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  • File : 1272673453.jpg-(29 KB, 597x538, list of hate.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:24:13 No.8692762  
    /r9k/ hates a lot of people.
    Tell me if there's anybody else who most of /r9k/ hate that I can add to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:24:51 No.8692768
    You didn't put women? The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:25:20 No.8692773
    Bitches and whores are already on there.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:25:21 No.8692774
    "Kaiji"? He posted here again?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:26:02 No.8692785
    Get the fuck back to /b/. The word 'niggers' wasn't used at all on /r9k/ a week ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:26:02 No.8692786
    Faggots. Fucking faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:26:18 No.8692788
    Yes, but usually there will be a lone user stating that they still love their mother/sister/etc. Putting women as a whole on the list would be a better idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:26:19 No.8692789
    Whenever he's here he acts like a pedo and pisses off most of /r9k/
    Just remembered some other tripfags
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:26:57 No.8692801

    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:26:59 No.8692803
    Bitches and whores.

    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:27:23 No.8692809
    Neither was "faggots", really. The replacement was "flaming/raging homosexual".
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:27:40 No.8692816
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:27:43 No.8692817
    Neutral Milk Hotel
    People who ride bikes
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:27:57 No.8692820
    The happiness of others.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:28:08 No.8692823
    /r9k/'s list of hate is missing /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:28:21 No.8692826

    Most members of /r9k/ who aren't underage ban are conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:28:29 No.8692827
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:28:41 No.8692829

    Otherwise our self fulfilling pool of despair and misery can never be completed.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:28:48 No.8692832
    you need to put 'itself'.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:29:01 No.8692835
    Says you and your opinion, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:29:08 No.8692836
    If you're going to do that, you might as well put "4chan: a place for friends", "christfag", and perhaps "Camel" on there too. Maybe even moot.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:29:57 No.8692850
    The only things on the list should be

    Filthy Liberals
    Bitches and Whores
    Neckbeards/Basement Dwellers
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:31:12 No.8692872

    Fuck you man, I love everyone on this board BUT you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:31:12 No.8692873
    Self hating atheists?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:33:09 No.8692895
    au contraire, i love youaire.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:34:40 No.8692914

    HOLY FUCK what is wrong with them? There are always like three types of obese people:

    the super lazy ones that act self entitled, have few if no real interests, and are rarely seen outside of a formal setting, often ones that take pride in doing something shitty really well, example: gas station/fast food manager, person with a 4.0 that does jack shit in group assignments

    the super eccentric ones that take some fad/personality too far to try to compensate for their fat, but instead they come off as obnoxious/slutty; examples: hot topic/goth obese, brazen sports fan obese, super nice obese, etc

    and the ultra self indulgence mode obese, the ones that are constantly getting fucked by whatever gutter trash is desparate enough, these obese can be spotted by whorish display of blob like cleavage, excessive perfume, princess me first attitude, acts super exclusionary to anything that does not totally approve of their depraved lifestyle, these sluts act pretentious but will do anything, take any drug if offered, and have no real ambition/goals/soul/personality apart from a gaping maw with the sole intention of consuming whatever vapid desire is put in front of its face
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:34:47 No.8692915
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    "Niggers" was used on /r9k/ by the same ignorant retards that are on every board. I remember engineer talking about how niggers were going to rob him.
    Anyway, here's the revised version.
    Not including all the dick tripfags, just the most recognisable ones.
    NMH are covered under hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:35:19 No.8692922

    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:36:16 No.8692933
    no moot?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:36:32 No.8692938
    Neckbeards are covered by "ourselves"
    Fatties are going on there.
    >> blox !KPiHjcq3U2 04/30/10(Fri)20:37:07 No.8692945
    4chan: A Place for Friends needs to be on here.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:38:21 No.8692964
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    Anything else to add?
    Is that everyone we hate?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:38:23 No.8692965
    you don't hate republicans?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:39:27 No.8692975
    /r9k/ loves moot. Anytime he posts here everyone replies.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:39:44 No.8692978
    He's the skype faggot. I couldn't remember his actual name
    It's not who I hate, its who /r9k/ hates as a whole. A lot of /r9k/ seems to hate liberals a lot more.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:39:57 No.8692983
    It was mentioned earlier.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:40:29 No.8692986

    Yeah bro, because of all the liberals rushing in to defend you. Oh wait, no one did. Face it, /r9k/ is either conservative, or libertarian with very small amount of liberals.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:40:46 No.8692988
    /r9k/ hates EVERYTHING
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:40:46 No.8692989
    That's true of every board. You'd think that /r9k/ would not be too pleased with moot, considering the header, redtext, and the sticky.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:40:53 No.8692991
    coincidentally, that same list can apply to most of 4chan...
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:41:10 No.8692998
    Yeah, but I think he's pissed us all off recently.
    Like when your mum comes and tidies the room when your trying to do shit when your younger.
    She's trying to help, but it still pisses you off.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:41:34 No.8693002
    I'm a liberal, I just don't feel like defending his post because his point was stated poorly.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:42:01 No.8693005
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    >Atheists and Liberals on list of things 4chan hates
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:42:07 No.8693007
    That's pretty much what I was getting at.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:42:22 No.8693014
    Was he really trying to help, or just annoy the board since we bitched at him?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:42:47 No.8693017
    most importantly /r9k/ hates itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:42:50 No.8693018
    Add "You" to it and your list will be complete.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:43:37 No.8693031

    Well that just sounds too much like ED. And the (past?) /r9k/ hates ED with a burning passion.
    Oh, maybe you should add that.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:44:37 No.8693045
    I live with just my mother, and she still does this all the time.
    Oh, mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:44:50 No.8693047
    /r9k/ and moot have a different relationship than the other boards.

    It's more like your older brother fucking with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:45:02 No.8693051
    Personal hate list.
    Rivetheads who think they're goths.
    Metalheads who think they're goths.
    Emos who think they're goths.
    Douchebags who think acting like a prick makes you a TOTALLY LEGIT PONX.
    Organized religion in general
    American conservatives
    People who overuse the word freedom and don't know what it actually MEANS.
    Douchebags in general.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:45:04 No.8693052
    Any other additions?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:46:05 No.8693063
    How does /r9k/ have a "different" relationship with moot, exactly? Are you implying some sort of unwarranted self importance and superiority complex that this board has?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:46:10 No.8693065
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    >Christians #2 on list of hate.
    >Islam #8
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:46:29 No.8693072
    We need a list of /r9k/'s list of love
    inb4 "nothing"
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:46:42 No.8693076
    Guidos. They hate guidos.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:46:48 No.8693077
    4chan a place for friends is a master troll.

    he gets around 40 sages each thread he makes.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:47:19 No.8693083
    Well that list would contain noth-oh fuck you in the teeth.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:47:54 No.8693087
    And you're 4chan: A Place for Friends without his tripcode, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:48:11 No.8693094
    It just does. If you browse other boards and have been on /r9k/ for at least a year you would know this.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:48:14 No.8693096
    when you say niggers do you mean blacks in general or just shitty people regardless of color?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:49:26 No.8693111
    Pretty much anyone who can socially interact and get laid.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:49:35 No.8693115
    Actually /r9k/ would have a weird "list of like"
    I was going to make it but I can't be bothered.
    Basically, barnes&noble, beards, bottle plants, walks, arguments, ales and manly men.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:50:19 No.8693124
    I thought we hated everyone, hence "INTERNET HATE MACHINE"
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:50:30 No.8693127
    Pretty much the latter.
    I'm talking about Chris Rock's definition of niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:51:25 No.8693141
    ah. i see, cuz i was gonna say i know black ppl who are mad cool and others that are niggers, plus i know several white niggers
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:51:34 No.8693143
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    Asspussy isnt original?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:52:03 No.8693151
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    Anything else to add?
    I think this is about all of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:52:28 No.8693155
    The second part is true, and moot does post here more often than other boards, BUT that still does not mean he has a special relationship with this board. It's more likely that he just likes to post on a "general" board without all the spam and other shit that /b/ has.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:52:58 No.8693162
    If /r9k/ hates atheists AND theists, then wtf is /r9k/?

    Someone please answer this.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:53:35 No.8693170
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:53:42 No.8693174
    what about things /r9k/ loves? :D
    >> vaginaface 04/30/10(Fri)20:55:54 No.8693201
    /r9k/ is the gangbang of whining. We hate everything and everything hates us. Then we bitch, moan, and whine about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:55:55 No.8693203
    Its a small and weird group of things.
    We also love mental health tests.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:56:32 No.8693216
    /r9k/ loves you!! ^_^
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:58:41 No.8693248
    I forgot people who use emoticons other than :3
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)20:59:49 No.8693267
    I think he made this board to have a home, but of course the robot had feelings and become a bawwfest. So then he made /adv/ so we could get rid of those people. Didn't work.

    I really couldn't tell you, I just think there is a different relationship with this board. He is disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:02:14 No.8693306
    The population of /r9k/ comes damn high on my list.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:02:34 No.8693311
    I want to ask "Then how do we make him less disappoint?", but I'm not sure if anyone knows.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:03:33 No.8693325
    Why the hell is /r9k/ so easy to troll?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:04:16 No.8693336
    Personally I think he would be please if we remove the "NAME MY CAT", relationshit and things that fit on other boards.
    And maybe "rate me" threads
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:04:24 No.8693337
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    As a liberal atheist aspie stoner, this list bothers and confuses me, especially considering you put aspie on the list twice. And /r9k/ is pretty much comprised of all of those people, so you need only write "themselves".

    Actually on closer inspection, this doesn't look like /r9k/ at all. What ... what have you done to my /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:04:48 No.8693346
    Because we try to think as intellectuals and think no one is trolling us.
    Shit, I was just trolled, wasn't I?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:05:26 No.8693357
    oh, my mistake, I've been trolled. Jolly good.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:08:21 No.8693397
    Post more OC and less relationshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:10:58 No.8693435
    What about this wave of "SO WHATS THIS PLACE FOR?"
    Everybody hate them yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:11:34 No.8693449
    They've always been there. Really. It's /b/'s way of "trolling".
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:12:12 No.8693457
    Yeah but its really been stepped up recently
    >> Anonymous 04/30/10(Fri)21:20:21 No.8693613
    What's this board for anyway

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