04/26/10(Mon)17:20:35 No. 8607601 >>8607348 I have
been here since 2004/2005, actually, and I know more about everything
than you do. Don't lecture me on the "/b i hold dear", because I knew
/b/ before you knew about the internet, most like. And just fyi, "/b/
was never good" is one of the oldest meme's in /b/ history, dating back
to about the same time as happy negro was being introduced. Before it
was used by oldfags to complain about the influx of newfags, it was used
by /b/tards to complain about pre-zero hour 4chan. The more you know. Saying
that "/b/ is the 4chan mothership boards but is no longer relevant" is a
contradiction. /b/ is, and always has been, the only relevant board on
this website. It's the only one that non-4channers know about, and it's
the only one that influences people to check this site out. Today, there
will likely be 100-250 people who go on 4chan for the first time ever,
and guess what. They all found out about 4chan through the actions of
/b/, and /b/ will be their first destination. Not r9k, in fact, the only
reason any of them would ever even hear about r9k is because of the
flashy little text on the top of the screen. Without that being there,
most people wouldn't even know you exist.