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  • File : 1275601866.jpg-(34 KB, 459x400, anime-mania-intro-image.jpg)
    34 KB Why people like anime? Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:51:06 No.9304998  
    I want to get a serious thread going. About anime. And about the psychological reasons why people start liking anime and becoming otakus.

    Notice how mostly nerds/introverts become anime fans. What could be the reason for this? Why exactly anime?

    Also, another interesting thing I have observed - anime is never funny except to people who are fans of anime. Sure, there are good anime movies, I'm not a hater, I'm trying to be objective, but anime is never, ever funny, even when it tries hard to be funny.

    If someone could enlighten me on these 2 questions I'd be grateful!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:52:25 No.9305026
    Because it's fun. I think you're looking into this way too much.
    >> YoungEbonyBabes !ozOtJW9BFA 06/03/10(Thu)17:52:52 No.9305033

    Thread over.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:53:37 No.9305042
    That reminds me I need to rewatch Welcome to the NHK.

    If I could only find a good source.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:53:52 No.9305047
    Becaue they enjoy the shitty characters, retarded fights, and the hilarious plots. This does not apply for all animus of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:55:20 No.9305089
    I started reading manga because of the:
    The nice drawings that looked so realistic
    Interesting characters

    but then all manga became the same so I stopped. Good times though..good times
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:55:24 No.9305092
    The reason "losers" as it were takes an interest into anime is simply because of their isolationist behaviour and dependency on the internet. They're the only ones who actually learn about anime at all. Anyone else get what they want from TV. Since they never bother with the internet, they'll never find Anime, and we'll never know if they'd like it, I'm willing to assume that many would, as is the case in Japan.

    >anime is never funny except to people who are fans of anime. Sure, there are good anime movies, I'm not a hater, I'm trying to be objective, but anime is never, ever funny, even when it tries hard to be funny.

    Seems you've only seen crap.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:55:30 No.9305094
    The colors duke the colors!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:56:11 No.9305108
    Why don't they escape into something else?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:56:11 No.9305109
    >Seems he's only seen anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:56:18 No.9305113
    Pretty much.

    Read it instead. The light novel is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:56:47 No.9305121
    Seriously, most animes arent funny simply because the writing is shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:56:53 No.9305123
    For the same reason I read books and watch American/European animated movies. Entertainment. Interesting stories.

    That's basically it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:57:01 No.9305126
    Became an otaku upon hearing "U.N. Owen was her?", a piece of music from a game which /jp/ lives for
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:57:24 No.9305133
    But the book cover makes you look like a creep. :2
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:57:45 No.9305140
    But why exactly anime? There's a lot more stuff out there on the internet that isn't anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:58:26 No.9305147
    You know what else is shit?

    Two and a half men, Friends and a plethora of the stuff produced in hollywood.

    Producing anime can be very cheap, naturally many attempt shitty cashins using "OMG SO KAWAII GURLS!" to appeal to neckbeards. But there's genuinely good stuff among the sea of shit out there.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:59:05 No.9305164

    Weeboos at my school love team fortress 2, and that's quite American.

    It's gotta be the colors.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:59:18 No.9305167
    As long as you're not assuming that the anime viewers ONLY watch anime, I'm fine with you asking this question. Yes, there are some extremists who only watch anime, but there are extremists for almost any issue.

    >>Also, another interesting thing I have observed - anime is never funny except to people who are fans of anime.
    Subjective opinion is subjective. For the humor that appeals to the anime fan, though, perhaps it's because that specific brand of humor is targeted towards them? Naturally that isn't the only kind of comedy anime, but that's one prominent type.

    Also, you should phrase your questions in a way that doesn't sound like flamebait. I'm trying quite hard not to just ignore you because you sound like this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:59:49 No.9305173
    Well OP, I liked anime before I knew it was uncool to like anime. I watched the little dubbed garbage put on American TV and loved all of it.
    Later, when I went to university, I searched for an anime club, but sadly there was one.
    Then later on my own, I discovered 4chan. Final destination.

    What attracts me? Do you guys seriously want to know?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:00:08 No.9305183
    That's a false dichotomy, they DO get into other things.

    Movies, Anime, Gaming, DND, Roleplay, ARGs, Flash animation, programming and other things that is easily linked with the internet or isolation that comes with "social rejection".
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:01:05 No.9305202
    Regarding otaku anime-fetish type lovers, its because anime is superior at drawing out emotions than regular television. this is accomplished via large eyes, exaggerated emotions, use of color and camera angles not possible in reality, stuff liek that.

    Some people get obsessed with soap operas right? anime is the same, except because its anime, it can be more emotionally engaging than regular film can be.

    Anime is evolution in television, like an upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:01:13 No.9305205
    Two And A Half is pretty shitt, Ill give you that but Friends is really good.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:01:44 No.9305217
    i dont consider myself a real otaku, but i like anime a lot. my reasons are these:

    i find things in anime that are not anywhere else. be it character, plot, idea... japfags can have some crazy ideas and also i like the anime style of their animation

    btw: there are many funny animes. its the same as everywhere else, you comdedy shows, you got action show, you got drama shows...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:03:08 No.9305237
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    >except because its anime, it can be more emotionally engaging than regular film can be.
    >Anime is evolution in television, like an upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:03:28 No.9305247
    You can do things in cartoons that you cannot do in real life, even with special effects. It is more pleasing to the eye. Less normalfagginess (that is, relationshit and feminism and multiculturalism invading everything). Better music, VA, etc.

    Sadly anime oh so rarely takes advantage of the first on the list and we see nothing but moeshit high school comedies and less Legends of Galactic Heroes (battlefields extending hundreds of light years across? fuck yes.)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:03:47 No.9305255
    I agree with this rowbawt. I love the moe moe kawaii animu more than anything. It's definitely an upgrade to television, and as a bonus, it all comes in ad-free subbed MKVs, so you can feel a little superior watching something in a foreign language, and go all ga-ga over the superior Japanese voice actresses.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:04:55 No.9305272
    Whatever, my point still stands.
    Anime can be cheap to produce (reused assets, stills with moving backgrounds, etc.)
    Therefore there's ALOT of different things. At first glance, chances are you'll see some of the shit.

    Also, keep in mind that (and this should be obvious), not all of it is even supposed to be funny...
    It's just an art style, not some japanese looney toons spinoff.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:05:49 No.9305286
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    Anyone who thinks that animes can be more emotional than a tv show with good acors is a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:06:46 No.9305302
    In a nutshell:
    Western cartoons: Bad. Mostly for kids. Stupid. 2-dimensional.
    Japanese anime: Awesome. Adult (not XXX, but mature) themes. Lots of shades of grey; of overlapping meaning.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:07:46 No.9305318
    I know that, and I even respect some animes(Neon Genesis EvengelIon for example) but I still think that TV Shows are in general superior.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:08:00 No.9305321

    God damn you why u do this?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:08:17 No.9305327
    look at the boring life round you...
    now watch a random anime...

    Depending on the scale of your perversion there is sure to be something to suit your taste

    What is interesting are the somewhat random story lines and plot twists, which are not too common to western literature and movie industry, which while being somewhat off-beat and distant from the way we usually percieve life, usually do well to distill and plot out some very interesting concepts applicable to it.

    The mix of the serious and the DEEP with the ridiculous and the absurd, not forgetting the fan service which sometimes can light up your day if nothing else, and I'm not talking about pantsu-shots or k-oon.. simply girly looking drawings of girlydressed girly-acting girls... something you see so rarely IRL...

    Animu is really refreshing for the mind yet can also be really harmful as it portrays something that is much more exciting than anything that you will probably encounter in the real world.

    anyway I'ma be a fag and leave this here
    the 10-rated ones are, in my completely subjective opinion, completely obligatory to watch (half of them having a somewhat stupid plotline.. but being a spectacle to watch)!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:08:18 No.9305328
    I like some of it. I love the movies, like some series (CB, SC, that sorta stuff)

    Been trying to finish GITS and Evangelion. I really can't connect with those characters sadly like i could Spike.

    It's okay. More escapist, and possibly to exp. other 'culture' (Most weeaboos don't realized it's an export culture)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:08:38 No.9305334
    For the same reason people watch movie and read books etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:08:48 No.9305336
    They definitely can be, that of course doesn't mean they always are. You simply can do things in anime that are not possible in regular film.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:09:55 No.9305352
    For example?Dont give me the "big eyes" bullshit, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:10:35 No.9305360
    I don't agree with you completely, but nor do i disagree with you.

    Watching real actors do real acting is..amazing when it's good. (I recently watched Little Miss Sunshine, that was such a fucking great movie)

    Anime tends to be more consistent though. Always somewhat okay to decent. Samey characters, but they all get along a little. There's no acting involved, just voice acting. I see their 'deep plots' but i find it no more interesting than western stuff.

    I dunno, i think weeaboos are a little...close minded in some resepcts.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:10:57 No.9305365
    Well I once thought about giving anime a try but then I realized nothing good would come of it, it's basically a hobby for losers.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 06/03/10(Thu)18:11:16 No.9305373
    I think some people just like the goofiness and escapism of all of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:11:44 No.9305381
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    Funny anime exists.

    Pic related.

    Also, >>9305033 pretty much said it otherwise.

    People like stuff because they want to escape the cruel reality. Let it be anime, videogames, drugs, anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:12:01 No.9305384
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    You know what's funny? I hate Gundam and TTGL watchers more than I hate non-anime watchers.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:12:38 No.9305389
    Big eyes really makes a difference, or they wouldn't do it.
    Even evolution manipulates humans with big eyes.
    See: uselses but big-eyed chiuaua

    other things: facial expressions, camera angle, character movements, describing character thoughts, coloring and environment.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:12:55 No.9305393
    I've always been attracted to the art style, and I started liking anime before I became a complete fucking loser.

    Maybe it's to blame? Well, I know it isn't since I'm aware of the circumstances surrounding my descent, but to an outsider the correlation between becoming an anime fan and becoming a loser is undeniable.

    Playing devil's advocate is lovely.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:13:37 No.9305403
    This answer isn't sufficient because regular film can be construed just as easily as escapism. There are tons of fantasy movies/tv/etc books even.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:13:43 No.9305404
    I never got the appeal of anime once you realise it's following the script of a manga. That and I lost interest after a while. I guess I grew out of it. The only manga I read are because I've invested way too much time into them and I want to see how they unfold, but once they have I'm not going back.

    I suppose the appeal is the same as reading books or following TV shows, a mix of escapism and it's a social tool to have conversations about with someone else who watches the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:14:19 No.9305412
    Higurashi is the only good from your list of 10s
    you suck big time pretentious asshole
    the fact that you don't know what the fuck it is about but others say it's deep and stuff doesn't mean it's 10
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:14:31 No.9305415
    There's no point in talking to any of you about it anyway, since you're so ill informed.

    >Elfen Lied

    Why don't you just judge all of anime by watching Pokemon?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:15:07 No.9305425
    >the correlation between becoming an anime fan and becoming a loser is undeniable

    don't cast your opinions of yourself upon all others. i watch all the good anime i can get my hands on and noone in a million years would call me a looser, not aware of my anime-watching.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:15:46 No.9305439
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    Yeah, but it's different. Some people get excited about elves and fairies and shit while I can't suffer them at all. For me it's all about cute girls doing cute things, and it helps that they've out giant eyes on their oversized adorable faces.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:15:54 No.9305443
    watch Macross zero
    or Karas
    OVA's 5eps a piece
    both a visual sci-fi spectacle which would've cost you a budget of a small country to film normally...

    tl;dr: cheaper special effects

    anyway I do acknowledge that animu IS somewhat of an excuse to overlay shitty cgi upon a drawn world - but it MUCH cheaper and looks awesome... unlike the effect of the slightly shitty cgi being able to completely ruin a film as it stands out too much.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:16:30 No.9305455
    >Less normalfaggines
    I knew it was you pathetic anime-obsessed fucks that used this retarded word. You are the same pieces of shit that plague this board with your trivial autistic relationship queries aswell. Go and fucking die.
    >> piddles !!Mwfj9ClXT8P 06/03/10(Thu)18:16:31 No.9305456
    Best example I can think of, if you include liking manga as "liking anime:"

    Oyasumi PunPun
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:16:36 No.9305457
    >facial expressions
    If you mean that shit with the tear you gotta be kidding me
    >camera angle
    To some extent yes.
    >character movements
    I dont get what you are trying to say with that one.
    >describing character thoughts
    Its not like there arent inner monolouges in film/television
    >coloring and environment
    Digital coloring and CGI.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:18:29 No.9305493

    Where the fuck's your reading comprehension you giant mong.

    I said it would look that way to an outsider who wasn't aware of the real reasons why I became a failure. I didn't say that anime was the cause, I was saying that people would be likely to think that.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:19:10 No.9305499
    Anon's Top 5:
    Azumanga Daioh (the original Slice of Life anime)
    Lucky Star (haters gonna hate)
    Neon Genesis Evangelion (almost gave me a nervous breakdown wayback when)
    Haruhi (zOMG out of order broadcast brilliance)
    Higurashi (Season 1: MURDER LOLIS!)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:19:16 No.9305502
    gurren lagann is perseverance and awesome
    Baccano is style and fun
    sword of the stranger and samurai x is historic action
    cowboy beebop is stylish 90's in space.
    blue sub no 6 is catastrophe and navy
    Spice and wolf is speech and economics
    ghost in the shell stand alone complex and solid state society is politics, technology and future
    08th ms team is war psychology and war happenings
    death note is a game
    gunsmith cats is guns
    infinite ryvius is the human tribe and small-scale society
    dennou coil is tech and children
    saikano is struggle and helplessness
    now and then, here and now is perpetuity of evil
    flcl is penis metaphors / wild
    Legend of the Galactic Heroes is old politics, war and society in space.
    hyakko is friendliness
    clannad after story is modern tears
    evangelion is some psych
    serial experiments lain is philosophy
    elfen lied is blood
    yotsuba (manga) is innocence
    memories is human systems n stuff
    miname-ke mess around triad family
    golden boy modern wanderer

    Not an all inclusive list, but all good except maybe for elfen lied and saikano depending on the person.

    Must-watch tier:
    Ghost in the shell Stand alone complex
    Legend of the Galactic Heroes
    Cowboy beebop
    Clannad after story
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:20:54 No.9305525
    You just gotta watch anime to understand. Watch the good stuff, and watch the bad (but popular) stuff. Derive your own conclusions. I'm not defending it, just attempting to explain its popularity, esp reg otakus/japan whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:21:55 No.9305543
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    What does the average anime fan think about manga influenced comics/graphic novels like Scott Pilgrim?

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:23:51 No.9305572
    Bebop has one e.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:24:22 No.9305580
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    I know what you mean OP.

    Used to love watching anime when i was younger. Had a lot of good laughs with it, but as I got older it just became embarrassing, bland, disturbing (in a bad way) and most of all, perverted. Personally, I don't find any of this new, neo-angsty-loli-grim-dark-nudy-moe crap appealing. Dont get me wrong, I know that there IS some what funny amine series out there but most of it just seems forced and rehashed.

    Had to stop watching the shit, but a friend of mine (whose probably on this site) lives and breathes it. Which, what ever do your thing, but a lot of times he'll act like a character of various series and when drunk psychically trying to inflict moves he seen from naruto, etc Its shits and jokes for like a minute but then always gets out of hand, so always end up leaving early. Really really concerned for him...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:25:43 No.9305602
    >The fact that you don't know what the fuck it is about but others say it's deep and stuff and you want to rage for not seing it waht it is abou...

    Ah what the hell?! What suffices to be said is:

    !!! What's the matter too DEEEP for you?

    (Meant as an irony upon the ironious context in which this phrase is usually used, thereby to convey its genuine direct meaning... as you might have well been able to read into... but just in case this explanation - it's here!).
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:25:54 No.9305605
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    I used to watch it because it was entertaining, but honestly now when I do watch it is because I don't have patience for western television.

    Hear me out, I am not shooting down western TV, there are shows I enjoy, but I don't have the patience for TV as a whole. Just to follow a show I have to follow it for 3, 4 maybe up to 10 seasons just to see the whole story.

    With most anime, at least most of the drama shows, it is 1 maybe 2 seasons. In the time it takes me to watch a string of movies I can watch the whole series and feel actual closure with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:26:21 No.9305612
    elfen lied was gay
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:26:47 No.9305618
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    And wuts funny about that?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:27:38 No.9305634
    I would agree that most anime isn't funny. I mean, comedy anime can be funny in an amusing way and definitely enjoyable, but not laugh out loud funny.

    Besides Detroit Metal City. That shit's hilarious
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:27:44 No.9305636
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    There are a few mangas and animes that are bearable, but in general, most have uninteresting and unoriginal plots that leave me confused as fuck as to what's happening.

    American comics > Japanese Comics
    >> Douchebag !!zuWFk16Euy5 06/03/10(Thu)18:28:23 No.9305642
    I grew up with cartoons and anime.

    Why the fuck would i abandon them?!

    Just because normalfags think it is not good or whatever other petty reasons?

    Lol, you are really a loser if you can be manipulated this easily.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:29:14 No.9305654
    >thread about anime on /r9gay/
    these are always filled with huge idiots, trolls, and /a/nons wasting their time
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:29:10 No.9305655
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    I tried to watch anime but whenever it comes down to those horrible, LOL SO RANDUM XD ^_^ facial expressions, I just switch off the screen. It looks stupid when during an important plot, the main characters face freezes, his eyes get all big or unnaturally small and cross signs start showing on his head or a teardrop or some shit. Seriously - WTF is that? And the worst part - it's in EVERY FUCKING ANIME! Well, ok, in 99.9%!

    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:30:40 No.9305671
    I have one word for you (well for most of this thread):


    Thank you for your time!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:32:18 No.9305692
    OP here. I must admit I liked Akira, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. Mostly due to the fact that they were not cheap looking, good artwork and ok story/characters.

    But other than that when I see anime serials, I just don't get the appeal. The faces almost aren't moving and everything is progressing so slow and booring.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:32:30 No.9305694
    I just do. But even then, I admit 95% of it sucks copious amounts of dick.
    As for humor, I thought Cromartie was pretty funny. Same with Yotsuba&!.

    Also, your pic is a godawful anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:33:23 No.9305703
    Cowboy Bebop.

    You never watched it.

    I fucking hate Anime, BUT THAT SHIT WAS GREAT. It felt very nice and western. None of that shitty japanese music either, some nice jazz.
    >> blox !KPiHjcq3U2 06/03/10(Thu)18:33:27 No.9305705
    l am a nerd. l am an introvert. l fucking hate anime.
    >> C_L_O_U_D_M_A_N !!8RMij6o3tu9 06/03/10(Thu)18:35:34 No.9305740
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    Anime isn't funny because the jokes are always so fucking Japano-centric. And when they attempt visual humour, its usually some fucking moeface doing over-cutesy wankery.

    Mind Game is an example of an anime that bucks the trend though, and I highly recommend it.

    Cromartie Highschool is another example of accessible comedy anime
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:37:36 No.9305766
    I prefer western shows like Two and a half men, Law and order, and NCIS. I used to watch dragon ball z and Digimon while back, but I don't really like many other animes. The last one that I liked was death note.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:38:15 No.9305773
    There are maybe 2-3 TV shows I like.
    The wire. Scrubs.
    There's like 20 anime I like.

    Anime's just got more good stuff imo.

    Try Golden boy, Cromartie high, Detroit metal city, maybe miname-ke, hyakko.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:41:57 No.9305823
    aha, but I have - t'was truly nice!

    Also can someone enlighten me as to why everyone get's so pissed if you tell them the "Knocking on Heaven's Door" movie was by far the best part of the umm... "franchise".
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:43:44 No.9305849
    I don't get it either though I do like masturbating to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:49:18 No.9305918
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    The males of one beetle species find orange females highly attractive. There is a soda bottle in Europe that is a darker shade of that orange. Male beetles will starve to death humping this soda bottle because they find it so attractive.

    The same thing is at work with anime. Anime girls are hyper-attractive versions of real women and weeabos would starve to death before abandoning their waifu.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:50:30 No.9305930
    They're a bunch of fanboys. They seem to hate whenever sony makes anything

    I will NOT say it was the best part of the franchise. But it was REALLY nice.

    The movie itself was somewhat bad. But god damn the star wars rip off fighter scene was epic.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:51:41 No.9305953
    l have saved this post for future animu threads
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:52:51 No.9305964
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:53:11 No.9305971
    The same reason people became hopeless comic book nerds.

    Now with comic books replaced by a medium with agreeably higher quality art (The comic book side has made a comeback in this category, alebeit borrowing some drawing techniques from the japanese side), people flock to that instead. Escapism, entertainment, plain and simple. Only now we have ongoing plots instead of villain-of-the-week with loosely constructed plots.

    tl;dr the same reason there are superman nerds.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:53:12 No.9305973
    The only anime I could actually sit and watch is samurai champloo english dubbed of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:53:37 No.9305981
    I took it from a post on /a/ that actually had a picture of the beetles humping a soda bottle.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:54:55 No.9306010
    There are Japanese inside jokes that only "Otaku" will get (as well as actual japanese people). Alot of anime uses these Japanese jokes, hence the illusion that it's only funny to obsessive otaku. On the other hand, there is plenty of anime that makes use of more universal humor. It's just not as popular among the extremely vocal otaku and thus not well known.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:54:57 No.9306011

    AHahhaha, pitiful baka gaijin peasantry.
    >> Douchebag !!zuWFk16Euy5 06/03/10(Thu)18:55:44 No.9306026
    He is a troll.
    That "of course" was the bait.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:56:26 No.9306037
    Its foreign, exotic, and unpopular in America. Introverted kids tend to latch onto subcultures that emphasize difference from the mainstream (usually in an effort to feel superior).
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:56:56 No.9306049
    >Good actors

    Holy shit, they exist? As in, real talent and not just editing together the good parts?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:57:07 No.9306051
    this doesn't explain its popularity in japan.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:58:39 No.9306078
    Baka Gaijin?

    Even the Japanese don't go around calling everyone with differing opinions Baka Gaijin Peasantry. Seriously, if you're a bon fide weeaboo, you just failed at becoming part of your idolized and idealized GLORIOOSE NEEPON culture.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:58:53 No.9306084
    What? You think anime is my only hobby? Sure, I have other japan/otaku related hobbies like reading visual novels but I listen to music, I draw, I do olympic weight lifting, I do metalworking, pottery, I started guitar, I play games.

    Why do I need to give reasoning to my hobbies? I just like them. Something about anime clicks with me and has stayed with me since I started watching DBZ in elementary school.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:59:56 No.9306101
    IT ISN'T.

    ITS A FUCKING EXPORT CULTURE. It's like David Hasslehoff and germany.

    Either way, dubbed is the only thing i personally can stand.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:00:04 No.9306105
    It's popularity in Japan can be explained the same way you can explain cartoon network's popularity here. Betcha there are introverted Japanese guys who live for western stuff, too. (of course, we don't seem to draw girls as hyper-attractive "moeblobs"....)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:01:20 No.9306125
    Export culture.

    Tell that to 2ch.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:03:00 No.9306159
    Funny i saw this thread, since i was just thinking about this shit earlier today. See, i have my fare share of older Japanese animations on VHS from the 80's and 70's and theyre mindblowingly awesome once you face the reality that theyre cartoons. Kiddy shit you know, Bugs Bunny and all them wackos. Except these have very dark and mature themes, gross overuse of blood, violence and the whole nine yards with a helthy mix of nudity thrown in. I was amazed at these adults cartoons, because before i knew about their existance all cartoons were kid crap.

    Trying to size up these works against the generic plethora of Japanese animation you see today is like night and day. Im not even sure what im trying to say here, so ill just end it with this: I fucking love those tapes to death, and would still watch them today if i still had a VHS player.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:03:05 No.9306161
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    This discussion has pretty much gone into a loop, with the same stuff being repeated over and over because SOMEONE has to have the last word and WIN TEH ARGUMENTZ. /thread
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:06:03 No.9306215
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    Space cowboys, epic music, guns, space ships. hot girls, and a little comedy and a lot of action.

    One of my favorite animes ever. If you do not know this anime, you should be shot.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:06:13 No.9306222
    Please tell me that two of those tapes are Fist of the North Star and Dominion Tank Police.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:07:32 No.9306252
    I'm finding it really difficult to get into it again. I watched it as a kid (Bebop, Outlaw Star, DBZ), and got back into it a few years back only to fall out of it again.

    I enjoyed the really colourful and exciting realities that the old shows offered - something that I could not get from Western 'cartoons'. I got excited at the prospect every Saturday night of seeing Aisha Clan Clan and my nigga Edward and brilliant, eventful worlds that they came from.

    I guess that would be called escapism.

    A revived interest came through 'trying out' philosphically piquant animes und mangos like Welcome to The NHK and Serial Experiments. This was short-lived, because I don't really give a shit about deep thinking or introspection, and such mental stimulation wasn't really what I watched anime for. Code Geass was a breath of fresh air, but I got pissed off because of the repetitive plot format and unchanging music.

    Then I smoked pot and died. True story.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:09:49 No.9306285
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:10:04 No.9306293
    How about you watch tegenn toppa gurren lagann
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:11:59 No.9306343
    Yeah, when I said Code Geass, I meant Gurren Lagann.

    I've never watched Code Geass; it looks gay.
    >> !WeEabOOAS2 06/03/10(Thu)19:12:29 No.9306353
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    It's so cute and fun !

    I don't think i can really explain it. I've just always liked anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:12:57 No.9306363
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    damn it! I wanted a second season for Outlaw Star. Now I am nostalgia fagging hard over here.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:15:13 No.9306409


    Thanks guys, haven't watched the latest Yugioh Abridged episode that come out last week.

    Dammit i love that series.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:15:47 No.9306425
    Not sure about Fist, but im positive that i have DTP in the pile. One of my favorites along with Legend of The Overfiend series. That one really blew my mind in what people were doing with cartoons, i couldnt believe it at the time, but with all the hentai and shit we have now it seems rather stale and boring.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:15:52 No.9306430
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    for some reason, sci fi and action/adventure animes are not as popular with the Japanese as they are in the west. Outlaw Star and Trigun did better and were more popular in America then they were in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:16:03 No.9306432
    Each one of the anime lover's responses is wrong in so many ways that it would take me an eternity to explain to them, in great detail and depth, why it is exactly that their chosen love and obsession is so terribly, terribly misguided and untrue.
    I will simply say this; anime is fine for what it is - a cheap, fun thrill. Most all of it follows the same sort of plots and lack creativity. For all the anime that people say are "creative", they are really in fact clones of the other approach to anime, of which there are two: simpler, and "oh my god it's so complex I don't even BEGIN to comprehend it". An example of this: the ending scene of Princess Mononoke, where the head of of that bizzarre creature beast suddenly turned into liquid and then the entire world tried to eat the fuck out of everything and then suddenly went away. What the hell? That's not storytelling. Real storytelling involves actually explaining a plot, or leaving good cues so the audience can pick it up along the way - not just throwing in "omgbizzare" imagery at the very end, or throwing it in in the middle and not giving us ANY idea of what the hell it is.

    And I fucking LOVE Princess Mononoke! It's one of the best animes ever made - because that bullshit was relatively small and the movie could be understood without understanding that. The real mind fuckery comes from films like Ghost in the Shell, where it's just "what the hell?"

    Anyway, I'm high, so yea, um...that's about half of of one of the reasons why anime sucks so much. But now I'm gonna go do something else that's more fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:19:00 No.9306488
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    You are just thinking of social retards and their waifus, which are a reasonably large part anime fans as a whole, but still, only a part.

    I don't like how all kinds of anime get lumped into one category because of their drawing style. Hollywood sitcoms are just that, sitcoms, they aren't lumped in with every other 'real' tv show into a single category.

    What's that? Because anime characters all look the same? Real humans in live-action tv all look the same too.

    Brb enjoying my nice life with a real girl who likes my ecchi wallpapers and craves my dick about every night.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:19:39 No.9306504

    Thread in one word.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:20:36 No.9306524

    I wasn't trolling seriously I've watched it both in japanese with subtitles and the english dubbed version and I prefer the later. All other anime is shit and the one I'm gonna watch is going to be the one I can understand. Also FUCK READING
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:20:48 No.9306526
    i agree with this and i am from /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:21:59 No.9306550
    >BRB sizing my e-peen in a thread on 4chan because you know people need to know about your non-existant life on a god damn anime thread none the less.
    Chill out dude, we got this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:22:34 No.9306559
    I've seen only two animes, Death Note and Cowboy Bebop, and they both were _very_ well scripted and drawn beautifully.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:35:09 No.9306793
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    You have to watch Spirited Away.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:42:56 No.9306917
    I highly doubt I'd like something that has a little girl as the main character.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:47:15 No.9306996
    >Notice how mostly nerds/introverts become anime fans. What could be the reason for this? Why exactly anime?
    Because anime caters to our interests. It is specifically made with people like us in mind. There is no other medium like it.

    >Also, another interesting thing I have observed - anime is never funny except to people who are fans of anime. Sure, there are good anime movies, I'm not a hater, I'm trying to be objective, but anime is never, ever funny, even when it tries hard to be funny.
    I mostly agree. I don't find a lot of anime funny, and I don't find Japanese humour in general funny. There are exceptions, but most of it is based on the same old manzai pattern.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:50:49 No.9307053
    Guys like anime because they all have one average-looking skinny guy who has to save the world and/or has 20 different hot girls fawning over him. They wish they could be that anime guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:51:15 No.9307063
    It's actually really good.

    Watched Cowboy Bebop myself, i usually dislike anime, but spirited away is one of those things that is awesome.

    It's like how you went 'd'awww that was a cute movie' in a manly way during Little Miss Sunshine.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:51:47 No.9307071
    OP, people don't really choose what they like. This is important.

    I like shoujo stuff. There is no reason I would like it. I also like Jazz. Why Jazz, I'm white and my parents don't listen to it even? I love beer. Half of my friends don't even drink.

    People like what they like. It is not really under their control. People who pretend to like things are called "tools" and "fakes".
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:52:34 No.9307080
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    bro, that movie is considered one of the most classic and well made animated movies ever made. Not to mention it won an academy award. Amazing production value and the story and characters are top notch. Hayao Miyazaki does not even consider his movies "animes".
    >> GodDammitImUnderage !!rAStoF1VQMu 06/03/10(Thu)19:55:25 No.9307131
    To consider spirited away and howls moving castle an anime is, well....
    I'll get bCk to you. I really liked them both when I was younger
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:57:00 No.9307159
    Its a different form of humor, from the east. A baka gaijin like you would not understand.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:58:25 No.9307182
    Well, I'm hesitant because I actually saw Princess Mononoke a while back and didn't like it much. It got some awards too, but it just somehow wasn't my cup of tea :|
    >> GoldTrip !!KE8s6+ceEOZ 06/03/10(Thu)19:58:42 No.9307188
    It's the same thing with any other genre of show.

    Why focus on anime?
    >> shift !!SMwLDtcrg3W 06/03/10(Thu)19:59:30 No.9307194
    >>Also, another interesting thing I have observed - anime is never funny except to people who are fans of anime.
    It's not funny to you because you are not Japanese and obviously hold no knowledge of Japanese.

    The funny parts get lost during translations a lot of the times, and honestly to understand a lot of jokes you have to know quite a bit of japanese pop culture.

    That is the reason why anime is not funny to you.

    Other than that anime can be enjoyable, I used to watch it alot, and read manga. But now I only read manga, but it's been taken away by google :(
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:01:52 No.9307240
    You want a good anime? I recently finished Baccano!

    1930's gangster murder supernatural anime. Well written and drawn and none of that stupid cliche anime stuff. also short.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:01:59 No.9307246
    Anime is not a genre, anime is a medium, and with a range so vast that there is usually some for everyone.

    I mean shit OP, you might as well have asked why some people like music.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:04:47 No.9307310
    Man, I'm not gonna read the whole thread.

    I'm guessing they like it because it's a way of feeling like children again.
    I'm nerd/introverted but not a big fan of anime. I like some really much, like Cowboy Bebop or Ergo Proxy to name a couple of my favs.
    But I find 90% of anime incredibly boring or stupid.

    I never liked shonen, not even when I was a child. I really did try to give most popular shonens a chance.

    As for the newer moe anime I just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:06:05 No.9307319
    While this is true, the majority of anime is smut aimed at lonely men. Unlike manga, which is read by everyone in Japan, anime is much more of a niche medium.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:06:08 No.9307320
    Man, I'm not gonna read the whole thread.

    I'm guessing they like it because it's a way of feeling like children again.
    I'm nerd/introverted but not a big fan of anime. I like some really much, like Cowboy Bebop or Ergo Proxy to name a couple of my favs.
    But I find 90% of anime incredibly boring or stupid.

    I never liked shonen, not even when I was a child. I really did try to give most popular shonens a chance.

    As for the newer moe anime I just don't get it.

    My escapism are videogames rather than anime.
    Final Fantasy, etc
    The plots are not better than the average anime, but for some reason I really get obsessed with them. If it was just anime without gameplay I wouldn't watch it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:07:07 No.9307345
    >As for the newer moe anime I just don't get it.
    "Moe anime" is not new.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:07:17 No.9307349
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    Seriously, this is the only anime I haven't found too cringeworthy to watch. And it's made by an american.

    I can't do it guys. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:09:56 No.9307386
    What have you watched?

    There are plenty of shows which are more serious. If you're interested I could recommend some. As another Anon said, anime is primarily a medium and you'll find various anime in any genre.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:53 No.9307423
    Forgot to say, I did love Galaxy Angel, if you can call that moe
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:58 No.9307427
    >While this is true, the majority of anime is smut aimed at lonely men.
    Most of it is not all of it, there's still some of it for everyone.

    Counterexample, western show. Why do people so love western shows? It's mostly just sitcoms and cop shows.
    Mostly is not all of it though, Carnivale was AMAZING.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:12:22 No.9307439
    Try Death Note. It really draws you in and it has a superb story. You should at least read up on it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:12:41 No.9307446
    To me, playing JRPGs feels like watching some tedious shounen anime like Bleach. I enjoy watching anime and spend a lot of time on /a/, but I prefer western RPGs.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:13:04 No.9307451
    I mostly read manga because it lets me be a closet comic nerd. As for anime, I'm just a sucker for good animation (artfag here). And stuff like Bebop, Evangelion, I see more as art than anime. They're insanely deep at some times, and full of pop culture and such.

    I do watch Naruto and Bleach, which I am ashamed to say is a guilty pleasure, akin to some people having random television shows as theirs. That and seeing as I started some manga years ago, I feel like I almost "have" to finish it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:13:22 No.9307460
    I just have a thing for animation.
    Cartoons, anime, CG films, artsy toons.
    They all give me a boner.
    Actually I have a boner for the visual arts.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:14:20 No.9307478
    Well I call it crap, but that's just me.
    But then one show being crap does not imply they all are.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:16:27 No.9307510
    Because where the hell else are you going to find crazy premises like "A pessimistic teacher with suicidal tendencies teaches a class full of kids with various mental problems"? Man those Japs come up with some crazy shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:16:52 No.9307516
    >Most of it is not all of it, there's still some of it for everyone.
    I would never deny this.

    However, OP asked why anime is popular among introverted nerds, and most shows being made specifically for them has something to do with it.

    Sure, you'll probably find an anime for pretty much anyone, but only those who also enjoy aforementioned smut are likely to get stuck and keep being interested in the medium.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:18:06 No.9307536
    I'd watch that, what is the name?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:18:14 No.9307541
    I wouldn't call anything "moe anime" because it's not a genre, but it has plenty of characters I, or at least lots of others, would consider moe.

    I enjoyed watching it too.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:19:09 No.9307550
    Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:19:41 No.9307557
    to any weeaboo who will take pity on me, what does 'gaki' mean?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:20:26 No.9307564
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, but it's very "Japanese" and contains plenty of cultural (general Japanese as well as "otaku culture") references.

    You could give it a try, I enjoyed watching it a lot, but you shouldn't be surprised if it's not your kind of show.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:22:08 No.9307590
    Anime is for pussy ass losers who love moeblob faced bitches, and people who can';t fucking draw. real men like real cartoons, like Heavy Metal and Lady Death and Spawn. Only good anime is Dragonball Z, and Fist of the North Star, rest can suck my dick.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:23:02 No.9307602
    brat; kids; (2) {Buddh} preta (hungry ghost); ghoul
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:24:16 No.9307628
    Introverted nerds just have far more time to spend in exploring esoteric shit. A complete lack of social life life leaves a void that needs to be filled, and anime makes for an easy mode option.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:28:45 No.9307700
    Smartest post in the thread.
    Basically the lonelier you are, the more susceptible you are to esoteric movements. For some it's anime, for others JRPGs.

    I'm not saying you can't enjoy those if you have a social life, but you probably won't enjoy them as much.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:30:58 No.9307740
    Sure, but there are also other things they could do. For some reason anime seems very appealing, and I don't think this is a coincidence. This is specifically because plenty of anime are plot- and execution-wise relevant to their interests.

    Shows about lots of cute girls falling in love with the bland and boring main character. Despite a lot of fanservice, the main character often being extraordinarily shy about sexuality, and actual sex or relationships hardly ever being present and the shows focussing on "getting into relationships" rather than being in one as their audience couldn't relate to that. Certain, mostly predictably acting (thus not intimidating) female character archetypes, etc.

    Of course there are exceptions, but these patterns are very present and thus appealing to a certain demographic.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:32:57 No.9307778
    real esoteric shit is stuff like the occult, anime isn't esoteric, it's just the same generic plots and shitty characters rehashed
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:36:19 No.9307844
    It's not like certain character archetypes or plot-patterns were unknown to other media, and it's not like there weren't exceptions, however, a lot of anime is indeed rather formulaic. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, because obviously people who enjoy watching anime like it that way.

    I most certainly do, because seeing a tsundere blush never gets boring.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:36:54 No.9307855
    How come anime is esoteric ? I thought esoteric was new age bullshit and Lopsang Rampa and buddhism and shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:37:04 No.9307858
    Your post is fucking retarded, people like anime because of the same reasons they like anything else, either they independantly thought it was cool, or they're into it for socialising reasons. Also you can't generalise like that, Akira isn't the same as fucking bezblade (or some other proper anime shit). Shiit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:41:39 No.9307932
    You could simply look up the word.


    >1. restricted to initiates: intended for or understood by only an initiated few

    >2. abstruse: difficult to understand

    >3. secret: secret or highly confidential
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:46:18 No.9308017
    >real esoteric shit is stuff like the occult, anime isn't esoteric,
    They both can be applicable really, since both play little part in the lives of most normalfags, and since wicca/magick//x/ dorks are about as prolific as anime ones.
    >it's just the same generic plots and shitty characters rehashed
    Is it? Cool. I only ever watch about one series or less each year and so I'm yet to spot the overlaps.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:46:23 No.9308022
    Things that don't make any fucking sense and only a retard could find interesting.
    That's the definition of esoteric. It applies to both anime and new age.

    I mean, it's an alchemist with a brother that is actually an armor.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:47:42 No.9308057
    Why do people come to 4chan if they don't like anime? It's a website based on a Japanese system. I mean are people so stupid that they come here and see all the Japanese shit here and then whine about it? It's ridiculous! Shut the fuck up or get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:48:03 No.9308066
    Wow OP this is actually one of the philosophical questions I often ask in my meditations.

    We can argue WHY people like anime, but this is obvious.

    I've watched Satoshi Kon's filmography, and I am astonished at how many and strong feelings it can evoke in myself. I like understanding feelings, how they originate and how to control them, and anime's feelings are veeery weird, they just feel "weird" (and I hate that word).

    It must have something to do on the exaggerated expressions, but I can't fully understand it.

    Now what we should be really arguing about is WHY the anime phenomena is SOOO BIG and exaggerated. Why anime and not music for example? There aren't pillows with Slash's photograph!

    Anime is taken to incredible extrems. And I can't conceive why this is so.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:49:28 No.9308100
    >>Also, another interesting thing I have observed - anime is never funny except to people who are fans of anime.

    Go watch 3 stooges and tell me if thats funny. Its not, unless you grew up watching it.

    anime is funny after you've been exposed to that brand of humor for a while. and anime tends to reference jap. culture and other otaku interests, so they get the jokes.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:50:24 No.9308116
    Baccano! and Mushishi are two good anime to start with if you have never seen anime before, and are both considered classic / without flaw. I guarantee any of you will enjoy watching both, unless you don't give them a chance.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:52:54 No.9308176
    >based on a Japanese system

    you shut the fuck up. As if that has any relevancy whatsoever. The users decide the content, not some other arbitrary system.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:53:25 No.9308192
    >and are both considered classic / without flaw
    No anime is without flaw, and neither of the two are classics since they are fairly new.

    Though I enjoyed watching Mushishi, and Baccano! isn't that bad either (even though it's overrated).
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:53:36 No.9308197
    Fuck yeah, Mushishi.
    But that's one of those animes that are good in a traditional way, like most seinens.
    But most anime is popular for totally different reasons.
    So mushishi is not a good case to study why people like anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:54:22 No.9308214
    He has a point though.

    People not interested in anime are most likely newfags.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:55:44 No.9308250
    >I mean, it's an alchemist with a brother that is actually an armor.
    That's the second dumbest thing I have ever heard. I don't even want you to tell what anime you are referencing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:56:11 No.9308265

    jesus mate, 4chan has been around for a long time now, it's not a secret club anymore. Not to mention the other vast number of imageboards that ave sprung up and have many boards for regular topics.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:58:13 No.9308310
    It should be, because cancerous newfags are not as likely to know how to fit in spouting nonsense like "not a secret club any more".
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:59:21 No.9308346
    >not a good case to study why people like anime.

    no, just a suggestion for those who have never seen anime and would be willing to look at the stuff that isn't really popularized beyond /a/. Most people have the mentality that shows like "Naruto" encompass all of anime, because it and the other two big shonen (One Piece and Bleach) are the only anime that are put mainstream on american television (hell, even some theaters). There's much more to anime than just shonen.

    fair enough. I agree that, at least on /a/, it's generally considered THE BEST ANIME OF ALL TIME and overrated as all hell. Personally I think it's one of the best, but certainly not THE Best. Still probably the best as a starting anime.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:03:28 No.9308445
    So, why does anime come from Japan?
    Japanese, well Asians in general are always working in groups. Why would they need esoterism?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:04:07 No.9308459
    Somebody give me some recommendations.

    Last two anime I watched where Code Geass and Gundam 00.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:05:05 No.9308481
    Iono, good question, why does all Bollywood come from India?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:07:22 No.9308538
    Let me rephrase it
    Why do Japanese enjoy anime?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:08:36 No.9308573
    >at least on /a/, it's generally considered THE BEST ANIME OF ALL TIME
    It has a vocal fanbase, but it's hardly considered as sacred as Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Cowboy Bebop for example.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:13:29 No.9308696
    Depends on what you like.

    I found both Code Geass and Gundam 00 fairly mediocre.

    If you haven't watched it already you should give Monster a try. Also, Akagi and Kaiji. Akagi being a bit hard to get into because it assumes a certain familiarity of the viewer with the game Mahjong, but even if you have no idea about the rules it's still incredibly entertaining. Legend of the Galactic heroes is probably the best anime I've ever watched, but it's an enormous epic of 110 episodes and fairly old as well, but definitely worth watching.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:13:59 No.9308712
    Anime is for children and manchildren who cannot grasp the complex workings of written literature. It is basically an ersatz consumerist artform which like McDonalds Big Macs fuels addictions so that more of it can be brought. Anime is like the Souljah Boy of literature, appealing only to feable brained immature youths who are consumerist pawns.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:14:11 No.9308720

    >as I got older it just became embarrassing, bland, disturbing (in a bad way) and most of all, perverted.

    I'm struggling with this right now. I like anime as a hobby. I don't watch a lot of it (at most I'll be working on two series at a time) but the stuff I watch I enjoy.

    The problem is maintaining this hobby with such a stigma.

    Anime I find worth watching are becoming fewer and farther between, but I still like it. I think people are walking away from it as a hobby/medium for weird reasons.

    The community to me is the best thing about anime. I didn't have that growing up in a small town where it was frowned upon to like computers and any music outside the top 40, let alone something as foreign as anime.

    Nowadays a lot of people enjoy geeky hobbies like anime in large groups. It goes against the idea that anime fans are introverted and like isolation. I see them playing games and doing improv comedy.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:14:19 No.9308725
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    I read the entire thread to review what exactly I watch anime for, so I'm going to present it because I think my case is somewhat unique:

    -I enjoy hearing languages I don't understand, I really like how expressive the VA's are in anime and their made up inflections. I have no desire to learn japanese, and if I listen to a dub I immediately dislike the anime involved.
    -I like cartoon porn, because I watched cartoons as a kid.
    -Its extremely imaginative. My favorite manga and anime has got to be One Piece, I love how vast and detailed the world is made out to be and how appealing it is.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:18:39 No.9308809

    I really say if you don't know shit about mahjong, watch Kaiji.

    Well then again, I just consider Kaiji greatly superior to Akagi in every way.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:21:05 No.9308866
    I watched Akagi without knowing anything about Mahjong (I didn't even know the game existed) and I still enjoyed it. But he might as well watch Kaiji, it's a good show too.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:23:20 No.9308915
    I'll try Legend of the Galactic heroes.

    Too bad /a/ is shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:23:39 No.9308924
    Truth: Anime is no better than Twilight
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:30:31 No.9309070

    Ghost in the Shell is rad
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:33:07 No.9309124
    Give it a few episodes, it takes a while. But after a while you should be completely hooked. It's epic - most literally.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:33:55 No.9309139
    Truth is not the same as trolling, I think you are confused.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:36:47 No.9309199

    Yep. A lot of the shows that get talked about on /a/ have no appeal to me whatsoever, and people go on and on about them. Fucking Angel Beats...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:36:52 No.9309200
    I would personally recommend To aru Majutsu no Index. It's based on a light novel so it actually has a plot that was planned and thought out, the characters are intriguing and it's dark enough to feel edgy but not so dark that it becomes depressing. I implore you to check it out.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:39:48 No.9309255
    Yeah I don't like harem shows, so /a/ is shit to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:42:49 No.9309304
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    The thing about /a/ is that we're all fanatics, so we'll watch the not-so-great stuff like Angel Beats and still heartily enjoy it, KEYSHIT or no. It's not necessarily that our taste is bad, it's that our taste is broader: we can make time even for things that aren't the best of the best.

    That said, I think AB is alright, even if it would be greatly improved with a lighter touch on the sob stories. And admittedly there are plenty of kiddies aboard with really shitty taste.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:43:03 No.9309308
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    kaiji is really good
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:43:58 No.9309325
    The only anime worth watching:
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:44:06 No.9309327
    It's by Key, I'm surprised you are surprised.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:44:31 No.9309334
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    Once in a while a good LOGH thread pops up on /a/. It's not discussed regularly though.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:45:40 No.9309351
    I like cartoons when I was a kid,
    Anime is just like grown up cartoons.

    The imagination is never ending with the tip of a pencil
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:46:33 No.9309370
    And I would advise against it because it follows a harem pattern and makes heavy use of stereotypes. Unless you like that kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:47:11 No.9309384
    I don't see the point in Shonens
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:49:17 No.9309427
    I was always neutral-to-positive towards anime, until an otaku friend of mine dragged me to an anime convention.

    Shit's fucking gay. The subculture behind anime is shit. Some anime is genuinely good (artistic, creative), but as far as I can tell, none of the people I saw were very much interested in those animes, but more towards the bug-eyed little girl shit that's popular nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:49:39 No.9309435
    Anime isn't even popular in Japan. Manga on the other hand are.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:53:44 No.9309529
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    Jesus christ, no. Index is a hackneyed trainwreck, and Railgun's only slightly better. Either should only be viewed if you plan on posting on /a/ all day.

    What's really enraging is that the author has some interesting ideas, but they're all buried in tropes, poor presentation, and really bad attempts at drama.

    This is said as a guy who watched it all and has a couple hundred Raildex images laying around. It's just not very good.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)21:56:50 No.9309588
    how can arcanine can be this lenient to anime?
    what happened?
    you have let me down? I will be gtfoing soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)22:11:12 No.9309842
    You found Railgun better? Strange world.

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