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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

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    24 KB Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:39:44 No.8606534  
    >hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    >Implying r9k isn't the shittiest board on 4chan and that people should give a shit about it
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:40:56 No.8606579
    At least it isn't filled with drive by penis and boxxy like on /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:41:49 No.8606614
    >implying moot isn't trolling
    >didn't read the board title or byline
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:42:21 No.8606625

    No, instead it's filled with faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:43:01 No.8606647
    at least my nigga jim is in that picture thur
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:43:52 No.8606666
    /b/, /v/, and /mu/ are all way worse than /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:43:53 No.8606667

    I still say it's better than that triforce and "u laff u lose" shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:44:46 No.8606698

    That's because, like the rest of the people here, you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:45:14 No.8606705
    how is this board worse than /b/ and /v/?
    and how can you still imply here?
    >> VHS Demon !VHSdm0n/9Q 04/26/10(Mon)16:46:03 No.8606727
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    You should learn how a cesspool works.
    This is actually helping get 4chan cleaner.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:46:53 No.8606749
    No. Not really. It's about the same level as them.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:48:01 No.8606783
    Because I'm better than you and your gay rules.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:50:46 No.8606848
    >implying anyone thinks /b/ and /v/ are any better, let alone worse

    >implying whatever gay board you come from is better than /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:51:11 No.8606857
    this is what a /b/tard really believes
    enjoy your spam filled board
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:51:30 No.8606867

    I'm not implying anything, both the statements you just made are fact.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:52:00 No.8606880
    You seem to give a shit since you're posting here.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:53:20 No.8606908
    I think /tv/ is shittier than /r9k/. This place still really sucks, but at least it doesn't have waifu threads day in and day out. Seriously, visit /tv/ any hour of any day and I bet you'll find two or three threads that are 200+ posts in length devoted to nothing but spamming pictures of a particular actress.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:53:20 No.8606909
    You give a shit about it, explain that mofucka
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:54:41 No.8606946
    >enjoy your spam filled board

    It's spam filled because of neglect. Any 4chan board is eventually doomed to the same fate.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:54:55 No.8606949
    However at the end of the day this board is better than all the others
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:55:27 No.8606965
    not /r9k/ trust me
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:56:31 No.8606986
    >trust me

    Oh okay, faceless stranger. I trust you completely. Trust is earned, and you have earned it
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:57:04 No.8606998
    Actually no. /r9k/ has been relatively spam free, and 5 year old meme free i.e (im 12 and what is this, cool story bro, slowpoke etc..) since it began.

    All this shit will die down in about a week and the old /r9k/ will return as the best board once again.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:57:09 No.8607000
    spamblock add ons, get fucked
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:58:18 No.8607023

    What are you from /v/ or some gay shit like that
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:58:57 No.8607038

    Nice point, faggot. It sounds awfully similar to the Mac's "enjoy your virus filled computer" arguement.

    r9k lacks spam, because nobody gives enough of a shit to spam the board, much the same way macs lack virus' because nobody gives enough of a shit to bother making virus' for it.

    So thank you, I will enjoy my spam-filled board. Enjoy your pointless, uninteresting and ultimately unimportant board.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:59:19 No.8607045
    Thanks for the update, dipshit. Anybody can see that. The point is that when a board because ACTIVE ENOUGH and high profile, it ATTRACTS spammers. When these spammers come, and nothing is done about it, they rule the board. /b/ died because of neglect. All the "post ending in x" shit wasn't nipped in the bud in 2007, the shitposting rate went up and up, it became more and more mainstream, and commercial spammers migrated to it
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:59:40 No.8607053
    Stop being such a whiny bitch and leave if you hate it so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)16:59:54 No.8607056

    because of the filter it's impossible to spam.

    have fun on your shitty /b/ or /v/. I remember when /b/ was actually entertaining. you're probably 14 though so you think LOL SO RANDUM XD is funny.
    >> not op !!4Kr2RslO/RX 04/26/10(Mon)16:59:56 No.8607057
    /g/ or /v/, no doubt
    >> !!S678MBeyQaW 04/26/10(Mon)17:00:21 No.8607067
    mootie is just trollan us because we're secretly his favorite board.
    >> !!S678MBeyQaW 04/26/10(Mon)17:01:48 No.8607095
    Spammers spam even the slowest boards. /r9k/ gets no spam because our robot overlord protects us.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:02:37 No.8607119

    Lol and the truth comes out. This kid thinks he's important because he's "part of" /b/. HAHA, /b/ hasn't been relevant since 08. You'd know that though if you were here for more than a few months. You're not a part of anything. /b/ died when /r9k/ was formed. /R9K/ was Moot giving up on a dead /b/.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:03:16 No.8607132
    Are you fucking retarded? I don't even lurk this board and even I can see that you guys just throw some random garbage onto the end of your post to evade the filter. The board "filters" by generating a hash of your post. Changing so much as 1 character completely changes the hash, you 14 year old illiterate mong. Hell, the the script Kimmo is using to spam is already designed to generate a unique post each time - and it's unnecessary
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:04:27 No.8607159
    >This kid thinks he's important because he's "part of"

    Where did he say that?

    Sure is literacy in here
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:06:39 No.8607205

    haha what a faggot loser. he thinks anyone cares about his opinions. it's so obvious you're a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:07:49 No.8607250

    Oh, that's an interesting idea. So you actually believe that /b/ isn't the sole reason you or anyone else, ever, heard about 4chan or decided to browse.

    Face it, /b/ was never good, but /b/ is the sole reason moot ever found any success. /b/ is 4chan's flagship board, the only board that actually matters. /b/ is the reason why you're currently even posting, because if /b/ never existed, 4chan wouldn't be around today, and you'd never have gotten the chance to form this cockbrained idea that r9k holds any kind of relevance at all.

    /b/ *IS* 4chan, everything else is just topic-centric mini-forums that allow members to chit-chat about specific interests without their thread dying in 10 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:07:51 No.8607252

    for one thing, samefag. And two you capitalized ATTRACT and said "high profile" meaning you think /b/ is good because so many people come and it has a rep.

    /b/ doesn't have a rep anymore. It's no longer the final boss of the internet. it's nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:08:27 No.8607266
    Stick around for more than just the past day, and you'll see that we don't just change letters and shit like you think. We actually generate conversations. It's usually the trolls or the brobots calling out "bitches and whores" that are the one liners that need changing.
    >> OCE !Nigger/OcE 04/26/10(Mon)17:10:05 No.8607312
    At least we can have discussions without the post being bumped to the 15th page in 10 seconds. You mad just because /b/ is filled with 14 year old faggots and a shitload of spam.

    We use "mootblox" to make a point sometimes, we don't claim to be pure, we just claim to be the best, so get back to your shitty board now.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:11:09 No.8607348

    I never said /b/ wasn't the motherboard. I just said it's no longer relevant.

    The only people who say "hurr /b/ was never good durr" were the people who came around the boxxy era.

    /b/ used to be extremely entertaining. the /b/ you hold so dear is nothing like it was before. Most of the original /b/ tards are either on /r9k/ or are on other *chans.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:11:32 No.8607354
    >Implying moot created this board because he gave up on /b/, and not because he had to endure a year and a half worth of posters btiching to him through e-mails about making a spam-free board and finally caved out of irritation.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:13:15 No.8607402
    This. I'm not going to say I'm an oldfag, but I know many oldfags that immigrated to /r9k/ to escape from their shitty /b/.

    In fact, moot browses /r9k/ the most out of any board, I don't think I ever see him post in /b/ anymore, because he doesn't give a fuck about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:13:38 No.8607410
    >Implying r9k isn't the shittiest board on 4chan and that people should give a shit about it

    /b/ is worse. Just sayinn
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:13:57 No.8607416

    >claims /b/ is better
    >come to [r9k] when it's full of /b/tards
    >calls [r9k] shit

    this doesn't even make sense you fuck.

    hurr i know what this board is all about cause i went to it when it was practically being raided durr.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:14:07 No.8607423
    How can that be an imply when it is a fact.

    >> sage 04/26/10(Mon)17:14:17 No.8607428
    moot surfs /r9k/ all the time. he is one of us. there is no going back. /b/ is dead. ROBOT9000 is the new boss of the internet. you cannot escape it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:15:39 No.8607464
    That doesn't change the fact that this is still /r(9k)/elationships
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:16:02 No.8607474

    /b/ was never good was a flippant comment, as with everything on /b/ -- internet, serious business

    pissing in a sea of piss

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:16:17 No.8607480
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    It's always funny when /b/tards come to other boards and realise everyone else think they are SHIT
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:16:33 No.8607487

    uhh /b/ didn't have that much spam a year and a half ago. Most of it was AnonTalk bullshit, but no one cared. It showed up like every 100th post instead of 1 out of 5 like it does now.

    and a year or so before that there was hardly any spam and the websites that did got raided ASAP.

    I really don't think you know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:16:37 No.8607488
    We don't pretend /r9gay/ isn't. No please get the fuck out newfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:17:31 No.8607515
    Moot loves /r9k/ he makes threads and posts all the fucking time. He hates /b/, its a monster that he created.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:18:27 No.8607541

    it's an "ocean of piss". Now I know for sure you're most likely underage ban and the newest of newfags.

    I'm done debating now since you're a child IRL and on this site.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:18:38 No.8607549
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:20:06 No.8607588
    I like when ttenagers from /b/ realize there are other boards, and find out that everyone hates /b/.

    You probably just arrived at /r9k/ saw all the shit threads made by /b/tards, then assumed it was the regular visitors.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:20:35 No.8607601

    I have been here since 2004/2005, actually, and I know more about everything than you do. Don't lecture me on the "/b i hold dear", because I knew /b/ before you knew about the internet, most like. And just fyi, "/b/ was never good" is one of the oldest meme's in /b/ history, dating back to about the same time as happy negro was being introduced. Before it was used by oldfags to complain about the influx of newfags, it was used by /b/tards to complain about pre-zero hour 4chan. The more you know.

    Saying that "/b/ is the 4chan mothership boards but is no longer relevant" is a contradiction. /b/ is, and always has been, the only relevant board on this website. It's the only one that non-4channers know about, and it's the only one that influences people to check this site out. Today, there will likely be 100-250 people who go on 4chan for the first time ever, and guess what. They all found out about 4chan through the actions of /b/, and /b/ will be their first destination. Not r9k, in fact, the only reason any of them would ever even hear about r9k is because of the flashy little text on the top of the screen. Without that being there, most people wouldn't even know you exist.
    >> Mebbe !j5onBiHO1M 04/26/10(Mon)17:21:43 No.8607634

    Dude I've seen you post this in like five threads. FUck off already
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:22:00 No.8607641
    ask yourself, if /r9k/ is good, why hasn't moot carried its rules across to the other boards?

    oh thats right, because the other boards are actually popular
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:23:44 No.8607678
    >they all found out about 4chan through the actions of /b/

    WOW! If your talking about the "we are legion" bullshit and attempted raids/fox news report then you are wrong, that wasn't /b/, it was fucking 4chan.

    I also like how you imply that your an oldfag and are like 46 or something, seriously shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:23:48 No.8607680

    He doesn't hate /b/, /b/ created him as much as he created it.

    He just knows that he has to sticky his posts in /b/, or else they'll be gone within 10 minutes. That and he knows that all the /b/tards will just call him a faggot anyways. Because, you know, we don't suck his dick like you guys do.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:24:20 No.8607690
    >implying I first went to /b/
    >implying I dislike /b/
    >implying I haven't been here before when other boards weren't here
    >implying it wasn't complete shit even then
    can you hope to stand against my implications?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:24:56 No.8607710

    I'm 21 and an oldfag. I'm not implying anything, it's fact. Only newfags get riled up when someone claims to be an oldfag. Triggers some kind of insecurity within them, because they know they won't be taken seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:25:21 No.8607723
    >People defending /b/


    I came to 4chan for /a/. Your argument is invalid
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:25:57 No.8607737

    This is such utter bullshit. It's obvious this kid read some article on ED and now thinks he's an authority.

    Other boards are popular outside of 4chan. Some professional sports people browse /sp/. And some of the other boards have their fair share of memes.

    If you actually came on 4chan around 04-05 you wouldn't be able to tolerate the way /b/ is now. I know, because I started coming here in 04.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:26:31 No.8607755
    Implying the other boards had any real role to play in all media-grabbing 4chan stunts.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:27:25 No.8607785

    I've been here a year, whoop-de-fucking-doo you faggot, stating that your an oldfag doesn't mean shit. A fact has to have proof to back it up, show me the fucking proof that you were here in 2004.

    Oh and respond to my first statement in that post and stop avoiding it. Also, stop using "its fact" as a fucking catch phrase.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:28:11 No.8607799
    I've been here since 07 and I remember /b/ being just about acceptable

    the main reason I don't go anymore is that shifting through pages of AnT spam and adverts isn't my thing
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:28:50 No.8607820
    >implying in the fox news report, the reporter at any point in time said /b/

    The only thing that "media attention" brought was 12 year old faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:30:02 No.8607847
    And those famous sports people didn't hear about /sp/ before they heard about /b/.

    You haven't been here since 2004, if you had been, you'd at least know that /b/ has always had a negative aspect to it that had to be dealt with on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:30:07 No.8607850

    >implying the media grabbing stunts were actually good for 4chan.
    >> !!S678MBeyQaW 04/26/10(Mon)17:31:10 No.8607877
    >I know more about everything than you do.
    Stopped reading there.
    STFU and gb2b.

    And fyi, plenty of chans exist without mainstream activity, and they're plenty better than /cancer/. Hell, /b/ has become such an outcast it's basically not even 4chan anymore. Everyone on every other board hates you fags. Get over it. Moot doesn't even post there anymore.

    /r9k/ is 4chan's general discussion board. /beep/ is the playpen.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:31:27 No.8607882

    I responded, you faggot. But you've been here a year, so your opinions are invalid.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:32:01 No.8607900

    what the fuck was the negative aspect in 04-05 beside kiddie porn?

    I remember at least 3-4 threads like that getting banned every day, but that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:32:29 No.8607912
    So you think its good that every other board on 4chan, including people around the world, absolutely hate /b/ and don't give a fuck.

    The only reason moot puts up with /b/'s bullshit is because of the money the 14 year old boys bring in when they post "LAUGH U LOSE"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:33:10 No.8607933

    Remember when GETS actually meant something? Remember when it would take a few hours of non stop posting to reach that GET?

    Oh, no. You don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:34:23 No.8607963
    >/r9k/ is 4chan's general discussion board. /beep/ is the playpen.

    hahahahahaha do you really believe this oh god

    /r9k/ is the most hated board around
    go to every single board
    ask them what they think of it
    they will laugh in your face and throw you out

    except at /k/ where that faggot mod will probably ban you
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:34:29 No.8607967
    Gets never mean't fucking anything. Proof that you just got here a month ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:34:37 No.8607972

    They hate us because we're better than you faggots, and if you brought your shitty convorsations about video games, anime and fashion, we'd call you niggers and troll the shit out of your threads.

    /b/ is the USA of 4chan, and every other board are inferior countries that bitch about /b/'s success. Haters gonna hate.

    /v/ is Britain, /a/ is Canada. r9k is Somalia or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:35:30 No.8607988

    I just didn't visit 4chan when that happened.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:35:56 No.8607996
    That is the sad truth and you have proven the one thing that made the site grew: /b/ is /b/ait.

    Eventually most of the same people who come to /b/ will be bored and mature out to the real product of 4chan: the other imageboards.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:35:58 No.8607998

    I wasn't implying that at all, actually, you blind gook. I was simply replying to a post implying that all the other boards made relevant contribution to those stunts, when they didn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:36:28 No.8608008
    You defending /b/ is like a retarded kid defending a retarded horse in a game of soccer.

    Point being, /b/ fucking sucks and you won't admit it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:37:30 No.8608033

    If you weren't such a newfag you'd realize the people that MADE /b/ are now on other boards and other *chans.

    We're not jealous, we're sad to see what's become of our old hangout spot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:37:34 No.8608037

    The other boards aren't the real product of anything. They simply exist as a way for people to talk about their faggy interests without being insulted for liking origami, manga and other such faggy activities.
    >> !!S678MBeyQaW 04/26/10(Mon)17:37:57 No.8608045
    /b/ is not USA.
    /b/ is more like Soviet Russia.
    Used to be a superpower, now they're a fallen empire who keeps lying to themselves saying they're still good.

    But you're not. You're just not.
    I don't even understand why anyone would call themselves a /b/tard. It's like when BITCHES AND WHORES call eachother sluts.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:39:08 No.8608071
    Agreed. /b/ faggots calling themselves /b/tards is like a black guy calling himself a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:39:19 No.8608075
    All the post above represents

    /r9k/ - "a gangbang of whining"

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:40:19 No.8608096



    All the other boards DID make contributions to those stunts, because the people who actually did the work have moved on to other boards and other chans.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:40:22 No.8608099
    >this thread fails
    >blast it with piss
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:40:28 No.8608101

    No, because I know who I am, and I know how long I've been on /b/. The guy who introduced me to /b/ 5 years ago still visits /b/. The only other oldfags I know (2 of them) still visit /b/. That's all the evidence that can be laid before MY eyes, and it all says that oldfags still visit /b/. I don't know you, I don't know that what you're saying is truth. So I'm not gonna believe your rather large assumptions that all oldfags have moved on to other boards, because noone can prove that to me, and so far the people arguing in your favor have been admitting they're newfags.

    Doesn't exactly help your argument, chief.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:40:45 No.8608108
    You MUST be fuckig new. Moot is trolling /r9k/ you fucking idiot, he posts here all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:41:11 No.8608119
    No it's because certain images are blocked and bots can't edit them.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:42:33 No.8608152
    Seriously? We're still on this newfag oldfag bullshit? You do realize calling other posters newfags only reassures us that you yourself are a newfag/huge faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:43:31 No.8608178
    >>Implying /b/ and /v/ arent the shittiest board on 4chan and that people should give a shit about them.

    Fixed for accuracy.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:44:01 No.8608188
    Well thank you for copy pasta the whole ED article
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:44:42 No.8608198

    so you're an exception to the rule. Most oldfags are now gone to other boards or mostly other chans.

    look at 711chan, 7chan, 420chan, 888chan, 99chan (and others) those are all the original /b/tards.

    Go onto those boards when someone like AT is raiding /b/ and watch them flock to help. These new /b/tards don't even know how to use a fucking LOIC. /b/ hasn't beat any recent spam or foe by itself for about 2 years now. It's all the other boards doing.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:46:24 No.8608247

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:47:16 No.8608271

    888chan has been down for months... Jeez Anon - don't fall behind.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:47:30 No.8608275
    >he's actually proud of being on 4chan
    you are sad find a girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:48:17 No.8608297
    /r9k/ and /b/ suck
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:48:36 No.8608306
    I wouldn't go as far to say that oldfags came to /r9k/ for refuge, but some of them did.

    Most matured and gtfo out of the basement.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:49:11 No.8608314
    Oldfag, newfag you're still a fag now STFU
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:49:20 No.8608320

    oh, i don't have time to visit all the boards. I only go when 4chan is being raided to get some /b/lackup or for shits and giggles.

    99chan is the only one I really visit frequently.

    RIP 888chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:49:30 No.8608324
    Anybody remember what *chan had a "cute" board? I think it was 99...

    Everyone posted as ":3" it was the most awesome gore board evar.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:50:08 No.8608336

    edit that: I just went there and it's back up apparently.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:50:21 No.8608340
    lol @ arguing over which board is best

    its even more pointless than EU vs USA threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:50:40 No.8608350
    It has been up for like the past 6 months, its just read-only.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:51:15 No.8608360

    Yes, RIP 888... r3x is doing some bullshit that nobody cares about now, I hate the assholes at 711, still drifting for a home.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:51:47 No.8608373
    ITT: Everyone is fucking bipolar
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:52:49 No.8608400
    there's no common w/i/ki either guise - shit's not cash
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:52:51 No.8608401

    :( just discovered that this was true.

    The part that made me bawww is I went to their /i/ section and saw a 250+ thread about how to save /b/ from AnT.

    the people of 888 deserve better.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:53:52 No.8608416
         File1272318832.jpg-(52 KB, 402x600, 402px-GuroBaby.jpg)
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    Dude /b/ is fucking shit now. It's been like this for the past 2-3 years. Every thread is a hook-up thread, Atheism vs Theism. Political Troll, Europe Vs USA. Going to go raid a chatroom that was posted on B? Be prepared to see at least 8 twelve year old Flood the chat with atheist quotes or the word nigger.
    The whole reasons rules 1&2 were implemented was to prevent douchebags from aol teenchats and whatever the fuck else that was getting raided.

    Christ dude some kid actually said " dude i've been posting on /b for over a year, it's nice to see a fellow oldfag" OVER FUCKING FACEBOOK. THIS KID WAS FUCKING 14. I WAS A GODDAMN FRESHMAN IN HS WHEN 4CHAN WAS FUCKING CREATED, AND HE CALLED HIMSELF A GODDAMNED OLDFAG.

    /b/ needs to die. This whole site needs to fucking die.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:57:01 No.8608481
    It will be dead to you if you stop visitting.
    But will you?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:57:45 No.8608493

    Yeah, we don't deserve. I still have a special place in my putrid heart though for the motherland. It's the gateway to the rest - and no matter how much cancer /b/ is filled with, it has so much more traffic that you'll always find something funny on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)17:59:48 No.8608535

    /b/ is the gateway to the internet. But now with fags at Know Your Meme it's no longer important that you visit.

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