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  • File : 1272160617.jpg-(87 KB, 1000x738, 1267676144023.jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:56:57 No.8551796  
    prepare for XXX. /a/ has it, and it's coming here next

    oh, and this is the worst board on 4chan

    deagle bolt always related
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:57:19 No.8551802
    Deagle fucking sucks and so do you
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:58:44 No.8551826

    >can't afford a deagle
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:59:33 No.8551846
    /r9k/ doesn't have a high enough post frequency for the doubles shit that makes XXX a necessity.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)21:59:49 No.8551850
         File1272160789.jpg-(28 KB, 400x294, Yu-Gi-OhDuelMonsters5.jpg)
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    won't happen unless we see an influx of get threads.

    Also 5
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:07 No.8551854
    Hey guys, I have a deagle. Unfortunately, I don't have much ammo yet. Can anyone recommend a site selling cheap deagle clips?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:09 No.8551858
    I don't get the XXX thing. What's the point of it exactly? Quoting posts works the same, so is it there to discourage people from trying to hit GETs? That's the only thing I can think of...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:00:45 No.8551866
    We rarely play stupid get games here anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:01:08 No.8551876
    Or would rather buy like 15 real guns instead of your overpriced chunk of jew shit
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:01:29 No.8551883
    direct impingement sucks and so do you
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:02:12 No.8551897
    itt: butthurt poorfags
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:03:19 No.8551911

    "Post ending in" threads.

    But we don't have those here, and moot likes /r9k/, so I don't see why we would get it
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:03:44 No.8551917
    XXX is fucking annoying, and we don't need it.

    >we don't masturbate over doubles
    >we don't have 'post ending in' threads

    Also, fuck off /a/ you pathetic weeaboo faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:03:48 No.8551919
         File1272161028.jpg-(110 KB, 800x535, P226.jpg)
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    Pic related, it's a real gun.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:03:51 No.8551920

    It's to stop the 15 year olds who think that the 1 in 10 post occurrence of a "DOUBLEGET" from making threads about getting doubles.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:16 No.8551928
    yeah i dunno , it just kinda slipped out onto the seat , felt good when i sat on it though
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:04:33 No.8551931

    I'm just waiting for Trinamic's DREAD system to finally come out of the labs.

    Promotional video for the DREAD:
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:05:13 No.8551942

    Dat firing pin hole. ;F
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:05:47 No.8551953
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:06:35 No.8551958
    so? we never use it
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:06:42 No.8551962
    >moot likes /r9k/

    moot has /r9k/ friendzoned, but /r9k/ doesn't know it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:08:06 No.8551981
         File1272161286.jpg-(35 KB, 600x419, htrrsyhstrgx.jpg)
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    As opposed to this fake gun
    >> Anonymous 04/24/10(Sat)22:08:17 No.8551985
    It's acutally called "post number truncation", it was implemented on /b/ to prevent the cancerous and now practically dead meme "doubles guy". But sadly, there's a particular set of /b/tards who are just addicted to doubles.

    So the doubles menace spread to /v/, which some 4channers refer to it as /b2/ or "worksafe /b/" because of the spam issues with /b/ for quite sometime and for some reason /b/ loves popular games. /v/ got sick of it, so moot implemented the same scheme on /v/ today. However, the menace quickly was spread to /a/. /a/ knows, the same post number truncation scheme happens with /a/ with the additional title change of "[a/ - AnXXX & MaXXX".

    The worst case situation is that the menace will spread...until it reaches all 4chan imageboards, and the same post number truncation scheme will be implemented to fight this menace.

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