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  • File : 1275593624.png-(281 KB, 640x480, Bachelor_Chow_Bag.png)
    281 KB The Absconder of Opprobriousness !!YkLYXYwSuJN 06/03/10(Thu)15:33:44 No.9302583  
    ITT It's time for some bachelor tips

    I have one complete set of dishes which never get used unless "guests" use. The rest of the time I use plastic forks, spoons, knifes, and paper plates. I haven't had to do dishes in almost 8 months.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)15:40:44 No.9302701
    I would just use one set of cheap plastic bowls/dishes and wash those, save money buying paper plates all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)15:41:45 No.9302718
    Live in one room so you dont have to clean the whole house as often.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)15:45:26 No.9302783
    Washing up plates. I just put them in the sink directly under the tap. Put the hot water on full then leave it for 30 minutes. Come back and all the effort would have had to expend scrubbing week-old (read:month old) stains has gone, a simple wipe and they are clean.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:46:43 No.9303956
    Purchase three pairs of jeans, never wash them.

    No-one notices, no one cares.

    Wash before a date, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:48:48 No.9303986
    thats retarded. you will drain your entire hot water tank. jesus fucking christ get a sponge with soap in the handle and just wipe the dishes before they get crusty. problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:50:11 No.9304016
    Save washing up for when your mother calls and you feel guilty enough to do the whole lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:50:50 No.9304030
    He obviously stops when the sink is filled with water, nimrod.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:53:08 No.9304063
    i mostly eat cereal. after eating i pump a little bit of pre-sudsing dish soap and fill it with warm water and leave it. next time i go to use it, i just let cool water run until all the soapy water is gone. then wipe a towel over it. e-z.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:54:40 No.9304090
    people use soap because it also removes molds, fungus, bacteria, etc

    hot water makes bacteria reproduce even faster

    your dishes look cleaner but you're probably making them filthier
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:54:50 No.9304094

    You don't realize it because you become accustomed to it, but after about 7 wears they begin to smell like stale urine. I can always tell if someone doesn't wash their jeans (well if it's a guy) just from this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:56:25 No.9304112
    Reading comprehension was not your strong point in school was it. He said he leaves it on full blast for 30 minutes. Nothing about filling the sink or using a plug.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:58:01 No.9304136
    you guys have a set limit on your hot water?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:58:20 No.9304141
    God damn you wasteful pieces of shit. Get your acts together.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:00:26 No.9304184
    i wash my pants monthly. change boxers daily and the pants don't stink.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:00:37 No.9304187
    >implying you run around smelling peoples pants
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:06:40 No.9304273
    If you air out your jeans they can loose scent with out washing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:09:18 No.9304312

    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:17:15 No.9304455
    I wonder if there has ever been a thread on 4chan where it didn't errupt in name calling and became an >implying thread
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:19:15 No.9304484
    Those dishes are probably dusty...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:21:11 No.9304525
    Chinese food is healthy, cheap and quick to make.
    Chopsticks are easy to clean.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:22:29 No.9304541
    Why not save money and just use one plate and set of utensils for yourself, and just wipe it off at the end of eating?

    I guess that's more of a jew tip, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:23:10 No.9304554
    it's not like dishes are hard to do. You put them in the dishwasher, add detergent, press a button.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:23:54 No.9304563
    desu threads
    they were before the >implying faggotry began
    ahhh, sweet desu!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:24:04 No.9304566
    Hell, you've never been to /tv/, have you? 80% of threads after 20 replies or so consist of greentext and reactionimage. All. The. Fucking. Time.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:24:24 No.9304573

    Probably bullshit. Most people don't piss themselves. It's generally recommended to rarely (if ever) wash expensive jeans in order to achieve dem sick fades.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:25:24 No.9304584
    I'm poor and don't have a dishwasher. Well, I'm not really poor, because I live in a one bedroom one bath apartment in a very nice part of one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and without even having to work because my parents pay for it all.
    But yeah, I don't have a dishwasher, so fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:32:47 No.9304704
    Even without a dishwasher it's not hard to do washing up. The sooner you do it after eating, the less stubborn the stains will be.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:36:14 No.9304758
    Yeah, or I can leave them in the sink with some water on them and have the cleaning woman clean it on thursdays. Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:38:37 No.9304802
    >hot water makes bacteria reproduce faster
    >> Zombie !!ab86zONKp0G 06/03/10(Thu)18:01:02 No.9305201
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    Bachelors, this is your GOD.
    Leftover mac and cheese? Make a mac and cheese pocket. Meatballs and marinara and mozzarella, fuck yeah! Teriyaki? Never tried it, but sounds good as a toasted sammich, right? PB&J Redux! Pork roast and roasted red peppers and onions with swiss cheese and sea salt and pepper, awesome! The sky is the fucking limit! You don't have this bitch on your counter you are retarded. You can find one at any second hand store for $1-$5 or walmart for $10.
    >> Zombie !!ab86zONKp0G 06/03/10(Thu)18:07:17 No.9305310
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    Lazy? Fuck dishes, buy these in bulk at a restaurant supply store for dirt cheap. They will hold liquids as well as other shit. So soup, cereal and burritos, doesn't matter. Nom nom nom throw empty on garbage pile.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:22:03 No.9305545
    Put a large garbage can in the area where you do most of your drinking. That way you don't end up with beeramids everywhere all the time. Also, make sure that trashcan is sturdy so that when it gets full you can stomp that shit down and fit more trash in it!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:23:26 No.9305568
    >The rest of the time I use plastic forks, spoons, knifes, and paper plates.

    Thanks for the oil spill, cunt
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:24:01 No.9305575
    Some here OP, but I took it one step further. I don't even use plastic shit. I order pizza or pickup a burger instead. No dishes at all. I haven't done dishes in 2 years. Also have not visited a grocery store in about 6 months. I also live in an apartment in which guys come around collecting your trash for you, so I don't even have to walk to a dumpster or trash can to dispose of my pizza boxes. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:26:42 No.9305615
    Gorge motherfucking Foremen.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:34:32 No.9305724
    How the fuck do you manage to spell George AND Foreman wrong?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:52:54 No.9305966
    When I lived with my roommates (shitty roommates, I might add), I had about 5 metal forks and spoons, 2 ceramic plates, 1 frying pan, 1 small pot, 1 ceramic bowl, 1 mug, and 3 tupperware containers that I kept shit in. I would use them and wash them when I was finished.

    Bought a lot of frozen TV dinners as well. Some are usually on sale at Wal-Mart for like $1 each. When you're finished eating them, you just throw them away and wash the fork.

    Buy pudding cups, bottled/canned drinks, prepackaged noodles/macaroni, and string cheese. They're all the shit. Look for meat that's on sale. Those smaller steaks you can get from grocery stores for like $5 a pack are pretty damn awesome with the right seasoning.

    Make a lot of sandwiches. Someone mentioned the George Foreman grilled cheese thing above. It is god tier.

    There is nothing like coming home from a hard day of work and having a cold drink. Keep beer, vodka, whiskey, whatever your pleasure. Stay stocked up on these (and a few bitch drinks) just in case some people decide to come over and chill. You won't even have to go to the liquor store!

    Never buy bottled water.

    Eat a lot of cereal and oatmeal. It's cheap, filling, healthy, and delicious.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:55:28 No.9306018
    Have a frozen pizza, but don't have a pan to cook it in?

    Make a pan out of layered tinfoil!

    Or you can microwave that shit, but c'mon. Niggers do that.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:58:56 No.9306086

    Why would you put a frozen pizza on anything? Just stick it in the oven and cook that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:02:05 No.9306140
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:04:23 No.9306180
    How do you get the hot pizza out of the oven.

    I have a pizza pan for cooking frozen pizzas on, but instead of cleaning it, I wrap that fucker in aluminium foil.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:05:29 No.9306199


    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:05:38 No.9306202
    The same way you get a hot pan out of the oven.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:07:21 No.9306247
    Own no more stuff than fits in a backpack. It has changed my life. Also sporks.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:07:34 No.9306253

    Yeah, it's called the fucking water bill.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:09:01 No.9306273
    No. We might not know what right and wrong are, or even how to go about figuring it out, but our ignorance in that respect does not negate their existence.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:10:03 No.9306290
    I'd like to taste the pizza, not the bacteria that's been breeding on my filthy pot holders for the past five years.

    I'll just stick with the aluminium foil lined pan.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:10:58 No.9306319

    Explain, anon.

    Like, no TV? Or computer?

    Do you just come home from work and stare at the ceiling? I'm curious.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:11:16 No.9306328
    Should wash your potholders bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:12:21 No.9306351
    holy shit how poor are you guys?
    you use up your entire hot water in 30 minutes?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:12:49 No.9306361
    The water company doesn't pump that shit to your house preheated, brosef. That's what water heaters are for, and they don't have infinite capacity.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:12:50 No.9306362
    But they're starting to fall apart. One more year and I can replace them. Why would I wash something that's got to be replaced soon anyway?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:14:26 No.9306394
    Because in the mean time, you're grabbing your pizza with a nasty glove.
    >> The Absconder of Opprobriousness !!YkLYXYwSuJN 06/03/10(Thu)19:15:39 No.9306423
    My freezer is stocked with 30 Banquet chicken potpies. Here they cost about $0.48 each. So convenient.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:15:52 No.9306429
    mine heats it and then pumps it through the sink/shower nozzle so I have as much hot water as I want
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:15:52 No.9306431
    Potholders, not oven mitts.

    Also, I'm not grabbing my pizza with them, I'm grabbing the aluminium foil lined pan with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:16:13 No.9306436
    Just use a fork and drag it on to a plate.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:17:04 No.9306444
    I have a small but decent laptop and watch everything on that. Currently on a 6 Month contract at a company (Software dev.) I'm living in a single room appartment at the moment, pre furnished, have to move in 2 Months, might stay in youth hostles or buy a campervan. It's the best thing I've done in my life, no worries or hassle, I can go or move where I want to go. Might go visit china for a few Months. You'd be shocked how much money you can save when you don't waste money on stuff, cars and big homes. I grab a sandwiche on the way home from work or go to a bar/cafe in the evening.

    Try it, it will change your life. Dump all the things you want to keep with your parents.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:17:04 No.9306445
    i put tin foil on my plates and when im cooking in the oven i use tin foil so i never have to wash
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:18:33 No.9306478

    I just might take your advice, it would be nice not to have a lot of shit.

    And the money I'd make for selling said shit would be helpful.

    Thanks, anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:18:57 No.9306487
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    1. Stick smelly jeans in plastic bag
    2. Throw baking soda in bag
    3. Put bag in freezer for 20-30 min
    4. Enjoy fresh as fuck jeans

    >My face when bitches don't know I've never washed these jeans and had sex in them with other women.
    >> Mr Paradox !5s3NiggERs 06/03/10(Thu)19:21:09 No.9306531
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    >dragon ball
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:21:37 No.9306542
    No problem, if you don't like it you can always go back to the stuff and being tied down. Might as well see a bit of the world and live carefree while young.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:25:39 No.9306607
    are you for real? This sounds like more work than actually washing your jeans

    Why would do go to the effort of finding a bag big enough for jeans, then baking soda, then freezing your jeans in stead of washing them?

    Just throw the jeans in when you wash your other clothes
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:29:54 No.9306697
    Buy one of those big fridge-size Brita water filter things, that holds like a gallon.

    Fill it up, and fill up a clean gallon juice or milk jug, keep that in the fridge, too. When your water in the Brita runs out, dump the cold water from the jug in there, and while you still have to wait for it to filter, in 5 min you have cold, clean water. Go fill back up the milk jug.

    If you're a fat fuck, or can't afford to eat as much as you'd like (Assuming you're not already going hungry in a literal sense), buy lots and lots of chewing gum. Chew this constantly throughout the day.

    If you have a bunch of crap, don't go rent a storage unit to keep it in, buy tuffboxes and plastic footlockers and shit, the ones you can stack that are durable. Use these as furniture (tables, TV stand, desk, chair, etc.), save space, and save money x2.

    If you live in a shit apartment complex, or a dorm/barracks with shitty locks on the doors, buy yourself a small safe. They're at Walmart in the vicinity of the office supplies, and a really big one (with like 3^3' of internal space) is like $50, it locks, and most of them are fire/waterproof. Keep your extra cash, weed, prescription meds, important paperwork, ipod, handgun, etc. in there. Lock this in a closet or the attic somewhere, though, because they can always just pick it up and take it with them.

    Another space-saver, if you've got a shitton of DVDs or other discs you've collected over the years, buy a CD binder for them, and ditch the cases.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:30:29 No.9306706

    Don't ever go grocery shopping hungry. Seriously. Even if you're the biggest penny-pinching jew in the world, and have no food in the house, go hit up McDonalds or something on your way to the grocery store, eat a filling meal, THEN go shopping.

    Use baby wipes instead of toilet paper. Not sure if it saves money, but eating shitty bachelor food plus drinking all the time, you've probably got the shits a lot, and your asshole will thank you when it's not raw and bloody from wiping it with dry toilet paper.

    Don't worry about buying bowls, just get a really good sized mug. You can do ramen, soup, or cereal in this mug, easy as fuck. No need to buy disposable bowls, no need to buy and wash regular bowls, when you probably already have or need a mug.

    Don't underestimate the importance of maintaining a schedule. Even if you're unemployed, get up before 9 AM, go shower, shave, and dress in clean clothes, before you do...whatever you were going to do all day. It keeps you clean and healthy, it helps keep you happy, and it helps how others see you when you have to run errands or apply/get interviewed.

    Stay hydrated. This also helps your health, and helps keep your brain sharp, so you're not slow and stupid with your thought processes.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:34:17 No.9306772
    This sounds like a shit-ton of work.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:34:18 No.9306773
    It takes less time, Im not really sure how you're washing your jeans if sticking a pair in a plastic grocery store bag is too hard for you.

    Furthermore it works with other clothes you may have forgotten to wash but just want to wear anyway. You can even do it for like 10 min and it will usually be fine. Great trick.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:34:22 No.9306776

    Nobody's water heater is going to empty from 30 minutes of the kitchen faucet running.

    However, that's a fucking lot of water that you're paying for, when you could just as easily have wiped it down and rinsed it off when you threw it in the sink, or at worst, soaked it in a sink full of hot water, rather than leaving the tap running for a half hour.

    'Bachelor tip' threads aren't, 'lol do this if ur lazy beyond all reason or imagining', they're about, 'Hey, if you do this this way, it saves time AND money!" or "hey, doing such-and-such this way takes a little longer, but it saves you a lot of money."

    I'm sorry that we don't all have mommy and daddy paying for the utilities.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:36:06 No.9306809
    Buy a tankard

    I buy soup and bread, beer and coke I need no other utensil other than my tankard, I love it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:39:27 No.9306866
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    >correcting spelling
    >not posting a face
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:40:16 No.9306876

    What does?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:43:05 No.9306921
    enjoy scurvy.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:43:55 No.9306934
    Buy a rice cooker. Learn to make brown rice. Now you can eat brown rice with fried eggs in the morning. You can put instant curry on brown rice. You can put sphaghetti sauce on brown rice. Brown rice is very filling for the calories it has and keeps your shits from being hard as diamonds.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:44:13 No.9306941
    The filter, the schedule the safe, the boxes, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:45:17 No.9306957

    It is a lot of work, but it keeps you sane, it saves you a lot of space, and in the end, it saves you money.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:46:36 No.9306980
    I don't live with my parents or have them pay for my stuff, I can just afford to live the way I do
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:46:48 No.9306989

    What can I do to ensure my shits *are* as hard as diamonds?

    I all to frequently have runny shits, or pudding shits, and I have to wipe over 9000 times. My butthole hates me because of this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:47:41 No.9307004
    Stupid sammich maker are the short fast road to obesity man. Grease, grease, grease.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:48:40 No.9307019
    Eat that cheap cheese. That stuff binds you up.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:49:45 No.9307036

    been vegi for 5 years, havent had a shit that didnt clean in two wipes or less in 5 years

    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:49:47 No.9307038

    I can afford to live shittily, but I choose not to, because I see no reason to waste money for something so hopelessly lazy.

    Which reminds me, another tip: If you have extra money after the necessities of each paycheck, go buy a few silver dollars with it, every payday. Hold on to these. It's a great emergency savings - silver is easy as fuck to cash in, but not so easy that you're going, "Dammit, where's that $100 bill I tucked away? I want some fucking pizza."
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:52:28 No.9307077

    Aside from my love of meat, I don't think I could afford to maintain an appropriate calorie intake for my profession as a vegan or vegetarian.


    What, like that Kraft American cheese?

    Or you mean like cheese whiz?

    I know MRE cheese plugs you up, but MREs are fuckexpensive.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:53:53 No.9307102
    Eat what you want, take Loperamide.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:54:43 No.9307117
    throw your jeans into washing machine. If you're already doing a load then it will save time rather than putting your jeans in a freezer
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:55:11 No.9307129
    Last night I bought 3 pizzas with the intention of eating them all week.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:56:04 No.9307141
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    This thread made me physically ill
    >> Filth_Tart !!E1VsSwbo9GM 06/03/10(Thu)19:56:15 No.9307147
    Jesus you cunts are fucking pigs. SORT YOURSELVES OUT AND STOP SMELLING SO BAD!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:58:26 No.9307183
    this is what i do sometimes. I buy 3 large lpizzas at dominos. Eat that shit for like 3 days or something. Every meal basically. Maybe once or twice I might eat something else, because pizza all the time for 3 days gets a bit tiring

    The best is aound 1 day after you buy it. It tatses even better than when it's fresh I think. But after around 2-3 days it starts to reheat poorly in the microwave. So you have to put a little bit on water on top of the pizza before you microwave it. This is because the pizza is all dry from being in the fridge too long

    Sprikle some water on it (amount depends on how dry the pizza now looks). Put some glad wrap around the pizza so the water doesn't dry out when you are heating it. And the oil doesn't explode all over your microwave
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:59:50 No.9307204
    You should just eat it cold.
    Cold pizza is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:00:14 No.9307209

    I don't reheat I just leave it on the counter and pull out a couple pieces each night and morning for breakfast/dinner.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:01:38 No.9307235

    Cut your nose off and drop dead you vile parasite ridden dollar-store whore.
    >> Ash !!CVD5ZsOp1ZV 06/03/10(Thu)20:02:04 No.9307249
    ITT: we are so lazy that we actually look for ways to avoid washing


    I'm so glad i'll never get this bad
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:02:40 No.9307270
    Save money on expensive telephone sex lines.

    Simply send a text message of unadulterated filth to your own landline. Hey presto! The automatic BT text reader will then repeat back the grot of your own choice to your own front room in husky female tones.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:03:42 No.9307290
    Don't use shampoo or body wash. They're bad for your skin and hair.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:05:08 No.9307312
    Jesus fucking Christ people. WASH YOUR FUCKING JEANS!! You stink. Even if its an hour soak in cold water in a five gallon bucket with 3 drops (no more) of dish liquid. Wash them. Hang them to dry in the shower while you're at work.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:05:39 No.9307314
    pizza that has been in the fridge becomes quite hard. Also cold cheese is hard and the oil is al cold and gross

    wouldn't leaving it on the counter cause bacterial growth after a day or so? and hot pizza is always tasty compared to cold pizza
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:05:54 No.9307316

    This, they make your hair soft and fuzzy and hard to style and your skin free of natural spots and roughpatchs that protect against scrapes and bruises
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:06:55 No.9307338
    cook once a month freeze the rest.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:07:05 No.9307343
    Cleaning: get a big jug of white vinegar. Spray shit down with it regularly and wipe with a CLEAN old t-shirt. It doesn't leave residue, is cheap as hell and kills bacteria.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:07:08 No.9307347
    I don't fucking get this thread about the jeans. Don't you guys own a fucking washing machine? What is this soak the jeans in a bucket with detergent shit?

    How do you fuckers normally wash your shhirts, pants, underwear? Just put the jeans in the washing machine
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:08:17 No.9307362
    Bleach/water solution in a spray bottle is the cheapest cleaning solution you can get. More effective than antibacterial products.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:08:42 No.9307368
    Pizza dude. Learn to make soft tacos. Put some veggies in them too or you'll have 'roids before you're 30.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:10:20 No.9307399
    Cleaning: drops of bleach that splash on your clothes eat holes in them. It's not cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:09 No.9307410
    It's a very dilute solution.
    >> A visiting /b/tard !!cZPCzP1Ee1D 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:31 No.9307417
    As an English teacher, I just wet myself laughing...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:36 No.9307418
    If you want to be super cheap, you could always just grab a bunch of plastic spoons and forks from a fast food joint.

    Usually, I'd just make a shitload of sandwiches. Cheap to buy, easy to make, no clean up afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:43 No.9307420
    Seriously guys?

    Wash your bedding and clothes regularly.
    Shower regularly.
    Wash your hands regularly.
    Vacuum your carpets and mop your floors.
    Keep your refrigerator clean.
    Keep your stove top, oven, and microwave clean.
    Take out the trash on a regular basis.
    If you must live with animals, keep them wormed, fed, watered, and flea free. Also train them to not shit or piss in your living space.
    Ideally, don't live with fucking animals.
    Keep your bathroom clean. Don't trim your beard and leave fucking hair all over the sink. Clean out your toilet when it needs it. Don't let soap scum accumulate in your bathtub or shower.
    Use razors that are in good condition.
    Fucking use soap and deodorant.
    Don't wear socks more than once in hot weather and twice in cold weather before washing them.
    Put some powder in your shoes on occasion.
    Buy some Febreeze and spray that shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:11:55 No.9307426
    Laundry: Not everyone can get to the laundromat when they need to. Sometimes it's hard to come up with ten bucks worth of quarters. It's good to know how to hand wash.
    >> sage sage 06/03/10(Thu)20:13:20 No.9307459
    Febreeze sucks.

    Living with animals can be intensely rewarding and enriching to your life. Ideally, don't project your subjective opinions on other people, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:13:51 No.9307467
    You'll get over this eventually. It ain't worth it in the long run. I used to do it, too.

    Now I just have one plate, one fork, one spoon, and one bowl. I wash them immediately after use.

    Guess my best tip is: Eggs are cheap and easy to make and good for you.

    Also, use up half of things you buy, take them back to the store, and exchange it for another item. I did this with floss.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:14:03 No.9307472
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:15:41 No.9307494
    Bathrooms: Wipe the toilet down weekly. Your dick mists everything in sight. Ask any woman. Put a wire hair catcher in the shower drain. Beats standing in rank water. Go easy on the hair products; they end up clogging the drain. Mop floor weekly. NO it's not clean; there's piss down there.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:15:57 No.9307500
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:16:00 No.9307502
    Piss outside to conserve water.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:17:00 No.9307521
    You can use a paper clip to open the paper towel, soap, and toilet paper holders in public bathrooms. Take a backpack in with you, and you can walk away with a months worth of paper towels and toilet paper and a big bag full of liquid soap for free.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:17:27 No.9307531
         File1275610647.jpg-(83 KB, 407x405, Foul-Bachelor-Frog-FAP-IN-SHOW(...).jpg)
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    Bachelor/Foul Frog knows everything
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:20:02 No.9307560
    if you order some foods delivery then eat half of it and call back and say it was the wrong thing they will bring you another one for free
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:20:15 No.9307561
    Pets: a handful of the dried herb pennyroyal in your dogs bed will kill fleas for a year. Then take off the cover and wash it you lazy fucks.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:21:27 No.9307579
    Learn to cook. Real food. It's cheaper and you won't smell so fucking bad. That fast food crap is nasty.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:21:53 No.9307583
    how cheap are you guys that you cannot use water to flush the toilet? Water isn't that expensive. Seriously. Look at your water bill and actually look at how much water costs.

    Unless you live in some remote place where running water is scarce, there should be no reason to have to piss outside like a dog
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:23:07 No.9307605
    I don't give a fuck. Go live in a fucking barn and let a horse "enrich" your "life" with its cock.

    Animals can be fucking messy, loud, and smelly. It's a goddamn fact. Living with them, can be a pain in the ass. Don't sugarcoat the fact that they fuck shit up with your ideals of going on a magic carpet ride through Disneyworld with fucking chipmunks and crocodiles and shit.

    You want your living space to be clean? You want to save money? Don't live with fucking animals.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:23:09 No.9307606
    Bachelor tip: Get a girlfriend.
    Make her do everything.
    Don't come inside her.


    Not really, I'm joking.
    Bachelor tip: Be a great person to everyone, karma works its magic hard for you.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:23:22 No.9307609

    fuck pissing outside, just piss down the drain in the shower
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:27:17 No.9307680
    Agreed. Water's not that expensive, but it can be when you run water over a dish for 30 minutes like someone said above.
    >> A visiting /b/tard !!cZPCzP1Ee1D 06/03/10(Thu)20:35:43 No.9307830
    >Don't fuck living animals.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:39:36 No.9307895
    Protip: Kill your room mate, eat his innards/eyeballs/brains first as those spoil the easiest then freeze the rest. Free food and no annoying/smelly/messy room mate. If you don't have a room mate, pedestrians, hitch hikers and hobos work just as well. Enjoy your life, fat cats.
    >> sage sage 06/03/10(Thu)20:39:43 No.9307899
    Not everyone lives your soulless, pathetic life where the only company you have is your savings account. Keeping a house clean with multiple animals inside it isn't hard at all, and it's not even that expensive to care for a lot of different kinds of animals.

    You are a pissant.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:41:46 No.9307934
    No, he means are animals are a pain in the ass. They use up your time, money, and then you get attached and they die. FUCK PETS
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:43:26 No.9307971
    I'm hungry for some nutritious and cheap drifter stew...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:43:57 No.9307980
    you have guys who use paper plates because they don't want to wash up. They put their jeans in a freezer or don't wash them at all. And you think these people have money and time to have a pet?

    You sound like you have sex with your dog
    >> A visiting /b/tard !!cZPCzP1Ee1D 06/03/10(Thu)20:46:11 No.9308014
    Weren't you paying attention?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:46:59 No.9308040
    I can just imagine the piss-stained apartment you're living in.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:47:06 No.9308043
    how do you get your name to have random numbers and letters next to them
    >> Mr Paradox !5s3NiggERs 06/03/10(Thu)20:52:34 No.9308167
         File1275612754.png-(67 KB, 270x241, -.-.png)
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    >YOUR face.
    >> A visiting /b/tard !!cZPCzP1Ee1D 06/03/10(Thu)20:53:16 No.9308189
    If you're trolling, well done. I'm pretty angry.
    If you really don't know, lurk moar faggot!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:54:10 No.9308210

    You read the rules and the FAQ before posting is the fuck how.
    >> Mr Paradox !5s3NiggERs 06/03/10(Thu)20:55:24 No.9308242
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    >> tightrope !gA2rpM22BM 06/03/10(Thu)21:10:00 No.9308610

    you can just enter random numbers and text...?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)22:01:13 No.9309659
    interesting shit is interesting please post more tips

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