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  • File : 1273258855.jpg-(36 KB, 375x500, 1273192523002.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:00:55 No.8803367  
    Tell us which board is the shittiest one out of them all and why.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:01:37 No.8803372
    Was that a serious question...?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:02:08 No.8803380
    ill give you a hint: you're staring at it.
    >> turkey 05/07/10(Fri)15:02:41 No.8803390
    /mu/ is the shittiest board by far because they are the most close minded and condescending.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:06:50 No.8803438
    /jp/ hands down. The topic is pathetic by itself, but then you add all those fucking elitist faggots into the equation. They pick on EVERYFUCKINGTHING and they are the same idiots who post touhou nonstop.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:08:52 No.8803470
    good example of why /jp/ sucks

    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:13:31 No.8803515
    >Wanted to be weeaboo but /jp/ was mean to him
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:13:47 No.8803520
    /ic/ is a pathetic shithole.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:14:41 No.8803532
    /s/ just because it's called "sexy beautiful women"
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:15:10 No.8803540

    and it's the board i visit most often
    but it's just fucking terrible
    >> Disciple of Justice !E5g5GmbE/U 05/07/10(Fri)15:15:49 No.8803546
    /mu/. I fucking dare you do browse it for more than a minute.

    /jp/ and /v/ tie in second.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:16:41 No.8803561
    UH. Wouldn't be /r9k/, now would it?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:17:02 No.8803566
    /sp/ because of fucking Americans.

    and /v/, /mu/ and /tv/..
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:19:21 No.8803597
    /mu/ and /tv/. And /b/

    /mu/ because it's just a bunch of elitist fucks who get butthurt if you listen to something they don't

    /tv/ because they're a bunch of fat fucks who watch tv all day

    /b/ speaks for itself
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:22:15 No.8803629
    >>8803367 ones going to say /b/...?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:24:42 No.8803672
    /sci/, after the great cleansing of this board, /r9gay/ shifted to there
    >> MaxwellLord'sSilverHammer !!FV9sfZATzpx 05/07/10(Fri)15:25:32 No.8803685

    Then /jp/.

    Then /mu/.

    Then /fa/.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:27:36 No.8803714
    /b/ - self-explanatory
    I used to hold /r9k/ in high regard, until the responses to this thread: >>8802346
    Truly saddening.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:29:15 No.8803731
    /jp/ is literally 15~ people and all they do is bitch and moan about every thread not relevant to their 1-2 actual interests.

    And if you tell them that, they momentarily stop their infighting and begin this 4channer-than-thou bullshit and insist you "just don't get it".
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:30:57 No.8803753
    /a/ is full of narcissist weeaboos.
    i ask a question they write non-sense answers.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:36:29 No.8803815
    /mu/ without question.

    /b/ has a LOT of shit on it, but you do occasionally get some amusing/interesting posts on it. /mu/ is just uninterupted shit. Nobody there actually likes music (or if they do, they just troll anyway).
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:38:29 No.8803836
    /tv/ - tripfag circlejerk, waifu threads
    /r9k/ - the same 3 threads forever
    /new/ - /stormfront/
    /jp/ - the most bitter and angry people you will ever come across.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:49:16 No.8803940
    /b/ is the worst

    /new/ is second place
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:49:34 No.8803945

    ITT: people with bad taste in music
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)15:52:19 No.8803982

    omg i troI u!!1
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:09:04 No.8804147
    /b/ - Self explanatory
    /r9k/ - again, self explanatory
    /a/ - IF IT'S NOT MOESHIT WE DON'T CARE LOL (Seriously, the two best anime of this season are Giant Killing and Rainbow. Hardly anybody cares about either of these.)
    /v/ - Used to be old /b/, but with video games! This was awesome. However, sometime around 08 it started to devolve into new /b/ with video games, and then into new /b/ with gamefags level video game discussion. Which is a pity because it was the best board on the site back in it's prime.
    /new/ - /stormfront/

    Also, lol at people hating on /mu/. It's basic a giant, neverending internet war between hipsters and metalheads. WHAT THE FUCK IS NOT TO LIKE?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:20:17 No.8804280
    /new/ would be funny, if it weren't for the racism.
    Anyone who says /sp/ or /mu/ clearly doesn't like entertainment. Easily two of the best boards on 4chan.
    /b/ is the only correct answer to OP's question.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:22:52 No.8804308
    i know no one is going to say /co/ but me, but /co/ currently.

    it's a true testament to why we need separate comics and cartoons boards.

    it's nothing but fucking cape comics and B^U.
    seriously. look now, if you want.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:24:15 No.8804329
    /b/, because people post CP on there occasionally. Plus, everything you say there has to be "herp derp" or it doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:24:59 No.8804336
    /b/ was the pinnacle of internets 2< years ago, currently shittiest board on 4chan
    >> LiquidFusionGod !!LGSbxk5wLM6 05/07/10(Fri)16:29:32 No.8804382
         File1273264172.jpg-(8 KB, 390x76, oldcap.jpg)
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    /b/, hands down. I have been a moderator on there since Moot asked me to back in 2004. It used to be good and I could actually contribute. Now too much CP and overused memes (DESU). Talk has been going on recently to delete /b/ and reroute all to arcanine.

    Do you all think that is a good idea? Why or why not?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:43:58 No.8804555
    >bad board, let alone worst
    /co/ is love, man. This post is evidence /r9k/ hates everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:45:42 No.8804579
    /b/ is shit, although it's probably gotten to the point where it needs to exist just to stop the retards who post there from fucking over the rest of the website.
    >> A Pimp Named Slickback !IL8Qsk5I52 05/07/10(Fri)16:47:37 No.8804597
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:48:14 No.8804606
    >> No One Likes A Tripfag !Lah4W4etNM 05/07/10(Fri)16:49:45 No.8804624
    I'm gonna have to say /b/.

    It was good several years ago, but ever since the massive backfiring fuckup of Project Chanology it has gone down the fucking toilet
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:50:44 No.8804636

    Too many 12 year olds, too many reposts, too much spam and advertising, too many useless posts/threads.

    Seriously if you go there now, you'll have to refresh 5 or 6 times before you come across something remotely readable. You have to wonder who the fuck enjoys posting in 99% of the threads there.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:51:58 No.8804648
    You have got to be kidding me
    /sp/ is one of the best, if not the best
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:54:18 No.8804679

    This, although it is starting to overflow and the retards are spilling out the sides. /x/ has become /xb/ and /v/ is heading that way.

    You guys complain about /r9k/ but it's actually quite good. Enjoy it while you can.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)16:57:06 No.8804711

    I've been too annoyed with /b/ to go back there regularly for at least 3 years. When I started on 4chan in 2006 I came from SomethingAwful because there were a lot of original funny images, good humor, and no moralfags trying to get everybody banned for being funny.

    (I eventually got banned from SomethingAwful for making jokes in a GBS thread about rape)

    I haven't even bothered to visit a lot of these boards because I'm not a weeaboo and I've heard all kinds of shit about /mu/. /v/ is unusually terrible right now, though.

    Which board is your favorite? I think /tg/ is still the best, even though that's gone downhill with nonstop quest threads and Edition Wars.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:00:29 No.8804758
    /mu/-And yes, I like music, but I can't stand the elitist fucks.

    /adv/-Bigger gangbang of whining than /r9k/. I suppose it's what it was created for, but still.

    /b/-No explanation needed
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:03:54 No.8804813
    probably /new/ because of shit like this >>>/new/868714
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:05:21 No.8804829
    I think /b/ is just a given, so is taken out of the equation for this.

    So other than /b/ I'd say /v/ is pretty bad even though it's where I frequent the most, /mu/ is the most pretentious place I've ever seen and /a/ is pretty depressing.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:05:29 No.8804834

    They could all be removed.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:06:44 No.8804854

    /adv/ is delightfully earnest, though. And I'm surprised, a lot of the advice is actually not completely awful.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:10:08 No.8804905

    Haha that's very much the typical /new/ thread.

    I wonder who they think they're trolling?

    I think i'm going to go there and post a picture of my ultraconservative black professor from the '80s back when he had a huge Afro and put up one of his essays about how welfare and public education was destroying black people.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)17:14:30 No.8804985
    /v/ (I know, it's shitty), /sp/ (pure comedy there, easily the funniest board on 4chan), /mu/ (When they aren't spamming NMH or metal, they can be quite good), /co/ (/co/ is love, what more do you need?), /ck/ (The only trolling is when people pretend to have clicked on the wrong board, and start asking about stuff that pertains to the board they allegedly tried to get to)
    >> Hookup thread reporting expert (Has reported 1000 hookup threads) !!1G4qyvB3xKV 05/07/10(Fri)17:16:54 No.8805026
    /v/ /r9k/ /adv/

    /jp/ is too small to care about.

    /ck/ and /tg/ confirmed for god tier.

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