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    27 KB Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:01:43 No.8340751  
    Something scary is happening to boys today. From kindergarten to college, they are less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere twenty years ago. As for young men, it turns out the film Failure to Launch is not far from the truth. Fully one-third of men ages 22-34 are still living at home with their parents--about a 100 percent increase in the past twenty years. Boys nationwide are increasingly dropping out of school; fewer are going to college; and for the first time in American history, women are outnumbering men at undergraduate institutions three to two.

    Parents, teachers, and mental health professionals are worried about boys. But until now, no one has come up with good reasons for their decline--and, more important, with workable solutions to reverse this troubling trend. Now, family physician and research psychologist Dr. Leonard Sax delves into the scientific literature and draws on his vast clinical experience to propose an entirely original view of why boys and young men are failing in school and at home. He argues that a combination of social, cultural, and biological factors is creating an environment that is literally toxic to boys, ranging from environmental estrogens to the over-prescription of ADHD drugs. And he presents practical solutions--from new ways of controlling boys' use of video games, to innovative (and workable) education reforms.

    I'm gonna read this /r9k/ I suggest you do as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:02:35 No.8340761
    probably from excessive masturbation
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:04:43 No.8340792
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:05:47 No.8340806
    I would to the feminization of men has made them pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:05:55 No.8340808
    You just reminded me I have to masturbate, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:06:35 No.8340815

    Actually this is true. Guys masturbate too much now, and it changes their dopamine systems, making them anhedonic and underachievers.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:06:38 No.8340817
    this foggat!
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/11/10(Sun)21:06:45 No.8340819
    File removed, friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:07:35 No.8340831
    I prefer the Iron John version.

    Not as much science, but way more story.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:10:14 No.8340856
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:11:13 No.8340866
    Interesting. Downloading now.
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:12:17 No.8340877
    FIght Club shall become required reading in middle schools.

    Problem solved fuckers
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:12:23 No.8340880

    Iink, faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:13:59 No.8340898
    Finally, someone with a Ph.D wrote a book about what scuzzy pickup artists and alpha/beta theorists have been calling for years.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:15:48 No.8340923
    link broken
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:18:45 No.8340975
    OH NOES !!!!
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:21:31 No.8341021
    I think whats contributing to it is divorce, your 8 years old and your mom and dad get divorced. Im guessing as a boy you probably like your dad better(I m working with a best case scenario for parenting here, aside from the divorce lol) but no. The court says no you have to live with your mom and you can only see your dad on weekends or in the summer or some shit.

    Then you talk to your freinds and you find out its the same for everyone. They claim theres some sort of chance that a man can win a custody case but clearly thats not true. Because you are a man you cannot get custody of your kids, if your wife wanted to divorce you for any reason she could take your kids away, and you couldnt do shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:23:48 No.8341055
    I am 19.
    I am not a virgin.
    I do not live with my parents.
    I am undergoing a university degree that is meaningful (No, it's not fucking art history or english).
    I am reasonably fit.
    I have my own car.

    I masturbate at least twice a day. Alot more, sometimes.
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:24:04 No.8341058
    another factor is sexual harassment.
    Do you have any Idea how vague and easily exploitable sexual harrasment laws are? You can legaly ask a woman out on a date ONCE in the workplace or school and if you ask again aftwerwards it can be deemed sexual harrassment.

    Women have more and more power over men. But before this starts sounding like the tpying robot rant agiainst women for not fucking me even thought Im ugly lets move on to some other things.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:24:39 No.8341069
    >no girlfriend

    hahahaha enjoy your hand, roneryfag
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:24:48 No.8341070
    Its the feminization of society. Fight Club was partly about that. When before 1995 have you seen commercials that boasted beauty products for men. It was always women who have had the "Your worth it" for women retarded marketing.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:25:03 No.8341076
    >underage tripfag has no idea how divorce works
    ...and so sheltered.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:25:46 No.8341088

    Strangely enough, most divorces are caused by women.
    You could say if divorce rates are causing men to be pussies, then it's the fault of women.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:26:34 No.8341103
    >environmental estrogens

    Tell me more about this. I am interested.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:26:42 No.8341107
    I'm sure highschool musical will help. Look how gay all the cartoons are today, and by gay I mean homosexual.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:27:17 No.8341115

    As a little boy, you'd probably like your mother better. When you hit puberty is when you want your father back.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:28:26 No.8341143
    Classy posting, /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:28:41 No.8341153
    Men are becoming women, what can achieve when men have achieved everything already.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:29:02 No.8341161

    I know, I watched the Fairly Oddparents the otherday,

    Shit Brah. If you grew up watching that, there's a damn good chance you're gay, or at-least bi-curious.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:30:02 No.8341186

    I think there was a lot more to Fight Club but this interview explains something about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:30:28 No.8341194
    It seems really stupid to single out boys for staying at home more, I know lots of women living at home too. It has nothing to do with ~ADHD DRUGS!~ its the economy. Back in the day a McDonalds salary could support a family, now it can't.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:31:22 No.8341214
    Our entire culture is obsessed with women and fags. We praise liberal arts even though its useless.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:32:20 No.8341227

    Wait, why would you ask a woman out after she told you she's not interested? That IS harassment and it doesn't really belong at a workplace if you are trying to be professional. If a woman kept on pestering a guy for a date she could get in trouble too. Retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:32:22 No.8341229
    Then wouldn't more men be going to college rather than less.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:32:24 No.8341231
    Reason for this: People are working older, the younger people aren't needed.

    I fully expect the tea party protests to clean out the elderly and the stupid from the working ranks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:33:13 No.8341243
    Fuck I'm not reading that, at least not on the fucking computer. 288 pages of screen? No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:33:48 No.8341256
    Boys these days have a lack to be real men. Throw their asses out into the woods and see if they'll mature.
    >> Pylonk !!+AlVslZSz4A 04/11/10(Sun)21:34:03 No.8341260

    I want to start a Fight Club, how do I go about doing this?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:34:45 No.8341272

    I know and it sucks because all the gay people can get women when and it's classy, where if you're strait, your creepy if you like someone.

    But yea, liberal arts, totally useless. yet their the ones with all the respect in society. But if you work your ass off going into a good major like Engineering or Medicine, you will work hard and see nothing in return because you will spend all your time studying and not spend it with friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:34:55 No.8341275
    >Fully one-third of men ages 22-34 are still living at home with their parents
    this makes me feel better
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:35:13 No.8341278
    >implying that a woman could get charged with sexual harassment.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:35:42 No.8341288

    Uh, last time I checked university was just as popular as ever. Back in the day, university was just for the elite, and a HS degree was enough to get by. Nowadays you need a uni or a vocational degree, and uni degrees aren't worth shit anyway (except for practical degrees like engineering, nursing, etc.)
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:36:18 No.8341296
    From the day we are born were sent to school, were not sure entirely why we have to go but were promised at the end of it all we get a piece of paper that pretty much is a meal ticket for life.
    This all seems toatally awsome and worth it when your in the 1st grade, but around 6th or 7th you start to realize, if I go ahead and get a colledge degree I will have spent near a third of my year doing what other people have told me what to do.
    Yet you keep going on, not because you like it or because you think theres some amazing adventure awaiting you upoun your completion but because you dont know how to do anything else.

    Your parents decided weather or not you have a mommy AND a daddy without really giving a shit aobut you or what you thought.

    The government decided where you lived, without really caring what you thought at all.

    And now youve reached the point where they dont have to decide for you anymore, but you still make their decisions. The decisions that you were hard wired to make by pretty much every experience in your life up until this time.
    They let you make your own decisions because they trust youl make the choice they want you to make.

    You live in a world full of people tellign you all the things you cant do or say. You cant smoke here, you cant bring nail clippers on the airplane, and you cant quit law school and do what you want with your life.

    You dont question it, you just do it.

    And now people are wondering why people are less ambitious?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:37:07 No.8341310

    Women can and are charged with sexual harassment.

    Hell, sexual harassment of men in the workplace has been growing a lot nowadays. Still not as high as sexual harassment of women though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:38:38 No.8341337
    Pinning it on "lack of ambition" is bullshit. It makes people out to be lazy, when in fact the economy is shit especially for younger people.

    Pinning it on anything to do with "boys" is sexist and unneeded, since there is no evidence that women are any more hard working/ambitious than men are.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:40:36 No.8341372
    Im buying this off amazon right now
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:40:44 No.8341374

    Yeah I know tons of women who live at is bullshit.
    10% of people who live at home might be lazy, but the other 90% are just poor, disabled, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:42:02 No.8341400

    I don't think men are pussies at all (aside from the men of /r9k/).

    But seriously, marriage is an artificial misogynist institution to begin with. You can't become men by exploiting and trying to force ownership of women sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:42:09 No.8341402
    >Women can and are charged with sexual harassment.

    women are pretty much free to do anything sexual to anyone, if a guy claimed a woman was sexually harassing him he would be laughed out of court. Quit white knighting, defending women on the internet isn't going to get you pussy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:42:42 No.8341409
    Thank you, Tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:42:56 No.8341412

    This makes no sense because ambition is not tied to how much people tell you what to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:43:23 No.8341417
    I don't particularly WANT a girlfriend. It's not like I'd completely ignore a girl who I could get into a relationship with (I actually have a date on Friday anyways) but I don't actively pursue every girl I see just because "hurr no girlfriend o so ronery ;_;". Fuck that.

    Besides, I'd be willing to bet alot of money that I've had sex with more women than you have.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:44:28 No.8341428

    You silly troll, you don't even anything
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:44:34 No.8341430

    No he would not. Where the hell do you even get this from, or did you just pull it out of your ass so you can feel like some sort of special snowflake victim?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:45:07 No.8341442
    >marriage is an artificial misogynist institution to begin with

    in during liberals trying to fix liberal problems by heaping more liberalism on top.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:45:32 No.8341451
    Why go to college if you are going to be stuck working with a bunch of women when you graduate. Fucking soap opera, day in day out.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:45:51 No.8341457

    Its true though.

    Men invent marriage so that way they have a way of making sure a woman stays loyal to a guy (in order to ensure paternity).

    Apparently this is what makes "men men".

    Nowadays women do leave marriage more and are in general much more unhappy in marriage.

    And you baww and say its womens fault?

    Bullshit. Marriage itself is artificial.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:46:06 No.8341460
    >22-34 still living at home...

    Thank you student loans
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:46:53 No.8341472

    This is a huge factor, yeah. All my friends (including me) are kids from divorce. Seems like everyone's parents have been divorced, sometimes more than once.

    And our girlfriends wonder why we aren't too keen on marriage. WE HAVE SEEN 100% OF MARRIAGES END IN DIVORCE
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:47:28 No.8341489
    not reading this shit from a guy who is obviously operating from an outmoded, mythical, pseudoscientific idea of masculinity judging from the title of his other book (yes i am judging a book by its cover)

    does he go into how the baby boomers completely fucked up america with their narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, spoiled-brat horseshit?

    i do have an anti-video game stance, but probably not for the same reasons as this psychologist dickhead and anyway i doubt he has anything new or interesting to say about the issue

    i also don't even remotely buy the idea that there is a problem with motivation and ambition in this generation especially among males. quite the contrary, this generation seems OBSESSED with it. of course he's old and as a psychologist i assume has mostly seen fucked up kids, so he wouldn't know that. (fuck the stats, more dudes living at home in their 20s and less dudes in school don't necessarily mean anything.)
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:48:43 No.8341514
    but women do excel in an environment of arbitrary social norms and a false sense of structure.
    not shure if your a troll or if youve just never been in a relationship. Probably troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:48:59 No.8341519
    >>8341400 But seriously, marriage is an artificial misogynist institution to begin with. You can't become men by exploiting and trying to force ownership of women sorry.

    >Implying the only reason marriage still exists isn't because women pressure men into it so that they can get their hands on the man's money.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:49:47 No.8341537
    About adults living with their parents.

    I know Americans think that once you turn 18, you're out the house otherwise you are a loser for life.

    It's getting that way in Britain although it's quite difficult to move out considering the house prices over here. Rent isn't much better either. You need a really well paying job to pull it off. The average young adult cannot afford to move out and take care of themselves even if they resort to eating student food.

    I know a lot of people my age (21) who still live with their parents. Older people (30 somethings) I've known struggle to live in the smallest flats with roommates.

    There's less of a social stigma here if you live with your parents but you still feel bad about it.

    Saying that I really want to move out but I'm unemployed at the moment. I only have two hours to jack off each day.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:50:11 No.8341543

    This ruined my brother, as his mother is a piece of shiiiiit.

    Among other things anyway.

    ya know uh all the people who are fuck ups could just stop fucking up? It's not hard to get the fuck out of bed

    just gotta get out of the loser mindset
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:53:03 No.8341582
    >Implying marriage isn't about love
    >Implying your materialistic, war-like vision of human interaction is anything like how most people treat each other
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:53:23 No.8341587
    Humans are biologically monogamous, how else can you explain the nifty little chemical soup thats stiring around in the brains of newly weds for the first few years of marriage. Or how about the fact that when a couple is expecting a child/has a newborn the same hormones that cause women to get all gushy and cuddly can be found in men just in smaller doses.

    Marriage is artificial but int he same way that society is artificial, and language is artificial.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:53:31 No.8341588
    >but women do excel in an environment of arbitrary social norms and a false sense of structure.

    Look at these words that mean nothing and have nothing backing them up.

    >not shure if your a troll or if youve just never been in a relationship. Probably troll.

    I've been in a ton of relationships. Facts are facts. See >>8341457.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:53:50 No.8341596
    >woman makes a accusation of rape

    >man cries rape
    >"lol what are you a fag?"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:54:20 No.8341608
    if rent's too much maybe people should consider living somewhere more affordable and "boring" instead of London or whatever? of course i'm talking out of my ass and have never been to the UK, but i know that in the US, everyone wants to live in NYC, SF, etc, places where it's expensive even to live in a lot of ungentrified semi-ghetto neighborhoods.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:55:30 No.8341630

    >Meaningless greentext in lieu of an actual argument.


    Society and language are in our ape like brethren, and have been around since the earliest times). Monogamy might be perfectly natural for some people (unnatural for others), but MARRIAGE is not. MARRIAGE is just attempts at ownership of women. It is a worthless misogynist institution.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:55:52 No.8341636
    >durrrrrr libruls

    Stay in /new/.
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)21:55:57 No.8341638
    >i dont understand words therefore they have no meaning.

    Girls are more social minded than boys. Theyd probably be less likely to exhibit the kind of angst that I detailed in >>8341296 (althought thats just based on my own personal experience.)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:56:21 No.8341647

    Look more bullshit with nothing there to back it up.

    Yeah, I'm sure all the men crying rape at the catholic church are being called fags.

    No you are just a child who wants to feel like a victim.
    >> OP 04/11/10(Sun)21:56:55 No.8341661
    Generational differences
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:58:32 No.8341680

    >Girls are more social minded than boys. Theyd probably be less likely to exhibit the kind of angst that I detailed in >>8341296 (althought thats just based on my own personal experience.)

    Girls are socially different, but you can't be more or less "socially minded". Define "socially minded" even for one second. And why would this mean girls "excel in an environment of arbitrary social norms" because thats exactly what tears girls apart.

    Your angst is a bit over the top and self-pitying and it sounds EXACTLY like the sort of thing an emo 14 year old girl would write. I have no idea what you are talking about or what you would base it on.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:58:41 No.8341682
    If a man cries rape, a woman can cry rape right back at them.

    The woman wins straight away. There are also so many false rape accusations that ruins a person's life.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:59:04 No.8341690

    I don't know about the UK but Australia sounds like that guy's description of the UK.

    My family are looking to move and A FUCKING DUMP, to rent, will cost you not very much less than a modest house.
    Shit is expensive. Too expensive for a young person also expected to get a degree to work a job his father could have had with a high school diploma (or even less).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)21:59:48 No.8341701

    Prove a single fucking statement that you made.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:01:35 No.8341733
    >nobody knows about prison rape
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:01:42 No.8341734
    Male circumcision not being illegal is sexism.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:02:27 No.8341744
    >imma white knight look at all the internet pussy im getting
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:02:34 No.8341745
    well over 50% of marriages end up in divorce.
    these numbers have skyrocketed in the last 20 years.

    significant numbers of young boys are raised by bitter single women who refuse to allow their fathers to see their boys.

    women raising emasculated vaginized young men. often times, young men who ate a fuck ton of pills in elementary, middle and high school.

    fewer men want to commit nowadays.
    fewer men want to achieve nowadays.
    congratulations America, this is your future industry, your future military, and your future family unit.

    we've spent decades calling deadbeat dads a "deadbeat dad" with no concern for the political correctness of it.

    its time we start calling deadbeat mothers out as the "deadbeat mothers" that they are.

    these studies never focus on the basics of family life. if these studies started focusing on the basic demographic measurements of children who eat pils, are raised by single women who either don't work or work minimum wage jobs, and have fathers with no criminal record but who see their children very irregularly but who do pay their child support regularly and do see their children intermittently ... I dunno ... I think if society saw the numbers then we might start re-considering whether or not all these single mothers are really as "strong" and "inspirational" as we think.

    I have a 13 year old son and I'm surrounded by all kinds of milfs at parent teacher conferences, games, etc, who dress sexy, talk smart, and have completely vaginized and dumbed-down their sons.

    I'm convinced these cunts are the reasons why our industry sucks and our military is inept.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:04:26 No.8341777
    It's still not letting me download, can somebody re-up another mirror or something? I'm really interested in reading this.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:06:23 No.8341812

    Just a few. I was trying to find one article about a girl who tried to pin rape after SHE raped him in order to get a baby. Using the baby she would get welfare. Because she didn't conceive she accused the guy of rape in order to get money out of the system. The guy got fucked over so bad, he almost got killed because of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:07:31 No.8341833
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:07:54 No.8341840

    The nuclear family is artificial to begin with. In many hunter gatherer societies, children are raised by the mother's family.

    Also why would you exclude girls from your analysis, as if girls are unaffected by divorce? You are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:08:00 No.8341843
    Sure is in here
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:08:52 No.8341857
    for a so-called "misogynistic" institution, you broads sure do tend to have a lot of hookups pre built into it.

    you marry a man, he's rich, you're poor, you leave *HIM*, and you get half of his fucking money. plus alimony.

    you marry a man, have a baby *WITH* him, and the courts by default award you with sole custody while taxing him 3 times the monthly cost of raising the child.

    misogynistic my ass. it might have been in the 30's. today, its a pretty good fuckin deal for you bitches, even better than being a stripper.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:09:43 No.8341877
    >SHE raped him
    In the US it is legally impossible for women to rape men. That's how it's defined.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:09:50 No.8341880
    hopefully it's a 350 page BITCHES AND WHORES rant.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:11:56 No.8341920
    girls are not nearly as affected by my rant.

    girls are trained at an early age to propogate the virus I articulated.

    girls are, by design, protected from claims of aspergers, autism, aggression, etc.

    boys are, by design, vulnerible to these claims, thereby vulnerible to growing up high on fancy meth-filled pills, and eventually .. vaginized and demotivated.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:12:12 No.8341924

    Whoa an anecdote of someone being negatively affected by a false accusation and two girls being put on trial for making false accusations aka perjury.

    This is not proof of anything. I did not ask for proof that sometimes people lie, I want proof that there are "so many" that "ruin a person's life". Perjury happens with almost anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:12:55 No.8341944
    I like how when this subject is approached there are always beta males that reject it.

    It's sad that you guys have been raised to see masculinity as something distasteful. Maybe you're a little bit pretty and being an effeminate hipster is working for you now; but you're FUCKED in a couple of years when women your age are looking for a man to take care of them and their future kids.

    They will too. Women fantasize about that 50s style relationship more than men.
    >> YELLOW 04/11/10(Sun)22:13:31 No.8341958

    I upped it to mediafire for you. Also, congrats on the luck 777 get
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 04/11/10(Sun)22:13:58 No.8341972
    Not true at all.

    Read statute, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:14:18 No.8341976
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:17:16 No.8342033

    -I don't get half of his money, I get half of my money and he gets the other half. Both men and women can be awarded alimony though its very rare you basically have to be a lifelong SAHM or SAHD.

    -Women tend to be awarded primary custody post marriage as they tend to be primary caretakers during marriage. SAHDs get custody more often than working mothers. In either case, a custodial parent has to work WAY harder and pay way more than a non-custodial parent, with or without child support.

    Even if the shit you wrote was true, that would just mean DIVORCE is good for women. (And even though women are poorer after a divorce, they are actually much more likely to be happy).

    Women in marriages are much more depressed, less successful, less healthy and far more likely to die a violent death. Marriage is inherently misogynist and was born of an earlier time when fathers needed to sell their daughters to husbands. It has no purpose nowadays other than the exploitation of women.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:17:37 No.8342044
    >i'm being a troll and no one can stop me
    however if not troll
    There is an obvious bias in sexual harassment laws if you do not recognize this fact, then you are invariably irrational and your argument warrants no further attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:18:23 No.8342060

    Girls are more protected from claims of autism but less protected from claims of depression or anxiety.

    You are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:18:34 No.8342066
    thanks buddy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:18:48 No.8342069

    Like I even want to have kids.


    Oh, using that rejoinder is just sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:19:12 No.8342081

    >There is an obvious bias in sexual harassment laws if you do not recognize this fact, then you are invariably irrational and your argument warrants no further attention.

    Show a single case of bias in sexual harassment laws. If it is so easy to recognize, then provide evidence that the laws are biased. Otherwise you are just making shit up so you can feel sorry for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:19:16 No.8342083
    >Women in marriages are much more depressed, less successful, less healthy and far more likely to die a violent death. Marriage is inherently misogynist and was born of an earlier time when fathers needed to sell their daughters to husbands. It has no purpose nowadays other than the exploitation of women.

    prove it, because otherwise this is just stupid feminist drivel.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:19:57 No.8342095
    Proof was provided, your argument warrants no further attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:20:13 No.8342104
    >girls are, by RATIOS, protected from claims of aspergers, autism, aggression, etc.


    Also, only statement here that makes sense.

    Gotta love nature. Something is happening. Something bad...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:20:14 No.8342105
    So i guess there is no exploittion of men through marriages?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:20:52 No.8342116
    i agree with you about marriage
    wtf are people thinking
    "baby, what we got is so great lets get the government in on it"
    why do you people some disgustingly boring ceremony to show that they care about each other?
    are we that unable to express ourselves within the context of a relationship that we need to follow some script and then pretend it means something?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:22:56 No.8342163

    Thing is, many assburgers/adhd boys end up with at least one co-morbid shit.

    Boys get autism and anxiety/depression.
    Girls get anxiety/depression.

    Shit sux bro...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:23:02 No.8342166
    regardless, the fact is, children need a strong and constant father presence in their lives just like they need a strong and constant mother presence.

    for our society and our legal system to deny that, results in slutty girls, lazy boys, crappy (and dangerou) industry/products, lousy military, and all around obesity.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:25:03 No.8342202

    >why wont he commit?
    >why hasn't he proposed to me?
    >if he really wanted to be with me we'd get married

    yup... sure is misogynistic
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:25:40 No.8342217
    i know they aren't on /r9k/, guys, but trust me, there's a portion of girls equal to the portion of guys who are ronery or possibly greater, and those girls are epically fucked up. for every tyler durden ther'es a marla singer. possibly two.

    i blame the economy and the fact that we've made it incredibly hard for a person to establish themselves well, and the sixties. yes, i think people should have equal rights and freedoms, but even though as a woman i guess i supposedly benefitted from that... i think they went way too far when girls can't just be happy doing stereotypically girly things... we all have to be buffy the vampire slayer or some shit. and guys... everyone thought they didn't need a revolution, that being a guy was perfect. it never was. both genders have their limitations of acceptable behavior. and men, generally, aren't getting to remake the image of men. first feminists remade them into the oppressors and now gay men are remaking them. i'm all for gay rights but only 10% of a population is gay, and i bet a lot of those gay males don't want to be stereotypical queens. so it sucks to be a guy. that's true. but studies have been done that suggest that it seriously sucks to be young right now in america.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:26:08 No.8342228
    Depends on the state. There is no national law. In more than half of the country, women are legally unable to rape men with the exception of statutory.

    PS. Fuck off Mirrored you retarded piece of know-nothing shit. Die of alcohol poisoning. You are literally a rapist.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:26:47 No.8342239
    lol, right?
    "if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it" is a song sung by a bitch, not a bro, bitches.

    "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" is a proverb told by bitches to bitches, not bro to bro.

    men go to college to get their MBA
    women go to college to get their MRS
    >> Derp De Doo? !7WqG0.EdOo 04/11/10(Sun)22:27:06 No.8342246
    >women are happy
    sure is opinions in here.
    Why dont you try and explain your theory as to WHY women are happier aside from "marriage is bad mkay".

    So far all you have is a thin link between two things that might be corollary and your assuming it is because it supports your worldview. Its the same logic as "When the wind blows tees sway. Trees swaying causes wind."

    Your really new to this trolling thing arent you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:27:59 No.8342262

    Read the future of marriage or look up marriage benefit imbalance. Its pretty well documented and it took a long time for sociologists to find ANY benefits for women in marriage. Its not FOR women.


    Uh, maybe. For all I know, maybe there is some crazy marriage in which the man was given away by the mother, forced into the woman's family, and works as her personal servant and caretaker for her and her children, becoming more depressed/anxious and dependent by the day. Anything is possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)22:28:50 No.8342276
    Basically, I think it just sucks to be an American.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:12:59 No.8342280

    "if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it" is a meaningless pop song. Pop music has basically nothing to do with anything. I wouldn't even try ti assume anything about Beyone's beliefs through that song.

    And that cow-milk thing is definitely a male saying. I've never met a woman who would say it and it's the most misogynist shit even imaginable. Like a fucking woman is livestock and she needs to be bought because the reason she is valued is because of the sex fjdkfjksdlfjkdlsjeionfsdfnksefn.

    No thats some malefag shit right there.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:13:28 No.8342284
    Georgia: A) A person commits the offense of rape when he has carnal knowledge of: (1) A female forcibly and against her will; or 2) A female who is less than 10.
    Idaho: Rape is defined as the penetration, however slight, of the oral, anal or vaginal opening with the perpetrator's penis accomplished with a female under...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:13:33 No.8342285

    This is wrong. Name a single state where women can't rape. At the very least women can rape you up the ass with a fucking beer bottle.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:13:47 No.8342288
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:15:55 No.8342310

    Thats fucking crazy so I guess I could just shove a beer bottle up some guys ass and break it off....even male on male is not rape what is it?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:17:16 No.8342325

    Who the fuck are you even quoting here?

    But I like that you brought that up--men initiate marriage 9 times out of 10 and almost always put women on the spot. Its damn hard for a woman to turn down a marriage proposal without looking like a bitch.

    And then men wonder why women are far more dissatisfied with their marriages and are far more likely to initiate divorce and never look back.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:18:02 No.8342333

    They don't need a strong father presence, IIRC kids raised by lesbians are just as healthy/happy as kids raised by homos you are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:19:05 No.8342343
    I think I'll take responsibility for my own shit. Blame myself for my failures, and be much more proud of my success because of that independence. Fuck that book- everything in the environment can influence a person, but it's the person who decides what they do with their life.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:19:23 No.8342349

    Marriage is legal buttrape. Enough said.
    Fuck that getting married shit, and fuck that "oh you're just afraid of commitment." No, I'm afraid of getting screwed by the legal system, big difference.
    >> sage 04/11/10(Sun)23:20:27 No.8342364
    lol i still believe tech schools (at least the elite private ones) are still almost all male - especially at the phd level. i've taken grad courses across multiple programs (pure math, applied math, stats, econ, finance, cs, and ece) and i'm currently in a cs phd program. one class has no females. the program itself has around <20% females.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:20:42 No.8342367

    If there ever was a female version of the ronery neckbeards around here, this is it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:22:04 No.8342385
    Decides on the basis on the experience he/she derived from the enviroment.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:22:25 No.8342391

    If she doesn't want to get married how is that the guy's fault? It's not her fault either mind you, but that's just stupid, getting married just because it's on the spot? What if its in private? Also where are you getting that 9/10 statistic from? I call bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:23:35 No.8342402

    Except I'm not ronery and I don't have a neckbead. Wtf.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:24:37 No.8342412
    >if everyone just majored in comp sci, engineering, or anything non-liberal arts this problem would go away! I'm totally not going to have my life shattered when I graduate, and attempt to get a job and find out there's million other tards like me!
    >anecdotal evidence disproves anything!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:25:07 No.8342417

    Its a generalization. What do you hear about more, men initiating marriage/proposing or women initiating marriage/proposing?

    You would think guys would make damn well sure that a woman wanted to get married before proposing and by talking about it intelligently, but a lot of them don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:25:48 No.8342428
    Book says that boys hate school because they're sent there when they're under-developed for it.
    And boys like what other boys think of them (fags)
    Girls like what their superior thinks of them (ass kissers)

    And that children are spending too much time inside, so they don't get to "know" the world by their senses, and only do so in a "google says" way.

    all that up to page 31.
    >> sage 04/11/10(Sun)23:27:35 No.8342449
    because the unemployment rate for cs phds from to programs is really high right? lols
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:27:49 No.8342452
    This entire thread is people spouting opinions about the content of a book they haven't even read.

    Jesus christ, grade a PH.D thesis on it's abstract?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:28:02 No.8342456
    I'm in California and looking at the admissions of the UC schools. Every year, the average stats of students admitted have increasingly have grown much higher every year. You must work much harder now than you would have had to 10 years ago. Competition between students is much higher.

    I don't know what this article is talking about, kids are caring more about their education these days
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:29:43 No.8342477
    You show the same qualities of someone who does / is.
    aka the typical r9k dweller
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:30:30 No.8342490
         File1271043030.jpg-(58 KB, 654x980, I'm A Marla.jpg)
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    >for every tyler durden ther'es a marla singer. possibly two.

    Marla got as much dick as she pleased. She preferred her dildo to most people around her; they were just there for her amusement.

    The narrator had to go COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE for a woman to want him. All Marla had to do was decide the ubermensch Tyler was good enough for her and spread her legs.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:30:38 No.8342493

    So what, just cause the woman can't say how she honestly feels about it, its automatically "BAWWW ITS MEN'S FAULT BAWWWW"?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:30:49 No.8342494
    I go to a UC. The students that made it in aren't that intelligent, they just got lucky, played the system, straight-up cheated, or "networked" (nepotism)

    And I'm not talking about affirmative action. The UCs don't work that way. Less than 3% of the student body is black.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:32:05 No.8342508
    >You would think guys would make damn well sure that a woman wanted to get married before proposing and by talking about it intelligently, but a lot of them don't.

    Please expand on this. Talking about it how? You sound as if the man randomly wakes up one day and goes "HEY LETS GET MARRIED HURRRRR"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:33:00 No.8342522
    Because for the last 20 years pop culture and the media cared about girls and women while ignoring the boys. This was a mistake that started a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:33:47 No.8342528
    After a quick google it turns out that the so called "marriage benefit imbalance" is a 40 year old concept that most modern sociologist consider obsolete and outright wrong. further more it seems that more modern studies show that marriage (or life long monogamous relationships) is physically and emotionally (and very likely financially) beneficial for BOTH partners.

    Like I said, feminist drivel.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:35:42 No.8342564
    Like The Who say...

    "Well a young man, ain't got nothin in the world these days..."

    Young Man Blues... I gots em :(
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:36:14 No.8342573
    Relative oldfag child of the 80s here.

    The media cared about selling boys and girls alike stupid shitty transforming plastic toys and action figures/dolls, respectively. The 80s were conservative and gendernormative as fuck. For every boy george there was He-Man, Hulk Hogan, Schwarznegger, Stallone, GI Joe, Ultimate Warrior.

    In short, you are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:36:20 No.8342576
    I read the two chapters that most interested me: video games (as a cause of boys' problems) and the changed definition of manhood.

    The tl;dr version is essentially that video games artificially fill many boys' competitive needs and the need to shape or control their environment, and that the traditional male role has rapidly and dramatically changed over the past 30 years. If you can be important (albeit in a virtual world) and still manage to get laid (because sex and marriage are now entirely separate entities), why bother to chase a career the way your father's father did?

    I guess whether or not you think this is a bad thing depends on whether or not you care about society's long-term health. As a 24-year-old man-child who loves video games, works a shitty job, and still manages to get laid, I don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:37:20 No.8342593

    Any other time, females read way too much into something, in an argument like this they literally read what is written. WTF
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:38:43 No.8342621
    >I guess whether or not you think this is a bad thing depends on whether or not you care about society's long-term health. As a 24-year-old man-child who loves video games, works a shitty job, and still manages to get laid, I don't really care.

    Neither do I. in b4 bunch of feminist say men will eventually kill society. boo hoo
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:39:14 No.8342627


    (before the horde attacks again)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:39:40 No.8342635

    20 years ago it was the 90's
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:39:44 No.8342637

    Like what? What typical qualities do I even show?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:40:31 No.8342649
    I notice a lot of you guys are buying into what are clearly gender normative notions of what masculinity is like.

    Hint: You don't have to powerlevel a number-of-pussies-fucked counter make big bucks to validate yourself as a male.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:41:45 No.8342670
    book says:
    fourth grade boys are doing slightly better in reading and writting today than they did 20 years ago (statistically)
    fourth grade girls are doing better than boys.

    twelfth grade boys are doing worse in reading and writting than they did 20 years ago.
    twelfth grade girls are doing somewhat better in reading and writting than they did 20 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:41:57 No.8342678

    Thats what happened to me. My ex-bf wrapped up an engagement ring and put it in with my birthday presents.

    It was pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:42:09 No.8342683
    Women getting custody of a kid makes perfect sense. At least it would a few decades ago.

    In the far distant past...of the 1930s men went to work to bring home bread for the family. Women stayed at home to take care of the kids. Now that women are getting job and these jobs used to be men only jobs.

    Now I'm not saying we go back to the past and keep the wifeys home but rather adapt so a male child can see their father equally as much as he sees his mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:42:38 No.8342693
    what the fuck ever. you're a bitter sexist cunt. you fucking misandryst.

    why don't you fuck off out of here, and go stuff your shaved head into another hairy snatch, you fucking whore.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:43:29 No.8342707

    This is bullshit I grew up during 90s I think the only show which actually starred a girl was Eliza Thornberry show. All the rest were about guys. Almost everything treats male as the norm while ghettoizing female experiences.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:44:05 No.8342714

    That would require men making equal sacrifices from their jobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:44:52 No.8342724

    Typical neckbeard: bawww *topic* is women's fault, all women are whores.
    You: bawww men are controlling and abusive bawww
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:46:35 No.8342749
    Sabrina the teenage witch was retardedly popular.
    so was that um .. wtf .. show about 3 sisters who were witches.

    so was Ally McBeal.

    fuck forget this, I'm trolled or your a moron
    >> The Ubermensch formally known as the Young Bill Clinton 04/11/10(Sun)23:47:21 No.8342761
    Bullshit. I fap plenty, and am a glowing beacon of personal ambition.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:47:42 No.8342769

    Misogyny: evil asshole, get the torches, cut his balls off, will die lonely, make fun of his penis, social skills etc.
    Misandry: GURL POWARRRR, it's totally cool, no it's about "equality"

    in b4 some shit about me being bitter or neglected or some shit. Seriously, try me, trolls too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:48:29 No.8342787
    book says,
    most of the problems are because people fucked everything since about 30 years to now.

    THANK YOU 80s. I knew you sucked, but I never knew how much.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:49:14 No.8342798
    Sabrina the Teenage Witch?

    Family Matters where Steve Urkel (definitely not the norm) was madly in love with Laura Winslow, and eventually she accepts his love, making her look like the sweetheart while Steve was still the weirdo nerd.

    Full House? most of the episodes revolved around the females of the house on way or another.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:51:02 No.8342830
    The 80's produced me. Best decade ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:53:01 No.8342870
         File1271044381.jpg-(30 KB, 444x242, manlylogo.jpg)
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    NONE of you are interested in being men. You just want to lay blame on women to excuse your failures because feminist thought may or may not have been major contributing factors.

    It doesn't fucking matter who caused it. At the end of the day you are sitting on your arse and whining about it - like a woman.

    Keep it to yourself, find some sympathetic and motivated bros, decide what it means to be a man and make that your goal.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:53:24 No.8342879

    I never said men were controlling or abusive though. I just pointed out that marriage was artificial and misogynist.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:54:23 No.8342900
    >in many hunter gatherer societies
    too bad we dont live in those...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:54:49 No.8342909

    ??? Ok so thats approx one show. Full House was split, and Family Matters was in no way a female show because the female played the love interest and a female love interest falling in love with a nerd is misogynist bullshit which teachers a generation of nerds to be entitled, like a girl owes them her time or affections.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:56:10 No.8342945
    for me, being a man is about being pretty and delicate like a small flower.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:58:10 No.8342980
    It's the "I'm special, so I don't need school" mentality. simple answer
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:58:38 No.8342987
    Males invent marriage in order to make women their property. A virgin bride is given by her father to her husband along with a dowry blah blah bah. Married women are more depressed than single women, and in many societies have decreased freedoms.

    But this doesn't make misogynist! No it actually BENEFITS women because Beyonce's hit song "put a ring on it". And oh yeah when women get divorced they get a whopping HALF of their own shit. Women who divorce are bad! Never mind that marriage is bullshit in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:00:16 No.8343014
    Who is that? I wish I could wake up and look just like her.
    c'est la vie.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:01:57 No.8343054
    >overprescription of ADHD drugs
    My ADHD medicine has been shown to improve scores on tests of analytical skill even if the subject doesn't have ADHD.
    >> joey bishop !CK5WZVMslk 04/12/10(Mon)00:01:58 No.8343055
    >of their own shit
    lol fast and loose with words, eh?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:02:28 No.8343066

    No, it makes the woman the better person for being able to look past his looks. While Urkel's affection was "love at first sight".
    Ally McBeal

    What about Carl Winslow the cop? On the job he was a man, but at home his wife Harriette was the shot caller.

    mentioned Ally McBeal.

    what about Dawson's Creek, dont tell me that show was made for men.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:05:08 No.8343105

    And all that shit about "women should love you for who you are on the inside" is a crock of shit and is there to pander to men.

    Furthermore, you are naming single shows. The exceptions, not the rule for the VAST majority of television.

    Basically you are arguing that since sparse programming for women existed, that means the 90s pandered to women and forgot about men.

    Basically you are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:06:16 No.8343127

    What the fuck do you even mean? Women get have of their shit, men get half of their shit.

    Men bitch because they think half is too unfair, if they own the woman they should get her share as well.

    Only some men not all.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:07:50 No.8343151

    People are just afraid of ADHD. They like to pretend its a giant conspiracy to kill childhood.
    >> joey bishop !CK5WZVMslk 04/12/10(Mon)00:10:21 No.8343197
    lol no. In community property states, at least, you are each entitled to half of what was made by both parties after the marriage. Since the man made it all, you are taking half of his shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:14:32 No.8343281

    Except "the man" didn't make it all. Hell even if you live in some bizarro 1920s household where a man works outside the home and woman stays home doing all his busywork and raising his kids, you can't say the man made it all. You're just a retarded baby who thinks he's entitled to a bigger slice of the woman's property.
    >> joey bishop !CK5WZVMslk 04/12/10(Mon)00:15:48 No.8343298
    So, while you were engaged, it was all his, yet the moment you are married, it becomes "your" shit?

    fast and loose with words, like I said.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:17:19 No.8343322
    here comes the comment made by some feminist cunt that they "deserve" half because the women were "supportive"..

    made by unsupportive sexist cunts
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:17:33 No.8343327

    Thanks OP this book looks very relevant to my interests

    +1 internets for you
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:17:53 No.8343333
    >The Manly Man loves cars

    I fucking hare cars, are guns a good compensation?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:18:15 No.8343338

    Don't know if troll?

    If the man bought the stuff with the money he earned, in an ideal world, he keeps it.

    The Woman got food, shelter and all that. She was not uncompensated.

    Fuck bitches.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:18:23 No.8343339
    >>8343322 here.

    >>8343281 yep, there it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:19:09 No.8343352
    book says,
    when a woman is told that she's good at something, she improves in that something.
    When a woman is told that she's bad at something, she does worse in that something.

    boys aren't like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:19:32 No.8343357
    when ever i had a question, my mom would say 'google it'.
    we didnt have any form of safe blocks on the puter, and i learned lots of things.

    tru stroy blocks
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:20:28 No.8343370

    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:22:30 No.8343395
    advice from a concerned femanon: When you approach me in public, you are Schrodinger's Rapist. You may or may not be a man who would commit rape. I won't know for sure unless you start sexually assaulting me. I can't see inside your head, and I don't know your intentions. If you expect me to trust you--to accept at face value as a nice sort of guy--you are not only failing to respect my reasonable caution, you are being cavalier about my personal safety.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:22:42 No.8343397
    Build the girls up, break the boys down -- a woman coach who had teams of boys and girls.

    I think it is accurate, I know so many guys who are like "oh, pss, I can do that while fapping in the snow and my eyes blindfoiled. Do not bother.", and when in fact, have to prove it, fail hard and fast.

    Women usually just don't brag that much. I haven't had the chance to test that one, I'll have to test it later.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:24:11 No.8343415
    Ok, I'm not sure what this is relating to, but I sort of agree. Save for the fact that there isn't as much of a chance that I am a rapist as there is that I am not a rapist. not even close.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:25:19 No.8343432
    I live with my parents at 20, because even though I could afford to live on my own, I would end up with nothing in savings and no free time.

    I go to community college instead of university to save money, and because I did not feel prepared emotionally or physically to move out.

    I was bullied in school and became an introvert with nervous tics. I've never had a girlfriend and I don't have any good friends at all. I've had acne since age 14, and this has basically crippled me socially. I'm starting Accutane soon hopefully and trying to turn this around, but it seems pretty hopeless at this point.

    That's why I suck at life. Not because of ADHD drugs or divorce. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:25:39 No.8343440
    Thing is it's not socially acceptable to be a male housewife.
    I don't know if you follow.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:26:26 No.8343451

    Yes, when you marry all her shit is yours and all your shit is hers. That is what marriage IS you retard. Its not an excuse for you to stuff your fat neckbeard face with some white cake.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:27:32 No.8343474

    Another reason I won't get married.

    >inb4 insults relating to incompetence with the opposite sex or social ability
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:27:48 No.8343479
    how many guyanons here actually like competition ?
    >> Anonymous !HLG97Xd1wM 04/12/10(Mon)00:28:29 No.8343488
    >boys failing?

    Cool makes it easier for me and makes me look good
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:28:46 No.8343495

    Prove it.


    LOL. Slaves are compensated with food and shelter. What the fuck is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:30:13 No.8343517
    fair enough but I'm not sure what rape has to do with this.

    actually .. advice from a concerned bro-anon.
    when you decide to hold me, to move in, to "commit", to hold me, to tell me you love me ..

    you are Schrodinger's Scandalous Bitch.

    you could be everything I want you to be.
    or you could be an insane sexist cunt using her vagina as a weapon to take my money and my children and my home and my place in society out of spite and greed.

    even after you say thousands of loving, sincere things .. just like the bro hitting you up at that party still makes you, as a chick, worry about rape ..

    9 months or even 9 years after a bro has "committed" to you, we're still scared you're going to fuck us.

    thats why we're so hesitant to commit, or to propose.
    thats why we cheat. at the end of the day, thats why so many of us cheat.

    you want a nicer more pleasant outlook on things, help a bro out bitches.

    we ostracize rapists, we beat their asses.

    fucking ... start ostracizing and hating on sexist money grubbing scandalous traitorous bitches who use men for revenue generating baby makers then throw them away.

    cunts like that are bad for society, bad for family, and at the end of the day bad for you
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:31:12 No.8343529
    LOL its bad for women to get half of the shit, except men get half too but no one says boo about that. How entitled can you get.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:31:42 No.8343538
    Ally McBeal won 3 Emmys, 3 Golden Globes, 2 Screen Actors Guilds, and a Peabody Award

    Dawsons Creek was nominated for 14 awards

    Sabrina the Teenage Witch was also nominated for many awards and won a few.

    the thing about "women should love you for who you are on the inside" is not a crock of shit, everybody should love someone for who they are not what they look like who they are.

    I am naming some of the most successful TV shows of the 90's. Yes, I can say that there are also many TV shows that catered heavily to men but 40 years ago it was catered only for men relative to what we saw in the 90's.

    The roles of men and women have changed very much and to me it seems like the roles of women can now also extend to traditional men's roles with encouragement while the vice versa isn't.

    I also don't go into name calling.

    I also don't go into name calling.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:31:44 No.8343539
    Another important point: you must be aware of what signals you are sending by your appearance and the environmet. We are going to be paying close attention to your appearance and behavior and matching those signs to our idea of a threat. This means that some men should never approach strange women in public. Specifically, if you have truly unusually standards of personal cleanliness, if you are the prophet of your own religion, or your clothes aren't quite modern, fashionable, or coincide with whatever crowd you're prefer to hang with.

    Is your hair not cut to an appropriate length and maintained in a normative style? NOT A GOOD CHOICE--not in general, and definitely not when approaching a strange woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:32:07 No.8343548
    ITT: hicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:32:10 No.8343551
    Prove what? are you dense?

    It's not socially acceptable, how much assburguers do you need to doubt about it?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:32:43 No.8343559
    I LOL everytime I see this copy-pasta
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:32:47 No.8343562

    How is social acceptability relevant?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:33:06 No.8343570
    Boys aren't achieving in school because more and more of them are realizing that your high school transcript doesn't mean shit when you're looking for a job. Also, the professional jobs that require a college education just aren't there when they get out.

    Why spend 50 grand on an expensive education when you know that you're gonna wind up working at a job that's pretty much completely unrelated to your degree when you get out?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:34:26 No.8343594
    Ask the judge.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:37:13 No.8343647
    Ahem...I blame the Jews.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:37:24 No.8343649

    Uh, I need some actual evidence. The only people who say this are loser neckbeards who judge everyone and project that onto everyone else.

    Its tough to be a SAHD, its tough to be a SAHM. Its not "unacceptable" or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:37:36 No.8343655
    this is an incredibly important observation.

    the author measured humanity over a 20 year period.
    I'm sorry, not to get too much into the retarded antics of George Bush, Alan Greenspan and Ronald Reagan .. but shit sucks right now. its just *barely* starting to get better.

    why spend tens even hundreds of thousands on a degree to go get a job .... that could easily be outsourced within weeks after you graduate?

    jobs are scarce, even nonexistent, for young (very young) 20-somethings, and dorms are expensive as fuck and so's college. and have been since about 1-2 years after 9/11. both in the US and in England.

    so the fact that the author found lots of young 20-somethings living in their parents basement .. well .. is it representative of lazy bro's? or representative of a shitty economy with nothing to offer (the "no future" that the Sex Pistols spoke of) ?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:41:48 No.8343730
    We really need to rethink that stigma about living with your parents when the cost of real estate is so ludicrously prohibitive.

    I don't know why the fuck they expect students to get some real learning done and hold down a job that's worth a shit at the same time.

    If I can work while studying, I'm not studying hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:45:30 No.8343792
    This book is so full of shit.

    The reason that I'm living at home with no fucking money and no job is the simple fact that I can't even find yard work by pimping myself out on craigslist. Nobody has the spare cash to pay for this stuff. Nobody is hiring, most businesses are barely able to keep from going under, and I hate school anyway.

    Both my parents are unemployed, and we're hoping that somebody kills Jim Bunning and his partner in crime before we lose our unemployment benefits and end up on the street.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:45:39 No.8343797

    in fact, in many countries the children stay with the parents until they're fully ready to live on their own. the us is one of the few top nations so readily to send their kids out of the family unprepared.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:47:11 No.8343824
    that's funny, YOU sound like a "loser neckbeard", your perception of the social norms is deplorable.

    hurr durr prove that is not acceptable to eat your own shit on the dinning table hurr durr

    YOU CAN'T, it's implicit.
    Do you know what that word means?
    You should.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:54:00 No.8343957
    You implied it.
    "put on the spot" and all.
    As if he basically forced you to marry him and you had no choice.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:55:31 No.8343989
    I got into a pages-long argument with a self-described feminist who argued that an aversion to menstrual fluids was patriarchal. Never mind that it's the same kind of aversion to the body's wastes as shit, piss, dick cheese, vomit, acne pus, and phlegm. As an enlightened, egalitarian, attractive, sociable individual, you should have no qualms with consuming menstrual fluid while lovemaking and if you did then you were a flawed individual. At the end she literally accused me of rape despite being some internet stranger on the opposite of the continent.

    She does art with her menstrual fluid and shares it on deviantart.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:56:17 No.8343999
    ITT: Bitter feminazi tries to argue with the collective that is r9k...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:56:20 No.8344000
    Masturbation can lead to decreased interest in forming relationships? Sounds like I've been putting my hand to good use this whole time.

    Fuck other people.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:57:53 No.8344027
    >Fuck other people.
    Alright, I will...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:59:05 No.8344050

    Sir, I need a link
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:59:22 No.8344053
    >OP posts link to an interesting and controversial book
    >somehow this became a "WOMEN ARE WHORES" shitfest
    >very few people in this thread have read the book

    Never change /r9k/, never change.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:00:36 No.8344071
    >I'm being deliberately dense on the internet!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:00:46 No.8344077
    Her account got pulled but it used to be
    Do a google image search for "menstrual megaman", she's kinda infamous for that.
    >> $$$$$$ !3I4SJbCh8M 04/12/10(Mon)01:01:40 No.8344097

    tl;dr: don't fucking get married. Got it anons...

    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:01:43 No.8344098
    Relax, bro, it was obviously a one-off joke. Hurr.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:02:15 No.8344111
    hold on let me ask my fiance.
    "hey babe, would you be down to eat period?"

    interestingly enough .. she said "I wouldn't eat anybody else's but I'd eat my own. I mean, I know what it tastes like.."

    how does she know what her period tastes like???

    not sure I wanna know this one.

    I was going to make ajoke that my female fiance must be patriarchal.

    now I'm just ..
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:02:41 No.8344121
    wtf, what about all that shit that men shouldn't judge a woman only on looks? I assume that's ok then since it panders to women right? Equality my ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:03:18 No.8344139
    This book is interesting but dammit I hate how doctors suck at writing. His prose-style isn't much beyond entry-level and it hurts my brain. I've been spoiled by Hawthorne.

    Still interesting though.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:04:26 No.8344159
    Meh. I'm bisexual and I like to crossdress. I do manly things too, but I like girly things as well.

    I find the equalization of gender roles to be an amazing step in the right direction for utopia. My utopia at least. I dislike the constant pressure to be the breadwinner and the MANLIEST MAN WHO EVER MANNED.

    I'd much rather prefer to be a househusband (Or a housewife in the unlikely scenario where I decide get SRS down the pike)

    My current girlfriend, the love of my life, is the same way as I am. We switch who wears the pants and who wears the miniskirt often. It feels so good to cuddle into someone's arms like a vulnerable little child and be held.

    Honestly, if my gf broke my heart, I might just date men from then on.

    Fuck gender roles. I wanna live the way I wanna live.
    >> somewhat related Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:11:13 No.8344277
    Fewer are going to college because fewer went to college to begin with. In the US women, in general, women need higher degrees to be able to make decent money and men don't (ie Heavy Equipment Operators, Airconditioning Repairmen, Elevator Repairmen, Welders, Surveyors, Construction Worker/Contractors, High-end sales etc etc).

    Men can earn well into the 6 figures with just a high school diploma or some specialized training that doesn't necessarily take the 4 to 8 years that most undergrad/grad degrees require.

    Women need more training/education to earn (many times) less than a man. It's not surprising to me that men in general don't pursue degrees as often as women for this reason.

    Now, times are a changin', as they say and those well-paying 'hard labor' jobs are not as prevalent, or pay as well and, well, we all know the economy has been in a slump for years so perhaps men should be going for degrees now, just like women have and do.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:13:02 No.8344308
    The vast majority of the posters in this thread have no fucking idea how much their MORE MANLY = BETTER THAN thinking is just indoctrination. Look at the body dysmorphic weirdos who post in /fit/. If it's acceptable to transform yourself into a behemoth wall of muscles through 'roids and bizarre exercise regimens then it should be just as acceptable to turn yourself into a feminine woman through 'mones, surgery, and electrolysis.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:15:32 No.8344351
    Is this the same asshole who wrote the book on everyone being too "childish" these days? The whole "extended adolescence" complaint - "They aren't getting into a dead end job despite the fact the economy is in the shitter, they aren't getting married and having 2.5 children, MY GOD THEIR ALL FAILURES". alarmist bullshit from baby boomers that fucked the world over and now are worried they won't be taken care of in their old age.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:15:43 No.8344355
    acutally more men are in college than 30 years ago its just that women now outnumber men.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:19:49 No.8344429
    And how.

    I can act however I want, love whomever I want. Fuck it man, it's my life to live. "Feminization" of men is simply an alarmist term used to make Religious people and homophobes shit their pants.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:21:41 No.8344460
    ITT: the baby boomers freak out after they realize all the awful shit they pulled over the years is coming back to haunt them.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:22:08 No.8344467

    Being put on the spot is different from being forced is different from being controlling/abusive.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:27:30 No.8344540
    I have yet to meet a woman who proposed to a man. Women will wait decades waiting for a man to propose. They never take the initiative and do it themselves. They don't buy the engagement ring. They don't take the guy out to dinner and get on one knee and propose on the balcony. It's a masculine thing. So there's really no way to get married unless the guy "PUTS HER ON THE SPOT". It's kind of the fucking point you dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:31:02 No.8344589
    It pisses my baby boomer dad off that I'm going for a non-sciences degree, not going into manual labor/city job and that I'm not a stereotypical guido-esque douchebag.

    Fuck the past. This is the 21st fucking century. We are the future. Not them.

    If I told him I was bisexual as well, he'd disown me.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:31:08 No.8344593

    lol or MAYBE women don't want your fucking marriage to begin with you retard.

    In before "B-b-b-b-b-b-but what about Beyonces hit song?"

    Try talking to a girl to see if she even wants to get married first, and have you BOTH decide. God forbid!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:31:14 No.8344595

    Exactly, I've known girls who have said that if the guy doesn't propose then they will wait or that is just wasn't meant to be.

    A huge stigma exists around a woman proposing marriage. Used to be around dating/relationships as well, thank god that has pretty much changed.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:32:33 No.8344620

    I like it when a bunch of baby boomers die. Makes me feel good :)
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:33:56 No.8344638
    The book is full of shit and irrevelent.

    I bet it's written by a baby boomer who claims GTA makes kids steal cars.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:35:37 No.8344665
    The girl will, more often than not, look at the guy as a faggot if he sits her down and details his marriage proposal idea. Most want a dramatic overture of a proposal, leaving them speechless, with the clapping and the "OoooH! Ahhh! Look at that rang grrrrrrl!!!"
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:35:56 No.8344670
    I think it may the abundance pf choices that is the actual problem. Too many thing to pick too many ways to go wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:36:37 No.8344684
    Anytime an author has a Ph.D I know it's an arm chair theorist who has no REAL GRASP of reality.

    Shove your academia data up your fucking asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:36:46 No.8344687
    The second chapter and intense reliance on video games as a boogyman is asinine. The spurious conclusions drawn are in general enough to discredit much of what this guy says.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:38:39 No.8344715

    lol look at how stupid and fucking wrong you are. You have no idea. Please tell me you are a male.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:40:08 No.8344736
    The Ph.D faggot didn't even have video games growing up.

    "Those who do, do. Those who can't, teach"

    Go back to fucking campus prof, and eat some dicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:40:09 No.8344737
    I want gender roles to be equal. Like really equal, not this contrived Women's Lib feminazi bullshit that makes women believe that they deserve everything and that men are dogs.

    Nor this culture of "PUAs" clutching "The Game" like it's the goddamn bible, playing dumb club hoes like they're hacking a computer. Also, trying desperately to re-establish the patriarchy.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:42:04 No.8344766
    femanon here. Explaining that you're going to propose is like explaining a joke. If you have to do that, it's lost it's spark.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:45:25 No.8344811
    Alarmist bullshit is all I have to say after reading this.

    The author basically envisions a future where women will be superior and in dominant power while men will assume a more passive state and will only be recognized for their genitals and reproduction ability

    Same type of drivel as that kids book, "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them.".
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:45:45 No.8344817
    Someone sure is butt-hurt about their lack of education.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:49:10 No.8344862
    >a future where women will be superior and in dominant power while men will assume a more passive state and will only be recognized for their genitals and reproduction ability

    Ya know, that would make an interesting discussion for another thread. What would it be like if the world really did start to become woman dominant with men relegated to reproduction and second class status.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:49:15 No.8344863
    >a future where women will be superior and in dominant power while men will assume a more passive state and will only be recognized for their genitals and reproduction ability

    Sounds kinda kinky.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:50:17 No.8344879
    Interesting book. A lot of what he's said so far has resonated with my own experience. I don't see how it's alarmist in any way. Where's the alarmism? Seems pretty detached to me.

    Fuck there are a lotta faggots in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:50:34 No.8344882
    It sounds like bad S&M fan fiction.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:51:30 No.8344900
    No, she wouldn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:52:06 No.8344908
    i've never read a thread filled with more misguided, stupid opinion in my life. i mean, most of what is written is repeated ad nauseum on r9k but 100+ thread filled with so much shit...
    makes me wonder about what the kind of morons out there who i interact with everyday.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:52:54 No.8344918
    Shit book; don't recommend anyone reading it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:53:30 No.8344929

    As one anon put it the topic would just degenerate into bad S&M.

    However, it would be fun to think about all the geo-political consequences is something like that were to happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:53:32 No.8344932

    lol you are retarded then and have probably never been proposed to. There's no spark, just ice cold all over. Explaining the pros/cons of marriage ahead of time is more logical but god forbid a female get a say in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:54:50 No.8344954

    I aint reaadin no books by no Phd totin swindler!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:55:50 No.8344970
    Personally, I'm into feminizing myself. I like prancing like a faggot back and forth over the gender divide, being a guy one day, then being a girl the next. It tickles my fancy.

    However, it would be bad on a mass scale. Men of the future will be either roided up men in the military, or skinny femboy pacifists in touch with their emotions.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:58:04 No.8344997
    I'm ok with men becoming the non-dominate gender like woman were for awhile. It would suck short term but it might lead to a better long term situation between the sexes.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:59:55 No.8345020
    Cool story sis.

    Seems to me like you married a guy you didn't want to because you were too weak willed to say no. Not the guy's fault. It's yours. How about you propose the idea of marriage to the guy. If you want to bitch about it, how about YOU take responsibility. YOU get on one knee and pop the question.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)01:59:57 No.8345021
    ITT: Captain Obvious writes a book; /r9k/ is confused by it

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