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  • File : 1271568635.jpg-(255 KB, 1081x721, dgdsgfdsgfdsgfdsg.jpg)
    255 KB Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:30:35 No.8441496  
    Who else feels stifled by their parents?

    I feel like social life between the ages of 12-25 is mainly based on parental support.

    I only have one parent, on welfare, and pretty neglectful.

    I don't have many friends. Having a car, and some disposable money, seems to be a requirement to be most peoples friend. Most of my friends grew up in the same housing project as me, since they are the only ones who want to do things I can actually afford.

    I know some highschoolers get jobs, but come on, if you are poor and get a job, you will be poor for life. The only way out is to study, study, study, bus to college, and finally qualify for a decent job when you are 23. High schoolers with jobs still rely on their parents, and are just doing it for better car and cell phone than their parents would give them, and don't need to study because they know, in the end, their parents will make SURE they get through college.

    I mean, look at these kids
    They either have supportive parents who can bail them out if they screw up, or they don't and are fucking over their future. I don't have those options...I wish I could do the fun stuff they do.

    It's not fair, this isn't my fault. Young people don't have control over their money, and that relationships rely on it so much...makes me cry on occasion.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:33:00 No.8441521
    Shit yeah man
    its terrible =(
    im still living with my mom because i have $13 in the bank, cant find a job (freshman in college)
    shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:33:58 No.8441542

    Why would you want to hang out with those sorts of people anyway?

    I'm 18, no license, totally broke, going to college, 'rents will give me a bit of spending money but I doubt it'll be over 20-30$ a week. I'm really grateful for that (I mean they're also fucking putting me through college after all). I am worried I won't be able to make many friends because I can't drive and won't be able to afford much beyond my tobacco habit.


    But fuck them. Fuck shallow people. Who cares? If someone's going to not hang out with me because I don't have a damn license and I'm not spoiled rotten then I don't want to hang out with that person in the first place.

    Or that's what I tell myself.

    Then I cry myself to sleep ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:34:35 No.8441550
    if you're living in the dorms you won't need a car or money to meet and make friends
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:34:44 No.8441553
    I am socially awkward and moved around a lot, but I don't blame my parents. Would have been nice if they let me go to the park or go to a friends house or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:34:44 No.8441554
    I was home-schooled and force fed religious bullshit (and had to help my mother at her job) rather than learn to build social connections like everyone else my age. It seriously fucked with my ability to relate to other human beings.
    >> RedDickies !!x+kSMFk4AWH 04/18/10(Sun)01:34:54 No.8441556
    When coming home on break from University I still have curfew.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:35:25 No.8441562
    You might get angry at all those rich kids. But really they're a minority. Believe it or not, most people are like you OP. It's probably better to be you than some prissy kid with a trust fund actually. Sure they have money, but they're not going to do anything with it. They're just going to go out and have a good time and never amount to anything and they wouldn't want to either.

    You on the other had, what ever you get, it will be because you tried to get it.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 04/18/10(Sun)01:40:10 No.8441622
    I never ask my parents for money out of principle. I would rather be bored for a night. Why? Because my parents money isn't my damn money.

    Get a part time job and save up. God dammit it doesn't eat into that much of your time.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:41:56 No.8441638
    This might not be related, but I've noticed something

    The unhappiest people tend to be the hardest partiers. They release all the bottled up exasperation on the weekends, and seem like the happiest people on earth.

    Those content with their life, tend to be more peaceful partiers, they don't seem to be having as good of a time because they don't feel any need to release anything.

    This is just a theory I have
    >> RedDickies !!x+kSMFk4AWH 04/18/10(Sun)01:42:09 No.8441642
    I do this as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:43:36 No.8441662

    Why do you need money to get friends? You don't 'buy' them.

    I don't know about you, but I'm first year university and I know a shitload of people, I suppose it's because I don't care what people think about me, and I engage in conversations with completely random girls and guys in class all the time. I wouldn't say my parents are loaded with money either, although my mom DOES pay for everything, but if she stops I'll simply get a loan from the bank, which will act like additional motivation to do good in classes. I know I'm kind of bragging about stuff I can't even prove, but my friends even go as far as picking me up from home and dropping me off after classes, and even taking me grocery shopping, (we don't live in the same house) which makes me seem like a total abuser but I'm actually really grateful that they do that. Would suck busing back and forth all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:45:43 No.8441683
    You remind me of the guy at my highschool who 'paid for his own BMW' with his part time job.

    You people manage to block out all that your parents give you in terms of security and needs. If a poor kid gets a job, it's to help buy food for his brothers or something. Get off your high horse...'dont ask for money out of principle', god damn you dont even get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:46:36 No.8441698
    I stopped reading 1/3 through your bullshit
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:48:09 No.8441717

    Well, I wasn't forcing you to read it to begin with. I'm just putting it out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:49:24 No.8441734
    ITT the republicans roll in to tell us how they EARNED THEIR OWN WAY and THEIR PARENTS HAVING MONEY HAD ZERO EFFECT, and GENEROUSLY give their magical advice to us LAZY WELFARE KIDS WHO JUST DONT HAVE WORK ETHIC
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:50:40 No.8441745
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:50:40 No.8441746
    You won't be poor for life dude. The way I see it is yes you are less privileged. Get a part time job, 20 hours a week and save everything you make. You want a car? You can get one for $5k, or a nicer one for $7k. It would take less than a year of working at a job to earn enough for it.

    You are responsible for you. Be thankful that you have a place to live and food. I'm in a somewhat similar position except both of my parents have jobs, they are still struggling financially to the point where they expect me to pay for a car and community college.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:51:08 No.8441751
    Highschool doesn't matter. Community colleges don't really care what you do in HS. Do well there and you can go anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:51:45 No.8441760

    Dude, get your fucking license. Why the defeated attitude? You're acting like getting your driver's license is the same as losing 100 pounds or something
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:55:07 No.8441797
    Goddamn, it made me rage so hard in high school hearing those whining about not getting their cars or parties, knowing I was working minimum wage 6 days a week to help keep up with all the house bills.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:57:59 No.8441838

    Spoiled kids are spoiled.

    What's even worse is when your 'friends' expect you to just take your dads car without permission because THEY need to go somewhere as they have heard that somewhere, some fucking idiot did it and his dad didn't say anything.

    Last time some asshole suggested I do that, I blew a fuse.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:58:57 No.8441852
    I moved out when I was 17 and worked my patootie off at multiple jobs to pay my way through community college/rent. Now I'm busting my ass to earn as much money as possible before I start at real uni in fall to minimize the need for student loans/debt, which up until now I have never had.

    Feels bad man. I am a moderately attractive female with a big brain and developed interests and hobbies so I have no problem making acquaintances, but I haven't the time or resources for close relationships. I hope all this pays off.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)01:59:07 No.8441856
    The whole reason highschool drama and exclusion is so strong is that nobody is earning their own money. They think it is a natural quality they have. Then the real world slaps them in the face, and everything changes.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:00:16 No.8441872
    >female with a big brain

    I don't think so, Tim
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:00:38 No.8441874

    What program are you planning to apply to?

    Just curious.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:00:47 No.8441878
    >adonis belt
    >no other definitions
    >pudgy stomach

    wat is this i dont even
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:05:41 No.8441948
    i was kicked out of my house at 16, been supporting myself ever since. shit sux, because especially nowadays in the middle of this fucktastic recession, it'd be really, really, really nice to have parents around who could, say, lend me a couch to crash on instead of me having to sleep in my car when I'm broke and can't pay me with a downpayment on a mortgage because otherwise it's absolutely impossible to afford a house where I live otherwise...or to have an older, wiser person around to give me desperately needed advise on occasion.

    so, consider yourself lucky. also, what's the source of the OP pic? girl on the right is *banging* and I love raver chics in general.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:07:23 No.8441969
         File1271570843.jpg-(72 KB, 517x788, sjsjsj.jpg)
    72 KB
    you think RAVERS have supportive parents who are involved with their kids lives?


    if parents knew that their sons and daughters were getting half naked, taking ecstasy, and dancing/hooking up for 8 hours straight, you can bet they'd start going control freak on their kids asses.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:07:38 No.8441977
    I gave all my money to my dad before starting college.

    Financial aid formula is something like:

    This years tuition = All of the money in your bank account + 20% of your parents gross income + 2% of the money in your parents bank account

    I feel sorry for people who work before college, because sometimes having 10 grand is just an excuse for the college to give you 10 grand less in free scholarships. The best tip for college: be as poor as possible on paper.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:07:46 No.8441979
    hahaha, i lol'ed because it's true, so very true.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:09:12 No.8442003
    Economics/Accounting. I don't have to declare a major until I'm at 120 credits so I plan to take my first quarter to dabble in other things because accounting is tedious.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:10:47 No.8442033
    Fucking retarded bullshit. Bust your ass working 30 hour weeks for 3 years while you're in highschool. Get the best grades in your class and full scholarships to your favourite university. Take out loans while you're at school to pay for your housing and living expenses. Graduate, get a job, and maintain a healthy social life the entire time. Doesn't matter at all if your parents are bums.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:11:17 No.8442038
    don't date raver chicks. stop the hurtful cycle.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:13:53 No.8442077
    I've already been denied for financial aid grants. Supposedly my parents will give me $15,000. HA. My best option now is getting Stafford Loans.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:14:33 No.8442093
    >>implying you've done any of this
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:16:13 No.8442116
    >work 30 hour job
    >graduate top of class
    >maintain a healthy social life the entire time

    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:16:41 No.8442122

    >120 credits to declare a major

    I need 126 hours to graduate based on my major. Probably have a few more since I fucked around for a few semesters. But seriously, wtf.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:19:14 No.8442157
    credit exchange rate, man

    i know from transferring that a washington state university credit = 3/2 * university of washington credit
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:19:16 No.8442158
    No, I don't need that many to declare a major. I need to declare a major BEFORE I'm at 120 credits. If I reach 120 credits without declaring a major the university will not let me enroll in more classes until I do so.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:20:49 No.8442178
    Fucking small internet... I'm transferring to WWU...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:21:55 No.8442195

    Makes more sense. My bad. I was an econ major my first semester. Bored out of my mind. Much happier now.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:23:52 No.8442229
    Socially, I feel stifled by my mom. I want to go to a reunion by myself, but she wants to go with me because she knows some people. All I know is that it probably means she'll want to hang out with me and I wanted to hang out with my friends.

    I still live with my mom, but I'm not really worried about that. My brother and sister lived with our parents for a couple years after graduating and moved out on their own, no help needed.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:25:25 No.8442249

    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:30:30 No.8442318

    >20-30$ a week.

    Rich bastard.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:31:41 No.8442338
    Fuck, get a part time job. Even if you only work one day a week, you should have at least enough money to go out for dinner or some drinks. Take a fucking bus when you want to go out. Take a cab home, if the buses where you live don't run late enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:34:57 No.8442379

    some people get everything in life handed to them on a platter. you can't change that. that's simply the way it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:36:01 No.8442396

    Economics/Accounting you say? Many people go into it (many drop out of it later), and it's extremely boring, but if you will manage to pull through it and get hired by a financial institution, the results will be gratifying.

    Not something I'd enjoy doing though, but much, much better than something like "Travel and Tourism" or "Wine tasting"
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:39:36 No.8442464
    everyone posting saying
    >get a job
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:42:04 No.8442505
    this is the idiocy im talking about. kids with supportive parents think of jobs as simply a way to get a little beer money. its hilarious how out of touch with reality you all are. i hope you are reincarnated in africa.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:42:09 No.8442508

    If you're even remotely competent you can get a job doing some menial part time gig that isn't much, but at least enough to fund your weekends out.

    It IS easy.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:44:21 No.8442543
    I already have my associates in it, it is incredibly boring. Hopefully something new will tickle my fancy in my one allotted dick-around quarter.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:53:29 No.8442675
    I don't get how you think a bunch of scene brats have more parental support than you. They don't have parental support, they have PARENTAL NEGLIGENCE. Mommy and Daddy don't care that they have piercings, giant ear gauges and tattoos at 15. OP, you seem obviously not like them, but come on...don't be jealous of those idiots. They have less of a future than you. They will be stuck in their parents' home at age 30 with that body enhancement crap that's preventing them from getting good jobs while you are making it decently on your own, albeit some monetary drawbacks.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:56:05 No.8442710
    because I am jealous that they have that option. the option to fuck around in life, and still know they wont end up homeless under a bridge...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)02:59:28 No.8442763
    I overheard this in class the other day, it made me rage so hard (talking about her dad): "I told him he could fuck off until he bought me (bmw name I forget), I'm not even talking to him until he buys it for me, he tried to get me some ten grand piece of shit"

    I can't wait to leave this place, please tell me it's better in college
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)03:01:03 No.8442791
    she will be a very bitter, unhappy person due to her worldview development. take comfort in that.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)03:01:49 No.8442803

    You think girls ever mature past the age of 8?

    Lots for you to learn kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)03:02:32 No.8442820

    Yes, people in college/university are a lot different, from my experience anyways. You can actually meet interesting people who share same interests in you, and are interested in achieving similar goals in life.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)03:08:35 No.8442917
    Urge to kill... rising...
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)03:31:56 No.8443256

    you rage, you lose
    >> Anonymous 04/18/10(Sun)06:13:28 No.8444579

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