04/26/10(Mon)14:35:53 No. 8603103 Just
spreadin' some news 1. If you get muted, and you think any of
these thoughts: "Why did I get muted?" "What is this board
supposed to be about, anyways?" "That's gay, fuck this shit." "Muted
for 4 hours...what am I supposed to do for 4 hours?" etc. Then
you don't belong here. Get the fuck out of here. You're not needed or
wanted. 2. It takes a particular mix of pathetic and arrogant to
truly be an /r9k/ poster. If people affectionately pinch your cheeks,
and good-naturedly condescend to you when you rant about how much
smarter you are than everyone else, you've got it wrong. You should be
the kind of pathetic arrogant shithead that people want to burn...burn
to a pile of fine ash, and then gleefully piss on the ashes. Pissing on
your ashes should be tantamount to a sexual experience. If you're that
kind of person...welcome! 3. Everyone else has already said the
obvious things (hate women, need women, hate yourself for needing them,
be socially inept, hipster. etc.) Take the time to read the thread for
good ideas! You will find everything you need to fit right into our
shithole community! Thanks for visiting!