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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272290975.png-(38 KB, 350x480, robot.png)
    38 KB I for one, welcome our newcomers. veritas !cqE37SgALE 04/26/10(Mon)10:09:35 No.8597656  
    When moot created /r9k/, he had originally envisioned a /b/ 2.0, a new land of OC and a fresh ground for new memes to flourish.

    I myself, saw /r9k/ as an opportunity to get away from the massive cesspool of cancerous happenings that are going on at /b/, as a relief. The robot's filter would allow for semi-coherent (or as coherent as anything can be on 4chan) discussion, a place to talk about taboo subjects anonymously, or make black humor jokes, or whatever you will. Much to my delight, my expectations proved to be very much possible; whether you wanted to discuss the best ways to comit a grievous felony without getting caught, share stories of retards smearing shit all over themselves or discuss your favourite movies, this was the place to do it; and it was fucking awesome. Perhaps it wasn't what moot had expected, since there was rather little OC, but it was a very pleasant atmosphere.

    However, due to the slower pacing of the board, the users' more open predisposition to read instead of tl;dr and a considerable lower density of general shitposting and spamming; it attracted another subtype of user that became uncannily proliferant amongst these parts: equal parts misoginy, relationshit, BAAWW and bitterness towards humanity, the neckbearded mentality soon proved to be as toxic and contagious as the most chronic /b/tardism.

    Our own brand of cancer, if you will.

    This cancer ended up taking part of a great chunk of our board, covering up most of the good discussion and stories (and whatever little/non-existent OC there was left). Then moot set up /adv/ as a remedy to this; first as a hidden test board, and as an official, full-fledged board some time later. However, the cancerous robots found /adv/ to be a not much more than a cheap imitation of the original product, and kept flooding /r9k/ with chronicles of their communal mishaps, social misfires and their bitter expectations of a world seen through a grey-coloured glass.
    >> veritas !cqE37SgALE 04/26/10(Mon)10:10:09 No.8597667
    /r9k/ had effectively become 4chan's BAAAAWW central. And it was getting worse and worse as the days passed.

    So, I take this reboot as an oportunity to gather some fresh blood, in hopes that those of you who are tired of floating around aimlessly sorrounded by stale and overused memes on /b/ (DOUBLES GET) will linger and become regular users.

    14 year olds can fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:12:35 No.8597701
    >whether you wanted to discuss the best ways to comit a grievous felony without getting caught

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:13:30 No.8597715
    I very much agree with your writings, sir. I'd like to see more of this in the future.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:14:06 No.8597724
    Gentlemen, do you remember a time when we were all Gentlemen?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:14:07 No.8597725
    shut the fuck up, jesus christ. Do you actually care THIS MUCH about the board? fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:14:27 No.8597729


    Also, thanks OP, i am gonna lurk /r9k/ for a while and see where all this shit is going... Who knows, /b/2.0 is still possible... even though /v/ has that title at the moment.
    >> veritas !cqE37SgALE 04/26/10(Mon)10:15:02 No.8597741
    Not in my experience.

    NO U
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:17:51 No.8597788
         File1272291471.jpg-(82 KB, 460x468, wut.jpg)
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    He should just rename /r9k/ to something like /oc/ because then eventually people might actually go "Oh hey that board is for original stuff. Cool." rather than being left open to interpretation as it is now.
    >> christfag !ldH.uzYL/Q 04/26/10(Mon)10:19:56 No.8597818
         File1272291596.jpg-(661 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    i for one am glad to have moar members in my parish
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:20:18 No.8597823
    Nice dubs.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:20:23 No.8597826
         File1272291623.jpg-(35 KB, 487x348, 1.jpg)
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    Nice double doubles.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:22:22 No.8597850
         File1272291742.jpg-(5 KB, 122x164, rage.jpg)
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    >my face when double doubles
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 04/26/10(Mon)10:22:47 No.8597855
         File1272291767.jpg-(652 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    ah bugger, i used the wrong trip

    and by members, i mean cocks

    jus sayin
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:25:57 No.8597911
    >used the wrong trip

    A multiple tripfag? Where have I seen the other trip before..
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 04/26/10(Mon)10:27:07 No.8597937
         File1272292027.jpg-(640 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    oh, y'know...around
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:27:31 No.8597942
    Bump, this thread needs to be in the front page for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:32:23 No.8598042
         File1272292343.jpg-(38 KB, 796x222, blah.jpg)
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    >Uses a picture as an avatar

    I need to fill up my filter on this board anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:33:41 No.8598061
         File1272292421.jpg-(633 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    have fun with that wee monkey

    <3 u
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:35:35 No.8598105
         File1272292535.jpg-(24 KB, 402x131, filter is god tier.jpg)
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    >Doesn't quite understand the filter
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:36:20 No.8598121
    what addon are you using there?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:37:15 No.8598137
    the one everybody else is using except for you
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:37:23 No.8598146

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:38:38 No.8598166
         File1272292718.jpg-(16 KB, 261x132, filter.jpg)
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    Greasemonkey and various userscripts.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:39:36 No.8598191
         File1272292776.jpg-(570 B, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    no you're right, i don't use it

    then again i'm not scared of what you have to say anon

    but hey, if you have to make a decision each time you see me shitpoast, then i don't really see the point
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)10:53:34 No.8598444
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:26:31 No.8599084
    ok, at least do it right.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:31:23 No.8599171
    We all love you, of course, Mr balls for mouth.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:41:42 No.8599386
    I for one, hope /r9k/ doesn't die.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:45:04 No.8599444
    Doesn't work like that. The doubles shit and cancer will just continue on here with inane text to get past the filter. Moot is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:47:54 No.8599505
    /r9k/ was moots trolling material all along.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:54:43 No.8599661
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    I for one, welcome our new doubles overlord
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:55:04 No.8599671
         File1272297304.jpg-(41 KB, 351x422, 1271169032955.jpg)
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    I agree with everything you say, but seeing as how you had to tripfag so you'd get credit for making this thread I'm just going to call you a fag

    OP is a fag

    Pic related, it's OP being a fag
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:55:52 No.8599688
    OP is making random assumptions, and he said cancer.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:57:32 No.8599724
    >he said cancer

    lolololol he said cancer guissseee hes gonna get cooties!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:58:33 No.8599746
    Better we keep the BAWW shit in /r9k/ than flooding the rest of 4chan with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:59:21 No.8599763
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)11:59:55 No.8599781
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:00:20 No.8599790
         File1272297620.jpg-(3 KB, 127x100, shit.jpg)
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    for me, /r9k/ was more of a lifestyles board than anything. people would usually come here to tell life stories about school, love, whatever they thought of. but now that mooty's advertising this shit, it's all going to go away. god damnit. this was my favorite board.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:02:11 No.8599830
    This. This.

    Moot must think of himself as a pretty clever faggot; he doesn't recruit more mods but he does kill what was left of /r9k/.

    He is probably filming himself masturbating in a dark apartment watching this horror unfold.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:02:57 No.8599852
    You are the cancer killing /r9k/

    gtfo my /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:04:59 No.8599888
    I think it's nice that we can all pull together and mash up theories about something as hugely unimportant as the content of a 4chan board. I'd always assumed it was just another offtopic section, but who knew we were all secretly doing the same fucking thing as each other.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:08:21 No.8599979
    >but who knew we were all secretly doing the same fucking thing as each other.

    huh what
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:14:15 No.8600106
    Bah I'd prefer wading through all the relationshit to this invasion of my final sanctum.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:15:31 No.8600124
    Even relationshit was more entertaining than /b/ in here.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:22:46 No.8600293
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:41:51 No.8600679
    Why this isn't on the front page is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:44:54 No.8600748
    It is for me
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)12:58:03 No.8601001
    ill put it back there
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)13:00:49 No.8601056
    I just want to know why I am always in the friendzone, and admin gets all upset. I'm going to go cut myself nao, bai.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)13:01:02 No.8601063
    I for one welcome our new gangbang.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)13:01:55 No.8601087
    Seems like everyone left but the /b/ guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)13:54:04 No.8602188
    There was a thread last night about everyone GTFO'ing.

    It would appear they went through with that measure.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:16:45 No.8602688
    Well, it's official. It sucks
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:21:30 No.8602767
    I, for one, agree wholeheartedly with the OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:23:07 No.8602793
    I'm going to rape you endlessly OP

    >> veritas !cqE37SgALE 04/26/10(Mon)14:31:28 No.8602995
    This is still alive. Awesome.

    I'm starting to think, though, we will have to wait a couple of weeks after moot decides to remove that sticky from the website before we get anything resembling coherent content.


    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)14:35:53 No.8603103
    Just spreadin' some news

    1. If you get muted, and you think any of these thoughts:
    "Why did I get muted?"
    "What is this board supposed to be about, anyways?"
    "That's gay, fuck this shit."
    "Muted for 4 hours...what am I supposed to do for 4 hours?"
    Then you don't belong here. Get the fuck out of here. You're not needed or wanted.
    2. It takes a particular mix of pathetic and arrogant to truly be an /r9k/ poster. If people affectionately pinch your cheeks, and good-naturedly condescend to you when you rant about how much smarter you are than everyone else, you've got it wrong. You should be the kind of pathetic arrogant shithead that people want to burn...burn to a pile of fine ash, and then gleefully piss on the ashes. Pissing on your ashes should be tantamount to a sexual experience. If you're that kind of person...welcome!
    3. Everyone else has already said the obvious things (hate women, need women, hate yourself for needing them, be socially inept, hipster. etc.) Take the time to read the thread for good ideas! You will find everything you need to fit right into our shithole community!

    Thanks for visiting!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)18:25:39 No.8609148
    r9k - sucks ='(
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)18:35:58 No.8609420
         File1272321358.jpg-(38 KB, 473x555, brushie bitches dont .jpg)
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    I am so tired of basement dwelling losers with no social skills bitching about girl problems because they have never in their lives respected a woman enough to try to get to know her. So, OP, if you say that the robots are supposed to remedy this, then I would like to try out robot life for a bit. Hopefully with enough fresh minds the emo pussy boys can go to /adv/ and make a choice between making something of themselves or an hero. (I hope they choose the former).
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)19:35:05 No.8610992
    >implying you're not already living a robot life, just lying to yourself because you're not intelligent enough to evaluate your current situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)21:03:52 No.8613472
    >I hope they choose the former

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)22:58:07 No.8616178
         File1272337087.png-(912 KB, 473x555, Wigger (Waxes).png)
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    you wish you knew
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:00:54 No.8616233
         File1272337254.jpg-(331 KB, 1024x768, Sparta.jpg)
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    this is the very ORIGINAL pic
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/26/10(Mon)23:01:07 No.8616235
    Why does /adv/ fail - do you think?

    Why didnt people emigrate to their for relationshit issues?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:01:58 No.8616254
    In the spirit of OP I feel this to be a well meant gesture by a THINLY VEILED TROLL

    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:04:05 No.8616305
    i wanna live here now
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:04:07 No.8616307
    /adv/, when it opened to the public, was flooded with /b/tards as well for quite a long time. Also, robots were more used to giving advice, and there were a lot of posts that began with something like 'as always, /adv/ is useless so I come to you, /r9k/'.

    Also, /r9k/ shared the bitches and whores mentality.
    >> Anonymons 04/26/10(Mon)23:04:47 No.8616327
    OPs post was tl;dr.

    anyone have cliff notes?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:05:04 No.8616335
    Sucks that it will never be the same again, though.
    Blame moot and the misogynists.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:06:40 No.8616373
         File1272337600.jpg-(2 KB, 130x87, 000.jpg)
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    is fail bcuz no1 read eachother posts.

    only. " i want my ex gf back, how can do?"

    = /adv/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:06:52 No.8616377
    Basically, r9k was a shelter separating us from retards like you, then retards that could read came along, everything went to shit and moot exposed the board for a final flood of retards, and no one knows what'll happen next.

    retards, retards everywhere
    >> Cross !!bVf140MfgqQ 04/26/10(Mon)23:11:02 No.8616461
    Why not continue business as usual, brobots? No one said we had to pay them any mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:33:08 No.8616940
    what the fukck is this barod about
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:33:56 No.8616957
    The time after /new/ and /adv/ were made but before moot advertised it everywhere was the best time for /r9k/ since a large amount of relationshit went to /adv/ and all the fags who argue about politics online and use >implying went to /new/.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:43:52 No.8617193
    That's what I was doing during the past 24 hours.

    During that time, most if not all the relationshit and baw threads were effectively purged. All because of person mistakenly put in /r9k/ instead of /adv/ when he suggested a sticky to moot in a thread sometime last Sunday night.

    If it was not for that, we would not experienced the reboot that has occurred and the fresh blood and new people who never been here. They were not actually invited per se, they were always welcomed. There were complaints because of the filter, but it did it's job of dealing with /b/tards.

    /r9k/ is my home board because it what /b/ was supposed to be and practically moderated by a filter and I usually enjoyed reading the long, winding topics and replies.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/10(Mon)23:52:27 No.8617417
    /r9k/ attracts people who like to be deductive (regardless of topic), and those who like to be lulzy (read: FUCK YOU /cc to anyone they didn't like, understand, or could relate to).

    moot has picked sides.The later is more important in his never ending quest to crank the drama higher and higher, (usability be damned).

    As someone who likes complex problems (even relationship based ones), I'll stick around for a little longer and see how the userbase reacts. Though I've packed my little /r9k/ folder, of all my favorite threads. If /b/ part two takes hold, then this is an early goodbye, and I wish my old buddies a sweet life.

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