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  • File deleted. bloxbloxbloxblox Mr Paradox !5s3NiggERs 05/20/10(Thu)09:44:39 No.9029342  
    huge newfag here.
    abuse me all you want, however explain to me the use of the phrase blox
    i see it all the time on this board, and haven't seen any pattern in it's usage.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)09:46:12 No.9029356
    fucking bIox, HOW DO THEY WORK?!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)09:47:28 No.9029371

    /r9k/ has an internal program that automatically mutes you for exponentially increasing amounts of time when you post something unoriginal. That is, if you make a post that says "twat" you'll likely be muted and the post will not go through. However, if you post "twat lolsuperbloxomgwhat" it will most likely go through (unless you're really unoriginal with your blox).

    The same goes for pictures, no unoriginal pictures allowed, but most folks just hop into Paint and alter a pixel or two to override this. Though we can still tell by some of the pixels, and seeing quite a few blox in our time.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)09:49:30 No.9029392
    Please don't feed the troll mate

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