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    32 KB Shoplifting is awesome Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:39:16 No.8726302  
    1: Take the item you wish to steal and carry it with you.
    2: Drop another item into a random customer's purse, pocket, basket, whatever.
    3: Wait until that person leaves and walk out at the same time. When the detectors start ringing, either walk out or run out of the store.
    4: Enjoy!

    If anyone has their own tips or methods, post it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:45:01 No.8726403
    1. notice some neckbeard faggot trying to qiuetly drop a steak in my pocket/basket/whatever, like I'm not gonna notice it.

    2. Act like nothing happened, put steak on shelf, pay, go outside

    3. wait for mr. "I'm a cool rebel wanna-be shoplifter" to exit store

    4. beat him heavily about the face and neck

    5. plant mushroom head firmly on his forehead, let him know that the champ is here
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:45:37 No.8726414
    >shoplifting meat

    lol wtf
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:46:13 No.8726426
    Meat is fucking expensive, bro
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:47:32 No.8726446
    yes because i'm not going to notice someone walking super close to me while i shop.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:47:45 No.8726451
    Kholes is the only store I dare steal from. They have no cameras inside dressing rooms, so I pile on the layers.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:48:56 No.8726465

    I've always wondered if anyone ever decided to get some friends together and pull of a heist like this. Like, they get their friend to buy some cheap shit and then "accidentally" forget to pay for something while their friends load up on the good stuff and then walk out at the exact moment their friend sets the alarm off.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:49:17 No.8726471
    One of my friends was stealing from a local grocery store.

    So after he left I told the people working there "A kid with a backpack just stole a bunch of beef from the chips aisle".

    Then I trolled face.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:49:21 No.8726472
    You can do this anywhere since it's illegal to place security cameras inside bathrooms :p
    >> ­Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:50:05 No.8726484
    1. Find item

    2. Grab item

    3. run
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:51:22 No.8726509
    1. Have a good job.
    2. Don't need to steal things.
    3. Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:57:07 No.8726603
    Every kid in my neighbourhood knows the local grocery store is the easiest place ever to shoplift on. The sensors haven't worked in many years, so we can just walk in and walk right out. Often when its busy you can just walk through an empty cashier aisle carrying whatever you want in plain view, and you'll never get stopped.

    I also used to shoplift from the liquor store, and once I got drunk it was easier to build up the confidence level needed. One day I went in three seperate times and stole more than 200 dollars worth of liquor. The trick is to grab the plastic mickeys, which are easily concealed. One up each sleeve, roll up sleeves. A couple in the crotch, if I have a backpack I quickly topple a shelf full.
    >> Grungefag !8hjZvH7ioc 05/02/10(Sun)20:58:54 No.8726631
    >Hood up lol.
    >Look near the entrance for something you want.
    >Run into a shop (maybe bring a bag).
    >Take what you want
    >Security guard will never catch you if you did it right.

    Never fails.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:59:18 No.8726638
    If you're stealing from a grocery store or something and you aren't taking the booze then you can just walk out. Most items don't actually have any thing that would make the alarms go off, only the higher priced and/or the stuff that management don't want kids to have are tagged.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)20:59:29 No.8726640
    You so funny :3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:00:27 No.8726657
    For a lot of people it isn't really about not being able to afford things. It's more about the whole "fuck you" aspect or at least in my experience it is.
    >> Grungefag !8hjZvH7ioc 05/02/10(Sun)21:01:58 No.8726684

    Liquor runs were pretty difficult where I lived, so when I went for drink I usually brought a friend who'd fuck with the guy at the counter while I jew about in secret.
    >> The Legendary Big Boss !!z8npwrX44I9 05/02/10(Sun)21:03:37 No.8726711
    Give me your tips guys. I probably will live with almost no cash sometime in the next 5 years. I need every tip I can get.
    >> Grungefag !8hjZvH7ioc 05/02/10(Sun)21:06:00 No.8726756

    My one is best. Seriously, if you are really broke, and trust me, I know the feeling, then you wont care what you grab so long as you can eat. Beer is second only to food.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:07:36 No.8726786
    That's a pretty good method, sometimes I would bring a girl or two with me and they'd walk around pretending to be looking for something in particular while I steal shit, then we'd go to the counter together and they'd bring a big bottle, cashier would ask for ID and they'd be like oh shit we forgot it in the car, can you hold this here for a minute? Cashier smiles pleasantly, we leave and get drunk on whatever I managed to get. Worked every time.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:09:33 No.8726815

    1. Make a list of exact groceries to get.
    2. Buy desired groceries and check out
    3. Ahead of time, have a friend fill out a cart with identical items
    4. After you've put all the groceries in your car, find Grocery Cart B and bring it to the person who cashed you out
    5. Give them your receipt and say something like "I'm really sorry, I just found out I have much less money than I thought so I'm going to have to return these."
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:10:27 No.8726826
    No, I definitely steal shit like food, toothpaste, etc because I have a shitty job and can't afford it outside of rent sometimes.
    I'm pretty conservative about it though, I'll only steal one or two things at a time if I really have to.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:11:01 No.8726839
    shove down pants, walk out. i've stolen about 10 dvds like this.

    i also robbed a pair of $100 dollar jeans, ripped hte tag off and put them in my bag. just do it in an empty isle when no one's looking, they're not going to look for you after seeing the cctv footage.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:11:31 No.8726844
    I started shoplifting a few years ago, it's really not that I don't have money it's just it's really easy and simple. Steal from Wal-Mart, and if it's under $25 they won't do anything, it's their policy. Even though they have cameras they don't check them, they just review them after something has happened. Same goes for anywhere pretty much. Hell I take games off the shelfs (the older ones that are marked down to $20) and bring them in the bathroom and take the magnetic strip from them. Never been caught either.
    >> Grungefag !8hjZvH7ioc 05/02/10(Sun)21:13:15 No.8726865

    Yeah. My view is that the more time you spend there, the higher the chance of getting caught, so my favoured metod is throwing on a hoodie and grabbing some shit near the entrance. Course, that stuff only works in supermarkets with things near the doors.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:19:19 No.8726943
    The first thing I ever stole was flavored toothpaste.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:32:49 No.8727158
    Lol, we just had a thread like this one or two days ago that went on forever and I think they archived it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:36:21 No.8727199
    That's brilliant. Get a whole thing full of expensive stuff, make your friend set off the alarm and wait, pretending it was an accident then you walk out right ater them. Split the cash. You could make a living doing this.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:37:59 No.8727228
    This is mostly true except for the cameras, usually they have people watching them, just that it's one camera at a time and they can switch to other ones, so they can still follow you if you look suspicious. They might not have someone on cameras at a slow time though.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:45:34 No.8727349
    T'was an epic thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:53:24 No.8727463
    I could never steal, but if I had the balls to, I'd do it at Wal-Mart. Only problem is that I'd still buy something. I'd grab a bunch of shit, then buy something really cheap. As I'm leaving, the detectors should go off. If the person cares (usually they don't) I'll show them my receipt and the product and I'll be good.

    If not, well, looks like I can never go to Wal-Mart again, oh well.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)21:59:09 No.8727558
    Places where you can freely enter change rooms are the easiest, you can steal almost anything in the store if you're wearing a hoodie/loose pants. (but try not to look like a nigger)
    >> on fire !kyVWeVWaXw 05/02/10(Sun)22:03:16 No.8727634
    >Take expensive product and put in cheap box of a similar product
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:06:12 No.8727681
    Take clothes into change room, put under other clothes, walk out confidently. Profit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:07:58 No.8727704
    what you all fail to realize is that girls have an infinitely easier time stealing due to carrying a bag

    seriously, just hold an item, pretend to reach in your bag for your wallet, pull it out, drop item + wallet back in back, repeat

    if you want to get ballsy then ask an employee if they have item x (something you know they won't have), and then say "aw that's ok" and leave when they tell you they don't have it
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)22:10:30 No.8727742
    if you're going to do this make sure you walk out of the stall with some clothes in your hand though. they prob have cams at the entrance monitoring what you walk out with

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