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    126 KB Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:46:57 No.8839372  
    >/r9k/ and IRL acquaintances tell me to get out more and do things and be more out going
    >Decide to join 4 clubs at my school
    >I join the Ball Room Dance Club, Honors Society, University Film Makers Organization and HAM radio club.
    >Ball Room Dance Club is a sausagefest all the girls already came with partners, I spent the meetings practicing the steps by my self.
    >HAM radio club is a bunch of old guys and 2 other nerdy students who have long ass boring meetings and don't do anything fun.
    >The honors society only had 2 short meetings this semester, I got the indication that the officers were very un-coordinated and we ended up doing nothing this semester.
    >The Film club was full of condescending power tripping Hipsters and Greeks who ignored me.
    I now realize why I became reclusive and introverted in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:49:12 No.8839412
    ls Chief Tyrol going to have to choke a bitch?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:50:23 No.8839426
    one of us
    one of us
    one of us
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:51:24 No.8839437
    should have joined The Go Home Club op
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:51:27 No.8839439
    Fuck people.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:52:42 No.8839462
    protip: clubs like that are always lame as fuck

    i honestly have no idea how people make friends. all my friends just happened by accident. i guess thats how its supposed to happen. you can't force it
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:54:43 No.8839505 just dashed my hopes of actually meeting people next year at university.

    Why oh why couldn't I have saved up enough to live on residence.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:58:05 No.8839564
    My university's rock society is the most awesome thing ever.
    Other societies can be very clique-y, but the rock society is huge, and runs an alternative club night every other friday, you can turn up and you're basically guaranteed to find someone fun to talk to.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)19:58:49 No.8839579
    Same story OP

    >Joined archery - full of neckbeards, they were ok until they stopped allowing newbies to use the club Bows, instead to shell out on a 200 euro bow, fuck that

    >Joined Philosophy - 4 people, total pseudo-intellectual elitist cunts, left never came back

    >Joined Anthropology - did nothing, send me an vague invite to go a trip to hungary during exam time...

    The funniest thing was that I saw the president of the Anthro club at a party, and I was a little drunk so I told him how shit it was and that I want my 2 bucks registration fee back. He was a little dweeb so he awkwardly laughed. Felt good.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:01:18 No.8839612
    well, that'll teach you to reach out to other human beings, eh OP? Hopefully you learned your lesson.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:02:23 No.8839638

    Greeks ? Film Club ? and i thought I was the only one...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:03:54 No.8839658

    The said thing is... I did learn my lesson.
    And it was a bad lesson to learn. I feel like I shouldn't have even tried.

    I think the difference between introverts and normalfags is that normalfags never learned that lesson.

    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:05:03 No.8839674
    Fact: You will not make friends at university if you are not living on residence. My first year at university I lived at home, and made zero new friends. So I said fuck things, changed universities and lived on res. Shit was tight, made tons of cool new friends (mostly guys but some girls too), despite being extremely introverted. Next year I left res and am now almost completely out of touch with all those friends I made (except a few of the really close freinds I made)
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:06:30 No.8839692
    Yes it is true, most normalfags would be quite pathetic if they'd be stripped of all their friends and put in a position like many of /r9k/ find themself in. They just got lucky in the life lottery and their lives progressed with friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:06:35 No.8839693
    Exactly. If you never try, you will never fail. And let's face it, failing is just too shitty to risk, even if it means living th rest of our lives lonely and miserable.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:12:01 No.8839752

    about 1/2 of the club was in a frat or a sorority
    about 1/3 were hipsters
    I guess they were alright, it's not like they scorned me (well some of them were complete ass holes, but not all of them), the main thing is is that they were just not too interested in me or anything I had to say and it seems like they already had their own thing going on by the time I got there and I just wasn't needed.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:14:08 No.8839775
    what about political clubs lol. young republicans are bound to warm up to almost anyone who shares their beliefs (or pretends to)
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:15:29 No.8839801

    I might be desperate, but I'm not a slut.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:15:59 No.8839805
    what, you mean a situation like going to college and having to meet new people?

    yeah, no one has been in a situation like that before.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:16:15 No.8839814
    should've joined the salsa dance club. hot latina bitches everywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:18:54 No.8839847
    That's because the "join clubs" piece of advice for making friends is fucking retarded.

    Get drunk with people. It seriously fucking works.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:22:12 No.8839903
    I don't get it either, there I am minding my own business waiting for people to make the move and talk to me and I want to make friends I really want to, but no one else in the entire school wants to make friends so I just wait there forever =/ Feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:22:44 No.8839913
    This. I've made exactly 6 friends outside of my normal circle by getting drunk in public bars.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:23:56 No.8839928

    I tried that once, it was retarded.

    There was one guy on our floor who seemed like this huge party animal. He was all "Yea man, we're having this party"
    So I went to it. There were some people there at first but everyone left pretty quickly Then there was just me, him and 2 other guys. We got drunk, then I had 5 shots and they kept on trying to make me drink more. I really wanted girls in there, they were like no, if you drink 5 more shots well get girls in here.

    I knew they were giving me the run around, so I left. I later found out that guy was gay, based on something that happened to another guy later on (see Insert Here).

    It was probably good that I didn't get too drunk and got out of there when I could have
    >> Anonymous 05/09/10(Sun)20:29:25 No.8840025

    Dodged a bullet there.

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