.9344895
    WHAT VOODOO IS THIS PIC FROM? I remember than shit from an old thread here but lost the address.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)15:19:49 No.9344971
    I've only been on it 3 days and the dosing isn't quite correct; it wears off after about 9 hours with the CR one. When it is working I can certainly feel my mind being much more in my own control rather than just obsessively going over random things throughout the day. It used to be paralyzing jumping from thought to thought unless I had a distraction, but now I can actually choose what I want to think about lol.

    Glad you enjoy it, enjoy the positive feedback that helps counter all the negative that seems to come with summer.


    I think it is this one, there are a few out there.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:23:02 No.9345030
    it was thread 9298640? I think

    it's only got 1 positive rating on site though so it is archived yet
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:26:23 No.9345077
    how do I make sure I'm not an aspie? the wiki thing is like really general and everyone fits a few things
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:28:08 No.9345110
    You arn't an aspie, you social retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:29:27 No.9345130
    Oh God, I do this constantly. I imagine conversations with different people, sometimes about what I'm currently doing, sometimes about something else. It drives me nuts, I don't want to do it, it just happens.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:31:22 No.9345161
    How does it feel to suckle off the government's teat? I actually envy you retards who never have to work in life.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)15:38:52 No.9345294
    Interesting, I'd kind of like to see that thread again, I wasn't able to save all of it last night and see how it turned out.

    You probably are not if you only fit a few criteria, like you said almost everyone has a trait or two. Just be objective when looking at the criteria and don't over think yourself into a self diagnoses. If you honestly do fit the criteria and score fairly autistic on the spectrum tests, you might want to look into local psych clinics to find a specialist.

    Very insightful anon...

    It's just impossible to manage the anxiety without it for me. I don't know if I can actually stop myself from doing it, even on the ritalin it is still the main thing that occupies my thoughts. How do you do with groups? does your system totally shutdown quickly in that situation as well?

    I've received 3 months of temporary state disability after working off and on since I was 14. There is no other aid I receive and I pay $600/mo for health insurance right now which the disability barely covers. I plan to never have to use disability after this; if I fail at life again I'm not going to hesitate to correct it. It's just a matter of getting through this period first.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:41:27 No.9345333
    Not as good as the last thread, but still a good read.

    Op you are still an awesome person, fuck whatever the trolls say.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:42:22 No.9345346
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:45:10 No.9345390
    In the real world probably not because they can't talk for shit. My cousin's wife is an aspie though and she got her phd in microbiology and works in some research lab doing god knows what important stuff. Aspies can be pretty fucking smart is my point.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:47:28 No.9345423
    Smart =/= introspective and observant, that kind of thing takes real creative thought and empathy to do which anyone with assburgers can't do. Yeah they are smart, but at boring repetitive tasks that have no real value to something like philosophy and deeper thoughts.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)15:50:01 No.9345451
    >Implying you get free money

    I wish!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:50:02 No.9345452
    If you could send a message to yourself 10 years into the past, what would it be?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)15:55:31 No.9345520
    In no way should it be, all sequels are worse than the original. Don't correct that please. :\

    Thanks for the encouragement, the trolls are surprisingly less active today I think.

    No? I'm not sure if I am being 'introspective and insightful' at all, I'm just posting my observations and experiences in my life along with the information I've got from research on the topic. I certainly hope I'm not a fraud. :(

    True, I'm a bit of a mess speaking, but writing is supposedly very natural for aspies. I'm curious how your cousin found his wife and what kind of relationship they have, I rarely hear about successful marriages with aspies and normal people.

    What does empathy have to do with self analysis? I'm certain that aspies are more than capable of creative though, aspie artists and engineers are fairly common. Don't tell me that doesn't take creativity to be successful at. Just remember that Tesla was agreed to be an aspie. You want to tell me Tesla had no creativity?

    Cool opinion though.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:00:34 No.9345593
    I thought about that as well, but man you have to feel like shit to get on permanent disability and not even make an effort to improve your life (because you don't ever have to then). Even the state disability stuff I feel shitty about taking, but I can't afford not to accept it I think.

    Me at 16? Go see a psych that knows his shit, not some 80 year old who still thinks people with autism should be kept in cages. Or kill yourself to save the trouble of 10 years of shit? I don't really know, that age was just a bad time in general no matter what I'd tell myself.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)16:02:15 No.9345609
    I'd take disability but fuck if I even know how to go about receiving it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:03:08 No.9345620
    Do you consider yourself superior to NTs?

    Would you want to be cured if a cure was ever found? Even if it meant you lost your personality and made you into a walking zombie?

    Do you believe that the cure is in eugenics?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:03:16 No.9345622
    Dear OP,

    I am also an aspie. My solution to acting normal and making friends is this: Do whatever is illogical in the given situation.

    Your ASD Friend.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:05:15 No.9345650

    I don't think you NTs know how illogical you really are. It really is quite absurd.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:06:27 No.9345665
    Hey OP, 'they' think I have ADHD and aspergers.

    I dont think so. I read the things you said in this thread, they dont apply to me. I am 'high functioning' too, how can I prove them wrong?

    Seriously the things you mentioned in this thread do not apply to me AT ALL. I also did this test >>9342867 once and scored 100% neurotypical.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:10:58 No.9345714

    Hey OP im back again :) I just want to take the hypothetical into account here for a minute just for another point of view on how things could have been with a different diagnosis or had things been handled another way.

    But Id first like to know a few things
    1: did your Father and Grandfather play a large part in your up bringing?
    2: At what age was it noticed that you were "different" from the social norm?
    3: Can you remember or was there any traumatic event that occured in your life at a young age?
    4: What age(roughly) are your earliest memories from?
    5: Have you many memories from an early age or is it quite limited?

    P.S severe bullying for a prolonged period is detrimental to personal development(sense of self worth vanishes) personalities develop the way you see fit to others and not the way you would like it to(this causes alot of psych problems which could also explain alot)

    you seem to have gone through many traumatic events and it seems the doctors diagnosed the effects these events had on you, not your brain function or capability!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:11:00 No.9345716
    Just because you are too retarded to get it doesnt mean we are the ones who are at fault.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:11:18 No.9345722
    The state disability stuff is only available if you just came from a job I think; it's a portion of your old base salary but tax free. I'm not sure what benefit it would have if you weren't employed before the disability.

    Hell no, I'm jealous of 'NTs' and part of me wishes I could be one. I do enjoy the focus with the ecstasy that comes from the current obsession and I like the ability to do routines and be able to just naturally stick to them for however long I want (though I need to find healthier routines to make a habit soon.)

    I would like to be 'cured' no doubt, but at what cost? There wouldn't be a point to living if I lost my personality and intelligence I think, and what you are implying is that a cure would take that? No I would not then, would rather just learn to cope and live with it.

    You mean the vaccine that they are developing that kills cells that carry the gene for autism? I would certainly agree with that, but it's dangerous ground. What line do you draw for autism? It seems like as a society we benefit from some autistic traits from people like Tesla, Einstein, Mozart and such. Too tricky of a subject to really have a definite opinion on, I have some support for both sides really.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:12:02 No.9345733

    I never said I didn't get it. I said that your illogical approach to everything was absurd
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:13:23 No.9345755
    Yeah, its absurd because you cant wrap your aspie mind around it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:13:41 No.9345758
    If you have an IQ of 104 how is this even a problem?
    I'm super ignorant about this I know.. but aren't you just. .you know.. good with words?

    Jeeze I'd be so happy if I could confidently say i had an IQ of 104. I don't blame my stupidity on some named problem, shared by millions, it's just who i am.

    I think you're just a normal guy who likes words a lot.
    I'm also not sure ADHD exists, but depression is a problem!
    (not that being depressed isn't 100% normal too.. if you've an IQ above 70 you're going to spend a lot of your life depressed, and even if you have it below 70, but it does seem to be possible for them to be truly happy)

    What i'm saying is you're a normal guy, relax, stop putting yourself in boxes. I bet someone is just trying to make money from you by getting you to buy medication.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:15:03 No.9345774
    I took this test. A lot of the shit on there was very familiar to me. I don't think that means shit though. It told me that I likely had that shit, but I mean come on that is fucking gay. Niggers can suck my cock.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:17:21 No.9345799
    >Asperger syndrome, ADHD, depression

    Man, I've never heard of a person having THREE fake diseases at the same time!
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:17:47 No.9345804
    Haha, I would love to be able to do that, but as you know that goes against every fiber of my being. Might be fun to try sometime just to gauge reactions for future use.

    People come from fear and ignorance when they debate things like autism. There is some rational behind their ideas, but it just seems like such an extreme point of view to me.

    How were you originally diagnosed? I'll bet you can get a reassessment if you asked around, but from what I remember the original diagnosis will stay on your medical records for at least 7 years. I'm not sure if a reassessment actually clears it, but I'm sure an insurance company will someday dig it back up and bite you in the ass. Scoring 100% neurotypical makes me wonder how you ever got recommended that diagnoses.

    Will reply in a few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:18:52 No.9345815

    My friend your trolling skills are pretty weak.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:23:56 No.9345871
    >Scoring 100% neurotypical makes me wonder how you ever got recommended that diagnoses.
    Because I have 'special interests' like sitting in front of my computer all day (like I have anything else to do), few friends, etc. I didn't even do the whole diagnosis anyway, I did like 25%, said fuck it and just answered 'I don't know' and 'meh' for the rest of the questions until I finally gave up and asked if I could just leave.

    But 'all signs' pointed to it.

    Its complete bullshit. I hope I can change it soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:25:00 No.9345884
    I'll take this as evidence why I should never seek help.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)16:25:18 No.9345895
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:25:50 No.9345907

    When you really examine it, NTs don't have much reason behind any of the rationale they use for anything they do.

    This is why we have such a huge communication problem with them, you cannot properly predict what an unpredictable entity is going to do.

    It kinda reminds me of the animal shows at places like sea world: "Keep in mind, these are wild creatures and sometimes they can be unpredictable."

    People with ASD are as predictable as a Swiss watch. NTs fly off their shit for no reason constantly.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:27:31 No.9345925

    You my friend just have a severe dose of the lazies!
    I am positive there is nothing wrong with you, just need a serious kick in the arse!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:28:47 No.9345947

    One of the common traits that everyone in ASD shares is extreme laziness.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:28:52 No.9345949
    My brother has it. He has poor motorskills, is very, very weak in strength, and used to practically be mute, as he doesn't talk too much and gets almost out of breath if he gets too excited. He is extremely smart, can read above his grade grade level, and loves to create stories and draw.
    he almost drowned the other day because he swam past the drop off and his upper body completely gave out. It was really scary. he wants to be just like everyone else, and it doesn't seem to bother him that he can't.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:30:52 No.9345984

    You remind me of that episode in Southpark where randy gets diagnosed with alcoholism and believes he is powerless to control his drinking all because he was diagnosed an alcoholic! can nobody see the similarities? it is boggling that people remain blind to theses "diseases"
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:32:04 No.9346005
    This is whole thread is an insult to people who actually have aspergers.

    You should be ashamed of yourself OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:33:25 No.9346027

    EXACTLY it is not laziness not Asperges!
    Are you saying that you are physically and mentally powerless to your own laziness?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:34:48 No.9346046

    1. My father worked full time and sometimes overtime, but I usually saw him every day for a bit and we did things on weekends. My grandfather was a bit distant, but in general he was kind to me and I have many great memories of him.
    2. I wasn't fully aware of it until high school, but middle school I had some idea, but not the extent. Elementary school I was pretty carefree and assumed everyone was like me while I was so focused on a specific interest.
    3. There were of course a few bullies and such, I've probably blocked some instances, but I remember getting picked on daily on the bus in 2nd grade for a couple weeks (my awesome teacher (who got me into reptiles) found out and had the kid moved to another school) Only thing that was real traumatic for me was my dog dying at 11, I locked myself in the attic and cried for hours; it took a long time to get over that dog.
    4. I can actually vividly remember sitting in a swing when I was probably ~2 months old? I can also remember sitting in the mud playing with dirt and making waterways when I was 2-4.
    5. Most of my memories from those ages revolve around whatever I was interested in; I still can't remember the faces of neighbors and friends who I played with sometimes. I remember catching my first bee, catching a zebra swallowtail butterfly, getting my first butterfly net, finding a John Kruk rookie card in a baseball card shop outside of town and things like that.

    There were a few bullies, but I don't think they were particularly traumatic. I misunderstood a lot of things and assumed people were all my friends (even though they were just making me do things that got me in trouble).

    part 2 one sec
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:35:37 No.9346054
    The only real bad ones I actually recall were a group of lowlifes who I wanted to be friends with convinced me to go to the jock group from the basketball team and tell them "I just want to inform you that homosexuals will not be allowed to the winter formal this year". Also someone convinced me to ask the coach if he "liked fucking high schoolers" (he grabbed my by the shirt and literally dragged me to the learning directors office where I got suspended). I also remember getting physically hit in high school from a senior who didn't like my staring at his girlfriend (I was staring at a piece of plastic that was floating on the wind :() Other than that nothing else I can remember well.

    That's a very interesting analysis, do you think a proper psych evaluation with IQ testing and personality testing would be helpful? The last complete one I did was just before I turned 18.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:39:40 No.9346115

    I work with kids with ASD teaching them to function in life.

    You just completely misread what I wrote, you dumb twat.




    Fucking christ you are stupid.

    I hope you kill yourself. If you have asd you are also lazy. Another common trait that people with asd ALL share is that they have obsessions.

    This last statement does not people that all people with obsessions have asd.

    I hope you can wrap your small mind around that.

    -NT who works with ASD kids.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:40:33 No.9346132

    Dont be ridiculous, this is not an insult to people with Asperges and he never inteded it to turn this way im sure, but i will admit that it is an insult to the "condition" Asperges itself, all naming it does is excuse it, excusing it is giving these people another coping mechanism or crutch to use that is completely unnessecary(it is easier to blame than take responsibility especially if its other people telling you "its ok, its not your fault, you have Asperges")
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:41:56 No.9346157
    Falsely diagnosed guy here. I have no obsessions.
    This is so fucking upsetting.

    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:42:36 No.9346170
    I personally have a tough time coming to grips with illogical stuff as well, but sometimes you just have to accept it and let it go. Which is very hard to do. :\

    A performance IQ of 104 is average, and with a Verbal IQ of 139 that means I'm so horribly behind what I could potentially be, there has to be some kind of learning disability at work. Every psych I spoke with recently about this says there is no way that it should be that big of a gap in a NT person (even with ADHD it's a fairly large difference).


    Does Scientology actually pay a salary to members or is it just a room and board type deal? I'm just curious.

    That's bad stuff dude, your own laziness just fucked you over I think. I'd say just for the peace of mind go get a reassessment and take it seriously this time. There's no way you want that on your record for life.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:43:05 No.9346186
    lol Asspie :3
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:44:28 No.9346202

    I think everyone is falsely diagnosed because it DOESN'T EXIST!! its just another way to categorize from the socially accepted noramilties!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:44:47 No.9346207

    It is just the opposite. Many times it takes a diagnosis to help turn peoples lives around.

    I was undiagnosed for many years, and I destroyed many many close personal relationships.

    I read a book called Look Me in the Eye by John Elder Robison, an Aspie who has lead a mostly successful life. It was like reading a book that I wrote about my own thoughts. I went and got diagnosed, I learned to change the way I deal with every day situations.

    I have friends again and I couldn't be happier.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:46:49 No.9346243

    No one gives a shit about what a scientologist thinks.

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:50:48 No.9346297
    No obsessions
    No routines
    No special interests
    Not really that intelligent
    Function well socially, might be a bit shy when meeting new people

    Get diagnosed with aspergers
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:51:17 No.9346309

    This post is false.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:52:00 No.9346316
    This post is not false. It's what happened to me.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)16:52:15 No.9346319
    If you can live and cope with it without help then that is wonderful for you. But just know that when something like marriage and long term employment come up, you are likely going to be hurting. It seems like those are what really get the older undiagnosed people to seek the diagnoses.

    Good old emotionally charged judgments. I hate that I actually spent so long trying to understand the rationale for such jumps in decisions without any logic to back it. I remember two women at work fighting over a magazine rack being closer to another person's desk drawer. They couldn't just share or divide it like any rational person, instead they said it was a personal slight and favoritism for one of them. They got the entire rack taken away; undeserving woman. :\

    Yeah, sounds to me like laziness.

    He sounds like a cool kid, I hope that he can maintain that 'don't care' attitude throughout life, it's so much better than the anxiety of coping.

    Are you saying that all people with AS are faking it or just roll with the diagnoses? I'm not sure what you are saying here.

    How so? I thought I was being fairly positive even if my personal outlook can be somewhat bleak at times.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:54:21 No.9346346

    The post was false because:

    There is no reason to get tested if you do not meet any of the main criteria.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:56:43 No.9346384
    >gave up on life in general after many depressing moments in life, fucking up school work, seeing no future for myself
    >go to psychiatrist
    >well durp i think this is a clear case of assburgers
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:00:01 No.9346434
    just got in this thread. i'm a psychologist. this post is definitely false.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:00:13 No.9346437

    I don't believe anything you are saying. You are clearly a liar.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:00:44 No.9346446
    Wow, I bet you have some interesting stories to tell, my cousin actually works with special ed teenagers at a local high school and she has some insane stories.

    That is entirely the wrong mentality to have. People with AS should be using the diagnoses to improve themselves as a person and find out their strengths. It doesn't mean to ignore the weaknesses as well, but it makes it easier to find alternative ways to effectively deal with life challenges when you know your own personal limits.

    I have no real completely dominating obsession at the moment either, just a bit of an urge to dive back into art. I seem to jump into a special interest at full strength and then burn out after a certain period of time. This downtime between interests is really horrible. :\

    Lol. :3

    That's certainly one way to view it, but I think that comes from a place of ignorance rather than logic.

    I really hope I'm on the path to that myself, I just need to figure out how I can use this new knowledge to move ahead with life though.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:03:42 No.9346480
    Interesting back and forth there robots. I'd be curious what made them jump to the conclusion of AS if you are being honest here. There are quite a few criteria you need to meet and it's not exactly something that only depression would qualify you for.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:05:17 No.9346493
    I can't believe it either, but here I am, diagnosed because of hurpus derpus.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:06:14 No.9346504

    If you dont even believe what you are saying, maybe you should stop trying to make the argument that you are not a liar.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:06:23 No.9346506
    Oh fuck yeah this thread is back! :D

    OP I wanted to ask you if you ever want to get a girlfriend or marry someday and what your ideal woman would be? :3
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:06:36 No.9346510
    OP, I too have Aspergers/Depression/etc,etc,etc.

    My question for you: As someone who has decided to give up on college and being social, DOES there exist a university specifically for people with aspergers?

    Or am I looking at spending the rest of my life as either a basement dweller or homeless person?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:08:01 No.9346532

    You should go into a field that forces you to be social, for aspies, social skills are things you need to practice to retain your abilities with it, once you retract, you are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:08:38 No.9346542
    Hey op, was late to your last thread
    I always thought that assburgers is just the next ADHD, and people self diagnose to escape responsibility. But I've notice many things that you said that are familiar

    very little empathy
    logical analyze everything
    anticipate others' speech
    go over conversations, past and future, to the point of insomnia
    play video games 4 hours a day, even though I don't enjoy them anymore
    mild depression for the last 10 years
    usually keep to myself, but have impulsive actions

    I think I might be an aspie, but I'm hesitant about seeing a specialist. What are the disadvantages of being diagnosed? Does it become public knowledge? Will certain employers reject me?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:09:07 No.9346550

    seriously - FUCK BEING SOCIAL.

    I'd much rather rot and deteriorate than return to the so called "real world"
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:09:47 No.9346556

    I've taken that test, came out as very neurotypical as opposed to what you came out with.

    I've always had a high degree of anxiety around people and an incapability to feel emotions or make connections that most "normal" people make. Most of the idiots on here have called me an autist in arguments because I don't focus on the tone of the argument and rather on what they were inferring with their statements.

    I don't think it's a real disorder, I think it's a way for the bought priesthood of psychologists to cobble together a set of criterion for atypical members of society and subsequently marginalize them.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:10:06 No.9346564

    Then my friend, you are already lost.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:11:19 No.9346580
    How difficult is it to get a diagnosis of Aspergers?
    I really believe I have Aspergers and I feel like it might be being overlooked because I am a girl. I've been on many types of medication from anti-psychotics to anti-depressants and benzos, but I really do not want to be medicated. I don't feel like it's an illness but just my personality, the way I am naturally am feels so conflicted with how "normal" people live. Thanks for reading my post and for the thread. I haven't read it yet but it's obviously relevant to my interests so I'll get to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:11:55 No.9346588

    Because I have come to accept the fact that I will be alone for the rest of my life.

    And since I'm a male, I can actually do this. Women on the other hand NEED attention in order to live, and would kill themselves if they were in my position.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:12:58 No.9346602

    You're not an aspie, it's not a legitimate disorder. You're just another disenchanted youth who's been rejected by our culture of over-socialization.

    tl;dr you're a "normal" person who's been alienated by this brave new world we live in where nothing is real or has value to us anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:13:54 No.9346620
    How does photographical memory work?
    I mean, do you actually remember pictures, entirerly, exactly on the spot where something is if you see it lots of things, or something.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)17:15:54 No.9346651
    I just saw a psychologist and he ran some tests.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:15:55 No.9346653

    Aspergers Syndrome is on the Autism Spectrum. It's only part.

    Basically it is an autistic person that behaves normally enough that they actually have a harder time than normal people because you faggots don't like people who are not quite right.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:16:20 No.9346657
    Hey OP,

    what does it feel like to have a faked syndrome in order to have a excuse for being a fat nerd?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:17:02 No.9346664

    People with ASD are typically thin.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:17:16 No.9346668
    I'll agree here that it is highly unlikely you would ever get a diagnoses without meeting the key attributes required for a diagnoses. That makes sense right?

    Yeah, I figured there had to be more questions out there!

    I do eventually want to get married, but that is very likely a long way down the line. I'm still about as emotionally mature as a teenager and I can't think of a reason why a woman would ever want to associate with someone who has AS. The lack of emotional support seems selfish to me right now. It doesn't make logical sense that if someone like an NT woman who maintains their day to day life by having an emotional outlet would ever be able to survive with an AS partner. :\

    My ideal woman is pretty much anyone who shares at least one interest with me and doesn't mind if I talk only about certain things sometimes (but not always, I can be attentive if I try.) I imagine for a wife I would need someone who could assume a bit of a caregiver role in order to compliment my life to a point where I would find relationship positive. There is still the issue of what I can give back other than loyalty, discussion and forced attention. Hmmm.

    My therapist yesterday was wanting me to start looking into online courses like the University of London, Penn State and Drexel. I'm not sure if I even qualify for these schools or if they cater specifically to aspies in any way other than being online, but I'll probably be researching it a bit in the coming weeks. There has got to be options other than homelessness and dying alone.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:17:30 No.9346672
    Aspies do not function normally in society. Therefore it is a mental disorder.

    Seriously, it's that simple. How can you people not get it?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:19:08 No.9346701
    If you accept the existence of autism, why is it so hard to accept that it exists on a spectrum? Some people are heavily autistic, and some people just a few traits.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:19:33 No.9346704

    Because rednecks do not understand what disorder means.

    Any kind of disorder is something that makes it so you cannot function properly in society without some kind of help.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:19:50 No.9346707
    That's strange, most aspies I've seen are pretty fat.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:21:06 No.9346730

    Yep, autistics vary widely from each other, as varied even as NTs are from each other.

    On one end you have people who live ONLY inside their brains and do not even learn how to communicate in any way.

    On the other end you have people who put themselves out in the world constantly, but get spit on by society because they ALMOST fit in.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:21:37 No.9346738
    I am an attractive asspie and i dont see the point in leaving the house so i don't and theres nothing to do outside so i don't see the point.

    Tried being social but women are just annoying and try to play games so i lost interest in woman.

    Guess i became asexual
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:21:46 No.9346745

    *most self diagnosed aspies are fat because they aren't true aspies.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:23:47 No.9346776
    High functioning classic autism guy here,

    I am married, have tons of fun with life. A few observations:

    1) As emotional and irrational as women seem to you NT males, you seem to us.

    2) Women like autistics.

    3)Driving is really hard when you are memorizing every single license plate on the road.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:24:39 No.9346792

    You are using words that are too complex for the vocabulary you have.

    Therefore you should stop using big words you don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:24:56 No.9346795

    You're just confirming my point, that it's not a real medical problem and is instead the result of an over-socialized society that characterizes any abnormal behavior as "disorderly."

    Hooray for the death of individualism and rationale thought in Western society.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:26:19 No.9346818
    there has never been very much individualism and rational thought anywhere in the world
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:27:29 No.9346832

    For the majority of people no, for the intelligent few, yes.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:27:30 No.9346834
    I wouldn't say that is smart to do, you are going to be having so much anxiety that you will burn out eventually I think. It is healthy finding some social outlet, but diving headlong into it can't be healthy.

    This really sounds similar to my story if you don't mind me saying. I had to go on ambien and went through other sleep meds for insomnia because of the obsessive daily thoughts. I burned out completely on video games at this point, but they were certainly a dominant interest during the last 8 years of my life. I get those impulsive thoughts a lot myself and it takes so much effort to suppress them to the point where I sometimes need to just escape the situation before I do that impulsive act. The impulsiveness had me completely logically justifying suicide in the past and I had no regret or thought that anything else made sense; normally I can suppress it, but for some reason that time I couldn't.

    I would really recommend you see a psych for the depression and start getting into therapy. Make sure to keep an objective opinion; don't just go in assuming you have AS, let the signs come out in therapy if they are really there. Don't ever lie to the therapist or you are looking at having a misdiagnoses and regretting it for the rest of your life. Good luck anon, I hope you find happiness.

    I had that same mentality at the pits of depression, but if you have AS you inherently want to be with people (even if it is just one or two). Otherwise you probably have schizoid personality disorder. I used to think I hated people too, but I only hated the people who abused me in school and projected that on to everyone else. Being social is fucking tough, but I think the rewards that will come from it are worth the effort someday.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:27:44 No.9346837
    Actually i am very attractive and like to keep in shape.

    >Lack of compassion in real life
    >Don't see the point in going out
    >Don't drink or smoke
    >Have OCD, Dyslexia and dyspraxia and assburgers
    >Panic attacks when forced to do things
    >Can't do anything at random or out of a schedule or i get really pissed off
    >Family go on holiday but i prefer to stay at home

    Hard to believe but yes i am attractive and no i am not retarded i scored pretty high on a real I.Q test 168, i don't work and i live with my parents.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:30:22 No.9346872
    >make a large reply
    >nobody replies to it.

    Sometimes i don't know why i try to help you retarded asspie faggots.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:31:01 No.9346886
    Sorry for the delay, my wireless went! :(


    Okay so now lets take the hypothetical.

    1: Your Father and Grandfather(who both have Asperges) played the normal roles in your life from birth(which they did, father worked and spent time with you when free, grandfather distant like most older generation males) in the time you spent with your father you learned many things from him I assume, much about how to act and such. Children are extremely inquisitive, the mind is a sponge at this stage soaking in all its surroundings and sounds, parents/siblings/family especially are very closely monitored to see what should be done and how to act. If your Father and Grandfather had "Aspergers", naturally these tendencies and certain aspects of their personalities would transfer to you(Aspergers is not contagious, so seems to me like you learned it, you cant learn a condition)

    Hold on a sec .
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:31:02 No.9346887

    Tell me anon, what does this statement mean.

    MOST SELF DIAGNOSED aspies are fat because they aren't true aspies.

    In this sentence, does most mean:
    2)a large part
    3)a small part

    People put qualifiers in sentences for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:31:43 No.9346898

    Which was yours and I will tell you why it was stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:33:03 No.9346927

    2: 4: and 5: Again from these answers seems like you were not born with this, children naturally become spellbound by something that interests them(this is not abnormal, perfectly common in every child) this is only a worry if the obsession is of noticeably mundane tasks or intricate tasks for very long periods of time(did you spend all your conscious time obsessing on one thing ONLY completely, from wake til sleep?) plus canals/water and butterflies are extremely interesting topics anyway, I myself could become obsessed about such beautiful and intricate things!
    I myself can vividly remember a trip to the zoo and sitting in front of the orangutans watching there every move for about an hour at the age of 4 months(only know i was 4 months because my mother told me when i asked her how old) as a child I had strong obsessions with sharks, bats and aeroplanes(I do not have Asperges)
    The part about not remembering faces from early memories is 100% normal.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:35:32 No.9346963

    3: these bullies were bound to have a strong effect on your development into the person you are today(probably felt you had to restrict yourself as a person to satisfy the bullies in the hope's it would end, thankfully a teacher intervened but it only takes one event to scar a person for life and 2 weeks is a long time for your mind to have to deal with) and as you said yourself you thought yourself normal until roughly high school. Did you receive any counselling after or were your family extra nice, supportive and vigilant of you after this traumatic experience

    and again...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:36:29 No.9346978
         File1275773789.jpg-(63 KB, 200x308, 2252.jpg)
    63 KB
    Hey guys, can I give out the TRUE and HONEST info on Aspringers?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:38:45 No.9347005
    That's great that you don't fit on the spectrum, but how can you firmly say that a syndrome does not exist because it doesn't apply to you? Other people are said to be quite different in many regards; perhaps they may have a different brain chemistry and actually have AS? I know it's an odd concept.

    Well they rely heavily on past history, things like depression, anxiety, ADD and OCD are red flags. They will generally review your case with a therapist if you have one at the time and then see you for an interview. For mine they also asked my parents to attend the interview to confirm everything I remember about my childhood and to spot things about myself that I didn't have the self awareness to notice.

    I've always heard that woman are severely under diagnosed because they blend in so well socially from the peer pressure to do so. I'll bet as an adult you are probably fairly social outwardly, but still feel the same kind of constant anxiety and fight or flight feeling when socializing (if you are positive for AS).

    I went through a period where I wouldn't touch meds as well and it culminated in a very nearly successful suicide attempt followed by 7 years of feeling completely devoid of life. The meds I'm on now (especially the ritalin) have really renewed my mood; the antipsycotics I tried made me feel like shit, but the antidepressants were not bad in terms of side effects. The antidepressants just take so long to notice an effect and don't always work.

    There are many that view it as just a different brain structure and not a true illness, and I would agree in some sense. Your brain may be different, but it is also generally incompatible with the NT world we live in and in order to survive you need to completely withdraw or learn to cope with it. Getting a diagnoses will let you learn for sure if this is what you have to do, but it makes a great starting point for self improvement. Thanks for reading this thread. :)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:44:19 No.9347077
    Sure, if you don't mind us boyfriend-free girls listening! <3
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:44:55 No.9347088
    Assburgers anon here.

    I am obsessed with parasites for the moment, when I was a child it was ants.

    I can freak out over schedule changes, over the books in my bookshelves being moved, over a replacement teacher. I can freak out over excessive sensory input (colours, light, noises, etc). Even beneficial changes makes me anxious and tense. It sucks.

    I usually remember everything I read, I'm pretty good at learning languages. The doctors said that my "verbal ability" was astonishingly high.

    I'm absolute crap at maths.

    I'm seen as quite gullible, I take a lot of things people say literally and I'm not very good with body language and such.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:46:40 No.9347116
    You will feel the loneliness someday anon. I buried that deep, but when it surfaces, it hits hard. Unless you are schizoid after all, then disregard this.

    I like that idea haha.

    Personally I don't think I have that ability, every once in a while I'll have an extremely detailed visual memory that I can look at and examine like I have it loaded into photoshop. I can't seem to pick out faces or expressions from memories though, but things like hair color, shirt color, jeans/shorts etc are very vivid at times. I personally usually remember things by just repeating them over and over again in my mind. I can still recall batting averages of some baseball players from when I was 8.

    I thought he was trying to make it seem like NTs are the weird ones and AS people are the ones who think logically. :s

    I'm actually quite underweight, 6'0 and 124 pounds right now, but I was at 140 3 months ago (and maintained that weight since like high school).

    I never knew that, I just happened to be thin. :\
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:46:56 No.9347122

    Hey OP sorry 4chan is being retarded and not letting my comments come through properly so i will post the rest of my opinion when it'll let me but these are what i managed to get through :)
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 06/05/10(Sat)17:47:27 No.9347129
    >I'm seen as quite gullible, I take a lot of things people say literally and I'm not very good with body language and such.

    So am I. My friend keeps telling me to stop taking things so personally, but I can't exactly help it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:47:50 No.9347136

    >>9346556 here: I'll be convinced that it's an actual medical condition if it has a definitive physiological distinction.

    I don't rule out the possibility, I just think that a neuroscientist has more authority on the matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:49:52 No.9347169
    Made up condition is made up.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:52:37 No.9347218
    Do you notice a significant difference between yourself and people who are considered "normal". When did you discover your mental disability? Did it initially make you rage?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:53:23 No.9347229
    Yeah, it sure is. Measurable differences in brain activity between autists (in which I count people with AS) and neurotypicals are also made up. Totally made up.

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:54:50 No.9347258

    Addendum: I can sympathize with your depression, for a number of years I felt depressed often and had difficulty talking to people, I still do, but I know how to say what I want better and have been practicing the inflection in my voice and body language. I was on SSRIs for a number of years and I think they fucked up my brain chemistry.

    Don't give up hope though, we live in a wonderful world with all of ingenuous designs and machinations. It's simply a privelidge just to be alive and a part of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:55:25 No.9347269
    I am not sure if this tvtropes page was posted, but is it an accurate description of your syndrome?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)17:56:16 No.9347290
    I agree there is a mental abnormality as well. We do not fit in to society in a traditional sense, but our talents can be exploited for some pretty impressive things if we are focused on it.

    Personally I agree with the idea of a spectrum, I actually welcome the changes to the DSM-V that group it as just a form of autism that happens to be on a different area of the spectrum. There are certainly qualities that AS and autism share that make the similarities more than just a coincidence.

    My understanding was that a disorder was something that went against the normal ranges and caused a significant enough problems that the person cannot function without some kind of coping mechanism or intervention. So yes in a sense AS could be called a disorder.

    I've never met too many people with AS myself so I have no idea. My coworker was a HFA and he was rail thin as well, but I assume that is just coincidence.

    The spectrum visualization really does make logical sense, the labels that we use to disassociate from autism helps marginalize the problems we experience in life. I for one welcome being a mild autistic, at least then my problems won't be a joke to a great deal of society.

    I'd be considered attractive as well, I have been approached by women at work and I was either oblivious or when they were direct I just panicked and made up excuses that were obviously not true or actually probably hurtful to the girl who talked to me. :\ I don't find sex amazingly exciting and appealing personally, but the closeness with another person and having someone I am comfortable around really is what drives me to work towards understanding relationships.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:56:47 No.9347300

    I'm neurotypical and fit almost all of OP's criterion, except for the weird habits. The disorder may be real but the categorization and over-diagnosis of it is complete bull.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:59:08 No.9347338
    I discovered that I was a bit "odd" when I started school; I was quite clumsy and I got tricked and mocked a lot by the other children. They often did things which I found incomprehensible, and I suppose that they found me quite strange as well, either rambling on and on about ants or reading. I remember staring at the pattern on the linoleum floor, and reading all the books in the classroom bookshelf. Sometimes, my parents got worried and had talks with me about getting friends, and the teachers also worried a bit when they saw me all alone. I remember absolutely hating birthday parties, and wanting breakfast to be in a special order (glass of water, toast with ham, toast with cheese, glass of vitamin C-supplement).
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)17:59:21 No.9347345
    How didn't you realize that the homosexual thing you said to the jocks or the fucking high schoolers thing was offensive? Didn't you realize that being a homosexual is not considered a good thing by a lot of people or that a teacher fucking kids is frowned upon?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:00:40 No.9347365
    Hey OP this is my reply to your answers from earlier, sorry it took so long, my wirelss stopped working, also sorry it is unfinished 4chan wont let me post the rest of it for some reason:(

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:02:19 No.9347392

    GRRRR...4chan is really pissing me off, keeps rearranging my shit!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:03:10 No.9347406
    I'm not the OP, but I think that the page is quite accurate, yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:03:52 No.9347412
    What is your favorite movie?

    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:03:54 No.9347414
    Are people honestly saying that Asperger's is a fake disorder?

    Once you see an actual Aspie, you'll fucking know.

    Also, fucking psych said I was an Aspie, and I was all like "Fuck you."

    I've seen many Aspies before, and I'm not like them.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)18:07:51 No.9347484
    Ugh trying to catch up to all the replies, sorry for the wait.

    1. This is a good way to explain it, but perhaps not quite descriptive enough. I don't really know how you can tangibly state what my own reactions to the NT world are, but that may be the closest you can get lol.
    2. I find this quite hard to believe, unless they are settling for someone attractive but doesn't have the ability to advance the social ladder and thus seems like quite a catch. I would imagine the lack of emotional support would be devastating for a woman especially if tries to rely on you for it.
    3. Haha, I used to memorize the house numbers on the school bus to school, I catch myself doing it sometimes still and I can never force whatever number I just saw out of my head!

    Bleak outlook anon, but I see where you are coming from. When people talk about eugenics and eradicating everything they perceive to be wrong can only be leading down one dangerous path. Perhaps someday that mentality will change, but who's to say what is going to happen.

    You need to read up on a few famous dead aspies then, you would be amazed at the contributions some of them made to society.

    In a recent book I read by Jaunita Lovett she spoke about a phenonenon with those who have abnormally large IQs (like 150+) and how they logically conclude that human interaction is meaningless. They tend to have all of the characteristics of AS (and not schizoid), but for some reason they cannot appreciate human contact in any way. It was a very interesting thing to read.

    Sorry, I'm trying to get to everyone here, which was your reply?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:13:42 No.9347598
    OP, I like this thread. You write in a nice and concise manner. I hope you don't mind me adding my experiences to the mix here.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:14:32 No.9347608
    Maybe you shouldn't have visited to the psych then.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:15:32 No.9347628

    >Bleak outlook anon, but I see where you are coming from. When people talk about eugenics and eradicating everything they perceive to be wrong can only be leading down one dangerous path.

    I wouldn't exactly say it's a bleak outlook. It's just the way people think. We all like to put ourselves into little groups and this leads to us falling victim to the "us vs them" mentality. We like to say that our group is smarter, better, special, or more "normal" than the other group.

    Even if the condition is real then these social traits will persist and we need to be vigilant of them.

    As for it being a fad disease we've all heard of Hysteria, right? Even science can fall victim to social phenomena.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)18:20:18 No.9347699
    Welcome back, I was wondering where you went! :)

    Very interesting, when I say they had AS tendencies, I meant more that they had some social problems and odd routines along with some very narrow interests that would be considered odd. They were very normal though and my grandfather was married for over 55 years, my father has been married 28 now, all of them held social jobs (teacher and police officer) even though they had to force it sometimes. That is quite interesting that AS can be a learned thing, I wonder if the brain development as a child somehow adapts because of the role of a father.

    Interesting as well, the special interests were what motivated me to do anything and was the only way for my parents to discipline me (by taking them away when I got too into them). Every friend I ever had either shared my interest, were protective of me in school or offered me something that I found beneficial enough to form a friendship with them. My interests were not that mundane I suppose, I certainly did find them fascinating and still do. The not remembering faces thing has always been present though, not just in childhood memories, but even things within months or a few years ago. I tend to remember people by an abnormality or hair color or similarity to something else, but never their face/eyes etc.

    That bully incident doesn't feel very memorable to me these days, but I'm sure at the time it felt horrible. The only part of the bullying I remember was the teacher who I confided in (he had a cage with a ball python as well as a terrarium with newts/turtles and frogs in it that I would come in at lunch and watch until it was time for class). I joined the wrestling team for one night in second grade because of that teacher, that was not a fun sport lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:22:51 No.9347750
    Hey was here earlier talking to you OP, These are the intended answers for your answers, hope you can reply at the rate this thread is growing sorry its not complete 4 chan still wont let me post it for some idiotic reason :)(dont worry its not offensive or anything!)


    P.S I am convinced your Asperges was a mis-diagnosis of the affect of the events that happened you through life moreso than a condition you have as all of your symptoms are everyday problems and thought magnified through the events that have happened throughout your life, I would most definitely go for another evaluation as wrong diagnosis are not uncommon but please find a capeable or understanding Doctor im not saying you are perfectly fine but what I am saying is you are perfectly capable of being fine and living any life you want!
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)18:31:24 No.9347895
    Parasites, neat!

    The sensory stuff is so hard to explain to people, they seem to think it's 'not that bad' but imagine when someone touches you on the shoulder it feels like an uncle just grabbed your dick. Or hearing a cough from another room as if it was a thunderclap inside of your ear (I get that rarely, but when it hits I'm in a panic for 20 minutes).

    I've never really found what I was amazing at; I can do simple math at a rate that is abnormal (anyone remember those 100 times table sheets in like 4th grade? Yeah I was the kid that finished those in under a minute.) but anything past a few steps I get too lost, I can draw details very well, but things like faces or 'emotion' in body language (It's hard to describe, my drawings ended up looking inanimate and wooden) are impossible to ever get right.

    I'm certainly gullible, but after high school I started to lose my trust in people and could never differentiate who was 'bad' or 'good' so I just avoided everyone to be safe. Still trying to correct that now. I can pick up obvious body language like arms crossed or tapping foot or something that has an almost definite explanation for. I do get things mixed up or confused sometimes like when people cry when they are happy; what is that all about? :\

    Thanks so much for the input, it is certainly a different perspective from what I've been hearing these days. I'll have to really think on this and maybe bring it up to my therapist and see what her opinion is.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:32:29 No.9347905
    Do you feel that Chris chan portrays a negative opinion of aspies everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:32:52 No.9347915
    Hey OP, >>9346542 here
    Thanks for your reply. Your last thread was an eye opener for me; I'd never thought there are people so similar to myself.

    Video games have occupied a large part of the last 8 or 9 years of my life as well. At first it's all I can think about, but for the last 4 or so years, I can no longer derive any enjoyment out of them. It's a routine to kill time for me. I have not finished a game in the last 3 years, often stopping on the last level. Just last month, I've deleted all the games on my hard drive, only to download them all back again.

    I'm sure there's something wrong with me, but I'm scared of finding out. I'm scared of the social stigma, the medications, and people treating me differently.

    What did you study in college OP? Are you planning to go back to your studies?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:36:06 No.9347965

    Sorry for jumping the gun there OP on another post :)

    But I do believe you may be one of the many people who fit in the wrongly diagnosed category OP, dont get me wrong you have alot of the symptoms and fit the category quite well but it just seems there are too many other factors to take into account which could explain more than just Aspergers.

    I myself was very similar with music to as you were with your interests, I started playing guitar at a very young age(6) and got intensely into playing it(so much to the point that not unlike yourself, my parents would take it away as punishment)

    Not remembering faces even today is perfectly normal, its only the people that have had an impact on you and your mind who's faces ever remain clear, the brain see's no reason to show the others as they were never the focus of attention in the first place.

    The Bully incident wouldn't be overly memorable anyway as these are the sort of events our minds want to forget as they had such impacts on changing our normal function, I was bullied once as a child for a week near 20 years ago now i still remember his name and his face but the incidents are hazy, I just remember the fear:) ( P.Sinteresting fact: most of our memories are most memorable by smell)

    You have a brilliant memory of your interests, not unlike myself(remember these are your passions, your brain could never want to forget them!)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:41:03 No.9348033

    No worries OP, you are a very interesting person! I think you should bring it up with your therapist, and i do hope your therapist is fully aware of all your issues and past issues as Aspergers is very easily wrongly diagnosed as is ADHD
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:43:33 No.9348063
    OP, do i have it too?
    -i go days without talking to people (i dont have the need for it)
    -i work in IT and am above average at my job. im ok at communication as long as it's about the job
    -i have a very narrow interest
    -i used to build large intricate systems with my toys (by myself, alone) as a kid
    >> Now for something completely different! Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)18:43:37 No.9348065

    1. How did you discovered 4chan?
    2. Where did you first heard of 4chan?
    3. What was your first board you visited?
    4. What the boards you frequently visit?
    5. What is your favorite meme?
    6. Have you ever visited /b/ before?
    7. How large is your 4chan folder?
    8. How did 4chan changed or affected you?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)18:47:42 No.9348128
    That tenacity to fix gaps in logic or justice have got got me into a lot of trouble before. I think I told the story of the ipod last thread lol.

    Wow, you are a neuroscientist? :o Your take on AS is that it is a scam somehow, but haven't you been able to see brain scan results that differ so much from NT children? What is your take on that?

    Are you a psychologist as well? We certainly do have a lot of them on here!

    I've always noticed the inability to 'connect' with people; it was just sort of an intangible feeling that I could never really express to someone else. It's almost like being just slightly off rhythm in a band, while the difference seems small, it's noticeable enough to cause problems.

    I first was diagnosed with low grade depression at 15, saw a psych at 16 who had actually mentioned high functioning autism (to which my teenage self coldy and deliberately replied "I am not autistic" and it was never spoke of again), at 17 I was sent in for an IQ test and some personality evaluations twice. They discovered I had ADHD then, but I thought it was bullshit because I was a horrible teenager. The personality tests also thought I had schizoid personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder as well, but those results I never once saw until last week (my parents hid all of the details from me for fear it would ruin my life). After high school I got off the meds and went off to college, moved out and got a job to support myself. I then couldn't bear going to class, my job was too stressful and I stayed locked inside my room all day until I ran out of money. Flash forward to a long series of battles with depression, at 26, two weeks ago I was diagnosed with AS and I finally got to see the results of the IQ and personality tests I took at 17.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)18:57:38 No.9348296
    Right now I am only bitter I never saw those results at 17, that I threatened the therapist into dismissing any HFA diagnoses, and that the psychologist who administered the IQ test did not notice that every single thing was consistent with AS. So yes, I've been raging this last week a bit.

    Thank you for the words and advice, I personally hate that I am going to have to be dependent on SSRIs for a while, but hopefully I'll get to a point where I can fully appreciate my life to not sink back into a depression again.

    That is quite poetic, I hope I can have this view someday.

    No time to read it all, but skimming over it, it looks pretty accurate. Probably more useful than the Wikipedia article, but it does probably have some bias.

    Odd. I've certainly heard of people reading the criteria and stretching to convince themselves that they match it, even though it may not be completely non subjective. Though they say everyone falls on the spectrum somewhere. perhaps you jut happen to be closer to those with AS than your average neurotypical.

    Very interesting, that is a bit more severe than my experience I think, but I did enjoy patterns as well (mostly on insects and reptiles).
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)19:01:34 No.9348375
    i know I have mild assburgers.

    usually I just say fuck it, don't worry about it, and I'm fine. But growing up I did have alot of the problems that you've listed so far. control, depression, social awkwardness. After being thrown into being social by my brother and friends, working out and building up a confidence for myself and listening alot to lessons from my Dad, I'm a hell of alot better now than I was when I was 18. (21 now)

    Granted the issues still come up from time to time but I have to force myself to not worry about it. Working out ( running really) has still always helped me the most.

    Thanks OP, hope you get your shit together. I need to as well!

    it's weird seeing shit that you've been doing for and trying to undue for the last 21 years labeled with a syndrome. Maybe that's how I got around it better, not knowing I was fucked in the head?

    end random blab
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)19:06:56 No.9348461
    How does it feel knowing that you are a complete fuckwit
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)19:08:17 No.9348485
    I didn't understand the effect it would have for saying it and I trusted what those kids said when they wanted me to deliver a message for them. Looking back of course that was a dumb thing to do, but at that time I was completely oblivious until they reacted to it.

    Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.

    Korean dramas and movies tend to be very expressive and I can actually feel a connection to the characters in this movie for some reason. Normally in movies it is hit or miss if I can understand where they are coming from, but usually I can understand the sense of loss in death or something like that when it's logically laid out why. It seems kind of weird to enjoy such an emotionally charged movie, but I find it absolutely beautiful. :3

    I used to think the same way, but there are high functioning aspies out there who would be invisible unless you pressed them. And I also had the mentality of 'I cannot be autistic, you are an asshole for suggesting it' but fuck do I regret that attitude now.

    Why thank you!

    Feel free to add anything you want, I'd love to hear stories from other aspies' experiences.

    Again interesting perspective. I can see how the us vs them mentality can work against you; the more fervor you generate the less rational and logical you can be and there is no good that can come of that. Both groups just need to learn to coexist I think, it's when one side has all the power that this becomes impossible...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)19:15:57 No.9348647
    I remember the first thread OP, and that was in the really early morning and turned out great. But afternoon /r9k/ is ridiculously hostile to aspergers, this can't possibly end well.

    The horrible thing about aspergers is the more we're provoked the less reasonable we seem, and the less people can relate to us, because we just do not respond to conflict and hostility in a way that seems "normal." It can be very unnerving, even to other people with aspergers.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)19:21:20 No.9348754
    These are certainly differing conclusions than I would have guess, and I will talk to my therapist to see if she understands where these questions come from. I'd certainly like to be able to say I don't have the limits of AS, but it's hard to put everything back into Pandora's box so to speak. I will try to think of this from your perspective over the next few days; I see the psych on Monday.

    4th mention of him! Of course I do, but this is only coming from seeing whatever is randomly posted in /v/ regarding him. Those naked photos are quite disturbing. :s

    I think I remember you, or at least someone else who had the burnout on video games. I used to play avidly as well, but eventually I would burn out sooner and sooner until it would just not be fun at all but rather compulsive so I stopped. I still haven't filled that void, but I hope to find a solution for myself sometime soon.

    I was scared as well, I've spent the greater part of my life trying to blend in after all, revealing that I am different just works counter intuitively to what I had been working towards achieving all that time. I'm finally starting the process of learning to let go of that, I think that is really the only way I can take a less narrow view on myself and figure out what actually works for me in society.

    My major when I first started college was art history, then graphic design after dropping out of the first college, then going to a technical school and doing their AAS program for computer networking. It wasn't the education that got me the job, it was the internship I got from a family friend that really got my foot in the door. I do plan to go back to college and work towards at least a masters I think, but I have 3-4 things I'm still trying to decide to major in (art something, comp sci, engineering, writing something). Still a lot of thinking needs to occur before I come to that decision.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)19:31:16 No.9348888
    Like I said in another post earlier, the wrongly diagnosed idea seems a little implausible to me right now, but it is certainly something I'll be questioning.

    Is it odd that I only remember the objects and what I did with them rather than the people I did them with?

    That makes sense, I can recognize family members for the most part and people who I have constant interaction with.

    Again this makes sense, I'm sure there has got to be some deep seated emotion about that I probably suppressed out of defense. I'll need to explore that with therapy eventually I think; the focus right now is still on eliminating some sources of depression that can be effective right now until the suicidal tendencies go away. :\

    Thank you, I'll be sure to remember that. :)

    The scary part is they never knew about the psych testing I had done at 17; all of their records of it were gone after 7 years and it wasn't in my history. After showing it to them and all of the signs I'll be the psychologist was quite pleased to see about everything she had said reiterated on that piece of paper. I think I am going to ask if I can get an updated full evaluation though from another facility; I'd just like to see if there was actually any change since I was 17 or not.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)19:42:28 No.9349072
    Certainly seems like some tendencies towards AS, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions right away. Do you have any depression, anxiety when talking to others, sensory issues (light, sound, touch?), impulsiveness or lack of empathy? I'd not put too much stock into it if you don't meet too many of the criteria; IT guys tend to be a little odd, but that doesn't mean they are always aspies. I'd take the AS test that was posted a little into the thread and see what you score. Still just try and be objective and not convince yourself you fit symptoms that barely fit; everyone falls on the spectrum somewhere.

    1. Link to FFXI pornography on /h/ from a blog I followed.
    2. Livejournal blog about FFXI
    3. /h/
    4. /r9k/, /v/, /mu/ and sometimes /tv/ and /lit/
    5. I like the 4koma panels
    6. Yes, was probably my most visited board until about 2 years ago
    7. 46 MB, 94 files after a fresh win7 install in March
    8. Acts as an outlet and time killer; used to always get a laugh out of something as well
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)19:43:39 No.9349091
    Oh? No, I've never posted any of this on 4chan.
    I also feel an inability to connect to my peers. This one time in middleschool, the teacher read a story from the newspaper to us. It was about a kid who died from play hockey without a helmet. The girls in the class all started crying, which is something I can't understand
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)19:45:01 No.9349127

    Why do Asperger's think they're so fascinating? They really aren't. A bunch of motherfuckers who wanted an excuse to be douchebags. Asperger's Syndrome is essentially being a lonely dork with no people skills.

    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)19:52:45 No.9349285
    Yay finally catching up!

    I wish I could relearn all the coping mechanisms I developed over the years in a way that was not so anxiety inducing. I so rarely get to the point where I am not so self conscious and aware of my own awkwardness. I personally really really want to get myself into an exercise routine that I can follow weekly without a gap; I've been able to start a few times, but always seem to just lose the motivation the next few days.

    Thanks for the encouragement, I hope you do well in life too!

    It's refreshing to have a starting point to work with now, but that resentment is huge. I think the best way to deal with it is to stop dwelling on the past, live your life as if you were reborn and try to not second guess yourself from those past mistakes.

    Feels ok man.

    I started this one a little late I suppose and Saturday has got to be the worst day for it. But it's been surprisingly tame and quite informative!

    I've never been combative physically, but I tend to be quite adamant and unmoving on an opinion and that certainly causes confusion to others I'll bet.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)20:02:14 No.9349450
    Sorry I was mistaken, it just seemed familiar for some reason.

    I always figured 4chan had something to do with my insensitivity; things like sad stories or destroying someones myspace life just seemed kind of pointless to me, but did not bother me that much from an emotional point of view. I remember when a kid hung himself in one of the school bathrooms and they held a rally for him and his family; I remember laughing at something in his dad's speech that garnered me instant looks of hate by hundreds of the people attending lol.

    But you yourself are a unique snowflake too anon! I'll assume you couldn't wade through the thread, but it was not trying to share my 'fascinating' life with the robots, but rather to provide some content that people might find interesting and perhaps share what I know on a subject I have researched recently. But I will agree it is a trait of aspies to be concerned with self and thinking that they are important than others; I'd really like to think I'm not entirely like that, but I'm sure I give that vibe at times.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)20:03:58 No.9349490
    Ok, I need to find something to eat, I'll check back on the thread in ~15 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:08:40 No.9349581
    I'm curious what you look like OP

    land whale or deformed head or something?
    >> DOOM !e3m6dAt5dU 06/05/10(Sat)20:10:00 No.9349606


    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:11:20 No.9349629

    I imagined like.. 5'11", scrawny, kinda normal/geeky looking kid with relatively short, dark brown hair.. pretty pale i guess.

    AKA as generic as a person can look.. Hope he's not fat.. then i'll stop reading.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:11:59 No.9349641
    most asspies are like deformed in the eyes or something and have bigger heads I think, OP probably looks like the typical google image asspie ogre
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:12:24 No.9349647


    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)20:19:43 No.9349779
         File1275783583.jpg-(74 KB, 442x594, faggybillybush.jpg)
    74 KB
    Someone at my old job said I look like a young skinny Billy Bush; I googled it and wanted to punch them. They apparently thought it was a compliment. I am 6'0 and about 124 pounds now, I tend to wear glasses for distance, but in public I take them off to not have to focus on people.

    I enjoy talking about things that interest me, I don;t always like talking to myself though. Using 4chan is my little way of reaching out of my shell.

    That's pretty damned close anon, do you know me? :o

    The correct answer is Downs Syndrome I think. Most aspies look normalish, but tend to have weird expressions?

    I laughed a little. Just a little though.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:20:07 No.9349789
    Indeed, when I pointed out the sillyness of the situation, my classmates all gave me that look, as if I wished death upon the kid

    Just took the test that was posted,
    Your Aspie score: 113 of 200
    Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 77 of 200
    You are very likely an Aspie

    I don't like it
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:23:05 No.9349846
    Holy shit, what? D:

    You were supposed to stay a fat virgin neckbeard in my mind ;_;

    If you really do look like that, why don't you have woman coming up to you a lot?

    You sound decently attractive even if you are skinny ;O
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:23:52 No.9349863
    You are nothing like chris chan. If he was neurotypical, he'd still be a moron
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:25:19 No.9349898
    its worth posting this twice.





    Always remember that you and him are nothing alike in that regard, you come across as a likeable guy
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:25:49 No.9349913
    >implying Billy Bush is attractive

    Faggot detected.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:26:57 No.9349940
    HERPA DERPA physical brain differences are conspiracy HEPRA DERP
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:28:17 No.9349956
    Well, he's not hideous and some people would say he's hot, I just never would imagine an aspie looking like that ;o

    I'm a girl though, and I like boys, so maybe I'm a gay boy in a girls body? ;D
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:36:43 No.9350102
    how much do you weigh?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)20:36:50 No.9350103
    I don't understand it, especially if you never knew the person, how can you relate to them? Did they have a brother who died in the same accident and they were having flashbacks? I'll never understand it I guess.

    That's a fairly low score I think, mine was around the 160 range, I've seen a few people in like the 180s and 190s. :\

    Sorry to burst your bubble anon! I wouldn't say I'm particularly attractive; my personality drops me down quite a few pegs as well. I'm usually confused by women who approach me or flirt, when they get direct about it I freak out and say impulsive things. Some day though, some day.

    I just assumed he had some severe autism along with impulse problems; those people generally are of average intelligence from what I've read.

    Sex doll videos? Oh my. Yes I will definately not be looking into him and I can appreciate the compliment of not being like him a great deal more.

    Thanks anon, you sound like a fine person as well!

    Yeah, I don't see it either, he looks like he has a rubber face or something.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)20:41:15 No.9350178
    Physical proof and evidence is not enough proof and evidence apparently. I love the logic jumps some people seem to always do.

    Aspies don't really have any physical abnormalities that you could tell from looking at them other than weird expressions that are telling if you know what to look for (my psych said there's a kind of vibe that we give off that gives us away somehow).

    That would just make you a girl wouldn't it? :\

    I've kinda had trouble with appetite lately, but I'm sitting at 124 right now. I was at 140 a few months back and I maintained that weight most of my life.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:44:38 No.9350242
    I think I've read more in your two threads than I have on r9k in weeks OP, you need to learn some short asnwers

    my question is do you really feel like you connect more with animals than people? ever think of beastiality? I'm totally serious here
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)20:46:39 No.9350281
    anyone have a link to the first thread, I can't find it on the archive?
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)20:54:55 No.9350445
    Sorry, I try to keep them as short and concise as possible while still getting my point across.

    I do like animals, I'm not sure if it's more than people though. They are certainly more reliable and predictable than people, but you can't really hold an intelligent conversation well with a cat. No, I have never considered bestiality, that sounds kind of disgusting really.
    >> OP !cla0aHFoM2 06/05/10(Sat)21:08:22 No.9350646
    Ok thread dead, thanks all for the questions and posts, it was fun. Take care anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)21:13:38 No.9350713
    OP can you post your contact again?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)21:18:05 No.9350777

    Thread dead?

    It's still on the first few fucking pages. Wonder what that says about Our NineK, you mentally defective piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)21:18:32 No.9350786
    This thread is very worrying.
    I'm not one to read a Wikipedia article and self-induce hysteria, but this whole ass-pie thing fits.

    My whole life I've felt withdrawn from those around me - like I was wired differently to them or something.
    They all seemed to interact naturally and apparently without conscious thought.

    Where as I spend my free time studying advanced social theory and developing my own.
    However, I have lots of friends and even a girlfriend.
    I've learned the mechanics of socializing, but it always leaves me feeling empty that I have to follow their rules.

    Am I just some insecure, analytical faggot or is there something ass-burgery about me, anon?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)21:19:41 No.9350807
    That's called alienation.

    Every fucking person in the world goes through that.

    If you think you have asperger's, you're admitting you think something's wrong with you. There isn't. Suck it up and take pride in your normality.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)21:24:48 No.9350900

    You're telling me in a social situation you don't find yourself thinking all Aspie about the dynamics.

    Honestly, I sit there and work out the unconscious rules right down to what made the person sit where they did.

    Should I take pride in trying to pick a role to play that best matches the group dynamic at the time?

    Like if everyone is sitting there quiet watching TV, I'll change my posture to relaxed right down to the muscles in my lips and try put off the right social cues.

    It's being extremely conscious of everything and it makes social situations demanding.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)22:12:18 No.9351594
    Asspizza is as big a lie as RLS.

    It's a reverse snake oil situation, instead of a cure all to clear up problems, people make up fake diseases so they can blame what they think are shortcomings on that, thus "curing" the symptom of their personality.

    The only thing wrong with you is you.

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