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    30 KB Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:13:16 No.8809228  
    So, /r9k/, how many of you have been mugged/robbed/assaulted/etc?

    I got mugged today by two guys, I managed to get off a yell and some other people came running so the muggers ran off, but they still got a few punches in, even though they didn't get anything valuable.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:16:46 No.8809271
    I was mugged right outside of fucking class. Broad daylight, tons of people. I got a revolver in my gut and everyone is just fucking looking. I gave that asshole my wallet and he walked off. THE FUCKING CROWD LET HIM THROUGH. No police, no nothing. I didn't eat for fucking days.


    I will never go out of my way to help anyone ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:17:50 No.8809285
    wow. where did this happen that people are that jaded?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:18:39 No.8809296
    Do you mean like it was obvious the guy had a gun pointed at you? If he was careful he could've blocked it from other people's vision.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:18:50 No.8809300
    you are the fault of your own demise.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:21:25 No.8809345
    I live in a country full of niggers but haven't been robbed. Yet...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:22:45 No.8809362
    One time in broad light, this faggot got mugged in broad day light. The mugger had a gun shoved into this guys gut, it was pretty funny. I was mugged before and no one helped so I vowed that I will never go out of my way to help anyone ever. The mugger took that faggots wallet and I just let him walk by.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:24:49 No.8809395
    untill he killed your uncle. and turned into a sandman
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:27:34 No.8809437
    i've been robbed at knife-point twice, and attempted to be robbed once.

    kind of comes with living in new york city.

    but the story of the attempted robbery is kind of funny. i wasn't in the city for that one, i was visiting some friends in jersey. anyway, i'm sitting at an outside table at a closed cafe, it was like midnight or something. my friends were busy that night, so i had decided to go for a walk around. i like midnight walks. i'm weird, whatever.

    anyway i'm sitting there smoking a cig, and this guy comes up and draws a knife, asks for my money and phone, etc. he was blatantly nervous, hispanic, looked about 17 (i was 20). i just kinda sigh and reach for my wallet, take out the ten bucks i had on me, and handed it to him, but not my phone. he looks at me kinda weird and asks me for the phone again. i say no. he gets frustrated. i tell him to calm down and have a cigarette, and he accepts (i was surprised, tbh). we end up talking for about thirty minutes about how fucked up american society is etc, he gives me my ten bucks back, says sorry, and walks off.

    by far the coolest robber i've ever met.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:32:24 No.8809503
    When I was 15 I had my bike stolen by two black dudes in their 20s. One of them pushed me off my bike and beat my ass while the other one rode off with it.

    He knocked my glasses off so I couldn't see shit. Instead of trying to fight back I just grabbed onto his shirt and pants as hard as I could. Turns out, when they got arrested, they said they it was self defense - according to them I walked up to him, threatened him, and ripped his clothes, completely unprovoked. Cops didn't buy it, obviously.

    They got arrested because they stole a car, filled out applications for jobs at Hardees, and left them in the back seat when they ditched the car. Names, addresses, social security numbers, everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:32:36 No.8809508
    You know what? That's a pretty cool story, bro.
    >> The Ubermensch formally known as the Young Bill Clinton !!+3muNMQJN4+ 05/07/10(Fri)23:32:50 No.8809514
    If you were in a crowd of people, OP, do you REALLY think he would shoot? Did he look like he was on crystal meth, or something? If you're in a CROWD of people, you could probably call his bluff.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:33:24 No.8809522
    nigga stole ur bike lol derp
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:35:02 No.8809539
    Protip: stolen bikes ride faster
    >> The Ubermensch formally known as the Young Bill Clinton !!+3muNMQJN4+ 05/07/10(Fri)23:42:16 No.8809654
    DERP, not OP, meant post below OP
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:43:05 No.8809667
    Got 2 spliffs, my grinder and my baccy robbed about three weeks ago, there were a group of like, 8 people around me, not much i could do if i wanted the shit beaten out of me.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:44:05 No.8809688
    fembot here

    I had just moved to the city and it was my 2nd day living here. I had bought some CDs and books and was on my way home, it wasn't even dark out yet (around 7pm maybe). I'm walking past this guy who is muttering under his breath like he's pacman, "waka waka waka", I am not even kidding you. But then he looked over and saw me smiling to myself or SOMETHING, I don't know. He pushed me to the ground yelling DON'T YOU FUCKING LOOK AT ME and my bags and CDs go flying everywhere. It was the stupidest thing ever because there were a ton of people on the street who saw him and stopped him.

    AND there was a cop car conveniently parked across the street.

    Pretty ridiculous and dumb, but hey, welcome to the city! I didn't really get hurt or anything either. A few scratches and a CD case broke.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)23:44:46 No.8809700
    never, I've got in fights when I was younger but....
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)00:00:00 No.8809977
    I've done this with a bum in NYC before. He came up to me with a pocket knife, but I took out a bigger one (hunting knife) and told him that I wouldn't think twice to kill him if he came closer. He broke down crying.

    I convinced him to go to the shelter and get set up in a temp apartment while they look for a job for him. His house was taken in the mortgage crisis, he lost his job and his wife left him and took the kids.

    I gave him 50 bucks for food and such and my cell number in case he needed advice.

    He called me from the phone at the shelter a few weeks later and thanked me for what I did. He was working as a janitor and they were setting him up with an apartment in the meantime. He gave his ex-wife a call and he'd be able to visit his kids. They even got him a haircut, some clothes and a shave, not to mention a new lease on life. He joked about how he'd pay it forward. He was almost in tears.

    I was very happy for him.

    I dunno, with all of the evil and greed in the world, sometimes a good deed can go a long way. I guess I'm not a cold fuck like most of /r9k/. My friend actually likened it to Mass Effect. I chose the Paragon path.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)00:10:27 No.8810135
    A few years back, some middle school black kids came up on me and my brother. one was niggerhuge and the other two looked 10. the nigglets chased my bro and the other one suckerpunched me so I turned around, threw my umbrella at him and lunged at him with a 5 inch blade, getting him in the gut, right on the side. I heard that it can be fatal there, dunno. Was really freaked out and pissed yelling "FUCKING NIGGERS!!!" all the way home, never found out what happened to that giant nigger. tbh, this has made me fairly racist as they were callind me and my bro "cracker as whitey!" and other stupid shit, so basically targeted us cause we were white. this is why i disagree with anyone saying blacks are the real victims of racism and try and instill white guilt on me.

    Another time, i was walking home at like 1 in the morning from a movie and i was reading Dune on my way home. walked by these 3 black guys (again, wtf do i look like a an easy target cause im white?) they ask me for change for a 5. i say "if i had cash, do you think i'd be walking?" they keep walking but im not retarded and watch my back. they turn around and start running at me. so i bolt behind a house, jump over a fence and off a roof. i look and they're not there so i go on my merry way.

    Fucking niggers.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)00:43:16 No.8810633
    OP here, bumping. I gotta admit I'm still kinda tense, it was the first time it's ever happened. How long does it take most people to get over it?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)00:45:04 No.8810667
    I haven't ever been mugged.

    One time my bike got stolen, though, while I was in lab. Whatever asshole did it, I hate him to this day. That bike had been given to me by my parents as a gift just days before.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)00:52:18 No.8810791

    .. so you hate all black people because of the idiots that did that to you and your brother.
    seems very rational.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)00:59:58 No.8810909
    That's amazing, wish I could do that.

    Never been robbed, just had black people being racist on my cracker ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:01:08 No.8810938
    I've been jumped twice, first time was by some bigger who pushed my off my bike randomly and started kicking me in the face repeatedly while his mate stood watch for him, I ended up with a heavy concussion a broken nose and a cracked jaw, the second time I expected it and fought back, I only got roughed up, fucking ribs hurt for a week though
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:02:41 No.8810960
    nigger, not bigger, fucking auto correct.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:04:22 No.8811004
    Got mugged a day prior to New Years in '08, It was mostly my fault this happened because I cave in too easily, but also because a former 'wigger' friend of mine was too scared to go back home on his own at the middle of the night, and always begged the living shit out of me to walk him home...

    So as usual I did just to get him to shut up and I had the slight want to walk, he decided he wanted to take a shortcut through this one park, I looked at him in a rather dreaded and fearful way and I told him that we shouldn't go through the 'King Center' since that part of the city had a highest crime rate. But he begged me just to go a little further, I sighed a bit and told him "okay just this once, but I'm only going half way.", which we did, and we did our goodbyes while I was looking around, we both parted, but I was rather trying to get out of there as fast as I could, when I thought I was close to getting the hell out of that area, of all luck I ended up getting thrown down from behind by some Tongan.

    I think it was a gang initiation for one of them into the least two of the three that I've seen were dressed in black and red, anyways they did a bad job at stealing all my items on me, since they only fleeced me for my iPod, they didn't even check my arms to see if I had any type of watch on, and didn't take my wallet either.... I went to the cops and all after getting home after that, and they never did shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:05:06 No.8811018
    i got confronted by some niggers

    they were throwing rocks near us, and eventually caught up with us. they began this long argument about how we walked through their yard or some shit (wasn't theirs, white people lived in that house), and in the middle of conversation he punches my friend. we just tried to walk away because it was 3 guys and 2 girls. we both got hit a few times, and i lost my shoe, and then one of them was trying to get the other two to give it up.

    the one came at me and like jumped in the air and punched downward, and the other guy came at the side. knocked my glasses off too, but no pain. was fucking weird. we were like 15 years old.
    if only they could see me now...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:16:04 No.8811207
         File1273295764.jpg-(95 KB, 571x570, 1273025783524.jpg)
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    When I was a kid I was with my granddad (he's dead now, but when this happened he was 65).

    We had gone to the bottle shop to get wine and stuff for dinner and we were walking home (i was only about 7 years old at the time) and this guy comes out and is like "so were you going?" to my grandad.

    He's like "we're going home, excuse us".

    Guy stands in front of him and he's like "i need some change" and grandad says "we dont have any" and keeps walking. Guy starts to get a bit angry and is like "listen you cunt, give me your money" and grandads like "ok, ok" turns to me and hands me the bag with the bottles in it and is like "hold this".

    So i take hold of it and I didnt see it but grandad had grabbed onto one of the bottles and in at blinding speed SMASHED this thing over the guys head, I didnt know he could move that fast.
    Guy just drops down and he's moaning and I swear, I thought he was fucking dead from that hit. Grandad says nothing to him, then says "lets' go home" to me and we go off home.

    The guy didnt die, or we'd have heard about it, though grandad died a couple years later - I also think he overexerted himself there as he was quiet the whole evening but he was after that.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/10(Sat)01:21:52 No.8811318
    hey, that was really nice of you
    makes me feel sorry for the guy that tried to hold you up

    instead of some deranged crackhead, he's a man that lost it all, poor bastard

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