You know the problem with >implying implications and why I think it's the worst meme ever? It's a cheap and lazy way to implicate something that a 4channer says in a thread. Not to mention it often used to troll people with in threads by twisting what they say. (I could post the same thread on /v/, and get a shitstorm instead.)All I know about this bullshit that it started on /v/ around September 2009 and then it spread throughout 4chan like wildfire. I did not know the exact origins but this >implying shit sucks.Two questions:1. How did implying implicates started on /v/2. What is your opinion on this >implying bullshit?inb4 >implying [insert words here]
>implying [insert words here]>implyingblox
1. No idea 2. Don't care. Ignore it like all other memes.
>implying implications are a meme and not a real thing.
It can be pretty funny.I don't mind when people use it, as most people that do are just trolling so I know not to take them seriously.>Implying you aren't mad because someone trolled you with >implying.
>implying implications are not a meme and are a real thing
>implying implications started in 2009Hi, noobfag.
>implying this won't turn into an implying thread
>>9039774> implying u aint mad
>Implying >Implying isn't the second best meme, right after >My face when
Annoying. It's always a poor attempt at trolling or used as a shitty straw-man argument.
>implying that OP's aim wasn't for this to be a greentext thread all along>implying i won't join in anyway>implying we're not all retards>implying we don't care anyway
it's retarded like absolutely everything else that has come out of 4chan in the last 3 years since it was overrun by normalfags + white trash conservatives
>implying this is a memeseriously?
>implying that this meme stopped on 4chan.It spread to other chan's sometimes I even think with it.
>>Implying long posts don't get ignored.
>>9039774>What is your opinion on this >implying bullshit?>implying /r9k/ has opinions about your implications.
>>9039774>implying op knows everything>implying op is not a butthurt faggot over people implying
>implying u ain't even mad
Implying implications is a clever use of language.I use it all the time when arguing with myself in my head.It's just an easy way to argue.I wish the whole world adopted it.
>>9039820>implying implying implications implicatingly imply implying implications
Why does it seem like the first post in a good half of 4chan threads is basically a /thread post.
>>9039789>>9039810>>9039819>>9039820>>9039830>>9039842>>9039846>>9039847>>9039865>>9039883>>9039908>>9039915>>9039920>>9039924I saw this coming from 10 miles away
>implying the green in your picture is the color of greentext
>>9039981Apparently you don't go to 4chan much.
>>9039984>implying you saw them coming from 10 miles away
>>9039984>implying you were the only one and are somewhat specialeveryone did...
I find it funny when people >imply things that were actually stated.
I want to get >implyingtattooed on my chest or something.
>>9039999>implying i'm not fat enough to be seen from 10 miles away>implying quadruples
>>9040010>implying you find it funny when people >imply things that were actually stated.
>>9039999>>9040003>Implying i didn't made that post just for these replies
>>9040021>implying you are old enough to get a tattoo
Yeah and >fix'd Or > fixedIs annoying too. That's not what I said, stop trying to twist my words.
>>9039774>Implying you aren't just mad that so many people imply you're an idiot.
>implying you're above implicationsbut check out these doubs
>>9040028>implying i didn't know why you did it, and not because i didn't know but because i have absolutely nothing better to do that i did it anyway
>>9039774>Implying 4chan memes were ever good
My friend and I use it in our daily discussan. We use it when we text each other even though green text doesn't work and we even use it on Facebook.Also >my face
>>9039984>implying the OP didn't see it either>implying this isn't what he intended>implying you couldn't have seen this coming over 9000 miles away
>>9040010>Implying you can't imply something within a seemingly straightforward statement.
>>9040050>implying doubles can occur anywhere but at the end of a post number
>>9040035Yeah and >fix'dOr > fixedIs Helpful too. That's not what I said, but thanks for fixing my opinion.>fix'd
>>9040062>implying op isn't a total retard to actually plan all this out>implying you aren't op>implying you aren't a faggot
>>9040081>implying Op is a faggot
>September 2009Try April, newfag
>>9040116>implying that I'm a newfag
>>9040116Explain what happened that led to this meme's birth then.
>>9040116>implying anyone on r9k cares
>>9040159>Implying there are people on /r9k/.
>>9040175>implying we're all just a bunch of faggoty robots
>>9040075> I am a huge faggot. Please rape my faceFixed Blox
>>9040187>implying we're not
>>9040220>implying i careblox
>>9040231>implying posting a reply means you don't care
>implying that implying is actually implying also implying
>>9040237>implying an implying act imply's we're implying anything
>>9040235>implying I do care, and I'm some fucktarded basement dweller with nothing better to do then to get into a flame war....Fuck.
>>9040252>implying two reply's means you don't care
>>9040262>implying multiple uses of the same arguement makes you cool.
I like the implying thing. But what I don't like is this situation:Him: Hey 4chan is shit todayMe:>implying 4chan is ever goodHim:>implying it isn't goodMe: Um, yes, I am..
>>9039863>Annoying. It's always a poor attempt at trolling or used as a shitty straw-man argument.This, pretty much.
>implying that derp>implying that>implyingherp derpy durrrrrpic related. she aint nothin but a herp derp suckin a derpidy fucking herp.
>implying implications are used for the lulz in a memetic sense and not simply to prove a point
>>9039774what one implies or assumes in their words is important, is god a good or an evil god?its important to point out>implying god existsassumptions are very important.