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  • File : 1271829887.jpg-(24 KB, 360x450, ronery.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:04:47 No.8492130  

    When I was about 5 years old, my parents said I could have a birthday party. They said I could invite all my friends and we'd have a great time. Birthday comes around and I've got a huge cake and other party supplies. I'm looking out the window every 10 seconds and squealing each time I see a car passing by our apartment, thinking it's a friend.

    No friends arrived. In fact, I had no friends. It was just me and my cake.

    I haven't had a birthday part since and I never will again.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:06:12 No.8492147
    That's depressing man. I can't think of anything myself, perhaps I've repressed all my bad memories.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:07:32 No.8492160
    That is depressing, OP T_T
    i want to hug you. fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:07:44 No.8492165
    Well, they said you could invite friends.. but did you actually send out any invitations?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:07:46 No.8492166
    When I discovered what circumcision was, and how it could be the basis for all my mental fuckedupness.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:08:38 No.8492177
    >In fact, I had no friends.

    I didn't understand the concept of friends as a child. I thought they were people that'd pop out of nowhere and have fun with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:08:42 No.8492181
    Why didn't you invite any friend party-kun?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:11:11 No.8492220
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    I'm sorry... how about we have some cake now?

    I made this for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:13:14 No.8492249
    Already said. No friends; no one to invite.
    Thanks man.

    I just remembered this story because my birthday's in a couple of days and it'll most likely be similar, except I won't actually believe anyone will visit me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:14:24 No.8492260
    Most depressing moment must have been when I was 12, mom had gone off to have some alone time due to being burnt out, I was at home with my little brother and dad. Only dad wasnt at home, he was having one of his manic episodes so he disappeared somewhere which I actually considered a relief.
    My little brother was afraid to sleep alone so I agreed to share mom and dads bed with him.
    Around 3 AM some unknown drunk bitch crawls in bed between us and passes out.
    I facepalm as I realize dad has brought a woman in the house and cheated on mom with her in my bed.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:14:48 No.8492266
    If you had no friends, you didn't invite anybody, then why did you expect anyone to show up?

    Your plot is full of holes.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:14:57 No.8492269
    Long story short, my ex invited me to his prom. I thought we would get back together, so I took the 12 hour bus to his place.

    He ignored me at prom, pretended I didn't exist, left me alone at his table while he went off to talk to his friends. Strangers felt bad for me. I wanted to cry
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:15:50 No.8492282
    invite the Arcanines
    ill go! if it isnt like 400 miles away
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:15:58 No.8492284
    When you're around five, often times its left up to the parent/s to invite the kids. I was invited to a girl's birthday party when I was five, and I didn't even know her... her mum had written out the invite.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:16:31 No.8492292
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    awwww op, that's sad

    honestly though, if you just invited your class most of them would probably have come.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:16:36 No.8492293
    The four months I had to work during the night in middle school to keep up with bills.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:16:38 No.8492295
    When I was five I got up the courage to give this girl in my class a valentine. My mom has told me that when I was that age I was very outgoing and loved to talk to and about girls. Well I gave the girl the handmade valentine and told her that I liked her.

    She said to me, "Well I don't like you."

    I haven't had a real personal conversation with a girl or a woman since. That was over twenty years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:17:33 No.8492306
    I already said I was a kid and didn't understand the concept of friends because I had none. I genuinely believed friends would come out of nowhere.

    It wasn't until I was about 8 that I actually had a couple of friends.

    Don't expect young children to possess any sort of logic or reasoning abilities.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:17:46 No.8492308
    I remembered I was going to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:19:37 No.8492330
    Well you were a dumb kid then. Still dumb prolly.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:19:52 No.8492335
    Around the age of 12, I started getting into therapy for some random shit. bullying at school or something. During these sessions, the shrink managed to figure out that I had some kind of emotional problem. I didn't feel any emotion for other people. I could be sad, or happy, or whatever, but I couldn't love anyone, or be happy FOR someone, or anything like that.

    She told my mom, and my mom started crying. She bent down, got face-to-face with me, and asked, "Do you love me?" I just stared for a moment. Not one to lie, I said no.

    The look on her face was the saddest thing I've ever seen. Nowadays she seems fine, but every now and then, I can see it in her eyes when we talk.

    I suppose it wasn't too depressing for me, but for her I'm sure it was enough to break her heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:20:16 No.8492341
    That's tough, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:20:32 No.8492343
    I wasn't even in school yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:20:34 No.8492344
    This anon is winning as of now.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:25:27 No.8492393
    Jesus, these are just sad
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:25:54 No.8492400
    I am pretty much the same, except noone knows.
    Tell my wife i love her more than anything every day, just hoping someday i really feel that, and am not indiferent to her as i am to anyone on the streets or a tree.

    Honestly, the worst moment was when i proposed. Felt the worst liar in the world.
    i WANT to love, but i dont feel it....
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:26:34 No.8492408
    High School.

    Approached by girl I've had a long time crush on.

    Mix of pride and pressure to keep up my appearance as an asshole make me laugh in her face and tell her to fuck off. She cries in class and everyone laughs at her.

    I went home and tried to kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:27:40 No.8492421

    that's what I do now. As far as I'm aware of, my mom never told anyone. I don't think she wanted anyone to know. So I just go through the motions with friends and family.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:28:09 No.8492428
    Everyone used to show up to my birthday parties in elementary, but I quit having them around the 5th grade when this huge new kid came to school and forcefully excluded me from everything fun. During our high school graduation preparation, as we sat in the cafeteria an old friend came up to me and asked why I never had birthday parties any more.

    The depressing part is my entire life from 5th grade till college when I had zero friends and basically talked to nobody my own age.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:28:14 No.8492429
    I had the same situation OP, except it was my 13th party. Only one of my friends showed up. I cried. I didn't have another birthday party until I was 18.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:28:48 No.8492438
    >13th birthday party


    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:29:47 No.8492447


    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:30:01 No.8492451
    Can you cry, dude? Can you hug someone and not want to push them back and throw in an abyss? Dunno, am I alone in this?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:31:25 No.8492461
    "Fuck year, Friday! I'll just get ready now so when my friends call I'll be ready to go."

    They never called. Ever.
    Real friends are fucking rare. I have one now and I don't ever feel like having a big group of friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:32:28 No.8492471
    I've repressed all the bad ones
    Focused on the good ones

    Move on OP - shouldn't waste time in the past
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:33:05 No.8492479
    Learn. Grow. Adapt.

    Do what you must
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:36:07 No.8492511

    I think I've cried maybe once or twice. I don't really have a problem with hugs, it doesn't bother me or anything. but I avoid them as much as possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:36:16 No.8492515
    This isn't my most depressing, but it's one of my most shameful.

    One year out of high school. Travel abroad. While traveling abroad, a girl who was one below me e-mailed me and asked me to be her grad escort. Seeing no way out of it, and thinking 'what the hell', I agree. Most of my close friends are in her grade, and are graduating too.

    As the day goes on, I get more and more sulky and depressed, as I realize they are all having a great time. I feel like an outsider, ever though I consider their group to be my closest friends. I sulk all through the banquet, generally being an unhappy pain, and wander off instead of spending time with her.

    Make myself look like a complete self interested jerk in front of all my friends and their families. Feel immense shame the next day.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:37:19 No.8492526
    The EXACT same thing happened to me, only I was 7. :|
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:38:22 No.8492538
    I remember a girl moving in for a hug, opening her arms and I backed up a step and must have given her a weird look because she looked devastated.

    God damn, girls have to warn us before doing that shit. It's not exactly a frequent event for a lot of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:40:27 No.8492559
    this kills me
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:41:40 No.8492574
    God, anon, this reminds me of something with my mom. I was sitting on the floor one day, my mom was on the couch, and I asked her how did you know you loved someone. She kinda just looked at me and I said "well, I know you're my mom, and I know I'm supposed to love you, but I don't know if I do". She flipped out, going on about how her daughter doesn't love her.
    Does it really mean something's wrong with you? Because you're not glowing with love?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:42:41 No.8492585
    One of my childhood friends from like age 9 told me she had a crush on me in 9th grade and asked me out.

    Being head over heels over another girl, however, I said no.

    She died in a car crash two weeks later.


    On the plus side, I did eventually get with that other girl about 2 years later.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:43:40 No.8492599
    A girl I loved in high school finally opened up to me, and after a while she got nervous and I for some reason I can't remember or wrap my fucking head around, basically told her to fuck off.

    Some other girl swoops in (I only realize the timing now) a few days later and BAM! Girlfriend. Partially out of desperation and regret over the first girl.

    First girl emails me a few months later, apologizing and asking if we could at least keep talking. Girlfriend wouldn't hear of it, and like a bitch I obeyed and told the first girl no.

    A breakup and a few years later, I found out that the swooping girl told the first girl lies about me just wanting to fuck her and leave her, making her nervous.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:45:21 No.8492614
    Never had any friends as a kid. Ritalin will do that to you. Well, at least thats what it did to me. Just made me cynical and bitter. No 7-year old should feel like that. I never wanted to talk to anyone. I just wanted them all to shut up, no matter where I was. I remember a buss ride on some field trip. When we got to the stop the window that I sat by was cracked down the center because I had been steadily banging my head against it for an hour or so because everyone was being loud and obnoxious (even if it was only elementery school).

    Now I'm off the meds and have plenty really good friends and people apparently like me.

    For right now, I love my life :)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:45:30 No.8492616
    When I got into an argument with my mom and I told her I hated her.

    The silence and her look still make me feel like a piece of shit, several years and many apologies later.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:49:05 No.8492647
    shit me too
    but i would never admit to it =/
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:49:52 No.8492655
    I remember when I was young, like 7 or 8, my mom was trying to make me go to bed. I apparently wasn't having any of it, and started yelling I HATE YOU a bunch of times. I remember she gave me a really sad look, said "I love you anon" and then left the room.

    I bawled my eyes out for a good hour before my sister finally went and grabbed mom for me. I apologized several times and told her I loved her. I still feel bad for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:50:21 No.8492658

    I used to think that way too. does it really mean you're messed up, just because you don't love someone? No, I suppose it doesn't. But when you find yourself unable to love anyone, or feel anything at all for other people, then yes, you might just have a problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:51:36 No.8492672

    brb calling my mom to thank her and tell her i love her

    you fags better do the same
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:54:44 No.8492695
    My dad was dating a woman me and my sister didn't like. I refused to speak to him for months.

    He still bought me a birthday present.

    I didn't open it until many months later. It was the first two dvds of an anime we'd watched the first episode of on a sample dvd ages ago.

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:58:47 No.8492736
    That one time I tried to slit my wrists, failed and got found, was hospitalized, and then went to a mental hospital for a while.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)02:59:16 No.8492744
    17 sitting at dinner table. My alcoholic mom drinks a shit load (again) and tells me its my fault she can't get a job easily out of the divorce because she has been out of the workforce raising my brother and I, she regrets not aborting me like my younger "brother," and she has always wished i was a girl (although I always kinda knew this)
    At that point I realized I really don't give a shit about my parents, and I am a better person than them. I feel sorry for all of you who work for your parents affection and try to make them proud.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:01:30 No.8492763
    I don't work for my mother's affection; I'm just naturally a great person who's easy to be proud of.

    Feels John Goodman
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:02:17 No.8492769

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:02:58 No.8492778
    Why would you try to manipulate your father so ruthlessly? Cruel...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:04:36 No.8492798
    grr, i wish the girl i liked would approach me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:09:01 No.8492848
    The most depressing moment of my life is happening now.

    I am madly in love with the most amazing woman ever,
    And the US Government is getting in the way.
    Damn Immigration laws.
    The papers are $1,500 just to let her stay.

    I feel like I could die right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:09:58 No.8492859
    6th grade homecoming prom.

    Finally muster the nerve to ask the girl I've been crushing on to dance.

    She says sure, but lemme go in the bathroom first, and she retreats to the bathroom with a friend.

    I feel like I could conquer the fucking world.

    She comes out later, trying to avoid me, I ask her about that dance, and the bitch just goes "Uhhh, I don't dance."

    I wanted to just fucking die. Just curl up in a ball right there, fall to the ground, and die.

    I said nothing the rest of the night, even when a bro of mine tried cheering me up.

    Felt horrible man... I dropped out of school and homeschooled through 12th grade with zero social life.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:10:40 No.8492865
    holy overreaction, batman
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:12:32 No.8492885
    I've had a lot of depressing moments, but the one that destroyed me inside was the girl I loved shouting "Look, I don't love you okay!" to my face on new years eve, when she'd told me previously that she liked me as more than a friend.

    She left the country 2 days later (no, not because of me you smug fucks).
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:13:31 No.8492900
    Waking up in a hospital after drinking way way way too fucking much the night before in a depressed rage

    bad shit, man
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:14:19 No.8492909
    that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. there were a shit ton of other reasons.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:16:18 No.8492927

    So... you're a psychopath? Feels, uhhh...

    I can't think of a single most depressing moment in my life, but I do remember one of my mom's breakdowns when I was little. Never really blamed me or anything but I didn't know what to do to cheer her up and it was really bad to watch.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:19:24 No.8492965
    My life is so terrible that it's really one long, intertwined depressing moment. I can't really pick out one moment in particular.

    I'm going to tell my mom I love her tomorrow, though. Thanks for the idea, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:20:17 No.8492974

    Sounds like she was a player, and you fell for her game.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:21:26 No.8492988

    you could say that. but I tend to avoid the term, because so many angsty teenage faggots try to be hardcore with it. Call yourself a psychopath, never be taken seriously again.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:23:18 No.8493011
    I'm not trying to be a cunt, but fuck, this thread is giving me some roaring, belly laughs. I think its the fact that some of these seem too silly to be real. Or maybe I'm a sociopath, hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:25:08 No.8493036
    There was this girl in grade 9 who had a crush on me, she was good looking, but I was asexual (and nothing changed since then) and I didn't really care about relationships, so I ignored her just like every other girl (no joke). One time she caught me after class and kissed me on the lips saying she really likes my personality and how I look and yadda yadda. I said nothing and walked out of there.

    A week passed, and she started dating some douchebag, stayed with him for around a week and broke up. Then she whored herself out to some distant friend but somehow other girls found out about it, or maybe it was a rumor, I'm not sure.

    Around a week later she started cutting herself and had to get therapeutic treatment.

    Looking back at it now, I feel really bad for her. Maybe that one time I should have pretended I wanted to date her so she wouldn't go through that shit.

    I tried talking to her recently as I still have her on msn, but she didn't reply. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:29:00 No.8493072
    LOL "swooping" girl. Makes her sound like a bird or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:31:02 No.8493094
    The moment i found out that my father had been killed in Iraq. I was in 6th grade. Watching my mom break down was the worst thing in the world. At 12 driving her to the hospital after she drank herself half to death the day after was bad too. My grandma ding of cancer a month later sucked as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:34:53 No.8493128
    I think she just had issues. Needed to be attached to guys who were losers (yes, I shit you not) so she could feel superior to them.

    That's what her ex-boyfriend said to me afterwards on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:36:26 No.8493151
    The moment I realized what a Nigger was
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:37:39 No.8493161
    when i was born
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:42:10 No.8493215
    Why the fuck is most of the stupid shit dealing with wimmens?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:44:50 No.8493251
    >>8493215 because
    /r9k/ - misogyny
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:46:28 No.8493270
    he was fucking five years old for gods sake...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:47:17 No.8493287
    I'm living it.

    Until almost two years ago, I had a good life. Had money, friends, girls liked me, I was doing things with my life, liked school, all that.

    Then I graduated.

    Ever since then, all my friends have left. Every girl I've tried to get involved with has ended up hurting me. I can't hold a job thanks to this shitty economy. I'm living in my parents house, just...existing. Leeching off them and doing fuck-all with my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:47:53 No.8493297
    I was in 5th or 6th grade and the teacher was doing a lecture or something. I saw the girl next to me who was my friend writing a list for her party. She told me about the party but I didn't hear anything about it for a few weeks. I glanced over at her paper for a second and it was a list of people who she was inviting.

    >People Invited to my Party: Name, name, name, name, name, etc. Everybody in the class.
    >People NOT invited to my party: Aspie nigger kid, me

    I had never felt so bad in my life. I really thought she was my friend, we always had conversations, hung out, etc. From then on I always blew her off until I dropped out of that school about 2 weeks later and was homeschooled for the rest of my education.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:50:17 No.8493329
    I had something similar. Some female friend of mine was planning a huge party and pretty much everyone was invited.

    Then about a day before the party, we were arguing about some stupid shit and she said I was uninvited.

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:51:40 No.8493344
    death , when people i know die .
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:52:44 No.8493356

    men court women, women birth kids.
    cycle continues.

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)03:56:32 No.8493386
    lol, who the hell "works" for their parents affection, if anything it's the otherway around, not everyone's parents are as fucked as yours
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:30:45 No.8493675
    During my third year of college, I was walking back to my apartment at night. I was having a bad week at the time. Everything was going wrong. Parking tickets, necessary textbooks sold out, accidentally missed midterm, etc... I screwed up at work, boss was pissed. To top it all off, my bank account just hit zero (and my credit card maxed) right when I ran out of food, gasoline, deodorant, and soap. Worst week of my life. I decided to go get a smoothie to cheer me up because I had a gift card. A new one close to school had just opened. After driving there, I turns out they never finished construction on the place. Dejected, I drove back home.

    So I'm walking back to my place, depressed over everything going wrong. I'm hoping my room mates can cheer me up. They were my best buds and some of the few friends I had at the time. I was glad to have them as roommates. I walk in and they say "We need to sit down and talk with you." That should have triggered something in my brain, but I was too depressed to comprehend what was coming.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:40:22 No.8493729
    Jesus. Some of these are complete over reactions that it's unbelievable. I usually enjoy these threads and feel empathy for the posters, but some of these are pretty pathetic guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:42:16 No.8493738
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:54:10 No.8493811
    >switch from manic to depressed
    >during acid trip

    The following 12 hours were pretty much the worst of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:54:27 No.8493815
    >>8493675 Cont...
    I sit down and they proceed to lay out a list of grievances against me. Reasons why they hate me. Why they can't stand me. Some made sense, but most were petty. I found out they hated me because I was white. (They were mexican and black) It seemed they hated everything about me. They couldn't stand my personality, my hobbies, beliefs, what I ate, how I acted, etc... They never mentioned anything until now. They just let the hate build up over the year we all lived together. I thought we were friends.

    Another friend of mine was there to act as a "mediator" to make sure this went "fairly." Which meant that he was the one who prevented me from saying anything in my defense. All I could do was sit there and take their hatred. I was too depressed already from recent events to say anything anyways. They didn't raise their voices much. It was a cold calculated hatred. I was miserable before, but this hurt to the core of my being. Needless to say, they were kicking me out of the apartment at the end of the quarter. A few weeks before this, my parents had given away my room. I had nowhere to go.

    Once they finished, I grabbed my keys and silently walked out to my car. I drove until I found the darkest corner of a distant parking lot, climbed into my back seat and cried myself to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:56:09 No.8493828

    How were your grades that term?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)04:56:37 No.8493829
    Oh, anon )= *hugs*
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:01:25 No.8493851
    When I was 12 and didn't know why my dad was so depressed for a week, but then discovered that my mother had filed for divorce 3 months ago without telling him.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:03:20 No.8493857
    When I was 16 me and my younger sister (14) and I were basically two pretty fucked up kids raised by an alcoholic (my mother) and my father, who ignored anything that was going on in our lives and tried to buy us things to try and make up for it. My sister had been molested when she was 9 and I was forced to watch. It was something the both of us dealt with together a greater part of our lives. We went to counseling together and court together. As my sister got older she started developing severe psychological problems and wound up cutting herself. I got super pissed and basically for the last couple months we hated each other because I was so angry that she would do something stupid. On my sister's birthday I had come home and was acting like a total dick. I hadn't wished her a happy birthday because I was still super pissed at her for cutting herself earlier that week. So I start screaming up into her room from downstairs how much I hate her for doing that stupid shit. I decide to take a shower and cool down, I crawled into bed to eat and watch some adult swim like I always do. I start hearing my dad yelling at the top of his lungs and wondering what the hell is wrong. I take a peak out of my room and realized my sister hung herself. The mortician says it took place a couple hours before I started yelling, but I still kind of blame myself for it.

    True story. Still feels bad, man. I miss her and I love her so much, but it never would have seemed that way at the time.

    So all of you anon who are going to call and tell your mom you love her, tell your brother/sister that too.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:04:04 No.8493862
    F in thermodynamics (had to drop this class half way though because I was so depressed)
    B in circuits
    B- in strengths lab
    D- in psychology (the class where I missed the midterm)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:06:27 No.8493868
    Thanks anon. *hugs back*

    I'm sorry bro. *hugs*
    >> Feyore !.JeS8NKync 04/21/10(Wed)05:08:53 No.8493883
    The day my grandma died.

    I loved her more than anyone else. I was never mad at her, I never resented her. She never yelled at me or made me feel inferior like the other people in my life. She was my best friend. She raised me to be kind, nurturing, understanding, and intelligent.

    It's been almost a year since she died and I still baww some days thinking about her.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:09:25 No.8493887

    Well that's proof you don't need to do fuck all to pass science type prac classes.

    I knew a guy who spent all day smoking weed and raiding, show up to pracs stoned and tired, or not showing up at all. He never did anything outside of these few hours in class a week. Passed easily.

    Do that in a history course and you'd get raped.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:12:48 No.8493909
    My mother died of cancer, and I felt nothing. She suffered through and through and I did little to help. Now that I'm older and more mature I look back on it and realize what an unloving, horrible son I was. Nothing can ever change that and I'll have to live with it for the rest of my life. So I guess you could say every moment will be depressing... I just need to not think about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:14:36 No.8493923
    That was my most depressing moment in my life.
    But a few days later I found out that the rest of my "friends" had been working behind my back to get everyone else I knew at school to hate me. We were all part of the same organization, which was a pretty big club on campus. I was so emotionally drained from that horrible night crying myself to sleep in my car, that I didn't feel much when I found out they did this to me.

    I lost all of my friends that quarter.
    Its all good now though. I found much better friends. =)

    Keep your heads up guys. It gets better.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:16:10 No.8493936

    this can be taken out of context and misinterpreted very easily...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:16:45 No.8493942
    Hopefully this will cheer you up a little.

    Now that you realized what you did wrong, you won't ever let it happen again. Try to find happiness in that.
    >> PEANUT FUCKBUTTER 04/21/10(Wed)05:17:16 No.8493947
    That is... wow.
    Sorry OP.

    I guess mine was when my best friend yelled at me for a solid twenty minutes about how much of an arrogant, thoughtless dick I am. And weirdly, none of it was constructive.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:21:29 No.8493976
    One moment for me was when i was 13, got the courage to ask a girl out, she said i look cool, but only from a distance...alittle funny now.
    The most depressing moment will be when i come home..i have to make the decision if we shall put my favorite dog down, the only thing i ever truly loved and saved me from killing myself.
    But shes old and sick..i probably have to do life sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:29:10 No.8494038
    Why do you think everyone turned on you?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:40:18 No.8494127
    I don't know till this day. I have given up trying to figure it out.

    Some people have come up to me recently and said "Hey, you're a pretty cool guy. They were wrong."
    The BS is getting cleared up, but I'm not going to waste my time investigating why it was started. I'm just putting it in my past.

    On the bright side, people are starting to hate my former friends now. Not my doing, I never sunk to their level. Karma is just a bitch. =D
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:41:46 No.8494133
    My childhood dog was a black Labrador. When I was in 6th he started to suffer from a genetic disease. He was in incredible amounts of pain. He couldn't do anything and I spent almost every night nursing him to sleep and sleeping next to him in his pain.

    It made me incredibly sad to see him like this. I remember when it use to rain, I'd look outside and see him running around the yard like a giant retard. He'd circle the house with his tongue flailing about and would run in the most retarded manner. Made me laugh every time.

    One day I was getting picked up from school and my mother told me that he was put to sleep at a clinic and they gave me his collar. I was really mad for awhile that they didn't tell me they were going to do it and didn't take me. I never really moved on and still haven't. It's not so bad though. I quietly chuckle to myself or smile every time it rains.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:43:21 No.8494145

    Must've been a ruff time, dog.
    I feel for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:44:28 No.8494150
    My dog died recently. Your story brought tears to my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:47:13 No.8494174

    Most of my childhood memories were of him. I remember how he use to always follow me to school and walk around the class rooms until my teacher called my parents. I'd sometimes even see him at recess.

    I also sometimes hated staying at friends houses because my dog would go missing for the whole day looking for me. We'd drive around and normally find him though. Lucky I grew up in a small town.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:51:45 No.8494203
    When I was about 8, I had a birthday party. I invited all my friends at school. I was ecstatic. I hadn't had a birthday party since ages ago. Single mother, didn't really have much money. So my mom made all this food, bought all these drinks and appetizers and it was all set to go.

    No one came.

    I don't think I cried. I don't think I was sad. I was angry at them because they made my mother go through trouble and waste her money for nothing. I remember that much.
    I thought the people at school liked me. I later found out that they had made a deal with everyone so no one would go to my birthday party. I can't remember what happened after that. I think I've blocked it out.

    That was my last birthday party.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:58:05 No.8494249
    I'm pretty depressed now, realizing I'm letting things degenerate with a good girl just because I'm a social retard and always get psyched out of expressing how much I feel for her, since I'm always afraid that if I express my feelings, people will leave me. Feels bad, man.

    ...then again, so did that time I just tore the shit out of myself with a screwdriver in a depressive rage.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:59:52 No.8494273
    I had a good couple of decent sized birthdays I'm not going to lie. I remember one time though I think I was 6 or something. My sister was 10 and she bought me these pooh bear pencils (keep in mind she only got like $2 a week from my parents as allowance.) I pretty much said I didn't like them.

    I remember apologizing and using them afterwards. But goddamn, I really upset her. She really went out of her way to do this.

    I also remember being like 4 and giving my dad like a 20c coin for his birthday. That was kind of funny I guess.

    I make sure to get them great presents these days.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)05:59:57 No.8494275

    Another one.

    I was about 10 or so.

    School was about to end. My mom calls me. 'Hey, I'll be right there to pick you up, be there in 10 minutes. She sounded happy.'

    She didn't come.

    I walked home. Called her many times. No one picks up. An hour go by. Two hours. Three hours. Four hours By this point I'm about 100 calls in and crying.
    It felt like eternity. Doesn't help that I'm paranoid as fuck and I always as a kid had this irrational fear that my parents would leave me somehow.

    6-7 hours later, police show up at my house with my mom and step-dad handcuffed. They search the house. My stepdad was able to talk to me for a brief second while my mother was crying her eyes out looking at me and what he said was "Your father did something"
    I knew my biological father was a cop. Somehow he framed my mother and stepfather for extortion, as it comes out. Out of jealousy, I presume. After searching the house they left with my mom and stepdad. I'd never been seperated from my mom for more than a day. At that point I didn't know if my mom would come back etc. Turned out they held her for 72 hours for "investigation". I was crying the whole way through. Later, they convicted my stepdad and he was sent to jail for 1 year. It broke my mom. She has never been the same. Nor have I.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:00:22 No.8494280
    In no way do these stories match up to the other ones though. I was just sharing something I remembered.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:02:30 No.8494306
    What kind of guy was your step dad?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:08:49 No.8494348
    He's a decent guy. "young and dumb" though. I don't think he'd go as far as doing something criminal though. I hadn't even heard from him for like 6 years when suddenly he got my mom and stepdad arrested.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:11:59 No.8494381
    Sorry for the mistakes (though 2x, earlier post with punctuation errors)
    I'm kinda shaken up from all these memories. I had forgotten most of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:25:31 No.8494490
    The most depressing moment of my life happened at a time when I was generally feeling better then usual.

    About 9 months ago I attempted suicide but was found and resuscitated in ER. Afterwards I spent about 3 weeks in a mental hospital.

    The day I came back to my dorm I was walking to my room when I overheard two people I had considered "friends" joking about how surprised they were I was back. One of them was like "If I screwed my life up like he did I'd probably kill myself... oh wait." and the other was like "Yeah, it's too bad he's such a failure that he can't even kill himself properly."
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:29:17 No.8494518
    Rushed to my friends house and barges in scaring his family. Went to his room and cut him down as he was trying to hang himself. His mom and brother watch as I get him down. He goes to psych ward, and hates me indefinatly for "interupting"

    That was when we were 16. Now he joined the army and got married. I'm failing out of county school and living at home with no girls in sight. 19 now. We are neighbors. Childhood friends since 2nd grade
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)06:38:02 No.8494578
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    I'm sorry, but this was funny to me. Thanks for cheering me up.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:09:38 No.8494756
    OP here.

    My father has also been messing around with other women for (as far as we can confirm) two years. I even saw the videos the sick fuck made with these disgusting hambeasts. My mother isn't really capable of taking care of herself, so she's pretty much forced to deal with it.

    He also never spent any time with me as a child. He'd gladly go outside to play with kids of his coworkers, but if I ever asked to play football or do anything with him, "No, shut the FUCK up I'm busy watching wrestling."

    Every single day I think about how much I fucking hate this man.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:17:29 No.8494791
    Age a couple weeks: Got dick cut up with a knife.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:24:09 No.8494805
    They were right. You're a fucking failure.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:26:19 No.8494813
    To be honest, if one of my friends tried to kill himself without any warning whatsoever I'd resent them for it as well. You should feel ashamed, very much so. And you owe them an apology, no matter how little it will mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:33:12 No.8494830
    Most depressing moment in my life happened Saturday. My grandpa was in a coma and I realized what a great, loving and caring person he was, realized that there are so many things in my life that happened just because of him and that he loved me more than anyone else in this world. Cried like a bitch.

    He died yesterday. I dunno what's up with me, I only cried a couple of tears and I'm not mentally ruined as I expected myself to be. My only regret is that when he had a stroke on Friday and was sent to the hospital, I was so freaked out when I visited him (he couldn't speak) I didn't tell him that I love him. Although I'm not sure, those moments passed by so fast...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:33:37 No.8494833
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    Hey, I like you.

    That's a kind of inspiring story you have there.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:34:35 No.8494837
    In primary school (ages 7-11) I didn't really have friends, just one girl called Sophie I hanged out with because she didn't have any friends either. She was an oddball, always lying about things, acting out fantasies. It turned out about ten years later that she was being sexually abused by her stepfather, which is a shame. Because kids are cruel, we both got picked on a lot. I was just a general weirdo who didn't know how to make friends or how to interact socially.
    I managed to make another friend, eventually. She was called Laura, and when we became friends I got so excited about it I told my teachers and mother about the friend I had managed to make. Two weeks later, she comes up to me during break and we had this exchange:
    "Anon, I don't want to be your friend anymore."
    "Oh. Okay."
    And she walked off. Later that day in maths, I was minding my own business looking at the blackboard when the teacher grabs a piece of paper from someone who had been passing it under the table. She looked at it for a few minutes, looked at me, then read aloud:
    'Who do you like more? Anon or Sophie?'
    And showed me the paper. The whole class had made a tally of which one of the two oddballs they could stand more. The teacher looked at the guy she'd taken it from, then just put the sheet on her desk and resumed teaching. I sat there absolutely mortified for the rest of class.

    I won the tally, though ;D
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:42:39 No.8494892
    This guy has a point. Recently a guy we all considered a good friend (my circle of friends) tried to kill himself when we were on holiday together.

    At the time we were thinking wow, he needs our help & support etc etc. Than, after a couple of weeks we really started to resent him for it. We were all having the best time than he decided he'd try and off himself.

    He had no reason for this. He was much more successful than all of us. Socially and academically. It's probably one of the most selfish things I've ever seen someone do considering the conditions.

    I'm not trying to say what you did was anything like that, or that you deserved what they said, because I don't know the whole story. Just realise what this guy, and myself is trying to say.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:45:18 No.8494900
    This is an obscure one.

    I was really broke working overseas (shitty london), I started a new job, I had virtually no money, my rent was paid, but I couldn't afford the train to work or food. I was mostly shoplifting food and jumping the train barriers every day. On my first day my boss told me I had just missed the pay cycle, so I'd have to wait a month, I politely asked about an advance and was knocked back.

    Anyway that isn't that depressing, I don't mind jumping trains and stealing food I can live like that, the depressing part comes when I had just 60pence ($1 american I guess) left to my name, and had had this 60pence for a week, realising that my survival did not depend on this small change I decided to treat myself to a twix bar from the vending machine at work, I put in the money and dialled the wrong machine coordinates, I hit an empty slot and watched the little empty spiral thing spin pointlessly. Looking around at all the people at my work I felt really pathetic, because to anyone else this would a minor frustration, but to me it was really crushing.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:50:00 No.8494927
    I gotta admit. I kind've lol'd at the situation. How's things now?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)07:59:57 No.8494980
    Yeah it sounds ridiculous, but it really was the little thing that for me was rock bottom of a depressing period. I made a rage comic about it a while ago, even though I was more sad than rage at the time.

    Things are cool now, living in Germany, getting by ok.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:08:17 No.8495013
    Living in Melbourne, 2000km from home (Brisbane). Mum calls and says she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    I havn't had that many occasions in my adult life where I have cried much less in front of someone, but I spent the week sporadically having to retreat quickly to my bedroom to burst into tears.

    Didn't want to talk about it with anyone like friends or flatmates. Was on a supervised probation order that prohibited me from leaving the state without permission, go talk to my C.O. and ask her permission to go be with my mum in hospital, have to explain why, cry in front of her. She tells me that the permission to travel process will take 4 weeks. I was really stunned by her heartlessness.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:12:02 No.8495031
    Yeah I'm sure he tried to kill himself JUST to spoil your good time and of course you'll NEVER EVER have a good time again because of that prick. He ruined your life, don't even bother with therapy because you have been scarred beyond all repair.

    Tell you what you should do, you should show that prick how it's done properly and kill yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:12:02 No.8495032

    And I meant >'not many times where I have cried, and less when I have cried in front of someone'.

    Ended up travelling to brisbane and back a lot between supervision dates on a fake name, made it up and got a cab to the hospital just in time to see her before surgery which I know meant the world to her.

    Surgery went well and she is healthy right now, she was really lucky to get a diagnosis and treatment so early. This wasn't long ago so I hope nothing further happens.
    >> Mr.Happy !!K9UELI2wchB 04/21/10(Wed)08:13:11 No.8495039
    Possibly today.

    I didn't go to class so I didn't have to tell everyone it was my birthday, so I can pretend I did something normal with my friends

    Oh well could be worse I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:21:48 No.8495070
    My whole life is basically one depressing and awkward moment.
    I had overprotective and loving parents,which resulted in me being a total idiot. I was bullied in 1st grade, so we moved to another city because of that. (after I broke my brothers leg in an accident and felt terrible)
    In the new school I was somewhat accepted because there were 2 bigger retards than me in class. I still was wried, acting as if I had some sort of monster friends.

    After primary school I came once again in a class where there was a bigger retard than me. He was bullied constantly, me only a few times but I was popular enough to be invited to some birthday parties. I even had my own where people would come. All was going well until I mentioned that I wanted to die because I was too tired (srsly, getting up at 6am is hell)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:22:10 No.8495072
    Some of these are genuinely depressing. Mine are just pathetic.

    First year of senior school, made no friends, nobody liked me, etc. One morning getting ready for school I was so sick of it that I went nuts and started smashing stuff up in my room and the loud ruckus alerted my mum who had to come in and stop me. I have friends now.

    Either that or first year of University, back to no friends, despite my efforts to make any. Every day I would eat alone in the cafeteria and this would make me paranoid of everyone seeing me and I was miserable. The lowest point was when I would buy ready meals and wait until everyone in my corridor had gone to bed and I'd sneak to the kitchen and use their microwave rather than endure another day at a table by myself.
    >> Mr.Happy !!K9UELI2wchB 04/21/10(Wed)08:24:51 No.8495085
    It sounds like heaps of you guys grew up with single parents, in my experience guys who grew up with only a mum are generally really protective of their family

    When I was around 7 or 8 and we were really poor my mum made these scones especially for me and my friend who came over.
    We were walking down the road with them and my friend threw his over a pool fence and said they tasted like shit.
    I just turned around and went home =/
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:29:10 No.8495103
    I never said it was selfish because he ruined my holiday. It was selfish because of the pain he brought upon his parents, sisters and friends. There was nothing wrong with him. You could tell it was for attention. He chose the most retarded way to try and do it which would've never worked and he knew it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:31:24 No.8495123
    >>8495070 con't
    Soon, more and more people distanced from me. I also playing video games most of the time so that could be one reason why they left me too.

    In 9th grade I came into a new class with a few (my best friends) from my old class. I was more and more depressed, got asshole teachers. We always had groups of 5 and worked together on certain assignments. Since I was the weakest one, I got bullied a lot too, but it didn't really matter.

    I failed class in 11th grade and had to repeat the year. I came into a class with 95% of your typical jocks. Assholes that have 2 girlfriends who still manage to cheat on both with one night stands, wihtout anyone but themselves noticing. I felt like I don't have anything in common with them. Later, I went 'gothic'. Dark clothes, dark hair, etc. I realized that nobody I knew liked this, and I didn't make a lot of friends doing this, so I quit it after 4 months or so. It will always be burned into the thoughts of other people and they are on distance still even now.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:31:38 No.8495128
    lololol sociopath ur so cul!!!!22!!
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:33:56 No.8495143

    Meh, I haven't had friends at uni in 4 years here.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:34:20 No.8495149
    What did they taste like?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:34:39 No.8495151
    Must have been when my 'gf' left me for my brother.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:36:20 No.8495157
    Sorry, I overreacted a little. I don't know the whole story and it was a knee jerk reaction.
    >> Mr.Happy !!K9UELI2wchB 04/21/10(Wed)08:40:06 No.8495176
    I thought they were good, not to mention every time I went over to that faggots house I choked down his mum's horrible cooking without saying a word
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:43:45 No.8495198
    >>8495123 cont
    There was one thing that really put me down during these 'gothic' years. That was probably the most depressing moment ever and I still feel terrible for it:

    I was going out on new years eve 2008/2009 with a group of my 'gothic/metal' friends. As always, I didn't really say a lot, and since there wasn't a lot to do for me, I drank alcohol. A lot.

    The bad thing with alc is that you don't feel a thing until like 30 minutes into. We left the house we were at to celebrate outside and watch the fireworks. Then, exactly at midnight it kicked me.

    I talked about suicide and stuff. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital, later to the mental hospital.
    I was kept there for 1 week for being suicidal and there was nothing to do. Needless to say, my parents were disappointed and sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:50:15 No.8495245

    Dammit OP. This is the exact story I had. You made me remember. Dammit OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:52:19 No.8495265
    The most depressing moment of my life is reading this thread and realising that nothing bad has ever happened too me, but I am still overcome with sadness every day of my life for no apparent reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:53:17 No.8495275

    you fucktard, girls should warn you in advance?

    "hey anon, in case you get freaked out, im going to make physical contact with you in the form of a hug. Countdown in 5, 4 3, 2...:

    seriously man, what the hell. So you don't get hugs often, but when someone tries you react like that?

    And then, instead of realising your own idiocy, you think you and people like you should be warned and told to prepare?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)08:54:13 No.8495282
    >>8495198 cont
    I couldn't really get anything positive from there. (I watched X-men and a few sitcoms and now I'm terrified of these series. I refuse to watch them).

    What followed was a year of depression. I never, ever left my house unless it was for school. I sat at home everyday playing video games until 3 am, the next day I got up at 5 pm. (I had 3 months holidays back then). I didn't do sport, I didn't socialize and I didn't even eat enough. I made a facebook account, but it even made it worse. I only knew the people from school and added them, but I always had depressing statuses. I eventually deleted it.
    My 18th birthday I spent at home crying, with my parents trying to cheer me up but it didn't work.

    At the beginning of 2010 I thought to myself 'fuck that'. I began to go out regardless of what anyone says or how stressful school would become. I started with sports and did my driving license.
    It's still not all good. In clubs, girls refuse to dance with me and basically ignore me. I still only have few friends because I'm still not really talkative.

    And I'm still a kissless, hugless virgin.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:00:10 No.8495329
    No problem bro, in retrospect I don't even know what I was trying to say.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:02:17 No.8495345
    OP, you should watch Fucking Amal
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:03:40 No.8495358
    do you feel.. empty? incapable of strong emotions, yet somewhat sad and hopeless?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:03:44 No.8495361


    You're a selfish cuntsack.
    So you didn't like her, so what, you just leave without saying anything?
    You dick. YOU are the reason for her problems. Whoring herself out? Dating a douchebag?

    YOUR FAULT, you were the catalyst that led to that.

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:06:46 No.8495387
    What an asshole.
    I want to hug your mum.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:10:19 No.8495413
    Yes, just complete emptiness and general apathy towards everything
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 04/21/10(Wed)09:12:09 No.8495433
    That's how I am. My father was a piece of shit so I grew up over-protective as fuck over my mom.
    Once, in middle school, she cooked dinner for my friend and I while he stayed over, and he just refused to eat it (beans, mashed potatoes, something else) without a reason. Pissed me the fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:13:53 No.8495450
    Sounds like clinical depression, not sadness.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:14:44 No.8495460
    Oh God, that's terrible. I did laugh, though.
    >> Pallas Cat !KJjI2EFR8c 04/21/10(Wed)09:18:29 No.8495498
    That was some really asshole thing....
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:21:15 No.8495535


    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:21:47 No.8495540

    You call a guy who attempted suicide a failure? You are a gigantic fucktard with no compassion. You moronic, cruel son of a bitch.



    ZOMg it's so hard for us!! He never let us know!!

    Maybe if you had been BETTER FRIENDS and made it easier for the person to confide in you then he or she would.

    You think it's selfish that they made the difficult decision to end their life?
    No, it's selfish that you're holding it against them.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:26:16 No.8495589
    You're 7 years old, seems like a perfectly normal day - you get back from home with everyone sitting on the couch with a couple of police officers.. everyone except dad.
    Motorcycle accident, fuuuu :/
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:26:34 No.8495592
    What so people should respect them for that decision? Just because it was difficult?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:30:12 No.8495627

    Respect them for it?

    Respect them as people? yeah
    If you were GOOD FRIENDS, no fuck that, GOOD HUMAN BEINGS, you wouldn't resent the suicidal person. You'd show compassion, sadness, sympathy.

    You think it was hard to go through that as a friend, imagine what drove the suicidal person to that stage. Imagine how bad they must have felt to just decide to end it.

    Imagine how alone they must have felt, not being able to tell their so-called "friends" about what was troubling them.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:34:51 No.8495668
    I feel bad for you but I can hardly understand why it pisses you off this much. I hate myself on a high level, spend many weeks in a mental hospital but always lol'd about myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:47:10 No.8495772

    It's the context man. Not all attempted suicides are the same. And im not saying that the guy who brought it up deserved to be talked about like that. Not at all. Calm your shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:53:26 No.8495817
    My mom is an alcoholic. One night she was wasted and was telling me I'm worthless, how all her problems are caused by me even though I made it into UCLA with a full fucking scholarship. I just went off on her and pointed out how she was a giant failure. She's never been the same after, she still acts weird around me even though I've graduated.

    Shit sucks, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)09:54:34 No.8495826
    Mine was when I was supposed to visit my father, my brother and my stepmother in the summer vacation. ( Iive 8 hours away with bus and train, and I hadn't seen them for 4-5 months so I was excited)

    Anyway, I get off the bus, walk to my old home with butterflies in my stomach, looking forward to meeting my family again, but I am greeted with a dark house with all the heat turned off. I call my father and ask what's up and why they aren't home, and he says "Oh we forgot you were coming, we're on a holiday but we'll be back in a week".

    I've never been close with my brother, father and his wife, but that was like a kick in the face.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:07:51 No.8495922
    Oh man I've been lolling at this silly little post for like 5 minutes. Tears are coming out of my eyes. Thanks, brobot.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:16:13 No.8495989
    Realizing I'm emotionally detached and destined to live alone because anyone who tries to get close to me is only met with a cold, uncaring attitude.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:19:39 No.8496002
    B-day story, I think I was 12 I'm not sure but my grandma took me to my great grandfathers to celebrate my B-day and no one went. I didn't invite anyone but I expected my brother to go. He didn't go he decided to stay with his friends over the weekend. We haven't been so close since then.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:53:08 No.8496232
    I had a pet goat.

    I was maybe 8-9 in my dads big truck coming back from my uncles ranch with my baby goat, Lilly in my lap. My mom didn't want her in the house, so we put her in the garage for the night.

    Wild dogs got in and tore her to fucking shreds.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)10:54:40 No.8496246
    One of my worst moments was after I got in a fight with my best friend of 3 years. A few days later he sent me an e-mail telling me all the reasons I was a horrible person. It was all petty shit that he could have told me about before.

    At the time I felt so betrayed, and to this day when I notice myself doing things that he said he hated in the e-mail I feel self-conscious and worthless... Altho in the end I'm glad we aren't friends anymore, he wasn't any better than me and was a pain in the ass most the time.

    He was a very petty person who constantly talked bad at people behind their backs. I have a hard time making friends because I am paranoid they secretly hate me and trash talk me when I'm not around.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 04/21/10(Wed)11:03:18 No.8496304
    That's how my "ex" best friend was. Knew each other since kindergarten, we were each others first friends, etc. The thing was, I was, and still am, dirt poor, while his family was rich, lived on what used to be a dairy farm (big piece of land), he got everything he wanted, etc.

    He had the worst fucking personality. Bossy, bawwwed when he didn't get his way. We either did what he wanted or nothing at all. Selfish little fuck. It got to where he eventually never would come to my house, and I always had to go to his house, but he'd never want to hang out unless all of his friends were busy. I was his last resort. At school, I'd talk to him but if a friend walked up to him, he'd blow me off instantly. I haven't talked to the guy in about four years. Feels fucking great.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:03:26 No.8496305
    That's depressing OP
    if you lived by me I'd buy you a cake and we could make up for lost time :(
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:07:17 No.8496340
    Did you win?

    I mean, was it a fist fight?

    I had one friend for 4 years in middle/high school. I wound up beating the fuck out of him one day because he just started teasing me with his new friends.

    He moved schools and turned into a recluse and my social status was catapulted into a higher tier.

    Fights in high school are awesome.
    >>   04/21/10(Wed)11:20:07 No.8496489
    You're not alone dude
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:27:39 No.8496578
    I was having troubles in school, and a family friend (who had known me for years, and taught special ed) decided I must have Asperger's Syndrome. I'm pretty sure I was just a really awkward nerdy kid, but I ended up getting diagnosed with it.

    When it happened, the neurologist that was testing me would always cut me off when I tried to talk, look down at me, talk to me as if I was some kind of retarded sub-human filth. It was horrible. He gave my mother the diagnosis, and told her that I would never move out of the house, graduate high-school, become independent, get married, have children or have a normal life. He recommended putting me in an institution "when the time comes" (referring to when my parents are too old to take care of my retarded ass)

    It was the most crippling moment of my life.

    (Btw, I'm 22, engaged to be married next year, in college with a somewhat stable job. I just paid off my fiance's student loans, bought a car, paid off my own student loans and put the down payment on our apartment. I'm also paying for my own wedding.)

    There's always a way to turn things around.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:31:43 No.8496617
    >Just realise what this guy and I are trying to say.
    fix'd. You need to work on your grammar, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:36:20 No.8496664

    Truth. This is the best movie ever. Just be prepared to read through subtitles if you don't understand Swedish.
    >>   04/21/10(Wed)11:41:04 No.8496727
    When I was 16 I watched my step father do lines of oxycontin off my coffee table, he got into a car accident that night, now hes paralyzed from the waist down, I should have stopped him but hes clean and sober now. I love that man like a biological father.
    >> Federal Agent Gaylord Dickinson !cjOUqz8Igg 04/21/10(Wed)11:43:11 No.8496750
    >Go to a friend's house for the weekend one time
    >Four people there, everyone is in a relationship but me
    >Couples' photos for I have no fucking idea what reason by friends' dad.
    >Everyone looks happy
    >I pretend to smile
    >Female friend asks me if I felt left out all day
    >I said no
    >Feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:52:44 No.8496842
    My story happened last spring.
    My roommate for the past 4 years of college has been my best friend here at school. We share all kinds of shit, I feel like I can talk to him about just about anything.
    He came out to me in the spring of last year; I was the last person in our inner group of friends to know. Felt fucking bad man, not because he was gay or whatever but because he didn't feel like he was able to talk to me about it. It made me really question our friendship, and I treated him kinda shitty for a few weeks until I talked to a coworker of mine (who was also gay) and he explained to me how hard it can be for someone to come out, especially to close friends, and how since he had more invested in me, he was worried about how I would react. I realized what a selfish douche I was being; here I am, only concerned about myself and how this news affects me and how I feel about it, when now more than ever, my roommate and friend needs my support and to feel like I'm ok with who he is.
    I immediately reformed, started talking to him again, and we're still good friends, but our friendship isn't the same, and I feel like I owe most of that to myself, because I managed to do the one thing he was hoping I wouldn't; I treated him differently when I found out he was gay.

    Fuck me, shit makes me sad just thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:55:48 No.8496866
    fuck man that was really depressing, both of you were just victims
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)11:59:04 No.8496898
    I've had bad knees all my life. I can't run, and my legs will often give out underneath me when walking/going up stairs/basically doing any kind of twisting movement. I got put on a waiting list for surgery 11 years ago. Last year, I finally got a slot, and they operated on my right leg. It was a pretty serious surgery, and I was in a wheelchair for 3 months. I spent my 18th birthday coming home from the hospital and seeing the sun for the first time in 2 weeks. I sat on the back porch in my chair and cried. I went to prom on crutches and couldn't dance or wear the shoes I had so meticulously searched for. For the next year I had to endure constant pain every day, both from my knee that was operated on, and from my other knee which couldn't keep up with the stress of needing to make up for one bad leg. Everyone always walks too fast for me and I need to beg them to keep up. Stairs terrify me, but people give me horrible looks whenever I (a seemingly normal, healthy 18 year old girl) take the assistance elevators.

    And oh joy, don't I get to do it all again this year. My 19th birthday (Canadanon) will not be spent getting legally drunk for the first time with my friends, but in a wheelchair again.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:04:23 No.8496948

    Boo fucking hoo. Your surgery allows you to fucking run and walk up stairs again. So what if you have to be in a wheelchair for three months.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:17:54 No.8497102
    bro have you tried seeing a physical therapist?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:18:55 No.8497108
    I went through a major depressive episode from 10th-11th grade. Got on meds, therapy, etc. So I finally work up the courage to tell my best friend what's been going on. We hang out one night, I tell him. He's like "cool story bro, that sucks". We continue hanging out. He never called me again, ignored me in school.

    That's when I had my second major depressive episode. I've had four now.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:23:38 No.8497147
    i was about 15 and a girl broke up with me me being stupid i tried to drowned myself in the pool i jumped in and took a deep breath everything faded out i woke up in the hospital to my crying mother i appoligized over and over and over agian she told me my 7 year old sister saw me and jumped in to save me (she couldnt swim ) she drowned and died trying to pull me out. she has an identical twin i see everyday. i want to die for what i caused
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:24:58 No.8497159

    8 months of intense physio after the surgery, but I've seen physiotherapists all my life trying to find alternative cures. Tried ortho inserts for my shoes, strengthening like every muscle in my leg (seriously, my legs are rock hard, but it still doesn't stop the kneecap slipping out because they're crooked) and even weird shit like electroshock muscle stimulation.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:25:05 No.8497161
    this had better be a fucking lie

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:30:39 No.8497229

    OH WOW




    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:31:46 No.8497241
         File1271867506.jpg-(47 KB, 604x453, sirius.jpg)
    47 KB
    I really love birds. Dunno why, or when it really started. Just one day I kinda started studying songbirds from a field guide and less than a month later I had taken photographs off every bird in my area and could ramble off facts about any bird that flew by. Eventually, not being able to find a job for forever, my mother bought me two parrotlets, birds I had wanted for almost as long as I had birds. A male and a female. I had them for about two years, and I spent time with them everyday.

    My birds had just got done having a clutch of babies, I hand-raised them and I had just sold all of the babies like a week before. Then the male got sick. 800$ in vet bills later and he's still sick. I had to give him medication orally every day, which involved grabbing him, which he hated, and forcing the medicine down this throat with a plastic syringe, which anyone would've hated... but it was making him better.

    I opened his cage to give him his first round of medication at 6AM like I did everyday, and he flew out of his cage before I could get in to grab him, because he knew what was coming. Since he was sick, he was disorientated, and long story short, flew into a wall and suffered a closed-head injury.

    Before I knew what happened, I had just saw that he was hurt and dying. I tried to give him CPR because I had no idea what the fuck to do, but then I realized that I was probably just making him uncomfortable so I just held him until he died. The whole time his mate was dead silent, and shes' never like that. I turned around to show her that he had died and she just kinda looked at me like she already knew.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:45:47 No.8497428
    "Mitt liv som hund" (My life as a dog) is a much superior film. It's just so fucking touching and sad.

    Recommended for everyone here.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:46:39 No.8497437
    why the fuck did you stop giving him cpr for all you know it might've saved him

    How would you feel if your mom was dying and a paramedic went SRY lul dont wanna make her uncomfortable

    fuck man I'm tearing up here ;(
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:51:09 No.8497475
    hey - my friend came out to me and it took me 18 months to stop being a cunt, then i wore him like a badge - "my gay friend" like some cool club.... now he's just gone back to being my friend, who happens to be gay. asked me to be the best man at his civil ceremony next year.... just be yourself, tell him you know you're a dick. he'll be cool.... good luck
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:53:23 No.8497501
    I have two cockatiels.

    That made me sad. Fuck, first thing in the thread that got to me :(
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:54:33 No.8497516

    CPR for a fucking head trauma? Yeah that'll help.

    This thread is gay.

    A few years back my parents saw the cuts all over my arm and announced it during a family dinner with my brother and his girlfriend :/
    Then they dragged me off and lectured me. I cried for hours.
    I did get therapy though, and I feel better now.
    I kinda of blocked out the reason I cut myself, but I know everything was shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:55:07 No.8497521
    fuck man... too cruel
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:56:24 No.8497540
    You can't give a tiny bird cpr. Blowing air into the lungs of it would be almost impossible, let alone without hurting it.

    Heavy handed heart massage can break the ribs on a human, imagine a tiny parrot.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:57:03 No.8497545
    Week before my boyfriend of mine for four years and I broke up, I woke up in a cold sweat at 6 am knowing full well what was going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:57:24 No.8497552
    Your heart is the size of a fist. This bird, full grown, is smaller than your fist. Since I never dissected him I don't even know if I had my finger in the right spot to be giving him a heart massage.

    Didn't know it was head trauma at the time. There was no blood, all I saw was that his breathing was slowing dangerously and his eyes were glassing and that usually means something is about to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:58:19 No.8497563
    When my dad, my personal hero, sat down with my mother and I, looked me right in the eye, and told me he didn't love my mother anymore and that he had decided to leave, after 33 years of marriage and 19 years of fatherhood.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)12:58:50 No.8497570
    18 months? What took you so damn long?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:00:53 No.8497594
    I'm scared as fuck of hurting my birds' toes in a door. They like making kamikaze runs for them when someone is closing it.

    A parrot can't really live with half a foot.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:03:29 No.8497620
    Fuck that's not fun. At least he wasn't a douchebag to her or you, right? As in cheating or such.
    >> Flame_Warrior !.nQu29XFzk 04/21/10(Wed)13:03:36 No.8497622
    When I was young (3rd grade?) I asked a girl to be my girlfriend, she said yes. We never did anything because I had no idea what I was supposed to do as a boyfriend :-(

    That's different now
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:05:52 No.8497654
    why not just beat the shit out of them? fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:05:58 No.8497656
    When I was about 13-14 I was walking home from school in the hallways behind a couple of girls and the rest of the class.

    One of them said 'anon sure is ugly' unaware of that I was there, she later looked back and saw me walking behind them. Up until that moment I was blisfully unaware of the fact that I was ugly. I'm still trying to recover from it at the age of 23.
    >>   04/21/10(Wed)13:07:46 No.8497684
    Sad story, man. Here's mine:

    My mom started abusing me when I was 5 years old. Seven days after my tenth birthday party, she came home from a party drunk, and tried to have sex with me. Luckily, my dad heard my screams, and came into my room before mom had a chance to do anything to me. My dad was so shocked and upset, he beat my mom to death. Then he left the house, and I was alone with my six moth old brother and my mom's corpse.

    I called 911 immediately, but I was so hysterical the cops couldn't figure out what I was saying, and could only decipher my name and address.

    Ever since then, I've lived alone in filthy apartments, scared to death of relationships.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:07:55 No.8497687

    My brothers pet bird died like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:11:51 No.8497746
    When I was four years old, I saw a butterfly drowining in the pool in my backyard. I was really upset about it, so I pulled it out of harm's way, on to the dry pavement.
    I thought it was still alive... until the ants came and started eating it. I started to cry and asked my mother, "Will he come back?"
    She said, "Not anymore, sweetie."

    This next moment I remember ever-so-clearly:
    I asked her, "Mommy, how many times do we live?"
    She said, "Only once."
    At that moment, I became aware of my mortal condition. I became aware that we only lived once. Everything we would experience would be experienced only once.
    I remember crying and looking at the pool water which was reflecting sunlight.

    Every time I remember this, I get really upset.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:13:16 No.8497765
    Ouch, I know how that is. I heard my mom call me ugly when I was 12-13. I never had any trace of self esteem throughout adolescence.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:18:31 No.8497822
    At age 9, when my best friend died of cancer.

    At age 18, when another friend from childhood died from a heroin overdose.

    At age 25, when my girlfriend of 6 years left me because she wanted to fuck a hipster douchebag. It lasted 2 weeks.

    At age 26, when I had to come to terms with the fact that I was heavily addicted to benzodiazepines, a functional alcoholic, and was abusing opiates far too frequently. I realized, in a moment of clarity, that I had no friends left, I was broke, and my parents were sketched out by me. Going sober is the easy part. The hard part is getting back on track, making up all those lost years, and slooooooowly earning back the trust of your judgmental parents and ex-friends.


    At age 26, when I found I had an auto-immune disease.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:19:55 No.8497844
    From your own mother? That's terrible compared to some random girl, or well. I guess that depends on what kind of mother you have I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:21:25 No.8497859
    I left high school my senior year to be home schooled, was court ordered because our school had a new policy that if you were late more than 4 times you had to go to court and my "punishment" I chose was to be home schooled on a computer. Cut ahead 6 months and I ended up dropping out and getting my GED. I was dating this girl I had a crush on all through Junior High and High School who I was supposed to graduate with. I ended up going to her graduation, which was supposed to be mine too. I watched everyone in my grade graduate while I sat alone in the auditorium feeling like a total turd since I was on the honor roll all throughout school and now I'm 21, no job, not in college and trying to get accepted into the Air Force. I scored a 97 on my ASVAB but since I don't have college credits or a Diploma, I've been put on the GED waiting list which can take anywhere up to 16 months before BMT unless I join Spec Ops like PJ or Combat Controller but I'm not getting shipped off to Iraq or learning a trade that is useless in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:22:34 No.8497875

    Lol you really got the shit end of the stick.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:23:47 No.8497885
    Most likely the time when my mom was taking me to the hospital, where I had to live for the next few months. I screamed like an animal, cried, yelled, trashed around, screaming "I don't want to I don't want to I'l kill myself I'll kill myself I hate you I hate you I hate you, I'll hang myself, I'll jump from a window, I'll cut myself open". Then pleading "take me home please take me home I promise I'll be better I promise". Fucking crazy shit now that I look back on it. I might've been in a psycosis for all I know, it was really fucking bad. But to be fair, it's really a life-shattering experience for a 12-year old to get thrown into a mental hospital.
    I think I traumatized my mom and sister for life. They both just cried and cried and cried and even remembering the looks on their eyes is painful.

    Yeah. The worst night of my life right there.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:24:43 No.8497901
    It was about a year ago; my stepdad had terrorized and psychologically abused my mom 'til she was suicidal. They got into a fight over some bullshit - the dishes, I think. I walk into the bedroom and found Mom rocking back and forth on the bed, crying and holding a loaded pistol to her chest. Knocking that asshole guy out of the way, I ran to Mom, comforted her, told her how much she meant to everyone around her. She broke down in tears and she gave the gun to me.

    I still get a little hysterical when I think about it...
    >> Erogenous Jones 04/21/10(Wed)13:24:50 No.8497904

    sorry dude.
    >> Erogenous Jones 04/21/10(Wed)13:28:02 No.8497944

    >if you were late more than 4 times you had to go to court

    the FUCK?!
    I was late every fucking day! didn't stop me going on to graduate with honours.

    harsh, dude
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:29:09 No.8497963
    Hey anon.

    A few friends is a great start. It took me a long time just to get those too.
    I noticed that my life started getting better when I got more self confidence. Its amazing what that confidence did for me.
    I suggest seeing a school psychologist. That dude helped me out soo much. Its not bad to see one, they just help you figure out how you think, so that you can fix yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:29:24 No.8497965
    I was standing outside the teachers lounge, having just knocked. I was there to hand a camera back to my photography teacher.

    I see some teacher I don't know coming to let me in. Someone from another room connected to the lounge must have asked her who was at the door, because without realizing I could hear her perfectly fine she yelled:
    >It's some student, I don't know if it's a boy or girl, I actually can't tell.

    She said it like I was irritating her just by looking like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:38:19 No.8498069
    I fell in love with a girl. About a year into the relationship I realize that the girl I love has Borderline Personality Disorder among other problems. The trips to jail, the trips to mental hospitals. BPD is a fucking soul shattering experience. She's basically like a tornado that destroys everything and everyone around her. I finally decide to leave and realize I'm the only one she has left.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)13:41:14 No.8498101
    Good job on being a true man.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 04/21/10(Wed)13:45:35 No.8498148
    That's how my father is/was. (He's in prison and I know he's not going to change when he gets out). He'd physically abuse my mom and mentally abuse me, but as I grew up, he stopped physically trying to hurt me, probably because if he ever did try to start a fight with me, I'd kick his fucking shit in half.
    >> M'hael !!ptpDva9cnvB 04/21/10(Wed)13:45:42 No.8498151
    Probably when I proposed to my fiancee. She texted her brother to tell him the news, his response was "What can I say to that? Don't tell mum and dad" It wrecked her night, she cried in my arms that night - not for the first time - and I felt terrible, considering that my proposal led to her crying tears of sorrow.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:10:01 No.8498410
    So, all througout middle school I was at the bottom of the social ladder of the whole school. It was shit, but I didn't sit around moping and bawwing about my fate. I tried to improve. I smiled and tried to hold conversations. I endured the awkward pauses whenever I got near two people talking. I tried to improve.

    Then one day it's PE time. We're playing volleyball and the teacher has us hopping the ball from one side of the net to the other. It's simple and we're bored and start dicking around. When it's my turn, I miss the ball.
    And everyone fucking laughs.
    Everyone, and I don't mean only the assholes, the bitches, even the fucking quiet nerdish kids that weren't actually much different from me- everyone. Even the fucking teachers.
    +40 people in a room, laughing at me in my gymclothes.

    I think that's the day I started hating people. I'm a bad person now. I laugh at the suffering of others.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:17:00 No.8498493
    I'm guessing you're a terrible person and don't realize it. I wish you had killed yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:18:36 No.8498510
    >Look at me! I'm edgy!
    >> BadMother !!j9ltdPFfE2e 04/21/10(Wed)14:25:17 No.8498598
    Not that anyone is going to believe me....

    My mother and her posse of Doctors diagnosed me with various flavor of the month medical conditions. As a child i don't have any memories of not being medicated. My mother would go online or the library and learn as much as she could then relay that back to my childhood doctor. At one point i was medicated for ADHD, Autism and some type of epilepsy that i have magically outgrown as an adult. As a kid when i refused to take my 5 pills in the morning i was taken to a psychologist in the city only to be diagnosed with ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder). I could not even begin to tell you the medications that have been shoved down my throat since before i went to kindergarten.

    >> BadMother !!j9ltdPFfE2e 04/21/10(Wed)14:26:19 No.8498607

    The medications made me feel sick, like you would not believe. My arms and legs always ached and cramped. Most of the mornings i was half stoned, teachers thought that i was retarded. Id get to school and stare at walls most of the morning, trying to get to a quick coherent thought was constantly that feeling when a word was on the tip of your tongue and you cant remember.

    At the center of this was my long suffering mother. She even started a mothers group for disabled children. There she was my mother, surrounded by forever supporting family and medical networks. I loved her i thought that she was doing her best to help me. I was a " very, very sick boy" .

    One day when i was about 12/13 i noticed / caught her putting something in my breakfast. Even i though that was weird. The next week i shit myself at school, 3 times. I had relapsed and i was going back to hospital. Before we left for the hospital i grabbed that stuff she had put in my food because i thought she forgot it it goes in to my shower bag.

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:27:31 No.8498621
    Oh, please. I traveled one-thousand miles and am now in debt $28,000 for a girl that hasn't spoken to me in months. And imagine the shame I feel, when I have to return back home, tail between my legs.
    >> BadMother !!j9ltdPFfE2e 04/21/10(Wed)14:27:31 No.8498622

    After being in hospital for a week. I get pulled in to a office, off the main ward. The doctors asked me where i got this bottle from and they show me the bottle that i had taken from home. I tell them everything i know.

    I didn't get to see my mother for 3 years after that except for brief meetings with a psychologist. My mother is diagnosed with munchenhausen by proxy.

    At almost the age of 14 I'm allowed experience reality without drugs, for the first time in my life i can get up, shower and brush my teeth with out having to concentrate, i can function without being issued orders. At 14 i started to have erections. For the first time i actually want to talk to other people. I didn't actually get to make my first friend until i was 16, as i was so socially delayed.

    Finally i was told that the doctors suspect that my mother giving me other medications and double dossing me. My liver is fucked, a night of hard drinking and i end up in hospital. My arteries are hard. I am 24 years old.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:30:02 No.8498647
    Fuck, that's bad.
    Have you tried to prosecute or whatever to at least get some compensation? And how are you doing right now?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:30:19 No.8498649
    I am so sorry. That's about all I can say...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:30:25 No.8498650
    Yeah, groups of people randomly ostracize someone for no reason. It happens all the time, amirite?
    >> BadMother !!j9ltdPFfE2e 04/21/10(Wed)14:32:22 No.8498668

    TL:DR My mother wanted some attention so she denied me a childhood. Fuck you 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:33:32 No.8498680
    why didn't he want your girlfriend's parents to know?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:36:41 No.8498717
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    I doubt anyone will get around to reading this, but here goes.

    For my 16th birthday, I had no plans. I used to have friends a while back but no longer. So I stayed at home, revising and playing computer games.

    That's when my grandma phones all the way from America to wish me happy birthday. My grandpa had died last year and I think she was looking for some good news from the other side of the pond.

    She asked me "What are you doing for your sweet 16?" apparently, in America it's a big deal, not too sure why. I replied "Nothing much". "oh..." I heard the disappointment in her voice.

    FUCK did I feel bad ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:42:22 No.8498779
    Most depressing:
    When I was 13 or 14, my parents got me a pet chick when in holiday in Turkey for 3 months (Don't know why so long)
    I used to care for it and love it, but one day, one of the chick (I had two) littered the area around their box.
    I fucking raged and smashed it with a cardboard plank.
    The next minute I see it walking like a cripple.
    Jesus Christ I can't remember crying that hard, and I still cry untill this day as the chick died 3 days later.
    Everytime I think of this, I punch myself as hard as I can for doing such a terrible thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:48:06 No.8498835

    I feel your pain brother, I would sometimes rage at animals over stupid shit only to realise what I'd done a few minutes later when I'd calmed down and then break down and feel like a monster
    >> BadMother !!j9ltdPFfE2e 04/21/10(Wed)14:48:16 No.8498837

    I have never tried to prosecute. I don't believe i could. I have not seen my mother since i was 18. I have changed my name. She has been issued with court orders not to contact me.

    Because i asked the courts to ensure that she never comes near me again my family disowns me, in particular her side of the family. Apparently i need to show her compassion, she was sick and needed help, and nows shes better.

    I dont care.

    I have a a few diplomas related to media in particular broadcasting production The only thing that makes me feel "bad" is when i get stuck in social settings. I dont have anxiety, i just have no idea how to act, i miss really obvious cues, like when someone hits on me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:48:35 No.8498841
    So back in my senior year of highschool I was volunteering at a food shelter to make my "resume" look good for prospective colleges. Long story short there was a homeless woman who went kind of crazy, throwing trays and food and shit at people. I was kind of stunned at the situation, but the guy in charge of the shelter yells to me "help me stop her!" We kind of tackle her and pin her down until EMS and the cops show up. Couple cuts and bruises on all of us. Fast forward 2 1/2 years later I have (what I think are) cramps like a motherfucker. I get a physical done, and a week later my doc calls me to come in. He sits me down, tells me that my blood work says I have Hep C, and starts going into this long talk about treatment, therapy and shit, but my mind fucking blanks, b/c I am in shock. I have to call all my previous sexual partners etc, and we find out eventually that it was the crazy lady at the shelter had somehow swapped some infected blood that day. A lot more tests were done, they put me on some crazy test drug, but the end result is I meet with my doc 6 months ago or so, and he tells me that they're pretty sure it's gone chronic.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:49:42 No.8498852
    It was lunchbreak at school and I was standing around with other two girls. I didn't have many friends and I remember thinking "Awesome, X and Y have taken me into their clique, I'll never have to be alone all the time again"
    Then X says "Oh Anonette, I saw this other girl, she was looking for you. You should totally go to talk to her because it looked important!"
    Oh boy, another girl wants to talk to me! This is my lucky day!
    Naturally, I went off in search of this girl.

    When I found her, she looked perplexed and slightly amused and told she had never sent for me. I realized the other two girls had played me to get me out of their sight.

    I hid in the restrooms for most of the year's lunchbreaks.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:53:04 No.8498874



    But had a lot of decent B-days since then. I don't want that to happen to anyone again.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)14:54:01 No.8498881
    My grandma died the day before I turned 7 and everyone was depressed/crying when I actually had my birthday. Somehow, I didn't really feel anything back then and I still don't know why. I was prolly to young.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:00:55 No.8498957
    My small group of friends convinced everyone else to ostracize me through lies and deceit.

    It seems you didn't read this post. >>8494127
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:04:53 No.8499005
    >Implying I can repost a random OP post I found on page 15 and my post will still be on topic
    >> BadMother !!j9ltdPFfE2e 04/21/10(Wed)15:09:33 No.8499053

    LOL you have AIDS.

    Trade you for a viable childhood.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:15:32 No.8499123
    A few years back, my parents helped me set up a trip for orientation week at college. Exactly on the day right before I was supposed to leave, one of my friends died in a car crash. Needless to say, I didn't really feel like going at that point, but I was pretty much forced into it due to the cost of the trip.

    Basically, the days I was there everyone were total cunts to me because I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Also, the group councilors CONTINUALLY reminded me that the trip was to also help me meet new friends and establish connections. It wasn't until a few days in where I told one of them off and my reasoning for being so unfriendly that they finally backed off.

    Yeah, that was probably the most depressing days I've experienced.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 04/21/10(Wed)15:25:06 No.8499234
    On valentines day I was feeling really depressed because I never leave my house and hate being in solitary confinement.
    Anyway, for whatever reason I called a girl I know, the only girl I know now that I think of it. Anyway, I call her and ask her if she's doing anything. She tells me she is going out with her boyfriend(who I didn't know existed, mind you). She asks me the same, I say nothing. I think at that point she realized what I was going for and, gasped audibly, and then gave me a very sad sounding "I'm sorry...". Then she asks me if I want to hang out with her, her boyfriend, and two other people after they get back from where ever it was they were. I was bored and lonely so I said sure. Which in retrospect was a bad move, because I ended up sitting on a couch watching TV awkwardly while everybody else in the room is making out. Even the two morbidly obese people had each other..I had no one.
    At that point I say "fuck this", say bye, and rush out the door.
    I walk back to my house crying, then spend the rest of the week locked in a hole trying to convince myself that I am not completley alone in the world.
    Hell, I'm still trying to do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:30:36 No.8499302

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:32:07 No.8499318
    Bwhahahahahhahahaha. I lauged, as is >implied by me typing BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA and then telling you I laughed. Mwahahha...
    >> M'hael !!ptpDva9cnvB 04/21/10(Wed)15:32:48 No.8499328
    Because we don't own our own home, and we're both on benefits, both due to her being disabled and me being fucked up both because of my mother's half-arsed parenting and spending a fairly large portion of my life on the streets. He doesn't know about the homelessness or how bad my mother sucks, so he just sees a waste of space, just like her parents do.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:34:16 No.8499341
    Bawwww, I'm crying. No I'm not but I thought I might. Ok, NO I didn't think I was going to cry, but I did contemplate the sadness for a second. Nah, I just laughed.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:36:13 No.8499357
    One time I was fucking 2 chicks at work. Hot 3some on a friday... yeah that was the worse I think, cause my life is awesome! Excuse me I have to go save my planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:42:51 No.8499462
    My dog died the day before this year's birthday.
    I did nothing. I slept most of it having bad dreams and crying. I'd had her for 12 years. Everyone told me to get over it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)15:43:37 No.8499478
    It was pretty bad when my mom told me I'd die a virgin. And then when I told people at school an they laughed at me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:28:04 No.8500078
    Aw, man, I'd hug every one of you dudes if I could right now. I'm sorry about all the shittiness...;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)16:32:21 No.8500144
    No one ever comes to my birthday because they're too busy with labor day parties. ;__; I end up having a day with my closest friend and having dinner with my family. Not that I don't like having dinner with my family, but it would be nice if I could have more friends at my party.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:06:05 No.8500646
    When my kitten died. Only one of my cats had died beforehand, but I didn't find out that he had actually died, I was told that he found a new home. Anyway, my mom found this kitten in the parking lot outside of Ralph's (grocery store). She brought him home, said we might not keep him. (We did.) He was this dirty, mangy, beat up little guy. My mom instinct immediately kicked in. I took him downstairs and rinsed him off with lukewarm water, dried him, gave him something to drink and eat, etc. We had him treated for mange, and we finally had him in perfect health. He had the fattest little belly, and he was really cuddly. :3
    So one day, me and my brother come home from my dad's house (my parents are divorced), and my mom told me that my kitten had been run over. I tried to hold in the tears, but in about five seconds, I was bawling.

    I used to wait by the back door expecting to run back into the house. He never did. ;___;
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 04/21/10(Wed)17:21:36 No.8500958
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    The big puppy in the picture died of parvo because my dumbass father took him to his place, and then his dumbass neighbor's dog with parvo jumped the fence, got around my dog, and then my dog had parvo and died. I raged pretty hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:29:44 No.8501092
    When I was 13, I had such a crush on this one girl and I told her how I felt. All the guys in my class made fun of me for it. Teachers didn't give a shit that it went on in their classrooms. I was depressed every day and wanted to kill myself. I was terrified of telling people what I'm thinking or feeling; it's taken me years to get better at it, and honestly, I'm still not THAT good. Oh, and it's taken me years to actually develop self-confidence.

    Oh yeah, she never liked me back.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:37:01 No.8501230
    The day my childhood best friend told me "I have other friends now".
    My mother says I took it badly and stopped being outgoing.
    She also says I am so easily disappointed with people because no one could replace that childhood friend.
    I'm lucky to have a mother who understands, at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:43:49 No.8501324
    Your luck it was at the age of 13 and not 7. Lose father to cancer for 5 years, hate-love mother relationship, messy divorce effect me badly where as a child I would ponder why take out my toys if I'm just going to put them back again and become a golem (not lotr golem, classical golem) at dinners. A few other occasions where the only girl who openly fancied me left school (11) etc.

    I'm pretty sure after that I tried not to talk about what I like for fear of other people knowing and therefore losing it because I thought the world is out to spite me and the less they know what to target the better.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:58:10 No.8501536
    This reminds me of when I was maybe 12 years old. I phoned my best friend since kindergarten to ask him over. His mother picked up and told me to put my mother on. Through her I was told that my former best friend couldn't hang out with me anymore. No explanations, nothing. I'd moved across the city, so I couldn't just walk to his house and bang on his door demanding an explanation. I didn't emote at all at the time, but I'm sure this caused me some internal emotional damage.

    I have had plenty of friends since, but I've always been extremely cautious approaching new friendships and have difficultly keeping relationships intact, or thinking that people don't secretly dislike/resent me.

    I met this friend one night on the streets a few years later while I was out boozing as a teen. Turns out he'd started getting into a lot of trouble with drugs and violence, although he was a smart kid from a well off, stable family. I don't remember much from talking to him then except some joke about him sucking dick for money but also for free. I saw him again three or four years after that. I don't think he recognized me with long hair, tight shirts, a skirt, and heeled boots. I wonder if he'd recognize me now that I look like a guy. I sort of want to look him up on Facebook and see how he's doing, but I'm afraid he might be a douche and I don't want to tarnish my old memories of him.

    Definitely not the most depressing moment of my life, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)17:58:50 No.8501547

    You can't be serious, i bawed :(
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:07:32 No.8501684
    My mom was on wealthfare, sick and unable to work. In norway. Really poor and not in a good shape.

    So she borrows my computer and does her hobbywriting there. So she analyses literature there, and has over time written more than 150 pages of work. Though that did not last long.

    I one day got so pissed off at my computer for not working at supposed. So i formated the computer. Just afterwards I remembered that my mod had her stuff on it.

    Still feel bad for it. Still feel so bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:07:39 No.8501685
    I'm the guy you quoted.
    I met the guy again a few years ago. We took very different directions in life. Mine squeaky clean and his drab and confused.
    I wanted to ask him to hang out some time like old times, but I stopped halfway wording it. And I didn't want to be rejected again.
    I haven't had a social encounter since. I can't believe I was ever loud and outgoing.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:10:30 No.8501730
    im not going to read any of these. its pointless to bring up past feelings if it makes you feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:12:34 No.8501751
    So my Grandad was dying in Hospital and I went to visit him with my mom. It wasnt so bad since he was 95 year old.
    Anyway, I happen to be adopted and was never to close to this guy. When he was physically able adn I was younger he would always pay attention or give money to his 'real' grandkids. When taking a car journey with my mom I once told him to go fuck himself and die because he was moaning at me over something stupid. When I went in to see him he was lying almost catatonic in a bed. My mum nudged him and he looked at her, when he looked me his face lit up. It had been about a year since I last saw him and I was after growing up quite a bit. He said to my mother how much I looked like a guy he used to work with at the creamery many years ago. My mum asked had he seen any family lately. Turns out me and my mum were the only two who had visited in a month. We lived 80 miles away so found it hard to visit any more often. I broke into tears leaving that hospital ward.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:25:41 No.8501905
    I went through a period of living on the streets. I was the youngest and lonliest hobo in town until i met this homeless girl.We really hit it off sleeping together (no sexual) lifitn food from shops together, a regular bonny and cylde minus the glamour and the money! Even though it never became romantic, she was my best friend. I eventually got my shit together but she carried on her own path. She died from a heroine overdose
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:26:15 No.8501913
    I actually ended up with some mutual friends as my old friend, around the time that I met him in my early teens. Curious that our social circles overlapped, although we were certainly divergent in the lives we lead.

    I always feel bad hearing stories like yours, because I am very lucky that it didn't happen to me. Through sheer damn luck I always seem to be in the right place at the right time every few years to meet a person that through some unknown process I keep getting closer to, until today where I have three different friends offering to let me live with them when I get home next month, not to mention a few good friends I've made at school and plenty of other people back home. I'd offer to be your friend if you lived nearby, but you'd probably think I was strange as fuck.

    Then again, you do browse /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:32:26 No.8501997
    I like strange people. They always have a different perspective of life.
    It was in fact a very strange man who introduced me to 4chan five years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:32:54 No.8502002
    My girlfriend of three years dumped me for reasons she couldn't even understand (afterward). Right out of nowhere, and after a great night too.

    I'm still at a loss for this, and stopped eating for about three days (my parents tried but to little avail- I wanted to feel like shit). I finally got determined and called her up, asking for a bloody explanation, to which she basically replied "I don't know why," explained that she'd been feeling like shit for the past three days and that her entire family had pulled a big "WTF" on her for breaking up with me, and asked to have me back. It took me about three or four months to completely trust her again, and about six in all before I felt sexually attracted to her again, but we're still together, here three years later. I'm probably going to propose this Summer.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:36:35 No.8502072
    It was either this or my finding that my cat (who had broken her leg in a fall and was therefore on a leash outside, she loving the outdoors) had accidently hanged herself on a fencepost. She'd managed to get the peg which held her in the middle of the yard out just enough that she could jump up onto the fence. I was supposed to be watching her and had stepped into the house for a moment to check my email. Mom was picking up a non-choke leash (to prevent the potential for her hanging herself) on her way home from my brother's baseball game. She was a stupid cat, to be sure, but she was my cat and we all loved her.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:40:18 No.8502126
    Get to know a girl, talk over phone over 9000 hours
    2 weeks till we meet up.
    Her ex proposes to her on her birthday
    Shit went overboard
    usual stuff confusion shitstorm
    girl trying to commit suicide with drugs
    we still talk from time to time
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:41:37 No.8502143
    I'm also fond of strangeness, but I find that most people run at the first sign of enigmatic difference. Either that, or I seem normal enough until they find something out about me that signifies LOCATE NEAREST EMERGENCY EXIT

    I'd say I'd like to be normal, but I've tried it, been coached in therapy for it, and nearly ended up killing myself in the midst of attempting it. stool cory bro
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:44:12 No.8502192
    Around age 5 I apparently went into my parents room one saturday and declared 'I want to play the piano'. My mom got a business card of a local piano teacher at the library. My first piano teacher was this old lady of about 80 who I went to for 20 mins each wednesday after school. I went there for 9 years until I had to move to the UK. A few years later I came back and see if shes still going. I got through to her son who says shes now in a nursing home. I went to visit her and she was a husk of the vibrant, amiable lady who helped me earn up to grade 8 and gave me a passion for music. I spoke to her and like to think she recognised my voice or face but can never be sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:46:29 No.8502233

    i wish you had the balls to dump her out of the blue
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:46:52 No.8502238
    When I was five, I came home with my mom, walked in her room and found my father lying on the bed, cold, stiff, and with his eyes open. My mom called ambulence, but it was WAY too late...he had a heart attack after my mom left to go to work and take me to school...
    >> Mr.Brown the ice-cream man 04/21/10(Wed)18:47:09 No.8502243
    You're not that scottish trap that crawls these parts of the chans are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:47:27 No.8502251
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:50:09 No.8502312
    Not Scottish or a trap.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:50:52 No.8502327
    this is not nearly as bad as some of the things on here, but here goes:

    when i was in 4th grade or so, there was this kid in our class called stephen. in retrospect, he had never done anything to any of us, but he was kinda weird (had ADHD, seemed kinda zoned-out at times, probably cause of his meds. what kind of a mother would give a 4th grader ritalin...)

    I was friends with him, let's say acquaintances (i've never really had any friends. I talk with people, but i've hung out with someone... maybe 10-15 times? with 2 different people overall. i'm in 10th grade now. feelsbadman.jpg)

    I was the only person he honestly talked to, and he was basically the only person i talked to. One day, we were walking down a hallway together, and i just told him, "i don't think we should be friends anymore," just cause other people in the class didn't particularly like him.

    He was devestated. I was his only friend in the world (and a faux-pas friend at that), yet i had just told him that i basically would not talk to him again. I then went on to realize no one likes me either.

    He got increasingly antisocial after that, as did i to some extent. eventually, he started stealing shit just for the thrill. He got kicked out in 6th grade, for stealing the principal's flash drive, and got sent to some shitty inner-city public school (used to go to private school, meh.)
    >> Mr.Brown the ice-cream man 04/21/10(Wed)18:51:38 No.8502339
    I wish you luck, you future cuckold you.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:53:27 No.8502362

    >>faux-pas friend

    what the fuck?

    >>i'm in 10th grade now

    oh okay
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:54:04 No.8502374
    Youre an asshole...have fun
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:54:35 No.8502380
    con't from >>8502327

    to this day, i blame myself for his situation, and possibly fucking up his entire life. I still feel shitty for being so blind. To this day, I'm like the fucking class joke, the person who recieves the daily sarcastic "hey, anon, what's up?," but then finds out that no one who talks to him is actually his friend.

    sigh.. the only thing that keeps me from some manic depression is my slightly-above-average honors grades, and my ability to play the piano like no one's buisiness. otherwise i'd probably be pretty fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:56:25 No.8502414

    lol sorry for incorrect usage of faux-pas. frenchfag here, and i keep forgetting that faux-pas doesn't actually translate to "not strictly true" in english.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:56:44 No.8502422
    Shit, kids say they hate their parents all the time, it's normal. When i told my mom "You know how kids always say they hate their mom, for effect and don't really mean it? Well, i'm not one of them, i actually hate you, i actually hate you, i don't love you, i don't even like you, i hate you."

    She just gave me a blank look but took nothing of it, because it doesn't mean shit and they know it.

    I did mean it though, i hope she fucking rots.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:56:53 No.8502424
    Still an asshole although Im easily impressed with good pianists...but still
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:57:28 No.8502432
    >implying one shouldn't know the use of the words "faux" and "faux pas"
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:57:32 No.8502435

    and dude, i was in 4th grade. come the fuck on. everyone's socially inept in 4th grade.

    hell, most people i know STILL tell people they hate them to their face.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)18:59:27 No.8502465
    4th grade....bad excuse
    But you dumped someone because you didnt want to be looked down by others and not cause you hated him
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:00:34 No.8502484

    yes, that was the whole point of my story. that i made a shitty mistake and i feel shitty, after fucking up two lives. you don't have to rub it into my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:03:18 No.8502526
    If you dont want it rubbed in then dont post it on this shitty site where people can take out their most merciless side to make you feel bad about yourself.

    But so you can feel a bit better, ok kids are very dumb because they are kids, so you didnt know what to do, you made a wrong decision, payed for it, now dont make it something like that again.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:04:24 No.8502545
    I've got a lot of these, mostly my own doing.

    Heres one: I was a senior in high school and I knew this little sophomore girl liked me. (she was the daughter of one of my moms coworkers) So she invited me to her birthday party and I accepted, trying not to be a douchebag. I had a girlfriend at the time and was actually at her house when this party started, but she didnt want me to leave. As in: hand down my pants grabbing my cock telling me to stay there instead of going to the party. Needless to say, I stayed. I showed up the party about 2 hours late. As I walk in I am greeted with about 15 angry stares... The girl had asked everyone to wait until I got there to start the party/eat the food. Everything that was cold was now warm, and everything that was warm was now cold. I remember having to walk past everyone to get to the kitchen where her mother was leading me, and no one made any sort of effort to get out of my way. They were somewhat poor and she was raised by a single mother in this tiny apartment (where the party was held.) Her brother and his friends sat on the couch and stared at me the entire time. No one spoke. Eventually, after eating, I think things started to calm down and I was in her room with her and her 2 friends just talking about random shit. This was about the time I discovered 4chan and was having problems filtering myself when I spoke to other people. I said something horrible offensive and they all went silent and stared at me for a while. Seeing my error, I made up a reason to leave and left. I haven't heard from any of them since. But last I heard shes engaged to some soldier, so I guess thats good.

    I have more, if anyones interested.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:06:01 No.8502573
    second most depressing day of my life was when i was in a car accident and had both arms amputated

    the most depressing day of my life was when the stick i was given to bite on and peck at keys to type broke

    ive spent the last half hour typing out my tale of woe
    also, my balls itch

    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:06:50 No.8502594
    wow actually I cant blame you...a fuck is a fuck but you were VERY MEAN MISTER
    >> Anonymous 04/21/10(Wed)19:09:42 No.8502662

    no god. no god at all.

    i would honestly hug you if you lived close to me.

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