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    Oh hey, the shit has e-mailed me in the past. Will post those in a few.
    Here they are. Who knows this guy? He brags about friends coming to him and complaining—"Chris Beer" from New Zealand.
    (Googling "" has a few interesting hits.)

    File : 1270940016.jpg-(62 KB, 525x393, 12270t.jpg)
    62 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:53:36 No.8321017  
    There's too many people on 4chan who state the obvious and think they are providing some hot shit insight that nobody possibly thought of before.

    I wouldn't immediately chalk this up to autism - I think certain people really just want to show off how smart they supposedly are.

    Case in point - when you see a next UFO thread, just wait for that one guy who won't resist the urge to point out that UFO in fact means you-know-what and not-automatically-an-alien-craft.


    Too many smartasses. Too much ego. Not enough wit, pure information and fallacy-free discourse.

    Makes my ass itch.
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/10/10(Sat)18:55:29 No.8321032
    Had you thought that perhaps it's people expressing their pet peeves? Are you surprised people would be irritated that language isnt used as defined?

    Yeah, the obvious gets point out a lot - how great of you to point out the obvious.
    >> gabbagool !8Wi1jtFVwY 04/10/10(Sat)18:57:22 No.8321057
    are you even remotely aware that you're doing the exact thing that you're shitting all over?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:57:29 No.8321061
    what the fuck do you expect it's the fucking internet you faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:58:07 No.8321068
    You are stating the obvious too, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:59:59 No.8321092
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:04:03 No.8321143

    And there you go stating the obvious of me stating the obvious of people stating the obvious. It goes both ways, which you'd realize if you didn't have an inexplicable kneejerk towards PWNING people on 4chan. You're American, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:04:50 No.8321154
    This thread is far too meta for my liking; OP just did exactly that, and anybody who points out he did just that, is too, doing just that. Goddamn. Am I doing it? HOW FAR DOES THIS RABBIT HOLE GO?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:05:09 No.8321161
    1/10 mostly because i farted
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/10/10(Sat)19:06:16 No.8321179
    You'll note I also tried to give you a genuine answer to a question you posed, for even if troll, I tried to offer perspective to a concept that perhaps you were truly inquiring upon. Which, if I were trying to "pwn" you - would be superfluous, and I could simply have said my second statement.

    Methinks the ego is yours friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:07:17 No.8321193
    >Implying the rabbit hole ends at some point
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:08:56 No.8321225

    There's no rabbit hole, it's in your head. It's like the 'only hipsters accuse others of being hipsters' conundrum. If you care about being labeled as something more than you care about stating the truth, shit like this happens. Truth in this case is that there are far too many smartasses on 4chan who like to fire up Wikipedia and go on internet crusades to 'prove people wrong'. No actual interest in a particular subject, just a desire to elevate one's ego.

    You know that feeling when a discussion generates into logical fallacies but there's no external judge to jump in and say 'Alright, shit's not legit anymore'?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:10:03 No.8321241
    You just fucking did what the OP was talking about, are you happy? Are you? Has your insatiable ego been satisfied? It was clearly meant in jest, but you just had to try and make me look silly, so you look good! When will this madness end?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:10:39 No.8321253

    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/10/10(Sat)19:11:40 No.8321268
    That, or slamming particles into each other at near the speed of light...hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:13:04 No.8321298

    I didn't even notice you tried to say something because what you did say was based on lack of understanding. The UFO thing was just an example, based on this thread I stumbled upon:

    You tell me this guy shouldn't have possibly assumed that what he's saying is equivalent to stating that the sky is blue. It would really only take a fraction of a second of actual thinking as opposed to reactionary kneejerks. I can vividly imagine hit self-satisfied shiteating grin.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:16:02 No.8321358

    A black hole killed my mother. I think I know how they're made, okay.


    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/10/10(Sat)19:19:29 No.8321418
    My point was that for every "obvious statement here" thread - you're going to have someone who either doesnt recognize the obvious, or people in general are going to state the obvious not out of necessarily some kind of lording over others, but instead because they are so inundated with a persistent irritation in the form of a pet peeve or some other issue, that they will always post the knowledge they possess - even if shared by the larger populace.

    If the obvious is stated overly much, perhaps it is not always out of the ego-trip you seem to feel is pervasive at all times. Yes, I'm quite sure that ego plays a part in a large cross section - but even so, one motive does not define all motives - and perhaps not even the singular motive that determines action.

    In the end, your post is an exemplar of what I'm talking about - and what's more, you know it. :-/
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/10/10(Sat)19:20:24 No.8321430
    Well then get to CERN, we need to solve the universe, get on that.

    Also - I'm a man.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:27:56 No.8321542

    >If the obvious is stated overly much, perhaps it is not always out of the ego-trip you seem to feel is pervasive at all times.

    Perhaps you're right and that's my way of coping with it. All I know is that 9 out of 10 discussions (where by discussions I mean actual rare *discussions*, not trolling shitfests) I have on 4chan end in people seemingly purposefully missing the point - putting up strawmen in other words.

    Yeah yeah - sometimes I just don't have strength to do anything other than waste time on 4chan. Let's not STATE THE OBVIOUS of 4chan being a shithole and the futility of pointing out it's faults, especially in the face of all-pervasive bullshit you will find a click away. I mean, after all, by stating the futility of my complaints, you will be complaining yourself, in a way. Snap.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:29:04 No.8321557
    you are awesome OP
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:31:38 No.8321594

    This shit is so meta it becomes negative meta and that's the exact point where I don't have brain capacity to follow it's metaness.
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 04/10/10(Sat)19:34:06 No.8321625
    I'm not really complaining about your post - it's one of the more original ones in a long time.

    But, I do find your concern over the lack of perceived eloquence or logical adherence a bit perplexing - specifically because it implies that you hold people, the masses, the plebeians, the common folk, the 4channers to a higher degree of scrutiny than perhaps is feasible?

    I mean, yes we can spout on all we like about how the universe isnt fair, or complain or baw or the like as human beings. But to expect logical assertions made in timely and procedural manners is a bit of a pipe dream when surrounded by people who are free to say what they want, when they want, and how they want.

    Logical fallacies are the instrument not of the ignorant - but of the passionate. It is emotional passions that drives most human interaction, not logical assertions and discourse.

    So - if you want to have highly technical and/or sophisticated rhetorical dialogue with other individuals in order to reach consensus, you must acknowledge the contexts in which you seek this.

    4chan - is not such a context, heedless of it's other attributes. It is too free form and without structure to facilitate such conversation.

    I feel the frustration equally - but I do not presume it to be other than it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:40:49 No.8321723
    Kindly remember K.I.S.S.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:44:29 No.8321789

    ... And seeing as the common every day world is much like 4chan in this manner, you might as well imagine I'm not talking about 4chan per se at all.

    Truth be told, I don't really want to *talk* to anyone about anything. Words are cheap, but with a little bit of intuition and knowledge, they can be a good indication of what you can expect from people. Usually, people with wit and ability to keep track of a topic and all of it's rising implications without having to be led with a rope tend to be more interesting and better suited for certain tasks than other people.

    Going off on a tangent.

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