04/25/10(Sun)23:52:44 No. 8582832 I've
read, from numerous source in fact, that it costs Moot something in the
region of almost $80,000 to keep this place running. Why keep the place
up and running? Sure, the place is funny or whatever - and yes, it's
had moments of brilliance. But when you boil it down, this place is
basically a shithole. It's the fucking asshole of the Internet. The
place seems to be populated by complete fucktards with ZERO social
skills, girls who are obviously too fucking ugly to go out and get a
partner so they can validate their existence, guys who'd masturbate to a
chicken walking across a piano or paedophiles lurking through. This
place, everything on this entire site, needs to be destroyed. Order,
people, must be restored. There is nothing free in the world anymore.
There is no great rebellion to fight, no elaborate conspiracy to unravel
or anything even remotely interesting. Order will always win out. You
must see that, like everything, will eventually wither and die. There
will be nothing left of 4chan or this place soon. It will simply cease
to be. And you will go back to your empty existences, wondering for the
briefest of moments - did it mean anything? You, 4chan, are
worthless. You have ceased to be relevant. You are nothing, if not a
boil on the face of civilisation - waiting to be popped into a mirror. Moot,
I salute you - this place, not just /r9k/, needs to die.