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  • File : 1275495172.jpg-(51 KB, 720x540, dscnedit4.jpg)
    51 KB Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:12:52 No.9280594  
    What do you guys think?
    On your left is me two years ago. I had dropped out of school, did acid constantly, and didn't have any sort of direction in life.
    On your right is me now. Just got my GED, don't do drugs at all, don't drink. I'm pretty intelligent and very responsible.

    Problem is, no one will hire me because of how I look. I LIKE how I look. It feels like me, and I'm comfortable with myself. I'm okay with people on the street being uncomfortable when they see me, and I'm okay with people crossing over to the other side of the road when walking towards me. It's just.. The job situation. Should I hold out and wait until I find a job that will accept me for who I am? I feel like it's almost unfair to myself to change how I look, and feel about myself, just to fit some employers image.

    I'm torn. I've never felt so good about myself.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:13:45 No.9280607

    Beard grooming.

    Learn it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:14:30 No.9280613
    I think you're gonna have to cut it until you can find a real nice job to suit you.
    You'll have to just deal with the shit jobs for now and build experience
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:14:37 No.9280615
    How do I groom it without.. Losing it? I like how it looks, I don't want to completely change it.
    Is there a way to groom it while still keeping its shape and general look?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:14:47 No.9280618
    >Problem is, no one will hire me because of how I look.

    Well then grow the fuck up, shave your retarded "beard" (seriously, I grew more shit out of my face when I was 14), get a haircut, take a shower, and put on a shirt with a fucking collar. Stop being a fucking child.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:14:49 No.9280619
    Lose the piercing bro and I think you'd be fine
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:16:20 No.9280641
    You're going to end up in a job that involves saying "would you like fries with that". Facial piercings, just like visible tattoos are still a big no-no in corporate America.

    The only alternatives are doing stuff that requires skill but is considered blue collar (but makes good money) like construction or being a plumber.

    Either that or start your own business and then no one can tell you wtf to do (but client meetings might be a bit awkward).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:16:32 No.9280646
    Just the septum? Or all of them?
    I've been considering taking out the septum piercing.. If a really good job comes up.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:16:54 No.9280649
    >OP clean yourself up
    >Get job
    >Go back to looking like a hobo

    Once you get the job know one will care, if they do and fire you then you can sue them.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:16:58 No.9280650

    also at least give the beard a trim or get a barber to do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:17:07 No.9280652
    Nobody gives a fuck about who you are. You are not a unique or special snowflake.
    Unkept appearance is a sign of immaturity and you have taboo piercings. If you want a good job you're going to have to show that you want it enough to at least look normal.
    Otherwise they're gonna get someone with your credentials but without the piercings.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:17:57 No.9280661
    > ITT: guy bitches about not being able to wear nose ring and have disgusting looking beard at Mcdonalds
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:18:37 No.9280674
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:18:44 No.9280677
    Just tuck the septum into your nose. That's what I do when I go to work.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:19:23 No.9280686
    Doesn't that bother you? I've done that a couple times, to test it out, and it just tickles the fuck out of my nose. I feel like I keep scratching at it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:19:50 No.9280691

    /thread do what this guy says he has knowledge
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:20:28 No.9280695
    Remove the "bling".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:20:57 No.9280699
    I've never heard of that being a problem. Your jewelry seems a bit larger than mine, though. That might be it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:21:10 No.9280702
    Ditch the piercings and maintain the beard. It looks unkempt. Beards are cool, but they require grooming.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:21:45 No.9280713
    trim beard, less visible piercings, but preferably; lose the piercings altogether. that's if you are actually serious about wanting a decent job.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:21:54 No.9280719
    You look better now, but you need to groom that beard and get a haircut. lose the septum. maybe make the earrings smaller. you don't exactly have to compromise who you are or what you look like that drastically to get a job, it's just employment hours bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:22:50 No.9280729
    >if they do and fire you then you can sue them.

    And what would you sue for? I hate to break it to you but "wild man of borneo-beard with piercings" isn't a protected class.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:22:52 No.9280730
    otherwise you're cute. I'd date you.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:23:03 No.9280731
    Holy shit you look like youth, a moderator of this site
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:23:31 No.9280735

    Why the long face, OP
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:24:52 No.9280754
    My girlfriend tucks her septum piercing in her nose while at work and takes out her snakebites.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:24:56 No.9280756
    Dress for success. Push for a *career*. Don't stop learning. Make yourself more valuable than your peers at work.

    Eventually, you'll realize how meaningless and childish the piercings, the hat, and the beard are. If those things define you to a point that you'd accept a self-imposed glass ceiling in your life, then you haven't developed enough self-esteem.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:26:37 No.9280773
    fix the facial hair. you can keep it, but just, it's wrong, it doesn't complement your face too well, and makes you look like you're still constantly tripping.
    it makes your face look even longer than it already is
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:26:45 No.9280776

    Oh yea you got your GED, u dont do drugs and you are intelligent and responsible.

    yea that was a huge improvement there you fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:26:53 No.9280780
    OP, shave/trim the beard, do something about the retarded expression, and find a set of work appropriate clothes for when you actually look for a damn job.

    You look more like a drunken hobo on drugs now then you did "back then." Back then you just looked like a loser 20 year old pothead. Now you look like a loser 22 year old crackhead.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:27:59 No.9280796
    OP, you STILL do not look intelligent and responsible. Jesus fuck.

    Maybe now that your GED is done you should try to get your AA at least? >_<
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:28:20 No.9280803
    I know how you feel OP. I really don't want to get rid of my long druggo hair, but it looks like I'll have to.

    You look like a fucking ali g chav wigger in the first pic and a chilled out blue collar worker in the second. It's an improvment for sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:28:44 No.9280806
    The way you look and the way you present yourself impacts a business. You say people feel unfomfortable and cross the street when they see you. How do you think people are gonna react when they see you in your place of work? They're gonna avoid you and just plain stop coming to that place.

    Maybe you should work on cars or something. They hire guys that look like you at places like Jiffylube.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:29:58 No.9280818

    >implying you are not ugly and you look better than before
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:31:27 No.9280842
    Long hair doesn't necessarily look druggo unless you match it with an adenoidal expression and shitty beard.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:32:06 No.9280853
    Hey OP, I wouldn't hire you. You look just like a homeless guy I saw masterbating on the street.
    >> Doctor Namefag !tIWK449YLk 06/02/10(Wed)12:34:41 No.9280878
    Congrats on getting your GED and cleaning yourself up, OP. But if you want to be successful, you're going to have to lose the beard, or at least shave it off until you can grow a really full, mature-looking one. I have nothing against beards like yours; to each their own. However, people who are looking to hire you will really frown upon the beard, regardless of how much you've managed to pick yourself up.

    As for the septum, tuck it into your nose or get one of those little plastic retainers. This is all sort of along the lines of tattoos - there's not a damn thing wrong with them, but a business' paying customers may be a little bit frightened by them.

    tl;dr If you want a good job, you're going to have to make some sacrifices.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:35:15 No.9280884
    Seriously, either lose the hair or lose the beard.

    One or the other has to go.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:36:18 No.9280892

    Lose that piercing in your nose, and trim the beard.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:36:41 No.9280898
    Put some weight on horse face.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:36:57 No.9280902
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    >implying that beards can't look dignified and professional
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:37:23 No.9280906
    Eh, I'd prolly hire you if you came with a decent attitude.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)12:37:29 No.9280907
    Become an electrician. If you're skilled and live in the US, you could easily emigrate to Canada since they're in dire need of tradesmen.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:38:27 No.9280918
    i'd hire you, you seem like a bro, maybe just interview manner then?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:38:50 No.9280922
    Shave and throw that fucking cap away. Seriously OP. Lose the piercings too. That shit looks horrible.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:39:36 No.9280929
    I need some advice on interview manner myself.

    I can't seem to get through an interview without the potential employer giving me that look that says "what an arrogant, pompous little shit!"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:40:25 No.9280933
    Is there a way that you can make it look like your head is actually connected to your neck and not just about to snap off?
    >> Doctor Namefag !tIWK449YLk 06/02/10(Wed)12:40:43 No.9280935

    I believe I suggested he shave it and give it a go again when he can grow a full, more mature-looking beard. I never said they weren't professional. Right now it's very ragged, and shabby. Please, learn how to read correctly.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:41:34 No.9280944
    You know...
    McDonalds and other fast food restaurants don't give a fuck about what you look like.

    Also, you should just try trimming up that shit.
    And if you actually want a job no one will hire you with all that metal, so take it out before you go to interviews/jobs.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:44:35 No.9280978
    >blah blah beauty advice.
    He'll be an ugly turd regardless, and nothing at all will help.

    So how about instead he focus on qualifications?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:45:26 No.9280985
    The reason why jobs place so much importance on appearance is because when you're on the job you don't represent yourself: you represent THEM. No place is going to hire an employee that makes them look bad, no matter how skilled or "comfortable with himself" he might be. Soooo, either wise-up and get more presentable OP, or find a job that pays six figures a year that you can work out of the comfort of your own home and not give a damn what others think of your appearance.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:47:30 No.9280999
    Brotip: the you on the left looks more "cleaned up" than the you on the right
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:53:24 No.9281052
    I'm kinda having the same situation OP, minus the facial hair and piercings; I just have really long hair. A few people have told me as a guy I can't have long hair and get a decent job.

    As if the length of my hair reflects the kind of person I am.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:55:02 No.9281069
    Long hair just needs to be well-groomed in order for you to get a job unless you're applying for a job as a cop or a firefighter or something and have to keep it extra-short.

    Don't let it get messy, keep your face clean, and you should be good.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:55:39 No.9281076
    Don't worry, OP, I live in the south and I see people with MULLETS working in customer service jobs all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:56:57 No.9281090
    You can keep the sweet ass beard life, but you gotta keep it groomed, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:57:58 No.9281100
    You're sick. Shower, shave and dress human.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:59:53 No.9281121
    you look 10 years older in the picture on the right.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:00:13 No.9281124
    >dress human
    >wearing a hat and a t-shirt

    ...i think employers would have a problem with the beard and the piercings, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:00:36 No.9281130
    The fact that you're unwilling to change shows you still have some growing up to do. The most successful young people are ones fresh out of highschool that shave their face, don't get into the party scene, wait to get married and live a decent life.

    I know it's "cool" to get piercings and tattoos and makes you feel unique. Wow, look! I'm my own person! But really, you're showing the world that you refuse to grow up. It has to happen sometime. For some, it happens as soon as they get out of highschool. They probably had good parents that taught them a thing or two. However, even if you had crap parents that's not an excuse. Conform with the rest of society. As soon as you read that your stupid mind raged. But despite what your favorite music group (a group of people who would be losers in life if they didn't have musical talent) tells you, if you don't conform with the rest of society you're going to severely fail at life.

    Look at it from a managers point of view. If you looked like that, I would not hire you. If you're not clean shaven, if you have piercings, if you look like hell.... It shows me a little bit about your character. Does that make sense? Dress nice when you're looking for a job. Shave your face, look him in the eye. If you aren't willing to do that, it shows you're going to be a horrible employee he'll end up wanting to fire.

    Hope that helped
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:01:56 No.9281142
    >>Look at it from a managers point of view. If you looked like that, I would not hire you. If you're not clean shaven, if you have piercings, if you look like hell.... It shows me a little bit about your character. Does that make sense? Dress nice when you're looking for a job. Shave your face, look him in the eye. If you aren't willing to do that, it shows you're going to be a horrible employee he'll end up wanting to fire.

    This. I wouldn't hire you because of how you look. What's on the inside comes out in your physical appearance. You have little self esteem, your house is always messy and you're not very motivated to do much.

    You do not have the job.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:03:00 No.9281148
    When looking for a job you have to sell yourself. Why would you sell a car without washing it first?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:04:46 No.9281165
    When you look like a stoner they will think you're a stoner. P.S. Stop wearing black.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:05:31 No.9281172
    i see very ugly pierced faggots like you at hot topic all the time. try there.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:07:04 No.9281192
    You look like a dirt unkempt hobo. Maybe you should try that line of work, instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:07:04 No.9281193
    >because he wears black

    7/10. that's fucking asinine.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:10:23 No.9281224
    Yep, as much as I hate to admit it (being a person who refuses grow up myself) this is correct. Unless you're in the show business or music business uniqueness will not be seen as a good thing. You don't HAVE to change who you are, you just have to be good at hiding who you are and putting on a face acceptable to society.
    ...or at least thats what I figured based on observation, I'm only 19 and have yet to actually face to cruel realities of society first hand.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:28:45 No.9281424
    Ok from just the thumbnail I didn't think it was that bad. I couldn't see the piercings and the detail of the damn beard. Just get rid of the piercing and groom the damn beard. Then you look normal enough for any mediocre job.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:26:43 No.9282072
    >>9280594 a job that will accept me for who I am?

    A job that will accept you for what you are? Jesus H. Tittyfucking Christ... What are you? Five years old o something?

    What you are is a fucking highschool dropout with an almost useless GED. What you are is an ex-junkie to boot. What you are is an unkempt loser who thinks they're special when they're really just another self-selected member of the permanent underclass. What you are is just north of worthless.

    Grow the fuck up, slappy, and you can begin by shaving that mangy goat fur you think is a beard off your fucking horseface. Shit, I've seen Italian women who can grow a better beard than that.

    You fucked up big time when you dropped out of school, you fucked up big time when you began dropping acid instead of living your life, and you're still fucking up big time by holding on to this delusional idea that your unkempt junkie hobo appearance is somehow a "style".

    Get cleaned up, get a fucking job, any job, and get your ass back in any kind of school. You've pissed away a couple years, but you might be able to correct things.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:33:02 No.9282146

    >> implying that the sparse, filthy, and laughable scrub on the OP's face can be described as a "beard".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:33:11 No.9282152
    you might get somewhere grooming it. Or you might just look elsewhere for a job. In some towns and some career paths, looking like you do is not seen as a strong negative. If you're looking to work at a bank or something, good luck. But if you are a coder or sysadmin, or want to work in a tattoo parlor or biker bar, I don't see people having problems. Likewise if you're looking for work in a small town, probably an issue, but if you're on the west coast or some more-cultured towns, it could actually be a plus.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:37:02 No.9282189
    Just trim your beard and make it so that it is a fuller richer beard. Longer doesn't mean better. Or for an example, Big Boss during Naked Snake is a great beard to strive for.

    If you cannot grow that, then shave and keep on trying.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:37:44 No.9282193
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    if you want to win in society, you have to play by their rules

    or you can bust ass, start up your own business, and then make some money and post in that dumbshit 'i prove errbody rong!' thread one day

    or you can become a tattoo artist/piercing pro.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:40:09 No.9282224
    >mangy goat fur
    Better than any other description.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:41:44 No.9282238
    >I'm intelligent
    >I just got my GED

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:42:01 No.9282242
    You look much better on the left.

    But your head is weird lol, it seems to be growing longer in length and shrinking in width with age.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:45:00 No.9282268
    that look would work if you worked in the arts/music scene since no one gives a flying fuck about presentation anyway. Now if you're looking for a real job, then you must abide by the rules of society and loose all that fucking metal on your head and groom/shave off that nasty beard.
    Either be assimilated or die. It's your choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:46:03 No.9282284
    oh and I zoomed in on the pic. take out the piercings for interviews, unless it's a place where piercings would be an advantage. It's like dressing up for interviews--shouldn't matter, but it does.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)14:47:26 No.9282301
    I wish I knew where you lived so I could rob you on principal. Fuck you and your kind.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:48:01 No.9282314
    your eyes scream VICTIM HERE, OP
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:50:26 No.9282345
    Oh yeah, employers aren't employing you solely because of how you look, that must be it. Don't change anything, don't get a useful qualification, don't become self-employed or get a part-time job, don't commit to a career, just concentrate on feeling good about yourself through the use of delusions.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:51:43 No.9282357
    me too man,me too, its just burns me that he is probably right about all of that too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:53:47 No.9282377
    But you look like a total white trash douchebag, OP. Trim the facial hair and smile once every so often. Jesus christ.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)14:54:18 No.9282384
    Pushing the status quo isn't being right about something, its maintaining belief in a system that that oppresses anyone who doesn't conform to every single detail.

    Just because he dropped out doesn't mean hes an idiot, neither does drug use. If he had any real life experience he'd realize that these are poor choice and don't reflect on intelligence, more towards a lack of common sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:55:33 No.9282405
    OP, you don't look nearly as interesting as you seem to think you do. I see 300 people who look exactly like you every day in the city. I seriously doubt that anybody feels uncomfortable when they see you, or crosses to the other side of the street. I doubt strangers even notice you. Get the fuck over yourself, you're not always going to be the center of attention.

    In truth, you're not getting hired because your record shows a high-school dropout who has only just gotten his GED. Not exactly the most desirable employee.

    Also: Come on, dude. EVERYBODY cleans up for job interviews. It has nothing to do with "fitting an employer's image," it's just a gesture of respect. You can stay true to your retarded self-image all you want, while those of us who aren't retarded take all of the jobs.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:57:07 No.9282413
    Dude. OP, you look awesome. 2-years-ago you looks like a douche, but current you looks like a badass pirate.

    Just trim your beard a bit, and maybe ditch the nosering.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:57:19 No.9282418
    Pretty sure it's faggoty piercings and possibly the hat doing it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:57:24 No.9282419
    Jesus christ I hate this fucking " I DONT FOLLOW ANYONES ROOLES I DO WAT I WANT!!!" mentality we have going on ITT.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)14:58:34 No.9282435
    Why the fuck would you live life by standards you don't agree with?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:59:07 No.9282441

    Don't mind the "Just put your head down and conform, conform!" mentality though, right?

    Next you'll try to tell me one's more "mature" than the other.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)14:59:54 No.9282453
    if you want a job, clean the fuck up

    if you thing 'being you' is being poor, slovenly, and sitting around doing nothing, then keep on being you, you disgusting slime.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:01:11 No.9282468

    Problem is, no one will hire me because of how I look. I LIKE how I look. It feels like me, and I'm comfortable with myself. I'm okay with people on the street being uncomfortable when they see me, and I'm okay with people crossing over to the other side of the road when walking towards me. It's just.. The job situation. Should I hold out and wait until I find a job that will accept me for who I am? I feel like it's almost unfair to myself to change how I look, and feel about myself, just to fit some employers image.

    I hope you don't go to job interviews with the hat and the T-shirt (depending on the job of course - obviously you don't need a suit to work at Burger King).

    But yeah, trim everything a bit - maybe lose the mustache completely.

    Here's a tip though, that much facial hair will only take a couple of months to grow in (except maybe the goatee bits at the bottom). Just trim, get a job, then let it all grow out again. By then, unless you're customer facing and they want you looking a certain way, nobody will care as long as they like you as a person and you are good at the job. You don't have to lose all the hair forever.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:02:54 No.9282487


    yes one IS more mature than the other. One recognizes that to exist in a group of human beings you have to conform to the group expectation to some extent and make everyone comfortable. No one likes weirdos, and if you insist on being one you have no business whining about how no-one takes you seriously.

    The other says 'wah wah I'm different why do I have to change when I can pretend that the rest of the world will,' like a child, and then sits on the internet alone in their parents' basement and supports other immature idiots doing the same thing.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:03:46 No.9282498
    think about it this way. if you are smart then you realize that people base assumptions off appearance. if you were smart you would know that appearance has nothing to do with who you really are. if you were smart you would change your appearance for your benefit.
    im guessing your not as smart as you say you are.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:05:48 No.9282518
    Your facial hair looks like shit and those piercings look fucking disgusting.

    You also need to stop making that stupid fucking duck face.

    Take the piercings out, shave the facial hair (leave stubble if you absolutely must have hair on your face), take the kiddy hat off, put on a fucking smile and take another picture.

    Then post it so we can keep laughing at how ugly you are.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:07:39 No.9282537
    Those eyes man, you look like an animal
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:08:43 No.9282552
    You have one universally-recognized unattractive feature that you cannot change.
    Your eyes slant down at the sides, making you look sad and depressing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:09:08 No.9282559
    Look at these two, they have teenage angst written all over themselves.

    Yeah having a job and not looking like a bum is totally oppressive!
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)15:10:00 No.9282573
    Individualism is one of the cornerstones of the American identity. It is preposterous that you would suggest otherwise.

    OP, if you live in a major city, start hanging out around tattoo parlors and vegetarian/vegan restaurants. You'll be able to find work (legal or illegal) that will accept you as you are.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:11:19 No.9282589
    There's a time for individualism, and a time for conformity. When you're selling yourself, as in applying for a job... there are some jobs where individuality is a selling point, but most people who have never met you before, who are considering committing to pay you money and entrust you with a duty for an extended amount of time, are looking to be at ease with you. Conformity to prevailing norms is more likely to result in that feeling. It has very little to do with conformity or non-conformity, and more to do with ease, salesmanship, and influence.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:12:32 No.9282611
    individualism WAS the cornerstone maybe 200 years ago. look around you. liberal public schooling and media have changed EVERYTHING. have you been living under a rock?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:14:33 No.9282634
    I like how he looks too. I don't blame the guy. Unfortunately, it's a one-way street. I would try the minimalist approach at first, and go from there. Start with the piercings, and a little beard grooming. Make sure you have good eye contact with the manager if you get an interview and answer every question without hesitation, it will give you bonus points.

    If that doesn't work, I guess go from there, man... good luck.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:16:39 No.9282657
    Oh, okay, so he should just go ahead and straight out conform to what everyone else wants. That's what you're saying, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:17:59 No.9282678
    >>9282384 Pushing the status quo

    Who's pushing the status quo? You're the UK thief with the internet ministers certification, right? The man who posted that "Ask Me Anything" huge thread a few months back? If you were able check, you'd find my life was much closer to your life than that of some cubicle dwelling office clone.

    What you and I realize and have realized is what the OP still can't comprehend: You have to live the world as it IS. Not as you want it to be, not as you wish it to be, but as it IS. You cannot deny reality. Once you have a firm grip on reality, you can fashion the type of life you and, as both you and I can attest, that life can be rather "non-standard".

    Mentally the OP is still a child because the OP wants the world change. That's not a lack of common sense, that's borderline delusional and nearly idiotic.

    The OP is 22, a high school dropout, and an ex-junkie. He has no experience, no real education, no work history, and a very spotty record of accomplishments if any at all. Basically, his resume is one of abject failure. He's working on improving things, but he's still delusional enough to think his appearance shouldn't matter. His resume describes him as a dropout, junkie, loser with no experience, he compounds the problem by dressing and grooming like a dropout, junkie, loser with no experience, and he cannot quite understand why he's having trouble getting a job.

    In your line of work, you take great cares to accept reality. You dress, groom, and go about your business with the dictates of reality firmly in mind. Beneath it all, you're more of a maverick than the OP will ever be, but you bow to the dictates of reality.

    The OP needs to learn that and that's why I hammered him. He's 22 years old and it's time he grew the fuck up. Reality cannot be bargained with. You must except the world for what it is and then find a way to live in the manner you wish within the world.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)15:18:21 No.9282687
    I'm not a teenager, haven't been for 9 years. I make plenty of money tax free without ever having to conform to what someone else expects of me. I have an active night life that affords me the ability to do tons of drugs and fuck any young thing that likes a "dangerous" looking guy with tattoos.

    I didn't go to a public school, I spent my time in one of the best private schools in Texas. As for media, I don't have TV service in this room and don't watch tv.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:18:28 No.9282688
    Wow, facial piercings, how unique. /sarcasm
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:18:42 No.9282690
    no dumbass im saying what these guys are saying
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:18:52 No.9282693
    If anything, I'd say the picture on the right makes you look more trustworthy. To me, anyway. Neither picture makes you look like I would avoid you or walk across the road if I seen you coming. But the one on the right makes me think that I'd like you as a friend.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)15:21:08 No.9282727
    I've existed outside of society for quite some time and have been rewarded for my courage and skill. Also, I don't live in the UK, I live in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:21:29 No.9282735
    why is the hair on your left side so much thicker than the hair on the right?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:23:02 No.9282754
    This thread in a way is more depressing than any of the other typical r9k threads I see about being ronry
    >> Klion !pKLIONNY6Q 06/02/10(Wed)15:25:36 No.9282790
    Just shave the beard you scruffy fuck. It's not even properly trimmed, christ. Of course nobody will hire you, nearly every job is about presentation and if you don't understand how to present yourself why should they trust u with presenting some aspect of their company?

    Not to mention that people read a lot into how you present yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:25:46 No.9282793
    Okay, no shit, any retard can tell that people are going to judge him a little based on his appearance. The OP recognizes that, which is why he even made a thread in the first place. He wants advice on exactly what he should start with to help him get a job. Telling him "oh well you're not going to get a job because you look like a hobo" is redundant as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:26:06 No.9282798
    Because he is non conformist and doesn't give a fuck about society's standards! DURR
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:27:04 No.9282807
    Its obvious you've never been in for a job interview. Appearance is EVERYTHING.
    >> Mr.Brown the ice-cream man !ipW36c0agw 06/02/10(Wed)15:28:56 No.9282838
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    It's funny how you can never fail to tell if someone is scum just by looking at their appearance.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:29:12 No.9282842
    You *look* like you do drugs. Lose the piercings and the baseball cap, then trim back the beard.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:30:15 No.9282854
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    You think you have a problem with people not hiring you because of your beard?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:30:17 No.9282857

    OK, you're not the thief I was thinking of. The UK guy was pretty straightforward and came across as real, especially when he was talking about choosing targets, fencing goods, and other stuff.

    I don't know about you however. The remarks about tons of drugs and pussy sounds like bragging, something the long time successful thieves I known never do. And the remark about not having "TV service ins this room" is troubling on several levels.

    Anyway, taking your story at face value, look at the OP and read his story. You've been fashioning a life "outside" the rules since your teens while the OP has been sitting in Mommy's basement dropping acid. Do you really think he has the stuff to do what you do? That he can learn to do what you do?

    The OP is going to have to compromise NOW so he can live the way he wants to live LATER. It's called delayed gratification and it's something most adults learn early on.

    Clean yourself up OP. Make yourself a better hire through grooming and education. Get a fucking job, and then fashion the life you want. You cannot ignore reality but, if you're smart - and nothing you've written indicates you are smart sadly - , you can live the life you want within the dictates of reality.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:30:30 No.9282859
    Okay, so now with the ad hominem attacks? First of all, I've had plenty of jobs, in before cool story, bro. Second, you didn't address at all what I'm saying. Why don't you just fuck off with your ad hominem attacks on me and the OP and join the conversation with the adults?
    >> Klion !pKLIONNY6Q 06/02/10(Wed)15:31:29 No.9282870

    Er, I meant read into you as a person/your character based on that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:32:33 No.9282883

    >thinks hes hot shit because hes the manager of a McDonalds
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:37:42 No.9282969

    Sure you have a right to be an individual, but they have every right not to hire you depending on how 'individual' you get. Once again, you are 13 years old.

    congrats on your exciting life of crime and sex that you feel the need to post about on a messageboard for losers, anime nerds, and 14 year olds who are both.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:38:26 No.9282985

    >even if he is, he makes more money than you and is a productive member of society
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:43:16 No.9283065
    For all the fags saying "oh grow up you're clearly still immature you think piercings are cool and your beard is unkempt etc. etc.," let the man look how he wants to look. You are very wrong if you think he should conform to any standards of how anyone else thinks he should look. We're discussing the potential consequences of his choice of looks, and how to properly deal with or avoid them. Nothing more, nothing less.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:44:12 No.9283086
    You said "aperence dunt me sheeeit" I said "No it does." Then you scream "AD HOMINEM" like you know what it means.
    >> Stay Happy Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:48:57 No.9283163
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    Keep filling out applications & go beyond your usual retail/labor markets. Try art stores, supply houses, small businesses, print shops, places where you may not interact with the public & can keep the appearance that makes you happiest.

    Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:53:08 No.9283230
    You look far less of a faggot on the left. If you asked me to choose "which one is the druggie" i'd choose the now pic.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:55:58 No.9283266

    he said "I want to have a job but I also want to look like this." We said "if you continue to look like that, you will never get a job." He clearly agrees with us that getting a job is the right thing to do, he isn't saying 'hey guys I'm deciding whether or not to be a functioning member of society' he said 'how do you get me into this sweet civilization thing you have going over there in the world where we don't look like drug addicts.'

    We're helping him. Your coddling 'oh coo coo baby look like whatever you want' does nothing but harm and holds him back from being a human being.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:57:02 No.9283277

    To add, I hope your realize how stupid it is to use 'fags' as an insult and then talk about how bad it is to conform..
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:58:16 No.9283296
    >I feel like it's almost unfair to myself to change how I look, and feel about myself, just to fit some employers image.

    >implying wage slaves deserve fair treatment.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)15:59:49 No.9283317
    i'm sorry but most intelligent people give off an aura of intelligence.

    you give off an aura of retardation.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:01:35 No.9283339
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:02:00 No.9283343
    Shave your fucking beard, get rid of your piercings, get a fucking haircut. and buy a suit.

    it's not that hard asshole
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:05:17 No.9283381
    Conformists use the internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:05:26 No.9283386
    You misinterpret me. I'm only attacking the people who are attacking his appearance without due cause, such as:


    The list goes on. The fact is they have no justification for attacking him, other than that's just, like, their opinion, man. I'm not protecting him from shit. I'm renouncing the fags who think they can judge his character by his choice in appearance, which is especially retarded over the internet. They don't know shit about the OP, and he came here with a reasonable request to start a mildly amusing conversation, so they should fuck right off.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:06:16 No.9283394
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    A fair number of intelligent people have egregious facial hair.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:08:13 No.9283420
    A fair number of those people are impressively socially retarded too, though. re. your attached image
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:08:54 No.9283431

    omg you drive on the right side of the street and wear clothing? what a fucking conformist

    Way to not understand that there are degrees to everything, and he is way over the 'looking like an unkempt drug addict' line in the eyes of anyone doing hiring anywhere. Trust me when you graduate high school (maybe even college!) you'll realize that the assholes who wore clean polo shirts, even the dumb as shit ones, are going to have jobs while you and all you 'sk8er' friends are going to stagnate and rot while you wait for a company that's ready to 'accept you for the nonconformist you are.'

    Every person is different, it's only the idiots that insist on displaying their differences at all times because they're so insecure about it. Any functioning adult knows when they can be themselves and when to turn on the normalcy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:11:13 No.9283465

    Lets go down a list..

    -Smile a bit more
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:11:13 No.9283466

    also, they have accomplishments/work in fields where that is acceptable. If you destroy the hell out of everything in high school, get into MIT and rape there, yeah ok you can grow a beard. When you are applying to jobs where the main question the interviewer has is 'can you complete menial tasks, show up on time, and not steal things,' you have to look clean (especially with his dropout record).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:11:22 No.9283471
    Right, so in short, it's judgemental and retarded to attack someone based on their appearance.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:12:50 No.9283490
    Piercings make you look stupid

    This guy almost looks harmless
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:12:58 No.9283491
    2 years of progress and you still look like a hippy loser. good job
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:14:42 No.9283511
    >I'm pretty intelligent
    >posts a pic of himself
    something is wrong here
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:16:44 No.9283541

    but also in short, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS IN JOB INTERVIEWS. That is why there is an interview, so they can see you and judge whether or not they will trust you with a part of their business. They're not there for your self esteem, they're there to make money. And gross drug addict losers don't make you money.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:17:20 No.9283552
    Hey Jeff, you look like a dbag. Just groom yourself a bit better and stop selling tie-dyes. You're good at outdoors stuff like Jim, do more of that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:18:11 No.9283564
    >go to /fa/, OP
    >get asshole turned inside out
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:20:19 No.9283596
    Wow OP you look just like my fiancee's brother. Too bad he's not very employably either, despite him being an extremely intelligent and hard-working guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:23:12 No.9283631
    Take off the side burns and get rid of the earrings and you will most likely get a job.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)16:25:01 No.9283665
    I've written about those same kinds of things, in the past 3 days since I've been here but I'm definitely not in the UK. I've never been thought, and wouldn't mind going in the future.
    The remarks about drugs and girls are generally there to try and bring out people who might have an issue with this so I can argue with them. I was able to successfully able to enrage a lot of people in a thread about promiscuity. It kills time and I enjoy it, since before 2pm is all free time to me. I like my job and I'm good at it, but I concede that I definitely shouldn't boast and will stop in the future.
    I wasn't clear about which "media" you were speaking, it was probably a broader sense than I originally considered. I don't watch TV, though. My news is mostly from sites around the net and I don't read newspapers or magazines.
    In regards to the OP, I get legit advice originally; he should gain a trade so he is invaluable to conventional society. I even suggested that doing so could help him go to a place like Canada, who are in dire need for skilled tradesmen.
    I have years of experience on the OP, but I also recommended some very easy ins that I know of that have worked for people I've known and worked with in the past. These shops can and often do attract a certain kind of clientele and have been used by me as a meet-up spot. I wouldn't call it a life outside of the "rules", more outside of mainstream society. Society at large requires all kinds, and if it weren't me it would be someone else.
    The assumption that he has what I do that lets me be who I am or the skill was a pretty grave error on my part. I want to think that everyone has what it takes to become whatever they put their mind to but I guess that is more fantasy than reality. I still believe if he went to community college and worked towards a trade he would be better off.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:25:27 No.9283670
    I'm a 19 year old dropout who got his GED and passed with a 728 average.

    I have a job because I don't look like a faggot like you OP, grow up.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:26:27 No.9283685
    You appearance is ill-judged and worthy of mockery.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)16:26:30 No.9283686
    sorry for the eyesore formatting.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:27:11 No.9283699
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:30:08 No.9283737

    >I am a criminal with lots of euphemisms for it, I also use justifications literally straight from television shows/comic books ("Society needs people like me, if it wasn't me it would be someone else"), oh wait I am actually a 14 year old posting at the school library
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:40:37 No.9283883
    Can I play devils advocate?

    Even if he grooms himself and starts shaving every week, getting a job is not that simple as that. Employers want someone who is a perfect fit for them.
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)16:40:51 No.9283893
    Not once did I say society NEEDS people like me, I said that society isn't made up of just one kind of person. The only thing you even got remotely right was, "if it wasn't me it would be someone else" which is in fact true. People go where the money is. Think whatever you will.

    Also, take an english 111G course at a cc so you can work on your reading comprehension.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:45:21 No.9283961

    Its odd. In the left picture you actually look presentable. I think you should lose the beard and keep that goatee.

    Imagine you have a 9-5 job, would it be a problem to take off your piercings for that time? I work several nights a week as a doorman and I have to remove my eyebrow piercing to look proffesional and avoid the risk of someone pulling it off. And im fine with that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:48:49 No.9284007

    your posting word for word said "Society at large requires all kinds, and if it weren't me it would be someone else." That very logically is equivalent to it needs a person like me, because if there is not a person like you then it does not have all kinds. My mistake was not in comprehension, your mistake is failing to write something comprehensible.

    You follow this up with, once again, trying to act all cool and coy: 'people go where the money is.' Now I'm sure you have fun "making it rain" with the 20s you find in your mom's purse, but honestly even the most successful of criminals you idolize make in one year what the average white-collar worker in Manhattan makes in a month. That's where the money is, not whatever totally sweet vague illegal activities you claim to pursue.

    Also, take the remainder of your middle school courses so you can graduate and hopefully grow up to be less of an idiot.
    >> !!9XV+jcVVFWN 06/02/10(Wed)16:50:42 No.9284040
    You look like Randy Blythe (singer from Lamb Of God) :3

    Try working at a concert venue. Disc-Jockeying at those places while bands are setting up makes a good amount, according to the one at our local venue.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:53:32 No.9284088

    Change how you look, get a job, get a girl. Then go back to looking like a scumbag. They don't accept people that look like that right off the street but once they know you you'll be fine
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)16:58:15 No.9284186

    It's a matter of chance at that point, everyone applying for jobs now is overqualified for the positions they're applying for (more often than not adults with 20 years experience in a consulting firm is vying for the same customer service job as you)

    Now you have to get an edge on this new pool of applicants, the easiest route (and quickest) would be that of appearance. You're representing this person's company, and whether it's an HR rep or the founder interviewing you, they have a sense of responsibility to continue to keep the company in good standing.

    Are you going to have the edge on the competition by walking into a job interview looking like you just stumbled out of goodwill with holes in your face? No.

    Suit. Shoes. Smile. Face. Firm Handshake. Remember the name of the interviewer, call the interviewer three days later repeat the name, ask how they're doing, ask an update on the job.

    This isn't "EVERYONE IS A WINNER AND UNIQUE" this is a fucking pool of sharks.

    Goddammit people
    >> thief !!ATKbnaLtJg8 06/02/10(Wed)17:05:24 No.9284299
    A lot of people get into finance, and yes that really is where the money is. However, people with few options or qualifications will go to where the "easy money" is, and there is plenty of that in what I do. What I wrote was completely comprehensible, you just insist on being obtuse.

    I'm done for the day.

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