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    17 KB why Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:43:54 No.9026955  
    I'm kinda new to r9k, but I've spent a number of nights on here, but I've been around here long enough to see that 90% of this board is baww threads. Most of which about, or are corrilated with being lonely.
    Now, I can only wonder one thing: why the hell don't these people organize and solve their lonliness with, you know, eachother. I would say that it's because 4chan is hard to organize, but that's not true. All of the many many raids show that shit can get organized, and in RL at that.
    So I ask you, robots. Why have you guys not organized and done shit together to solve the constant lonliness that makes up this entire board?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:46:17 No.9026976
    Crippling social anxiety could be an issue for some...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:46:57 No.9026983
    What a great idea! I've come up with a brilliant solution. What we do is have a thread where we state where we live and give contact information. This way, anybody near us who is also lonely can make a new friend. This is revolutionary!

    I need to stop being so sarcastic before it corrupts me into some horrid, unlovable human monster!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:47:41 No.9026990
    >Why have you guys not organized and done shit together to solve the constant lonliness that makes up this entire board?

    Because it would be a giant sausage-fest if we did.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:48:20 No.9026995

    Because the overwhelming male-to-female ratio would still leave several people lonely

    Furthermore, there's no guarantee we'd actually like each other IRL.

    Even furthermore, the chances of a compatible partner within a similar area to yourself are quite slim.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:49:36 No.9027005
    I live in the middle of nowhere. What am I supposed to be organizing?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:53:09 No.9027039
    I said meet up, not a dating service. Just a bunch of people meet up in a park or something and go watch a movie and yell shit at the screen together. Go skating in the winter. Go to the beach. I don't fucking know. Light shit on fire. you know. Shit that friends do together
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:54:24 No.9027056

    But I already have friends. Why the fuck would I ask these faggots to do that shit with me?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:55:51 No.9027073
    The fact you are agreeing with me makes me think you are being sarcastic. But that's probably the fact that I hang out with people who hate me. And yes. For the sake of a preliminary experament, everybody should post their location, at very least their state/provence.
    I'm in Hamilton Ontario.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:56:45 No.9027080
    if you have friends than what are you doing on this board? you clearly don't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:59:19 No.9027100

    It's a weeknight, for one.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:59:42 No.9027103
    I don't want to date any of these whiny babies. I might be lonely now, but that's just because I'm fresh off the heels of a break-up. Two months from now I'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:59:44 No.9027104
    Because r9k is full of miserable cunts that would rather post on here blaming women for all their problems.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:00:53 No.9027117
    Just because some of us have friends doesn't mean we spend every waking moment with them. It's fun hanging out with them but I like to have some nights where I do fuck all but play video games and surf the internets.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:01:57 No.9027128
    There have been many attempts OP, just none of these bastards want to end the cycle. It's like they strive to be whiney and never change what's wrong in their lives, it's a lost cause really.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:02:20 No.9027138
    which once again raises why you would want to spend your time on a board of people bitching about being lonely.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:04:18 No.9027154

    If they didn't want to change, they wouldn't bitch about it.

    the reason for /r9k/ being the way it is is more likely to be paralyzing FEAR of social situations than anything, or crippling depression.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:05:57 No.9027178

    It's entirely possible to be lonely without actually being alone.

    loneliness is a state of mind more than a state of being.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:07:49 No.9027192
    Well, I dunno, it's worth a try though. If this acutally became a thing, then people would want to poke their heads out of the basement and come see what's outside. And a group of people from the internet has got to be the least threatening social group to be around.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:09:24 No.9027208
    OP, you need to lurk more on /r9k/ you may find that threads give better and more truthful advice than /adv/ and indeed, I would go as far as to say that one of the functions of this board is to cure, fix and help ronery neckbeards like myself. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:10:29 No.9027221

    >a group of people from the internet has got to be the least threatening social group to be around.

    I'd agree if it weren't so readily apparent that everyone on /r9k/ is in some way maladjusted, often frighteningly so.

    I don't care who you are. A herd of embittered misogynists with severe social developmental deficiencies are gonna be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:11:41 No.9027234
    This board has good threads now and then, you just have to wade through the orgy of whining and bitching to find them.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:14:50 No.9027268
    ya, it can probably help with all the armchair shit, like "you need more fruit in your diet". And I'm not trying to replace that. I'm just saying there are 100 billion threads of people going "waah, I am socially awkward" "waah, women hate me so I hate them back" "waah, I lost all my friends in grade 5 and now I am scarred"
    All of that is solvable by meeting people.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:16:04 No.9027287
    I havent read anyone elses post but to answer your query OP. This board is specifically for lonely robots. I feel like i'm one of the few that actually make OC threads every few days. I was actually gonna start one about video games in a few minutes. It'll most likely die in 30 posts or less but eh at least its not a fucking BAWW thread.

    However each time I make a baww thread it gets 200+ replies and usually lasts for more than 24 hours. Think Pavlov's dogs and Classical Conditioning.

    People in here do organize. There are fucking shitty camwhore and aim hookup threads in here every fucking day. Mainly though people on this board are simple type A faggots. Lots of trolls and misogyny threads as well. Probably 90% of the shit you see on this board is also a lie and fake.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:20:17 No.9027339
    Everybody is fucked up in some way. This just happens to be the place where everybody comes and bitches about how not normal they are. As for the mysogonist shit, that's just guys being able to get away with saying anything on the internet, while talking about how women have wronged them. The racisim and mysogony of 4chan is 80% people being able to get away with whatever they want, 10% how it's become a meme to say stuff like that, and then probably 10% of people who actually do think that niggers stole their bike, and all their social problems are caused by women.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬‬‬‬ ­ 05/20/10(Thu)05:22:53 No.9027367
    >I'm kinda new to r9k
    stopped reading right there
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:25:50 No.9027403
    But using the magic of "real life", we can cut through all the bullshit that comes with internet interaction. All the forced memes and greentext and trolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:28:58 No.9027434
    ronery robots identify with baww threads by other ronery robots, which is why they are so popular.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:30:13 No.9027443
    I though "a gangbang of whining" was what this board was for.
    >> CinemaGirl !!QK0DhRa3OeB 05/20/10(Thu)05:30:59 No.9027452
    I dont think we can. prove it to me my friend. you must prove it. Maybe you can be the leader of /r9k/ and bring us a new enlightening chapter in our lonely lives.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:31:10 No.9027454
    and so if everybody is bawwwing and identifying with bawwing, then an event to solve bawwing would be wildly popular. And lonliness is not something that can be solved on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:32:26 No.9027468
    I have nothing better to do with my next 4 months, and plan on trying just that.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:33:24 No.9027477
    I agree, meetups would be good. However, whilst I am lonely, I don't particularly want to hang out with other lonely guys. I'd rather hang out with nicer people!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:35:25 No.9027488
    but lonely people keep being lonely unless they are around other people. And, GEUSS WHAT, lonely people are people too. Lonliness is not a caracter trait.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:36:39 No.9027502

    Fucking morons.
    >> CinemaGirl !!QK0DhRa3OeB 05/20/10(Thu)05:37:01 No.9027505
    Then we shall name you god.

    Do you wanna meet up. I live in Vegas.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)05:43:38 No.9027556
    Ontario is a bit of a hop, step and a jump away.
    But with enough people like you this shit can work.

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