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  • File : 1273720761.gif-(58 KB, 350x369, 1264628132639.gif)
    58 KB Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:19:21 No.8896467  
    In what ways has going to 4chan changed your life?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:20:37 No.8896487
    Every time I see a pregnant woman I think to my self


    I don't act on it, but, damn it you guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:21:09 No.8896493
    >I don't act on it

    Don't be a pussy, just go for it bro
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:22:15 No.8896510
    I've fallen down the 4chan sliding scale of bisexuality and went from being totally strait to fapping to futa and trap porn.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:22:17 No.8896512
    I went from being socially active and responsible to, well, posting on 4chan all the time. Thanks :-D
    >> !iW4ZeRotWo 05/12/10(Wed)23:22:29 No.8896518
    Became extremely desensitized to gruesome things.
    Sympathy is void.
    Extremely outgoing due to self-esteem boosts; In an asshole way.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:22:37 No.8896521
    i'm pretty jaded, actually. things don't phase me, i make very inappropriate jokes, and i judge the fuck out of people based on their taste in music (thanks, /mu/)

    BUT, i've taken note to not be like the ronery ncekbeards on this board, which i guess is a plus.

    ok, and i listen to the best music around ;)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:23:25 No.8896529
    Yeah, Linetrap has made me a fruity Rudy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:24:39 No.8896555
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    I instinctivly put on my troll face any time I say the word "problem"
    >> turkey 05/12/10(Wed)23:24:55 No.8896563
    I have found that every single nerd/geek/neckbeard out there is a passive aggressive idiot who is stuck in a pit of denial and self-loathing but refuses to be helped because it would take too much effort.
    >> nothing !1kKBrQ5Tjs 05/12/10(Wed)23:25:08 No.8896565
    I have eroded all my sensitivity to violence and pornography.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:25:37 No.8896575
    i'm aware of the countless lonely virgins out there who attend 4chan, as well as the nonvirgin "normalfags" who like to post here and be one of us.

    desensitized from gore

    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:25:40 No.8896577

    Me too brobot.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:26:07 No.8896582
    i've come to the conclusion that no one will ever love me thanks to 4chan. also, i'm a lot more careful about what i say in business places and i'm sure to say "that's it" when i'm done ordering at mcdonalds.

    love you guys <3
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:26:38 No.8896587
    Same here. Aside from that, I'm desensitized to gore and racism, I find suffering funny, I no longer give a shit about anyone of average or lower intelligence, and I have many more friends than I did before coming here.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:28:02 No.8896609
    I piss my friends off with memes.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:28:49 No.8896626
    I would barly even look at hentai before, now I fap to traps. Thanks 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:29:16 No.8896632
    whosays i deny anyhting?? i just pretend i dont have problems cuz it would be worse if i let others know in any way.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:29:19 No.8896635
    I say OP all the damn time. Even I get annoyed with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:31:17 No.8896664
    I've become extremely bi-curious and become addicted to shota and traps. My hate for niggers has also increased exponentially.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:32:12 No.8896679
    You've made me more cyanical and spontanteous,becuase you made me realize my little my bitching does.

    I got a girlfriend out of that, so thank you 4chan? Never thought I'd say that.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:33:14 No.8896697
    i've seen more porn than I could ever have imagined.
    also i developed an interest in bondage, and a high tolerance for gore.

    I do think my personality has become funnier in some situations though.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:35:16 No.8896719
    I cant eat Sea Peas without laugh my ass off.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:36:38 No.8896737
    I've gotten some good jokes, but they only are ok with my close friends who know I'm not racist against niggers, and I don't admire Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:37:50 No.8896752
    you are such a faggot, how would you judge someones intelligence?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:38:46 No.8896761
    My boyfriend's best friend thinks I'm hilarious, of course he's Canadian and always on /b/ so that's not saying much

    Lower self-esteem

    Talk less about other people
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:41:06 No.8896797
    Well, I went to CES last time and saw some skins for telephones. They had images on them like sports teams and cute animals.

    4chan helped me to recognize one of the cute animals was actually pedobear. The silly Chinese manufacturer must of grabbed whatever image off of the web.

    O'course I kick myself for not taking a picture. It was also a bad idea to laugh and point it out to my friends who don't go to 4chan and don't see the humor in child molestation. : (
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:41:19 No.8896800
    I'm a highly paid professional that thinks things like "lolwut" and "i c wat u did thar" in meetings and such

    also I refer to all higher ups internally as trolls, having them labeled troll-1, troll-2, etc in my non-work cell.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:42:49 No.8896820
    I add "fag" to the end of many terms or labels I use. i.e., "christfag".
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:42:50 No.8896821
    When I was watching iron man with bros, during the scene where tony makes the new triangle element, I heard someone in the theater say " Now HE can triforce"

    I lold enough to get faces made at me
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:44:17 No.8896849
    Going to /r9k/ has actually inspired me to be more social.

    Thanks to you pussies, I lost my virginity :3
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:44:21 No.8896851
    Been coming here since 2005, here's what I happened because of 4chom

    - Became bisexual
    - fap to futa and yaoi
    - Learned about Nutral Molk Hotul
    - Wasted hundreds of thousands of hours
    - Did nothing to cure my hikikomoriness

    Though Totse was far worse for my health and is what made me a sick fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:46:12 No.8896875
    Nothing much, other than totally ruining my freshman year at college. Fuckin shit
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:47:40 No.8896903
    i met the man i hope to one day marry at an IRL raid of a gaia panel at a con.
    also all my friends accuse me of having a fetish for going on that "weird violent pornography site"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:51:02 No.8896969

    TEMPLE OF THE SCREAMING ELECTRON, holy snaps good to see I'm not the only one still alive.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:51:20 No.8896976
    I now hate everyone instead of certain groups of poeple.

    Thanks, you pricks.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)23:58:38 No.8897120
    I no longer cringe at the sight of gore--organs are just organs and blood is just blood. I often wonder if becoming a surgeon would be fun.

    I feel I have a better insight into what people are really thinking when they say one thing or the other, having seen so much raw unfiltered bullshit spew out of people's keyboards.

    I've stopped caring as much about what people think of me, and I'm slightly happier because of it.

    I feel better about myself because I'm often not as bad off as a lot of the people on here, but yet I share some of the same thoughts/have experienced the same things to a lesser degree.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:02:31 No.8897203
    >more racist
    >desensitized and callous
    >> Terence Mckenna !!nxBnK26Xr+a 05/13/10(Thu)00:10:48 No.8897347
    Whenever I have to write my name I also put my tripcode after it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:24:32 No.8897579
    4chan has made life worse. Except for /tg/. Introduced me to some awesome games, and some excellent drawfags. One who did custom artwork for me so awesome I had it printed and framed.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:25:51 No.8897601

    I used to enjoy hanging out with neckbeards, but since 4chan hit me I just cannot fucking stand them.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:28:50 No.8897640
    4chan also gave me a waifu, more or less.

    And this too.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:30:33 No.8897663
    Sick sense of humor, BUT I LOVE IT.
    This place has become my 2nd home.
    Now racist. I was neutral before.
    Bi-sexual now.
    I use faggot as an insult more now.
    Now feel nothing when I see horrific images.

    Has made my life overall much more exciting and given me a different look on things. Its a change for the better.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:35:34 No.8897750
    4chan helped me develop the theory that everyone under 25 was Pokemon.
    That shit scrambled your brains.

    Oh, and this:
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:43:30 No.8897890
    1. Desensitized to gore and horrible shit.
    2. More comfortable in using the word 'faggot' and using the -fag suffix on 4chan.
    3. Started watching anime and playing video games again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:50:17 No.8898026
    It made me aware of what kind of people are out there.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)00:50:52 No.8898039
    I've learned that everyone is trash. It's a basic fact that just knowing it has made life all the more plesent. No need to impress that which is trying to impress.
    >> Malevolent ­ !!6lNNPbP2RjQ 05/13/10(Thu)00:53:24 No.8898077
    im glad im not the only one

    i was crying the first time i saw a boy that looked like linetrap and wanted to tackle him and.... do things...
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)01:04:40 No.8898290
    Desensitized to absolutely everything.
    Increasingly find myself having homo/bi fantasies
    Look down on all strangers because I know they're probably dumb as shit.
    See women especially as brainless creatures until they demonstrate to me that they have a mind of their own. (I'm thinking it's this hatred of the average woman that's increased my appreciation of men)
    Sick sense of humour, which I love.
    I add 'fag' to the end of a lot of words in day to day speech. I just can't help it.
    /d/ has given me countless bizarre and often impossible sexual fetishes and fantasies that I would never have even imagined without it.

    Perhaps the 'best' thing of all though is that my bullshit detector is accurate as fuck thanks to 4chan. As >>8897120 says, when you've see so much raw, unfiltered shit you can really see people for what they are - that is, highly dynamic and above all, neutral. There are no good people and no bad people, and there are far fewer shades of grey than most would like to believe.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)01:07:38 No.8898341
    To think differently and to try to be as original as possible because everyone on the internet isnt.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)01:09:14 No.8898369
    It's really quite terrifying isn't it? I went down the same road and literally yesterday I think I had my first full-on gay fantasy appear in my head.

    I tried, but I just couldn't stop myself thinking about it.

    I don't know whether I should feel shame or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)01:11:30 No.8898414
    Desensitized in general
    Discovered furries
    Say faggot and nigger a lot.
    Refer to 4chan memes and jokes with friends
    Fap to just about anything
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)01:11:49 No.8898422
    I realized that I'm a narcissistic uncaring bastard.

    I accept it. I'm fucking awesome.
    >> 404 05/13/10(Thu)01:24:02 No.8898579
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    I've learned not to take things so seriously, and to do what you love and fuck the rest. pic related.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:38:40 No.8900143
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    I made the transition from casual poster to daily user when chronic fatigue made leaving the house that extra bit more arduous. Sometimes I'll make an IRL slip up and say "inb4" or "bracing for epic". I'm also much more prone to call someone a faggot as a default insult.

    I don't look like a channer so it catches obvious-users-are-obvious off guard. Like a member of the tech team at my work. Now he won't leave me god damn alone.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:43:31 No.8900172
    got me to lose my virginity, though it seems to have the opposite effect on a lot of people here
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:45:08 No.8900188
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    I realized I could be whatever I wanted. Mostly thanks to the Superman-post.

    Got into shape, got awesome hobbies, got girlfriend, life shines.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:46:13 No.8900198

    Most blatant fucking lie I've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:47:31 No.8900208

    True story bro. I fucked him and then shook his hand.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:47:36 No.8900209
    haha cry harder neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:51:56 No.8900246
    What these bros said. Generally 4chan taught me that everyone is as fucked up and weird and scared as me. It helped.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:53:58 No.8900261
    a lot of things aren't funny anymore

    (higher standard of lulz needed)
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:56:23 No.8900286
    Jaded, self-confident in an unsympathic way, isolated, the usual.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)03:59:40 No.8900313
    I became interested in the internet again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/10(Thu)04:01:59 No.8900326
    >Walk out of room
    >Dad and brother are watching Jerry
    " 12 year old girl dresses like slut ect.. "
    >A clip of the girls brother comes on " I just wish she would change, it's hard seeing her like that "
    > " More like makes him hard seeing her like that "
    >Dad and brother give me a long cold stare. Brother just looks disappointed and says " Dude that's fucking gross, why did you even go there, seriously. " Dad looks awkward.

    God damnit.... Should have never came out of my room.

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