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  • File : 1325086286.jpg-(55 KB, 436x426, ecstacy_monogram_1.jpg)
    55 KB Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:31:26 No.895803  
    >Channel 4 to show class A drug-taking live
    Just saw this, it seems really interesting what do you guys think?

    >Drugs Live, a four-part science series, will look at the effect of illegal drugs and alcohol on the body.

    >Introducing the Drugs Live project, she said: "The Government's drugs tsar Professor (David) Nutt was sacked for claiming that LSD and ecstasy were less harmful than alcohol.
    at first I was skeptical but then I saw this, and it seems that they will be taking a purely objective approach and it won't be a DRUGS ARE BAD campaign, I don't personally do any drugs, or intend to ever, but I am still really intrigued by this.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:33:01 No.895816
    >The Government's drugs tsar Professor (David) Nutt was sacked
    > Nutt was sacked
    > Nutt sacked
    > Nut sack
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:34:08 No.895825
    channel 4 is an infomercial channel on my TV
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:35:21 No.895830
    lol'd hard

    Although going by the studies I've read is is right.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:35:26 No.895832
    You're right this is only really relevant to Britfags, it's the the Channel 4 in England.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:37:14 No.895847
    Sounds interesting, fellow britfag. When's it on?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:38:17 No.895853

    Ecstasy and LSD are far less harmful than alcohol, tobacco etc. there have been 0 deaths on LSD, yes 0, and very few on ecstasy. Most of the deaths on ecstasy have been from mixing with other drugs, or being a dumb shit and taking too much.

    tl;dr E and LSD are safe, fuck tha police
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:39:23 No.895862
    not sure it doesn't say, but this is the site
    I'm sure there will be some hype for the show before it airs anyway, so you probably will know about it by then.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:40:08 No.895870
    Oh shit when is this on? I remember last year when they were in talks about going ahead with this.

    It's fucking disgraceful what they did to Nutt.

    >if people want drugs, they will acquire drugs
    >let us test the new party drug, Mephedrone
    >quality control of substances
    >dent the black market
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:41:46 No.895880
    Sounds like the usual ch4 bullshit controversy to get ratings like the load of crap that was The Joys of Teen Sex or whatever it was.

    However if they are intending to be properly objective and educate people on both the dangers and lack of then it could be pretty interesting.
    I could see them actually going down the hurr durr drugs are so cool init route though, appealing to your stereotypical stoner students like they did with 10 o Clock live which could have been really good with more of David and Charlie's input and less booing of anyone that sounded a bit conservative.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:42:17 No.895885
    There will be a shitstorm when LSD and ecstacy 'sales' skyrocket after being proven to be almost harmless.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:43:55 No.895898
    article is fro may...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:44:15 No.895901


    Unless they fake someone having a seizure or some shit just for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:44:58 No.895908
    >for claiming that LSD and ecstasy were less harmful than alcohol.
    >for claiming

    I think there is a tad bit of a difference between a claim and a statement made backed up with actual research. No?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:45:05 No.895910
    You boys and girls across the pond really need to just go Portugal on the drug issue.

    Crime is fucking up your country way more than drug usage.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:46:41 No.895922
    I don't even know if there has been an OD solely from MDMA; dose per bodyweight averages at around 7.00g of pure MDMA for an OD I believe. (I've only not heard/read, I'm not saying it hasn't happened)

    >people have died of water overdose on pills
    >people have died from dangerous mixes in pills (why these were even made I do not know - Scotland several months ago)
    >people have died from allergic reactions
    >people have died from existing health problems
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:49:35 No.895949
    Slightly more up to date (september)
    but since it is still on the site assume it is still going to be made, just not for a couple of months I'd say they are probably clearing some issues that inevitably come with making a show like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:49:37 No.895950
    Apparently they're not doing too good, despite what we are being told. This has been brought up on Bluelight a fair few times, and the Portuguese members/& BL members who have traveled over there, say it is actually pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:51:18 No.895960
    the water overdose was stupid though, lets face it.
    She drank something like 7 pints in an hour (correct me if i'm wrong)
    Who the fuck does that
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:53:12 No.895972
    It really is. You should have seen our country when Mephedrone was legal, it was like a fucking party of lottery winners, no fights, no problems, everyone having the best time (not their cheeks or tongues though eh).


    Now it's back to being a warzone. Make eye contact with someone whilst looking for a lost mate and you've got 7 lads jumping on your head.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:55:05 No.895984
    I don't know anything about Portugese politics, but
    >make a drug legal so everyone starts using it becuase it's fine
    >make it illegal
    seems like the most retarded shit ever, just askign for trouble.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:55:14 No.895986
    Ecstasy additives are responsible for a lot of the deaths ruled "overdose", facking meth bombs and what not.

    Legal, pure Molly would be much safer. Like British government diacetylmorphine vs. powdered street heroin
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:56:14 No.895992
    Yeh it's very stupid, but it was the advice being given at the time. I can't remember the name of the Scouse lass who died of water OD, but the club had "drug harm reduction advisors" (so did many others at the time), and they were telling everyone to keep well hydrated and drink lots of water.

    Never seen them since she died. They were good pills too apparently.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:56:18 No.895994
    Yeah the reprohibition part is stupid. I meant the universal decriminalization.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:59:14 No.896017
    The British government didn't make it legal, it's just it didn't automatically drop into the illegal category. Mephedrone had been around since like 2007 I think it was, it's just it exploded at the back of 2009.

    It was a brilliant drug.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:05:16 No.896054
    As an LSD user myself, despite the joys of tripping I completely understand why it is not legal. For six hours you are absolutely useless. I wouldn't ever try to drive, for example, or do anything remotely important. Even little things that I can do drunk or after smoking weed become nearly impossible. Also there are a lot of people who could not handle a bad trip. A bad trip can mess you up badly.

    What I don't understand is why Salvia is still legal if LSD and shrooms are not, due to higher amounts of people being allergic to salvia and salvia derivatives (spice, etc) and the intensity of the trip.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:06:58 No.896062
    Sally is a princess, with a black heart.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:07:15 No.896064
    Britfag here, this sounds interesting but won't do much for public opinion. The people open enough to embrace an experiment like this already know that drugs aren't as bad as we're told, and the people who are anti-drugs will just make up excuses for the show. You cannot reason with the unreasonable.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10:10 No.896090

    Saliva was one of the most intense trips of my life but I'm definitely allergic.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:12:15 No.896114
    has anyone ever had a bad trip before? i've heard but never actually ever witnessed it happen, makes me think it's an urban legend
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:14:08 No.896128

    >friend in our group always complained about us getting high
    >he often wore a "100% DRUG FREE" tshirt out clubbing
    >"but... Alcohol is a drug and you're drinking stupid amounts of it?"
    >"but alcohol is legal so it doesn't count. The drugs you do are illegal, therefore, dangerous. End of."
    >"Haha OK..."
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16:16 No.896145
    It's not an urban myth, you can bad trip. Company, setting & state of mine are all very important.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:16:34 No.896147
    We called it bath salt across the pond here in the US. It was pretty good but it drove a lot of people crazy that did it constantly.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:18:48 No.896165
    That's your own Gov's problem. You had no idea what were in your "Bath Salts", and if people were going crazy, it sounds like MDPV, not Mephedrone.

    Our country cained Mephedrone's bollocks off, and nothing serious ever came from it. This was our entire little island, everyone was BANG ON IT.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:19:42 No.896175

    One time on shrooms I was with non-tripping people, say three hours into it and they went to go get food, and insisted my tripping friends and I come along. We went to our colleges Dining Commons and there were a ton of people and I could just TELL one of my friends was pissed we were tripping. Before long, I was sure my roommate was messing with me and it seemed like people were secretly pig men as I passed them, but I could only see that out of the corner of my eye.

    So I fled and went back up to my dorm, found an icicle and crushed it with my bare hands and wept.

    And then hid from my friends in the dorm for like twenty minutes before I knew they saw me and I HAD to go back.

    TL;DR: I had a trip turn bad once. They are real and they can shake you to your core.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:20:24 No.896181

    Sounds like his reasoning was stupid, but he's not necessarily wrong. Some people just don't like breaking the law, regardless of how stupid and inconsistent that law is.
    >> Siouxsie :D 12/28/11(Wed)11:21:34 No.896191
    MDPV was also known as "bath salts" in your country and I know that fucked a lot of people up, not heard about mephedrone doing it though.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:24:27 No.896213
    Leedsfag, how is your Mephedrone quality/general Meph quality around the area? I'm up in WYorks for two weeks and pondering whether to pick any up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:27:34 No.896240
    Since this id kind of an E and mephedrone thread, how do you guys feel about M1 or Methylone? I think with a bit of Viagra, it makes sex fucking epic.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:28:58 No.896252
    when? any date for this show?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:30:37 No.896263
    M1+4MMC mix was the DOGS BOLLOCKS. Did it four times, but three of times was just awful.

    Mephedrone + Shagging = FUUUUUCK YEAAAA
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/28/11(Wed)11:32:12 No.896273

    Stop trying to be british you fag

    Nothing good comes out of being a britfag

    fucking bloke off with you
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:33:06 No.896278
         File1325089986.jpg-(58 KB, 402x352, elephant lsd.jpg)
    58 KB
    not true.

    Damn it CIA.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/28/11(Wed)11:34:25 No.896290

    >he thinks elephant deaths=/=human deaths

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:35:42 No.896297

    I depends on what you actually do during the trip. If you are safe in your house listening to happy music, its probably not going to happen. If you decide to wander into the woods in the middle of the night and get really lost, you will probably start going on a bad trip. PTSD is a potential risk of LSD if something bad like that happens when tripping. If you are responsible and take the time to make an environment safe for tripping and if you are with good tripping friends then a bad trip will probably never occur.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:42:04 No.896343
    I don't really think something like that should be legal. Maybe highly regulated or less harsh treatment by the law but being able to just pop down the off-license and get some is inevitably going to fuck up a lot of people.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:45:01 No.896364
    >Introducing the Drugs Live project, she said: "The Government's drugs tsar Professor (David) Nutt was sacked for claiming that LSD and ecstasy were less harmful than alcohol.

    Anytime someone is sacked and/or jailed for making any sort of claim, something is up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47:07 No.896382

    agreed. As much as I enjoy tripping and feel that is a great experience, I think too many people are not ready at all for something like LSD and just making it full blown legal out of nowhere will cause too many problems. Let society ease into the truth about the drug first.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:47:59 No.896389
    >take LSD
    >since there was nothing to do in my house i start thinking
    >oh fuck, my mind is fucking slow as shit today, what the fuck was i thinking about? oh fuck everything is so fucking slow man, shit it could not be any...any...what the fuck was that word? SLOWER, things could not be any slower, fuck man
    >remain like this for six hours
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:49:04 No.896397

    Why the fuck were you friends with someone who was self-entitled enough to wear a "100% DRUG FREE" T-shirt?

    And I know that mentality. A girl I know had a boyfriend who gets stoned and watches Lord of the Rings. She got really mad at him for using drugs. She'd then proceed to get so drunk she'd wake up in the street.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:53:31 No.896422

    Something is up alright. It's our Government being absolutely retarded as shit. David Cameron, British Prime Minister, has gone on record saying that weed is toxic. Didn't elaborate. Meanwhile, teenagers are getting wasted off their tits, fighting and getting pregnant.

    >Thread becomes British Casual Drug Users General
    >Fuck yeah mahniggas
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:57:23 No.896450
    i had a bad mushroom trip one time
    >second time taking mushrooms
    >at Folklife (seattle outdoor music and crafts fest, look it up)
    >got some mushroom chocolate dealer said it only had 1.5g but would knock me on my ass (potent as fuck)
    >eat it and smoke bowls with some friends
    >friends ditch me
    >in a crowd of about 10,000 people, 30 miles from my house (carpooled with friend 1)
    >trip the fuck out, started freaking out and panicking (to my self of course, im not the fag who freaks out and starts screaming and shit)
    >start playing music
    >scrolling through songs when i realize there is a cop right infront of me staring directly at me
    >starting to get paranoid
    >cop walks away, still a little paranoid
    >Try to call friend 1, some random dude picks up
    >says he found the phone on the ground
    >have to navigate in a croud of people on mushrooms, obiously not having a good trip at this point, trying to find the guy w/ the phone
    >guy kinda fucks with me (later found out it was because he was drunk and i was on mushies)
    >Get phone, think "hmm everything is ok now", then realized i had his phone and no way of contacting him
    >have to walk around the event (about 40,000+ people that day) in te hot sun trying to find one person
    >finally find him, give him the phone, tell him not to lose it
    >find a nice, shady, quiet place to chill for a couple hours untill we decide to leave
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:58:32 No.896460
    >has anyone ever had a bad trip before? i've heard but never actually ever witnessed it happen, makes me think it's an urban legend
    >urban legend
    >urban legend
    >urban legend

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:59:43 No.896469
    This thread reminds me of the day my friend died of a drug overdose. He OD'd on cannabis, we went into his room after not seeing him for months and we found that he had sold all his furniture to pay for the cannabis, even his bed (he slept on the floor).

    We found him curled up into a ball, beside him were the cannabis needles he injected into himself to get high. Such a waste.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:01:02 No.896483
    This is far, far funnier than it has any right to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:02:43 No.896494

    Tragic. Reminded me of my auntie's best friend, she snorted some LSD and watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. The doctors said that the film combined with the drugs literally blew her mind. Bits of her face were hanging off the curtain. It was chaos.
    >> Siouxsie‮D:‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 12/28/11(Wed)12:03:54 No.896501
    It's cheap and it's usually alright. But that really would depend who you get it from. I've not come across anything recently that I didn't think was worth the price.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:07:32 No.896525
    I'm English not British, assmag.

    We became friends through college. But yeh it was ridiculous, it's not like I ever made a point about his shirt either, he would just nag at three of us all the time about smoking a bit of weed; his tshirt was just the comedic icing on the cake.

    I only have a small amount of friends who do drugs, maybe six or seven, but I don't push them onto my non-drug taking friends. But I do tend to blow my lid when the non-drug taking ones get on their high horse and bring up me taking drugs the odd time, all the while they can't even blink at the same time, let alone stand up, being too fucked out of their face on alcohol. They're no different, if not worse, than me.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:07:32 No.896526

    Bad trips happen when you put yourself in a stupid situations while tripping. Like being and a place you dont feel safe with people that abandon you or make you feel hostility.

    Avoid NEGATIVE FEELINGS Of any Kind.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:07:52 No.896530

    Thats bullshit man, drugs dont do that to you what are you thinking, you know nothing about drugs so dont judge me, LSD saved my friends life.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:11:04 No.896552

    LSD cured me of testicular cancer. True story.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:11:57 No.896560
    That would have been a horrible sight.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:12:53 No.896567
    >my friend was making acid in his kitchen
    >came home drunk and fell hands first into the bowl of acid
    >forever thinks he's a bottle of juice
    >falls over and smashes
    >mother has to sweep him up

    God I fucking hate this fakeass story. As soon as someone brings up Sid, everyone has this exact same story to tell about this guy that they know 'back home'.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:14:56 No.896579

    Dear lord, my sides. My sides.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:15:50 No.896584

    Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

    There is little to no risk of drug-related toxicity (unless you take CONSIDERABLY more than what would be "comfortable") with LSD, but in no way can you say that there has been a total of zero deaths caused by dumb shits on acid doing dumb shit and getting themselves killed.

    And while the ecstasy bit may be true for the most part - it's still very possible to overdose on pure MDMA, and there has been many deaths by this cause.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)12:16:46 No.896589

    The way I see it, illegal drug abuse will fuck you up mentally long term. Acohol abuse long term will fuck you up physically long term.

    I smoke weed but I don't pretend it's harmless. I have a fair few friends who smoked it like, daily, and it fucked them up in the head until they've stopped. One described it like having a kind of fog in your head that doesn't go away, that makes the would a little less clearer. That said, smoking like once a month isn't going to do shit to you.

    Alcohol, however, can fuck up your body and kill you. I drink as much as british students tend to and I know I need to cut back a lot.

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