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  • File : 1273018257.jpg-(30 KB, 250x333, 250px-MylesStandishHall.jpg)
    30 KB OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:10:57 No.8759249  
    Hi there /r9k/,

    I have some OC for you. I wrote it during my freetime over the course of the last couple weeks, basically ever since moot put the link in from the other boards, and I found out what this board was for. I hope you enjoy it!

    Here goes:

    It always truly surprises me how much music affects our lives. Simple melodies, and the lyrics that accompany them, can have a profound impact on the world, whether it's through social upheaval during times of great change, or a short passage that brings back memories of times long ago. In my case, one particular song reminds me of the day when I first met a girl named Jess.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:11:30 No.8759264
    I live and work in Somerville, right near downtown Boston, but had just hung out with one of my friends who was still at BU. I can take the T most of the way back, but it's still a decent walk to my house to the nearest stop. Along the walk, I got a little hungry, and decided to grab something at a coffee shop I was about to pass by. I walked in, went up to the counter, and was greeted by a very cute girl who was right around my age. I returned the greeting, and gave her a look. She had brown hair, roughly shoulder-length, and blue-green eyes. I ordered an apple turnover, and while she was getting it for me I noticed the logo on her button-down shirt. It was the logo for CEDA, from Left 4 Dead 2.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:12:03 No.8759273
    "Hey, I like your shirt!"
    She gave me a curious look. "What about it?"
    "The CEDA logo."
    "Oh thank God, you're the first person to recognize it." She spoke more quietly: "We have to wear a nice-looking shirt to work, so I decided to go for this since I knew my boss wouldn't know what it was. Nobody else recognizes it though; it's all old people and casuals around here."
    I laughed, and leaned in a little so I could also speak more quietly, "Yeah, I know what you mean. My friends think I'm crazy for trying to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse, but if you're ready for zombies, you're ready for anything."
    "I've never thought of it that way; I like that." She gave me a genuine smile, which is rare from store employees. Usually they give you a fake friendly smile that they've perfected over the years. This smile seemed to exude something more though: I think I could tell she was interested in me, possibly even sexually.
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 05/04/10(Tue)20:12:16 No.8759280
    Aw man I love 'What I did over my summer break' papers.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:12:53 No.8759289
    I knew I really liked this girl, so I took a second or two to summon up the courage to ask her out, straightened my posture, and opened my mouth. "Would y-"
    "Do you want to go out sometime?", she asked.
    "Wow, I was about to ask you that same question!" She just smiled, so I replied, "Um... absolutely!"
    "Great then, can I have your number?"
    "Uh, yeah!" I was taken aback at how forward she was. I saw a pen on the counter, and wrote my name and number on a survey card the coffee shop had put on a display stand. I gave it to her, and she looked at it for a few seconds.
    "Alright then Bill, I'll call you later."
    "Sorry, I didn't catch your name."
    She tapped her nametag. "It's Jess."
    "Oh, right." I blushed a little.
    "Don't worry about it, I'll see you later!"
    "Right! Bye!"
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:14:06 No.8759308
    She called me that evening after she got out of work, and asked me if I wanted to meet up for dinner. I accepted, and told her I knew a small sandwich place near me. She said that would be fine, and she'd meet me at 9; that gave me enough time to shower and everything before I went. I arrived at the restaurant about 15 minutes early so I could wait for her, but I was surprised to see that she got there first! She was wearing a high-cut dark grey tank top with an open white blouse, and a nice pair of classic-style jeans. The tank top showed her figure far better than the CEDA shirt she used for work; she was fairly slender, but looked like she went to the gym regularly. Her breasts were somewhat small (probably halfway between an A-cup and B-cup), but looked nice and perky.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:15:21 No.8759330
    We both ordered sandwiches (this place serves BIG sandwiches, so it's not like it would be a light meal), and took them back to a table. We each asked the standard questions, like her asking what I did for work, and asking each other about college (she had recently graduated) and family... regular background type questions.

    She also asked me about what I'd said earlier, about being prepared for the zombie apocalypse. I told her I was mostly joking; I had an interest in firearms, and I liked watching zombie movies and playing zombie games, but I hadn't seriously been preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
    "I have," She stated, with a smile.
    I was shocked, "In what way?"
    "Well, I have an AR-15 and a case of ammo. I also have a stack of MREs in my closet! I don't have as much as I want though, cause my student loans are raping me, and I'm having a tough time finding a job that actually lets me use my degree."
    "I hear you. Lots of my friends still have that problem... I'm amazed at your 'zombie preparedness' though; I never would have thought I'd ever meet a girl as kick-ass as you." She let out a meek laugh at this point, most likely from the flattery. "Especially when some people would think you're crazy for even mentioning zombies outside a discussion of fiction."
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:16:24 No.8759347
    By that time we'd both been done with dinner for a few minutes. When she noticed this, she gave me a look that was somehow both innocent and mischievous. "Want to go back to my place?"
    Again, I was taken aback at how forward Jess was, but apparently she liked me as much as I liked her. "Um, yeah, absolutely!"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:17:19 No.8759361
    Zoey is the best character, from both L4D1 and L4D2. Zoey kicks ALL their asses.

    And especially, especially, fuck Rochelle.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:18:36 No.8759380
    As we walked out the door, she gave my ass a gentle little squeeze. Maybe I should have expected it, after what I'd seen of her already, but I jumped about three feet from surprise. She laughed at my reaction, which ended up making me laugh about it as well. We walked for about 5 or 10 minutes to her building, where she led me inside, and up to her apartment. After she unlocked the door and let me in, she checked her answering machine, then told me she just wanted to check her computer for a minute. It looked like a normal mid-range gaming setup; powerful, but discreet -- not a ricer machine. Like the rest of her apartment, her computer was very tasteful, despite obviously being bought on the budget of someone fresh out of college.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:20:10 No.8759399
    She turned from her computer towards me. "Sorry, I usually play on Steam with my friends on Friday, so they were all wondering where I was. I'm all set now."
    "That's cool, I usually just play on pubs, but I think it'd be nice to have a close-knit group of people to regularly play with."
    "Yeah, I really enjoy playing with my friends. I play games all the time, but for me it's about the fun; I'm not interested in playing in CAL leagues or anything."
    I shook my head; I was still amazed to find a girl who enjoyed gaming this much.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:23:52 No.8759452
    "Hey, I see Foobar and Audacity on your desktop, do you listen to alot of music?"
    "I play bass too. I'm not in a band at the moment, but I still practice."
    "What do you listen to?"
    "Mostly progressive rock, I'd say, but I'll listen to anything once, to see if I like it."
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:24:40 No.8759461
    Sorry, I was posting in another thread as well, this is me.

    She opened up Foobar to show me her music. As it popped up, I was amazed again. "You have Rush's entire catalog!"
    "Yeah, they're my favorite band."
    "Mine too!" I was dumbfounded once again. "You know, with how much we have in common, I think we would already be best friends, if you weren't so hot."
    She gave another bashful smile from the flattery. Without saying anything, she grasped my hand, led me over to the couch, sat down, and pulled me down, prompting me to sit beside her.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:25:36 No.8759475
         File1273019136.jpg-(2 KB, 68x94, thumbnail_face.jpg)
    2 KB
    found the hidden face in OP's pic
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:25:36 No.8759476
    After I was seated, she put one hand on my face, leaned over and kissed me on the lips, attaining a balance of speed so as not to be slow, but not to be forceful either. It was just a brief kiss though, and she backed off a little to see what I would do. I closed the gap, and kissed her right back. With this, she knew she could go further, and kissed me with a bit more enthusiasm, this time slipping some tongue in my mouth. We kissed passionately for a few minutes, when I decided to see if I could take it further. I moved one hand onto her breast, over her clothing. She was wearing a bra, but she still seemed to enjoy the feel of my hand, because she gave a soft moan into my mouth. She took off her blouse. After a minute after, I slipped my hand under her tank top to continue my caressing. She broke the kiss and lifted the tank top completely off, giving me a good view of her upper body. Her breasts, while small, had very smooth skin, and looked very good in the low light of the apartment.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:27:15 No.8759499
    I started to kiss the flesh of her breasts a bit, to which she showed her enjoyment by taking my head in her hands and softly pushing my head into her chest. I reached around to her back, undoing her bra clasp with one hand (a handy skill to learn, if I do say so myself), while taking the bra in the other hand and placing it on the floor. Now I could see her breasts in their entirety. Her nipples were getting harder (as was I, I should note), and I knew I wanted to take them in my mouth. I put my lips down to her left nipple, gently kissing it, then sucking it, while massaging her right breast. She gave another moan of pleasure, running her hands through my hair as she did so. I switched sides, sucking her right nipple, while massaging her left breast. She put a hand under my chin, directing my head back up to hers. She kissed me with even more passion than before, still running one hand through my hair, while running the other across my chest.
    >> Tom Cruise !E5g5GmbE/U 05/04/10(Tue)20:27:53 No.8759509
    this could be a movie i volunteer to act in it as long as you pay me
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:28:35 No.8759519
    She gently pushed me away after a minute though. "Hang on a second," she said as she stood up. She walked over to her computer, double-clicked something with her mouse, then came back over. "Just wanted some music for the occasion." She bent down and gave me another deep kiss on the mouth, lifted my shirt off, then knelt down in front of me. As music started to play from her computer, she started to undo the button and zipper on my jeans. I recognized the song; it was the synthesizer intro from Rush's "2112".
    >> julis !taAZ7oPCCM 05/04/10(Tue)20:28:47 No.8759525
    i red till this .. they will fuck right
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:28:54 No.8759528

    Holy shit. OP, is this a trap?
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:29:31 No.8759540
    After she'd unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, she pulled them down a couple inches. She reached through the open slot at the front of my boxers with her hand, and pulled out my cock. The look in her eyes was that of a hungry woman seeing her meal set down in front of her. She stroked her hand slowly up and down a few times, then gave the head of my cock a slow lick, using the whole width of her tongue. I gave a low moan; it felt incredibly good, and it had been over a year since anyone gave me head. After this, without taking a break, she suddenly put her lips around it and put her head down, thrusting half of my cock into her mouth. I shuddered and gave another moan. She held her lips in place for a moment, giving small movements with her tongue that kept me blissful.
    >> julis !taAZ7oPCCM 05/04/10(Tue)20:29:43 No.8759546
    P.S i am going to look at other tread
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:29:56 No.8759552

    A scientific expedition disembarks from its plane at the final outpost of civilization in the deepest Amazon rain forest. They immediately notice the ceaseless thrumming of native drums. As they venture further into the bush, the drums never stop, day or night, for weeks.

    The lead scientist asks one of the natives about this, and the native's only reply is "Drums good. Drums never stop. Very BAD if drums stop."

    The drumming continues, night and day, until one night, six weeks into the trip, when the jungle is suddenly silent. Immediately the natives run screaming from their huts, covering their ears. The scientists grab one boy and demand "What is it? The drums have stopped!"

    The terror-stricken youth replies "Yes! Drums stop! VERY BAD!"

    The scientists ask "Why? Why? What will happen?"

    Wild-eyed, the boy responds,

    " . . . BASS SOLO!!!" -
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:31:37 No.8759584
    The image has little to do with the story; it's the dorm that the main character was leaving after he visited his friend at BU.

    The song's intro (I should mention that the song "2112" is just over 20 minutes long) moved into a fast section, led by the guitarist, Alex Lifeson. She changed it up at that moment, now she was moving her head up and down, moving her lips and tongue along the surface of my cock, while moving her hand to match it. I realized what she was doing: she was matching her movements to the tempo of the music! It was a little strange, but somehow it just worked. Changing techniques every minute or two makes for a good blowjob, and the song would be changing its tempo and feel about that often! That, combined with the fact that she seemed to be really good at it, meant that I was getting the best blowjob of my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:32:33 No.8759592
    guffawed earnestly
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:32:39 No.8759593
    in b4 trap
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:33:00 No.8759598
    When she got to a slower section about 6 minutes in, she slowed right down, and I was able to recover from the ecstasy her mouth was bringing me. I pleaded, "Stop for a minute." She looked at me, looking curious to see if she'd done something wrong. I continued, "That feels amazing, it's the best blowjob I've ever had. I gotta be honest though: I had no idea I'd meet a girl as amazing as you today, so I jacked off this morning. It's gonna take me a while to cum, and I want to give you some pleasure in return first."
    "Are you sure?", she asked. "I would love to keep going."
    "I'm sure. I can't promise you the level of pleasure you've given me, but that won't stop me from trying."
    "Alright, let's go to my bed." She took me by the hand again, and brought me over to the other side of the studio apartment.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:35:00 No.8759629
    Since my pants were still unbuttoned and unzipped, I just took them off the rest of the way.
    "The boxers too," she asserted. "I have something in mind." Her face was giving that same mischievous smirk I saw before, but I think I detected some... nervousness? What exactly did she have in mind?
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:35:34 No.8759637
    I took off my boxers, and she asked "Can you lie on your side on the bed?"
    "Sure," I said, before doing what I was asked. She came around and laid down beside me, with her head pointed in the other direction, so the front of her pants were next to my face. She wanted sixty-nine; why didn't she say so!
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:36:12 No.8759645
    She started stroking my still-hard cock again, as I unbuttoned her jeans. I unzipped them as she took my cock in her mouth again, not deep like before, just short, shallow movements of her head, with her lips going back and forth across the tip of my cock. "Wow, you're amazing. That is still the best feeling I've ever had."
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:37:44 No.8759663

    She has a penis, the end.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:39:11 No.8759682
    I hooked my thumbs over the waistband of her jeans and her panties, and moved my hands up towards her feet. She moved her hips up to make it easier for me. After I moved my hands to around her knees, I turned my attention back in front of me. However, I was expecting to see a pussy. What I saw instead was a five-or-six-inch semi-erect penis.
    I was aghast, as you might imagine. I was lying on a bed with a beautiful girl who gave amazing head, had small but perfect tits, and had a penis. It was the last thing I ever thought I could have expected.
    "Are you sure you still want to pleasure me?"
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:40:12 No.8759696
    That broke the trance-like state I'd fallen into. I looked down at her eyes, still looking over to me as her lips were giving the head of my cock sloppy kisses that felt amazing. I turned back to the penis that was in front of my face. I had never had an urge to suck a cock before, but in this case, my body seemed to be demanding it. I reached with my hand and grabbed the base of Jess' cock. I moved my head closer, opened my mouth, and wrapped my lips around a penis for the first time in my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:40:33 No.8759703
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:40:45 No.8759705
    It didn't taste weird, it just tasted like the skin on any other body part like the neck or the breast. I started to mimic the actions that I'd seen and felt girls to for me on several occasions before; I moved my head slowly up and down the shaft, and I moved my tongue back and forth along the head. Jess gave a moan, and I knew I was at least doing a decent job for a first-timer. She gave a sigh though; it was then that I noticed that I'd been so wrapped up in this new activity that I didn't even notice she wasn't sucking my cock anymore.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:42:15 No.8759724
    "You really don't have to do that if you don't want to," she said.
    I took my mouth off of her cock, looked down, gave her a smile, and started sucking again. I'd always thought of myself as 100% straight in the past, even though I'm not even remotely homophobic. Guys just didn't turn me on. This was different though; Jess was so feminine. More importantly though, I'd already fallen in love with her. I really and truly cared for her, and wanted to make her happy. Because of that, I was able to derive a great amount of pleasure myself from giving her pleasure, even if that entails doing something I never imagined I ever would.

    I'd almost forgotten that the music was still playing in the background; I thought of the lyrics, and the story of "2112" seemed to fit with my discovery of who Jess really is. A man comes upon a thing that gives off such beauty that it gives his life meaning that did not exist before, but finds that his society will not accept it. Maybe that's a real stretch of a metaphor, but all the same, it did seem somehow apt.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:43:51 No.8759744
    Seeing that I was apparently comfortable in this situation, and while moaning a little, Jess resumed going down on me. It all felt so good; getting my dick sucked, giving a girl I loved such a good feeling, and doing something sexual that was completely new to me. Soon, I felt a sensation that was all too familiar, but I didn't want it yet.
    "Stop," I told her, as I slowly sat up.
    "Oh, I'm really sorry, I thought you were starting to enjoy it." She looked very remorseful as she sat up as well.
    "No, don't worry, it's not that. I am enjoying myself. It's just that this is all so hot, so arousing, that I'd cum very soon if we don't stop. I don't want to cum yet; I want to get you off."
    "Why's that?"
    "Well, it's..." I gulped then spoke a little more softly, "I love you. I never thought I could fall in love the day I met someone, but I have. I really care for you, and I want you to feel good. I want to keep going down on you."
    She gave a smile of true happiness then; I thought she looked almost like she might cry.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:43:54 No.8759746

    Wise, jaded Anon has seen more than his fair share of traps.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:44:29 No.8759754
    love it
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:45:29 No.8759766
    I took her head in one hand, and put the other behind her back. I kissed her as I let her down slowly so she was lying on the bed, this time on her back. I started kissing her body, making my way from her neck to her breasts, down to her thighs. I put a hand around her penis, and started stroking it slowly, while still kissing her inner thighs sensually.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:47:40 No.8759780
    I once again put her cock in my mouth, slowly sliding it in. Jess gave another moan of pleasure that made me feel confident. I continued sliding my lips up and down her shaft, and my tongue across the tip. After a couple minutes, I decided to try something new; I wanted to deep-throat Jess. On one of the down-strokes of my mouth, I went farther down, until I was nearly at the base of her cock. I forced myself not to let my gag reflex take over, and was able to make it all the way down. Jess gave a very quiet squeal of delight at that feeling. Even though her cock wasn't as big as mine (which is a little over seven inches), it was still about average, which meant deep-throating wasn't easy. Since I was able to do it though, I decided to do it again. I backed off a moment, then brought myself back down onto her cock. I pushed it to the back of my throat, all the way down, and held it there. This time, I even gave a small twisting motion from my head. I felt a twitch from her cock that I could feel with my mouth.
    "Oh my God, I'm going to cum," she moaned.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:48:19 No.8759785
    Normally I'd find this really hot OP, but I _just_ got off.

    I'll save it for later use, though, thanks.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:49:10 No.8759795
    I backed off slightly; I didn't want her cum to go straight down my throat on my first time, since I didn't know how to prevent it going down into my lungs.
    "Where do you want it?", she asked.
    I hummed and pointed at my mouth, which was still wrapped around Jess' penis.
    "Only if you're sure."
    I nodded, not wanting to miss a beat of the first blowjob I'd given, bobbing up and down, trying to make her feel as good as possible.
    She gasped for air. "I'm about to cum..."
    I sped up even more.
    >> OP !!G+8OTQIg3aG 05/04/10(Tue)20:50:53 No.8759808
    "Oh oh oh!!" Jess gasped, as she came, but she was cut short.
    "'re a..."
    "Yes!" I roared, "I'm a beaaaaar!!"
    I gobbled her up and pawned her PC, and lived happily ever after.

    The end.

    So did you like my story, /r9k/?
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:51:05 No.8759810
    "OHH!", she cried out, as her penis started spasming, and her hips started involuntarily thrusting. A couple seconds later, I felt a rush of warm liquid run into my mouth. I slowed down the motions of my head and tongue, but kept at it. I swollowed after every couple spurts from her cock. Her orgasm eventually died down, and I brought my mouth up off of her spent penis. She lay on the bed with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back at her
    "I hope that wasn't weird for you," she asked.
    "It was a new experience, but it was really hot. I never would've thought I'd ever give a blowjob, let alone like it."
    "I'm glad you did; I'd like to repay the favor now though." She got up and gave me another deep kiss before nudging me onto the bed.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:51:51 No.8759817
    hahaha we are a jaded lot, arent we?
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:53:21 No.8759836
    She went straight for it, wrapping a hand and her mouth around my cock at the same time. I had gone very slightly soft, like I usually do when I'm going down on a girl, but I got very hard very quickly with Jess stimulating me like that. She was stroking and sucking with a great amount of vigor, and it felt amazing, especially after watching her cum -- that was an amazing sight. It only took a couple minutes before I felt that sensation again.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:54:19 No.8759846
    "I'm going to cum; that feels amazing." She kept up her high pace. "Oh God... HNNNGGG!"
    I felt like I exploded into her mouth; my whole body was spasming from head to toe. I'd seen girls have orgasms like this, but I'd never felt one before, and I wasn't even sure guys could have one. It was the best orgasm I'd ever felt, by far. After my body stopped spasming, Jess lifted her head off of my cock, and moved up on the bed to lie down next to me. I was on my back, and she curled up next to me on her side. I put my arm around her, and kissed her forehead. She lifted her head up, and kissed me on the lips.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:55:07 No.8759855
    The song had finished playing a minute ago, and had stopped. In the low light, I looked at what I had with me. I was in a softly-lit apartment with a girl who shared my favorite hobbies, really enjoyed sex, and happened to be born male. More importantly, I'd fallen in love with her.
    "So what now?" She asked, as if she knew what I was thinking.
    "Well, assuming I can ever let you go long enough for us to get dressed, I'd like to introduce my friends to my new girlfriend."
    She squeezed my chest with her arm. "I've always wanted to hear that," she said. "Thank you."
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)20:57:45 No.8759885
    That's the end of my story, /r9k/.

    What do you think?

    I dropped some hints that Jess might be a trap, but I had hoped I was being subtle about it. I guess not. ;)
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:57:57 No.8759890
    I never thought I'd fap to shemales.

    OP proved me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)20:58:31 No.8759896
    Fantastic OP, we need more OC like this.
    >> OP !!G+8OTQIg3aG 05/04/10(Tue)20:59:17 No.8759905
    Nah, don't worry, you were subtle OP. We're just not the crowd to sneak in traps, we're jaded.

    Anyway, circlejerk aside, I dug your story. Romantic and hot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:07:53 No.8759992
    Yes, that was a very hot story OP. So hot that I came from it. Gonna have to save this one for future use. I have a question though; is there going to be a sequel, hopefully with some ass fucking?
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/04/10(Tue)21:12:11 No.8760052
    I hadn't put serious thought into a sequel yet. I may, but if it happens it won't be soon. Like I said, this story probably took a couple weeks to write.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:12:52 No.8760066
    I'm proud of you, opee.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:15:16 No.8760095

    am disappoint

    i will take my fap elsewhere
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:39:22 No.8760431
    Was hoping for a trap either way.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/10(Tue)21:44:35 No.8760498
    story fails.

    no assfuck. no element of aggression.

    the moment protagonist saw the cock, he should have bent her over and reamed her in the ass, pulling back her hair with one hand, and death-gripping her penis with the other.

    after some frantic thrusting they both cum buckets together. afterwards, they lay down, and story resolves your way.

    you do not woo a trap. you break her in. that lessens the gayness of it, since you are basically branding it instead of pursuing it like a normal woman.
    >> OP !OpuWxu8zJw 05/05/10(Wed)00:28:47 No.8763012
    I might incorporate anal in the sequel, which I think I will write after all.

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