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    227 KB Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:15:01 No.9021338  
    Why do you really come to a chan?
    Be honest, we're anonymous.

    I come because I have really stupid things to say that I really can't say in real life in front of real people. Anonymous imageboars on the internet are my only outlet for some of my thoughts.

    Your turn anons.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:17:30 No.9021399
    I post here in the hopes that some woman will have pity sex with me. Of course, I have yet to show even a single reason for a woman to even have pity sex with me. All my posts are about how I'm a big loser, how I'm unattractive, kissless virgin, and about how all women are bitches and whores.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:19:01 No.9021428
    For the porn and occasional laughs. I love laughing, but I barely have anyone to laugh with.

    On a side note, >>9021338 moar?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:21:03 No.9021461
    I come here because it's a place to hang out without any of my insecurities. It's kind of like a place to talk to people without worrying about appearance and status since I'm not comfortable enough with myself right now to be very social.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:22:20 No.9021489
    I come, deep down inside, for the off chance that I'll see a hook up thread, find a girl in my area, meet, hit it off, and fuck.

    I'm being dead honest. Everything else I do on 4chan is just biding my time until then.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:23:40 No.9021515
    The porn

    Arguing about nerd shit without the hangups and bullshit of forums where you have an identity.

    Sometimes I meet cool people via hookup threads.

    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 05/19/10(Wed)22:24:19 No.9021532
    It's less faggy then the comment section of youtube and way easier to contribute something.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:24:38 No.9021536
    I come because I have a unique voice, and something to say. When I come into meaningful threads and post, I want to participate in intelligent discussion. I don't post often because it's mostly trolls, though.

    I also go on chan to let off steam. Sometimes you just have to say something somewhere to get it off your chest.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:24:50 No.9021543
    No commitment, no rules, no investment, no identity, quick, and simple. It's quite a multi-faceted threat of addictiveness.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:25:08 No.9021548
    It's obscene and bizarre, and you can say anything you want and learn more than you ever thought you could.
    >> Dr. Fluke Hawkins !NFbC/Kci56 05/19/10(Wed)22:25:39 No.9021559
    Came back when it was edgy and cool to be on /b/. /b/ turned shit and I find guns really interesting, so I went to /k/. Forgot about /k/, went to /v/, /v/ ended up being like /b/ but with just enough of a reduction in fail to be bearable. Got a trip. Came here for some relative sanity, am enjoying it.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/19/10(Wed)22:25:55 No.9021562
    I'm a tripfag and say all the stupid shit I want anyway. Fancy that.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:26:19 No.9021573
    Parade of tits and it makes me laugh.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:26:53 No.9021586
    It's a massive timesink. I have nothing else to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:27:06 No.9021592
    I come here to troll people like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:28:22 No.9021611
    I come because nobody here is afraid of what they post. Nobody is afraid of offending anybody or being too awkward, and there aren't a lot of other places that are like that. I fucking hate forums with rules and usernames and post counts. That shit is so gay.
    >> Derp 05/19/10(Wed)22:28:30 No.9021613
    updates quickly and it's anonymous. Also, large community.

    that's all.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:28:37 No.9021614
    because i am lonely and really have no friends
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:28:45 No.9021617
    I crave social interaction but i'm too inarticulate to want to do it in real life.

    I prefer 4chan because I don't have to develop any kind of 'internet persona' to feel like I fit in.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:29:48 No.9021643
    it makes me feel like i'm not alone in my akwardness towards attrachtive women and makes me feel better because i'm not as bad as most of the fags on here
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:29:49 No.9021644
    we are the underground

    i come here for the shit thats beyond bizarre
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:30:40 No.9021659
    Honestly, I come here when I'm lonely. I think a lot of people here do that. Seriously, you wouldn't be thinking of 4chan if you were out chilling with bros or receiving affection from some girl.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:32:28 No.9021683
    a large amount of people with whom i feel that i can relate. a concentration much higher than anywhere to be found, it seems. thanks guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:32:36 No.9021685
    Laughs, being stupid, and just discussing whatever the fuck normal people wouldnt

    its kind of like being in a social club, except no one has to remember who you are and what youve done , or if your a nigger
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:33:42 No.9021704
    name of the model? she has an ethereal beauty about her.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:33:47 No.9021707
    Most come from habit, regardless of their claimed reasons
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:34:57 No.9021732
    1) To find epic porn

    2) Because I crave social interaction but don't really have anyone to discuss things with. I have RL friends but don't trust them enough or consider them smart enough to discuss anything that is truly interesting to me. Anon can be both intelligent and completely trusted since no one knows who I am.

    3) To laugh/troll/post memes. Say what you will, but it can be really fun to do another penguin or frog thread, or argue with someone in a god vs atheist debate.

    4) For exposure to new things. I especially like /g/, /fa/, /trv/, /sci/. These are all things I have always been interested in, but never really talked to people about.

    5) To have an outlet for gross or superficial things. I never talk about TV in real life because I consider it lame and pedestrian. In fact I tell most people I don't watch much TV. But, I can frequent /tv/ and post about LOST & other shows all I want without it affecting me in any way. This is just one example, but you get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:35:46 No.9021744
    Watching stupid people argue is entertaining. I don't have much else to do, and when there is something interesting and half inteligent to join in and talk about I can.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:37:00 No.9021764
    4chan allows people to show their true humanity.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:37:52 No.9021780
    I come here to kill time. Honestly, I would never go to 4chan if I were working, spending time with great friends, and had a girlfriend to spend time with.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:38:00 No.9021784
    I like to come here because I'm lonely, and I can really be myself... I can say whatever I want, and there are people on here that are like me.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:38:26 No.9021791
    read about the past mistakes of people, /r9k/ in particular, and better myself as a person
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:38:44 No.9021798
    I came at first for the porn and retarded /b/ jokes

    I feel connected somehow to the people on here. There's such a large amount of people who use the site and it makes me feel like there's people with similar problems and desires on here.

    Also, it's a way to spend time. I feel depressed and empty a majority of the time, and I can just click and read and click and read. Otherwise I would probably just be lying in bed sleeping or wallowing in my depressing thoughts. I can be on here and be distracted.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:38:49 No.9021801
    Because I am a socially-inept, lonesome man who needs to kill time with an influx of random thought and porn.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:41:08 No.9021837
    I come here because the discussions present on some boards are more interesting than those I can find in my general area. This may be because I live around nothing but wiggers, retards, and more retards. My 2 best friends and a few other friends are all I have so this is a nice compliment to my discussions with them.

    That and I am jobless.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:41:52 No.9021849
    One of the most clearly stated variations of most people's reasons.

    I disagree. You don't really explore yourself when reading through mindless, often repetitive entertainment that elicits preconceived or learned reactions.
    >> sage 05/19/10(Wed)22:43:00 No.9021871
    I really like the community of r9k. It sounds sappy but I really like you guys. Most of you are pretty intelligent reasonable guys. A lot of you harbor a lot of hate and are pretty antisocial, but I can tell that most of you guys are decent on the inside.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:44:23 No.9021896

    what's her name?

    she shall bring me many hours of fapping pleasure
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:44:45 No.9021904
    I'm here for the imageboars. I hunt them with my digital spear so that I may slow cook them under the digital sand on my digital beach. Then I have a digital luau.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:49:35 No.9021995
    I come because I'm an OCD image-saver.

    Also, 4chan is a great way to find out about stuff. I've picked up a few great games based on recommendations from /v/, some TV shows to watch from /a/ and /tv/, and I find a lot of cool stuff on /rs/
    >> site Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:51:20 No.9022032
    hahaha buddy showed me this site everyone on here are such low life losers hahaha cant stop laughing because of how stupid you ppl are hahaha f*cking gay hahahaha take chicks photos and post em hahahha why no one on here can get any or are you all just that down right pathetic thanks for all the laughs ha
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:52:40 No.9022055
    Because I'm bored out of my fucking mind with nothing better to do.

    That is the ONLY reason I ever come to this site.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:57:37 No.9022150
    It's a replacement for my complete lack of any real life social contacts. Also gives me a chance to play roles, be something else that is seen as more acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)22:58:50 No.9022180
    Give occasional advice, occasionally troll the idiots. And I'm bored because unemployment here is 35% ... FUCK YEAH CANADA!
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:02:09 No.9022240

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:05:00 No.9022299
    I used to be a pretty well known drawhore here, and people seemed to like me a lot. I really enjoyed that. I haven't done anything for quite a while, but I'm sure I will soon, just kinda lost interest and whatnot.

    But I've met quite a lot of really amazing people here. Sure there is that whole running gag about everybody here being fat, ugly neckbeards or what have you, but I know several really attractive, insanely intelligent individuals who are just not very good with social situations, enjoy the atmosphere here, or are just not interested in dating atm.

    I enjoy the interesting thread topics that come up every now and then. I like the AIM threads because I can just mass invite everybody to the AIM chatroom and you'd be surprised how many interesting, wonderful people I have met by doing this. Sure, there are a vast majority of boring dumbshits who have no real interest in talking unless you're an attractive girl, but there are some good people on here, and that's what I like.
    >> i removed my trip for this 05/19/10(Wed)23:09:41 No.9022401
    Because no one my age shares my interests, but you guys on here do.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:17:55 No.9022549
    there are some laughs, and it's something to read when i'm bored, but part of the reason is because, while i'm fairly successful by r9k standards i'm kind of insecure and i like to read about people who are worse off than i am.
    >> 8678541 05/19/10(Wed)23:23:00 No.9022633
    I go t' 4chan because I'm a bored, world-weary stupid fuck.

    I give out advice in the form of HUGE text walls and have fun reading threads.

    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:25:09 No.9022665
    I like it here because I can be honest with out being mocked or called a dreamer.
    I love all the information ready for me to take it in everyday, all without censorship, all opinions unfiltered, a microcosm of the human experience.
    It reminds me of the old P.B.S. commercials: "Learning for a lifetime."
    Even with all the trolls/normies/newfags this is still the best chan around, and my favorite place to be on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:26:34 No.9022691
    Because 90% of my friends would rather talk about shopping or sex then religion or politics. Even something like that thread from earlier, "what song would you listen to while blowing up the world", that shits not even intellectual but my friends wouldn't be able to turn that into a convo
    >> Terence Mckenna !!nxBnK26Xr+a 05/19/10(Wed)23:31:35 No.9022772
    An over inflated sense of self.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:32:54 No.9022790
    because i have no other friends
    >> 8678541 05/19/10(Wed)23:34:11 No.9022806
    Hm. There's actually more to it.

    Because it's fun talking to people you never have to talk to again, IRL or otherwise.

    Because my best friend is religious and finds joy in reminding me I'm not. Plus he's literally a psychopath. Kinda need other people to talk to.

    That's all. I'd start an advice thread, but I'm on a portable contraption of no particular significance/insignificance and am therefore unable to post "pix" so as to begin an /R9K/ thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:36:55 No.9022833
    because it's less depressing the applying for the 100th job that week
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:43:35 No.9022944
    Because misery loves company.

    Hahahaha, mootblox, awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:44:36 No.9022961
    Its fun. It keeps me off of WoW and it keeps me thinking.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:44:45 No.9022968
    those guys arent boring dumbshits, they just want to get laid and if they dont , they dont waste time with ppl who wont get them what they want. dont be so hard on guys who dont want to talk to you about your cats.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:46:17 No.9022997
    Because you losers are my only contact with the outside world.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:54:17 No.9023126
    I like to think, even in my private thoughts, that I do it because the bitching and arguing helps me form my own own opinions -- there's always a voice of dissent of 4chan.

    I think I really just come here to look at silly pictures.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/10(Wed)23:57:18 No.9023175

    The guys who only come here in order to get sex or talk to girls who will have sex with them are boring in the sense that they have no other interests or drives other than sex. They have no desire to talk to anybody else about anything else, even if they could make friends or learn something potentially useful.

    They are worthless and pathetic and yes, they are boring.
    >> Tao !!fin/6j7zAqJ 05/19/10(Wed)23:59:35 No.9023208
    I come to 4chan because I'm too lazy to register at a legitimate forum and build a reputation all over again, only to get banned when I decide to fuck with people by posting pics of harlequin fetuses.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:00:23 No.9023220
    Sorry to derail the thread, but do you really think others are not as complicated as you? People have much more to them than you will ever know. Seriously, they spend their whole LIFEtime in their head. Other thoughts come up.
    >> Tao !!fin/6j7zAqJ 05/20/10(Thu)00:02:26 No.9023255

    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:02:49 No.9023261
    i come to waste time, boredom, nothing better to do. my life is unexciting
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:04:36 No.9023296

    Think? PSHHH, I KNOW I'm more complicated.

    >People have much more to them than you will ever know.

    But if they're not going to take the time to show me, what the fuck does it matter to ME?

    >Seriously, they spend their whole LIFEtime in their head. Other thoughts come up.

    Really? This is news to me. I'd like to think we also spend our lives in the real world, with real people.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:05:02 No.9023307
    Funny images. (Motivatonals/Gifs)
    Nonfunny images. (Info/Wallpapers)
    Pornographic images. (Never a bad thing)
    The occasionally funny thread topic.
    The occasional political/religious/controversial debate thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:05:32 No.9023319
    Because I can only tolerate playing Oblivion for 10 hours or so a day.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:06:25 No.9023342
    I'm a complete failure and misfit in real life. 4chan is the only place I sort of fit in.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:08:37 No.9023377
    >Say what you will, but it can be really fun to do another penguin or frog thread, or argue with someone in a god vs atheist debate.
    underageb& + newfag detected
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:08:43 No.9023379
    yoou sound like woman with an unhealthy sense of entitlement.

    >Think? PSHHH, I KNOW I'm more confused.

    >But if they're not going to take the time fuck me, what the fuck does it matter to ME?
    thats what these guys are thinking, sorry, they dont care about your "deep" thoughts.

    >Really? This is news to me. I'd like to think we also spend our lives in the real world, with real people.
    and you can because thats how it is. it not either/or. it goes on at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:16:54 No.9023547
    Stockholme? Hook-Girl? TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:19:13 No.9023588

    >edits quoted text in greentext like an itty bitty child
    >no real response stating anything worth reading because he has no good reasoning

    You sir, are a terrible troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:20:48 No.9023620

    Stockholm Dad and Naomi Hookhands are both relatively new drawfags. I feel almost ashamed.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:21:44 No.9023636
    Its fun, its funny, and its slightly informative
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:25:07 No.9023692
    The primary reason is that I like to participate in discussions without all the drama and attention-whoring of registration-based forums.
    >> Tao !!fin/6j7zAqJ 05/20/10(Thu)00:26:28 No.9023720
    >implying there isn't tons of that here.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:28:59 No.9023766
    >there isn't tons
    >there is not tons
    Does that sound correct to you?
    >> Tao !!fin/6j7zAqJ 05/20/10(Thu)00:30:00 No.9023779
    does "are not tons" sound right to you?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)00:31:40 No.9023806
    I primarily come to argue about grammar.
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !yRd8SXc/L. 05/20/10(Thu)00:32:19 No.9023818
    I dunno... I kinda just come out of habit nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)02:57:47 No.9025662
    I come to confess because I used to be Catholic but I am an atheist now and cannot trust a priest with my many, many sins anymore. I would rather tell them to the Anonymous I will never [knowingly] meet.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)02:59:41 No.9025689
    I come because I have absolutely nothing to do in my life, and need a constant bombardment of information so as to help pass the time. Sounds cool, no?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)03:03:56 No.9025739
    Listed starting with my highest priority,

    1. Pass the time.
    2. Fap.
    3. Fuel my cynicism (after a shitty day).
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)03:05:44 No.9025757
    When you are anonymous you can get into a debate or argument and when some one corrects you, it will allow for you to adapt and evolve your opinion. If I argue with some one and they prove me wrong, I can acknowledge that and if there is another argument next week I can argue from the proper perspective.

    If you are on a normal bulletin board, you do not have the luxury of having a flexible opinion. If you lose an argument and try to argue the same topic again in the future from a new point of view, every one will remember you from before and judge you immediately based on your previously incorrect views.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)03:06:46 No.9025771
    Mainly I'm here for the pictures.

    I also enjoy beating down morons with rhetoric, which is why I'm here.

    I also go to /a/ just to pick up new anime/manga to watch/read.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:12:12 No.9026577
    i come to unload my problems because besides trolls most people will listen and understand, plus its nice to get something off my chest and just say it
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)04:13:52 No.9026603
    To gnaw on things I'm thinking about, to hear other viewpoints, etc...
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:19:51 No.9030978
    Complete randomness.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:24:15 No.9031036
    im here because i enjoy internet culture, because it is observable anonymously.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:27:34 No.9031084
    I come here when i am bored.
    I usually just scroll down the pages to see if there is some interesting thread, if not, i leave.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:31:50 No.9031139
    You actually learn an astounding amount just by being here.

    It's also a good way for me to keep up with vidya news, and because it's anon it's a good way to just vent anything that happened to you or get advice you want without the fear of having someone you know find you out.

    And sometimes, sometimes, there are a few good laughs here. We're all connected in some bizarre and probably sick way.
    >> ◕ㅅ◕ 05/20/10(Thu)12:32:21 No.9031149
    I don't even know why I'm still here tbh.

    This shit is cancerous. 4chan ruined my goddamn life.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:32:47 No.9031154
    I'm just really bored and this place has kept me entertained a manifold of times.

    I also like to come here when I'm sad.
    >> scarbot !!MaYcD7Pd/5+ 05/20/10(Thu)12:33:20 No.9031166
    to discuss nothing in particular, lurk through a few interesting threads and catch a few lolz.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:34:16 No.9031177
    First for the porn and occasional laugh, now I just read threads that seem interesting. I never make one because I just don't know anything interesting to talk about. So I bascally just waste my time reading roonery threads to make me feel better about my own life while skimming through my music collection.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:35:28 No.9031196
    I'm just here for the free porn
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:36:13 No.9031213
    I come here for the following things:
    - /b/ and /r9k/ because I relate to it
    - the porn is pretty hot sometimes
    - I like to read the advice given. Some anons really know what they're talking about
    - I can say what I like here.
    - I enjoy watching raids going on.
    - I simply relate to this place. If I had a home on the internet it would be here.
    - Reading story threads
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:36:16 No.9031215
         File1274373376.jpg-(38 KB, 420x336, Missing the point.jpg)
    38 KB
    Chans have amde me allergic to regular forums. The avatars, the unnecessary clutter around the messages, the buttkissing of mods, HNNNNNNNNG!
    Chans are also responsible for 90% of my harddrive, bet it porn, music, vidya or comics. I love you guys.

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