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  • File : 1325300289.jpg-(25 KB, 683x395, r9k.jpg)
    25 KB 9th fucking choice? Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)21:58:09 No.925530  
    From a lonely womens perspective...
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)21:59:32 No.925546
    I want to know how /r9k/ and /v/ got included and /k/ didn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:00:21 No.925550
    Sounds about right for me. If I had to pick a girlfriend from the chans, my first choice sure as hell wouldn't be /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:00:27 No.925551
    >/co/ 3rd
    You've never seen /co/ with his shirt off honey, he's rather fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:05:24 No.925597
    Makes sense, /v/ has nogame
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:05:52 No.925604
    /mu/ should be higher than /a/, they're both terrible but as far as I know /mu/ isn't sunk disgustingly far into their waifu bullshit, I'd prefer them for that reason

    And /co/ is quite charming really, it can make up for a few extra pounds
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:06:58 No.925615
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:06:59 No.925616
    Oh come on, below /jp/? But /jp/ is a pedophile weeaboo! I mean, he's literally the worst!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:07:34 No.925625
    I found my husband on /b/.... Where is it on the list?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:07:35 No.925626

    Shallow ahoy!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:08:12 No.925633
    /g/ and /b/ aren't even on this list, so hey, we're better than somebody.

    I guess I should declare this my home board and move up to 9th
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:09:57 No.925654
    >implying you want anything to do with /cgl/

    Someone post that fucking image. You know the one.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:11:09 No.925670
    I mean, seriously, do you want anything to do with this?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:11:25 No.925674
    /sci/ didn't even make the list....
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:11:32 No.925680
    like how it also puts /soc/ in their place.

    At least we acknowledge, and actively discuss, the fact we're lonely motherfuckers, but have you seen the shit those cunts on /soc/ come out with?

    Desperately pleading with camwhores for contact details, riddling their posts with ;D and XD because they think that, somehow, it'll make them seem more attractive and cute.

    Worst board bar /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:11:36 No.925681
    When these women hit 30 /g/ is moving right to the top of that list and we all know it.

    They may be pathetic but they are mostly secure and well employed.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:12:10 No.925687
    Well it is /cgl/

    personally I would put /co/ first but that's probably because it was my main board for a long time
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:12:58 No.925698
    >implying that being rejected by fat lonely and bitchy women is in any way a 'good' thing
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:13:08 No.925704
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    I mean, do you seriously want anything to do with this?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:13:18 No.925706
    yeah but that's gonna lead to a horrible mismatch problem. There's gonna be a bunch of women in their 30s that want /g/, and a bunch of asians, lolis, and assorted 2d waifus that are what /g/ actually wants. it wont be pretty
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:13:40 No.925708
    /co/ is too high up. Unless hipster with beards is your thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:13:44 No.925712
    But then the generals happened

    Fuck /co/
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:14:10 No.925720

    >She actually thinks 90% of fit aren't /v/ level neckbeards with overdeveloped quads due to squatting 3x a week
    >She actually thinks the 2-4 legitimately in-shape guys on /fit/ are straight
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:14:11 No.925721

    It's the fatties and uggos that tend to have the unrealistic standards, so getting rejected by them just signifies that you aren't a 6'5'' body builder with a $100k salary
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:15:25 No.925733
    God I hate the emoticon shit. I can't count the times I've seen a cute guy camwhoring but all his posts just looked plain retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:16:10 No.925743
    I just want to point out that r9k made the list..

    9 out of 44 other boards isn't bad guys...
    >> Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 12/30/11(Fri)22:16:52 No.925751
    /fit/ and /fa/ are 1 & 2.

    What shallow whores. There's a reason why women are all Bitches & Whores.

    Also, /a/ is 4th. /a/ doesn't want to be 4th. They don't 3DPD.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:17:32 No.925762
    I ask for contact info, as long as you aren't fucking retarded and annoying I don't see why it should bother anyone. It keeps people from shitting up a thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:17:59 No.925767
    wait where's /x/?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:18:38 No.925770
    to be fair /co/ is one of the least retarded and nicest boards, so third as the good friend who is the back up plan for marriage when she hits 35.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:19:22 No.925779
    There are only two or three generals and you can just ignore them. And I've been in worse generals on /v/ too, I still rank /co/ decently. I just consider the generals to be a couple retarded dudes in a corner that everyone pretends don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:21:07 No.925798
    /co/ is pretty woman hating. Make a thread asking for strong female characters, I dare you. They'll hate you for it cause they hate strong females.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:22:37 No.925812
    Last time I was there was:

    Homestuck General
    Transformers General
    My Little Pony General
    Spiderman is black omg
    and then I forget, but I swear there was at least a few more generals,,,, Wakfu General?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:23:48 No.925825
    /fit/ /fa/ /mu/ /lit/ are the only boards with a few socially adjusted people. sure they have lots of hipsters but then again most hipster hate comes from neckbeard infested internet forums

    those boards are for hobbies that are well regarded in popular society and high society, whereas noone irl gives 2 shits about your 2000 anime book collection, or how you beat halo in 3 hours.

    in conclusions, stay autistic you robots
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:24:33 No.925837
    /jp/ is above boards besides /b/ and /r9k/, their post is invalid
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:25:07 No.925844
    /co/ has a longstanding rivalry with some particular places frequented by female comics readers; you're not going to do well anywhere on 4chan if you go in sounding like a feminist at all, but /co/ is at least a bit more chill about the existence of women than a lot of boards. I've never had anyone jumping down my throat about being a woman or anything, even if they do have plenty of sexism shitstorms I still felt a bit more comfortable there.
    >> Siouxsie‮D:‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 12/30/11(Fri)22:25:31 No.925849
    Where's /po/?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:25:45 No.925852
    Sometimes Wakfu
    Whenever new Legend of Korra Stuff comes out it shitstorms into a general, and will become a general when/if it comes out.
    No one cares that Spiderman is black anymore because the comic is so good.
    Batman is /co/ related and really popular why wouldn't there be threads about him?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:26:00 No.925854
    that list is fairly retarded and probably not made by a female - however, /r9k/ being at the bottom is completely accurate. Honestly, I don't know why women even frequent this board unless they have serious mental issues.

    /co/ near top seems accurate, they always seem surprisingly nice when I visit even though I don't know jack shit about comics. I'm not convinced /ft/ would be at the top. Honestly a /fit/ board on a site like 4chan seems like it would be a freak magnet. /mu/ should be a bit higher - people there are pretentious, but so are all other 4channers and they at least have a shared interest with many fems

    /v/ near bottom is also accurate, and /k/ not even scoring is accurate too. I don't know about /fa/. I would have assumed the board would be filled with gays?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:26:44 No.925859
    I'd say /tg/, but then I remember that /tg/'s been shitty for a while

    too much WH40K
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:28:06 No.925873
    I'm just mad there aren't more Archer and Adventure Time threads
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:28:12 No.925874
    >implying these should be AFTER boards of taste like:
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:28:18 No.925877

    yeah, I'm surprised /lit/ is not on there. People there seem intelligent and well adjusted (relatively speaking) and have an interest that appeals more readily to women
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:28:25 No.925879
    To be fair most of those women are fucking dumbasses (not even trying to be misogynistic).
    For example they got up in arms at a character who would be the equivalent of a Barney Stinson (except more of a douche and less successful at getting women) saying "dibs" when he saw Wonder Woman.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:28:33 No.925881
    Every woman wants a fashionable homosexual

    Also I am disappointed /sp/ was overlooked
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:31:09 No.925916
    its not an official list, its just a post.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:31:22 No.925918

    Keep in mind that /fit/ is still gayer than /cm/ and /y/ combined.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:31:40 No.925928
    True, there was also that time where one site kept shitting on DC for sucking at portraying women but refused to comment on Marvel's zero books starring women (as opposed to Dc's like 8 or something)
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:32:09 No.925936
    I think there's an interesting dialogue between the crazy feminist comic sites and /co/, they're both too extreme but at least they have that counterpart.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:34:36 No.925971
    and /fa/ is gayest of them all
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:38:29 No.926028
    I think it's funny that the feminists refuse to accept they're extremists/crazy but /co/ generally accepts that their embittered woman haters.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:39:16 No.926036
    Of course /fa/ and /fit/ would be at the top.
    They for the most part take care of themselves and dress nice. Women like that.

    I'm not sure why /r9k/ is even on that list.
    This place is full of pathetic males who hate women (or at least pretend to).

    Boards that should have been in that list.
    /fit/ - excluding bodybuilders
    /int/ - excluding the racists
    /mu/ - excluding metalheads
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:39:27 No.926037
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:41:29 No.926062
    /fa/ - assuming not all gay
    /lit/ - pretentious but fem-friendly interest, normalish / smart
    /mu/ - pretentious but fem-friendly interest, normalish
    /co/ - unusually friendly IMO
    /b/ - lots of dumbass kids, which should mean they get girls
    /adv/ - seemed normalish and social when I looked at it
    /soc/ - like above but more awkward and desperate
    /fit/ - theoretically good but insecurity out the ass
    /a/ - awkward freaks
    /v/ - more obnoxious awkward freaks
    /tv/ would be near top but filled with pedos nowadays
    /jp/ - seriously damaged shutins and freaks
    /k/ - may eventually shoot females who display interest
    /r9k/ - "why won't women love me also I wanted to skin this cunt the other day who laughed with her friend and was probably laughing at me"

    I did not rate minor boards or specialty interest boards due to lack of knowledge, but I assume many of them could be near the top just because they have normal people with an actual interest who aren't necessarily attracted to 4chan's "asshole of the internet" thing as much
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:42:17 No.926072


    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:43:05 No.926080
    Probably eating human flesh.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/30/11(Fri)22:44:46 No.926096

    watching people scream and yell in the dark and nothing while they claim to welcome ghosts on tv*
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:45:45 No.926106
    No mention of /ck/?

    I'd pick a girlfriend from /ck/, mmmm delicious women who can make delicious food
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:47:49 No.926136
    Sorry, but even considering dating someone from /a/ or /jp/ immediately invalidates your opinion. On anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:48:01 No.926141
    /cgl/ is the worst board in the world. It's like they decided to concentrate all the bitchesandwhoreness into one forsaken place
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:51:14 No.926170
    Dudes on /ck/ would be perceived to be fatasses IMO.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:52:04 No.926179

    yep , fucking attention whores the likes of them

    also no /tv/ on that list wut

    jokes on them if they're gonna limit themselves to guys to single certain interests ,

    multi board true god race here , 15+ boards , daily browsing.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:52:09 No.926181
    I'll never understand how a board for a normal interest like films & television turned into /tv/
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:53:16 No.926197
    A man who can build things and knows how to work with his hands is sexy.

    I put /ck/ on my list. Men who can cook are god tier.

    Also want to add /lit/ to the list and maybe /an/.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:53:23 No.926199
    Because cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:55:50 No.926237
    It was on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:56:11 No.926244
    >Go there for the first time just now
    >THis is the first thread I see >>>/cgl/5297845

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:58:53 No.926266
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    You know, you can really trust that this is coming from /cgl/, or a girl at all.

    But a personal point, nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:59:01 No.926267
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    >Believeing that most of the people who browse /fit/ are actually fit

    >Implying /fa/ isn't full of homosexuals
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:00:30 No.926281
    Really? I got someone's contact info in a post your pic thread because we both put my home state down and she thought I was cute. Bitch was crazy though.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:02:20 No.926299
    /o/ here

    Is this bitch good? <insert CL ad>
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:03:58 No.926315
    >good friend who is the back up plan for marriage when she hits 35
    That's such a horrible sentiment though. Why does she NEED to get married? Most women believe this crap too. It's horrifying. Actually, why do they think they deserve to get married anyhow?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:07:43 No.926365
    >Not crazy, illogical, fairly sadistic, self centered fuckers
    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:08:58 No.926379
    >Actually, why do they think they deserve to get married anyhow?
    Women are raised to believe that they deserve the best no matter how shitty they are.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:11:55 No.926418
    >the best
    Pick one. It's like you really believe women are these predators out to snatch the poor, nice robots away and marry them in their dark, dank caverns after they've been sleeping around for several years.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:13:47 No.926443
    /fit/ and /fa/ are closest to normal adjusted and good looking people in context of 4chan

    /v/ and /r9k/ are closest to losers you'd want to avoid in real life at all costs

    List seams accurate to me
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:14:10 No.926446
    ...I dunno about that. Here's mine.
    >/r9k/, /g/
    >/co/, /ck/
    >/a/, /fit/, /b/, yeah.
    Then again I've been accused of liking "weird guys," and I quote.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:14:51 No.926455
    Women are raised to believe that getting married and having a fuckton of kids is their only purpose in life. It's sad, really.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:15:41 No.926463
    Most people believe they need to get married, it's just one of the stages of life in our society. I still don't really understand how my parents managed to raise me not to think that, though I figure I might still get married some day as long as I find a decent person and it doesn't interfere with what I want to do with the rest of my life. My parents' marriage is very nice, but they didn't even meet until they were past 30 so I figure I've got time.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:15:51 No.926466
    /co/ and /fit/ are the superior boards.

    /r9k/ can hold my purse and sniff it when I'm not looking.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:16:17 No.926475
    >It's like you really believe women are these predators out to snatch the [nice guys] away [from their friends] and marry them after they've been sleeping around for several years.

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:17:26 No.926487
    It's still equally absurd.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:18:36 No.926501
    >mfw I was raised never to trust or get close to anyone, let alone bear children
    >mfw no face
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:24:20 No.926564
    >no /sp/
    haha shows you stupid joc-
    >no sci
    How the fuck are a bunch of sweaty, fat, waifu-loving bastards better than people who actially know what the fuck they are doing with their lives.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)01:21:19 No.926584
    /cgl/ here,
    The main point is that you're last. On everyone's list. I'd take a /d/eviant with a bowtie slapped on him/her out to dinner over you awkward, bitter, judgmental omega fucks. You can't even get fat women with smegma issues who don't shave. Now, wallow in your loneliness forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)01:22:47 No.926591
    For me it'd be:
    1. /pol/
    2. /sp/
    3. /g/
    4. /sci/
    5. /mu/
    9000. /r9k/

    /soc/, /fit/ and /fa/ aren't on the list because they are annoying and gay attention whores. Take it from a former female fit-tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)01:22:50 No.926592
    > my visage when /tg/ is not mentioned upon yon list

    Picture, if you will, creativity, stability, passion, intelligence and imagination, all rolled up into the form of a mildly overweight individual in an AC/DC shirt. Then imagine your limbs entwined with his. That is what /tg/ can offer you.

    We may have some troubles with elf slaves, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)01:23:15 No.926597
    >above /r9k/

    /cgl/ is shitty fucking board anyway. Fucking /soc/ above us and /v/? My ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)01:23:41 No.926603
    /cgl/ is the female version of what you see /r9k/ as
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:02:29 No.926626
    /fit/ reporting in

    U mad? U mirin?

    sad cunt
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:06:03 No.926648
    Well I'm not really surprised given /cgl/, that place is fucked up. I don't think anyone would really choose a gf from there anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:06:53 No.926657

    I frequnt both /fit/ and /r9k/. What now?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:08:51 No.926675
    Fucking finally, I thought I'd never see someone else from /o/.

    Since we didn't make the list, disregard women and acquire Miatas.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:10:05 No.926688
    No love for /n/? I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:10:39 No.926695
    that's not possible because females on here need to think that every guy on /r9k/ is fat and ugly to protect their egos from all the criticism about women on here. like when a guy rejects a woman and she calls him gay.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:13:16 No.926709
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    > posting on /v/ since its inception
    > posting on rpgcodex since 2002, neckbeardiest place on earth and my homebase
    > posting on /r9k/ since its inception
    > third year in medschool, planning on becoming a dentist
    > pic related it's my current girlfriend
    > currently posting from viena, 1000 kms away from home, on a trip for new years eve
    > everything is wonderful and I'm perfectly okay even though I troll and rant on the interwebs

    Usually the calm and normal-wannabe faggots on the Internet are also the biggest losers. They honestly believe that this is a place filled with friends and chicks will hit on them if they white knight them.
    I also laugh at the notion that certain nerdoms like the sport and music ones are better for girls. Yes, I play video games a lot but at least I don't listen to prog-hard-bullshit-core or think that Tao Lin is an amazing writer. If anything, it's those hobbies that you'd rather keep normal. My favorite band is Morcheeba and my favorite book is A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:13:41 No.926713
    That bitch is weird. Here's a less gay list.

    1. /mu/
    2. /lit/
    3. /sci/
    4. /wg/
    5. /g/
    6. /3/
    7. /int/
    8. /n/
    9. /tg/
    10. /r9k/
    9,000. /soc/
    9,000. /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:17:07 No.926736
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:17:52 No.926744
    >above /v/ and /r9k/

    I can understand why they wouldn't want /v/. They're unapologetic assholes who call shit like it is. And /r9k/ would be very clingy and at times paranoid or jealous.

    Still, putting a bunch of hopeless losers who like to pretend they aren't above that?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:18:43 No.926754
    The females on 4chan are the bottom of the barrel of the female species. They are often insane, overweight and attentionwhorish.

    While a lot of us came here because we just wanted a good community and enjoyment with our hobbies, they came here with the flood of idiots because its popular here. As a /v/irgin I wouldnt touch this casual trash with my penis. Its simply not worth the effort.

    oh but it doesnt matter what I think or do I? Thats they will continue to ride their high horse because they know they have thousands of idiots drooling over them. Thanks guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:19:23 No.926762
    I frequent this place because I love to laugh at you pathetic, disgusting fucks, male and female alike. It's like an intravenous injection of catharsis. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)03:57:10 No.927002
    0. [spoilers] d [/spoilers]
    1. ck
    2. DIY
    3. wg
    4. r
    5. trv
    6. lit
    7. cgl
    8. fit
    9. r9k
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)03:59:35 No.927007
    Here's the actual thread
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:02:13 No.927019
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    Posting some of the /cgl/ girls, most are tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:02:18 No.927021
    im pointing this post out because i laughed and no one gave it attention
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:03:47 No.927031
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    Some azusa cosplay by a lovely mexican girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:05:25 No.927042
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    Idolm@ster tomboy
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:07:10 No.927053
    1st /b/
    2nd /s/
    3rd /d/
    4th /k/
    5th /g/
    6th /pol/
    7th /ic/
    8th /i/
    9th /x/

    this is my list :x
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:07:27 No.927055
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    I can't wait for the anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:07:35 No.927057
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    >accuses /fit/ of attention whoring
    >open former fit female tripfag
    >implying you werent the board slut and we still didnt give two shits about you

    you mad? you jelly? you definitely mirin.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:09:44 No.927070
    are you me bloxx?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:14:17 No.927101
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    Here's more....

    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:29:48 No.927184
    The list actually makes sense, lemme explain

    1. /fit/ Girls like men with nice bodies and confidence, that will never change
    2. /fa/ Women love fashion, specially women who make their own costumes like /cgl/
    3. /co/ Some girls from /cgl/ like comics, but the main reason they placed so high was because they're usually nice guys who don't hate all women
    4. /a/ Most of /cgl/ is already dating anime fans, the only reason /a/ didn't place higher was because of their social issues
    5. /mu/ Everybody loves music and people who appreciate music
    6. /jp/ Girls who enjoy extreme otaku stuff would like the guys from /jp/, some girls from /cgl/ already date guys who go to /jp/
    7. /soc/ Girls love being social, cosplay is a social hobby and there's some loving for camwhoring(not usually the sexual one) too
    8. /v/ Too immature and annoying
    9. /r9k/ Misogynists freaks
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:32:09 No.927196

    >First two choices are populated by gay men of different types

    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:34:06 No.927200
    1. Bunch of dicks
    2. Bunch of gays
    3. Actually I like comics myself so fuck off
    4. Bunch of fat neckbeards who fap to 2D
    5. Bunch of shitty taste in music
    6. Bunch of fat neckbeards who want to be asian
    7. Bunch of camwhores and dicks
    8. Bunch of fat neckbeards who don't even talk about vidya
    9. Bunch of sadness, depression, and the occasional funny greentext
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:36:14 No.927209
    you just reworded what >>927184 said you dumb cunt
    you must be a woman
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:38:23 No.927216
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    >the point
    >your head
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:41:04 No.927228
    Is anybody surprised we're last? Seriously?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:48:19 No.927257
    /jp/ is more socially maligned than the last 3 put together, with certainly the worst possible example of what an otaku can be.

    Last place, at least we're special
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:51:48 No.927269
    Well I post on /co/ and /a/ more than /r9k/ anyway.

    I'm kind of surprised /r9k/ even got 9th. I mean, i'd put most of the smaller boards like /lit/ and /adv/ above /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:53:36 No.927279
    I'm surprised we're on the list at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)04:56:16 No.927295
    It was just to show /r9k/ was last.
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 12/31/11(Sat)04:57:06 No.927298
    I leave /cgl/ to another board and its here too? God damn it /r9k/ I expected more from you when you came back.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:01:08 No.927316
    >any board on 4chan being an option
    No offense, but you are all terrible people and I would be happy to never meet any of you in my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:06:07 No.927347

    ugh eww /v/ here, I wouldnt want to date anyone from that horrid board. /cgl/ is faggots and pudgy 17 year old girls.
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 12/31/11(Sat)05:08:01 No.927359
    When you meet /cgl/ in person, it defines the word jailbait.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:10:07 No.927374
    Whoever made that list was a god tier troll.
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 12/31/11(Sat)05:11:40 No.927386
    Well, when it comes to a list like that, /fit/ and /fa/ are always tied, and the rest don't much matter to the jailbait girls. So anyone who makes a list is a troll, its just obvious if /fit/ or /fa/ aren't 1 or 2.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:14:01 No.927398
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    Why is /jp/ even on the list? They wouldn't take a blowjob if you cornered them and pulled their pants down. For realz.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:14:19 No.927400
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    /fit/ & /fa/ top tier
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:14:26 No.927402
    Ewwww /fit/ and /fa/<----the most arrogant douchebags of 4chan.
    Even /b/tards are a better choice than them!

    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:15:25 No.927412
    December 31, 2011

    The day /r9k/ invaded /cgl/ to find love
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:17:28 No.927426
    > arrogant douchebags
    No wonder women want them.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:18:31 No.927435
    I used to be a /fit/izen, fuck /fit/. It's nothing but faggots, attention whores, kids, and keyboard warriors. I'd say /fit/ is like the least alpha board on here.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:20:02 No.927442
    just cause the good looking guys at school wont look at your ugly fatass doesnt make them arrogant
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:21:57 No.927454
    I don't. They're a bunch of potato heads.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:22:19 No.927459
    congratulations you've just described all of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:23:21 No.927470
    /fit/fag detected.

    >implying faggots from /fit/ attend her school
    >presuming she goes to school

    Fucking retarded /fit/fags
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:26:00 No.927482
    Lol. Nice try dude but I'm underweight.

    >butthurt /fit/ard detected.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:30:09 No.927512
    skinnyfat is still bad
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:30:58 No.927516
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    /jp/ here

    u mad /jp/ gets all the bitches
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:31:16 No.927519
    Do you smoke, drink or do drugs? If so shut up.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:33:00 No.927531
    you must be 12
    lying won't help your cause, hitting a treadmill might
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:37:13 No.927545
    Hey, at least we're ON the list. There are a lot of boards here.

    mfw I'm as much a /mu/tant as an arcanine
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:41:24 No.927562
    Butthurt samefag whore detected.

    /fit/ here. u jelly? I know your'e miring my aesthetics. Come on cowboy, hit me with your best shot. I'm a thousand times better than you fags will ever be. And yet you try to bring me down because somehow focus, determination and hard work are bad qualities in your eyes.
    Stay classy fatties
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:41:28 No.927563
    Isn't /fit/ gay? So why in a thread about the preferences of wimmenz?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:43:00 No.927571
    >all that analdevestation
    Lol bro, calm down. Maybe take it easy on the steroids.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:43:47 No.927573
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:45:56 No.927578
    /fit/izen here.

    If I ever saw you pencilnecks in real life, I'd knock your fucking blocks off.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:50:39 No.927586
    /v/ is mostly college aged white kids who are too smart for their own good and fucking hate everybody around them.

    If you pay attention to those personality test threads, /v/ over-represents INTJ and INFJ in a standard population by like 30 fold.

    It's easier to call ourselves lonely neckbeard virgins who are socially awkward instead of facing the fact that we have friends and fucking hate them for being average.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:51:16 No.927589
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    /fit/fag here

    Y'all mad? Y'ALL JELLY?

    We don't even want your fat bitches. Pz.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:51:21 No.927590
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    lol y u mad tho /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:51:26 No.927591
    Come on thats the best you can do? Way to be a faggot. I aint even mad. We dont usually listen to ambulocetus' on /fit/. It's fascinating though, its like watching a dying animal trying to fight back even though he knows he's dead. You guys are so fucking insecure the only way you rationalize it is by talking trash about others. Way to stay positive neckbeards. You know you want what I have - the confidence, the body. Your just afraid. So whats a matter pussy?

    Come at me bro
    We'll make a man out of you
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:53:38 No.927603
    Damn niggah, go pump some weights.
    didn't read lol
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:55:39 No.927610
    just dropping by from /fit/ to congratulate r9k
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:58:42 No.927622
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    Just get toned up for summer /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:59:36 No.927627
    What made you assume I don't exercise?
    Hey just because I don't feel the need to validate my appearance by posting pictures of my work-out progress on the internet, doesn't mean I don't take care of myself.
    You're just mad because I am not into attention-whores. In that case, sorry for hurting your fragile ego.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:01:31 No.927642
    >spot reduction
    >no tuna

    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:04:56 No.927654
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    Here guys, time to move up on the list
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:05:17 No.927656
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    Most /v/irgins make up the majority of darkly humorous people you know as well.

    You have to be survive on that board.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:06:06 No.927661
    To be to survive*

    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:08:26 No.927671
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    The real reason to avoid too much tuna is selenium poisoning. It's hard to beat milk, chicken and soy for quality protein.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:10:44 No.927683
    Stay mad fatty
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:11:22 No.927689
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    >implying /fit/ did not reject you
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:14:51 No.927706
    This diet advice is really poorly done. Especially for muscle building or weight loss in terms of fat.

    >A majority of the weight lost on that diet will be muscle.

    a few things taht should be changed.
    >Protein should be 1 gram protein per Kg LBM. Thus protein intake will differ for everyone. If you exercise and don't maintain protein intake, you will 'burn' muscle. Actually the body breaks down muscle when you drop your calorie intake below your BMR because muscle consumes energy and thus by reducing muscle mass your body will require less energy in terms of calories.
    >Avoid protein sources with high saturated fat.Good sources include, Chicken breast, Turkey breast, low fat cut steaks, most fish (that good polyunsat fats), pork tenderloin, Lean or extra lean ground meat, Quinoa (a very very good source of complete protein that is a grain. Has more protein then carbs).
    >NO fruit drinks. One cup of fruit drinks has as much sugar and 1 cup of pop.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:15:26 No.927710

    >Reduce grain intake (cut down on the rice, bread, tortilla's, let's also add starchy veggies such as potatoes.)
    >Steelcut Oats (Porridge) should be a staple, what the pioneers used to eat. Takes 30 minutes to cook but you can make a batch and it lasts for a week. Just pop it in the microwave with a bit of milk and butter (you need fats to help you digest this type grain).
    >NO OATMEAL (this is processed and not as healthy as the steelcut stuff).
    >Replace your grain intake with more servings of veggies and fruits. I suggest broccoli, mushrooms, sweet potatoes are a very good source of carbs and the form of energy storage is not as starchy.
    >try to cut down on the butter, margerine, dips, etc and even oil. Oil is good for you but calorie dense. BUT DO NOT REMOVE ALL FATS.
    >milk is good if you can stomach it. So is cottage cheese. Cheese not so much
    >Allow yourself 1 small junk food for the first little while of your diet.

    >takes 1 year to change your diet permanently. Brain has to process the change in Leptin
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:18:29 No.927724
    they're both troll advice guides cause fits gets pissed off every year when people decide to lose weight for 2 weeks after jan 1
    >> Buddha Bot !!VRYJTnKhVF0 12/31/11(Sat)06:19:16 No.927728
    Want to know why we are 9th? It's because we're romantics, robots. We love love, and we love to be loved, and we love loving others. We secretly listen to romance songs while we're alone, fantasizing about being with the one we truly want to be with.

    These girls robots, they are young, they don't know what love is, they don't know what ROMANCE is! Older woman though, they know, and they appreciate that sort of thing. Give it time robots, when she's in her mid-30's and tired of being trampled on by every man out there, she'll start saying how she wants a romantic man, a man that'll treat her right, she'll want you robot, YOU!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:19:28 No.927730
    Last things
    >Eggs are okay for you. Good soruce of protein, yes the cholesterol is far too high in every egg. The ill effects will be seen much later in life.
    >but i still recommend eating them. If you remove the yolk you lose 2/3 of the protein int he egg.
    >The fats are good.
    >the cholesterol not so much. But you need to eat the yolk with the white portion of the egg.
    >The albumin in the egg does a good job of binding the cholesterol making it hard for cholesterol to freely move across the intestinal cell wall.
    >All fish has mercury, mercury eventually caps @ a max concentration in the body which is below the toxic threshold. If you have renal impairment then you must watch your mercury intake.
    >mercury is not actually poisonous to the body. It just isn't used by the body. But @ high concentrations mercury deposits in fat (your brain) and can cause symptoms. Mercury is cleared by the kidneys
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:20:09 No.927737
    >Budget cuts of beef have less fat than premium
    >Avoid egg yolks


    Whoever wrote this really should've consulted a dietician.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:20:58 No.927742
    That first one's true enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:21:16 No.927744
    You have just validated my point with your quite intelligent response.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:22:23 No.927749
    refer to >>927724
    but budget cuts of beef actually are better for you, less marbling = less fat content
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:23:51 No.927759
    Yeah, but they taste like crap, though.

    Can't you just use George Foreman's Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:24:36 No.927762
    >yes the cholesterol is far too high in every egg. The ill effects will be seen much later in life.

    No they won't. Eggs cause heart disease like vaccines cause autism. All the shit about eggs causing an increase in blood cholesterol was poorly done research which has been debunked numerous times.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:29:04 No.927782
    /fit/izen signing in. U JELLY ASS BURGERS
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:29:23 No.927787
    I'm not going to argue which is better for you, but, from having worked for 2 years in a butcher's, I can guarantee that the budget cuts have more fat in them than premium. It's why it's budget in the first place.

    Unless you're in America and have some backward system where the lean meat is budget because fat is more highly prized over there, which wouldn't surprise me in the least.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:29:30 No.927788
    I think /fit/ is ok for finding resources on bodybuilding but the rest of the content is terrible, and that's basically everything that is not the sticky
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:30:11 No.927789
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    >2011, New Years Eve
    >people still believeing people on /fit/ are fit
    >people still believing people on /sci/ know SHIT about anything even remotely university level
    >people still believing /v/ aren't full of casual normalfags, such as /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:31:13 No.927794
    you seem to be very knowledgeable of your nutrition and can see past the bullshit diet advice, but you've not said one word of how awful the workouts are given.

    Nutrition is just one part of fitness, I hope you put in as much time researching workouts & exercises as you did nutritional data.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:32:59 No.927806
    leaner=better? in general?
    go kill yourself. or learn something about good food you moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:35:21 No.927821
    >USDA grading
    >Number three - Select
    >"U.S. Select - lowest grade commonly sold at retail, acceptable quality, but is less juicy and tender due to leanness.

    I'm almost kinda glad i live in this fat shithole where leaner cuts are cheaper
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:36:44 No.927825
    lol those tone up pictures are /fit/ trolls for all the NYR fags that go there.

    Also you jelly and mirin r9gay?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:39:36 No.927850
    > normalfags on /r9k/ and /v/
    What the fuck are you smoking? U jelly of glorious /fit/?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:43:14 No.927866
    >>browse /cgl/
    >>not sure which are traps
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:44:07 No.927870
    You guys use meme's like it's 2007, you really sound terrible in your posts and make me not go there even though I work out
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:50:28 No.927910
    > I work out
    Half the population "works out". It's the 5% that actually train that does something
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:53:40 No.927933
    Probably achieved more than 90% of /fit/
    >> TinyTrip !2Ty9Kjlz6s 12/31/11(Sat)07:05:54 No.928006
    I'm detecting a lot of jealous rage in this sector.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:06:14 No.928011
    These are troll guides, ignore them.
    I can put up with people hassling /fit/, but it makes me sad when people knowingly spread misinformation like this around.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:09:37 No.928034
    Who are you on RPGCodex?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:10:30 No.928041
    They're appropriate on /fit/, though. Step one is RTFSticky, and doing so immediately debunks them.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:12:24 No.928054

    Troll Post. Those guides are incredibly effective and specifically tailored to cutting in the different seasons.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:15:06 No.928068
    Troll post. 'nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:15:27 No.928072
    I'm from /a/ and we wouldn't be caught dead with /r9k/ though that is a bunch of shit. /g/ is the only true love of /a/... fuck /v/ and fuck /sp/, you will NOT stand in between /a/ and /g/!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:18:33 No.928091
    1 /jp/
    2 /y/
    3 /cm/

    9000 /a/
    9001 /u/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:21:15 No.928110
    Ok here is the truth of the matter:

    /v/ wants /a/ but they turned into an asshole
    /sp/ is tsundere for /a/
    /a/ and /g/ are the one true pairing.
    /co/ and /ck/ make such a cute couple.
    /cgl/ is secretly in love with /r9k/
    /fit/ stalks /sp/
    /tv/ hides their love for >>>/fk/
    /jp/ is Tsundere for /c/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:22:05 No.928114
    >/jp/ is Tsundere for /c/
    Don't bullshit me, we're tsundere for Mugen.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:23:26 No.928121
    If I had to pick a girlfriend from the chans, my only two choices would be...

    1. /prog/
    2. Maybe /g/.

    Nothing else. >Implying girls on either of those boards, especially /prague/.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:23:41 No.928126
    err >>>/fk/ is /tv/'s dirty little secret.

    Ok, I don't go on /jp/ much... you guys are neckbeards to neckbeards as neckbeards are to normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:25:01 No.928134

    Troll Post. The summer one got me ripped last year.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:25:44 No.928138


    Holy shit, I'm in the hip part of 4chan!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:28:13 No.928156
    >Holy shit, I'm in the hip part of 4chan!
    Go back to YouTube, son. We don't like memes that much.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:36:24 No.928197
    Let's just face It, /fit/ will always be the most superior board, comon, you guys spend most of your time painting warhammer and mylittleponies, wtf, atleast we do something productive.

    stay mad
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:01:35 No.928294
    Too bad the rest of them is 4chan too.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:26:11 No.928404
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    well put together
    weird interesting

    sounds about right, /fit/ + /fa/, bros for life
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:36:56 No.928459
    >implying /r9k/ isn't the guy in the opening scene
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:42:28 No.928487
    Is this thread a joke? Please someone tell me this is a troll. Do any of you have any idea how fucking stupid this is?
    I'm actually baffled.
    If you guys actually think this list matters then you really are behaving like the stereotypical neckbeards that people assume most 4chan users are...
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:43:22 No.928492
    everyone's serious on 4chan all day every day
    this post is 100% srs
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:46:22 No.928503
    bitches and whores

    >and infoado
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)08:47:22 No.928507
    Why exactly /a/ placed 4th? Makes no sense.

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