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  • File : 1325069295.jpg-(25 KB, 137x216, because.jpg)
    25 KB ­­ 12/28/11(Wed)05:48:15 No.894453  
    Unpopular opinions thread?
    Unpopular opinions thread.

    It doesn't matter what it is or what it's about, it just had to be an unpopular opinion. I'll start off. is the most talented member of The Black Eyed Peas.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:50:06 No.894459
    >black eyed peas

    captcha: wrong suerson
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:51:51 No.894468
    GTFO /mu/ faggot. Go listen to your Neutral Milk Hotel somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:53:12 No.894476
    I believe anarchy would be better than the democracy we currently hold.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:56:05 No.894493
    It's not the government's responsibility to take care of its citizens who do not pay taxes.
    Welfare is a waste of resources, FAFSA just gives to leeches who don't care about their actual education, socialism, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:57:11 No.894498
    i believe black people ARE the master race.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:58:23 No.894508
    I support the FARC.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:00:30 No.894521
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    I agree with Malcolm X

    I ain't even black yo
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:01:34 No.894528
    I believe that Europe should unite as a federation, and I'm British.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:02:09 No.894531
    I absolutely hate the Red Hot Chile Peppers.

    I think you should pass a basic test before you can raise children.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:02:09 No.894532
    Women are people too
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:06:48 No.894554
    Football is the most boring fucking sport. I do not understand how anyone can watch that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:08:11 No.894562
    Compared to the amount of damage America has done to the world, 9/11 was an infitesmal retribution. The US doesn't realise the world is angry at them.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:10:11 No.894576
    >holocaust never happened
    >a genocide is needed even if my death
    >only whites should live
    >no welfare
    >no gov't
    >no technology any more in means of computers
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:10:30 No.894580

    there's no such thing as a real friendship between a male and female (unless one of them is gay)

    looks mean everything in this society, no one falls in love with your personality at first sight, tim.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:13:04 No.894589
    TV's should be strictly illicit
    hate groups should not be taken seriously and none of their opinions made of any value
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:15:16 No.894602
    There is no democracy and anarchy would never work.

    The only two forms of government that have ever lasted in the world are a Republic and Oligarchy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:19:40 No.894618
    Go read some Machiavelli, son.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:21:47 No.894629
    The US doesn't care, like it or not it and China rule the world.

    Machiavelli has to do with an anarchic govenrment flourishing?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:23:06 No.894633
    It's republic and principality, not oligarchy,
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:24:03 No.894638
    I still think that spaghetti threads are funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:25:38 No.894642
    I think Radiohead are a piece of shit hipster wankery, I find that they have no talent at all except wail like a homosex at the microphone and some pretty basic riffs.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:26:23 No.894648
    If everyone would stop giving a fuck what others though and just relaxed for fucking once, the world would be so much better and not stressful.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:28:20 No.894659
    My mistake then.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:29:50 No.894663
    it would also collapse oh wait, I think I get it
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:30:44 No.894667
    >republic and principality

    wait no you're wrong, there is/never was a true monarchy because governing bodies always had a council that they referred to or another person.

    it is republic/oligarchy
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:30:59 No.894668
    I find stand-up comedians unfunny and and think they are pathetic tryhards
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:31:15 No.894670
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:32:18 No.894677
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    I think that rap, pop, hip-hop, emo/screamo, and almost everything else is uncultured music for swine.
    I think the only good music is classical. I listen to other music, but classical is the only music that will really bring any cultural value to the world. I try to listen to only a small amount of metal.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:34:22 No.894685
    All else considered equal, I believe men and women are happier and more fulfilled in relationships that most closely resemble the classic dom male/sub female hierarchy. I think it's satisfying on a subconscious level--an aberrant, primitive itch that loves to be scratched. Like how eating meat off the bone with your hands feel oddly natural and awesome compared to eating with utensils.

    In this way the feminist movement was the single worst thing that ever happened to western civilization. Women aren't comfortable being vulnerable anymore. Men are afraid to take the reins. Female hypergamy means there are fewer attractive men available to she-careerists, so women are settling en-masse and are unhappy (see: record divorce rates, 80% initiated by the wife). Furthermore, the feminist body acceptance movement means more fat women, so men are likewise forced to settle and are similarly unhappy. Sure he can accept her for the fatty she is, and she can accept him for the breadwinning equal he is, but his boners aren't as hard and her orgasms aren't as multiple as they would be if she were fit and he were providing.

    I'm torn here though, because the closest we got to the perfect system was in the 50's/60's and shit was still pretty fucked up. I don't believe in institutionalized career/education barriers for either gender, and I don't believe asymmetric expectations of sacrifice are healthy (see: military conscription for males). I think men should be okay displaying emotions within reason, but I also think girls shouldn't be shamed for wanting to submit to a strong man. It's only natural.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:39:09 No.894704
    I think Uranus jokes are funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:39:12 No.894706
    I don't give a flying fuck about politics.
    I don't think Queen is (was) that fantastic. Yeah sure they were renewing, and it was definitely an all-star band, but I just don't like the music.
    I like the Syd Barrett-era of Pink Floyd better.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:39:15 No.894707
    First time DUI and DWI convictions should result in an automatic license revocation and a lifetime driving ban.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:40:29 No.894712
    Some of my opinions make me look like a conservative.

    But I'd rather die than agree with a conservative.
    I also don't like it when people call me a liberal.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:46:50 No.894736
    Go listen to your boyfriend Skrillex, you disgusting little plebeian flounder.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:53:27 No.894771
    >Unpopular opinions thread?
    I think abortion should be mandatory
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:57:46 No.894785
    no more human race?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)06:59:31 No.894795
    white people are the minorities.
    we're hated MOST by EVERYONE
    >and think about all of the motherfucking rappers wiping bubble butted bitches' asses with rolls of money
    >and everyone who isnt white who is huge. not racist, just too tired to find examples
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:01:38 No.894806
    I think that casual sex is wrong and disgusting.

    If I ever got pregnant, I would abort it without remorse. I think that nobody should have to be pregnant if they don't want to be.

    I think that Homestuck is pretty shitty.

    I dislike Star Wars.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:01:39 No.894807
    >Girls should be legally forced to have abortions if under the age of 18.
    >Girls shouldn't get half of a guys shit just for being married to him that'll teach your whore ass
    >Metalcore is actually decent music if get a good band
    >Traps should be tortured to death
    >I don't support gay marriage
    >"Scene" kids could viably be very similar to punk kids (Everyone says they have shit music, they have fashion thats designed to attract attention, go to shows, colour their hair, they're all misunderstood-- shit like that).
    >Captcha should fucking die in an AIDS infested fire
    >Brockslockedcock should fuck off of r9k

    That's all I can think of at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:05:57 No.894830
    JFK, John Lennon and Kurt Cobain were all massive douchebags and while I'm not saying they deserved to die, their deaths weren't the big tragedies everyone pretends that they were.

    I don't think Michael Jackson molested those kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:06:11 No.894831
    The fuck.



    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:08:03 No.894842
    >implying America is a democracy
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:08:06 No.894845
    This reminds me

    I'm >>894807 and I believe that real punk and grunge were/are fucking terrible genres of music.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:14:15 No.894874
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    JFK...huh...we need another prez dead; it's been too long.

    Lennon...5 shots in the gun, he gets 4, and Yoko Ono walks away...WTF?

    Cobain...I don't get Nirvana beyond "Breed" and "On a Plain" (their 2 best songs) and he was tragic in the sense that his mental health issues drove him to suicide.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:15:37 No.894880

    Agreed. I can't stand celebrities who go around shooting their mouths off.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:17:55 No.894887
    >oh no i am choking on a million cocks.jpg

    Fuck you, dude. You're the reason why Pitchfork is alive. You're a sheep that only listens to what "cool and hip" people listen to. Fuck, you're even worse than mainstreamfags because at least these guys thoroughly enjoy listening to their music. You listen to music just to appear "deep and intellectual". Now go listen to your piece of shit My Blood Valentine while I enjoy my Kanye West.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:22:15 No.894899
    >likes Homestuck

    Your opinion holds no value.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:23:35 No.894903
    Wut means wut the fuck is homestuck?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:25:38 No.894908
    It's a shitty webcomic.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:25:56 No.894909
    Jesus was gay.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:27:01 No.894914
    Preacher, Y: The Last Man and Transmetropolitan are adolescent horseshit.
    The only reason people like them is because they read that shit when they WERE adolescents.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:30:32 No.894927
    >Abortion should be mandatory under the age of 18 (paid for by the government)
    >People should pass a parental means test before being allowed to have kids. They should have the money to support a child, the income to reasonably support it in the future, and an intelligence level to be reasonably sure the child won't be detrimental to society.
    >Having pets in your household is disgusting. No matter what you think, they leave shit/mess everywhere, they annoy guests, they cause a foul smell, and generally make the place a dump. If you're going to have a pet it should never come inside the house and should just be an outside animal.
    >Similar to above: First time DUI infringements should be subject to a three year removal of license. Second time should be a more serious penalty.
    >A benevolent dictatorship would be a great system of government providing one could be sure that the person in charge was truly well-meaning (an impossibility).
    >People should be required to go to yearly checkups at state doctors. At said checkups, if they do not fit in a reasonable range for a healthy human being, they should be forced to change themselves. People who are too skinny should be put on a regimented diet to bulk up and people who are too fat should be forced to do the opposite.
    >Schools should be allowed to use the cane to discipline children breaking the rules. Children should be forced to read and acknowledge the rules before joining the school. In line with this, collective punishment for a rulebreaking comitted by a known person should not take place. Collective punishment should ABSOLUTELY be used when a rulebreaking occurs and the culprit is unknown.
    >Medicine for ADD and ADHD such as adderall should be much more strictly controlled. Too many kids that are just being given too much sugar and are never told to shut up/reprimanded properly are being diagnosed with illnesses that they don't have.
    >> ZERO !!Bfg7MXZ93gR 12/28/11(Wed)07:30:54 No.894930
    Pitchfork gave Kanye's MBDTF a 10.0

    I'm not sure why you are so butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:33:12 No.894936
    Totalitarianfag detected.
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)07:33:32 No.894940
    >implying pitchfork isn't just another review website that likes music
    why shouldn't they be "alive"?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:35:16 No.894944
    I think that the welfare/benefits system should be scrapped entirely or at least severely changed. Its been setup so badly that far too many people are taking advantage of it. Let the unemployed go out a get a fucking job without having to do shit all and then make more than the guy working long hours every week for his family.

    Beats by Dr. Dre are shitty and expensive. You get a better sound from something fractions cheaper and you don't look like you wanted headphones and then went out and bought the first pair you saw.

    I loathe chart music. Okay, one or two good ones appear now and then, but for the most part its uninspired commercial drivel.

    Most designer brands are awful. I don't see the fascination of buying something exorbitantly expensive for something that doesn't even look that great. Its not quality for value. Some are nice because they actually look decent and don't cost the earth but for the most part, it simply isn't worth it.

    Haha me too, man

    I would have to agree to some extent, I've seen people go apeshit over how good they are. From what I've heard, they're okay but I wouldn't want to lose any sleep over them.

    So true

    Yeah. I'm not sure what it is, but that kind of relationship seems pretty good to me. I'm not talking the woman being a slave, but just a healthly relationship where the man has control and everyone knows they're place.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:36:49 No.894949

    Not really. I strongly believe in freedom of property and that people should be allowed to do as they wish in their own home. I do think the government should control as much as they reasonably can to ensure a better society in the future.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:36:52 No.894950
    >except wail like a homosex at the microphone and some pretty basic riffs.
    You only heard Creep or something, right?
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)07:37:56 No.894954

    thisbloxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx uauauauau
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:43:57 No.894976
    > People who are too skinny should be put on a regimented diet to bulk up and people who are too fat should be forced to do the opposite.

    What would happen to those who need their weight to gain an advantage?
    In rugby, strongman, sumo wrestling etc. your extra weight is important.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:44:06 No.894977
    Anime used to be the best form of visual entertainment because it didn't have jewish influences.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:44:31 No.894980
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    Mainstream music does tend to be "bad" and one who listens to alternative shit does not necessarily do so due to hipsterdom or out of trying to look intellectual. Mainstream music is created to attract the lowest common denominator and reach the biggest amount of consumers it can, and in doing so it tends to be made generic and lose substance. Most of it is also created specifically for a party environment, and although it works great in that environment, it lacks substance when taken outside of it, i sure as hell won't listen to LMFAO at home if i want music with actual substance. For those who aren't very into music or simply want to listen to party music this is not a problem (taste is subjective afterall), but when one is really into music it makes sense that he rejects lots of mainstream stuff to dig deeper.

    Really, this applies to every cultural product. There will always be the generic products for the masses (like Michael Bay movies or Call of Duty) and the other smaller markets and products made specifically for niche groups and people who want something better. People who are into some sort of cultural product will tend to prefer the niche products (i for example am into music, but i don't know shit about movies). That's why in /mu/ you'll have people whining over "Plebeians" and in /v/ you'll have people whining over "Casuals", because as they are people who are into those products, they dislike the more generic mainstream culture.

    ... this is really obvious shit. I'd usually expect people to answer with "No shit, Sherlock" to this. But these days with everyone calling everything they don't like "Hipster", i might aswell re-state this.

    Though, if someone does reject mainstream music simply because it is popular and not because he personally dislikes it, and does so tryin to look interesting or alternative, he is indeed an idiot.


    The fact you used Kanye as your example there made the irony much much better.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:44:36 No.894981
    >Girls shouldn't get half of a guys shit just for being married to him

    Definitely. I wonder how society would change if this was made law.

    Capcha: thought thinksha
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:45:10 No.894984
    Life should be earned
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:47:18 No.894993

    >fit in a reasonable range for a healthy human
    A doctor can make the distinguishment between a Sumo wrestler (who have a high strength to weight ratio, despite a heigh weight) and just a fatty.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:47:36 No.894994

    >Though, if someone does reject mainstream music simply because it is popular and not because he personally dislikes it, and does so tryin to look interesting or alternative, he is indeed an idiot.

    My thoughts of /mu/ exactly.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:49:25 No.895001

    Poor people, starving Africans. Maybe you shouldn't have kids until you can fucking afford them.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:49:40 No.895004

    The black eyed peas really are horrible though, you don't need to be a /mu/ hipster to realize that.
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)07:50:35 No.895007
    and you assume this is true of /mu/ because?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:50:46 No.895009
    >My thoughts of /mu/ exactly.
    Confirmed for not going there. Plenty of people on /mu/ enjoy mainstream music, along with less popular music. Just try and start a thread saying all mainstream music is shit, you'll get a few people defending it. Not trying to say that there aren't people who hate all mainstream music and listen to only obscure shit there, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:52:27 No.895017

    Yeah; what the fuck, Africans?

    Also, in those charity ads they say that "this child needs to walk 30 miles everyday for water", why the fuck don't they just move to the water source?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:53:44 No.895022
    >Like how eating meat off the bone with your hands feel oddly natural and awesome compared to eating with utensils

    It does? I honestly never noticed it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:55:08 No.895027
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    The last time I went there and made a couple of threads about discussing bands, they bashed them left and right.


    Too bad. That's all I've got from /mu/ so far.

    I remember being in a thread yesterday where some guy was actually afraid of posting there because he would get bashed.

    Do you guys even realize the impact that your actions and opinions have on other people, and how that actually reduces the income of (maybe) worthy anons in there?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:55:57 No.895033
    >about discussing bands
    What bands?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:57:07 No.895040

    Incubus, Gary Numan and Green Day.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:57:47 No.895043
    They bashed Gary Numan? The others I can understand them bashing, but I thought /mu/ loved Numan's music.
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)07:58:07 No.895046
    >/mu/ doesn't like my favorite bands! They must be hipsters
    Isn't it possible they just don't like the music you like?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:58:38 No.895048
    I'm sorry but I just cannot donate to the crisis' in Africa. I mean my heart goes out to them but there are kids at home that need help ( did you know that the UK has quite alot of kids living in poverty and Russia has a ton of homeless children?)
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:59:17 No.895051
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    Idk who that guy in the picture is, but wow, definitely the most attractive black man I've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:00:03 No.895056

    I mostly agree but some of this shit is just plain stupid. Like forcing check ups and making fat people lose weight, It's a complete waste of resources, it would cost even more than just paying to fix them up when they nearly kill themselves with food. The better thing to do would be to just remove the possibility for medical treatment for them, cheaper and equally effective in the end.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:01:17 No.895060

    I understand everyone has their own musical tastes, and I might not share them, but that's doesn't give anyone the right to deliberately talk shit.

    Constructive criticism. If you guys talk about how much your board is cool and recieves other's opinions, then you should start getting your shit in order.


    I am pretty sure that it was shitposting on Numan's case, but why disliking Incubus?

    I want reasons, not just "dey r just shitt :(("
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:02:39 No.895069
    Agreed on Jackson. Pre-death, I remember being like the only person who would actually stand up for him. Now of course everyone pretends they always loved him. Anyway:
    >the government should have no role in fiscal policy (only monetary)
    >jews are genetically superior due to a millennium of artificial selection
    >interracial marriage should not be illegal since it is one's right, but it should be discouraged/frowned upon like it used to be
    >women lie about being oppressed by men just so they can control them more
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:04:22 No.895076

    Really, /mu/ is a board with a really varied taste and lots of sharing of music that people genuinely like.

    The only kinds of music that is universally bashed is Crunkcore and Ke$ha/LMFAO-styled pop music. Rock/metal that is targeted at teenage boys and Brostep do get bashed a lot too, but even those have people defending them.

    But outside of this, the board isn't so hostile to specifically mainstream music. For crying out loud /mu/'s favourite band is Radiohead and favourite hip-hop artist is fucking Kanye West.

    No, because you never heard of Neutral Milk Hotel and because GY!BE makes extremely long instrumental music does not make it music listened only by pretentious people who only want to look cool, those are really great music to a lot of people.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:05:24 No.895084
    I don't know why they hate Incubus, but the few times I've seen them brought up, the reaction's generally negative for some reason. Then again, /mu/ isn't a hivemind, so there are bound to be a couple of people who enjoy them. May I ask when you tried making this thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:06:18 No.895089
    Hey dicks, I like Graduation not MBDTF. All I'm saying is I enjoy both mainstream and "underground" stuff that I get from sharethreads from /mu/. I mean fuck me I really enjoyed the new Black Keys album but when I said that it's good on /mu/, all I got was:

    >Black Keys
    >Plebeian detected.

    Most of the /mu/tards listen to stuff that a hundred people probably heard of and they deem that it's automatically good.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:08:09 No.895098
    >Then again, /mu/ isn't a hivemind

    Sure it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:09:25 No.895105

    Not long ago, let's say, about 1 month ago.

    It's sad, because I also tried to make a thread about musical instruments and stuff, but the "main topic" of the board is about music already composed, and not about composing new one.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:09:30 No.895106
    I believe that there should be a test before you are allowed to vote, if you don't understand what you are voting for gtfo
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:11:42 No.895120
    Okay, but what time? Late at night 4chan time, or what?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:11:47 No.895123

    Unhealthy people are a massive drain on resources. Fat people are far more likely to be unhealthy. I understand the premise of not giving them medical treatment in the future, but from a purely fiscal standpoint: if they become healthy now, they will work for longer and be more productive workers. Further, from a social standpoint: killing off something that can complain about it is both cruel and infeasible.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:11:54 No.895124

    You guys are forgetting the "4chan factor": 4chan as a whole is bad, and people get angry over anything and everything when arguing something in it.

    All boards have their bad apples, and the most retarded minority is always the loudest. Making sweeping generalizations when arguing over /mu/, /v/, /r9k/ or other such boards is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:12:27 No.895130
    It IS a hivemind. One guy agrees with another and tells you what to listen to. Fuck, it's the complete opposite of enjoying music. I can't always listen to NMH when I'm throwing a party with my friends so I have some party music (Avicii/LMFOA/etc). It's like you always have to listen to Queen or Led Zep or whatever. They're not really enjoying music.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:16:44 No.895152
    Hey faggots you want to have an argument about /mu fuck off to /mu and have it and stop being such fucking little cry babies
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:17:42 No.895158
    There is nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to a young feminine looking girl who happens to be under the age of 16.
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)08:17:47 No.895162
    god you are so fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:19:26 No.895169

    Depends how developed IMO
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:20:34 No.895177

    If you think /mu/ is a hivemind you likely didn't lurk it for more than a week. It has a taste varied as fuck and you can find pretty much anything in it. People are arguing over different bands all the time. Just because there are some bands that are generally agreed to be good and are recommended to newcomers it doesn't mean it is a hivemind.

    >I can't always listen to NMH when I'm throwing a party with my friends so I have some party music (Avicii/LMFOA/etc).


    Party music is something that is created for a wholly different environment with a different goal, and no one on /mu/ is saying you should play NMH at parties (we usually recommend electronic music for that).

    But once you are outside of the party, at home, searching for some music with actual content, you don't search for party music. If you frequent a board specifically for music and with people who are into music, you don't go there to search for LMFAO and Lady Gaga, you go there to search for music with substance.

    And stop fucking projecting. "I don't listen to the same shit you do" does not translate to "I don't really enjoy music".

    >It's like you always have to listen to Queen or Led Zep or whatever.

    Holy fuck have you ever been to /mu/ at all?

    This has got to be the most fucking retarded post i've seen on /r9k/. People making retarded sweeping generalizations of boards such as those is what got /r9k/ deleted the first time, you know.


    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:21:05 No.895179
    >oh no i can't rebut a stranger on the internet i'm gonna ad hominem the shit out of him because i'm a tool.jpg

    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:21:17 No.895182
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:21:53 No.895186
    I agree with that one.
    maybe we should try out communism for a while just to see how it goes. If it ends up horribly we can always go back to gay ass capitalism
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)08:22:51 No.895190
    okay here is my rebuttal
    There is plenty of good party music and the kind of shit you mentioned is garbage in any situation, any versed /mu/tant has a huge variety of music for any situation and is in tune with their own tastes, not to mention they usually have quality equipment so I assure you, they're enjoying music plenty. 90% of them much much more than you.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:22:58 No.895192
    Okay, dickwad. I'm gonna lurk the FUCK out of /mu/ the next few weeks. I sincerely hope that it becomes the way you put it. Because every goddamned time I go there it's always

    >listening to _____
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:23:13 No.895193

    >Global Rule #3.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:23:51 No.895199

    I lol'd.


    I seriously have no idea. I don't share USA's timezone. In case it helps, I made the posts at 9-11AM in GMT -3.

    By the way, to contribute with the thread, I consider that having sex with minors with their consent shouldn't be considered as pedophilia. But laws think otherwise, so.


    Very mature, mister.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:25:03 No.895205
    this has all of my same
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:25:37 No.895212
    You got dubs both times I posted, but guess what? You're still a cunt.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:26:41 No.895219

    >implying that i am the same person you were replying

    Keep classy, anon.

    Now, do yourself a favor, and listen to this:
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:26:53 No.895221
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    Why don't you read up on the previous posts (not only by me, cuntwaffle). The dicks from /mu/ always tell me that what I'm listening to is SHIT, and the only way to enjoy music is to listen to the same shit that they are listening to. I'm not gonna change my musical preferences because some nerds on the internet say the things I listen to are bad. Scuse me while I enjoy my Lil Wayne, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:28:55 No.895228
    I'm the anon that likes metalcore way up before your bitch fight. I'm currently listening to Miss may I.

    >Anon uses "The doors"
    >It's ineffective
    >Anon2 uses "Deathcore"
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:30:04 No.895233

    >not liking lil wayne



    I don't enjoy metal that much, outside of the basics (Metallica, Megadeth, Slipknot).

    Could you reccomend me a good song, or a band? I can look into it.
    >> Hellhole SpeedRacer !DfXU/2Xczs 12/28/11(Wed)08:31:13 No.895240
    What you don't realize is that music appreciation and taste are a progression. If you've never heard music in your life, you usually won't be able to just dive into an experimental album and enjoy it. These people spend all day listening to music and progressing to different albums with artistic merit and then you go there and ask them if they like something they realized was childish by the time they turned fifteen. They're judging you but you don't understand why. They understand that you enjoy the music, they just see no point in discussing it with you so they tell you to fuck off. It's all just a meme, a joke. >2011 isn't serious, it's just the default response to someone posting something someone personally doesn't like. Of course, /mu/ doesn't treat artists with no artistic merit and artists they simply don't like the same, but you don't realize that. YOU enjoy your shit, we'll enjoy our art.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:32:39 No.895248
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    Americans get all butthurt over 9/11, yes it was an unprovoked attack on our soil, yes it took 3,000 lives. But for fuck's sake, it's not the fucking Holocaust. It was an isolated incident by a backwater Islamist terrorist organization, and it certainly didn't justify the 80,000 (and counting) deaths caused by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan,
    I fucking love My Little Pony, but only the latest series. Any My Little Pony that aired before 2010 is absolute shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:33:00 No.895249
    I see your point, and accept it. How about we end this thing like gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:33:38 No.895252
    Most people hate metalcore, so i'll give you a few different decent bands (In my opinion of course).

    Parkway Drive

    August Burns Red

    Asking Alexandria
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:33:43 No.895253
    nobody truly thinks for themselves anymore. i wish you robots would actually do something with your lives and not give into the "loner depressed slob" mentality so much. you don't have to look like james dean to walk out the front door.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:34:40 No.895259
    >implying it wasn't an inside job
    get with the program dumbass
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:37:42 No.895275
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    A cowboy draw shooting?


    I couldn't bring myself to finish watching the last episode, and pretty much everything of the last chapters isn't as great as the beggining of the 2nd season. Is this normal anon?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:39:38 No.895283
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    >Asking Alexandria



    Way to list three of the bands that are usually cited as awful examples of the genre, although Parkway Drive get an unfair amount of criticism considering they haven't dressed like cunts to appeal to the scene crowd.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:40:55 No.895285
    I know they get a lot of hate, but it's better than BrokenCYDE or Design the skyline (seriously, youtube it).

    And hate for ABR, why?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:41:15 No.895287

    We have. And it always ended horribly.

    And i'm not even speaking of the last century State-Socialist USSR and allies, no, there were several experiments with anarchist and "Libertarian" Communism in the 19th century, such as the New Harmony colony, the Brook Farm, and others. Even some of the early colonies in America were collectivistic and socialistic at first, but had to change to survive because it didn't work.

    They always tended to fail because, with all Capital goods being collectively owned, people were always in disagreement over what to do with them. At the same time, with out a free market and a price mechanism for those Capital goods, economic calculation was impossible.

    Communism is an impossibility. The current system of Crony-Capitalism isn't ideal either, but it sure beats Communism.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:41:48 No.895290
    i really can't stand white people who never talked to a different race before
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:46:19 No.895308

    I liked the ABR most. Asking Alexandria was quite decent.

    I mostly enjoy music where the lyrics, or the vocals are harmonic, and not basically dark and distorted.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:47:14 No.895310
    Thoughts on Parkway?

    Asking Alexandria get amazing amounts of hate, but Danny Worsnop (vocalist) is actually very talented.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:47:47 No.895315
    This isn't so much as an opinion as the truth but....

    Western powers continue to this day to exert power over Africa to keep it's people poor, governments unstable and exports cheap for their own benefits.

    You can see this done with predatory loans offered by entities like the IMF which attempt to devalue their currency, and western countries subsidizing their own crops and exporting them to Africa to keep those countries from developing their own healthy agriculture sector.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:49:44 No.895322

    I couldn't bare the vocals. I am mostly ok with metal, instrumentally speaking, but the vocals are quite a turn-off for me.

    If you may, let me link you to this. Metallica, mainstream, I know, but give me your opinion.

    (Skip to 2:31)
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:53:47 No.895334
    holocaust didn't happen, it didn't
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)08:54:03 No.895336
    I like it. ...Bl0x
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:01:26 No.895366

    You are both a pretentious idiot and wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:01:31 No.895367

    Great! It's good to know that we still have polite anons around here.

    I'm gonna bite again in /mu/, give it a second chance. Let's see if things go good.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:03:48 No.895377
    abortion is wrong cause you're denying that one little sperm that could his life chance...

    Imagine this

    >be first among millions
    >hell yeah!
    >> Siouxsie :D 12/28/11(Wed)09:04:49 No.895379
    I disagree. If we are trying to stop Africa, then why do we send them so much charity aid money?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:05:13 No.895381
    1 in 250 million chance to get there first.

    Statistically speaking, the sperm had an infinitismal chance of getting that egg and it shouldn't really matter lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:08:27 No.895400
    'Aid' is a common misconception.

    We aren't just sending them free money.

    That 'aid' is really low interest loans, they're required to pay those back or face default. When we give a country billions of dollars in 'aid' which is then immediately used by the despot leader to buy guns to fight off rebels in his country his currency slowly becomes devalued, his people stay in conflict, and his exports stay cheap.

    It's just one big racket.
    >> Siouxsie :D 12/28/11(Wed)09:11:23 No.895415
    I mean like the people like water aid and stuff they give stuff and don't ask for it back they are charities can you not read lol I know what you mean about the other stuff though that's damn nasty but what you gonna do?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:15:06 No.895430
    Those are just small organizations and individual efforts.

    They have very little effect on the situation as a whole. And many people do want to see the African situation improve. But they're fighting against the will of the old Western powers who desperately want to keep Africa from rising up and hurting their own interests.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:16:07 No.895438
    People who are stupid deserve to do the shit jobs. They shouldn't have unrealistic aims dangled in front of them when most of them are too stupid to ever achieve them and leaves them so full of bullshit they don't go into the job that they can fucking manage (cleaner). That's half the problem in the UK with youth unemployment, the majority of them think that they deserve better/
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:17:08 No.895448
    >Stupid people that refuse to be absolutely fucking annihilated by logic
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:38:49 No.895550

    He is talking about the Government "aid" given by institutions such as the IMF. You seem to be talking about private charity groups.

    The Government "aid" is something that happens on a much larger scale and it causes the problems of currency devaluing and perpetuating conflict that he claimed. The private charity aid is something that does help the people, but it's too little to counterbalance the horrible distortions caused by Governments, Central Banks and the IMF.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:59:28 No.895646
    I find the fact that some people think that being 18 automatically makes you mature, extremely retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:13:04 No.895716

    Colombianfag here

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:19:36 No.895740
    He likes cocaine.
    >> Ontopic Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:21:06 No.895751
    For fucks sake guise, finally back on topic (MU DONT LIEK MY MUSIC TOO THEY CALL ME A HIPSTER BUTTHURT BAWWW).

    The last part of this. Why can't everyone get over it? I come here not to troll, but to participate in the incredible intelligent discussion threads.

    Now, off my high horse (lol)
    >Under 18 means autoabortion
    >SOPA has a few valid points, in that the piracy does hurt the producers, but it's not as bad as they make it out to be.
    >Spaghetti, treats, PID, gamestop, and capes are a fucking class act.

    Stay on topic faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:23:58 No.895763

    Good video, I saw this wayy months back.

    But ya my unpopular opinion would be Ancient Aliens/inter dimensional beings actually paved our way for where we are now. And I knew this prior to the stupid Ancient Aliens show that ruined my way of thought.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:33:11 No.895819
    I think the Che was a fucking idiot, and all thouse teenagers that adore him dont know shit about history or economics.
    While I say he had balls, and passion, in the end he caused much more suffering than anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:39:34 No.895864
    And the people that BUY a shirt of a communist...

    For fucks sake you stupid hipsters, REALLY?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:46:35 No.895920
    Creep is a good song and Radiohead were around before today's hipster thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:46:59 No.895924
    Holy shit, thank you! I was talking to some hipsters about this and i said you should research this shit before you say you like him and they were like, no we are right etc
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:48:28 No.895939
    Why was he bad? All I know is >>895864 that.

    And that he was assasinated/tiny bit of his youth.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:55:51 No.895990

    He basically thought he had the right to kill people for his stupid ideals.

    He went to Bolivia and started guerilla warfare.

    He was no diferent than a terrorist.

    Also he fucked Cuba.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:57:19 No.895999
    How'd he fuck cuba?

    Isn't learning history fun? happyface.jpg
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:59:06 No.896015
    Trade protectionism so primary/secondary jobs are here instead of places like China.

    - If we *do* make something here, it does not get imported, period. I'm talking ships turned away at the port, planes refused permission to land, personal effects seized at customs.
    - If we *can* but *don't* make something here, it is subject to tariffs that would make it far cheaper to start making here.
    - If we *can't*, even if we really wanted to, make something here, then it gets in.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:06:36 No.896061
    >He basically thought he had the right to kill the soldiers of the ruling class for his and his people's ideals
    >He was basically a terrorist
    The IRA were terrorists. The American revolutionaries were terrorists. Terrorism isn't ever entirely evil, retarded Americunts just think it was after 9/11.

    >freed cuba from pinochet
    >crazy social programs, still a poor country but miles ahead of what they could've been
    >most of their current problems are america's fault, not theirs
    >retards in first world countries look at it, see it's poor and there are no elections and automatically think it's a shitty country without looking at the reasons for it

    i've stayed silent thus far because i agreed for the most part about dumbasses wearing che shirts.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:08:23 No.896071
    Terrorism is justified, but fuck al-quaeda and their sandnigger shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:09:14 No.896082

    How is terrorism even justified?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10:02 No.896089
    Ok, sandniggers invade your country and make you follow sharia law, would you take up arms against it?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:10:20 No.896093

    Are you defending the IRA?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11:32 No.896108
    Are you American, Irish, or British?

    And yes it's relevant
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11:37 No.896109
    No, philosophically speaking, it can be justified.

    See >>896089

    The IRA is like catholics vs protestants or something, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)11:11:42 No.896110
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    I don't even know if it gets more unpopular then this.

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