>> |
06/02/10(Wed)15:17:59 No.9282678>>9282384 Pushing the status quo
pushing the status quo? You're the UK thief with the internet ministers
certification, right? The man who posted that "Ask Me Anything" huge
thread a few months back? If you were able check, you'd find my life was
much closer to your life than that of some cubicle dwelling office
What you and I realize and have realized is what the OP
still can't comprehend: You have to live the world as it IS. Not as you
want it to be, not as you wish it to be, but as it IS. You cannot deny
reality. Once you have a firm grip on reality, you can fashion the type
of life you and, as both you and I can attest, that life can be rather
Mentally the OP is still a child because the OP
wants the world change. That's not a lack of common sense, that's
borderline delusional and nearly idiotic.
The OP is 22, a high
school dropout, and an ex-junkie. He has no experience, no real
education, no work history, and a very spotty record of accomplishments
if any at all. Basically, his resume is one of abject failure. He's
working on improving things, but he's still delusional enough to think
his appearance shouldn't matter. His resume describes him as a dropout,
junkie, loser with no experience, he compounds the problem by dressing
and grooming like a dropout, junkie, loser with no experience, and he
cannot quite understand why he's having trouble getting a job.
your line of work, you take great cares to accept reality. You dress,
groom, and go about your business with the dictates of reality firmly in
mind. Beneath it all, you're more of a maverick than the OP will ever
be, but you bow to the dictates of reality.
The OP needs to learn
that and that's why I hammered him. He's 22 years old and it's time he
grew the fuck up. Reality cannot be bargained with. You must except the
world for what it is and then find a way to live in the manner you wish
within the world. |