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    13 KB Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)21:47:29 No.9289775  
    Behold your hero, moot's TED talk is finally up
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)21:49:34 No.9289812
    > moot makes site
    > rules 1 and 2 come into being
    > moot goes on TED

    oh moot
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)21:50:27 No.9289829
    the rules were made by the man to put you down
    >> OP !2mEqWPL2JI 06/02/10(Wed)21:50:38 No.9289833
    I was actually going to use that picture...

    Also, I created a better thread with a bonus video:
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)21:50:43 No.9289836
    This was on youtube forever ago
    >> OP !2mEqWPL2JI 06/02/10(Wed)21:52:06 No.9289859
    Yes, but now you can see it legit, and with better picture and sound!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:01:53 No.9290033

    You're thread has less replies than mine and is not better. What does it matter anyway, just watch the video.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:03:36 No.9290058
    Moot should of watched some TED videos and got some practice in or something.

    Seems ill prepared for TED.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:05:49 No.9290099
    It's about time. Now we can all watch moot completely buckle when the host questions him about CP.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:07:03 No.9290109
    having actually watched it now, it was somewhat less about anonymity than "hey look what we did"

    also, inb4every13yearolddoesapowerpointonmootforschool
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:08:18 No.9290139

    Probably procrastinated up until the last minute.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:09:29 No.9290159
    I kinda lost some respect for moot from this talk. I think I could have given a much better presentation on 4chan. In terms of memes, impact, etc, there are tons of interesting things I could have said more accessibly and faster. But not bad overall.

    Wtf was that at the end tho? He wants to be an urban planner? You have a giant and amazingly popular website, and instead of wanting to do anything related to that to be a millionaire, you want to sit at a desk and decide where parks should go?

    Seems dumb. Do what you do best.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:11:03 No.9290179
    I think he wants do what what he enjoys doing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:11:22 No.9290185
    Christ moot is awkward at the end when he's being questioned. Just look at his shoulders, and how submissive he is.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:14:05 No.9290223

    i lost all respect i had for him when i saw the way he handled himself

    mr internet tough guy cant even trollface the fuck out of some 40 year old faggot nerds
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:14:27 No.9290227

    He's building that new site, I think he's going to end up doing something 4chan related or descended from 4chan for the rest of his life.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:15:34 No.9290242
    It was kind of awkward to watch. The memes picture was just a bunch of cut out meme pics he through up on mspaint. The dusty is the only beneficial thing you could really say 4chan has done, the times thing was ok, and the scientology protests were a given.

    That said it was short and you know that he had to know that when he got done up there several would look his site up and loose any credit he had.

    That said I wouldn't expect less from our over lord. I mean this is the same guy who wanted to get all dressed up and take a girl out to mcdonalds.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:16:50 No.9290265
    Also, if any of you missed the other thread, the roflcon video is also up. You may find it more interesting, since it's a more intimate atmosphere than standing alone on a stage in front of the smartest people in the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:18:20 No.9290292
    you are one close-minded fuck.
    its obvious he wanted to show off the different sides of 4chan, rather than spill all of our shit out like a newfag.
    and at least an urban planner is something helpful towards a community, something like what 4chan could be if we gave a fuck. its obvious he's getting older, and maturing. something that the faggots on this board don't know how to do, apparently
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:19:37 No.9290309
    He does what he likes. I doesn't have to be 4chan related.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:20:10 No.9290319

    4chan's a lot more mysterious when you don't post on it and don't visit it. Once you get here you get used to it.

    Although I think moot feels sorta silly wherever he goes: especially at TED, where he's going to be proceeded and followed by people on the cutting edge of their high-end fields.
    >> OP !2mEqWPL2JI 06/02/10(Wed)22:24:37 No.9290374
    But you must remember that moot said that 99% of the memes featured on that picture was considered shit. I don't know why he considered most of them on the picture were shit anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:24:49 No.9290377
    fucking whores man...
    >> reezun@mx 06/02/10(Wed)22:38:36 No.9290614
    I've never been to TED b4 and from what I see it seems pretty much right-wing propaganda, sort of a 'keep-it-down crowd' kind of place.

    That said, considering TED is just a means to distribute content in this case, the video seemed, well, sort of PG-13 at most. Which is not what 4chan is about. Yes the adult content was mentioned, but I can't help but feel that a big chunk of what 4chan and /b/ is was left out.

    Is that good or bad? Well, depends. Good for moot's presentation, bad for the rest of us? Or perhaps it's good for Anonymous, us, as well. If keeping said Anonymity is the goal, that is.

    I would have liked the distinction to be made between "Anonymous" the default word in the -Name- field, and "Anonymous" the group. 4chan is obviously anything but anonymous, however I for one believe that Anonymous the group of people is a little more complicated to define, and just saying "Anonymous is a website" can't fit the bill.

    Overall good, but I keep feeling this video could have easily been turned into a Reader's Digest article.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:40:06 No.9290649
    I think he played down the adult content sufficiently. He should have played it down a little more though. Can you imagine all of those old educated faggots coming here and seeing all the real shit that's being posted.

    Is that sort of thing not what we're all about?
    >> OP !2mEqWPL2JI 06/02/10(Wed)22:47:12 No.9290787
    >Good for moot's presentation, bad for the rest of us? Or perhaps it's good for Anonymous, us, as well. If keeping said Anonymity is the goal, that is.

    When you mean the phrase "Or perhaps it's good for Anonymous", is he referring to the 4chan collective/community/hivemind?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:52:55 No.9290883
    No, I think in my opinion he played down the whole site completely. 4chan these days, is a general English-language imageboard, so there is more to this site than /b/ and it's memes. moot has to choose examples that would best resonate with the audience in TED. If he explained 4chan as a whole, they may not get it.

    The sad truth is that in order to understand 4chan, you have to see it for yourself, and the best way to do it is not to visit /b/. Most of the active imageboards on 4chan, like /a/ and /v/, are meme factories in their own right

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