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  • File : 1274573520.jpg-(19 KB, 298x299, breakfast-clug1.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:12:00 No.9072850  
    The Breakfast club.

    The only movie where nothing happens and yet it's rewatchable countless times and you still get something new out of it each and every time.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:13:35 No.9072868
    uhh no that movie sucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:14:28 No.9072872
    Watched it once just because it's one of those "OH YOU GOTTA WATCH IT, ALLTIME CLASSICS" movies.

    Thought it was alright.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:14:38 No.9072874

    Were you born in 1996?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:16:43 No.9072896
    ll at how the nerd kid doesn't get any chicks. Not even the goth.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:17:41 No.9072907
    If by "nothing happens" I assume you mean there are not a lot of action oriented plot elements, because certainly a lot happens in this movie.

    Even then, there are still a lot of great movies where "nothing happens"
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:17:42 No.9072908
    It's just a shitty movie. You have bad taste.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:20:39 No.9072940
    Your right, i have bad taste because a person on /r9k/ said so.
    Srsly, do trolls even try anymore?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:21:21 No.9072952
    I meant you're, CAUGHT MYSELF.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:21:41 No.9072961
    And he had to write the essay.
    >> sleepyfox !!oNMFgDkawE1 05/22/10(Sat)20:22:52 No.9072974
    oh 4chan

    you never cease to make me laugh
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:23:03 No.9072977
    other good "nothing happens" movies
    2.Clerks 2
    3.Fast Times At Ridgemont High
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:23:35 No.9072988
    One of the few movies I can re-watch a lot, and I'm really not sure why.
    >> sage 05/22/10(Sat)20:25:12 No.9073012
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:26:56 No.9073043
    Its a bunch of kids calling themselves out on their weakness's thus becoming more human to each other and bonding together as friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:28:03 No.9073064
    pretty cliche
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:29:23 No.9073090

    You can't really be cliche when the cliche doesn't actually exist before you do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)20:35:36 No.9073200
    why even rewatch a movie? there are so many good movies out there you can always watch a new one...
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:31:36 No.9074046
    Because some films are just worth seeing again?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:40:08 No.9074201
    This is one of the those films that I ended up watching one a week when it was on AMC and in no way did that degrade the enjoyment of it. I think its because it was and always is an interesting microcosm of life. Some days you hate your neighbor, your boss sucks, you don't want to talk about it and you lie. Other days you go along with stupid ideas for the hell of it, make sacrifices for people you don't really know, and get high so you can dance to the music.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:44:15 No.9074281
    >Nerd guy is fucking suicidal. He brought a damn flare gun to school.
    >Does everyone else's essay and doesn't get either of the girls.
    >Popular girl is really out of his league anyway. Goes for the badboy. bitches and whores.
    >Goth girl who is right in his league (she had fucking dandruff and bit her nails for christ sakes) goes for the Jock who could get any other girl.
    >Nerd goes home to masturbate into a coma.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:45:55 No.9074305
    i though it was kind of boring honestly
    it is just too cheesy
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:50:04 No.9074378
    "Don't you. du-du-du-du-du. Forget about me. No,no,no,no."
    Subliminal programming to encourage repeat viewing?
    But to what end? Aaaaaaaaaarggh!
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:51:49 No.9074406
    the directors sacrificed megan fox to satan in order to get people to like this movie and watch over and over and over...
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:18:50 No.9079243
    Thats the fucking point of the movie. Everyone thinks that its all rainbows and sunshine. The last shot of the nerds face, hes in fucking pain because everyone's having so much fun except him. Thats what makes it great. It was great up until that point, and they pull the ending off masterfully.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:23:13 No.9079295
         File1274599393.jpg-(81 KB, 500x247, thebreakfastclub_teen_titans.jpg)
    81 KB
    textles posts are not allowed
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:24:06 No.9079308
    >Nerd is the only one who has anything resembling a career 20 years later
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:24:22 No.9079311
    sweet ginger tears
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:29:23 No.9079371
    fantastic movie. i knew a chick who looked a lot like molly ringwald. i never did get to have any sex with her.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:31:30 No.9079406
    Did you see the four hour version? Very different.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:32:28 No.9079414
    >implying dazed and confused doesnt fit this description as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:36:03 No.9079461
    >Molly Ringwald
    That's why
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)06:24:30 No.9081259
    Seems unlikely this is real
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)06:29:27 No.9081304
    Shitty movie. I disliked all the characters.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)06:40:40 No.9081420
    I like how everybody says "this movie's awesome because it breaks all the cliches" when it actually reinforces them:

    >nerd gets exploited and ends up writing everybody's essay
    >weird girl can only get a boyfriend if she becomes like everybody else by getting a makeover
    >popular girl goes for the bad boy

    Still an excellent movie, though

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