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  • File : 1272739689.jpg-(32 KB, 725x414, 1226228091_6705615x.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:48:09 No.8704254  
    So what's the 411 on why you avoid socialising, making new friends and telling that one girl how you feel?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:49:28 No.8704272
    i think i might have lymphoma
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:49:46 No.8704274
    >avoid socialising
    Right now, exams.
    >making new friends
    I've got enough right now...
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    His boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:50:16 No.8704282
    Everyone is prepping for exams next month so nobody wants to do anything.

    I'm just waiting it out until I start college.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:50:32 No.8704284
    people bore me to no end.
    Sometimes I wonder if it's like this everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:52:00 No.8704301
    I work from my computer, I'm not in school, and everyone I once knew is out of the state by now.

    The fuck do you meet people if not school/work?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:52:17 No.8704306

    it is

    shit sux
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:52:20 No.8704307
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    I don't waffles know.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:52:45 No.8704310
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    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:52:52 No.8704311
    >avoid socialising
    >making new friends
    They are either studying or PARTAY EVERY DAY (so don't want to fail for the second time)
    >telling that one girl how you feel?
    I'm a coward.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:53:50 No.8704325
    >avoid socialising
    >making new friends
    Forgot how?
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    She doesn't exist (to my knowledge) and I'm an unattractive pussy.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:54:30 No.8704341
    I used to have friends, but suddenly one of them started dating my ex from years back. She still hated me and everyone stopped talking to me.

    After that, I stopped giving a shit. I socialise to score things like free cigarettes and to occasionally flirt with girls, but other than that it's like I lost the will to socialise. I guess that makes me kind of sick?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:54:36 No.8704343
    I don't really have a problem socializing, nor am i avoiding it. But, i do have friends who rarely call me to hang out if ever. I'm like the Liz Lemon of friendships.

    I don't get out much apart from the friends I already know. Thats the main reason i don't make new friends.

    I'm shy and been single for 6 years
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:55:32 No.8704352
    I'm really dull. I wouldn't want to hang out with me either.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:56:57 No.8704361
    alcoholism mostly and a fear of failure.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)14:58:28 No.8704381
    /r9k/ has so many homosexuals it's not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:00:07 No.8704396
    Bullied relentlessly when I was younger until I had no self-confidence left, was never able to rebuild it. Now I trust nobody.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:02:42 No.8704429
    I can't do it, I've been out of the loop too long. I also developed social anxiety and lost interest in everything as depression started eating me from inside. I also always had a very low self esteem so for me being around people for not-professional reasons == no.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:03:35 No.8704444
    Exam term, reading lecture notes err'day
    >making new friends
    People suck
    Gone off her since she spilled soup on the textbook I lent her, the silly tart
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:03:42 No.8704446
    there is no "that one girl". none of the people in my life are people i want to socialize with. i don't have any activities except work and hookers. i don't drink so bars are out. i don't know what i want in my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:05:43 No.8704472
    >>making new friends
    >>Telling that one boy how I feel
    I'm in a long term relationship with a person I already care about, and would rather do what I can to fix the issues here before making any major decisions.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:06:44 No.8704483
    I'm on accutane. I don't want to meet new people when I feel shitty about my skin. Guy with low self-esteem AND acne - Yeah, he's cool...

    I'm only on a four month course and I've just entered the third month. Barely seen much of an improvement though, so I'm seriously expecting to be on it for an extra month. Shit sucks. I wish I went through this at 16 like most, not 21.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:09:43 No.8704517
    >avoid socialising,

    I do that during the week... saturday and sunday are regenerative days
    >making new friends

    I've actually made a lot of new friends this years =D

    >telling that one guy how you feel?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:12:23 No.8704547
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    she's nine
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:12:29 No.8704548
    I'm kinda weird. I'll suddenly start thinking of old Simpsons episodes to relax myself then start cracking up.

    Today I saw some nice girls in the supermarket and they were buying banana bread and I just thought of the BANANA BREAD? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! line from Apu and burst out laughing.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:15:13 No.8704589
    natural selection

    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:18:48 No.8704651

    I don't avoid socializing - I just don't learn social skills which makes socializing naturally harder for me.

    I don't avoid making new friends - people just don't like me, so it's naturally hard to find someone willing to be my friend.

    I don't avoid telling that one girl how I feel - they just never say yes.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:20:17 No.8704677


    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:25:02 No.8704734

    I'd rather be a loser than an asshole who makes himself feel good by hurting others.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:26:24 No.8704757

    I've told her already. Felt good man. Naturally, she wanted her ex back two months later.

    She turned out to be a huge drama queen anyway so I'm better off without...

    Time to move on, I guess, but I just don't wanna yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:27:03 No.8704770
    I hate most people I know

    That guy already knows and that girl is my sister.

    I'm screwed.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:27:43 No.8704773
    sure is a gangbang of whining here.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:28:16 No.8704779
    I avoid socializing and making new friends because I'm scared of failure and rejection.

    There is no girl because I haven't seriously talked/flirted with a girl in real life in the past 5-6 years. All I do is go to class/work. I'm a computer science major/work in CS and there are no girls anywhere.

    Kids, don't bother with CS if you're already bad at socializing, it'll only hurt you more.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:29:10 No.8704788
    Oh look, an excuses thread.

    No wonder none of you are going anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:29:28 No.8704793
    1. I'm really weird, and can't get along with most people. Not in the sense that we can't have fun together, just my interests are...unique among most.

    2. See above. People into the shit I'm into are hard to find.

    3. I think she might not even like me, although she seemed to the first few times we hung out. I might tell her just for shits and giggles to see, but I expect nothing.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:31:14 No.8704818
    >my interests are... unique among most

    So, who wants to tell him?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:38:03 No.8704911
    I don't really see the reason, never understood why parties, etc are "so much fun".
    >Making new friends.
    I don't need new friends, why should I? Couldn't find atleast one reason.
    >telling how I feel
    Afraid of rejection, basicaly. Friendzone is better than nothing.

    inb4 loser
    yeah, I know, whatever...
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:38:33 No.8704919
    What are we supposed to tell him?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:39:15 No.8704929
    >just my interests are...unique among most.
    >bawwww I can't find someone else to watch animes with
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:39:28 No.8704936
    I can't tell that girl how I feel because we havenever talked to eachother before, she is married and she is ten years older than I am. (She's 30, I'm just a kid).
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:40:17 No.8704949
    I'm fine with making new friends and talking to people, but I don't have my back car yet and I live far away so going out is nulled.

    And I haven't had a girlfriend in 3 years. Feels neutral, mang.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:42:42 No.8704987
    I don't know how to make new friends.

    Especially when you have no friends to begin with; without a foot in the door, you're no where.
    Socially isolated and there's nothing I can do.

    Oh yeah, sure, next time I see a person I'll ask if they want to be my friend. derp
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:44:50 No.8705022
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    I did well, for a while, while on Prozac, but I'm headachey and drowsy all the time, and concentration reduces to nil, and I already have very limited access to my mental faculties do to my mind being wracked with depression and OCD. Now that I'm off it, being around people is getting harder and harder. I really don't want to deal with people at all. Even going to a gas station is hell, because of the human interaction and the anxiety, and I'll be depressed for the rest of the day afterwards. Dating and having friends is off the table, of course, and I'd rather just move into the mountains and never see a soul again. Especially not any family members. Seeing my extended family makes me extremely anxious and depressed and almost bedridden, and takes weeks to get over. I'm already a recluse, but it's not enough. I need total, absolute seclusion in order to be sane and happy.

    I fantasize about floating in a ditch somewhere, bloated and stinking up the countryside. I wish I had a dank, tepid ditch I could lay in, with muddy sewer water. It feels like my soul would belong there.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:51:30 No.8705094
    >avoid socialising
    Sister with leukaemia, exams and a time consumig job.
    >making new friends
    I preffer quality instead of quantity and I've got my fair share of good friends.
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    Did. muchbetterthanexpected.jpg
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)15:56:25 No.8705160
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    imma scaredy cat. pic related, its a cat.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)20:41:26 No.8708637
    First cat I ever wanted to lick.
    >> Anonymons 05/01/10(Sat)20:43:31 No.8708650
    looks like /r9k/ is back to its usual self.

    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)20:43:42 No.8708653
    > telling that one girl how you feel
    I don't know the girl that much yet, think she might get creeped out by me.
    > making new friends
    I have a fear of rejection.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)20:45:11 No.8708674
    Because I just don't know what to do. At all, in anything. I don't know anything. There isn't "that one girl."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)20:45:15 No.8708675
    I am scared to
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)20:46:14 No.8708688
    Fear of failure and rejection... Self-consciousness... Paranoia....
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)20:48:48 No.8708731
    Why should I tell you? Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:20:14 No.8709251
    Self conscious quiet-natured, unnoticed, invisible, against just about everyone at my school atm
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:21:33 No.8709276
    I'm fat. Nothing else. I want to be 24 pounds underweight, at least. Obviously, I cannot feel comfortable with myself right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:21:55 No.8709281
    On school camp, when I was sleeping in a dorm with my friends, I had a dream that my penis was very itchy and tense. I awoke early that morning to find my penis was throbbing stiff and was pumping semen out with each convulsion. The wet dream seemed to last forever and my boxers were filled with hot, sticky juice, dripping into my pubes and oozing down my inner thighs. My come was everywhere. At that moment our teacher came in to wake us up for our morning hike.

    Since it was only a 1 night stay I had decided to only bring 1 set of underwear, the one I splurged my load in. Having no time to even clean myself up, I spent the 1 hour hike feeling my man juice slowly ooze out of my squichy boxers and down my legs. I smelt like jizz the whole day.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:24:58 No.8709336
    Why do I avoid telling her I'm interested in her? Because she's obviously not interested in me.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:27:28 No.8709390
    >Avoid socialising.

    I have lived most of my life without it with realsing it until fairly recently, so I hardly much of it to satisfy me. Plus large venues and crowds of people revolt me. In fact, people revolt me.

    >making new friends

    I am sick of friends. I have enougth and they already demand too much of my time and pressure me into things I find dull or uninteresting. Plus, since they are my "friends", some of them think it is ok to be rude to me because "I just need to roll with it". Fuck that.

    >and telling that one girl how you feel?

    At the moment I have no one girl. I want to be the girl, but am I gutless coward who won't act on it. This is in part because I have no one irl to support me, and protect me, and love me. I want a girlfriend or boyfriend desperately to help me and for me to love, but I just am so afraid of everyone and everything I avoid them.
    >> fem-anon you've been fail!trolled by 05/01/10(Sat)21:30:08 No.8709435
    For me? Finals coming up, general level of comfortability with people, and realizing that if I did ask him out, he'd laugh in my face because he could get hotter and easier.
    >> better living through chemistry 05/01/10(Sat)21:33:14 No.8709491
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    i don't like people, too judgemental

    i am obsessed with meaningless sex

    i live for tomorrow and never appreciate today
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:33:29 No.8709496
    How are we supposed to know?
    I'm a girl who is attracted to this boy for a few years now. He is so handsome it's intimidating. When I don't see him, I think, "shouldn't be too hard to just be like hey wanna go on a date?" but those few 4 or 5 seconds he passes by, I get so full of nervousness and anxiety it's unbelievable.

    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:36:02 No.8709540
    > avoid socialising
    I'm obese and hate people looking at me

    > new friends
    Hard to make new friends without a club/job/college.. Bars are shit

    > telling that one girl how you feel
    I did, in October after she dropped lots of hints and asked me to spend a 4 day weekend with her. I got the "like you as a friend line". I cut her out of my life immediately.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:37:56 No.8709564
    >I smelt like jizz the whole day.

    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:41:52 No.8709641
    >avoid socialising
    I don't

    >making new friends
    I tend to stick to the same few people because I am terrible at introductory conversations

    >telling that one girl how you feel?
    Because he's a guy, even though I feel like we'd be better off if our genders were reversed.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/10(Sat)21:45:43 No.8709711
    Not interested in all three.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:14:47 No.8712089
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    I have social phobia; people scare me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:21:21 No.8712190
    >So what's the 411 on why you avoid socialising, making new friends and telling that one girl how you feel?

    Midterms. Seriously, they're all that's standing between me and pina coladas on the beach with this cute Asian gamer chick.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:23:34 No.8712226
    I am ugly.
    >> Axel !oAVW.xnfwY 05/02/10(Sun)00:25:08 No.8712247
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    Because I haven't quite mastered the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:25:53 No.8712261
    >avoid socialising
    I've been fucked over by "friends" enough times that I don't want to have to make new one only to have history repeat itself, and when I thought I could finally trust them enough to have a deeper conversation with them they went and told everyone else like it was nothing special. The last group of friends I attempted to do this with turned out to be over social(yes I know what I said) douchebags who don't want anything to to do with me unless it's convenient for them.
    >making new friends
    See above. I've begun to hate and distrust even people I barely interact with but see on a daily basis(classmates, gym employees, workers at a clinic I go to) that I barely want to give them a "Have a nice day" or reply when they do so.

    >telling that one girl how you feel
    Because I wouldn't even know where to start. I really don't have that much interaction with girls and tend to just admire them afar.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:27:50 No.8712291
    Man, people here need to grow some balls.

    I used to be a coward, afraid of rejection, all that. During my second year of college, I decided to actually put myself out there. The resident advisor for our floor was HOT, she was WAY too hot. She was single, too. So, I made it a habit to force myself to visit her every other day, and just chat. Small talk, srs bsness, whatever. Not only that, but I told my floormates that I'd loved to go to a few parties. Turns out that most people who are friends of friends won't be assholes!

    Tl; dr: Put yourself out there, literally practice social skills, and grow some balls.

    Two years since that, I've got no issues being social, asking women out, etc.. Shit works, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:29:54 No.8712325
    >avoid socialising
    social phobia and misanthropy

    >making new friends
    see above

    >telling that one girl how you feel
    >> !K/L9IJgMJY 05/02/10(Sun)00:31:39 No.8712344
    me too 4 the animu; I need to watch:
    Evangilion and Ghost in the Shell, as well as many many moe and harem shows.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:32:03 No.8712352
    Nothing other than impenetrable (for me at least) social groups. My friends like to get together occasionally and get drunk or smoke/both, but I can't get invited to the parties... I'll have to work on it.

    As far as girls go, I haven't had a crush since 8th grade and simply pursue women who show interest in me and I find attractive.
    >> Duke !!cL5BX6NADlX 05/02/10(Sun)00:32:24 No.8712361
    Research and school.

    >>Making new friends
    Research and school.

    >>Telling that one girl how I feel (boy in this case)
    Because I have no idea what I want to do just yet, and I don't want to fuck up anyone's day because of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:33:00 No.8712368
    I live far from the city in some middle class shithole. Only houses here, no work, no nothing. No transportation to get out of here. No friends (that can pick me up).
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:34:46 No.8712388
    A number of issues. Namely misanthropy, antisocial personality disorder, and generally being uncomfortable around people I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:35:57 No.8712398
    >avoid socializing
    Depends on my mood. If I have a sunny disposition, I'll be the life of the party. Anything less, I'd rather curl up in a corner and be introspective. Or read.

    >making new friends
    Hah. I hate change. I hate trying things that I have no control over. There's too much of a chance that I'll be made fun of. Besides, people in general suck hairy ballsacks.

    >telling that one girl how you feel
    I'm with her right now, and I'm completely happy with her. But she's going to college in the next year and I'm worried that if I tell her how I really feel about her she'll freak out and leave me even sooner. I'm already dreading her leaving for college, I don't want to be the catalyst for her leaving earlier.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:37:30 No.8712411
    >avoid socialising
    >making new friends
    See above.
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    What one girl? There is no one girl. Having "one girl" is part of the problem for a lot of people. Be more damn casual about dating and you're more likely to get a relationship. And guess what? It turns out you can fall in love with just about anyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:39:44 No.8712437
    Because most of my friendships seldom last beyond a year or two, and then, it's like they were never in my life. I used to have a handful of friends who have now become acquaintances either because they have moved on with their life (married, moved away) or we just never see each other any more. It doesn't help that I'm unemployed either, and seldom leave the house.

    The sad fact is that I can find my source of entertainment and mental stimulation through the computer instead of real-word interactions. As for dating, I gave up on finding a woman way back in high school, it's a complete non-issue for me altogether.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:40:26 No.8712444
    deformed chest.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:41:34 No.8712456
    Donno how bro
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:42:15 No.8712462
    Not a damn thing, I for one am enjoying being social unlike most of this board.

    Why am I even here? I should be out socializing instead of posting on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:42:48 No.8712468
    My reason tonight is that I have a sickness that causes blood to come out of my nightmarishly congested nose when I tap it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:42:49 No.8712469
    she is the problemblox
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:43:17 No.8712475
    Everyone's too fucking stupid.

    If we're having an intelligent conversation, I'll talk a lot, but otherwise I don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)00:46:41 No.8712527
    I try to avoid all those things but they happen anyway. I am actually a misanthropic sociopath.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:30:37 No.8713972
    Nothing. I socialize with people I like, nothing more, nothing less. Telling that one girl how I feel? Did today, rejected, but whatever. It'll make a funny memory in 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:31:01 No.8713981
    Mixture of paranoia and shame.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:55:18 No.8714263
    I socialize and all that, my issue with the guy I like is possibly ruining our friendship. I think he might be interested,but I'll never have the courage to ask him.Not to mention he'll be moving soon for college,I'm sure he'll meet someone there.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)02:58:46 No.8714308
    No idea at this point. I feel I can't relate to anybody and I've come to hate my life. So that's a pretty big barrier. I could try and change my life but I'm too full of fear and doubt. I don't know why anymore. Even if I had the opportunity to easily make a big change I wouldn't take it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:05:41 No.8714387
    It's all Obi-Wan's fault. He's jealous. He's holding me back.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:07:23 No.8714403
    What's holding me back from telling my friend that I love him and want him?

    He's currently healing from his recent break-up. I need to be a friend first.. And it kills me.
    >> Duke !!cL5BX6NADlX 05/02/10(Sun)03:08:30 No.8714416
    That sucks. :'( It's best for you too, though. Some guys like rebounds, other recoil at the thought. Typically, anything right after a relationship ends is rough.

    Stay strong!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:08:41 No.8714418
    There is no girl, I dont see my current friends often enough as is, and I am introverted enough to be exhausted of socializing from just going to school and going out every week or so.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:08:48 No.8714420

    Not avoiding socializing. But shit, I wish I could tell that one girl how I felt. Her dad's a fucking mutli-millionaire, and I'm from the middle-class. We're perfect for one another, but I feel I'll never be able to live up to her, or something. I'm a bit drunk, so forgive me, but this is my current predicament: Do I tell her how I really feel? Or do I move on and look for another somewhere else? Other than that, I drive home from uni most weekends to get work done and to visit with my family because I've no friends, only ghosts, lurking back there. Life's great, on the whole; feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:12:22 No.8714444
    The voices
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:16:07 No.8714486
    Severe OCD and social phobia. I can only go outside when accompanied by a close friend or family member. If I get drunk and take enough Klonopin it all goes away, but then I'm too fucked up to move, let alone walk to the bar and socialize.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:18:14 No.8714507
    >telling that one girl how you feel?

    We broke up a week ago. I love her, and even though I haven't told her yet we both know it. We'll get back together soon though and i'll probably tell her then
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:21:00 No.8714533
    Acute anxiety, OCD, and perhaps schizophrenia. MOST of the weird thoughts disappear when I'm actually out socializing, which is almost never, but they're very obvious when I'm alone with my own mind.

    The anxiety is always present. The OCD varies. A good deal of the weirdness is quelled by social contact. What may very well be schizophrenia is completely abolished by it.

    I only socialize when the few friends I have drag me outside.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:30:15 No.8714648
    I just stopped caring.

    I was the most loyal friend you'd ever see, I was everyone's personal shrink, I helped all my friends with their problems and ignored my own for years.

    But when there was more than two of us I was treated like shit.

    I've decided, I'm not going to be the scared little boy who takes it up the ass from everyone he meets simply because he's afraid of being alone. Fuck other people and their problems, I'm looking out for number one now, and I'm done giving two shits about anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:31:49 No.8714666
    ahaha I do this all the time, this kid was with his parents and they were talking about getting him braces so the DENTAL PLAN, LISA NEEDS BRACES popped into my head and I exploded with laughter.

    Felt bad though, they must've thought I was a retard
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:32:36 No.8714684

    Holy fuck, are you me? That's pretty much my exact situation. I'm an incredibly good friend to everyone, and everyone is really nice to me in private but whenever there's a group I get picked on for no fucking reason.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:34:57 No.8714718

    Her dad's a fucking multi-millionare, impress his rich ass and he'll accept you into the family. Then you're set for life nigger! If he doesn't have a son be the son he never had and you'll be given the thumbs up to plow his daughter.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:36:11 No.8714735
    You are me
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:36:42 No.8714739
    So I got a job hoping to make some friends there. But everyone's old there! ffff
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:40:56 No.8714795
    >So what's the 411
    God I fucking hate you. Fucking die.

    >on why you avoid socialising
    I don't avoid it. I failed to get many friends in college because lolWoW. I did not establish social connections. Without those social connections I don't get invited to social events. Without social events and experiences I don't make friends. It's a cycle that I'm trying to break, but I can't go to bars and there is FUCK ALL to do to meet people here save for bars and classes. And I am working to afford classes, and to afford classes I won't be able to go to bars even when I am old enough (in a few weeks). So it's a tough cycle to break. Yes I've tried to hang out with co workers and their friends but apparently I'm fucking boring as hell because they don't follow through on any plan whatsoever even though I apparently am really fun to pass time with at work because they flock to my ass to chat and chill and hate our boss and FUCK THESE TWO FACED FUCKS DO YOU WANT TO HANG OUT OR NOT GODDAMN I THINK YOU ARE COOL AND YOU THINK I AM TOO BUT YOU DON'T THINK I'M COOL ENOUGH FOR A COURTESY CALL BACK GOD FUCKING DAMMIT

    >making new friends
    See above.

    >and telling that one girl how you feel?
    One is thousands of miles away and may or may not but probably does not feel the same way. Because I am a fucktard.

    The other is moving away soon, probably already knows how I feel, didn't act in a fashion that suggested she returned the feeling unless I missed it (which is possible as I'm incompetent at reading romantic feelings, even if I'm proficient at all other forms of body language), and even if she did feel the same way it'd only fuck things up in these last few days. Better to forget about it, or maybe pick up if we're ever in the same town again...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:43:16 No.8714832
    There's millions of us out there, man. We are the friends who get taken for granted.

    Funny, though..,everyone I ditched is depressed as fuck now.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:45:01 No.8714852

    Sorry, forgot to quote >>8714684
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:56:16 No.8714995
    Is your name Rolly?
    If so I fucking hate you.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)03:57:38 No.8715009

    I know how you feel, I used to have horrible acne...up till this month. I hit 21 a few months ago and just moved to college. I've been living off water and subs all month, acne just disappeared. I'm so fucking happy :D
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:01:53 No.8715054
    GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. This happened all the time in high school. Don't know what it is that inspires people to love me one-on-one and then gangrape me verbally when they come in packs. It's shit, it's fucking shit. DON'T FOLLOW THE CROWD YOU FUCKING TRAITOR. I listened to you cry about the end of a relationship the likes of which I'd never known, I gave you a place when they kicked you out, I stood beside you and swore to destroy your enemies, and you SHIT ON ME YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS, BALL-LESS LEECHES! FUCK!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:05:42 No.8715088
    It's because they don't realise it hurts your feelings, added to the fact that you're comical in appearance/opinion/other crap.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:07:02 No.8715105
    Because I did tell her how I felt and let's just say the outcome wasn't what I wanted.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:08:43 No.8715133

    This, combined with an abnormally high number of moles and a wandering eye. I hate myself, and can't expect anyone else to not feel the same.

    There's no point in trying, so I don't.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:10:44 No.8715159

    Actually, this last quarter, I've been making an effort to socialize more; I've made several new friends in the process.

    As to why I don't tell that one girl how I feel, it's because I already did. And telling her again won't do me any good.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:12:04 No.8715171
    I'm 27 and live with my parents. I fear that I will be unfairly judged if people learn of this.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:13:01 No.8715183
    I suppose I might be inviting it by joking about everything. Makes them see me as a joke, something to laugh at as much as laugh with. I'm not exactly funny looking and my opinions are coherent and thought-out, though.
    >> Dr. Hugh Jweng Phd. !!aZ6NzgTo3Uu 05/02/10(Sun)04:15:47 No.8715206
    >avoid socializing
    most dudes make me barf, i cant even talk to a girl w/o blushing and stuttering
    >making new friends
    no job or school to meet ppl
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    she was popular i was no one, she was gorgeous, i was hideous
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:17:43 No.8715226
    I would also like to add that I do not feel like a 27 year old man. I feel like a scared little boy that is afraid to make mistakes. When I see a woman that interests me, I start thinking "why would she want a little pussy like me?"
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:20:52 No.8715264
    I socialize with my group of friends.

    I feel embarrassed when I talk to people out side of my group.

    She knows how I feel, but she can't return it...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:21:23 No.8715268
    there is a thread about this on /adv/. popular girl had major crush on moderately unattractive geek type. she even needed a fucking courage wolf to ask him out, but she did it and now she's happy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:24:42 No.8715305

    No, it's Brolly.

    My power is maximum.
    >> Dr. Hugh Jweng Phd. !!aZ6NzgTo3Uu 05/02/10(Sun)04:25:15 No.8715312

    She was also a foreign exchange student. But Im not a moderately unattractive geek type, im a hideous weeaboo closet sexfiend type
    >> Dr. Hugh Jweng Phd. !!aZ6NzgTo3Uu 05/02/10(Sun)04:27:23 No.8715333

    Not maximum, but OVER 9000!11!!11
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:31:38 No.8715389
    Most of the people I meet are shitty and there is no "one girl" so I guess I can't really have a 411. Mayweather won a decision though so that's 1 for 1.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:32:48 No.8715402

    Well, obviously that isn't working out for you now, is it?

    Get new clothes, a nice haircut, a new look.

    You'd be surprised how much that can boost your confidence.

    I used to be the same way. I realized I needed a change, but I'd have to step way out of my comfort zone. It'll feel awkward looking different at first, but it starts feeling natural.

    Do the things you need to do to be the man you want to be, I've never been happier.
    >> Dr. Hugh Jweng Phd. !!aZ6NzgTo3Uu 05/02/10(Sun)04:40:14 No.8715481
    >implying i havent done that already

    no one hires me
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:45:18 No.8715531
    a life of pain and mysery, that's what

    fuck all of you and your fake ass loneliness. you don't know what that is
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:51:00 No.8715578

    Fuck you and the self-pity you wallow in.

    You can go drown in the well full of your misery, or you can climb out. There's always a way, but you obviously don't have the will if you're whining like a little bitch on a message board.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:52:30 No.8715586

    oh look a fake ass bitch with fake ass loneliness. let me play the world's smallest violin for your poser ass. you don't know what pain and misery is, I do, so cry more you whiny baby
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)04:58:29 No.8715628

    I may be alone, but I'm not lonely. Who says I'm whining about anything? I was telling you that you're going to be alone forever because nobody wants to be around a little crybaby who'd rather feel sorry for himself than fucking get off his ass and do something about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)05:00:38 No.8715644

    oh look the whiny little crybaby is trying to give other people advice. whats wrong, cant deal with the fact that there are real men out there who've experienced real misery? your fake ass poser emo self is jealous? you don't know what being alone is you phony. you're all a bunch of phonies
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)05:00:51 No.8715645
    I'm afraid of losing everyone I know and love because I'm afraid that they won't accept me for who I am, so I hide and continue to try as hard as I can to blend in.

    A bit cryptic, but how pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)05:07:58 No.8715702

    lol you are definitely going to be alone for the rest of your life. You're an idiot, too. Man, you just don't have anything going for you.

    Who says I'm emo? I'm not sulking because I fail at life like you are.

    I'm not faking anything, I'm happy and that's all that matters, unlike you.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)05:08:40 No.8715706


    My irrational thoughts, paranoia, social retardation...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)05:13:17 No.8715747
    >avoid socialising
    I actually had various circles of friends in the past. In high school, I was apparently popular. I then realised that people bored me, and that I was happier being on my own. That's why I stopped socialising.

    >making new friends
    When I starting disliking people in general, I thought it was because I didn't have a wide enough selection of friends. I tried meeting new people, but they were all the same; dislikeable human beings, only in different flavours.

    >telling that one girl how you feel
    There's no girl that I like at the moment. It's been months since my last relationship ended, and I've not truly liked any girl since then. Relationships are illusions to me; I end up satisfying the woman's need for attention, wasting me time as she lies and cheats, and being distracted from more important things in life like work and personal development. No, seriously. My past drug use taught me more about life than women ever did.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)06:19:15 No.8716342
    Did all that, OP.

    I just went in for an avelanche of butthurt.

    Here is her actual response.

    And no, I'm not trolling with that filename.

    That is a screencap of her last message she sent me.

    Epic fail is fail, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)06:32:48 No.8716438

    That's so... depressing.

    I'm sorry, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)06:36:54 No.8716471
    >avoid socialising
    All my friends hate me.
    >making new friends
    Everyone I know hates me.
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    I am universally loathed for doing so. I fuck her regularly now.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)06:40:33 No.8716505
    I appreciate your comment so much, I actually saved this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)06:50:40 No.8716582
    Jesus Christ man, that's horrible. How the fuck did you end up in a situation like that?
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)06:53:10 No.8716608
    It's a long story. A very long story.

    I wonder sometimes if I could have done anything differently to not have ended up in this situation.

    Those words will probably stick with me for life.
    >> noko Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:01:32 No.8716690
    Took care of a girl for over 7 years while she was sick. Was dumped the day she was announced "cured". Was thrown out of her house losing everything and have been fuckin depressed ever since.
    tldr; too depressed to do jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:03:49 No.8716704
    >I'm happy

    See I knew you were a posing emo whiner that doesn't know what true loneliness is. thanks for proving my point you whiny tard. Oh boo hoo you're happy and life is soooo hard. gtfo you don't know what it means to really be in a bad situation. you're just a poser and now everyone knows it
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:06:01 No.8716719
    My story is somewhat similar.

    I met this girl online when she was 13 just like she said in the screencap.

    She used a fake pic of some Japanese girl all those years ago and lied about her age. Meanwhile I found out the truth. After about 3 years. She ended up being some German girl in Oregon. She got creeped out and got pissed off.

    I did my best and drove over there (880 Miles | 14 hours) and met all her friends and her ex and became like best friends with everyone.

    I sent her thousands of dollars in gifts. Including a MacBook and a $900 camera.

    Meanwhile she had a boyfriend and told her family I was just some random stalker, until the day I showed up at her door and gave her dad a giant gift for her while she was there as well as her boyfriend.

    After that I drove back home and never looked back.

    I've given up on women all together. I have no reason to ever try anything with any girl ever again.

    No reason whatsoever...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:18:03 No.8716797
    Cause I'm sober more often than I am drunk? That's the only thing I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:22:43 No.8716830
    she's a loser, I'm awesome
    my friends would mock me.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:23:00 No.8716834
    Even if she came back now, I wouldn't want to be with her. You know how they say you take your baggage with you?

    I am who I am today because of her.

    I'm dark, cold with no intention of ever socializing.

    I am ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:23:49 No.8716837

    You fucking batty bwoy
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:24:41 No.8716845

    english please?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:26:42 No.8716861
    >Be outgoing, friendly and appear normal
    >Find a group of friends in lectures
    >Bring up getting a house for next year
    >Silence, then a change of subject
    >Find out most of them are sharing already
    >Fuck this shit
    >Get a one room apartment, post on 4chan
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:35:30 No.8716923
    I don't give a shit if people think I'm gay.

    I'm not gay. I fap to porn and everything.

    I just feel that women are a waste of time. They take your money, cheat and steal.

    I'm not implying that I'm trying to be gay or be with men instead. That's not my style.

    I'm just a straight man who doesn't want to be with women. I realize that's hard to understand. But that's how it is.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:36:14 No.8716929
    HAHAHAHAHA!! Pedobaiting at it's best. Oh, how I love those fat social retarded people who send me stuff every week. I pretend I'm a girl and they WANT to give me free shit like iPods and cellphones. Sadly I'm always unable to meet him but I hate my mum and need 300 dollars for a plane ticket.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:38:47 No.8716948
    nigger slang for homosexual
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:39:34 No.8716959
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    This wasn't just fail shit like that.

    She talked to me for many years and I thought we had a legitimate relationship.

    However, I apparently ruined her life by driving to Oregon and getting to know all her friends and telling everyone what she did and how she lied about who she was.

    We're only 5 years apart in age. She's 21 now and I'm 26.

    Her boyfriend is 24 or 25.

    Pic related. It's him and his sister.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:47:28 No.8717021
    I'm afraid of making a fool of myself. That's all. It's not as bad anymore, though. I guess even I grow up.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:47:51 No.8717025
    I'm actually not fat either.

    Shit ended up getting pretty epic when I got to sleep with her friend she knew from high school.

    The girl was actually much hotter than her.

    The girl from the screencap has a boyfriend who is a loser who works at subway and can barely pay for his own car. He has to get his girlfriend's mom to help pay with the car payments.

    I also recently found out that the girl I loved has Multiple Sclerosis for which there is no cure. Which means her nerves are going to continue degrading and she'll most likely be in pain for many years.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:51:14 No.8717042
    You're a fucking retard.
    You're an adult chatting to a 13-year-old and you think you're in love and going to get married or something? Grow the fuck up. Real life isn't love love romance animu uguu.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:52:00 No.8717045
    I have a swastika tattooed on my forehead.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:53:58 No.8717057
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    So I honestly don't know what to feel.

    I'm kind of glad for what she said in the screencap.

    Because why would I want to be with a person who makes me so miserable. That girl is so bitter, she makes herself miserable.

    Everything she says is bitching.

    I recently broke into her MSN and pretended to be her.

    Her best friend from her town sent me a message telling me I'm a slut and a whore.

    She gets called that on a regular basis. Even the girl who I slept with who knew her in high school said she was psychotic.

    So in a sense, I kind of did win.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:56:35 No.8717066
    Eh... for the first 4 years it was all just chatting. I didn't actually spring into action and drive over there until she turned 18.

    In fact, I first came to her town and met her ex on her 18th birthday.

    We went to go see 300.

    Then her best friends called her ex and yells at him for hanging out with me.

    It turned out she was actually at home crying. She was crying just because I was in the same town as her.

    How bad does that hurt? When someone doesn't even want you to be in the same town as them...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:57:08 No.8717071

    Please go away. Nobody cares.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:57:28 No.8717073
    i care. fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:57:35 No.8717074

    Seriously fagger, you got done by a conwoman.

    BRB setting up female profiles.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)07:58:07 No.8717080
    I met her in person twice.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:58:32 No.8717081
    Go back to /b/ with your retarded bawww shit. You're supposed to think about this stuff by yourself, nobody here gives jack shit about your miserable failures with women. It was all your fault and you know it, now go masturbate so you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:59:41 No.8717089
    being short and fat, fat I wouldnt mind if only I was short.

    Self awareness + doubt fail
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)07:59:57 No.8717091
    I have no money.
    If I could pay my rent and had enough left over to go out and have fun on the weekend, I would do that.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)08:01:19 No.8717095
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    Talking about this makes me sick to my stomach anyway.

    This thread is now about girls I made out with.

    Pic related. Her name is Portia.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:01:56 No.8717099
    holy shit! I was kinda in the same situation! But then I stopped caring :D

    Don't care for her at all. From now on, meet and talk with 3 new people every day and realise she's not special.

    Worked for me. Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:02:21 No.8717101
    Hmm, I guess nothing really is holding me back. I'm studying abroad in Russia this semester. Meeting and partying with a lot of new and interesting people here. I'm sleeping with a Turkish girl who stays here in the dorms, and I'm also seeing an 18 year old, blond hair, blue eyed Finnish gymnast who goes to my is good
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:08:56 No.8717126
    pfft, increbly low self esteem for what seems like no reason
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:17:38 No.8717181
    i dont have fun socialising. i tried but i were bored as fuck.

    sometimes i make new acquaintances but i always stop before the friend level.

    shes fictional.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:33:43 No.8717286
    Apply alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:34:08 No.8717289
    So you met a 13 year old girl. Found her personal info. Sent her thousands of dollars worth of shit. Hassled her for 7 years. Tried to gain the confidence of all her friends. Showed up on her parents door step with shit. Found out details of all her friends and relatives. Posted shit about her in blogs. Posted her photo online everywhere. Refused to leave her alone even when she was in relationships.

    All the time, over SEVEN years of doing this shit, you met her twice. Two times.

    You know whyshe was fucking crying? Because she is probably fucking terrified of you and the way you seem to be inserting yourself into her life.
    She should have a restraining order on you, you fucking crazy bastard.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:37:26 No.8717315
    Also I notice in your site that the photos section is just pictured of her.
    God damn you are a fucking creepy fucker.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:39:40 No.8717329

    I'm scared that one day I'll be dating a creeper like you <3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:44:13 No.8717350
    Let me guess, she met you one time realized you were a creep and the second time you just showed up unnanounced?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:51:38 No.8717382
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    Hi Nathan Schur. Here is a photo of you.
    You were probably thinking about stalking 13 year old girls when this photo was taken.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)08:55:51 No.8717401
    The more I read about you the more insane you become.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:04:42 No.8717442
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:05:26 No.8717449
    dohohoho! This thread is getting out of hand fast!
    >> ­Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:09:38 No.8717468
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    gotta love how long these pity me threads stay on the front page, while any threads about self improvement, how ever rare I see one, dies with less than 10 replies.
    you fucktards deserve all the shit you get.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:10:41 No.8717475
    DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN'S myspace blog.
    Pretty much every one is about this girl he is stalking and things like, how his friends react to him stalking, how his mother reacts to it. He is literally insane.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - HANNAH MINX HATER DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:14:13 No.8717493
    This thread is getting good.

    Yeah, those are my blogs.

    They were me starting drama because I knew she was reading my blogs ritually.

    I'm pretty much over it though.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:15:29 No.8717504
    >she shut the door in my face the first time I came to her house and how she told me to "book it" the second time I came by her house.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:17:07 No.8717515
    That's because self-improvement threads are filled with shit-tier advice. No joke, telling someone "MAN UP" and then claiming that cutting out soda will fix everything wrong in your life is retarded, and that's the kind of shit you usually get.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:20:44 No.8717539
    Here's literally what happened:

    I had this huge gift for her birthday that I wanted to give to her. It was her birthday, so I was going to give it to her parents. I drove up to her parent's house not expecting her to be there, because she lived in Portland already and would visit her parents eventually to pick up the gift. Anyway, I drove up to her parents house and see her boyfriend's car outside. So I text her, and she told me to put it between her boyfriends car and her dad's car.

    I didn't feel like it. I felt like going out in style if I was never going to see her again. So I decided I would walk up to her door.

    And there I went and knocked on her door. Her dad opened the door and looked at me questioningly. I go, "This is for Katelyn's birthday."

    I hand him the huge-ass gift and think about turning around.

    That's when I see this short frumpy fat girl come from the darkness of that house.

    And she goes, "Book it. Book it. Book it." in a really low boyish voice.

    So I got in my rental, drove to California and never looked back.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:20:47 No.8717540
    Because these are all about sharing. We share our common failings.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:22:32 No.8717549
    You know, she probably was doing all she could to ignore you.
    I don't know why you are so fucking crazy and I don't approve of stalking girls at 14 because they said "I love you" in an anime role playing chat room where you pretend to be someone else, but I approve of you doing it publicly.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:25:01 No.8717568

    Fear. Plain and simple, I'm frightened, scared and full of fear.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:28:12 No.8717586
    Nah, she strung me along pretty well.

    If she would have posted her real pic when we first met, I would have never even thought about dating her.

    But she got under my skin after years of talking, I guess.

    I didn't even start manning up to think about meeting her until she was 18.

    That girl is messed up in the head. Trust me.

    I used to be good people.

    Part of the reason my blogs seem so creepy and backwards is because they're in retaliation to all the shit she accused me of over the years.

    I won't drag this out or anything, but basically, long story short. And taking part of the worst she did.

    She told everyone in her town that I killed someone.

    So I didn't give a fuck what she thought or anyone else thought after that. Therefore the weird blogs.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:29:50 No.8717596
    >I went to Woodburn 17 times. Out of all those times I only got to see Katee only 2 or 3 times. And every time I saw her, it was for no more than 5 seconds.

    >7 Years is a long time for 10 to 15 seconds

    AHahaha wow. Why are you so obsessed? You really are coming off deranged and there seems to be no justification for you hassling the girl.
    >> ­Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:32:35 No.8717614
    thats no true but keep telling that yourself. I'm not yet satisfied with my life either but it's nowhere near as shitty as it's used to be. solutions to your problems exist, unless you have your lower body missing or something. you just have to stop dwelling in your misery and start somewhere.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:33:18 No.8717619
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    The first couple of times it was for her.

    But then I met Amber and Alex.

    They were like some of the greatest friends I've ever had.

    And Katelyn hates them both.

    Pic related. It's Alex (her ex) and myself in a Hummer I rented for X-mas, right after I dropped off a lap top at Katelyn's door like she asked me to. Even though I was a bit upset that she wasn't going to be there.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:35:16 No.8717630
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    I enjoy being alone. Whenever I think I care about someone else I just masturbate and the feeling goes away. I fucking love my life.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:36:25 No.8717635
    Same here. I feel exactly that same way.

    I thought I'd post that story of Katelyn in this thread, because it was relevant, but it was years ago now.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:36:59 No.8717638
    You dont give a fuck about her so you write a blog about her every fucking day? And you dont give a fuck about her so you BROUGHT HER UP IN THIS THREAD? RELEVANT TO THE OP?
    You dont give a fuck about her so you stalk her online and take screen shots of her posts and blogs?

    You do this for seven fucking years, because she told an unbelieveable lie? (actually with the way you act....)

    Sounds like se did nothing but had the misfortune to meet you.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:37:40 No.8717642
    Haven't watched The Pickup Artist or read The Game yet.

    Also; you just lost. Sorry...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:39:58 No.8717652
    If it makes you feel any better, Dennis, I think you're a pretty cool guy!
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:40:12 No.8717653
    If you want to say that, that's cool.

    I wouldn't be here telling you about it, if I didn't feel my actions were justified.

    I pretty much told you the tip of the ice berg. I don't want to go in further, because I already burried all that shit. And so here I'm telling people of this unfortunate event that I've had. I tell you the shit that I did, because I'm here able to defend my point of view. I wouldn't go spewing the shit she did just because she's not here to explain her point of view.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:41:59 No.8717658
    Wow, that fucked her but you cant. Be honest though, you just worked your way into her ex's life so you could get closer to her like the creep you are. Also, she is clever for making you buy shit, but I have a feeling you heard her say something like "Damn my laptop sucks I wish I had a new one." and you thought it was some sort on invitation in your wacky brain.
    Don't seem to stop you talking about it on myspace.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:46:34 No.8717683
    It's ok I'll just find out what she did on your blogs. Also, you are what, 5 or 6 years older than her?

    You are a fucking adult man. If a bitch fucks you over, a teenage one at that, you should move on. You are an adult obsessed with a girl who turned you down when she was a teenager.

    Stop putting the blame on the under age girl, you are the adult. Dickhead.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:47:10 No.8717685
    Actually, to be perfectly honest. I was so desperate for any kind of friend anywhere

    My family moved about 50 times when I was little, so I didn't really get to keep any friends anywhere.

    The reason I was so attached to Katelyn was because she was online. And so she was pretty much with me, no matter where we moved.

    So when I got bored and started drawing some comic with Katelyn and Alex in it ( Alex found it and became like totally impressed by me and my open feelings.

    So we started talking about life and girls and pretty much everything.

    So once we met in real life, it was pretty epic, because we were like best friends already.

    And the last thing I want to throw in there is.
    Alex broke up with Katelyn via text messaging. And she was hurt over it for like a year.

    Anyway, I asked her if she ever wanted Alex to apologize for that and bring her flowers. So she said, "Yes."

    So I made it my personal mission to get him to go up to her house and bring her flowers and say sorry.

    And I actually did get him to do that.

    The thing that sucks though was, she didn't even appreciate it after I got him to do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:47:27 No.8717688
    Misanthropy, disability (have cancer, got a metal femur when the bone shattered) and most of the people in this town, and in my age bracket are retards. I'm not even that intelligent and this shit is just ridiculous. Once in my sophomore year in high school this nigger bitch was looking at a map of the U.S. and asked where Mexico was. WTF
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:49:11 No.8717695
    In no way did I ever put blame on anyone.

    Life is really about finding out how much people care about you.

    You have to put all your cards on the table and do some really stupid shit to find out how much people care.

    It is when you find out that no one really cares about you that you're ready to get old and die.

    I don't know... That's just my take on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:51:41 No.8717710
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    Oh yeah and for this one
    A: I am a coward.
    B: I wouldn't be able to respect the vast majority of women here because of the retard thing
    C: I've got a shitload of problems that I would feel obligated to inform a potential girlfriend about before I started anything.
    Addendum to C: I just graduated high school last year, and I don't think it's fair to expect anyone my age to be able to really make the best decision about dating my after they've had all my shit dumped on them.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:53:50 No.8717719
    >Don't seem to stop you talking about it on myspace.

    My newest blog entries are like a year old.

    I didn't post it there to show anyone. It was just a personal blog. I never showed the blog to anyone.

    It felt good to read the IP reports and find out all of Woodburn, Oregon was pretty much reading my hate-filled blog.

    It felt good being listened to.

    Kind of like this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:56:16 No.8717729
    Whatever man. You can explain why you are doing all this shit all you want but the bottom line is that all attention is unwanted attention and you need to stop it.
    You are spending all this time on someone who does not want to know you.
    You are a wacky stalker checking IP's googling names, screen capping social networks, investigating family members and dropping in unannounced.

    You need to stop all that shit. I don't care if "BUT BUT YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SHE DID TO MEEEEE!" because I doubt she did 7 years of non stop stalking.

    You are meant to be an adult.
    She was a kid for most of these 7 years you fucking crazy stalker.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)09:58:18 No.8717743
    Sup... I'm actually a rapist.. .and I'm gonna rape her.

    Nothing you can do about it. Sorry.

    Maybe you should stop standing up for people you never met and I potentially just made up for emo drama.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)09:59:55 No.8717754
    I honestly just don't want friends. I mean, I seriously don't. I don't even have online friends that I chat to over MSN and in real life, I have absolutely no problem with carrying a conversation, laughing and giving the impression that I am absolutely enthralled with whatever stupid shit we're talking about when I could be doing something else like be in my room alone, writing or playing games.

    I'm fucked in the head and I'm sure my eating disorder has something to do with it, but I really just want to be alone.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:00:20 No.8717757
    I am not sticking up for anybody. I am not defending her, I am calling you a fuckhead. Not for the good af anybody, but because you are a fuckheaded creepy stalker dude.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:01:54 No.8717764
    I really dislike the whole 'socialising' culture, and hate that everyone just goes and gets pissed to substitute actual activity in socialising. As a result, I don't like going to clubs/bars, where most of the socialising takes place.

    I'm not too bothered though, because it just means the people I do meet are worth knowing.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:02:30 No.8717770
    Nothing. I have lots of friends, and had two dates with two different girls in the same week. Feels good, man.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:04:22 No.8717782
    Anyway, yeah. It wasn't 7 years of straight stalking.

    And I've actually known her for 8 years now.

    It was basically 3 years of her and me talking online and getting close. Then me finding out the truth and us both being weirded out.

    Me being weirded out that she was some fat german chick and her being weirded out by my searching (stalker) skills.

    Then she basically invited me back into her life, but things were different and I was just this friend person and no longer close.

    Then I met Alex who was like one of my best friends after a while, like I said.

    Also I made this video here:

    This should sum it up for people who think I'm a creeper.

    The ironic part is that I think the exact opposite.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:07:13 No.8717789
    Look, I don't fucking care whatever the reasons you have. They are not normal reasons. They are reasons a crazy stalker would think are legit.

    Just stop doing it. You are almost 30 god damn.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:10:36 No.8717806
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    Also, another thing I pretty much learned is that you should never give a girl attention like she's special or anything.

    If you do that, they'll get creeped out.

    Instead, you just tell them how it's done.

    That's how I got to date one of Katelyn's friends from high school and sleep with her in the backseat of a car.

    It's all about confidence.

    Never show any weakness and every girl you want is yours.

    Honestly, if I really wanted to, I could go after Katelyn and be with her. Like, towards the end, I just basically told her what I was going to do and she went right along with it. She only started bitching when I started asking for her advice or opinions on what was ok and what wasn't. So yeah, by the end, I showed up at her house and she was ok with it and she still sent me messages after that.

    Probably because she thought she could get more money or gifts out of me.

    I could keep doing that and buy myself into her life.

    But why would I want to?

    What could possibly make me want to be with someone like that?

    Pic related.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:13:40 No.8717836
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    Look, I think you're a cool guy and you don't afraid of the king.

    But you don't question the king. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:15:54 No.8717851
    >why I avoid socialising
    I don't, generally. I went out last night.

    >why I avoid making new friends
    I stick with people I know because I fear rejection.

    >why I avoid telling that one guy how I feel
    because I doubt very much he likes me and I don't want a boyfriend at the moment.

    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:17:41 No.8717863

    Face facts faggot.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:19:54 No.8717886
    You sure seem to know a lot about why I made a video and how long it took me to make it, even though I never told anyone.

    You sure seem to want to get into my business.

    I wish they had a name for a person like that.

    Hypocrite piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:23:00 No.8717917
    >avoid socialising
    people fucking suck and make me more unhappy
    >making new friends
    everyone else hates me
    >telling that one girl how you feel
    there isnt one and never will be
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:23:40 No.8717923
    >You sure seem to want to get into my business.
    You posted it for everybody to see numbnuts. Dont air out your dirty laundry if you don't want people to see it.
    I didnt follow you around for 7 years ahahahah.
    But really, stop it.
    Stop being a creep and then blaming the girl for it. You are a serious creepy stalker asspie.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:24:23 No.8717929
    i'm ugly and fear rejection and not being good enough for anyone, i guess.
    that one guy told me he likes me. it was over a month ago and we haven't seen each other since, or talked about it. fuuck.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:25:15 No.8717940
    Please suck the fattest part of my brown nuts. I didn't follow anyone for 7 years. Learn2read.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:28:10 No.8717967
    >And I've actually known her for 8 years now.
    Oh right, eight.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:34:26 No.8718033
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    After I met her dad on her birthday and her too she started being all open and told me more detailed shit like she suddenly realized I'm not a threat.

    Anyway, basically it was 3 years of us talking, getting close. Then 1 year of us just being friends and kind of weirded out. Then I met alex and she got pissed and it was like 2 years of drama over him and me just hanging out. The 2 years after that nothing really happened.

    So please stfu, before I dropkick you in a barrel filled with AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:39:07 No.8718088
    >avoid socialising, making new friends

    Anxiety and depression. Feeling empty and not being able to relate to anyone.

    >telling that one girl how you feel

    There has never been that girl. I've never felt more than a physical attraction to any female.

    I'm pretty fucked.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:40:08 No.8718097
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    eye spye insaynaytay
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:40:29 No.8718104
    He already said he doesn't like me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:43:52 No.8718134
    >avoid socialising,
    I try my best at socializing, but usually I don't have drive to get out of my own apartment
    >making new friends
    I have friends, I were just out with them yesterday and I made some new friends there as well, but they are not people I personally consider my friends, in reality I only have 2 friends. I'm socially inept to making new friends, getting those 2 were hard enough.
    >and telling that one girl how you feel?
    Oh damn, I hate myself, I would feel like such a creep, I think she knows I like here, but I don't want make it a fact, I just want to fade out of everyone's memory, even hers.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:44:49 No.8718146
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    What pisses me off the most was.

    There was 3 years where she basically said shit like, "Never leave me."
    "No matter what happens, always stay my friend, k?"

    Then I find out the truth on who she is and she gets pissed. So I stick with what I told her the first 3 years and try to be her friend. But she was a completely different personality too, it was almost scary. Like she had autism or was bipolar. Anything would piss her off.

    Then I decided to meet Alex and she almost exploded and went on a Nathan-hate-rampage. Telling people I'm a serial killer and stuff.

    Then I put up fliers for her cat in her town and she starts acting all nice. Then she humbly asks me for a Lap Top because hers broke and her family and boyfriend are dirt poor. So I do that.

    Then I kind of stopped with that, because I wasn't getting much appreciation in return. And so the stalker accusations came back.

    I cannot not begin to tell you how good I feel about every piece of drama I have caused this unstable bipolar woman. Every tear she shed over me I'm happy for.

    Ahh... /r9k/ is just picking at an old wound.

    tl;dr: All of her friends that I've met in real life have said one thing about her: "That girl is psychotic."

    It turns out that not only did she pull that same stunt with me. She also had a relationship with some girl in Ohio while she was pretending to be a boy living in Canada. You read that right.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:50:21 No.8718190
    cumdumpster detected.
    also, you can't toy with a guy's emotions for years and then not expect him to do anything. i think dennis' actions are justified.

    also >>8718146
    >she was pretending to be a boy living in Canada
    dear god sounds like youve got a crazy bitch on your hands. i would drop her like a hot potato
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)10:54:17 No.8718226
    It's okay though. I don't feel like a stalker at all either, because I actually had a stalker. A real stalker.

    She would climb through my window and wait for me after work and send me hundreds of emails.

    I didn't do any of those things to that girl. I kept it pretty straight forward and made sure I never seemed like a stalker.

    That's why I decided to walk up to her door and hand the gift to her dad infront of her and her boyfriend, instead of leaving it between the two cars outside like she asked. Now THAT would make me look like a stalker and seem like a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)10:59:25 No.8718277
    i'm sorry that happened to you, man. women are manipulative. this bitch sounds like a worst case scenario. we're not all like that, trust me. this girl is just a really really bad example. hearing you talk about her makes even me mad.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)11:02:00 No.8718308
    My chronic fatigue is ruining my life
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)11:02:25 No.8718313
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    For all of you who think they're life is shit and they are born unlucky, two words; FUCK YOU. The only ones who can complain here people with proper impairments e.g disabled

    You know what that picture is? Its men in world war one after/during a gas attack. They had to live in poorly constructed trenches filled with human shit and rotting bodies. If the order came through to attack, they had to run into the valley of death and were probaly going to die, if not see their friends cut to pieces. They were in a living hell. Yet they managed to do this

    >Though there was no official truce, about 100,000 British and German troops were involved in unofficial cessations of fighting along the length of the Western Front. The first truce started on Christmas Eve, 24 December 1914, when German troops began decorating the area around their trenches in the region of Ypres, Belgium.

    They forgot there shit, and celebrated christmas together with carols and playing football together. In the worst living conditions imaginable, they got on and put on a face to do this

    and then some of you have the fuckign nerve to say your shit is bad, again FUCK YOU.

    Next time you complain about yourself imagine that, scared to ask a girl out? They had the courage to run into certain death and you can't ask a girl out? You fucking coward.

    Stop been such a pussy, tens of millions have gone through much much more.

    In essence; MAN UP
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)11:02:34 No.8718318
    Sometimes I wish I could keep the knowledge I gained through this, but never have met her.

    But I guess we can't always have what we want.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)11:05:46 No.8718344
    basically everyone should be more like dennis and go after the girl you seek. and don't stop until she clearly tells you no.

    i bow to dennis, my king.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)11:06:55 No.8718352
    I'm not king of /r9k/

    Or at least not yet.

    If someone finds and posts another pic of me, then I'll be king of /r9k/.
    >> DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN DENNIS JENSEN - KING OF /b/gif/h/r/s/ & /co/ MORMON POLYGAMIST - CATHERINE WAYNE FAN !fpXAASGpVs 05/02/10(Sun)11:08:58 No.8718376
    Also, she wasn't even the girl I sought after. This is what pisses me off.

    I was seeking after the Japanese girl she pretended to be at first.

    Everything after that was just me staying loyal to my word of sticking with her through bad times.

    Like any king would.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)11:10:24 No.8718391
    that's how life sucks you in.
    ugly bitches try to get under your skin any way they can.
    don't let them. stop the cancer from spreading by not even giving it any attention.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/10(Sun)11:12:45 No.8718416
    My fucking volatile skin prevents me from having the confidence to go out more often and hit on chicks. Shit sux brah

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