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  • File : 1272853470.png-(343 KB, 499x353, final roflcon panel.png)
    343 KB 4chan and ROFLcon II Panel Thread OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:24:30 No.8727927  
    It is truly amazing and hectic these past few months for 4chan and moot. First, TED2010, the Jeopardy question appearance, the NYU lecture and appearance at NYU Local, the NYT blog article, and the master's tea at Yale university. Finally ROFLcon II.

    While I did not watch most of the panel where moot appeared, there was some new information.

    1. moot, despite trashing Facebook at TED2010 for their piracy policy, got an account for the sole purpose of the April Fool's Joke. He mentioned that in the panel he said he actually left it there longer April Fools Day and the userbase (read: /b/) freaked out, even though the rest of the userbase outside of /b/ did not used it or just tried it out!

    It was so successful, that Facebook actually came to him and were interested in implementing the Facebook connect feature permanently, but moot declined because he disagrees with the piracy polices. (Which keep changing at least once every year.)

    "Facebook does offer us is a great utility." But agian, he doesn't agree with their privacy policy.

    2. Epic Beard Man has became 4chan's mainstream meme since the last one in 2008.

    3.moot also put the heat on the cheeseburger network on the panel for monetizing the meme culture without giving back to the community that created it. ("Your model is an oil tower. Do you feel like you contribute back to the community? I feel you don't. -moot)

    4. "I made the site that produces memes, you just study it." Refering to the fact that 4chan creates the memes, knowyourmeme studies them, youshouldhaveseenthis collates, and cheeseburger network profits from it. - moot
    >> 4chan and ROFLcon II Panel Thread - 2 OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:26:56 No.8727965
    5. moot installed Chartbeat on 4chan and it shows that 10,000 people are looking at the index page of /b/ at any given time.

    6. moot mentioned that the origami (/po/) board is one of the most tame imageboards of all of 4chan. (But there are also other tame imageboards too like /c/ and /cm/) However, despite the threat that the /po/ board culture is going to change during the pane; the supposed change did not happen.

    7. "If I had a daughter, I would never let her have a webcam" This is refering to the camwhore threads on /b/

    8. Are you going to tell your kids about 4chan? A: If I don't, I know you all will. - moot

    9. "If you need to contextualize a meme in order for others outside our world to understand it, its not going to spread" - moot (They have to understand it for themselves in for the best results.)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:28:43 No.8727990
    >2. Epic Beard Man has became 4chan's mainstream meme since the last one in 2008.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:29:03 No.8727994
    link to a vid? blox
    >> 4chan and ROFLcon II Panel Thread - 3 OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:29:37 No.8728000
    10. "We don't just find content or consume. we share and spread, its a 2 way street" -moot (This also applies to knowledge,information, and regular pictures as well)

    11. "There is no tech barrier to participating on 4chan, but a huge social one. People have to stomach nasty things." (again, this is referring to /b/, but outside of /b/, what other nasty things was he talking about?)

    12. " theory that means good content reappears while bad content goes off the site quickly" (Now you know why the announced archive for 4chan has never happened, because people save the content locally if they like it, and are compelled to do so due to the nature of imageboards.)

    13. Also, moot did the Roflcopter! (No, seriously)
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:30:34 No.8728018
    I'm afraid there are not any videos of the panel yet. But the official ROFLcon II site should have the write ups and possibly the videos of the panel soon, I hope.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:30:40 No.8728022
    >("Your model is an oil tower. Do you feel like you contribute back to the community? I feel you don't. -moot)

    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:30:55 No.8728029
    piracy or privacy OP? Get them straight.

    Also, no one gives a shit what moot says.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:31:54 No.8728040
         File1272853914.jpg-(80 KB, 360x329, 1267541210890.jpg)
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    >3.moot also put the heat on the cheeseburger network on the panel for monetizing the meme culture without giving back to the community that created it. ("Your model is an oil tower. Do you feel like you contribute back to the community? I feel you don't. -moot)

    I love you, moot.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:32:03 No.8728042
    >4. "I made the site that produces memes, you just study it." Refering to the fact that 4chan creates the memes, knowyourmeme studies them, youshouldhaveseenthis collates, and cheeseburger network profits from it. - moot

    >he thinks 4chan invents memes and doesn't just post them enough to the point where everyone knows about them

    >("Your model is an oil tower. Do you feel like you contribute back to the community? I feel you don't. -moot)

    >give me money
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:34:23 No.8728075
    >Facebook actually came to him and were interested in implementing the Facebook connect feature permanently

    I am all for it!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:36:26 No.8728101
    he is truly our once and future queen.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:36:35 No.8728105
    How is any of this different from any other panel moot does?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:40:39 No.8728152
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:42:14 No.8728175
    >2. Epic Beard Man has became 4chan's mainstream meme since the last one in 2008.

    No, moot said this is one of his favorite newly minted memes right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:42:44 No.8728186

    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:43:46 No.8728200
    I watched half of the panel on the website's stream.

    That I can has cheeseburger guy is a huge faggot.

    Also, seeing memes talked about IRL is really cringe inducing.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:43:49 No.8728201
    1. Yale University Master's Tea: Moot talks about web entrepreneurship and 4chan (Although he is not successful in making bags of money, he is successful in selling a idea: An imageboard to the Western World)

    2. SXSW: How 4channers game the system in regards to meme creation and trolling.

    3. NYU Lecture: Talks briefly about the history of 4chan and it's relation to the hacker culture

    This is his 4th, and I hope final appearance. He said in one of the /r9k/ threads that his schedule will be clear around Early to Mid May. So I hope we see some big changes to the website.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:45:07 No.8728218
    >So I hope we see some big changes to the website.
    ...are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:45:21 No.8728224
    I'd agree with you if moot wasn't basically running this on his mum's credit cards. I'm all for moot getting the lion's share of the money from 4chan if it pays for hosting and him continuing to give a shit about it. It's fairer than the cheeseburger network who are making money off something they aren't even hosting or encouraging, moot is at least running the board, fighting ddos attacks, adding and removing boards, managing mods, and so on.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:46:12 No.8728235
    I say he adds more dicks, every site needs more dicks!
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:46:30 No.8728241
    That is what I'm trying to say, I meant to say that it's the current meme 4chan (or in this case /b/) has created this year. The last year they created a meme that has became mainstream was 2008.

    Why you think it's cringe inducing?

    I meant privacy.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:47:45 No.8728261
    He doesn't anymore.

    4chan is making a small profit, but no one is receiving a paycheck.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:48:52 No.8728275
    I still don't get what you were trying to say with your 2nd point
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:50:02 No.8728294
    I disagree 100% that it has gone mainstream. Sure it got several news stories about it in the Bay Area, but it was about the fight and not the broader picture of Epic Beard Man. It's still under the realm of subculture and if it broke mainstream such as lolcats and Rick Astley, moot would stop liking it and get sick of mentioning it to a bunch of people who don't know about 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:52:25 No.8728332
    never mind. I am stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:52:32 No.8728333
    I hafta agree. moot hates anything that's mainstream. Which is why he sorta hates /b/.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:54:38 No.8728363
    Have you ever talked to a thirteen/fourteen year old? Most will be able to tell you at least half of the memes from /b/.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)22:55:16 No.8728369
    And if he shuts down /b/, you know what happens.

    (Hint: Remember the 'freezes' that /b/ suffered?)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:57:04 No.8728394
    I've always wondered if someday this site is going to be run by a 4chan foundation. A non-profit company designed to only keep this website going forever. It seems like the logical end unless the whole place just disappears.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:57:49 No.8728407
    my friends know about epic beard man, it is now mainstream.
    >> Tippers !!Y+KolZOLN/b 05/02/10(Sun)22:59:07 No.8728431
    Having a beloved website just disappear on you sucks, but you seriously get over it.
    If 4chan ever simply disappeared, I'm pretty sure we'd go on will our lives.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:59:26 No.8728438
    they said amber lamps on South Park.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:00:17 No.8728449
    I wonder if the xkcd faggot was there. That comic needs to just end.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:00:23 No.8728455
    I was wondering the same thing too. But the name has to be different from 4chan like the "Tom Paine Foundation" or the "Nameless Speech and Discourse Foundation"
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:00:35 No.8728460
    Thriteen and fourteen year olds don't report the news, the adults do. When the adults find out about our culture, it starts expanding and goes mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:02:13 No.8728487
    what's wrong with xkcd?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:02:21 No.8728495
    I think that killing this place with fire would be fantastic.

    Its a terrible place compared to a couple years ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:02:36 No.8728501
    Randall Munroe was at ROFLCon II this year and I met him. I know a friend who will probably agree. He said it has turned into women jokes that are degrading.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:04:22 No.8728526
    what the fuck are people at yale so bored that they have to get moot of all people to come and talk about 4chan. they should have gotten the CEO of or something, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:04:22 No.8728527
    He stopped being funny right about the time he started trying to be funny.

    Whatever, he probably found a way to make money by retreating a bit toward the mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:04:39 No.8728529
    OP you forgot to mention that at the very end of the conference, moot was asked how long he plans to keep 4chan running and moot responsed that he can't afford to keep it going at its current size for more than 12-14 months.

    i dunno if he was asking for donations, or hinting at a shutdown, but not more about it was said after that.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:05:34 No.8728544
         File1272855934.jpg-(369 KB, 683x1024, Randall_Munroe..jpg)
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    admit it. you love him more than life itself.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:06:12 No.8728560
    I read xkcd for a long time and I don't share your sentiment.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:06:36 No.8728565

    haha what a weird looking fucker.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:06:46 No.8728571

    The fuck does the CEO of Amazon know about 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:07:28 No.8728579
    This man occasionally writes comics about sex?

    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:08:29 No.8728594
    No, I'm attempting to get together with this girl. I texted her about some good sushi at a Porter Square sushi restaurant last night and how good is bubble tea. She's learning Chinese too. :)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:11:06 No.8728630
    >I read xkcd for a long time
    and I share the sentiment that it's just time to end, man.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:11:56 No.8728647
    Do you have any proof of that?

    Because if it's true, moot has two options:
    1. Sell the site to people who understand 4chan (read: 4channers)
    2. Shut the site shut down.

    Either way, if number 2 is likely to happen: I consider this as the possible endgame for 4chan as we know it.

    And I hope that moot gets that rebooted imageboard software completed before the shutdown.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:15:12 No.8728692
    I kind of get the impression that xkcd strips are the result of a few minutes of surfing wikipedia for some obscure technical detail, which is then forced through the lol xkcd funnay factory.

    I do not like the result.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:15:42 No.8728702
    moot should sell it to Hiroyuki Nishimura and complete the circle of life.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:22:50 No.8728793
    That will never happen.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:22:59 No.8728796
    I've always been surprised that it hasn't happened. He could split parts of the site onto different servers and corporate entities. Then advertisers or credit card processors would be more willing to do business with each separate part of the larger organization. There must be some company already set up unless moot runs it under a sole proprietorship.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:28:00 No.8728872
    This is exactly what Drew Curtis did to Fark in 2006. He spilt NSFW content into Froobies and kept the SFW content on Fark. Fark makes money while Froobies loses money.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:28:09 No.8728874
    That makes a lot of sense. Maybe he'll get his shit together and make moves towards it while he has some downtime this month and onwards.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 05/02/10(Sun)23:30:41 No.8728913
    i hate your threads because you get half of the facts wrong.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:31:17 No.8728921
    in before 100000 ass kissing posts
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:31:36 No.8728930

    what facts did he get wrong?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:32:04 No.8728936

    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:32:18 No.8728939
    I'm not sure about that. moot said that he is not willing to sell the site if the new owners are going sell it out.
    They have to uphold the site's goals, but the goals of the site has remains unknown due to the fact that is has revolutionized into a general imageboard instead of a niche imageboard like 2chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:32:23 No.8728940
    inb4 OMG MOOT
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:32:59 No.8728947
    I was not fast enough.
    >> Buzzkill !bQXLaktCGc 05/02/10(Sun)23:33:19 No.8728953

    bahahahahahh wats wrong, u mad??
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:33:20 No.8728954
    You son of a bitch, get on AIM and talk to that girl in Atlanta, she thinks you're awesome

    You know the one. The one that sent you nudes, fag
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:34:09 No.8728961
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:34:24 No.8728964
    How did you figured out that I created the same threads for almost every event for the past two months?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:34:37 No.8728968
    THIS. One has to be there to experience the glorious wonders of ROFLCon this weekend was worth every cent spent. I thanked Tim Hwang at the after party. What to do with all these business cards?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:34:54 No.8728972
    Say, moot, do actually support the shit those guys do? I was assuming you'd show up to the panel with a bomb strapped to your chest.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:37:23 No.8729004
    he could split them himself and retain full ownership. the problem previously, from what i understand, is that most companies see an anonymous image board as a huge liability (could still be a huge pain with trolls posting things, unless they let believe you're in legit CDA territory). if you split up the nsfw material it becomes easier to deal with people. it's the same way stickam operates porn sites and teens with webcams.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:37:53 No.8729012
    Can we actually get back to the thread without sucking Moot's cock? Seriously that guys fucking douche who doesn't give a shit when he ruins a board's culture.

    I'm sad that anon doesn't do anything about knowyourmeme, maybe if moot spent more time making banners about them and less about r9k shit would actually get done.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:41:00 No.8729055
    >maybe if moot spent more time making banners about them and less about r9k shit would actually get done.

    How good would that do?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:41:39 No.8729066
    are you new to english?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:41:59 No.8729069
    moot wasn't in front of the right crowd to really go on the offensive. I'm okay with how he went to bat for 4chan.

    Thanks, moot.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:42:28 No.8729082
    If moot had us pay a one-time fee of 5 dollars to use 4chan for the rest of our lives, would you do it?

    10000 (btards only)x5 is 50,000 dollars. That would probably pay off 4chan for a long time. I'd be willing to do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:42:50 No.8729088
    Lawl. Seems like he might be, though his english is great good in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:43:10 No.8729094

    it would be really difficult to split 4chan into sfw and nsfw, because the nature of anonymous image boards means that there really is no truly sfw board on 4chan. maybe /po/
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:44:27 No.8729118
    well I would
    but m00t wouldn't do it
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:44:35 No.8729123

    We could actually get anon pissed off enough to do something. Shit storms on /b/ always get talked about on other *chans where old anonymous still lies. Knowyourmeme could at least feel some wrath of /b/ and at least take some pain for profiting off /b/. Right now they're home free though.

    You'd be pissed like me if you actually created content.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:46:43 No.8729145
    I donno
    I kind of like knowyourmeme
    it's much better than that wretched ED
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:47:25 No.8729161
    If you spilt 4chan into WS and NWS, you make lots of money, but you have to actively recruit for more janitors to stamp out the NWS on WS boards. Janitors are volunteers and so are mods so moot and the dev can keep the money.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:49:03 No.8729186
    You forgot that the majority of /b/ is like 15 and cannot have credit cards.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:49:27 No.8729193

    So I take it you've been coming to 4chan for a year or two?

    I just don't want to see my content and the content of my /b/rothers sold.

    ED is very useful in coordinating raids and such. Knowyourmeme is never useful.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:49:35 No.8729195
    "Your model is an oil tower. Do you feel like you contribute back to the community? I feel you don't. -moot"

    lol, what a fucking idiot. They saw the business opportunity, they pounced on it. Get over it.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/02/10(Sun)23:49:55 No.8729201
    moot came in the thread.

    Called us all faggots.

    Didn't give us a clearer view on dick.

    Then left.

    I wouldn't have you any other way.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:50:02 No.8729203

    Duh, that's that whole point. You must be 15.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:50:09 No.8729206
    Splitting 4chan into nsfw and sfw would result in nsfw raids on the sfw boards during work hours, consisting of guro and loli spam.

    You know this to be true. And some of you fuckers would be the ones doing it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:51:30 No.8729223
    If moot ran a kissing booth to raise money for 4chan I would go.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:51:37 No.8729226
    You got to understand that the site costs upwards of $85,000 a year to operate (as per the FAQ).

    Subtract $50,000 from $85,000 dollars and you have let over $35,000 in the red. You have to add all the users in which is the remaining 40,000 and multiply that by $5.

    The result: $200,000, more than enough for the maintenance of 4chan for about three years.

    Problem is that moot has clearly stated that he will not plan or accept donations of ANY KIND.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:52:57 No.8729246

    I'd be seriously guilty of that.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:53:05 No.8729249
    it's actually not a problem if advertisers already paid for ads on the board. the trick is convincing them the board isn't anything like nsfw boards.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:53:40 No.8729260
    He'll be a politician by the time he gets out of his teens. Also there is no intelligent discussion anywhere outside of /jp/ and /a/ (the at least know they're weebo scum), the rest of you are just meme spouting whores, robots are the worst because you spout political sloganism as if it were a meme!

    I can't believe anyone still believes you're achieving decent communication or producing useful content anywhere on this site.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:54:37 No.8729277
    is there a video if so link
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:54:48 No.8729282
    No, I am here for a few years, but I am periodically leaving and returning
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:54:49 No.8729284
    Why don't you just stop posting for a while? I did for the majority weekend and liked it, but I was at a conference on internet culture.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:55:28 No.8729298
    I wonder how long it will be until moot's mom cuts off the gravy train.

    Or maybe she's independently wealthy and allows her son to host this site as some kind of "stick it to the man" thing?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:55:45 No.8729304
    Right? That's the only way I can picture moot in any thread.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:57:30 No.8729326
    It will be difficult, but doable, and it will be a whole lot easier if the site has a separate ad server. moot stated that he's planning to get a dedicated ad server months ago.

    With that server, the load on the remaining servers would be relieved and we could be getting new boards, especially the planned /z/ - wildcard board that is coming soon.
    >> ---===~[Post Content Grader]~===--- [Has Graded 42,029+ Posts] Last Board Graded:/v/ !sGg4wWUHlU 05/02/10(Sun)23:57:58 No.8729331
    considering moot's vehement refusal to accept donations or monetize 4chan, i doubt something like that would go ahead. the current userbase being unsustainable has been known for a little while now
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/02/10(Sun)23:59:25 No.8729353
    Fine, suit yourself. I'll just watch.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:07:14 No.8729480
    moot's journal. May 2nd, 2010: Porn dump on /po/ this morning, didn't leave page 1 for hours.

    This website is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The boards are extended gutters and the gutters are full of semen and when the drains finally crust over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their off topic posting and spam will foam up about their waists and all the camwhores and terrible posters will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:10:24 No.8729537
    Wow. Maybe I just haven't seen enough posts like that, but I have to say that was pretty epic.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:12:30 No.8729567
    Captain Obvious here... You know that this is the first page of Watchmen, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:14:18 No.8729600
    Yes I do. I meant that it was epic compared to the other edits of the first page I've seen. Ya know?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:15:42 No.8729620

    i love you moot

    will you marry me?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:15:58 No.8729623
    But there is an archive...
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:19:24 No.8729676

    It's unofficial.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:20:48 No.8729699
    There is?

    Dear god I am such a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:21:18 No.8729702
    It is run by encyclopedia dramatica
    >> Tippers !!Y+KolZOLN/b 05/03/10(Mon)00:22:24 No.8729718
    It's also pretty biased, it seems like the mods pick and choose what they put up even if request numbers are reached.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:24:28 No.8729749
    Where can I find footage of this, OP?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:25:08 No.8729765
    No, it's run by a third-party website.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/03/10(Mon)00:25:59 No.8729776
    Again, it's not up yet. Check back at the ROFLcon II website for the video when it is uploaded.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:27:06 No.8729805

    If everything that got 5 votes was archived I'm pretty sure their servers would keel over and die.

    There needs to be some sort of quality control to keep the "epic win" downies in check.

    They're actually pretty unbiased, I highly doubt they have someone representing every board and yet I've seen shit threads get looked over and actually good ones get archived even on the smaller boards.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:27:42 No.8729819

    Duh, have you been to /b/ recently. Whenever they get a combo they all rush to 4chanarchive to archive. Mods have to pick and choose.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:30:55 No.8729880
    Well of course /b/ archives are tough to go through. I was referring specifically to requests on smaller boards.
    >> smokey_archivemod !!9J20jw9kg78 05/03/10(Mon)00:41:14 No.8730052
    are you fucking stupid? no, it's not owned by ED.

    we are NOT biased. If you had to go through the amount of shit that we have to go through on a daily basis, you'd understand.

    There is a system, yes. but trust me. only about 8 threads get archived (read:published) for about 15 threads. IF THAT. We do have a certain way of determining archivable threads. There's also >10 mods. No, you cannot go and apply for a position. go fuck yourselves.

    95% of /b/ threads get deleted.

    what do you mean?
    >> Buff !!Mwfj9ClXT8P 05/03/10(Mon)00:42:37 No.8730069
    3.moot also put the heat on the cheeseburger network on the panel for monetizing the meme culture without giving back to the community that created it. ("Your model is an oil tower. Do you feel like you contribute back to the community? I feel you don't. -moot)

    4. "I made the site that produces memes, you just study it." Referring to the fact that 4chan creates the memes, knowyourmeme studies them, youshouldhaveseenthis collates, and cheeseburger network profits from it. - moot

    I'm glad he said both of these.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:45:39 No.8730108
    OP is even more of a faggot than you, moot.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)00:47:30 No.8730130
    Go back to /b/ , will you?
    >> Tippers !!Y+KolZOLN/b 05/03/10(Mon)00:49:07 No.8730154
    Wow, awesome straight forward answers, seriously.

    There were a few threads months ago on /r9k/ and /lit/ that I specifically noticed reached their archive limit but still haven't been posted.
    I know there's a delay, but it's usually like what, a week or two? Are some boards delayed more than others?

    Now questions for you..
    Are the mods on specific boards or do yall work together on everything?
    95% of /b/ gets filtered out, which is completely understandable and necessary, but how do you then deem something worthy of being archived? (Obviously discounting combos, doubles, repeated material, etc.)
    How do you retrieve threads after they 404? Or do you have to rush in before they die?

    PS I LOVE the archive and visit very regularly. You guys are awesome for doing it.
    >> smokey_archivemod !!9J20jw9kg78 05/03/10(Mon)01:02:32 No.8730358
    thank you.

    In response to your point:
    In all honesty, at one point a few months ago, there were over 350 threads awaiting review. THREE FUCKING HUNDRED FIFTY!!! Now, I'm not trying to sound like 4chan users should stop archiving threads. I'm just saying that you should be mindful that, more than likely, that thread is getting deleted. We have a limit of threads we can publish per 24 hours. and it's not that high. We'll get around to those threads eventually. Normally, the oldest threads get published first. There was a thread from /adv/. you may have seen it. it was called "Socially Awkward Anon Texts A Girl". It was pure /gold/ (if you catch the drift). Once it hit 30/0, I said fuck it and archived it, even though it was days ahead of where I was at. Stuff like that might happen, so yeah. Kinda rambling now.

    In reply to your questions (numbered for convenience(sp?))

    1) We all work together. Usually, we don't talk. We each have "our" boards. Boards that are usually somewhat "automatic" archives. Like mine are /sp/ and /r9k/ for example. Not everything from those boards gets the greenlight, but they have a little bit of an influence (as corrupt as that sounds)
    2) By reading them and the feedback we get from them (like the ratings.)
    3) That shit's technical. That's not what I was brought for. Sorry, bro.
    4) Thanks for your support. :) you can help more by buying some pixels. :3
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)01:08:17 No.8730443
    this faggot, at the original roflcon he was SO jealous of moot and 4chan

    remember the 4chan island internet joke?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)01:12:15 No.8730509
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)01:12:24 No.8730513
    So where's the gif of moot doing the roflcopter?
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/03/10(Mon)01:13:35 No.8730529
    Yes, I actually do have a picture of the island in my personal archives but it will take forever to find it at this point. But please refresh me on that 4chan island joke.
    >> smokey_archivemod !!9J20jw9kg78 05/03/10(Mon)01:15:12 No.8730552
    dis nigga mad.

    but, fuck you, buddy. I also know what the fuck is what. gb2/b/
    >> smokey_archivemod !!9J20jw9kg78 05/03/10(Mon)01:15:51 No.8730560
    also: I read EVERY thread I publish.
    >> Tippers !!Y+KolZOLN/b 05/03/10(Mon)01:20:09 No.8730625
    I actually thought about buying pixels because I think I've read almost every archive and I totally understand how hard yall work to get that stuff up.

    When I get back from studying abroad I'll definitely look into it if I come into some money :)
    >> smokey_archivemod !!9J20jw9kg78 05/03/10(Mon)01:23:01 No.8730677
    where're you studying, bro? just wondering.

    but I'm gonna head out for the night. if you have anymore questions, you can reach me at my email (above) or just post something on /gold/ and tell me it's you. alright?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)01:29:39 No.8730775

    the video is out there but I don't know the name

    Randall said that he got a bunch of hatemail from people saying the 4chan was way too small of an island in his representation. His jealousy was palpable, moot was the clear rockstar of the panel (crowd laughed and responded more to him, most questions were for him) and he couldn't stand it one bit.

    He said something snide like "as if 4chan were one of the biggest parts of the internet." It was subtle but it was a jibe. moot comes back, looking at him, "what can I say, it is" and the crowd HOWLS.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)01:30:04 No.8730786

    Dude what the fuck are you talking about?

    I hate to use this word but you're a fucking newfag get out of my face.

    The very board you're posting this bullshit on was fucking coded by Randall Munroe, him and moot are fucking bros of the highest order, get the fuck out.
    >> Parhelion 05/03/10(Mon)01:59:06 No.8731185
    Moot is a pretty cool guy, eh gives panels, hates profiteers and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:19:16 No.8732353
    has naybody posted footage yet goddommot
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:48:29 No.8732634
    i was under the impression that one of the reasons donations were no longer possible was because paypal wouldnt allow it .. hell, even one of the small, private torrent trackers i visit had trouble maintaining a paypal account for donations for similiar reasons
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:49:14 No.8732640
    u mad bro?

    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:50:08 No.8732649
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:53:08 No.8732666
    Who the fuck are you? Why shoudl I give a fuck? "newfag"?

    I'm just someone whose been around a few years, not some insider. Seriously, who the FUCK are you and why should anyone give a shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:54:52 No.8732680
    the "piracy" malapropisms are intentional, moot did them to make the post seem like it wasn't him starting this thread (it was)
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)03:57:13 No.8732697
    tripfags everywhere....
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)13:14:57 No.8737532
    Is there really any serious discussion about how mainstream 4chan is in danger of becoming? No, NSFW sections keep this place firmly entrenched in the gutter where it can remain unspoiled by blandness.. As long as you can keep out and offend middle-aged housewives, you got street-cred.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)18:08:04 No.8740832
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    >is there a video if so link

    If it is possible to replay, I'd like to see this as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)18:42:43 No.8741406
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    Since no one else is asking...

    Why did you say 4chan can't be sustained longer than 12-14 months? Do you have any plans beyond that? Are you going to start a(nother) donation drive?

    Or is that one of the incorrect facts?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)19:42:10 No.8742224
    Seriously moot.
    >> OP !D1KP2qyXWU 05/03/10(Mon)19:44:10 No.8742249
    I do not believe this thread is still here. But I might as well keep this alive.

    I'm afraid 4chan has already became mainstream. To be more specific, the /b/ imageboard is the most mainstream, but the rest of the imageboards are still niche.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)19:50:26 No.8742320

    I don't think you know what that word means. Something can't be mainstream and a "niche" interest.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)19:51:48 No.8742343
    Oh, hey. This thread is still here. I never got to read it because /x/'s stream of "The Twilight Zone" was more entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/10(Mon)19:52:26 No.8742350
    Pick. One.

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