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12/31/11(Sat)20:05:19 No.934478>>934351
guy who makes the pizzas is on 32000 a year. On average he makes about
60-70 pizzas a day priced at 9 per, along with other items, like chicken
parm sammiches and whatnot. Delivery guys make minimum wage on the
books + their own tips, and the washer/cook/boxmaker makes 10 an hour.
I'll have to make the delivery guys help out when she isn't working, but
she's this little Latina girl who really doesn't know any better.
in pizza, there are no bad times. People always order pizza. I really
haven't noticed a difference in the last 3 years among order
disparities. I don't pay rent, I own the property, and charge the
tenants rent who live upstairs. I did have to take out a hefty loan to
start the place.
I live in near NYC, the NJ side. To be more
specific, Lyndhurst, which is about a 20 minute drive from NYC. We
deliver to the surrounding 6 towns, which brings in a lot of business.
initial start-up cost was insane. You have to take out loan to buy the
place, order menus and get your name out there. The first few weeks we
delivered free pizzas to hotels and apartment building managers so
they'd place our menus in rooms. You have to order large amounts of
flour, tomato sauce, cheese, that sort of thing. Luckily, there are a
lot of places here that give discounts to bulk orders. I opened up the
place when a close-by pizzeria went out of business and offered me all
of their mixers and pizza pans at a discounted price, so I went straight
to the bank at age 22, to see if they'd give me a loan for it. They
gave me ridiculous interest rates, because I was so young, but I'm 25
now, own my own place and run a decent business. |