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  • File : 1272848798.jpg-(331 KB, 1000x750, 1272419686286.jpg)
    331 KB Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:06:38 No.8726767  
    Discuss what is killing each board, individually:

    /tv/-pedophiles who should have been banned a long time ago. Also, Summer Glau.

    /v/-people not talking about video games. At any given time there's at least one thread on the front page in which people bitch about their virginity or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:18:54 No.8728732
    /a/ and /jp/ and /mu/ - People can't help themselves insulting other people's taste instead of just hiding the thread. Too many fucking metathreads, not enough content.

    /r9k/ - People wallowing in self pity all day, every day.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:19:41 No.8728747
    /fa/ - tripfags

    /h/ - lack of any content

    /b/ - newfags
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:20:28 No.8728758
    /tg/ - Nothing, we're perfect
    >> better living through chemistry 05/02/10(Sun)23:22:15 No.8728783
    /ic/ - lack of good art

    couldn't agree more about the tripfags on /fa/
    >> Peter Gabriel !neKNoT.lxg 05/02/10(Sun)23:23:02 No.8728797
    /mu/ - self-important tripfags (less so recently), and Neutral Milk Hotel
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:23:35 No.8728800
    /tg/ - whenever you try discussing non mini games such as yugioh/magic you get saged to death
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:23:56 No.8728805
    /o/ - tons of people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:27:03 No.8728854
    /tg/ - HERESY *BLAM*, roll and write monster waifu shit, tiresome HUMANITY FUCK YEAH threads

    wut? magic threads hardly ever get saged. yugioh does, but that's because it's shit, not because it's a non mini game.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:27:36 No.8728866
    all boards - general rage when someone posts something not related to the board ie: Waifus.

    /g/ - people hiding tripfag posts

    /gif/ - "sause"

    /r9k/ - the Robot
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:31:51 No.8728933
    >wut? magic threads hardly ever get saged. yugioh does, but that's because it's shit, not because it's a non mini game.

    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:32:31 No.8728942
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:33:39 No.8728958
    >enter /co/
    >see this
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:34:12 No.8728963
    /tg/ - fucking Warhammer threads everywhere

    I am so sick of seeing warhammer threads

    So sick.

    /lit/ - pompous fuckwits, easily trolled, general arrogance, lots of underageb& too

    /r9k/ - whiny fucks on the one hand, faux-"alpha males" on the other, shit everywhere

    Fucking normalfags.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/02/10(Sun)23:34:39 No.8728969
    /v/ - People who bitch about off-topic threads. Shit stopped being cute a long fucking time ago. Let it go.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:35:15 No.8728974
    The filter fucked up, kindly excuse my broblocks.
    /fit/ - zyzz + broscience
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:36:52 No.8728995
    /tg/ - Quest threads, monster waifu bullshit, /b/ shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:37:27 No.8729006
    what library is taht?!!!
    it's awsome! books, literally a wall of books!!!!! omg it's so awesome!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:37:39 No.8729008
    /ck/ /an/ /3/ - way to slow/ nt enough posters

    /adv/ - everone is 15
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:38:53 No.8729020
    4chan - women, normalfags, and kids.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:39:22 No.8729026
    /x/ - /b/

    and lack of paranormal
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:40:08 No.8729039

    sause through tineye
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:40:20 No.8729043
    /tg/ - not enough warhammer threads, 400 quest threads a day
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)23:40:27 No.8729047
    for the one's I frequent

    /b/ - well it's /b/, self explanatory

    /d/ - too many dick girls

    /wg/ - not enough sfw wallpapers

    /r9k/ - moot throwing us a ton of retards and general stupidity

    /adv/ -too many trolls moved in

    /ck/ - double downs, bacon monstrosities and sperm sandwiches

    /fit/ - most posters are stupid or smug as all hell

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