So, what did you guys do to piss off moot?
We trolled him hard with mountains of bad and conflicting advice about getting a blind date to go to Mcdonald's or Qdoba with him.
>>8574206Fucking liar, that's not what happened.
We reminded him how much we love him.that's all us robots
moots just being tsun tsun.
No, really what happened?
moot's high..
He's pissed off that we whined until he made /adv/ and we still have relationshit here. He's pissed of that his brain child is a whiney failure.
>>8574556... and it was then r9k turned into a prince, shedding its previous beast visage of bawwing misogynistic faggots and turning into one great loving machine.
I remember hearing something about moot starting something new.I'm assuming he's planning on not giving a fuck about 4chan and letting it go/die/'s kind of like that awkward stage with a girlfriend before a break-up where you both obviously don't enjoy each other's presence but don't exactly break off just yet. Except instead of a girlfriend, it's 4chan. and instead of you, it's moot.
>>8574647he was posting on our board alot and everyone was saying he was trolling because he posted a thread about never sitting next to "cute girls" on aeroplanes the other day and everyone got trolled..then someone said he should put a sticky up about /r9k/ when they meant to say /adv/ to get rid of all the relationshit on /r9k/moot posts sticky about /r9k/
>>8574859who was that faggot??
>>8574647Moot made a thread about sitting next to a girl on the plane, and /r9k/ was giving him attention. Then some 'cute' asian girl strolls along, pic related, and steals away his attention. Now he's mad that some azn whore got more attention than himself.
>>8574925dunno wasn't a tripfagit was in the "moot's a faggot" thread posted by Boss, they did seem generally upset about ruining /r9k/ though.
>>8575072generally?*genuinelysorry i'm tired.
>>8574802Cool rumor, bro. The new thing was just bringing back /z/, though.
>>8575072well fuck dammit, he broked it! He should fix it... damn faggot...
>>8575226i hope he baww's himself to sleep, he ruined my /r9k/
>>8574206He was making fun of you all, idiot.
By releasing the /b/ into /r9k/, all cancer will be filtered.It's like how a vaccine contains small amounts of the virus you're trying to get rid of. You develop an immunity.
>>8575553I still don't get it. How is this going to stop the cancer? It simply makes it worse.
>>8575627It wont. Moot is just revenge trolling us.
>>8575627He better go an hero, that bastard. Fuck dammit, I'll go to my safe haven: /co/ and wait until the flood is over.
Moot's been tripfagging, people called him a troll, Moot kept tripfagging, someone requested he sticky /r9k/ but meant /adv/. /thread
>>8575905/co/ is really the best board on this shit. Great thing moot doesn't know about it.
/r9k/ was being emomoot was all "cheer up emo kid"/r9k/ refusedmoot was like "here, have some company"and /r9k/ didnt have time to react to the sudden influx of quality threads, most common "WHAT IS /R9K/?"
We were whining about the 4chan design. When all of a sudden moots comes out from nowhere. Starts trolling and puts "a gangbang of whining" "i am disappoint" Later an anon asks moot for a sticky about /adv/ but accidentally writes /r9k/
>>8574966anyone can confirm this?
The relationship /r9k/ has with moot is more like that between an abusive boyfriend and a submissive girlfriend. tl;dr: we bend over and take because no one will ever love us like he does!
I will ask for refuge on the textboars. Or I would, if it wasn't for all the fucking japanese spam in there. Goddammnit moot, why don't you fix it? It's been like that for months.
>>8576046yeah. Let's try to keep it a secret.
moot has no grand plan here. He is but a curious meddling overlord who sees fit to overturn the sandbox once in a while just to see what happens.