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  • File : 1273360895.jpg-(56 KB, 453x604, ignore the koontz book.jpg)
    56 KB op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:21:35 No.8822475  
    Ask a nice enough kid anything. I'm graduating from a community college with my AA in a matter of days. I haven't had a job since high school, but I might get one soon, or at least do volunteer work. Further, I have no clue what my IQ is.

    So, how can I help you today, or what questions can I answer for you?


    The attached image is for you to enjoy some evidence that I'm sort of an ok person. Unfortunately, I can't prove I'm not a whore; they don't give certifications for non-whoredom. I'd also rather not provide pictures-- FWIW (the heck does that stand for? for what it's worth?), I don't look like anything special, just your average white kid.

    In the attached picture:
    My gameboy advance
    a bunch of books people have loaned me (and a few of my own)
    my wallet and keys
    a tennis ball
    other stuff

    Ask away, gentlemen and ladies.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:27:16 No.8822567
    Why are you using a cardboard box as a table?
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:28:04 No.8822583
    would you like me more if i was smart, /r9k/?

    i have an honor roll pin somewhere, but no way to photograph it for you. will you believe me?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:29:35 No.8822619
    >graduating from a community college
    >haven't had a job since high school

    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:29:36 No.8822620
    because it works alright for what it needs to do, and when i have to move (which i did just recently), i can turn it on its side and most of the stuff is already in there. also, i have no real sense for home decor.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:29:43 No.8822622

    What's your major and graduating GPA?
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:32:37 No.8822671
    i dunno. i could tell you how to make a few good mexican dishes, or suggest some books or movies.

    speech-language pathology, and i am graduating with a 3.8 GPA
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:34:18 No.8822698
    oh, and i guess i could also tell you how to live without getting a job since high school. (answer: have nice parents who house you until you're finished with school)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:36:19 No.8822732
    why do you think kids love Cinnamon toast crunch cereal?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:38:43 No.8822760
    I lolled hard OP, why does no one else get it?

    To other noobs,look at other thread
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:41:57 No.8822803
    perhaps because, like many cereals, it is kid tested, mother approved, and doesn't taste like apples.

    also, humans naturally like sweet foods. they dislike bitter foods, because bitterness in food can be a sign of toxicity, so the appreciation of bitterness tends to be an acquired taste in humans, while children and pregnant women have a higher rejection of bitter flavors.

    i just find that i thought i'd take this opportunity to share it
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:43:52 No.8822829
    Did you enjoy reading Stranger in a Strange Land?
    If so, you have no taste in books.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:46:24 No.8822871
    Don't listen to this faggot.

    You need to get the expanded version of Stranger though. I also approve of your Kerouac.
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:46:37 No.8822875
    well, i'm glad you see what i did there.

    i dont get why she left out "ladies" at the end of her post...maybe she considers us all gentlemen? or she thought only gentlemen would be speaking to her? i dunno. thought i'd take the liberty to include our fine robot women into the equation.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:47:58 No.8822892
    Why am I a faggot, because I didn't like a poorly written car crash of a novel?
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:50:36 No.8822921
    i read a few pages of it, enough to lol at heinlein for being a hippy whenever discussing science fiction (though im not actually very critical or snobbish, not my thing). I really prefer the martian chronicles and ray bradbury in general. did you know he didnt even go to college? and i think he wanted to become a magician. lol.

    i will do so if i ever read the whole book. i havent finished On The Road, either, though i approve of the guy's writing style. the subject of the book doesn't interest me too terribly much, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)19:53:27 No.8822966
    >though im not actually very critical or snobbish, not my thing
    Neither am I. There's no two ways about it though, it's a bad book. Poorly written characters (mary-sues galore) and the book turns into Harry Potter halfway through.
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)19:57:05 No.8823010
    haha, that's basically what my boyfriend tells me. whenever people bring up stranger to him, the first thing he says is that the characters are cardboard. his summary: "the good guy does things that are good, and the woman is a woman."
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:05:25 No.8823130
    now i wish i had a picture that would better show off my /lit/ tastes. i'm not much of a fiction reader, though i like it occasionally. most of the pics in OP pic were loaned to me (including Please Kill Me, i'm not that punk rock).
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:06:59 No.8823159
    how many gs's have you had?
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:10:29 No.8823233

    golden showers? gaming systems? godly shits?

    halp me anon
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:11:55 No.8823251
    Heheheh. I saw the other thread like this. I love you OP
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:15:31 No.8823310
    aw shucks, thanks Anonymous
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:24:53 No.8823449
    i wonder why smart girl is getting more posts than me.

    am i boring?
    is it because she mentioned her womanry?
    is my dean koontz manga that off-putting?

    i ask not because i am actually concerned, but because i am bored and bumping my thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:26:32 No.8823471
    ooohhhh, oohhhhh
    i got a question!
    what/who are you?
    ( that should hold you for a while ;) )
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:29:03 No.8823512
    How old are you?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:29:36 No.8823517

    So, male or female?

    I've decided from the fact that you didn't tell us is a sort of more modest approach.
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:33:35 No.8823566
    oooh, that is a nice one, anon. I will take my time with it. just lettin you know i'm gonna try and answer. (though i might end up giving a short answer even if i think for a while)

    i turn 20 in a few days.

    female. it was partly to see how much response a post would get when gender is left out, and also because i don't identify very strongly as female.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:36:16 No.8823612
    >and also because i don't identify very strongly as female
    details or can you expand on that?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:40:48 No.8823687
    This isnt facebook, TITS OR GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:40:51 No.8823690
    cup size?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:41:23 No.8823707
    What game's in your GBA? That will tell me more about you than anything else I would barely care about
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:42:37 No.8823726
    >what/who are you?

    i'm in a spiritual health class this semester, and we did an activity recently where we got with a partner and they had to stand behind us and whisper, "who is this?" over and over again. creepy shit. it was like the carpe diem scene in Dead Poet's Society. I just laughed and couldn't think of a response.

    I'm someone who doesn't get bored very easily. I am drawn to medical professions because of their utility. I am a loner. I don't dislike people, but I have noticed some trouble with relating to them sometimes. Overall I am unremarkable, but my goal in life isn't to be especially memorable, I would just like to have done something of use (i consider the medical field to fall into this category), and to have meant the things i've said and done. This is starting to sound kinda gay now though, so i'mma stop. good question bro
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:45:31 No.8823782
    Sounds silly, but I saw myself as male/neutral for most of my childhood. it didn't really strike me that others perceived me as female until I got to mid-highschool. it felt awkward and bad, and for a little while i wondered if i was transgendered. I'm not, though. I just float between maleness and femininity, and as time goes on, the two mean less and less to me.
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:47:51 No.8823813
    tiny. usually i tie em down with a bandana.

    Pokemon, of course. I don't have many GBA games.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:48:46 No.8823828
    i felt/feel the exact same way, except reverse the genders.
    i think that everybody is just generally moving towards mental and physical androgyny, which kind of sucks since i look like a bear/caveman, but oh well.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:49:01 No.8823835

    It is a TROLL.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)20:52:51 No.8823895
         File1273366371.jpg-(184 KB, 800x600, 100216-195404.jpg)
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    I'm super bored, wanna do something naughty with me?
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)20:55:36 No.8823934
    huh, interesting. thanks for your input, anon! i think that too, sometimes.

    My boyfriend is at times much more feminine than i am, and yet he doesn't feel moved to shave his neckbeard. He likes it too much. I'm small and girlish in figure, and though I wish I could grow a cool mustache or have a different voice, I do like my boobs.

    So, Anon, i hope that you get to a place where you like your bearmode bod :)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)21:01:00 No.8824006
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    seriously, you could be missing out...
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)21:03:00 No.8824036

    no thanks, mister
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)21:04:47 No.8824062
    I'll take you up on that offer, daddy.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)21:08:16 No.8824115
    you remind me of that guy from "Friends."
    and even though i'm mostly into skinny guys, your body's kinda sexy
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)21:11:29 No.8824161
    do u live with ur parents
    >> op !fhxsrNUEjI 05/08/10(Sat)21:12:21 No.8824172
    yes i do, and in a senior community at that.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)21:15:31 No.8824225
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