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  • File : 1273636910.gif-(22 KB, 162x127, skeleton4.gif)
    22 KB MIDNIGHT SNACKS IS WACKS W.T. Snacks !TcT.PTG1.2 05/12/10(Wed)00:01:50 No.8879091  
    Midnight Snacks: "shake yo bones" Edition! (no-sticky gogogo)

    Stick around until 2am EST for SPOONIN' BOYS with DJ SPORKSLUT.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:02:19 No.8879104
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:02:46 No.8879114
    FAQ for Midnight Snacks, as of May 11, 2010

    - Midnight Snacks is an internet radio show hosted by W.T. Snacks. It runs from midnight until 2am EST every Wednesday.

    - Spooning Boys is an internet radio show hosted by a man of many internet names. It runs from 2am till 4am ...most Wednesdays.

    - Yes, this is the real W.T. Snacks.

    - No, he is not 'back'. He is not currently an admin, moderator, or janitor for 4chan.

    - He has done this radio show (and made a subsequent thread on 4chan for it) every single week at the same time for over five years.

    - No, him and moot didn't *whatever your question is here*. Stop caring. He used to be a moderator. Now he is just a normal 4chan user. Him and moot are friends. Again, stop caring.

    - Midnight Snacks is not a request show, the playlist for the evening is chosen ahead of time. However, if you have a song suggestion, Snacks may take it into consideration for next week, if A) it is music he would normally play B) it fits with the theme he wants to play, and C) he feels like playing it

    - All playlists for Midnight Snacks, as well as .mp3's of every show, are available at

    - What this all really means, though, is that you should just stick with today's special.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:03:34 No.8879123
    I don't get the relation between your pic and the show title.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:04:05 No.8879133
    Hooray, my second favorite weekly event.
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 05/12/10(Wed)00:05:17 No.8879152
    Well awwwwwriiiiite.
    >> Spoo' Spoo' !TcT.Wtogho 05/12/10(Wed)00:07:58 No.8879193
    FAQnon, you are much appreciated. Just wanted to remind you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:08:23 No.8879203
         File1273637303.jpg-(21 KB, 584x439, combpizzahuttacobell.jpg)
    21 KB
    Just went here before the show and blared the song, and yelled "THIS IS FOR YOU SNACKS"

    I hope that doesn't come off too faggy though, really, it was all done with love :c
    >> Deyogee !FmrgqX7l/E 05/12/10(Wed)00:08:39 No.8879207
    Hai Snacks, I haven't listened to your show fer a few months. Yer music is still kickin' ass I see.
    How be you on this fine night?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:09:22 No.8879216
    He's a pretty obvious samefag of either you or Snacks.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:09:34 No.8879217
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:09:49 No.8879222
    How can you not be sickened by this cesspool of tripfags and attention sluts?
    >> Spoo' Spoo' !TcT.Wtogho 05/12/10(Wed)00:11:19 No.8879250

    He's not, actually. I just found out who it was two seconds ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:11:28 No.8879254
    is this a remix of trucker's delight?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:11:32 No.8879255

    Fuck yeah, had that for lunch, and also thought of Snacks.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:12:07 No.8879269
    Yea, it was me.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:13:34 No.8879289
    Delicious snacks pleases me
    >> W.T. Snacks !TcT.PTG1.2 05/12/10(Wed)00:15:58 No.8879324
    No, it is not.

    Nope, it is neither of us, but unlike Spoony, I have no clue who it is!

    Naw dawg, I get picture txts of them whenever my friends come across one, so you're certainly not alone.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/10(Wed)00:19:48 No.8879378
    Who unbanned snacks?
    >> W.T. Snacks !TcT.PTG1.2 05/12/10(Wed)00:19:49 No.8879379
    oho, just noticed a bug thanks to the new script location. Refresh to have the auto-updating back.

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