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    51 KB Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:10:01 No.8615111  
    Hi robots, share your awkward boner situations!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:11:23 No.8615132
    i had one last night
    but OP's mom took care of it
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:11:24 No.8615133
    I don't have any. Every time I have a boner, its impressiveness convinces someone to suck it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:12:11 No.8615157
    How about every day? Every fucking day my dick decides to troll me and engorge itself with blood at the most inappropriate moments.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:13:03 No.8615180
    In 4th grade I didn't really understand what was up with boners. I got one in class one day, and so I slid one of my arms up into my sleeve to try to discretely push it down. The girl sitting next to me saw.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:13:09 No.8615183
    When you grow up it will stop
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:13:28 No.8615191
    How about never? Never does my dick decides to troll me and engorge itself with blood at the most inappropriate moments.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:14:39 No.8615215
    i almost miss the random boner. never happens anymore...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:14:43 No.8615219

    I've done some reading on the subject and a healthy guy will usually have semi-regular erections throughout the day into his late 20's/early 30's.

    I'm 18 now, I'm sick of not being able to wear shorts, dawg.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:15:05 No.8615225
    Awkward boner? Are you 13 or something?

    This. Get the fuck out underagefaggot
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:15:38 No.8615236
    Ah, those vicious little boner moments. Happens 150% of the time when I am within a 50 foot radius of a little girl.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:17:05 No.8615256
    I'm 23 and get them all the time
    >> Dirty Dildo !HIwambGeWE 04/26/10(Mon)22:18:11 No.8615276
    Well this one time my sister sat on my lap..
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:18:47 No.8615285
    no random boners any more and im 25. but i also have a girlfriend that takes care of my boners.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:19:17 No.8615295
    Be prowd of your boners, one day you'll wish you could have one last hard one...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:19:23 No.8615297
    sometimes when a girl is freaking me I hey a boner
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:19:45 No.8615309
    I get nervous boners. I get nervous when I speak in front of people. I speak in front of people a lot. :<
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:19:56 No.8615314
    It has now become obligatory to post pictures of your sister for further reference.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:20:21 No.8615325
    this weekend my sisters chihuahua sat on my lap and i got a boner...i hate myself
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:20:26 No.8615326
    my boner is never awkward
    if you have awkward boners why are you letting them go to waste
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:22:46 No.8615382
    I'm pretty sure I'd get a boner if a girl so much as smiled at me, and I'm 19
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:23:22 No.8615392
    Not exactly an awkward boner situation but I think it's relevant. I was one caught in a crowd in the middle of Times Square. Some awards show was letting out and everybody was trying to see the celebrities. I navigated to the edge of a barrier to wait until the crowd calmed down a bit. In front of me there was a narrow line of people trying to inch towards the front. The line suddenly stopped and I found myself face to face with some random tourist and pressed against my teenage vagoo through his thin shorts was his cock. He mumbled an apology and we fidgeted against each other awkwardly for a few minutes before the line started moving again.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:23:53 No.8615399
    >girl i like talking to me about schoolwork
    >making eye contact during discussion
    >asks me when my next class is
    >think she wants to hook up (when she most likely didnt)
    >get raging boner
    >need to go outside to calm nerves
    she didn't see it so i wouldn't call it awkward. but it was the best boner i've had in a while, damn.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:25:02 No.8615423
    In 8th grade when we were putting condoms on bananas at the end of the class. Bell rang and i was the only one who didnt get up. Made some shit excuse but i think they knew what was "up"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:25:12 No.8615430
    >was 16 at the mall in a sharper image store
    >me and female friend wer laying on the temperpedic mattress.
    >boner, tried to cover it up with my jacket.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:27:52 No.8615498
    Bitches don't know bout mah 12-o'clock tuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:28:18 No.8615505
    I forgot to mention this made me incredibly horny, and I grabbed the nearest hipster I could find, and mounted him right there in Times Square.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:28:45 No.8615518
    Stopped getting those random boners about a year ago. i'm 19. kinda miss them to be honest. i can't even get 100% hard all the time now while watching porn. damn doug.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:30:45 No.8615571
    I think I was around 12 or something at the doctor's office getting a physical and I got a boner when the doctor examined my penis. Horrible experience.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:32:28 No.8615607
    This one time my dick was in my Gf's mouth, then I just get this random ass boner. The worst part is that I think she noticed.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:32:35 No.8615611
    Did the doctor say anything?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:32:54 No.8615622
    same with me but it was a female doctor lol. i fwas fine with it but she wasnt by the look of her face -_-
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:34:45 No.8615664
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    From grades 5 through 9.

    Worst years ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:35:37 No.8615689
    sooooo your doctor has never seen an erect penis before? THEN SHES A FUCKING QUACK!!!! BITCHESNWHORES!1!1!!!!!!@@!1!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:38:24 No.8615759
    I was helping my local church out with their project to help some single mothers in the bad neighbourhood in our town. It's basically a support group + social event + help with financial planing and so on...

    Anyway, I was helping out together with a true bro (awesome dude) and a holier-than-thou girl (flat as a board, no curves). The boys take a liking to the bro, him being sporty and something of an outdoorsman (slum kids are awed by the woods apparently), the chick had her motherly instincts awakened by the toddlers I suppose, and me, being the calm collected kind of person, gained the attention of the 2 lolis... this was about 3 years ago btw, so forgive me if memory is a little fuzzy

    anyway, two girls, one is a delicious brown loli beautiful big eyes, the other a blonde and is more of a ragged cuteie. The brown loli takes a real shine to me and the bro teases me half seriously that I finally found my first girlfriend.

    So the thread related happens during the bus ride home, I am sitting in the back of the bus when they decide that they're bored and wants me to read them a story. So up they go on my lap while I start reading he only thing I could find in the vicinity, an illustrated bible written for kids... Things would probably not have been a problem, they had been very affectionate during the trip and I'm a quite a cuddly guy (big teddy bear has been mentioned) so I'm sort of used to them sitting in my lap. Only they're getting a bit bored with the story and won't sit still... so the inevitable happens and they start sliding from sitting on either side of my crotch on my legs to sitting to sitting on my crotch... with their tight little asses rubbing right on my cock that had been starved from any attention for the last 3-4 days...

    So there I am, reading the bible to a pair of kids who are not really paying attention but don't want me to stop, with a boner PRAYING that they don't notice it and become curious and get their mothers attention
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:39:54 No.8615791
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    I had an awkward boner for the duration of the seventh and eighth grades.

    Then I discovered fuckin' bitches. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:41:03 No.8615828
    My dick was always too small to be a problem when I had a boner...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:42:36 No.8615865
    Boners aren't really a problem for me since I've started wearing panties
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:46:43 No.8615964
    who the fuck wears underpants
    freeballing is the way to go dude
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:48:29 No.8616001
    12 year old sister was sitting in my lap watching show on Discovery.

    They start talking about animal mating habits and she started rubbing her butt harder into my crotch.

    I got hard, and she wiggled it right between her cheeks and started grinding back and forth and moaning very softly while I put my hands around her budding breasts from behind and playing with her nipples through her shirt. She got up suddenly and said she had to pee, and I got up and sat down at the computer desk before she got back.

    This was 4 years ago. We don't speak of it, but we're still very affectionate towards each other. No full on wincest though.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:52:23 No.8616073
    for most of high school i was closet bisexual. These were some awkward situations:

    - Long busrides for band trips and sitting with guys who were asleep leaning on me or whatever. Feeling them breathing against me - oshi, boner.
    - I give good backrubs and had a reputation for this, so I give them to bros on occasion. NO HOMO except that i have a raging boner that you don't notice
    - Sleeping on couch at friend's house, other friend pissed because he doesn't want to sleep on the floor and he insists on sleeping on top of me. At this point I realized I wanted to fuck him and finally accepted the fact that I was a raging faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:53:13 No.8616094
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    the got problems
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:53:40 No.8616102
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:54:09 No.8616108
    I hope you get diarrhoea one day.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:55:00 No.8616122
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:55:43 No.8616130
    god damn I got a boner.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:56:00 No.8616134
    Crowded subway, had this chick's ass on my junk, she was wearing tights and I could see her thong, I almost blew my load right there.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:56:43 No.8616150
    Oh Jesus. So many dances in middle school and high school. It was fucking uncontrollable. Practically fucking through my pants.

    cumdumpsters: did you make fun of the guys who get hardons at dances?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:57:05 No.8616157
    how awkward indeed
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:57:28 No.8616170
    I was about 18, my best friend's little brother, probably 8, was a pain in the ass, but would climb around us watching TV, etc. Later on he started teasing me more cinsistently, epecially when the friend wasnt around, and started groping me, etc. I pushed him away every time.

    but at one point watching TV, with my friend/his bro there, he climbed into my lap, rubbed around, and actually got me off in about 5 seconds, I came on the spot, and I think the kid knew it. I had no idea what to do.

    Kinda hot, actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:58:45 No.8616191
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    In 7th/8th grade we had to get a physical for gym and my normal doctor was out so a nurse did mine. She was young like early 20s and kinda average looking, but not ugly. Anyway, it came time for the hernia check she told me to pull down my pants and underwear. I was blushing and started getting hard right after I pulled them down. She just smiled and cupped my balls, telling to turn my head and cough. I think she also checked for ball cancer because she rubbed both balls with her fingers. My boner was pointing straight out and throbbing at that point. She just stared at it for a few seconds and then with her other hand she lightly ran her fingertips through my pubic hair. I gasped as she took hold of my dick between her thumb and two fingers and gently ran them up and down a few times. I had a feeling this wasn't part of the exam and she smiled up at me as a drop of precum formed on the tip.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:59:20 No.8616202

    Nope. I'm pretty normal bro. Has a girlfriend and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:00:08 No.8616216
    I only fap once a week so as to maintain acceptable levels of manly suaveness
    but goddamn near the end of my... um... fap fast my random boners get painful. it literally hurts. i have to get up and go to the bathroom and just whip it out and let it go flaccid before i can do anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:00:23 No.8616223
    That honestly made me lose my boner.

    And now it's back again, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:00:31 No.8616227

    Hott story. They need to make porn out of this.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:01:25 No.8616241
    I take the bus to university and sometimes I'll get one when I have to put my backpack on my lap. Other than that I'm pretty inappropriate-boner free.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:01:46 No.8616250
    The worst was when I was like 14 or 15 and wrestling around with the kids (6-10) I was babysitting. They noticed and asked what it was. :/

    The 2nd worst is any time I pet cats and they purr. D:

    no pedo; no furry.
    >> Dragon Age Guy !!4oVZRIEvfqO 04/26/10(Mon)23:02:11 No.8616260

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:03:04 No.8616282
    I've never ever heard of having a physical for high school gym.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:03:15 No.8616285
    >go to doctor's office
    >wait in reception room
    >doze off
    >wake up with a semi and the need to piss
    >receptionist has the only keys to the bathrooms in the building
    >awkward walk of shame ensues
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:03:29 No.8616292
    some delicious copypasta
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:03:40 No.8616294
    >>8616282 I live in a third world country
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:05:08 No.8616337
    Nope, we have good healthcare.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:05:46 No.8616353
    In Nigeria.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:06:40 No.8616372
    Pee loudly so she knows you're not jacking off in there
    >> shwooom 04/26/10(Mon)23:07:07 No.8616382
    Getting a boner at your grandma's house.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:07:58 No.8616398
    I was 15 at my own birthday party where my grandparents had rented the local pool for the night. I was dating a bit of a whore at that point, and this girl loved to tease. We were floating around in the deep end and she stradles me and puts her arms around my neck and rubs her crotch against mine. I get a massive boner, she smiles and swims away. I, not thinking at all, try to calm down doing the calmest thing you can do in a pool, and I do a back float... unfortunatley, everyone saw the tent in my trunks rising noticably above the water. Luckily, my best friend was nice enough to let me know and save myself a little bit of the total embarassment.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:09:32 No.8616428

    Happens to me occasionally on the bus to/from university as well, strangely enough. I need to stop putting my backpack on my lap.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:10:13 No.8616443
    Everytime a woman is crying on my shoulder I get aroused. =/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:10:18 No.8616444


    goddamn, happened at literally every dance i've been too. especially awkward when its with your friend's dates, but they never say anything. i guess it could just be politeness, but i think they kinda like it. lets them feel hot and all that.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:10:25 No.8616446
    I always get one during my yearly physical and my doctor is a girl. She always grabs it and moves it to the side.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:11:03 No.8616462
    I ride a bus to uni and usually near the end it's a little awkward, especially for a 20 minute ride and nothing to do but think about
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:12:07 No.8616483
    The other day I was helping my mom with something and we were in a cramped spot and she picked something up and her ass hit my dick. Yeah.

    >> anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:15:56 No.8616563
    my girlfreind and i are at the pool. She is usaully bary conservative in clothing and way she acts. She starts rubbing her ass on my cock in the pool and she whispers in my ear right infront of all my friends were talkin to " when im done with you your going to come." i get a massive boner and ofcourse fcome .
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:16:42 No.8616585
    I got a mad boner when my ex girlfriend broke up with me, I was emotional, 18 and for some reason I got horny... in sweatpants.

    >> Dragon Age Guy !!4oVZRIEvfqO 04/26/10(Mon)23:18:27 No.8616622
    When I was 14 through 15 I always went to the same Asian, big titted, dentist. I would always wear shorts so when her tits rubbed against my chest I would start panicking about my super obvious erection.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:21:23 No.8616681
    my most awkward boner was probably when i was on the swim team at about 10 or 11, was waiting by the pool in only my speedo, as i was about to race in the next heat, when i get the most raging boner. shit sucked. my dick was still pretty small then, too, so it was extra lame. i tryed to hunch over when i walked up to the block, but everyone probably noticed. luckily the extreme horror i was feeling allowed me to deflate before i actually had to stand up on the thing. goddamn, that sucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:23:28 No.8616723
    posting on /ck/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:27:26 No.8616809
    get this, i was fucking some dude in jail in the ass and when i went to give him a reach around the faggot had a boner
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:29:35 No.8616853

    Always enjoyed the attention and giggled about it later with friends if you had a small dick.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:31:14 No.8616896
    why would you bother to give him a reach around if you were expecting him to not have a boner?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:33:11 No.8616941
    I don't really have one for myself however

    I did know a kid in high school that got a boner pretty bad when he was at wrestling practice, after it happened he was in my science class and everybody was laughing at him.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:37:15 No.8617044
    I was hanging out with my gf and she took out a condom and told me to put it on and fuck her. The awkward part was that I literally came 5 seconds after putting it on and getting inside her. I pretended I didn't cum though and kept thrusting, but that was a waste of time since I quickly went soft. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:39:32 No.8617093
    i new it! what if the dude had a big dick? did shit like that get around, or was it mainly making fun of puny pricks?
    >> Anonymons 04/26/10(Mon)23:40:13 No.8617119
    one time we were having sex, and i got a boner

    shit was AWKWAAARD!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:40:53 No.8617135
    its called mouse-trappin' it

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