04/26/10(Mon)07:21:07 No. 8595049 Hey
guys, Swineburne here. Here's some fat to chew on: where did the
cosmological constants in the universe come from, and how did they come
to be so finely tuned so as to allow the evolution of intelligent life
(hee hee, j/k...my argument is sophisticated enough to embrace Darwinism
specifically, but give me the benefit of the doubt pretend it does.) Anyway,
what could have caused the conditions? Answer: God. Excuse me, "an
agent of great power." Yes? What? Where did God come from? You
say I haven't solved the problem of the origin of design, only
aggravated it with more steps? Whatever, I was raised to believe that
this is a perfectly acceptable way of making an argument and that it
doesn't lead to infinite regress. I am a prisoners of the times. Well,
got to go. Hopefully future generations of "thinkers" will parrot this
argument for centuries to come!